rg isax u n put-tia rebukit, butasac airest> ames -la cm t-bat oulti for ber Mm eing tihe ild tinta 1 forcible at-Ion, If vould ha wbich îL e. . oun t- cf t-be higbvil atroduceit. Id ha en- orolibiting :khostered leunis id- d have a nId Make t-han thbe xecutijve5 r>'. duf%à ion, l vas totna ha Jul>' 17, 1922 R. J. Dsdy s-id wlfe et- aito Otto Ds-dy and son; Lot- 55, Alleu 3'arm Sub. on Gages Lakte, W. D.. $600. R. J. Dady and vifs et- aito Rhea- B. Res-ier et alr Lot-53. Al- len srai Sub. on Gages Lakte. W. D- ., $800. P. T. lFowler and wife to E. J. Aigus-Un n sd ite; Lot-a B. 17, 18, I HOTEL* Good Meals50c WAV MKEANt 0j, vas helti befu-s Jusi-ce Cbhu. Ms-so i Waukegs-u Monda>. Mr. Welcb rap- reatted t-be defendants, vWho vert bounai over te t-be grand Jury unds bonde. Hei SteLlng s-d C.,Hais-ch- baiKer oot s- day otf lust- Tueeday and motord ta Psli-ne, BarrngtSi, Lake Zuarich auitGis. Nen- asy evessin- vii ha "Dixom »Mh1t-"' st tise dncb, -aieu thbe ycui toits it e,eedittise DIxesconter asce ZIl pertora. lou't-fait tostt-air as-id a h-t- tha>' Iesed. Wo er versty soir>' to bar of t-b deathisof ]Ilverett- Wolf, vico vas tille b>' accident- In Ciscago. Tics borbar« tmil anI> d relat-IveabaveOr syMpu ih tb'In thein hour cf tris-. Mr.sd Mrs. C - ZWouiied, wtit>m at Ais-um Dais, Mass., effle t t0s0 for Inia aiest- Tuasds->, August- 1, o3 tt-dX ymgsions-ry journey. Mr. aN SMra. Wolot-ed us-ad t- ormt vl~t- sadi ra bot-b splendid people. Wrll t-lie ma line of s-eeting bsfora t-bey gc 0 0 0 0o0a 0 0 0o00 0 " FOR AIL THE NEWS 0F LAKtE " CO'INTV, su"0RIDE FOR T«- 0 INORPENDUENT.-IJ A YSAR * a 0a 0 "0 0 0 0 2~I922.. a1ýÀLTy W. . 11,- -Pse ,. Ilwler a ndecSub,. in di .. Smit andwite Lot; Iland12. DEA S PiiA V Foir'a Vdar îaké Sub., W.îD Xayer and wlf e te W. A. 11tKtI4ASTWE~K Edw&rds and wife, 3-4,ot an acît- in SI-2, Sec 36, Deerield Twpt. W boans for the Week 'vere 1*~o tam.8. - $214,97R, Which Ils Far 1900 000000 000000 Above theAverage. *l UAGELICMF 0000009000 0000000 ily A. X. Bcwes, Asistant sec_ Ilsry j. Knezyuakl, 23, Chica-go retary, Securty Tit. and Trust Cc. Connue R. Gronhund. 19, as-me.o Business of the Eecorder'a Office Loo R. ]Epateup 38, Chics-go. fer the. week eudili July 22. 1922. Marie S. Iotyuai, 28, sauce. Nuxiber 0f . cfl ese5.59. Mitai R. Schmer, 25. Chica-go. t Niunber of catl,46. itaxine?., Gingaiten, 2, ilwaulier :~Nmber of -trust deedsanmd mort- wis.U gagnea.0. Gustave R. Schultz, Jr., Chica-go. ' 'Ictal Umwr 0fnstruments tiiitd. Margaret Kentopf, 18, samle. 0 236. Lee P. Becker. 80. Kenoaa Wis. C Total sniwct of loae=,. 214.f879.94 I Ether Mllhouse, 21.saime. BUness continues brsk uith iGe. Wm. Oweu Lawson. 33. ïo.- w am te average. ronto, Ontario, Canada. t e 10lwng art the more lm-, BessienLU Horn, 3, tilîvauke. Wîa- Pilliant 4oàia- eo. Wm, Moyt, 3U, Chicago. b i Waik.ga. Roger F. Pet-rson Kat-erine M. Blougle. 29 Wauva- biugbt the Chrietensen lot at nortb- gain. wist corner Sheridan Rond s-nd n.lnçD. Heobler, 22, Great Laites. gtvart Avenua for indIcad $3,- Vers BonsS. 23. lame.8 590. ,Maurice J. Sherman, 26, Chicago. lavinta S. F.uqua bouillt the Z. Rae Vallon. 