Desponçlen andl' Despar fliese as-e thte twmtik &- 1wichla 1 efficiency atc d o wn etiifflpower.. Noite of m tiavd a Most of ushaveour days of dresioalt i X problem is ta make athoe w t esM& A balance i sme pocd bank ie a sreat aid in cimpeimgg ocon andf keeoing oes e*ic- ieCy up to stmd.-d.r I b 1ab Hm le y -Te TUs. ILake County Nad"onl Bnk LISERTTVILLE, ILLINOISI W.Caun f« "W urfmlih nr -ksewitbkoues »&d&%. erwear, ~g~sokn.roSaems kaic,&. wel,dg. 6 rcs "km gtabeaMd iWc lieus-evei thig dtatme&diWashing. 2 Weve you ofeannoyance and expese ofbavig a laundres about the house-save you aIl the fus. and steain andi bother of wash day. 3 Weýdp ail of your washing. with fresii. rainsohtwa antImUli white soa of testeti punity; we rinse,,bku< atardi ant dry yowi clothes. 4Nhe-e iran your flat work. without friction or wea?, 4 iur npoyWfW aiwork irogierafidw«ti w . >yar wearm% apparel on our woderfu! steamheated presse, ivit the. saine price andi cxacting cal-e your favorite laundress woukd W. r.tum ym lhui. ule t- Beauduy wad" d ad e- Everytinig reaiy Ms as.r wear. Tryt wS t way of wauio-the eut i. l8 Cepsa i. (shuis.tra>. Every week, yoù ar assred a sanitary service %ose high staid- -ard neyer varies. Piton. tday-wel senti a rereseutatie proup*y; The Roliable aupdry LAIJIDRESDRY CLaigSANDDYER IligianiPark M anIJts&d Pit ihIaad NPark 18Lbey&67-R You Can Build Now I CHEAPER Thau You WàIiTbis FiI Doù't -Wait We ame in zood sape )qtOtalc. car.of pouN * Pur PIaSerivoe h AH oà'Diire Silo Tiine WifliSoon' Be Hée Geti Yours Now. We Sel! Stave slnd TUé,ý VALDRA Libertyville CEI RO0F PAIN D. O*,. OtUR Loc&tnd Pe Shm oS bof. EspecdIanterot to Làb= j; m" nia gItapla#"pnt laut Tuesday Mr'. and limaWIX 1larger of Chicagof In Chicago. ,lmtod fL-ends la 1bertville lautSat- urday. Mma. Site lsby vas a Chicago via tor Wedseday. mimaeuisai É3e«0erla 1h. guet of friend»anad relatives M Hlghisad Park lirs,.Paul EIekm va a Chicago vi- tis w«v.i itor luit Friday. i Mfr. anl Msm. r . IMDPUy, of Oakz Dr. a"d MmILE A. Crânse entertaimed Park m a 5t the IL T. Lang- a Kr. Wenderen or Chianel Lake lait VDrthy hmeuai. Sn4ut "dY. Mre. Bd sbhuiar rosiH. Mias. Fred Calassan t Waukesnaî Bmiîh andsi i.Ct. cot ver. vîited biir mother. M os '&Oewauea alr 4 Weduemday. Ms o.MMr uea atr txdy 1 cakse, ilm om maddhncs, Mir.andsiNa. ErnesmacDonmid or ' Darker'a Superfsl *QrM aa almDtY Vaukieggaaver. guesta eof relatives ta lenclous. At XmIitroey Stre. Libertyvlle Baturday. Brasy tflsi~ ~to £ Me7 fW. A. Miller andi famlly and Miss Efer elild fflwan to s Mryiarding ot Chieagu ver. SundaY Pickford Ili lier mont endearlng pImy, gueet at thse langve#uly botte. "IAtUe Lord Fannlenoy." ~ Jti v.huk i e tl lina. loaeph tDada of Guru.. spet idaughter, Virginala,, « Lake Bluff vis- TleadY lu LbertYville at the boS» Itesi IAbeity'vmlluWWihdo;Thuraday. et bier mother, Mm. Roae fr ad n.W.e.Deie ete William