CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 20 Jul 1922, p. 8

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Daty M tiBrown , É iw b. Chmpw nPro- ;; r'ilîk and Buttr FaLt aifIÂberty-, rw at, the. tests being otâisiy tbtdby the University of Diluais. g ,.ge hIis aev b»adtluir- toits, fouro!viich vos-e mad.e lVcauhiUnversty testera, sud bls record wuvas dte bY the evi e-Md Brfflusvim cow. Havtburn M, liid 4763, vha va" ratedanud 80 by VaWthcri Parm. Sile, Uv sg -tw yéarly vorid'u recards, made Ldr m1ts u 0 days. Sho aise a. ti iyear-old clise vith «S pounds ot milk ad 733.74 nAs o ettes-fat. b»e fermer mature clame held fer year, vWas 1940 peunde of mlli 709 Dauuds of butterfat. made bY h*ê »avtura lad, of the Michigan icalsarai Cllege. 1. fld C. Bulkiey, berdaman a IlsW- Ïb r nihked sud ted liawthor ty-mid every six heurs durlag hor 4W yer. 'This record aise Places otiera Dairy Maisi as the'hlgbost dàoi, over al breeda ln a Le be vslue et the Milli over the cogt e#( fer the year an test vas iEnMNES -US- IADS PEOPLE IN A $1%M00SUIT «qus That Husband's Rela- bée Succeeded In Alienat làg Affectins hwIn er huuband's matluer ý*r 'byothersansu isters as de- bWi#..»mjosephine Makevekri 40mke*for 410.00 dbukagws. ý40dalea*uftla of ai fectl"us. âià stu.*d Unr. talog Ma M <Ligoa uA-;.; ileur. »ntM AIGOWavki sud lMra vu*" marsbd ou Nov. VT L 9 iaffiidèr MAkrki ,LMt 80105 Pila now 40ujars~v item her huabalil. - jMrs. makowikz cbtge tisat Mas result she bas been depxlved eof the roclety and pratetclea cf ber 'bu& ý,iand. ,. 1 ircuit judgu a iMlwvaukeerum 1 *'let.ged tue yDung vouton of that 'city flot ta eloDeta Wankegaa 1to wed as lue pointed oui ibat the. big majority af i Mlvalkee ouples vil-,o marry herm end up ln qie dl- verce court. This late4i case prab. «bly wlll be polnted out aus aother shlnlng example ta Milwaukee girls as ta vhet net ta do. It lsa-t -tact bovever that many1 couples Beelijaz divorce la Milvau-i kee asbert -$hey were uarie'1%~ Watukegan. Thtis May b4 due te the tact that a niajorlty 01 Milwaukee couples gettlng marrled outslde their ao state came te, Waukegan. IDENTIFIED. The body of the Maos toused up 'hy the wvaves Qff Zian City shore Saiurtlay afternoon wâs ldelitified an Moday as Cecil X' Wright, 30 S. Waier street;gEtgln, 111. Hp vas IdentIfied by hfis arents, an auni Land an uzxcle. 11ha batblng suit and dental vork vas sufficient for his recOgnhtlon. 11He *ass drowned at the- Lincoln Park beach. Chicago, June 30, whlle lpsvl-nmlng. The body vas talion to lgin Monday afternoan for hurili BREAK (iROUND FOR NEW RECTORY Ground .was broken last Prlday on North Utica etreet for the nov rectory of the Christ Eiscopal eluurch by Pet- t rsen. and Weekee. vhu gai the con- tract for $510 This figure does not Include bard- vare, pîurnblng. beating, vlrlag or the plate glas aiad the eempieted struc-' ture viilropresent a total cent Cf about $18,000. It 1s'expected ta balve the building complotodl by tuhelUme the Big Jubiles if the church la ta o, ehold thus fail. City' Atty. Tbeo iarby Se±urday filld