19221 MR Four Reasons For A Checking Account It eliminates the risk of losing rnoney which carryig cash incums kt keepe your auuscd funds where thcy can be mnvested for the good of the community. It bcIps you to keep accouat of your ex- It safeguards yo<a in that a check is aways a receipt. *Lake County Naional Bank m LIBERTYVILLE, ILL.INOIS SWe cati for your fanily laundry--dresses. waïsts, blouses n iddies, shirts. underwear, lingerie. stockings, rompers. knickers, towcls, children's things, table and bed linens---very- thing that needs washing. 2 Werelieve you of the annoyance and expense of having a laundress about the house--save you ail the fuss and steamn and bother of wash day. 3 We do ail of your washing. with fresh, rainsoft water "and mld, white sca teted purity; we rmnse, blue smatcd u dry your clothes. 4 Miuen we ir on your f lat work, witjiout friction or wear. iwosu our mproved flat work ironer, and we "IROI" ,oe weanug apparel on our woderfui steamlueated presses, vwith the same prieeand exacting care your favorite laundrei would we rtuuy.ur u& emplete- E.agdy waéedsud rued- Evoedimc gmdy to e wear. &isser way of wadiet-&te coat as U. ceb per poumd. (skfrts extraý. Every week, you ar assured a sanitary service whosc high stand- ard seyer vaies. I m tod"-ay-l send a reresemttive prouptY. The Reliable Laundr6 ram.e gMand l" 17-Lib*dyve 67-R offri You Can Buid Now CHEAPER Than You Will This Fail bOont Wait We are in good shape to talc. care of you Our Plan Serivçe là All You Desire Silo Time WiI 50w' Be Here. Get YusNow. We Seni Stave and Tile. vâuDIJRA Libertyvile -Fanm T Lumber mDFPAIR Co.' SCREENS AULSmZL DOORS _______________________________________ CARO 0F TI4ANKS We wlah taeibnk caur triendsansd .K çr~ PfaI <urin the 111and mthofour Short Itenu of E.9p,"cianteret to LibetivMIe Peop~e - O- M.Clama Wlte. ________0F. Baldwln and Famliy. NOTICE AU clUizens of Lîbertyville wiio are iaterested an the Milwaukee avenue paving ameeesment arm refflsted taý rneet at the 'Town Hall Saturday atter- ,Don. July, 29th, St 3 o'clock. It Firt in L*I<e Conty -The INDE. s N OW'SI z- Sucuet terms arc avaiabe on this snddel, and it la ramy for Wmmed- iat. delivery to your home. Corne in and talk it over. Decker & Neville -Phon~e 56 LI~TYILE Yom and Your Neighbors Can Enjoy an Outmng At Gage's Lake Cost of 50c per Passenger atl A Motor Bus for Al Occasions, T 306 »-fl AUTO LIVERY The Seas'ons Harvest lu the *Spring of Youth" the farsighted sowt thought-., fully. Through -ife's Sununer" they toi1 and save. with, ea. vision of their future. When -Autumn' cores the harvest as'justat ho have madeit. .w Then, ina 'Winter's Twilight- well earned rest is the . . ward of their foresight and thnift. Read jou fiue in your buk book. op« au accouat witl ths sreg National BU&s t..Y. Mmw. Wred Haînes vlltedi n WsUke Edwe.rd oyas vloj»d at the M. Joneas wan ý<oedRy. home I lu rsaXae froiD Sunday antil Bert .o tran«ctê.ibusiness1.2 k Wednesday. est vlited ai ithe borne of r.E s lirs. Merle -Young was a Wsukeg- borne 9umduf.. viaitor Wednesday. Jh .BaoOMro t a lira. Jane Webb 1 svisiting relatives cou"a Leader, w"a £ Lbertyville vis- ln Chicago Iis week. tor Monday. mi"a Hannah Meyer was a Mlwaul- Mmo. Seraih VauneZw left Wednesay kee vstor Saturday. for a ueek'a vlst -%tb ire. C. Brelle Mmre.Barab Meson Je acain 00fiedin Rleadr i. to ber home by iliu . " à i <i J <aofChicago vi&it- Norman liadole of l aakee &Dont e1 over Suaday aet *0 lhome of Mr. anld Tueedsy ln Libertyville. lirs. Ben za eu» BOl11 Sundy' july 2rd, to