Ling was laid %p sthi-at tainesi theseenior .s Of L T. H. S. Of tise veek vith a Ughi Att"Aci ethte, ai heir Long LAiO t mg. msay., elsicien vax. H. la nov eut tB& Ksiie.yesg êz *<Wf o 1k Rota Taylor and oma, chae. andiandi aid folim-a lei 1r Mary Rmt. Jr., Of Allugau, Mlichigan., ara Pickfordi ln "Littis ,ImtFsathor". vlmtingait the beome of 'Mn. C=a Miea Marie tiait.s2:ms nidrned te Taylor. ber home l in be*I ile ZoniB aered' Dr. andi Mm. A. C. Mrryan sd Heart CollegeOi @à", Kouo»a, a'd' Chre. Damne or Sycev e he isavll peasi tii. sa*gr Vacation viti aubta of Mr. and Ms. W. 1. Collins ber waenta. MEoaday. Judge an i IM )LM.Miler left Mr'. and Mia. Gfflrge LIII. lKra. Dr. lait Satnt«dy a-'e veek auto- Anm. oftChicago. and MNma. amea. iii.ibfe tstOU eý lis.osau bicis of Evamtimavited lira. Robert LiUi-1i1i incinde te the Muntin. sh Thusuday. Adirndei.; t'a U1111 l r«. SaM Mons- tre and miiQebe., WIla They vill Mir. -and M". e Aimai ofWankei )>e joinesiby tisaril. Roïlllaer. tai, vaelier. W.eiayte attmi Who.liba jaea eted bimJunior the. veidne of Nia« Roa.e cglardiyear at Yale Utv'erUiky. a"i Mma" Ksaedlr. Lyle Boud lied godyJme1. in Mir. adMr.IL et mgb- a "atari= sai % iUe, tet a long land Park mient mandai .vmft Atmi llxiaavii th 'mlut. borne uiibor omeetMr. m*i Mlm. C. A. Kii vas #t BI-OEêwn, itrn.Bogde ma - ivhe.àua. bi we mid13k huisa e Ir. and UMaMyPuter and Dr.i- r M BB.tisee brotersand ob- M. . G014188 &M fr.milyavet thte ri. The bodyw" !s'oupht te Zibas-- vendmsion au autemmobile triv to tyvillu Wedn*WujaV *i1"miete thse Starvesi Rock, asar Ottawa, 111. hbere lmshW e, Uý êt Fanai.Bond Bulkley. on arooasot Ave..,visure the day) mrlg i~etla Lak'oalide AUDITORIUM THJEATRE Fridy, Sixturday . "d Sumd ày Jume 23, 24 and 25 * 6:45 and 8:55 P. M. hak hmDare«ara=o "Guamdathes, EiL AAA A -ULILELOD F AUNTEImV~ MQANcMS IEtISN-DUQNMST riao ooeuparm, wZUEvu: ,t;WQCC- ys' JSQÇDC GXXtN JUdO< DCQD Onace w MusaPîddfâvd prove. abt u ay Od.m bk*W basat ad ohy usategl ~t ee u h in aa d u a l lo h i - s Bieached Mheeting, 8 l'm. per yd. Jum 30Oand Julyl1a»d 2 deFour IRorsemen of the Apocaypse, July 8 and 9 Thomas Mjeghanm in1lm Conquest Kr. and Mns. George N_ Coolie? via itrd Friday la Chicago viii W. j. Vodick and farnliy.andi attended amn entertalument, where littie Mig$ Mai- guerite Vodick cave an exhibition of faticy dancing. Sister Vitatits ad Sister Seraphiai. of St. Brundan'a Calvent, Olicago; William and Raymondi Hutchis e tI Tech". aud XMi' and Kira. Cbii Hutc.ilnmon, ablimmRage" iutel- bum .and chUldrin.of W*ukegam, via- kusi vii tueir Ptrunm. lMr. and Mmr. Prank Hiutchuamoà4 Tuaday. Kr'. a» i Mn.John MoCG@mck and Jack Whitei and Robert Mo- aerlk a"iiMm. LeO A. Warrenanad llttla danaister výeat ta Si. Louis Mo.