lIIf~fPV uII2 IhC erthe Shr i rid rulcusly 1loy FOR SAL-i am, nov nlling thse boit PO BaLf- M A U P4 A D W H T 4IJE ILLLE ANJ atinded the: ranefd Who O gO t «Thoeufl" 111mlkigmachine.1 a .h.. 1hne9.rt O O N N D avin do g g , ae m t thl k t t co m se w orking close to tow n. C. F. AssatFdtrMvOGtilere vWinsno m B1tOr-OOtiO 8ll<ht Richards, AntiSh, Il 1. 1-!~LLTX ASI3SM.3T IN Editor.inchif-Eieanor Waido AssistaNt ofibond-MiViOthelloway 11RTJ (jAME FROM Business Manager-John This. cIadwlhtep loers Oe te Wtht ________________=r me- oDh IONPÂ IN JB DckEdtoa-arolyfl Suttrlield. Kathryn Morse and Ethel Hailn ontiroetrangera vouid fo on DWNE ORENT-Of em e- De k Eietiacl au e t erIev s r .T. b tS * E M town, buy a tract Of 1ad, Plat Itan- dium . ized hou s, in good ogbbor - GE T UR P ZION PA INQ JOB rilT foliowing splendid ijrograin asTheyar very busy peoplebu found ST R R' TE NetÙ ________H and senlitso much below thse average praperty anvilpygo etdaMnISlui Tha AsIdsen is tiS.a evening eithtise High echool Students et our far away Univerl- price at vhich similar property "S bonus ini the oae fpay od nt adZPn- fîtt jge~itabe a Chaged ly Auditoriun1m: J 1~~ tiesaare alwas anxious toee L. T. H. iSeven Innings Resulted in 26 to held. Yet tis Iolaprecisely vbat vasflue 10 reirchase. ÂdrGlRnereni~ hne 31or the Objectors .îehovah Reigna"-By the Preshyter- Mason who are aiteUieriyo l 7 Score at Fair Grounds doeOhfi-nînLid l aIdependont.phoe 31orf - lepviglaiUCoir. lnois, Bessie, Wagner and Stella Long- Sunday Afternoon cator, lowa, .came te Aiea, purchased c~,paisof Sheridan rond Seripture Lesson-Rev. E. J. Batty. worthy of Dekalb Normal school are ea - a tract of land juat adjoinlng the cor- ~trougb ZMon City was brought a stfli Pi est-inýCharge -St. Lawrence's Epis- ew o! the Unversity students who o îaeghth deciaive bottle o! the poMte limita Of theto, plattit ,noroir Thursday nlght In COU1tY copal Church. fnot forget thse achool l vhlchfugt tth Fgaveudsito60losan slThe y n o te colt vses a jury custalfethe ga Patorffl Prayer-Rev. C. J. Dickey, their start. '-wordavasftrogilandethtie -n olede-ito 0lans ie solsi aeorsose o! temi ent$ ini the impOn¶fltt an Pastor Frst M. E. Churcis. Weicome ail ye alumni! L T. H. S nayfenoadts ol e obn iepseaea eiee ;ereiby ciosing.1t h el litigation Anoneet-e iky wliawy eev f enders o! our homes and f riendaseuc- deeds for the property purchaaed and obetors decide te apiieal 'Guide Me, 0 Thou Great Jehovsh' ched arma. ckisulo's atàt'wathesons of Opliab Tthevhle Toictii lis . coutttret- cecc ful rledtheons Qo! os- abstract o! ti le e eoleot In loac e thecOflYout.Presbyterlan Churcis Choir. "ndter eue.ta tm, !th iait20 daya. 110v? Organisait ef- qS, feeling Ia that the appeal Sermon. "The Ciarion Call"ý-Rev. E. Inter-Society Basebal Game Won "Edpherae ,forlty atvtmof thead. or.T ese n purchassod the tract 0 ciao ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ C astidoItmetaadts surcis. Feetured hy heavy ittlng and errors trohyr veary toilera jfoot O! t and made abselutely Battu- c>iaacfsare tise iigiser court vouid 