Mir. WiWs Mise LuesSa KuWgo of Deerfield vis- Mm. ien Skin, a on.ited severai dsYaS da Week with Liber- lire ~le Hooins.a iDl..tyville and! Area o>Uvea. Mise Vene Wheeler Yvlattd friOfidi r e iu osr Iaaa au at Elgin cver the week end.sd r. dHr. SlRzoeWInd Iind faid1 John .Burne of Deefield called on a elativet at D.stl Sunday. Libertyville f riendes Aday. John Lenter sAd *rnhY tried out the A son was born tW Mr. a"d lra. Smrn iew Paige aUtSo@bi Sunda: and Sebar [at lionday, July 24th. $Dent tihe day .t »MOSLake. Mi-ses Elle and Katbryn Morris Mr. and lirs. LAoBahut andi daiu,,Ii went to St. Joe, lilubigajvl. Otirday. ter ni Chicago apent te week e~nd at Mr and Mre. A. L. Webb were Chi- tehreo i3 ee oe- cago violtors Friday and Saturday. lirb. L. Z. Protina of Chicago visited « liere lust Frda. iÙlam Lng acaosTa Muss Mabel Ellis entertained lilas paniesi lhenhlime for a weeks X Lit. Margaret Arnold ot Milwaukee last Sundaî * Barkers SupetfInie Flavors, non. N1a Ben Clybourne and Miss Laillan alcobolie, make baklng simply deli- K.1.pper ap6ere Chicago vietors Wed- clous. For sale at al g11cery stores. nesday, Mr. andI Mas. LIS. Bro'aaan and tamill Mtr. and Mrm. John Lancaster viaitedl are takig a two weeks' ',aratonn Mrý andi Mrs. Wmi Steffes at D)eerfietd an automnobile trip tbroua.h W* ttndla> .Mrs. Edith Iayeo ek visited rends M rs E F.Hoakan wilîo bas been vis- n Aatioch ThuredIIyandi Fra ituil: rinde in Iowa.. retWned home vsitng ber parents lu Nlilwzttk.( is 1"t Sunday. week. O.flU 7 A*l aaWea.e, ai Evataston aas Mi." Galea R Zew of Franklin, Pa.,I ilie guet of Milas Stille Batty over the spent the weIend- withli er aunts. v. -n el. lira. George Raton a.nd lirs Rose Lpi MrE J.B. MasiGuttn andi Paul tMac- pnoi Gwf an Saurday .-enn were gueete lira. LouIs Laraoil andI chilaîren of of Senator andi Nrs Redney B. Swift,. Appletoi. Wis.. are vWisng ai the of' Lakse Forest, ai dinner. and a!ter- honw-,of the formier'5 niother. Mrs. C. wardsa ai the olytera ai Rav Ina Park. Spriný- You'll be safe to give him a I1CR0 cigar You mill always give joy with one of those perfect Perfec- t05. After dinner, you wîll apprec- jate the comfort of a f riendly chat over a couple of these popular imokes. Insurance of ail kinds Ph one154-M BERTYY1 ITU IDEPENDENI---ONLY $1.501y Buy a box today-they wil keep fresh indefinitely. Th. chaof 0<ail eut dos.m ln flowiesad plants of .v. ery'kl. ONE Aover may dlffr Sfroga aoibela &MUB but Dot la the swuIt cof lovelt>fie. fPxthey axe aH- ot ans Inlir -tise tasmly of cbeer-up-and-be Your lumberan'd'buildingm reqturements can be fiid herê' your financial acdvantage. in other w"rd, we wilI save you moml on theeprices. Every price advantage that the m"r afforis, will b. yours if you tlade, withil =At About Haif Price' $4.' phonse 29 Fine White Satine Petticoats Ich -----75, IW. W. CARROLL & SONS' COMPAN,, Pilrr-IONE 306. LOCAL DAY RATES 50e For Orne or Four Passeges. n Silk Petticoats, extra size Each - - Jersey Silk Petticoats Each - - mM Chas. D Proctor"; Pnice Readjustnîent on the New EDISON in Hepplewhite Desigu 1UST a short time ago this New Edison, an lkewhite de- Jsign sold at $167.50. Yo&a cari save $22.50 on the new price-oniy $1 45.00.- Graceful sunpJ'city marks the fines of this model, which blends harmoniousty with the furnishings of any room. And mnusic lovera wili be delighted with the remarkabie tooc. quaiitiea of the New Edisqjn. The works of farnous, artiste arae efflcially enjojtabe when lcand tin your ovin home with this dis- tinctive intrumient. 1 Libe"vâlel lu. 9 '