27, saine. l P. Wilbur lot on wrest aide Northb ,Avenue nearly opposite Douglasi Av- 90000000000000000 eans for 11.500.VO lIerai-n Albrecht and le bought 0: 0 0O te GisraSmth lot on es-t aide *0.000000000o0o000 Cbatîut Street between Edward and Pster Streata for nominal conaid- Mr. Leak cf Dixon apent Wednuestdyay elion and gave back trust deel at Towmside Farm.d tes 11,til. Mr. and Mre. Hans-on and ddaughteî William R. Smyt-h,.T G. Nelson land MMi ella Hanscn of Madiscon. and C. H. (risman tought- the. llotm- Wis.. alre vuiting their auister, Mrs. berg lot on north ide Gittettt AV(-- P. L. Statrield. une just tast oi Northi Avpnult- for1 Charte; Parker antd teni!> utf rays lake were luntiay guetatsoi the' 8, J. Antôi l fidcit dio wffe bought tht'-.'DtsieU amllY. L.s-sson tlare on north Bide Fourtht Mises manon ilinon çt Elg.n iîs the' f4.Ireet betwtsi-n Ah and HickorY j5uentcof fier- brot-er, l,i lusonand Si reets for indicaied $1,000 and ave lianlly this week. bar-k t rust 4îýl 'for $2 0W).iiStp-,b flotte] , Milou ha. sp.uthi, Harold L. l'otter bcught tht-(tluis p"l.1 1 tty-iic e 1ýrsîn the'West, ils psees lropcrty on north ,,Idp tîtec ms-ny otsi ls .boyhouti frit-nds in Gran-d Avenue- near IlutrJek >trrept thits-cmuat h irto h e for fndicatt'd .11.50q and car ebat-k. erutitth'ietoteaek trust deet for $400..C E. Wheei&y> cf Libt'rp.ifle vis- Bruno Frs-nkcand i wfe bugiithe litei att the metubvrs of th.- t'fg Club1 LJ. Wilmt lot on Wathîio,,n 1, r dy Park for indicats-ti %î000. -_lc -i î,,G ce- i fi Eéther Nielhon bought- thbe onro oung Ul ouiS s-rt guk-sL't eofr-nds ait place on north Fddt George Asi-nut- CrystiLaite Sunday.t just west of .it-Alitier Avenue for Suaiday Sehmoo Jut> 3f)>alt 1.46 1). 1. u indlcateid 91.000 andi ga'-,-baclt trust Church, service ail 2t,0pIl. M.Lait1 deed for $4,512. - Suida>' six Young people troua the for- n Nortih Chicago. Trustees r ersu-home or the t'srr.Rev. James. Sehoiolof Twp. 44-i. t)îitrict No, at Kinoti, attenaletithe "srivice here. Co bonght 16t,;Y'g on 'ýaâi ide Kam- ttI waz aIse a tr-at te have tht' oppor- bIe Avenue between Twpntv thîrd twill) t ohitai -isss MRlon' Huson1 Strleet and Monroe Avenue from F. isld. M. Toilnson for 03,350. Mr. andi Mrs Leslie P'addock andi On Hlghwood. Robprt lotking children 01 VaucoInda virited 3Mr. andi and wvifs bought- tht- Anna e- An- Mci. A. Paddock lait week, Wednesý dirson propet>' on south sie Prai daY the> ail motoredt t Oak Park t t rie Avenue for indicat-ed $3,501) and spend thse day wfth reliatives. tave bock trust deed for 115'0. Thie LIdites Ad Socijety' wiil meet On Highland Park. Jaaper (' wth Mrs. Josop cogt neit Thuradai Rinehs-rt aid vife. bought- the Udefl stiernoon. Auguat 13. It li boped that lut t nortiavet cOrna4 Vine andt thre vili be a large attendance, tIldothian Avenues for I12.. ar i ia .Top sc ct Naae J. Alexander boiaghrt cMr.eand; 3r. anJ i. R, V f Ntchc *OC I-. Morgan place on vest aide WaLukega; Mr. and Mni. Rabert- Ricb- g ivida Rossi balvean Vine andi arilon and daughter Sylvia, cf Ridge- Zhuis Avenuesafor $20(00. land, and Mis A Mine Benvell. cf Chi- Ms-y . Reasding bouglit tit'M. .1 cago usa Semis-y viatorsaist the' honme Stalaaert place on esst aide Glecno of Mrnsad lira. C.tD. Dillon. Avenue for lndicatesi 1.000 and gav e bas trust deed for $200. Thse dedicatlionaervces of (Camp .llett-e L Tannant boughî the IJuacai, prasentei te the Y. W C. A. J. T. Mtzet place on north ;ide of Chicago b>' Mr. lJu.nca.n. wa.