- daY for a ten da". vat vitb Rey. a"d Kira. E. S. White.'Tbeýy made the trips by automobile and expuct to be Loue about ten day. Let yaswh«itas- cive tlsankms fouas-m * Crn te cisuer, your weary heure., ARE.etbankful for lM, blessînga o! iÈe foyer gordens andi the glama abelteres garden spots isigrov for vutth. tendi- Pr, prutty bloee=isa at "lua» ta live hamssly, Wen. The -Pi&"l Cornes Coai satrkes cause less worry ta the nm Who lias laid ini a gooti supply of ceai. 1 Likewrise, a sihostage of moey causes ks 'worrY te the mai wbo has lad thse foreaiglt to laY by a resus-ve fund ini this bank. lire. John P. Welcb vau a visitar la Chteage Pne.dy. Mmra Frank Ettlager et Chcgo7 ln vwmuag Mr». iRobert Mlt. Mamrie. lmgerty -as the gueat of friends at Wad8worth Sanday. Mmn.Wla" m fir 1 la itea i, mut- fering wflh an attacis of qulnay. Bons. to Mr. and UMn. Ray Forster, at Gary, lad. Junu17th. a daugiter Arlene Rut.liMm Forater vufera-~ erlY Misa Alice flohiien, andst in thut village. Mir. sud Mrn. Roger Z. Rlby. of Ev. anstoan nioun,.thse birtb of a daasb. t'es, on Tueeday, Lui. o . is r. XiIby la a daugb:er et Mr. and l'rMm 9,P. Evlsizor, a( LÀbeityvIlle Wllam and Earnsuvd utchtmon. students at Techi5ay. viti two, ettheir schoounatea, atmited on £ a "iag trip t ough the souihveat. Tuef cupet te lie goue for meveral veeka.. Miss Doria Kaiser retnlned borne f rom Joliet and F5reeponi on Tuenday. whise se basi been vlalting frienda andi relative. Mimssflorothy Jean Kaiser returned home viii lier. A smoeilanosmaliover vwu given lu bouai' of Misa Rose Gasnardilami Tlsuraday uveaung at thse GeotU b«Ore on Sprague atreet. About twenty ol her friands vere prsent, and île bride to-be via tb rueMpim t !many beau- iful andi umeual gitte. The W. C. T. U!. viii old the Sert regular meeting at thse home et Mma. Carrie uer Tues4ay aftermoon, J-ie 2-7tii at 2:30 (standard iUe). A goSd attesadance of membern ad fieuds of LU Organisaion lis deulred. Mrs. J. P. May and littlb daugbten., Of Chicago, spent Nouday liere. Bar- -b a Jane reained te upeusi sbe veek viii lier graajparents, Mir. and Mns. Blyron Cehby. Everybedy and him brOther viiiet-, tend ithe Judy 4Mb,19l3, Bgoebali sud Harness Racîng Muet ait the eld lake Ceuuty Pair Groiuaa, LUbutylle. Better b. tb.i'. 26-lt li. John WUIIarnmand dîhtetei'; Eva, bava returnesi !rom Ioctmuter, 1mini., vhr. lir. WilIism vent fer sn examlnutàol by lb. âurgeoin atthe, May rezs., aat4rlIM. lits Derothy peters, daghter of Mn. andi lin. Arthsur Petern, uDderwe]3t an operation at b. Lake CountY Gen- eral hompital, for aPPendleltis,Mody Ste latuta g aimg ucely. Ph ChD DProctor, Il va Oe f an kj" om .. . 11 Your lumber andbuildigum aqi requfremeR * cý b. ffdlld lirté your, finnal aaait4ag I other iWords, we wiil save You money on theepwioes., Evrpic advntqe tliat tb*- market, affrd wil i.yours if. you trade with ai. t - r5n0c" BAR- G AIN-S W"te Dainty CI«j4k,3i. per yd. 20e Pure Lànon TaM. Damàs, 70-i. yd. $2.40, W, W. CARROLL &SON$' COMPANY lit 1 Depuit Som. AusmatTobla.