'Tise eavens are Paling"-Pregby- on othides the Antheneeum acîtrohy ad when vr nouc.HalhTl àoanteatooftejury l h oiey1 dceaaed frous tieir labors, ve hadi factOrY Settlements in coli tis ctiou fternt. ise n Chorus Choir. nine defeeted tise Sagamon Sage retire- 26 earned andi unearsed merkerc, vhite They certainiy hit the higis epeed Inl lai case no appeal la taken within a eeieiO e.Btt.s1aieab creo 8 . thse Invaders isad amaaaed but sevefn. rea. lesta.te transa.ctions and lait tovuTe err fa Piano Postude--Mrs. Sayre. Tise Sages got the Jump by acorng Or'reMmemprterrerlts. its h cnfdncfc aenoi tsec .;ion tnie, tbe actuel vork on paving tree ruesaIu the f irst, ieÂ4ese -cna rcdiv~ f0 afltigt ae *oé stsee can be started immedia.tei 'o v uabck ierhi.Tse 10Meiloy. va5 agaiu on duty vith tise Imet in abiesso oilw *~ereafter. 'oioviflg is tie program o! the ex-Sgs o sebc1, heac dadIndicator, visich feet adedsimucis to 1A. a abusiness siuln t re lVŽjw .Iî operations forippenc làt tihe &SIthearing on the paving ý.î cisea Clas Night,liîeid Wednesday, thSa e ...nebknthee ontvand tise pastime. and the oui>' complint 5ev housse areiready projecte Iin ordered today as forn 0uiatter tise jury, elter a long session,'-.une 141h, al 8 ociock: thir.Thf heaursgt tin.T'elouiges aigainat hlm vas bis uncjuaified tisis nev addition by those vhe pur- C/ dbwVed ndetermd retiseretore- M It vas gi Scoeceschetraathe irgand ourhn thifOrchesterafusa isennthcerde çnitin four naedeltsurh -.aean rheusiisa- i c si sidersiedeaa n ~.urytotr tsecae ves aai. is Iee ttstryKebrn . ali'Sages tied It up with three In tise firfusit anuc ts iitnibticnsedt a Teisie.and l tisrelemtiis- , say t tr thecas ovrbuti thee AntbenaeuoryiflsrynG.cerne. tbac Te anaies wreappendASu q dwa aperdi ptuupurd juy tiss ime vas ont but about oan ,iass Poem-Walter Parker. bttory. Thes ae ac nd1 d ir nIams v. e e KUCZMIKAS tio so mteoe si ndIaoeweteants 1 Iour land a hait. Snoa..Peer etedptr~ won the gaine hy scoring four runa In noKSLURS e uIhhn !vsiimoehms ee eat "Mie estimated cot o! tise Improve- Fieihismen. i e fsth and ixtis in tise sixth. Ater tie. odhs adgrgetseovr eetft s ocilv ~ ecniee lmont ccordigcoupley.o!rtii aes, sudtitiseos dtn't blessade Projecta o!., gibisd charactertblaareibese-arittisare ot pos ne ibleib totebb Docer ofccodng t orAth' ein oftiir-David B. Flagg. 'heSes!tsaWie" n Tege hi Stu., nsente o! progreals. You can't asivanci -i,cieiy Stuf 1 Sophomores. Ho ti edes atteb e. . for Asic e double pay spoiled St. Berths'ihe intereats of a tovn by advancing in advance. ZIl 8,0.Teojcosrp .s Will Eleanor Waido. chance in tiee Orsi. A weak and a the price of homes. if your tovn doca3 reionteis $86000T i se eth $00orfres-lijU, inciuding a hliesriun and a triple. hae utIu so n lksfn it Issess aitraiii'.fi'atui'5, croate tilla amount. 