l. the. cauuty court thse assessmont Z4il for a nov vhite vay. ta lio cen- structesi an Sheridan raad tbrogh. Zion. The rail totals.aPProxliMatelY li la bolieved that there v iii 11e -atie or ne abjecgtiot iis Pre- posed lmprovemelit. The system wvii be sIMilr tu that lest lnstiiied iu Cbildren quit. oftcn are nerveus w j ý aMd rriaIlean1quickly get over-il, M butwbere dme chilseau, to bave au- quired the habit of Ieing irritable, du ne ~omak up your minit iaabad diapootion. for it i rIre hlat "this - - truc, Thlie ir ,to cb"la i mariably the" uid bat s uickSometies il is the stociach,*some.tiakes il s canait- pationl, and sotuetimesil is directly uime ta spunni subluxations causimg 'r- ru(atuug pressure on spinal nerves. The vitue of chiropractice in connectiou with dciii- dr is tiret il usually gels quick resutsi,, ruch quicker " tha t possible witli an a&uIt. The musclez and liga- meuOf the pine aKe more pliable. A hilid widu siervvous coiic is given such case b>' adjustments as to stop, its crying aimast llmedlately. Constipation, too. yields readil>' to asjustnlents. ln ail foLins of ner- vousau it s exare ei icacous. AN M SIIN FACE E LIJJL9 qI uzSelpesis vos-g igiuly of cisro. 0MCIISI psU-sopinal adatmàtu-. for tha'C-IiI1IUi ~bave doue se mach forrng kiSes andllu O or myfefl. Thoy have energimesi-Yg uttle ~ ~ au g to»us--eai aid boy'. mule hlm osUlU. -w.vermu before gappilug cblria aduuutienis ho vau.oite Irritable ans mers-en. 1 " arnso tibsufl te l ciropracte tisai 1 veald do sngibiug possible te niaise people hottes- acquinied viii thi wonderful nov science a! better luelib"-Ma.M. A. Sidaz. Chire. ps-actlc Researcb Bureau Statemoq uvuR TOUR I TH mmÇS .- whm. ym Teepkoms26 for »au MI DR: j.. L jÉ N TK.E N m tRvE 01 corcto e eormltlei, Nosvousand 4SWAMISLIGIJEJOUT. ##Olium-:1 t*05 and 6 le 8. Siidai UIIA!OISO gu oWy,y Isppeîtnint. !CJSOSE *Ume'Ilds Y d'ePsE*M tg ,~. loe' .21500<MIN l - t-. la. identWo by ForerWtte Who $oolied Diorc One WeekAgo.i The bady cf the vlctim kulled bY a North Shore train hotveoa 121h and l4th stroots Suunday l t, vas idon- tifled lae itngit br bis former vite*a that *4James Manohan. Lioy4 The electrie linse aS ea fram ail blaîne by te 0co1nsrues this aftornaeaIt the ingluest. daim. ing tbat Mennoh hà&bom =uder the influence o a!ltbaxtibUIlg 119= ai tue tme. of the fata acIdnt. Aecordlng btu te ttstiMOuiY 'Of1the trialren they vere running South ait about 45 miles an heur. A mam WU slghted lylpg on the trbcli. buf tte braises vouid -flot stop tUe6 train ho. fore it fstrucis the man. Bene tva bundred foot to the rear Of tise train tbey found Manchan. He'vas 51111 breathing. 50 Collecter James 11111 siopped a pasalng car and ordered tbem ta carry the vlctlm ta the boa.