"'AI Weekly WUFGNWEL U r'r md.r dao, ;bat l iW7 ras nf«l o.h- mntai, be auited J~ wîk. carrtad ci fa More aid d .84e If li- the boutd bai! àul! be llkilY g;p tel oa tp i4at. be pne !Cgis' - ahf camu lowl àoww Mal - lma k mmsa an fis M01 tua Of the. <tata .....14,M1 68 66,257 » ..... 18476 .... ,40o00 .107,871 06 .16,78110' ... 3,474 76 .....79,M1 ce m1*ko, do sa* Cashe 1922. as as good, d for din- )y' recelve et or food. ie 64 cana e of fie> Ry. "'D Mr j; ~NO0~~ aKWffw 4O0fpppjlv.W.al»Ipg etsmt&"-pm4gwbd' Iltue' Ur af -thie Cyclai. 4ebear!ed thecar ha wu I W ~a la hoqi 'Uohiile &bout IL. À littIe oi *w epetbbs baud on hlies ~~~far ~ ~ t »W0<~ oltlaveI it i1 xocsthoot vna ~~~pe« xitlbimB al i touai! tiae I bai! h ~U4Z~* âeu~d. lb.peaua cd t i# cartbut A ~.O4!!% ~ ttirut rahmai a aid là? bai! » ~ f*loW Idla ,Iht to dok. 4f Beidore aid Gew fht o r p0 6 a l w b w tu t < a . h ae b p o ii e Oh a n ilio Ib Us a.~ ise- Sutiia ~m tu i" 5-C ~ ~ m a. Neoil! nothootr> weancla aul tii. pua tbe *te . e"wtbair 01cesat KNW$ND 5lveO 'Tols tram Avaa~ bis cvfW »Noim lbaIt. stues Âuwm Uss usage. suy aCbd -'i* »bt t Cbcaâo bls o ïnà545ouete ap<aur &isM oaplei à. eU i la e lad falot VU thelalliUg <l <lvleV- erers tes Oeta laeb' tit ?m sbgr u thb o"e it.çosit.iU . Ju' *rd* t t ga ofiuêgt Z A» tia Ir41 aS ia gets omb Ses m & bond"! or>' glueXar C"ulgoojm aub*tagda hlb'iat Incivle!O fie atjoù MY '411.,* Vie cen= . patead..laiaf an théa for if- tý bptitanê ktlaI çouiati tthe .- *litl !a fin, tem rams 6 a& m 13 udeuciui*"I4vas ! at4- 11 Ure Q'tst afbetasan Ibes t bes~<an4 1 ou$ cars vu srti. tpaisltotalorifcams lir- dingfinugi Zin -t'bre0 6,m0 Hovard Bp' bi haafs t0 heu li and! haisi- ed tram bi hCUNTYDEAD1 Ns.Den HarrIo, '65, a vdl- baa ealdect at Laie counti'. 41.4 ot bornela RRadniut Tumudap <eigfoliovlnt a enth>' Itine ptxpdualy 'brgit about her 4011. The, funerAl Win toa iffl Ilirid>monicg af tii le ntyvulI 2>1311. bcimiist s,» a .. B-- tAud- 4 Ume., for hma4 lau fe we ~fl a i lab a t8~.aut-Eh. h. ue huteg -. coxwàff et liteat SU be, Dang 10v lells laCe h>~ Id wTiausas Ms a *to5r b5w=;4; Erg MmMarri- Xi W Ia" HuennrICanai', of IL B. wcilli ai (retta wtraua.Wet iwbba*m. vin tonthe11 vIt! iai b*asadg set mwayo corne asi ' ho pktt tothetact fiatt *a - rulas du te uten 14 ei ia hIaSi prsea idbIs alib 0,pai Otf b"Oit.bah>' hais, C eatvlg- 9"gIr poeuds. Hrs.-Wels and thi. *t a' ut le 'Liii Count>' ten- tri blta. Tii.>'hava net yet huamed aud Mr. WelleTab-aaling bldsW ta su<geaf namea t a pi.. Anotler 'FourtW' Oaa a -MHi. aMd UaW. otn0 'ic . Ql-e thfe pnoni preils or a acreapeubi!baby girl boni; at fie Vlony Xmuennla lopital lu Waue-0 gai I'ceada>' ateruohat a2 3 çcck.1 M0Q!