'i 'ENDENT Lake Cou acuSado. rede.tb f Weekly i couuty comlm.d WAUKEGAN WEEKY SUN LtBEBTYL.aÀLÂKE COUNTY, ILLINOIS,1 ,Y, JTJLY 13, 1922. $t.50 P~R YEA.R, U~ ~TT~N~S HR~TUESDAY t ùet POts. cimtted ugayr 09 FilamPteo. mtsyl-pmlc- aite Imqat31 Jo hetà vi' ob .se.via lite *on- lame.. et t . iccLsay1 '00$Utusisant Chiot U'iir aad Willim LPet$à% t the im.pAsnla the ewraqliluwbge boi »MWMtru tcdItbA JOi getmue bebe, * ho viii b. scyvali b. lisa u4D 1'~stI1ot Obicao vr vW*satréumof xsCiente cheues mmut. fl. t l tiell b' aedebu L'lm" ef jurywimur aigouiloAte ut4 t wht* te »à $mm erahup n gtLe Noites, rcs-î tuyre Wat ofgit ut t OMlc laoesmuachins emahli ctii.- 1 Mm. lcoeis »we3blo a Ireet vea t et, Westa.0at Lreer. a anWgedconuLcrhy As ra. Ellabeth roer. v' ire 11hd lie tbo&U3- . Les Mormabi, sale "Drou g eI A Waithe ulàt heret Ai ber. uck ar. A ! Aateiten reac ii. adtrailie 'elat ad asadtebv Mortdives tby B.toth Pola c ch.cOined ber car e fer the riuit as poe#ble MaIAi va toue takartinov anl unaiti tua daerveTihe P-ca n lin Breer' calîso MarIin th*e telePhO9e aid- * ordered Mmita l»rPort tW th. Police statio by tva-Ilifty oaclock this aflernoa W mie gooti on te eiiek or face tb. P-aecutiaiOuan charge ar bavisviolatet a lnov gtate av vbch provldes a peelto- tlary seeit. for anione dravifl a chec wvie iy bave n u im ta tie banik. Martin prmMIlà Wb. On hand. SpnlagAlid, MI. 'JuIy 12.-ChlnCh 1>ugrepote fcm 0er tl iae sate liaIéamge iaabect i eavler liai ae- 41 0eA gmae , t a contr al t h ug s ~ eAncaýtAma 4- cieci lis bupeIn Iriit lxt ars crbpï. Bariers îte- cIao hetat ooductl lu ÂdimS ltA Ui tu lAe l 30yeare, lie ýl*cb bu sties- ibb»eSeri mn- Ouala11pý 4 ,-?Wlieal s0" on cemnW-àM-br1 b ees ttc)e4lan delds -ers plweIniWb, a9Mse ata8ast iesuer1 IS ýALWAYS A BDCROS84NO Again tb.e prOVer*bia Ardoor bas gt bthe No.h w =9t4uraloaa tM ces eu m i or- aI e ltd 10 L.byalt ieh« beir a U. ru ova track by' à IiiiW balatil ega, vilch. ka& thIl been put laubefor.. vould bave prmaeted te accdeont, vas start Od M Xàu Mod'ltIis week. barely thir trcAz heur atler the accident occar- Tb* «rooeng la a partlculgrly bild ane beonuse automobile& approaching ar* obiled toaacend qute a steep grade, Aube sa"-My approach lovly tilvauglitsar af au adidet sadti As niake Il extremel easy ta kilt the en st». vien a macHItne la drectly upon the trac". Canaisdyale o crilslebas beeà fisard becaUc th- yoadvay did - neo go under Insteai of orer tMe track. TheInstaaallation of gale. vin ne- eseAltate thc estabU»ubng a gala muan Miers probabl i>' ii, ba"e the efeot of orevteatnsforther'accdenta. The mail rool. hoveri.l being erittlcleed fer illa ainMt irc bati becs a double trag.dy bei<«c laias this action. SUPHJESJAi FOR ONLY45CETsl W"rlyof lus proct af laI.. Th scar e ceient 1toay for ltre t Uime vies a local "rouitiere dmIal ted tia le. i le n wo o » care t.x puy lie prle charelby boot. $mai.amosnt or «Mac" ln lthe 'gansf ai at. abi aI agreaUi vo-, Al igel be explainsti tel tisl «ecuenc beal" la composel lamrl 0f alcaWiet bli ubas eausoldifli aid plfla Ut l 111.cas. Tiepro- hst' I ta h iai lemaul hi camp- era SUII aUoist» b.~eulitheboat obabtel vicéna amatch la toucheti 0e"ec tt-hliecaua le mfflel ta igg a pot ocf fte uiacse-iouuils - bars bave dlscov- *,Iet a saunref xtratiigthlie cobol ail assert liaI on. eau gel Ia mot beatiful "Je;" £rom <frlk blg au mare lien lire. cane of bila "cunnet! ber wbJheau b. parehusel fur l5 cents a ca. Ail I are. liaItarIr-lAve cents le cieap for a reglstdion Iap ;WYV.THO$."QUYL ls STJLL 6"BUSY" Treo Rev. Tio&. .QuayI le l1 continues tlobe inove as secrelar i o!of helAie Çauty La-m & Orleri Leaguc,itiugi tel organisation1 bue sol existeti for several yearai A Chilcaga nevspaper p Tuesdayi priatl jhe tlioviug about hlm: 1 1tt.