1 i iGifttaCecil Hock. ediand Jncer duipefouse l Iront odditionTe iralun of bosmes St tiflOrdinarily in the trouble knowna Ote o ntauIe centsoftei 100 ! y ýo unoS ie iso scoîaed atour rs In addii n dJne u-p oeIfrtoflm.Tei ,hoegetli inoa PS690bashee asesssiO Cliis rong enioMr.j îi epat sorricias gesse 'tise plate, and iBuck wvipped ilto arficular 1<-ve iiiits ogrt liitIes-e is 5nosîmediate danger, even wl aO! tisL69 an e a ftse lPse e I;vtroph-ey rorie euer first. iltaadEneoe oWt o h eln ead pbi eeian il epifo YTisagivesftisc cup by tiseBoard 0ci iette.dEneoe 1 atfrts îln esîdacute, of a rupture. The chiropracticr * iieneit andviihepadfo b En ducatios te eAntisenaetîm Socety ad 0 fcs fe aeweeteapn Acontao Atrny elntsone F la g stise progress for the ,or tisayear, îîaving won îwo aîisietic LhertY-vilisŽ counted tws n theirocaeftras heteapnd ~o the 200oijes riYwinlproperty ' , ris îîJng îtE 1ecsteb ed et.hlt o n eimsasingle, a dropped W NfA S a ee vie1ycirpatu~si r oa i Te Jsessent 8p. m se tandarhed - nt.tiird trîke on RtS and an error et Nf DShsbeaod y-irpctÉpn ïroning on Siseridan r0 . Twi ui, lnL1,eI s.n.(sadr NE UP 1 îiîird.____bs-ought te a reCOVes-y whenth app «intenton, ise said, vas tisat vhile lime) Anthenacum Sagamnon Sage I~oî a!~ts eod rsmr O A.~\iii .îgs ~ ca-dt aebc utrd 1 toy- vould receive a gencrai ienefili P esoa i E. L. Sayre. B. Savakin, s; 1- Savakin s In vaikedlfarîthewasse visKumes hrt ORLE i llyspiaecaet aebe Utrd -the ame as ail residenta o! tise city., _Sciuoi Chorus, "Seui Ont Tisy Aikofer, If Casaef, ndseonplaantts isrole s> -celsioriuie battes>, 271>11 that tisey vouisi receive ioso pecial ILigis '--Gounod. Wlghtmen, 3b B. Caaey lbFranzen vhisiîî; Tin>' vaîkesi andra kilowatt calîacitx eu 5euraowai 1)mftttha te vlueof her pop-inocaionRev E J.Baty. Hook, lb ParkerIllp se bn_____ _ y)flr., i en. efccodtn CIDO SE NT .fl'ty viii sot bc încreased bis tise îm-Salutatory Asdresa --Marie Boehsm. Preus ai aoe us - 1rguoea nguew tbý' h nd)in ACID0 EE boneît-hattis vaue ! tsei prp jInuatin Rr. . J Bety. Tegtmeyer, 2h p P eu, crdBuck vîtis e nie sngle; Mer-iii WA O PRTO roentSeverfIlwitsesses ;vroen .t .is Mesoria-Haroid G. Odeil. Engiabrecbt, 2h p V. Case>' 2hb --io t hie EsFORt GaîaAT E V«oe4enttstn yteoetni.ris skled te center; Bitta pusised Tiny suerttiin i. lie 'I Noenetî, augiEe ~t e tsestad y tse bjchr Bsay. "Tise Vlue o! Music' Ed- T. HagerI>' cf i n uytreiJee hr . -,___________111,___ 24-11__ pýt i The evi3sieriChedbort! onrothe BSaesorncf as Violet. 7, vas taken 111 vitis a severe IWAM Qffl IS- ~-.1aedictory Address-.Caroi>'n But- Dietz. p c Weirond. c rte pcaua.Tgmyrmd SagmonSag 3 1 3 " athrtpctcuiofrte Tegtmedre IG MANL'FACTURERS' SALE 0F palsn inber rigisu groin viicistise niesi 1. Seamu Sge ii O3 O~ prît' ctcho!tis fîatdrie;Otto 1Zion Wheei Toya. Tisese are ber- iai doctor cailed appendilcitis. Fur 1.oiSoo"TmornCios-Antisenajeum 2 0 2 4 4 6-18 vent isack Into left and piuohed Cion, geins whie tisey lest. Zion InstitU svrldy ieket-eln rd Keii4ar -Hilda Halike, Mayme Hapkei, Batters-.P0rteoiia ansi Walrosd, Dez a' iioe ni o 0h u8n in sdidsre,(ibrGeneavrse ansi a consltaeting or sio Esgles-eiist, egimoes- e EnleShannon.ame n ouKasillusks's fi>'ansi jVoliva), 1)11514. Location et foot of tors sais tise appendix isasirupturesi Adurea D. i'edeic Ssenos trecist andn Dieta. ms-de a his- raisiug ing-flipper catch 29ths St., Zion, 111. 