<CQl~ERI 0F STÂa t U SQU&x£ý l ayin 9 vas'oierebliai fe ming bu t lepItis tf. lIa cessla abaotà i na ale-a # le fig 4 tpoI bis stock te"Wid uaC! ast evideso. aisinl v 'uLY 6, 1922. Lm" KBPL.ASIdoum -w- before une!. san t»kUV p iand toda>' tii.DbMW iia a etewtt )tnw MW edfor,,ther Moeth-a Irffl st nrw-yfaSalà 148V runswîck ta Vancouver A"d are a coe Verybere aud Uni- ted Ottes e prsliks Rk» Zrpe and Cvad irby are uns- ahma intdecarigt ut the quai. Ul f e landian îftl hib.1 IKOtrai foux ndelm, i88 abiNi- t»a. ena abefore Bt. Amdreiwu Golf Club. te. first intthe Unted Statei, w a trted in aYnker, N. Y. SCacadas St. Andtwzby-the-Beï tea asaide coriera~afluua. Fu Vndy' aoneftzb&aîn that a la- One of the Series of Similar' Aqfais That Are to be HeWd ln County MUCH INTEREST I15 SHOWN1 Tie second hi-, bo=pter meoti, 0, the, Lake Cont>' fuir wull be held at Half Day on Tuesday elght. Jul>' Il. The affair promises te bc a snocea 1%l ever> tenue of the word. One of the. btg numbera will bc a the. pulpil of the Freinant l'-cnler, Parocilai achool. Thtis will b-, toi- lovi! b>' dancing. EScellentt ii".1 la asaureti. Supper w1llbho ,rýed by' the. Ladies' AIS scctety or the 1liait Day Congregatlona1 Chi-CIL It 15 planned-to, huid a so c;e; or tisese booster meetings in variOL3 communties te the Counity as arafJ ef creatitas inter eu t',t: i-i,..~t fair tMEs Sali. lrom tho 1 ntere-st th;at buiea cnarouseil already it ap;e: -i' as Il the fair th'.s jear ve'ou.d b- an even blgger auccesa thin Iat yeur,, and! that la aying much, for Ist year'a fair broke ail provious re-ords. B>' oidlng these commtmity boostèr affairs thse fairîassec.atioa taa rausing intereat le ai ta ft h e ie nty and there viii be competltiqn te se whtch rse supp>' the mont support. IN COMU TAX MAN lIAS WARRANTS FOR SLOW PAY" jD ty Collector Tiffany Has Warrant Out for Delinquents AN ATTACH PROPERTYI ove fie goreremeet an>' le mon peur Incarne fax? If so ft>'d41 doan and pi>'tise 0' sIout beetusDepul>' Ie rahue'Oaiatr , N. TItfan>' r « t'ho local ctilIce la receir M»* 4mbsfqssauthoriaint ~6p f i r!,elnqustot the aponul vill prow»y fiat orne runs idade b>' léudriqer- #lw tabe" Ruthl, of the Mot ite:uctg dpletur% nee eould alow n « c vruthe Goulns Btl wniU international . ii.far18 L=o = 6 w, la Wr i i ta Stea. st.ea-leve! aent thbe hm*" *wth '.d#ua~tb te taken Bow River. Fc wOR tt Y.hb a ramll.aond untgbsud tk thé. 6,100 raid W nwi'c1kgolfer enjoys bis favorfte sport links laid eM î e it worthy aa sean!. e ti of nogtba i l, T* làuiçaa2e, the beauty. Nowid tIl i.ga. mother liksmi .JJý0 ol$ wor!d. lery' wlug qtbo e ag Iiaa bft ". mre on alarint mented by ' dmont1 a Cmod tý la Uflmq . pan- wlia peer doi trDo oni 0f oruthe >q t# one dir :tion. ledge et the. ppes. The. Hakaar an!M ti.ree *st in another. in :harge or a comtgmt pof..