- piai. Ho dled there six heurs luter, neyer regalnlng cansclausnese. James Monoben vas 34 goars oict. Ho vas talion trou 'St. JOsePh'E Or- phanage la Chicagoeaitute age cf 8 yeare by Mrs. Susai 'l'acker, a!fLii>- 1 t Ivlle, te lire vituhber-. Ton years e,V ai the age ot 24. ho marrisil, and leti the Tucker home ta carne ta Syraukegan. Mrs. Tueker testlllod that be vas ai addlct te Ulquor, sud is former vite, Mary Monoban, vho se- curosi a divorce but a voee aga, tolu the saine tale. Monoban le botter linave ibraugli the caunty as "James Tuclier." Ac- cording te police -suduBherffsareparts lue vas atten In trouble. At cao time be ceved the entire village of Wadavortu,boldlini theni al bà!with a ga vile under )the influence e! Uiquer. Sberlft Green vas caloed te, niake, the arrest aid "Tûclior" Vas held Ia jail most oft t aivflter. Lator, uit a charivari. celebratiag thbe veddlng 6f Mati Megérs. «'Tucker" shot hinmsl! hi the leg, aerlously voftnding isimself. Hoe vorkod ateamator snd Iceman mof etthe' tune ho vasinlaWauke- ga At the lime ef hle 'deatih b- vas aupposed ta vaorkiug lu Lake YPest but hi. vifé vau amible ta tell the usne cf thi sne h. vas vorklg for. 2 SERIOUSLYHuRT INCAICR IT Catherfue letton. da"biter or George loyttenof Tise Rab Ume.~ Chicaoffl umoape "bue vbec her nov setamoble os-sshe lita a truck master ot tise Chate Bymphouy Or- chaitit, aid bis vite. vho ver. lu tcar vlth Mise Lyttan, suDfes-d serians injuries. Mhfisa Lytten car strucki tue trucki, 1evned by tise Fair utoS-., as It raundi- ed a corner, It vas reported. Mra. Gardon, tise.meut dangeroaly hart, vas taken tram thevrekage umcon- scions. She. bers husbaud, sud Misil Lytton vers rushesi ta the Hlgbland Park beuspital, vhere X-ray examina- tion svere made. Mrs. Gardon recelved internai in- jurles and a possible skali fracture. iMr. Gordon àuuffes-od a fracture of the sheulde- snd body laceratlons. Miss Lytten auutalned allgbt shocli, but vas unharmed. Mr. and Mra. iGordon vereremavd« te the Lytton home at 26,6 Hardi avenue, lligbland jPark, and pisned uhider the caseo0f Dr. M. A. Bernuten and tralned inurses. PIONEER ASSN. TO OU)ANNUAL PICNIC AUfi.19Tnn Cordial Invitation Extended to' Entire County to be Present Te at Sig Affair Thebg baket picUle and celebra- tieni et tue Lake Ccunty Pledeer Ag- ricultural Aseeciatian et Wadsvortu v111 ho held Saturday, Auguat, 19, in iMcCar*s beautiful ois sud&hickory grove jusi aerons lisp Deailnes river vesi of Wadsvorth. AI fficers, sud directors or ibis Iassociation beld tueir directoa' meet- ing lasi eveaing la P. D. Pauter's hall an ddecided thai tbey vauid excel any and ail proviens plenie celebrations beld by their asscia- The aId ad yug ploneors of Laie coaurilI ho reps-.sentied by ladluentiai' speakers oi tue coamty an Pioneer day, vblcb aivaya provea an I lateretngtMatureo f the pragranu. . Band muslc, Orchestral sud vocal j muste viii' Interaperse tue day- Speakers cf site ntion rai- (uh oucm u juIy 1, 1021.-. h It 1«I estato nates a..n .band io - M t b ii »ad July 1, 1921- .27*00 O Taisi~. ----......----- 300 6 ~ ~ ~ -,TOWNSHP VIO dash =:MI4 iu»5,b In--$ 200 00 Damauceon isaad >s.71, 1921.-9,277AI o Wisffslhleau xeim o*ttt atb o 4um1b ixilkiL- 10 6 it---- 21 sol l0.ui.-..-..- 00 60occl111 qpertumedonus 2478 50 lO5tlfi e regr2..1005 Ban nda iham u3 0122- .2"Q000 AiPorimoesibut vfuhheld irom I1t0adlrat.