CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 6 Jul 1922, p. 5

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bah toi in Pc-* Saut la eet h abm a i.wod. lueGoverMient bhs speut duoum~drUpc. iuÉssandito a, .r' .Mturai reumm iof dtiscountry."' hit adoisgdtis bocaissetiei. arrSaurce ',Evaluabl-vak"ab because eywilIbe of insmymat1ae Againothde. tumueWh=. you -«Mlneed theni, yo c!casmeeyourfinancial resourcea. flic lest way to do ibis is to start a Savings Accouat with us and the make it grow. Lake County National Bank LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOiS We cii for your family Iaundy-dràeses, waits, blouses j"~s sit. undcrwear, lingerie, stockings. rampers. kaikoe, tgwels. chldrep's thingS. table and bed lineis-every- thiug duti needs wasbing& 2 Werelieve you of the aimoyance and expense of having a laundresa about the bouse-save you ail the fusa and ýtemand tIbother of was"day. ~ Wedo il f yur asbngwith fresh, raimsft waer ramniId, white soi of tcsted purity; we rmnse. blur sasM" Md dry YOMr do"us 4 Ths w jr9 yor fi: ~k, without friction or wma. qm è. ar uproed fiat .oSk ironer. ani we "110W' ,am wqrug apparieona au woderfu! stearnheated presses. with dihue spnice and exactimg care your favorite laundress would oem gv.qtbg resay ta me or vear. Tryt dis better way ofwabg-the tost us 18 cemtsb« POM&d (shrtsextra,. Every week. you aiaued a sanitary service whose high tand- ard neyer varies. m'm.. toay-we smd a roroeuhlie pompdly. The RéiableLad LONDE1EU ~TÀuzmS AN Highl aPb* mLiuWtyv&i FLop.HBd"ulPark 178--âbotyvUe 67-R YQu Çasî Build Now CHEAPER TisaitYou WUliThis Fail D<rn'tWait W. ame i good"shape to tàrte care of you Our'Plan Serivce lu Ail You Deire SiloTine WHIlSoon Be Here. Ge Yours New. We Seli Stave and Tile. i VAu)uII Libertyydle UW1 PAlIfl Lumber CO. SCREM1 ALL SUSL 00011 Obc hmus of Epecil Inte i1 l=t Staiples wua a Chiefgo viitor MoNdai. Kmis.WiliaZollser spent the 4th wul &tis, ouDd Lake. t LetKeBlai' tObt ougosa 1"luti Sunday wth LIbertv1le finu4. lire Ham rflRoiu. of Caeg pa ibe npetweuk witb bier s=tr. il. 1'v PrScr*,u"d Ami aslg Istea Jutl lua= at VowuvIwo gs us= ai i J ~and Mmis. l vdBUl»,. ded Mondai, ereutw L~~w~W eope June 28, bis bore tu Tildec Neb. ________________________He__________1___ au0f age, and Iiad been niI a long tiffu. À brother and two Clay Rush« o ui W7called on aitera ame loft to mourn lita loua. lÀary fluli es p e scan n David W, Bilas vas a rasidelit of IÂAke cideitailisur, ibe *enry 1>aSO1il, county alioutU yulana uo, and hua defeael byLettilfle. made nsafy visita bure as cMnOVig tearn deeaflby #ravM. basba hmae" friendaNI Herbert Cbii b«ubd'of ,!scthla vlinlty* "5 sympatÈise vilb tSe Mr. and )M i He Im k of Wauke- 1famlly ln their b«erlenet. gai. Mr. a-d lXaiM as VarnneYjo! ________________ ]Lake Yoreeý attan4qi tbe rchr Tuesday.