é1 frea lic Chicajo Loir ail Order 1,0.50.protestig sre- ported movemeul lo revivé borne i-avinaMal à h.tlng ring t tich ,Haoirne race racki ve r e- oetvelWinayby ilipur Tiampean, SItews Alerney Cran. Stietii t-P te.l Mud et G00v. Satil'a eifci. The ltteresignelbu Dr. - naril A.g- gee h.imslau.pnositle t lie Oid- cage Cllilvi ccyltili; Arthulr riab erwl!a* Vl.rsAlait oa!-the ClgoLawIndnti ~Lsiso T PiasA. Quayle, eecrtai7 f it' a.Cout>' 1 uv unI ,Ordore Lesgue, ak1li-the utiicrlýtie taie» auci aa s m uthe loir pro- HeunAng Johnson a!fVox Lake Iodai plealed guilly ta violation o! lie pro ibttry lav -and vas fuel #40o in conti court hI ludge -DeWoli u'b a A holding court i... because luIse Fer- ons le busi on lie fax obJection aaae. Sa pld lie fne.. lafotnaitlns sica ver iedant galngt -Vies. Scilxuolr and, John Tilueso f Io Anni aofl&huler & Tiamer. cou- fkcliug tb. Columba hatel, lFax Lake. bbarghtg t4jeen theticasie oaintol glior.,B talte' Atorney Smfit tepetIliena - Idar tu county T'or Once Ho Got AU tii. te Wanted. 1r ý-.- Resi mnt Rcai Case SOLUTION IS OFFERED ]fforts tg mbain 1h. reisase of mari Ellavorlih, 43 yiars qAti vo, la sevia alite secteco.- loirlthe murerai ieparents an" anotbar maia Woodslack la 1902, ver. be- gui aI Spr-lneld toa a aer be bas mrvel aearly Iventi yenn The. cl reaidnts cf Lake counLtY rccali thc case quite dlallnctly as lt recelved vide publilcliyt the time il occurred. Tien 't00. BOnl- vorli and the victime ver. kuove te many local realdents. Attorney Clarence S. Darror of Cicago app-iaretibe!ora Uic divi- sion at pardons and paroles Iodai aid arged for a commutallair of lhe sentence. Ellevrorli la servlng ble Ierm ut the Joliet peailenllary. Bllaurortiuva canvicledl anMe- Henry couil,' o! lie murder af hie fatier ail molier, Mr. aid Mng. Ben Ellsworth, and Amias W.- An- A.-em ýti.I-v ihomei Wodslck: early ln 1902. 1He made ble escape follovlng lie shootis but vas caugit by MoHenry couéty aficils iCicago during Octaber, I bua argument today De.rrov sali tbat Bliavorli siollti evqr iay. bien convlcted. Ho leclareti liaI BeinElls-morlh kllew! hl* vAis- because te. as on!saithful. The lalier. according ta Darrov, -alal kAled Anderson, viain h. belAeved la b. ber peramour. aid tien kîlet ilmacif. No on, appearedl a opposition ta, giMunteiscommutation. »UIN)ARROW' AUTO 15 STOLEN wwAe 'loinaDrrpwl, local con. tractor vas al a doctars Office luit nait for n examinatico aili ile«. vliici . vas lilured snme lime ugo, 1"*. Ioali tauring car wva moi froua:North, Counly street. near WsiAngton, Street. Trisc hetttbok plasine lAme bétwýoea. 0 anti#:30 a'ciock. Dan- rowvu asunable -la give lie-police or' liea serlfftIbm inumber of lie car, *illihad nol been locateti bilsa utern"On. lmut ulnd*,Ofju1yM12.