-.214O _ _ _ districts .lly 1, 1921 - ------- I10 £ A46 tl0dbut vlbbOd ram Tctl....... . .... $820 0ilistrictslut10 13200BalasJn 0 82.----2, .......2. ...............- DIICiT Nc' ~O. 6 69 70 71 72 73,77417 5 .... 1a.n 2'7fi 14215 ma NO 180 Frmp la.r.. ...............$-8le,9 101.617 570.04 we' ator main extension acitmnoney adraneesi ac't - ------Tatak. . -.....-. --.-..-.......$884..4 1314.58 243865 DISTRICT FUND-VPENDITURZO - -DISTRCT Nô. 68 -69 70 Bçadand business Office ...... .. $ îa.0oo .00 125.07 pf'eacere -.- .- - ----- ----------- -- .......-..-.460 5.0 14750.00 Tpe rupngulcfuud -. ..-....... 88.00 Tu ! j" 9sutatlaîery-.......---- - ------------ ---- --- $ 182,80 -50-74 478.42 10101,1 ao a cher' ardere ------ - -.. ------ - - ----------. ----- .~..-. $ 1919 3.68 Jtraitnci lcpaioli Warra-nts--------- -.- ...- Salary a jamlore-.........4...(------- ------- - ----- ------ 4 33.20 34.62 14000 fto!.. light, r0er. vater sud ouplios ....--------------------.-.200.45 56.66 1590.67 Ralusdreplacemenut and lusuranc . ...... ............- ...... 49.40 46.96 1390-66 Li ' tanssd promotion of bealth -.... .......-....-... ........ - 1260 318,49 .&ticlbétion varrantts -laMd - -... ...... ... . ........-- - - --............... W ster min extension ..-...-...... - ...- --. Orcauda, uidinge snd alteratieni------ -- ........... ..............268.33 Nev eapmeuî---------------- ---.........---- --...... ....-$ 106.29 98.75 PriniDlal ef bonda--------....-- .. .......-----.. ......- ..---$-1 lateret'on bonds ...... -------------------.......-$ TaioLaifc!transferrred pupis-.....- ---.---------.-. ------..------ iluisud on band June 30, 1922 --.----------- ..............- 1 772.81 256.47 3888.27 Toaleis...... - .............-1- J ..-..--- ----..... ...... .......- -... 3848.74 1314,53 24356.66 101.40 245.70 10.70 1390.40 60.1 61.6 1238.36 IS0 8185 UMI4 .i 8 15eu75 14 1 2014.09 1950.16 11J 71 10.00 1206.00 84.72 2.72 13.00 6693 19.10 12.75 72 10.00 2400.00 10.00 132.29 1020.00 30.9 179.00 110.93 40.80 312.33 1000.00 175.00 119.62 1646.48 1532.84 6238.78 Suberfbesi andi sworn to beore mue tis l2thu day of July, 1922. FRANK J. WVRIGHT, Naiarg Public. VOI4IVA TRIAL PUT ~OffUNTIL OCTL- TI3RM OF COURT The trial of Wlbur Glenn Voilva on thre. lndictznents [or alleged 11h01 agiani the Rev. Thos. *1. Nel- son, paster of Gace Mls3lofla.r cburth, of ZMon, vhlch vas net tor teday. bas been contlnued until the reg ei ofaicourt lu Oebor. The cStinuance vas talion be e=uoo th prene terni la a spetcl a.sdthe trial of the Overbeei' nqw Would be illegal vithout the caonnt af bath aides ln thues accardinlg to State's Attorney A. V. RSmith. Au the caunsel for the de- tenue -le appoaed ta, golng ta trial at thisia'timo tlmeucae necusarlly bac ta b. postpanod. the proect& oex plat»&d 2flsm mcargesa tut Oversor Vo-. ira attackod is character and that of ie biffe& isa Iiat ho caiiod the' nlnlster e n" thod aid blt oiskite" rer i teoürm xiEh al4%nrg churh au he "foat bmu.' Notice la hersby girls ta golwUI» = te isai:th. , PesMos mmd tuard or Truetoas et tte 9lDage ofi LII>ortpvlo. Cmmuty eof10». *"t*"s or IllM4,s has<ng