243t andi called Itîîporitonitia. Silo vas Bo S P E IA I 1 riht ff he lovr bono e. e g t 1rudo vs te doctos-asaisi ailecoutls PPIe A LIt ~ srua"ofthegradim Cans A GREGORIAN WAIL rtw moe!itise iortois bJWe FOR SALE-Tes foo1 ha>' rake. Bei sont iive ansd verevillUng i chlrcps-act- ?soenatoso! is GadatlgCI1sTise teacises-les hem unto trouble Doortler. Ritta andi Tegtme>'er, ansi sac- geron Farmne, Liertyville, Teie- or sisouisilhe cailesi. If people only )')ptty Sei- omrC o!o -Prof. L. C. Ray'. As tise sparks fi>' utives- rifices b>' Krumnser>' ansi Canlton. andipisone 278J-2. 24-3t knev tisat cilops-actosa cas isansile Sheroç*d olioner oeofe Avmsding o! Dplomas--SiiiuOi Du- Tee. verily, ait la vanity Iwo morein tise fjfjjh b>'tise belp cf _________________criticai eues. We coojsi hardI> believe dýîsIcarlogerf le oenotiseha.President Board o! Educatios. Wltis trubulation bc secureth isebisl- Rusiy's home rus tisat provesi toehoca THE PRAIRIE VIEW BARBER our eyea iais e gsadually Improvesi, l a s c h a geo!ti sma dve- o r * A ndto n v . B J m e s c e s e i n lete c a l s h o t a l e s i t e t oujo be c S H O P W I L L B E O P E N E V E R Y D A Y r o m d i > ' t e d a y . 1 a r m u r e t i e c h u t ! toi - deb>' torneys foi tise ste -A--g0-sfrt 1 seuusjba ond in passi5g. jAND EVENING HEREAFTER-HEit- oves iser IUte tochiroprsactc-oig àUdltishoas dlsmissei troin fus-- Alumul Banquet Satus-Osy night. L. T.Frsa t>,homkei lsef e als-Tise big biov off caeistesu, FAELZ. 24-2t C. Zimplemait. Chiropractie Research l hM9"cg a s h iaics .S iai vbig icis evenîful round the home _Bureau____________No._1308__. enqaorce tir Pintise Damod Lke o.Thrs But, seisolsi le fissieti tise boar-dimemn- les-m hattesi arounsi exactl>' Ivice. 18 FOR SALE-Ford tousing cas-. uquire Plcnic ai Dis-money opuarday fo 1:0 ekeanThurM - bers - up ansi 14 o! tisem scoe. Snob a floodi afler 4 o'clock p. m. T. Sisellenhos-- TO U ALTH th s Coke sr xtofelry pond lar day. froi 1:00t 600a. m. As-se sil Methodista o! base hua andibases os hallse wos- 2 rie-iAe 421W. ~u&it .ed so as case durilg _the_____________Party_____ Bureau Stateent No..1208-Y -, ;tntiboao the ury n vegeiai of. Thusinat Lu nc.ojuioi to epbcn ary neyes- ee n nthese parsta boro. ________________dom_____ -e ""I'tO<'Mtey arPlte tsefvere Boeo!s gtblua TomLuch 5. 1~ AndIol! bisimauters are a. 1Domodaata. lu the oeventh Joe eased up andi lot POSITION W&ANT'rl-On farim. y a on wkm y«. Tdq'ho 26 for m '§:150k a tqs ff ,l' llowajs a in mesto!Ms. oolo es ugisi bil In OOM, 1 Hoevialeth the retnactory boy oui gutasU ut a Loy andi, takiM ad- twidov vAit 13 yens- aid son. J. V. , w vo*m ma IL a u bloos -dntnic or yi rdoernluth9 Ans in 5callesi a monitor o! crult> vetige of thse llinnsa. they asides Rogers, Spsing Grove, 111. Toiepisone qom en A uit-ors tInitioer na t ho Finl rmldy adRort Carde Ho eeoketh tet-ie vitis love andi gen- four tute l Drolr-oua threeansi madeRihod6224t t aBloir frets-om sn as tiAns»tsehecimolon62.ait, L Baron.ELI Our a rstilingWaà5 oitteiiied. SIECaNT VyiSITRs AT L. T. M. Andthepeople say ie hth sno dîcî MAtor ihat itviu decidosi h mutuel FOR BAL.