-,fheld ceantrs.l Avenue fiat wsat cf Date et Fish Lakte Stidsy. Mr. ,.esoDer. Avenue for * 00.eaite aecri't-ry and mny othcUt. noted Výe1djnnd 3Hctz haught the gitspeaes '5van epieomt tu me- Lwth G. CrândalI property on Xaple Au- thbe iiSi>boy% 0.05' t the ~c. m'p.,tIn es-Se nir t. John. Avenu, or chanta cft1MrHart-grove. isdicaUed ,000.- In 0.esfIld Townsahip. Wm. 5 *S8.0 .S~ WvacOa and Irfe bouillit tee- a KALF BAT Iéuntbs,'oSan acre i 8W and Sac. 30 fnm AlLons ayez'fer flasted "le"0. On aocunat of onot avis-g beau pro-ca in Deeilew iiVIRe.. Ceil W. <s-i>' dves'tised, oui'r mly Scizool Edyle and i we boultitreIbs.lots picue .a =nau lagey atteanded as ob Weat sid" Spl'ngeldAvenue t aboulsi have beesa.But.nevertiseles., laM iJOh" P. HuhI for lndlestedaveryting wesapAof fieand everybody lum. bad a coud t-lie. Our' ladiego scared Libtylville. Pere-y G- Snow ont iln thssr lruosad banl gam, ego *ne bougisi ii. <Carr.$. Cook theb w>s piiyed the nar#edieu. sand WbeatO pacé of oie-halt acre at t-he game reaulaite i a Unc. The. vit-' aortheaat Corner Milwaukee Avenue melon prize badl to la. eut lu t-vo. We and R. Rl. grouds for indcatsd 1.litais tato take tbis opp~ortuWnty cf tic*k' 100. lita Bs- ros. for' the.une cf their in ZIon. Wm. Smith Walley snd gpinianad danice floor. The boys vUe bought the Adami Koet Place are publIc spirit an ad alvs-ys onth onsliret- aide. Elsha Avenue Juet- squa'e and deaei-'e the patronage of agati of Tweaiti-fourth Str'eet- for thes conzmuilt-y. $4600 and gave bs-ck trust deed The'gshal «urne bet-veen or boyB and fPt tr'600. Evereti lait Sunday resait-ad ju a in Warren Township. Rets A. Ton- ec<orvr of 12 to 7 lu aisvair of Rvezrett-. nRer bought tae .Otti Woolley farm"Naxt Suiay vo vilI cross bats with of log acres in NW and Sec. 21tice crack Dis-moud Lakte team n the loir iddleated 85,000. subJect to en- Coo<k itamcum. This avidenty i>'si ha eisdibranca. a ver>' splilteti gante. Don't- fail t-e in Cuba Township. Geort'e Kand- ele in. jk bought the Bernard P. Baen Last Monda>' C- J. Masson and C. J. ais-ht acres east of rive-r in SE 1-4 Herachisenger attendasi the court sale Sec. 4 for $1,250 of the. Jacobc Holt estate, whih vas fied a±t the court bouse lu Walakiegs.i 000000000000000000 Thta>' slacvisit-esiMm. Cocna st-the 0*RM E fJ U AIX TUMO g0licAliter hoelpâts-iaid report ber ai 13y A. K. »W», * Inig gond. t ** *ooe oseo ooe The trial of theStat Gaiie W.rte 0 00 00 00 00 0 0 0 1 aas.wt William Buck and Wm. Kratn lir . E J. Gis-a ent-t-o tise CtyI Wedne&ds- lirm Chas-. Meyer sad cldreai, Piailip andi Chas. Jr-..cf Ws-ukagai, spant' Wedxieaday vit-blrs. N. P. Busch. lin Gorge Zimmer aid daughlten,1 Estila f Arlit-anHeis-lts, speut iuseaay vit-h ber sister, Mmn A. J.4 Ranpp PSabent Bas-nat sua potanad us-t-h pis- v. vbtle