________________ 8. Gidiu. IMr. and MUn. 1DrÇ COlbY enter- Mi. ade Lusk of L"slert' tained over the w '*4p theran Librtyine'ùtI s Lester B. Ooby, ýW.0 etoeunI Aze iVblaao au to chiren, lo ia4 Lempe of V&4slasg Vigowu liai v.ek vith «ean M. 1MM Md Mrs. peul Muie8eOn and utUe âaîiî, forth of town. 4SUWXt&r. Lor5s ,I .I"at Friday tsi a month'e sil la Prtland, Ore., ,Ur. aiis. -WW. C&narr au" rt~iVitb the foinMWp 1t4Ots, Mr. and Priyfor Maplewood. N. J, te viIt Mns. Wreder5k'l1o their son George CarraU. Ubr r M. and. Mrs,W.. Pronzen lait luat Uns. Ada Smith la earng forr PrIday evenlngr* «tO trip ta Wat- slster-i-law, Ens.. LinoM - IAk, vbo ertova, Wls., r4t ,. e Monldai. bas beenlM f er "veeki. -BIU RAD 4o bi, erPSb that game 'Mr. and Ena. T. àA. Mif __ n and utMo~q dasbter. UloofWsnkain, ealled Ena. Betba Kn*a'YrA o bas been fflélay on Llbrtyvfll relatives. in poor hesxtb lot4g long time, le! t Monday for Io4boste, Minn 1 te con- IAttie Misa Mary Stsples of Chicago suit the ~ o Mayo Bros. apent the past vuek et the home of ber She va aoompuuuls by ber aiter. grandmothei, Era. Mary Brown. Mns. Cora MeBtid% .Ch Oicago. Barker'a Superfine Flavora non- Reuben E. Thomsa, reslding at the alcoholle, give baleang the real taite corner of Belvideré ro" émd Mlwau- that satiaflea. At aîl grocery stores. kee avenue, noth of the village, has inîtalled a fine radao fft, purchased Era. Roy Practor and son. Ward, of froum hie Superior Rtadio Ca.. and gives iWackegan. apent liriday at the homse fine radio coneerts eaab evenlnig from (if Mn. Proctor'a sister. MnB. Lee 7 te 9 o'clock. Rauben saya luit walt Whtney. -untll untul thame grape vines get te Ur. and Ena. George A. Laraon and beaing--oh. boy! daugliter. Misa linon, of Irving Pat,. A comrnttee of the Lake COunî> -SOI spent tse fourth at the? ReUben E.ders' a andflions Association (G. A. Thomas borne. R.) wil meat in Waukegan Wednes- Mn. ancyL. Cark id Eg. .. Pday, Juiy 12, to coniader proposals and May and dtaughtena, of Chicago, apent mt arnemets f ome L44112 Frlday wth ME. MaYoa parents, Mr nsal reunfli,tabbedoretm n and re. ynonCaîb. ' AutWzt. The eXact date viii be deter- and M. Byon Clby.mined at thia meeting and wll be an- Un. and Mr%. Hanni Oleon and two nounesinl a later isAne. lutIle sono, of Waukegaia. violted Sun- day wth Ens. OlaoWs parents, Mr. The speciai elactrie flitng for the and Mrs, E. W. Butterileld. b lg Pair Booster Meetin- at Eauf Day naxrt Tueaday albt viii be furnished Clay ton Sella andi fanaily of Chicago by Use Dieta WlRy Liglit Co. hMr. apent Saturdai' niglit aniduday ithll Diets for th. peé tWio on tbree weeks the foiner'a mother. Mn,. Mary Sta- on Baturday night ha bas been string- ples Brown. Mies Ea BlStaples acm- ing a line acrona s-te tipnt of the FiIrB panied them home, nt'rning Mnda National Biank ai" providing speclal eveninge llghting facilitiez for the. Auditorium Theater. and aarvlng ta cail attention Sntows Auto Liverpw4azi 5«., o! Prospective îurebafers to the excel- vice Phne ibetv-.iDe106M !nt pointa of the WIys Ughtlng ont.- vice Phne Lbervvil 30-M rit. M'ON-EY SAVERI FORJUIXY Evusy M"tiay.. regivim âL petuuty taà mm.