-AIt the closeo of viciwe vacation spent ltihbr Ïnothar here,'Patti Harrold, daftiter of Oryliea apxrold, MoIra- polta opera baoi'. announcel juat aie liat i en marrled lune 16. aI W&ukegaq l. 1. tg Jack A. McPlroy, 0f,1>ev York clty, vic for lb. lint 1va yeura lias icti a mineber'of lie ".Irene" compsny l in cli Miss l&r- raid Playe1 lie leadjis roIs. Mr. andi Mre. M cWlrby *111 live ln Nev York and botte viii contxIue on lie ENTERS PLEA 0F QUIL.TY Max Ortineder, or Maximi as i» vas ]me" iacaiî. former ovxe. of the Cbateau Maximi, a -tueblon- able readiause near Highland Part. plued guAty ta vlolating tic un ael and InW a charge of ssullas îeerday .befr, Poelerali Jdr. George A. Carpenter af Chicag.. H.evas ordered ieid Anlaiheas- lady of lie Unitedi Slales marela for moe day and vas fîned $300. Grelueder vas arrette tan ,o" nectian vili an alieged conspracy la vlilei ho la tali ta have emut. gied Mis&An Herzog, an Autrioi refuge., nto America, vîithlier. jceiry, valued ai $30.000. , Thc girl vus found a virtuel Prtsoir laa cheup botltDuer death from a serions operatlen. Julge Carpenter. cornmeilg on the cas. asserleti b. dld ioL.-4>c Hove thei Main act vas Intended ta appiy ta Cases o! lie nature 0f ic ane, aonhearig. Grelieder rept as ho ples4l gulty. Mise Herzog -as Dot' an court. Maxim at on. urne pald a fi" ot $»00 la circuit court bere ouaa charge a i vlaling tie proibtay 1ev. Hoe ecaped servlng a sotae.f ai aias moîths in counly lau. VOLIVA 15 LEFT $35MO BY WIDOV( Makung semali bequesta tae r*.. tives, lira.Dora Edgerlon 0 rM tal.. bal b.quealied $,0* et Wlbur Glen VUva o! Zios.%%» la hie cof * number of simUlar, bk. Clet lotItuh.ZMon overseer, , - The follig dlspatch froa Mé4w rgl Wals, tels ai tie actioni: 1WIlhbr Glenn oVilva, oversqmp Mion, ls remembred Inli e WVU « Dm ra Eigerton, Merrili vldaZ, 'bo ded lun1918. Tic willl bas ~ been Clased hInprobate court o. Tice mouit yhlci viii go ta o . iva As about $3,000. The total eu of emate la approxinalely 1$,0f0. Tie- bequet of Voliva la for lie: express puryame o! a trust tMO torthe etablihment o! a Bhblp LU brary cf Godly Books n conne*(*o vil!, Voivas church. Th ii. vii rovlded liai tie de- ceaised b. burled In ber cresai-caje oreti sli dresa and the lothAug et* -preipare4 10 be vorn it!, Il, And As a caket lthe cost oai vhcias aIt ta b. more Ilian $100. vhile lt e; - pendilure for fhavera vas ilMtd ta 25 Bquesta ranging frrnt $5 le $900 vert made la relatives and lte home, vax wvlîed, to Katie Po-i phai lwoto 10k car, i r. Etger- ton uplto thelime et ber leatA. EACH 15 TO GET 5$1093.731 OnLiy tbo eciccletala Lai.Ceunt â are *bartng lan li*fedcnal sud lIateil rembursnscaict lastiols tir0oilgi. out Ililtols for agriculturai voca-s- tiouai traiing unler Uic Baill i 14ughes lauw. the lobai amount ofae vifcile $131»28.79 for. last ucar, accarding ta aa stalemont ssued t-- day bu Cari Colvin. state superla- bedeont o! vacallanial educallon. Tiose tvoa chools are the Anti- ocfi bush achool and lie Gurnea higi echool. Bac la ta recelve Tic fund haflot yet heen dis-. trikuted, but theamaunt vbli ce ci *ciooi han isen determineti andth lea moacy vill reacilie various achoolsb la lie near futur.. One buidred a tvcnlu-ane sciaois ln lie stale vinL bene! il by lie fund Iis year. Tii. ugrîculturai course ai bath tie Gurne. and Antioch ihgà %ciaoim la ail le b.e ecellent andi bias heen praFacti erreraIt Umea hi state npears. VOLIVA WOULD t -HAVE #RYAN AS Zian, Ill-"Wilau Jefllige Bryai angit la belons la Zian," saiti Over. $M~r Voliva aslie dlacuased lie greul toommoner. The Ovsnseer cf Zion be-f littes lieu voulti maie a goal teani,0 anti especlally If Bryan vauld lan- cle Modern Aslrouamy Inuisligitc agMlisîevolullon. Wihteali.sasil -taup of the globular sarlticoru l auI lie repudialian of lb. ichou-y liaI ve uprais tramt monkeue, liea vay vould