-&lda founiahi; just thse D.P. L ESIci li o omnlaaed tisai tise oIder gtiosis isareturnes te M. 'T vine, consent te cal it s day at seyen lit- thling for a rossi stand; cisali Phone Corro of e rngkyderva. wno imtertrec t S.formvieHager- I ritltis e novmetioda o! ieacihsig ningi ansi everybody vas darnesi velI l s là 25.2"4tCorcinf eritsNruad oa i t once von groast popu- go Trtbune andS Edth Ggia u hoHo striveth for a conservative course LIBFIRIYVILLE WILL TAXE ROOMEES Mand BOARD-> Houri: 1 tu 5 and O teuS.Sundays 1 t eplye.iet the0 I t «IOiiak Andi ta condeismesi tist hohatis no AB R H O A E ors. Cau 32&-j. 2-4tan tldybyîpotmf. progt-lsBlisa--.53 3 101in O lasbyÀponmot ifh akti o cmenain iet Dorfler. ip - 6 3 4 1 1 0 BABY CIIICKS, parcel poatisald.ill9Suite iS.11-Ntwcauie o tel theojaniter lorri, 1 b ........... 4 Z 1 3 0 0 e-Oni aaetlmsO5 iiUETVLE L Theis laulgis hlm tescoru ansi desison. Rti. 1----- P443 ae 0 puioai. aralogtlls wCa IfilVILE IL Hop-yt hth oponts e R. Basfer, ..... 6 2 1 2 1 il Peorla, lliois. 22-St li Aa reakstone intehig5wa> Togtneyer cf._3 3 1 oI W~~UUU .~~~WMIiuWt~~~~VeFor y>, ail la vcnity. ~ ieys - >FRSL-hpadisin8C,, Hard iuck! isard iuck! Carlton, c .-.... .. Z30710FR2AESepr tan .C Q ti k ' ~ ~Ohio Moutisi>. ?ane 2b 2.1. 2 1 1 cons, cocks-els. 10 wekoka;d, fron We re quipedte tae m ofaà epirson 00 0.0 000 000 00 T. ARTISRound Lake, i. Phone 49-J. 22-il Hi weaetEae01oVVEDVTT SCHOOL o AB R H O A EwEHBAYE AHIGH GRADE UPRIGHT yowcarin he horesttim, ad uarnte sais-00000000000000T *Poulunaa ý......4 0 2 1 Q 1 pano in Lbertyvlle, wilidisvOil = NO0T ABL E yoicarth ho~steadUrite5t5 OOOOOO.~'>>u~>Rules 1 -p -----. 4 O 2 4 O O oeil te prtyvwho will conpleteamal = facio. e ak " ER I E or loanonTie Evorett base all toue piayeul Mickus, i f- .1 2 0 1 O montisi> paymenls. Cabie Piano Fac- adore ves 21 t104 lu favor o! Lake D. Pouzunas, r f-3 b __4 1 0 1 .5 3 22-51 _ alirepair jobs. Forest. Conr-ad, rf ........- .2 2OOOO 0_ ___0___0_ T0H A ~~~~~Gibbons park vas openeds s-ui-day Glasikin, 2 h- ....... 2 0 1S 2 1 A H Y ~~nght bye dance, ose vas gven on Vaselina, p-2 I b-... 2 2 0 0 FOR SÂLISý-A sear>' nov 7-room Sunayan oe il b gvenevryMaul 2hcf bp _. 2 O 1 6 1 o bouse, one o! tise beat n As-se; hot =I t I"UEÇt the St9i6imece that Sat*sggfies WedusdaSat urdayend Sund&Y Kad' -Itan, ccf! 1 0O0O0o1vater lSeat and al Modes-n improve= Redpath Chau utte thi. Kutinikai,~ -monts. Small cauh paymoni; balance MISa Kobugisand Miesa neddon Totale----------- 7 13 18 9 6.- llke reni. PF M.Harding, Phone 184- as-e enjoylng thernaelves i DeKilis. Libville- - 2 3 fi 13 2 14 0-26 As-sa, 111. 9-if. Ties pess dopa are kept bus>' pincb- St. Bar-thi..-O.. 0O 1 1 0 1 4- 7 U e t vfe Auto Rep* flop g tise speeders. Suimmary-2 hase bita. Ruleas, Vase- MON EY TO LOAN-on% imprevesi Lakte N wEn la dM l Repair have sarteA ta vork on tise lins; Sacrifice bIta. Knszmlkaa, J. Dor- Count>' Farms. InqUiro George Ansi. nov sisoep bars for Ms. Svift. fler. Krummery, Carlton; etoles -ases raons, oom 216, Anderson Bldg, Aqat otp-thsierfaui I.ibetyvde, lEnois - ~Dos-la Coîbi' ose o! tise gresiuating Conrasi, Gladki. Boeism, Mesris, Fran- Lake Foi-est, Ili. Phono 89. 