cutting cals, ts- oisaù mof tbe possonoa vee= Wm LuebbevIaW v-a iscned by poio-ai vS "a=o cct-tiga a s-y Busclhansifaaniyvwera cillera s- -eCrelinare fus-niMonda>' venuig- N. F. Buschlinlaon- t-e eilis-t. o tOON LAKE o Ulss.Fs'uiait raux sud cistdren me- tnedtu Cb'agMonday att-en apsu- aus X"k. st Ir cttaia. riaa Palessonlpensiixs-a feu timys ST TE ~ itiisvIaty >'. To. evesyhody va me t-hein once Puis-t-ticof UPU BEA ER eow tea«*1eI d W.d aasfter-, rMr. and Mm ra. t-h Wîckeraiteim Il>det te J. N. 111=11 home tat Appty for Extradition Papers toc Secure Domlnlok Petracci 1 Clarence Buaschia lady friand st- for Trial Here. Itendad the picase let ffldaY. BULETI A. j,. ppand,,fassIy entertainati BLîI tbreeasut-o od mp ladsun Springfild, litI, li>25, (Speclltaday. o~nsYli u TH'E Sun)-Act-iag Qoverntor Fred E. 1 jra.,RayBuac1I daugit-er, Shirtey Sterling tods-y lated a requleit-lon onlslc Rui t~ ond Norman thi Gos-gr g' f lAsconsin for thbe lianuon vWtiedt F. Buscha tlat- retursa of Oogmihick Petraccl, who in Sunda>', under -arrentInluKeaooha. Neie is ari . o, n pnd -le want-ad In Lake coufty on t-be charge vcaioairgat. , rS i pndn a of aaaault wth Intent to murder Paulvatinli-asiF carne>' an July 19, 1922.v,,Grainecuttingiejig'VM bijaIstut- int-is Extradition ppalirs for Dominick Ivcinit>, the ostis- ns ai ne Petracci, slis Tony Tarazzi, proprie- place&, t-tr cf Ides-I Inn, a part- cf "Hal's a M. Marj Sé WU a sncaiez- st- the Hait Acre' nasr Russeal. IIli.,-bae homle c .1 G.luait Tuestis-> been applled for st Sprlngfield b>' jatte.as-o St-te's Att-orney A. V. SMitia, A vs-' rnt- charg-is- Petracci wit-h assaiult Emma StuarmaIputTtesday st t-bec vit-b latent t-o kilt wavs-saora eut home cf Mmr. ;, t Saturday tbrougb thse îste's office. Minas Clans- Leôlant lier vacation It- wiliiha sil cf a veek bere "le lu the city. papers Cani haeushedt cgb t-. LHat.anbeco Illini t atte capital to Madson .~1ib, L lo~ t ~ .adVc accordins ta Smith, .and Petratic rtan St-urasia *tvi ted st George i- brou-ht h-r,- 1cr hia pre-ilminar>'IUy ht-aring. The graveI snd a, ââgnt- for t-be sork In the' otanubile Peti-acci vilii ts-c ontt-be rondi, bon 0;1 st p-asc charges for Licesale cfIllîcîr iquoýt Maybevwit aalot ofpattience and goond ai Kenosha. He lasas-idt-oa have cola hes-it-b e Ma> y WOta sec tht'goond drinks et int-oxîcatuig lquor cicr t-he vont start-id. bar or Ides-il Iaisccordins- te the Tre KeilerBnci.are deiverng t-be ltenosha rouait> sicerlf. i mat-anal for tise rad froua Aptakisic Tht' Wisconain ltallani t-t anted li 1ît-Owhère it ta req*ted. flic ales-ed bhatis- cf John ('arn, y, .1JatchbZimmer ud fanait>' f Pullman, 8iî-year eutit usselIlt-t.. rt'ýitent orr es-eo st J. N. IBuachsand tithec tht- Ilinois -,îde of t-be statt' ic& Jtuty' friands lait- Stind7. 