b. dlean tien W Pound 'eme other great truthsintelab tinking public. Aid anather lhing (ail quiet ne-ml>, Ji Bnyan and Voliva vouAi combine polAlicallt aid aie rua for predcil -aid lie alien vice presdent. there wanld be somethins bngz. If. lected '. thare wouid bh. free grape lobe dlel aut tirougiaul lie coulntry. Valv sa1, no. "Tiey eay William Jenalge Bryan bught ta belons 10 Elan, tati one paper mid they are geins to nuat Bryan anti Voliva far president aid vice Obreaident." sali Overseer VoUiva before a big audience aI Shllob Tabernacle, Cily aofZVon. "Weil, If va ever getlàta vo vilil gve Ibeni a1 hol -ime. dan't you forgelfil! Tiere. iyil ha no evolution laugil aid no aslranomy. AU illiihava free grape Jute liraughiut lie country." Voliva once slnmped lb.heSalo a! 0h1o for Brysu. He leclured on llree Silver. Pree Trade and Prt0 houp. '1 iebd lots o!f m," calli lie COUNTY PLANS TO But. iCUMES AGAINST BROWN Supervisor Webb Says Commit t«e WiII Ask State's Atty. . Smith to Act DEMAND HOSPITAL BOOKS Muat cri tainal action may be st«rffl aggunt Doc Brovn, former couuty physician of LAke county in ergze of the Liii.CountY General boaptal vas admltted today by Ftank Webb, member of the nev boopial committe.. "~Our commttee Intenda 1te.tictD matter up vith istates Attorney A. V. Slmith land aak that stepe b. taken to brin« Dac Bravi back to Wauke- gai." h. sald. «'We deMand 10 have the haupltal books turned avea te Us. The refusai of Doc Brovn la do no places hlm an au extremely uniAvor- able fight. The books belong to lii. boepitai and Bravi bas poultiyely Do x1ght te retain tbem. Wlthout tise books v. have no means et knovlng 1mw fln-nclal maltera ver. conducted ai lhe haapt4l. Thiis la anything but a satlufactory isituation." A report vas sAvec out a 1ev days &go tiat Doc iBrown vas laiCanada but vauld Weur= here soon. -li. Webb do., fnet heullate tW ,rpree doubt about ti. Ho ald t voulti nt surprise hlmi- If. -Brown---nover dame back. In fact h. tinks Bravn la seekig a loc*tlon.elaevhere. The tact that Brown gaye up hie onWS Inl Wsukegan and arranged hle bull. nom. matters before ho vent avay causes hlm to ho more convineed 0! the .cthlin ever. Supervisor Webb did flot idldte vhat sort of an action mlght b. ltake, againet Brovn but &&id t"ll detait vould be left te the stato't attorney. PUSIISUERIDANt tata Hlghway Engnw T APTER GREAT L.AKES 140W Thcebale lilgivar depart*mcat t iAeoui to bave U4. omutry-nuea th. tmprov.mit o er eidal roI is Lveea 39ndotreet Nort bii Cloa MA0 L.ake Bluff, aid ta a tlophan. cmee natlon mti Chae. E.IL Uescucouty superintendent oa! iAghvam th*isttlc Ougineer on Welncgday tld th* Laie couaiu engineer le "go uiatilanMd -remove aUt lie abataclea tint nov are delaying the -mark. One a! lie, causes ot delay bas lice th1e couityle Anabilty ta set Uiq gev erumeut la tae action. Befareliee tu proiremsnt cen b. made the gover- meut tiret muet vucate came oethle property. A eligit change lalocation or lie road vilAi-oires vacation of smin prlvately o*ued propcrty la aise bclug uWorked eut but Supt. lRussell and Supervisor Elvard M. Muvaien Of Lake Bluff are cf lb, opinion liat lie prAyale ovneri *y11 bc villing la re- laeie ebeslred right of vay, aný agreement iavlag practlcally been reached. SupI. Russell- ud Rup..rvisr liau- ma vere et Oreat 1LiesWediàeadaî aitemoc i>ferrnng ili Commander M. M. Frrucit anl Commander Cook vili regard. la getlng tieuxtolaurge lie Washington officials Ia apeeti op lie vark cf raoating lie ueed.d goy crament praperty. 