- ahi. merchaiise a pdles hat m e.' mm mmd rall kug ta you.Every ai em eadirezdlnlycnned à ou stcw u spedaly pim e . ie y l .ulue "y~ f e«»- y a hyi.g hese au ou lim most need themu. Ev. if yematmelgayie thi lsnov, it viiipay, yO. telym a st ou. are sure ta want sane of them n nouer elte.Take advamtage of thi Au eseeeally grade p ro0d uet of fu.l oMfcia strungtli. lUsvaluableat- acd and laxative properties comened It la a vide range of Coriers. Usai extensive- ly for the, relief o! beartbnn. contipation and saur- stom- aeff. Mlo used la the treat- ment o! nbauutiam. gout and excessive urie acid. Usual plice 500. .Iuiy sfecii 1$ ou. bottie 391 HAIR NETS lu cap and f singe abapea, extra large sires. Sbades that match ymr hala' made ofI tenlilzed halia haïr, each net guarateel. single Meah Usual price 10e 11* One Dozen for 9(k-, Double Meala Usual Pica l5c apecial 0 Tor 650. lin. Dozen for $1.19. Emereuc Kit. Sanie 4y you wMl nees! thi and! nee it badly. Usually sella fo 60c -1 dy & 49c Sodium Phosphaeý Granular Effervescent The usual pnice of 4-o7- bottie is 50c; July SpdaL- Mimer M11 Russian Type The great intestinal lubri-. Q, cant; l6-oz. boule. usual pice $1.00; July SpeiL. %h" iaCold Cream. Put upin 1ILbcansfor ecnoni59 il use. Special price while they luit a Gemd»tleo Talc. A mai needs talc after every shave, and! tz.. :n J uly e îve abo with every sale of < j Harmnony Llac Vegetal; due two for- --- . V Olal Fa*i.«Md (hu Dropi. The Cadet brâns!, finest qua-e ity and! tri»e flavors; JMIy Spociglper pomd----- Oum sBt 4I Made of best quality nes! nibber; this fO 5paiY îualy sellafor s$1'.50; JulySecm Lord BaMtmore Portf all. Biveopes and! 50 sheets of 5 wvît paer in neat box; Specal Jily Pice f4 c wv (VUEi AUDITORIUM .JLYi8uMd 9 7 P. nM. mi!9 P. Dm SPEU1L ATIRACrIO THOMAS MEIGRAN -1IN- THE CONQICEST OF CANAAN A Paumt Picture. Booth Tarkington'm noted romance of a town of the Middle West. Qf ita scandale, pride and, polil tCu. And of love 'that made ci fi g ting young a y~ steplace right aide Up. Ams 2-Reel Conuedy. Regular Pices: Clhjdren, 10t; Aduts, 25c. JULY14 and 15: Griffths Lover Flower" with s _________ JIJLY 16: WakS te Roi n "111EHRLLDIOGERS" T.esà dayanWedmsàdy JULTI18ud 19: By Cash, the celebrated Clown in a big fun contest with'a speaial mhovie. Frider andl Satuday, JULY21 a!d22: -By Goub and the 'Seldouned Mùutrek" Abu -bOÜUSFADMRNÎ(S ies ty the Auuican. T'h. oheer of aait ot docrs we flnd In fiour. Plante Of av- try.kind., ON floyer mai differ I from anather un genus but flot ilathesepirit of lovelmns, for they are Saul o! one fansly.-the am of cheen-up-and-be A Better' Rural Lif e This Bank stands four square for the develp-> me mof mlfe on it social as dsittiwj dactive ide. Therefore, as a matier of gaS&cllimudip, well as good business, it is our desire ta cl YOU abtain l'bo5a bigger farm incarne am !a more enjoyable rural if e. Come w..Lots jet botter acquxied. Chas. D Proctor Insurarice of alil kic Phone 154-MLIETV Your lumnber andbuildh requiremétitsca3I le ~ your finianciarad atao In other words, we will save on these prices. you Every price adv*Ïitage -that the .- viffords wiilIb. yours if you trade w IBARGAM White Dainty Check% 36-in. per ydL 5 Bleached Sheeting, 81-in. per yd. Pure Linen Table Damask,,70-in. ycl. $2Z MEW W. CARROLL & SONS' COMA - Phone 29 Lubwtw4leDfL 4W. ý - > ; PERWR

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