or*srd tise cou- dtr.rtimot fa a ua I OropoUt ma e .tipg a1 the lb* eo f Ivfan liev avenue lua8"60 nuge bY imlruV- .ng a m pt ading th ii. slO venue atd iaysng on tbc roadws« theota Port- land cernent »Muets tavoment eilgiri tuches thicli, canstreUotg a Portland cernent cncrte oembiued curb sud gutter, constructting Portland' cemeul concrete guttora. coustructing rein ferced cancrets culver ori aueUt sud canuoctlug sterm water lovera, constructing and cennectiug catch bu sins. constructlug valve maahales and catch basins, wÎ14 AUl uoceury appur- tenances, and otherwlae lmPravlng the. roadway af saidi Mulauoeavenue tram the south vllage limifta ta the nartb village limite (oxcept froin a Une parallilta and twa (2) feet sautherlY of ths southerly regl af the Chicago. North Share snd Milwaukeeo railroos ta a1iue parailel toansd tva (2) feet northerly of the northerly rail a! the Chilcago, Nort h aosud MUvaukee Railroad, and alsa fram a Uine Parallel ta and tva (2),ftest outberlY- of. the soutberly mal cf thé Chica~go, Mlwau- kee & St. Panl-Railway CampanY tea Une parallel toansd tva (2) foot norih- lu- Tire and Tube VULCANIZING Radiator REPAlRING imMEOIATE SERVICE AIl WotkOuarutecd H. C. UK)WD)EN 73 74 76 1lu 14.43 .00 10.00 U3.8 1680.00 1080.00 1120.00 20618. 6.00 6.00 as»8 86.32 lue.9 6.15 &14.04 192.60 10.00 8.00 1083.1 172.41, 6.18 109.14 '154= 228.5657.76 1283" SM= 389.50 17»M1 3202.45 r54.30 616.98 12184.50 6Z43.11 1264.09 1960.16 61971.64 FRAINKLIN S. KERN, M Trerr eriy of the northerly rail oetihe CicaFOR SALE--One BaeseBport Model go. Mlvaukie & St- Paul, Railva touinANT; Ai)S.m tpr avnus raa,-acsan -ut, scmn hobougit voey remonekil tae predued tram tue roadvag ofiMlwvau-1 FOR ISALE OR TRADE-â. Maxvell on ai once. Inqudve aaI Ubes-tYs-Ile kieAne 1 Mbo ie-flS thefoof, Tauriai car. Dlsmoeid Lais. Bopair Doprtnuent Stoe-. '21-11 tue ardinance for the àame belng an suap.29i- file lu the office ai the Village CiorliPU AII10-h pn2vs9aOS et Raid village, sud the Raid village PUMAR ,Soa arnai; aaitie ami ba »4y. Pm, os i. 11anfi havtnappli.d ta the Caliy Court of thing for a raid stand; cheap, tels- L. -Y. aBues, QraYOaik~II 13L (eau I.aOCauntgIllinois fer aniasssmont 91101el ioxtys-ilLe 2a. 29-21t ________________ af tise coas of Raid improvemntni se- _______________ odngte, benefits. aid a ros-isesi andi:FOR AL-i aux nov Rollng tise bout FOR RENT-Tva plessumifirnls.d Fcos-re.ied assessmeut iberefor having minW maciine as. amoly, rmc tisree sad tour '1W rbeen made sudsotried te Raid court. -Tise fla i lkuag musihie. 1have phor Lbeutyville M6. 2b«1 ethe finui eas-lag tuereon vil ho huid aou»e veklag coue ta towm C. r. on tue iRh due a! Angasi, A. D. 1922.,.icarsAIIIioch.Il nL 1-tf w.urrun-O-i ta gesera haomme -ai tuhe ur cf 10 o'cock a. nu., or as i seon tiieroter au thei.aineus of tue vos-k; vage. $18 a v*. A* i rcourt viii permit. AUl pesses desring OWiT OU'I#plPuCESlFOR Pm eBRIO. Sherlif'.reeldac.Wankessfl. 21-2 e may file objctions la mid coutrt hfore W. ftrUlh dersand harvr.'