- ln addition go fM 0, uaar 1S-liclea, atonal and are a fine test of tii. ther. je -a lWemirse for ladiea game. end the Aigoauuhi# headquartera Fartiier wet Vaneouver and Vie-. for golfera.toria enjo>' glf bbatsumaft«ai TheCandie goftnentowna winter on 1lmk whlch avre a de. andi manageasaehlie. Albeta, one liglyt ro both expert ad n-vi- 'E M I ai a fa su cli *1 a' ai ru Nil a lx a ru J4 ai .4 o o a t' I A Genq'Ci Pet CITYSPZeN -.À- SeveralMlr oiden IlPrt ed MUtf4CasÏiofAnÀ Bengfitated J. AUTHORITiES AIàE PL.EASED Banrng aSet ccIdntaWaukgst on Tuesdi>' apent oeao!fiheMoat1 s .~ quiet Fourth of Jntlys ln ts hlatory.c -' Some of the accidents *uere quie er-j t ous, maulring medIcal attetton. Noe one was malxeed, hovaver, du* to fiea tact liai; thenuse of <tant Srsrackera hna een placed unde the, han. Asat. Chiai Tyrrel assartit t fday liat ti.Fou nt tis yeaa vasont.or te inc-st ibe ever iaseen lu Vau- kegan. He maya t la l1h11. short. of oarvelous that thire vas né s-loua automobile accident vien one donald ers lte large nWber of machines on the rond. The tact that tics'. v elebra- *tion le Waukegro id y- heu1 resldeeta ta spend the day out oftfowiL Saine went te the btorne racea at Lii>. ertyvile, others attendai lte Bla celebratice at Htghlagd Park, 'othera atteeded the Woodmen plieuteaItPosa1 Paj-k, North Chilcago and %tilt efiers vent ta Latke Forest aber. thera vas1 a big firewarks displa>' le lie evunlng.1 Local physiciens report fiat vile mornmte liIjurIes recegîre ver, paleful, that noie ver maurions. Pawder Can Explodes *Jeohn Cankîr, Il year aid sonit ftM. And Mra. John Cînker, Br., 1136 Lie- coin avenue, Nortis Chîcage. la lu Viet- or>- Memorlal hoapitil vii ils face and eyes badi>' bnred -as a reult of the explosion et a cii of poader and hile right eye vano badi>' bune ils jay Ilyace, jr., l3 envIai! hi&Ua i agît le fiat member me>' io dustro>' bIs pkLauntesinle-Oakland!, 1>11--. edor serlougl>' dmpared. He, bua saimont ha lion cu 1 ýBoy's Face Burau!. a pet. But ha has to-'cear 0v Lee, aged 5, son of Mr. aid Uri. gloqes e la py with IiL. Jae5 'ViMliPeeninglon, 1622 Laurel av- la .411lonmuter Of thO 5lin1 anse, vas painfll>' nJurai! î.atrdur vie n asiai lire cracker expiaded inefiis face. IL la belluved the.- lad* ~ UIftÂTflDrilit eye la mni badi>' lejurai! but hlm DU~JI4i ta'J~~~ lae vas Iruraeet qulte serlotgah>' The M IE V a aJa. bai' plcked Up the flre. crackur, ailciâ r~varrnhie beileveti ha! basn expladed. and IS FIE i;*ace! a match ýon thte ed et tf ta msake a "llghter.'" Dr. J. L. Waltter dresse! ltîeboy's vouida. Wtllilani Msuch o! Grass Lae vu' Girl Orsaks Ami. arrnlgned before Justice IherVepe o0tk - TIe Blteodaughter of 74r. and son today and! was fine! 1009id! U. Louis Brrlckson o! f Ma. re. cote on a charge of havliÈ ilolitâfd celved a fracture of on. of lur the prohîbitor>' ,wî. Musci WU *rC an- ma yesterdaY vw4M ais slipgd rested fie day hefore tise P049U c«P on a melon rlnd. Tii. fr>otfire va Jul' alihe resut of a raid c*d" réduced b>' Dr. J. B. -BlaIL4 Zio4 hi lise dry sqaad. 