6i. A. R. RE[JNION TO BE AT U1rAnYSLAUI At a meeting a! the delegalos fromn tic varlous Grand Army poulS af Lake county ln G. A. AR. hll Wedaueday afterncon. Il vas de- cldeti ta boîl lia t4ti annuel ne. union of tleie isCeuny Saliers ald Sallora association et Grays- lake thais yar. -The date& met for the. reunlon vere Augual 16 aid 17. Tic association naoclved toot bide tram Norti Cilcago, thé Wsa- kegan lRotary clubq UbetYffleand loct.cle Park but Grepos ' *on ouI. Tbere -more eloyuvenlogtes allihe meeting. The camp tir '11 aima b h cld a: Qra"yasi. John Darrov af Wauklegan vue iov bitider Manday on a $50.000 lm-i provoment job h la 1nca. lunyIbat te ina-mn seSka&l. Heigils. ne- sardeti as th, most exclusive sub- division ou the North Shore. Wile tie contract bas nal bau Ici14.. Darrov hae beau asaurel tic vank and th. cantracl yul b. aigneti nerf Moptiay. The meu'er. vaier. IMO and sidewalk Improrement ill ili51 h. madie herore any lot l h. soi.»b division la gI(L kttî~ ieWatsr RdS Actioq of Contractor CafteDetw onstrates Systèm 1<Now a Paying PvaPoMctof THE CITY IS LosING àMONEY As a resuit aorlthe action takeu ]buç William Caler. cotractor 1tate tx of North ChIcago'e vater sgt*Oh, [rates for vater lanthe. tovnma b* raisedtbi thn nar futfftuuS the vater queallon léî - leared wItld* a ehort lims. I atidresaig the councli ller ils coLlunlalAIC ati been . reaIC6 Ai =ont lu accordance -mth thiA'Cet- tract vih i hm, I1e0atated lh" tle, present methad eti operation la barull m-10-igexpekOen ad. ln eocW bi * stances. bthe City la lools mnuY s a resuit ai lie metods a Ayvoga%.!. Caler'. Comntuicati0fle ver.bem&. 01er forivestigation, buàt ici asti =le L at9rm Ysesaloa bail la:_ piç A hici aU i thealderMe m preeaed, iemelven as lu ayot «wttx the repart aid 'wltb payiug t»c clii tracter, but demandedti laI liehillO, lie, held uatil a hhoroug i nyeitAUS' t.1ca hati been maüe. Wwnu IBle CollecttaI The latte"a ur"e C ity Wtas.aé tew Ubc collection og numeronu - - eiUltab lu LordaiCe tu Uic dq igtul, aae X.le meU ayea aidta tlngrdti i i h Aie 41a rie agt#*d the . etom.&bd basbkiho ball$ OW tal - tic eUe. ai b. »b miee~san»v long i« due. i- pepc i rem. a » 4At some Iberoddm'bne. Usye.»ta eI-t te 10 M" o0150 f le 50w Z Î . girlvMiiwva e bilis w1e o5»M~ i P ad funtlad no oue more lmeto c 10 iti ay Cul Wster. atmfo seri montAI vitu the '0" 'santel aga ni. f e pe GIld. ia. ,*ublect ltae pepleMtoravlmug ,L5s vhealet up in -ul i!. A nvhseme rn ai n colcolantiona&u alps po Mi u as -ne wt taenep0& accou t f ls av e direct lest t sente e "&in an l ng paly JUW caveec vitherpeopl rete also 1<» r 1 coetion apdr aoussilorVbal-ue a psas ipe b ft 00 vAst-ail v ar t M li mconeyof wshciagou diare @&( A n i Sveape icat mueelotW ko llera l etr ffn(a vocte W rtals ii. raterlatslnaordm rt M obtalt i tfndsFmece dm,&, Tii. Clilcagr o ai»OTthWedrto55q 1Ibce e r t10obla andat r wilt l a t iif tsouarglob An' m cateun voc Ibatlichava po4 Mdi. ree aeskeh trlinaicDe M lettgivos at4Olwl vota ras che aninhnsrat« 7laSit ( MOM he Co tmot & M Ot wa ae. reuststbt te'.4ip-Ï*- Alex alehF. Ucale."vert peslle atgie up laiuibe* e f dm the reelsrd a »041,- e« .Cnat a meting tatic tllag:W l te ngi i aIteruM LnUake wBluta otre#, A otigeÏ ta, dih. ooAas a r IM 1:ttiYo Pbicrvie oo Atatalilbertf Un cL qf W Alp exan . «VIW4 imia m* pap et e %rt# wlmbcl et the psuâte boibst Atametn a huiie-1p UMM 1 ý'f 1