214t.= Aqatto o-nthsneafau clamsvent to Chicago visere se vili zen; struck out, b>' J. Dosfier 7; by ______________ snafrmi ocsitrpre * DWR A PEILYPHOKE 202 ftsiatadsc.~i~ aer ;z ;ofsine f 1.G oyeiMmipersonations and amusing monologl ___________ Rules 7. 0AD F THANKS oSe icAe an ri vi iss te tiask our frienda ansi NOTES OF THE FRAY - ~~~nelgihors viso gokindi>' asaited lus BoAleb-sxtape>dvera pi1 -'-in theisess ansi demIs o! our isoof, but didn'l cees) to shov hlm UPM A popular entertainiment coMpany p fi loved ose; also for tise beautitili floral mucis. offerings ansi those viso furnsisesi au- Besides pitchlng a goos gesse, J. E atscinruealum rchi stomebiies; ansi to Mi-c. 11011>'hoi-ou- Dosfier vent bs-dIt mb ilsst place Iin GARAGE songs Their supnisingly varied rogra dereul tbree hoautiful laeiolns. hatting. vitis four biovc. Ms- & Mrsa. Lloyd Esdsiy. Ritta aise es-yod off four sefe osces Phone 202 _ ody and novelty. N O T C EGreat-gransimother Mm. Ans Vase>' and countèd as mmi' times. N O T I E I Mr. & Mrs. Henry Psacfeld & Fcai1IY. Mosris made a pset>' steal o! second Mr._&_Mm._______Eddy&_Son._intise sixIs. Tise Isrov vsa nappy and oni>' Walt's speed seves i hm.. Zedeler Symphoniq 0 00Rudys e b osser vas eavisaleofo!ea LJUI-lIgLIesuauaaaaa oFOR ALL THE NEWS OF LAKE drvtoeplfiisIgehmtse Five artist-instruinentalists who interr oCOUNTV SUBSORIBE FOR THE c- te ouch a hbýitdoes more bases Umscoftemitr.fraosl un eain dsh p il e lsd lIDEEDE5-l. EA ,necessu-'. 'GIR.AYSLAIE E msi fth atrs J2n oo i Il o 0N0EP'OENT0 0 0 A VEAR0<0 Krumses-y vas the real battisg star underigne SnOp WlnDC OO O OO O O O O OO O w tb io bits, tvo vs-lIs ansi a sacri- FU V 'u tiîghtful instrumental selections. __________________________fice In fine limes up. I fIK I2 on Saturday afternoons. __________ et*" ------ Nexi Sunda> tise team goea te Mce-__ Henni' t avenge tise defeet o! iast____________________ M. ESTR& ON,: 1RLNGCeTONi Sturday mcl Sunday: SOLATAUCIOSAURDY wodysn= ut~,ty acrea cf ataatUM vhen the pain is records are full Jicitis operation WNadjustmentIgsB oendi was e -um tonewt, lffl. «NIMffNMP ?ICANUIUE* m Pac»msWL ngwMNMIauS nîuuniirnmuînumnm = = kpanies itauqua ,Quartet ring some of the 1 vith capital charac gues nro presentmng noveli racter sketches,i an features both n ic Quintet pret with feeling )s upplernent the DAYI LFIVE DAYS cter EE andl and- nel- the_ de -_ =S ItuhIIIIuIflhIIIIIIuhIII 5 tes-c euS net the] thse offe fiCi hurs Tue vos- due ber rut t cf In vis we, (a ter fia 'e oi tise as col tif for so] sit tsi tls loi lot eua ind u tiacSi. no4Y, LêOPom«t, . i. *tf Telophôfle 859. 232t RICES WOR Fmii 0O. Bh doora and hardwarO. ios & industries (Wiibur à,Dept. 4, Zion. Ili. Tels- 49. of peration kNo. 5. 0. C., Ph. C operation is an Not son many 'Kcitia are being nerly, but'they necessity. If the 3the operation anecesaity, but ecertain of this 9 ýni ýpt