1 1,Jt beath ofilcer. "uw as not arreated eathtu 1* but tbpim constable returned Wittzr U« Lada e yebali Burned. lueIof arrealties hlm. JuHavifle, age!il, non a of .au et -wl'OdMuscithtis oinSrneldu o t. bau! iii remau aIomorkofiAili and Porter strees, ai b# i,& ceckteJusice *hmbua lepics!d up a lame a8-- aid tiâ.« 0 <idbg é; iat bualfid e! uxplOde - pwyi.Tie llreenicler wue011,é o! b" t lii! dboaue tioa19W i bo~88. Ambraae, Wie OW wM QC ef >M Ioda> fiat tii --w« Mt<aI innla»db m $1.50 PER YE.AIL IADVANC£ OODUR40SAmTM- Dulgat c ws Zr lhtWas um WM hFuit Attendanos eeno AMY RACES AND-GUNES 3EUTLEMENT IS EXPECTE %Ov uade vi la t»iIUI. loi As peedictod la the* Dlr, osata atM rorwure lobaI m»W thmtealad ttnuleoftrapia4 et 3400% ait Goulet "0", on et meduvelonthe ti.North bs ' ~a1.ro"d yuterdel. Thé m t" x ugiit aiJu>'3w. bdn alAWe aul dap a", u»o» thair Mtfea etweu no a thra ti atgPartyil* metiw- efficials ce the aios!lse ««. o e i. suitl lutisg. tex 0Oh.1in tii enhg.a t e46 guailo fleenaade vas COUP 17"UdJOUYUMM uutl aafei n044%y lthe PArI- tem. andou! mtr. olk. M u for b04Ot a d i! poig rua- figu ,r 'bringa obut tie s toX t r-4 o l ograi, ltuâtthé *confflte e aproçadla< Thèe Part>' v glven nd"rthe hitiiiy a&"th ii m O d !fttiise VsPkua or the, Boton ComuIltr batwimu the conia»and thé mm' jý, ahfflet thi.e tir. , MAbtiUrahlarc-bi'ng lnoue bt" a f& t T'ber p mo mseiUtllath fe Ivag. gceIettiaile ay ta ti. vn.vn est hé.an ata ! vthin a short thas. à 140.1 spot for tiiehrTeYU*iiue. T >' .re la =_ M.,Uffl'ee 'i14e rourthl fJul'ireDie la a olptatlng a mInI.m la polts îavent. out th fe 6ft tc t * Pr Wina, %rii arlo m oudy r"*m"tu té wg. malefi me a vWte. 1 encd*iuti itre t i £Beptem '60 yard daab. Young aiea-Ovie. 1411. , ar il'ls'-loe m at At tel éentmamîffne fsth atom or youag boya-Robent AO. b"=rIq itbenturniad o1wer a!tbWr grredtaiuaMr. Wody W 0r a etration aithome ithé.iaa# il!tedme-J. fetie O isuWMawilnnuatOt6. 4 AsIes-N . chexGer. To« jtg h use ifail t t PUai M . rot Bkacior. guadrui! yard f rn-or- ti mXXOM, vithottiving l-ttara' t-Xtchard Gneuueai. 1¶ruede. fie aitte over f t anbunto iraeciCrtiWall AftdWaller urle. Sack roc..Dietane. eports vhici rsd boumolrcaItit, & busiti <mme eaupiayed bulveesi the S*t tut ths lUx» U0m Grahama tu=aaud the. a14lamr; durer = tOUIdvalk ou t aI ardipl »iatmas OI4êf4, A tmg 0f var mnd>algit malen t Ogb vmbêa . eoà!èuan Idoe hasbail <ar«.uaIseii5»M7 mef t«U»4 Mm*doxwa rol Dia". on thte. part 'cf Petroua.*Te, pointes Ontut bhiem afnhle otbu «IW et f iith* .be5 ~~~et theEflE ~ Pposea of tiecacmpeil *' ».ITSM ' M[S LUIft ,tfmio. T lm1TDS WA th 'ghuï d lUts argmenta Iod a t f15 cru Ils. 30 per cent Inenuas la riite s lixed b>' lie boardet"seaa legal se fer 4à Wa umj serued, lutsIisrJras. ore Park sud La"u Y1-et peCCl Iffegal becaa. lue h* 4<Us-s , bigi If la fnaudula ind nWlaÀ1-S't and fiat If la aase.sod cm a hutla aisi!