> 1gd Ay andl d%" appoar ut the hes". Zionlt1n Industries (Wiihuir 'OR EUNT-A Bmgov of!7 iWu . gand s»i n i efo us.. BSaisi es-lGeul tva. Depi.4. ZIMuIII. TOW1 a te-.I n5 re- oSrBratbni nomce pros-ides ferthtie clle0ton cf phone 211et- 49. 28-1 anS Jackson Aveu. 58 Ralid asseoAmbs n tote equaai4aataUl mts a itu sunual Intereat ai tic BAY IU iSs-eum lpa$.WATTENTION PIIONOURAPE IYM- rateSfiberys-lIer 11.pelr1. 92. lu u'p Oia -tau D ons. if yS auPPile M« une - -t.0 xte s- et es- f, Jl113. niaie poUlicla>'. Tr-ow-Mllw*i ce.,hy not taise bettes-rMetoF wi.. OTTO Boum. pfiR b&S rd.Eosreto Pas-son appointeS ttq maeid PthISnt. 31e-dueceu «l i assessmeat. 2» 30 FRSL- oa> se soaaiossl ua.ItIft FARM SALE DY MUSTER UN iboue, ou af tisa botintaArtea hot O 5oot owauonv vls- onI ud al meon t eê wamta Marias hy*-Wma evp %0etMonda.',July 24111, st 1 o'look -M, u. Dm.11Loasis p one f 185"9s-O'Stton hm~A "0ra ~CorUmo t he cur & e of u.cow 0, Ai Lu>s imS -fO OALE-4iew Cas. 10418 Trc- . 09e d uu, lis. usnmwbonMO&Mia- X l» '%hm8PU»ebraI ro9i0, 1er and Iv. bottec i". PloT, un (O fls J'a (180or ettise lC4OhICoUt reilDuro Iftyor.' *p,- ita' demongtralng. specislprios oet l ofi U»S Comty, inu. viiiourne -p Pfl brui *15tlM PtW Jtaýen ai oco. Sanie vurffl-Si -~~V FO BL, urOntlas OSo ! "C"USl8. BU 1 s O . .Case T. M. Co. Pbffl 1 -Cut 11 tise properos-T id by Vu" s WàO5ls-i »%Mr Us" tb fi445 Wauoguu. -t4 Botate oi Jmb ob lbt. eeegCOvW.- 14 lii Fz EDeerfli&II. __lu______ la thie Townof Véooea, ~phonoeis. Preilu, 3107 >'r8. -41 * * Ilinom o. coltkpg o! tbe foflovlag: Xomng x ex . xei.XOXexexoxou - a ts mpr«edei tam of eIghtg-tour (84) Poil SALE-Yeung Sw 0eingc HR INOEPUI4DUSTau tw . tamre,.mos-o or b, allaite on tue freuh scon. muche cerner Green x MM %Wlcy lied i Fouplu<wlhia 1 Hait DÀv andi Dissond Lake RPad. Bay Reasi and Washington St- i LAie ceuAcY. 0 3 A ract of timber lsandofflfteen (16) phoeo»29 y-1, Wkyl2t+ xOexoXCxoxoxexoECU t acre, *dingtue former Judec _________________________________ Wmain ttzn, lu. Becilan 16; lu tho Toi kof Veruo.L A voodi lat o9ýton saisioDe-bai!10%) acres, more or lian uBoche 11, inN ' "N K the Tovn oC Verwnu. vhich lieu FIait ! l o f tue DesPisins River, near the jo . eosxurtg.- We are Back in the Market cerf Belo* Cash. 10% ta b. peiS an day of smle aisibalance wvtibiî.. a i ud 0ton. says uuos-oaftes-. - And s-ady to nu>' k" or junk, palé, scrap ro an m"cas r Abstracts a! tale breught dova te We atso buy aid autos for parts. We have a full- fne of auto date, w-i ho furnisbed the purcbaaer. i pmrther-informar.uu o hogis-en b>' parts on band for ail nnks of autos. ' t 'tue underoignesi. or b>' Beujuuin Hl. ai obsty . 1 fU- Nor&,h CicgoScrap ]Won Metal Co. ilated ibis 2fth day-o! June A. D. e1922. RIJOFNE M. RUNYARD, p 2S 96Sw aaRaNekCiq L_ Master lu Chaucery. 26 2728 29 ql~ *Waukegan Foresters Lake Vill Lake Vfilla Bil Park Sunda yJuIy 23 An*w PROSEC Tise OU valaeut ooietaws est« tdac %epe h ai. vis aeu g-e courai t te gl mof theOM log oh tt- fUt t11heurl-t -The cu- *Iuprou go ce oise landIngr 'risouce 1- toà4bo. 0 0 --.. L- 1 L-

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