>' ldhigianfai u If lic au of otier propea't> outaide of lteum toans. Jainea Dufty, aho assuemed thé. pmrout>' lu question. l'ason Ibu vit. nou stand tfia aorung ta teaf If>'9a te is mutin! et arivns et tii. as- aaeed valuation, Att>'. Anhhuir. Bud«l repreatei LaIe ceunltrs aPeeacas CUsici AfY. J. V. Nt-roife»m acýh eoediatricts et Higlandi!Par*; Att>'. SaisnlIXAe. the. cit fi'o!HIiland PI14 aaid ais. tie CiI> tyo VakFresftr, w.Quers fie cIL>' higi sohoola,"oà4 fie obje. tore ver. nepresonted by a lie* o! awyeM ,Boiaaier. Murphy. Dickin- son. GeiI and Dan!d Jackson. The ieaings atm an lite Ibis atternoon. DISOVUR TUE CA. TRJ34S.OR Lut >'sar aian -Aidlter lAims audîli! fite count>' records hé feui fiat freamurer Bt-aihe>' va. 'sort" And,. a isa daya ago aies b audIts! flua for tfie yaar lelocal. ked tuf $38. A deuble papaust bu 1huen mai!. te a fag lady. ) la the aret placé, If veum>t maeu ar oa sum ta bu "short"ouonadx*- lng aul the mouye>' f. ofoe haidie And!h fi ai>' checla 1151 gceliii 1la i te n&t plias If wSknh 1taies 8i10es' crief' t iaitbfat fie er- rer vas finally dlffav.r.i!b>hi.a, WITOfIJ INSI3 Qua Siélr,30years ad, living b-ase a>Wdswontii. awuarreetod on'th* 0aflérseon oaitlie Fourtlh i Dapati eGarnu Warlm Heur>' Ker en a e barg« a= iutlg alit t isus». oThse eler coafcatf4 te fie ie 4Stieir vus irry'lag an! ardesi! lia vj te report la jutIceoouu t Sa Weke Pa Iodex- ,, . Hp. ad Ulm Wl oss NaC a ýT -»id mm .wu"aLux M» Mr.a;Md, Una. woftaiam ay a Macrin De LaOL r~àim orti blag-Kr. Ma i m tmx y. rma m rGtiiaki,-Mr. aMd NEg., Tm, Lyema Md b. m id AWW*o orbmuat aid asr. ikt noço a ebei »diaier wm a.rvd sd hiierewu'&a iiotl »Pipp of fri«a ad eVerpýthtM wuo wtiihM. oomet wwre4lW Su thé aflermoon. asi lithe eaCia a~ ~ o oiedal> ffrevor»a vue mS am e t rsj'flg Pire. WbéaaAlpboB.e DMdoo, ftawklmusI 4seer. ire on lia waiy toth le gqlilotla wn han =Ut ihrette l aln ie, ou m et the *atûiren d t aIi h x.If h Woolal ea match. 'Notiia4 pu l wus t . ad aluer. kTu l4ht viien 1 <et uhereIl' OOUNTV Ro"O L.TTI$ praiceas aSt bu ru"«"4oats, 4 Omo$ or ieunth ge14 , a court Bouse, Wruilcr~ DwduCeSitue. foith*a im f I tads vm eaat nus, To DwpZIEU): 34-toot relafol loge « DeermIl!; 3.4A msu $740 m îe. SufW&i Bp**tf n 14M tg<. yis. Barth S bouI4qr $172 mq rua.Cancrete PWiM 307.8 e. yds. Clasej ea1 -S Miles: 1-foat ulGêp ment. 6840 ei. >'is. Esrthl BXCAV41eU 31110 aq. y&&iBath Sbouli!an 31700 Aq. 7i. Canonufe W1%"=« 3.4 eu. îe. Close CMOO Corfifed Chieck for lie p« O4 or amaunt of proposai. paiahS RO>' W. Brecier, Couit> Tg"#" (ar bLIidera bod !prelmil 0 prorud b>' fia SUPt.L msb*l* #hall atempin> -Ch lIglit la reserred te reJeot b5<0 al bde. Dated il Waubgi "rd de>' 0! juau4" . "ei bi- urlier au~- '=t