19. Carne>' ia in s- preesricus reondu j The beautifol nain, again we s-et- tien . Severai ibs are brokai anti oeil it-. aid on $sturday night t-s,,t-o tif ici hriis- brins-saut tht- hitcf la>' ail t-be dont for Sunda> t-ns-flic, thant thi-aged Lake .euniy' fttene.i rcoisnt-tua-gnd wtlt cor survive is tay n St. Cath- anttjs gie ine buspitat, Keaicaba. wtîe h- s-as. Victoria Kaster, vho bas hecto viit- tik-c cifter t-be f)ihtug st thahomi"e cf lben grantifat-her. Johîn Reynolds, s-ho va-,a î n,,. G. M. Weidner, rat-ns-led t-o tht' rit-y. te the accident. pullé-t-Ithe en-re-I Isbelle Wetdu.s- ccmpanieti ber Italien f rn thi- pi-arae old in . home t-o spends ber' vacation in thet'rty. Ha t-i-licof Ptatr cpliaCarne> Saieaof o-, junor sIpris are excellent- fronoi fs wagon andtil- bark icg is bs-se bs-ll pis-s-ara, If tjsere sent' nune cf t-iarn over him, ad t-iemt-bey conh boidt thein os-n with licputy Sheniff Rîrin Grîffin niat-the t-alsmbers ad *Wt-ltha beat- cf tht' trip to Rases-ha vseriday aller themt-c. But alss-t-lere areonly four. Petracci ltad bei-n asi-c-a but the Kanoaha count>' autltorities ntfui't'ti Wo-are inoreued 0f t-he sasides-t-hof ta turn inti z- t-o the ' î.c ouit> a vs-il knoiqrastnd, -lily esteemed officiai. yuing m-, Uv,. cieltt- olf, son cf Veaterds->'Pet-rat-rf gaini-d acces-s Mr. aidMm-s.#s-cb 1"f cf t-hic lace. cames-yra>'O-u ir t-o tht' roora cf t-be On SUtndy l m5frkî bitvas callaiout- as-ad fariner cf t-be st.,Cat-herin&a t-O vont, lie dMnt Iu a if hi satd hoapit-al. MHesreatly fright-eaed tha t-P got fis-st g:aL f=.,lY m-eu lit' ~ ~ ~ ~ mn romadh ait o tsv --iatte g'-yv* H[e had nome id mac vhc yelled at hum t-o e vomt d n taarst10g.pu--n th rdi ad e alei frhelp. wm a di oiu t a -ta i-t-spuce cf b ouidn't bai-e hurt you for tt'einsom fet, =bt .di t-e asft- soi-id" Carne>' decîs-res Patracci sa-d. fastes'ersiaseke ma lie SalIt-ha distance fi uasetht' hiska>'.' of fort-y feet *" bt a cament- pava- Carne>', hadi>' frls-htened. refiald ei nst bc died lu thbeablnc. a t-c istEý aittohlm. Ton t-ned t-a kiltislaves i Site M" jXcisIdren. tise. me!" ha shout-ad as Petracci icast-enad oliet beins- e lemn olt. The eut of t-be rooni. tuera" v t iWdobesds-y sais lin ternactatU MmttRoula caret-ay. The 01100041,00@00@000900 breeave& famuly a r t-mdeepesti 0 A PTA K 1S 1C o'~-> ooooooo~ao oo 00000 RuthailH _rcspent unsyaiglit as-d BREAKS 2 TOES WHEN MAKING DIVE: Hanry Keefe. wall-kiown Wauke9.an youaig msa anti membiti-of Chri stt Churcli choir is campiaig- st- Dzoct- Laite vit-h t bar membera el tht' choir. He vas- in avimmung Yes-ter- di>' saidwvss-divins- off tha cpi- board on t-ha plan shen in coneva> bia foot- truck tht'e ege aid he broki- t-vo t-ces. He is therafore fsid UP j dînis-tht'balance ot tbe cOîcurh Es- t-be lake. - 0 0 10 0000 C 00 50000b0 L AXE IV ILLA 0000000000000600: lin. IL.L Bas-nat-abla vas s- Chicago pass«esgr last Wdnesd-y. Unr. Mina Gilbeartof Gurnea, ta apaudins- a tes veeka vith ber daugli- ter, Ms. Borae Culvar.. H. Mater, A. Kine aad C. B. Hamlinbtnnsatet buudàeaa luWaulec- gmS luat Sit-urtsy. Ms-a.Madouxiandi mous mpait bat roiait K umbe a M-~enad. Ms-a. Selou 01 csOgoý ta gust cf Ra. Wagser- ttis vel. gr. Mdunitlra. JamS es anc mccm- Eus-tedRay Reian mitr t-rip t-o lacglut s rdAy snd apeit t-Un Sundayev l w ialaMr. sud lira. lira.Der-by'rebt-urtei 'sat-ek t to ber bome ne asMarahfisdWls mtera tiares veeka viait vitb fries a le." Kms.Alice Hovard cf Chics-go tla dW faIg es veecu vith Mr.S.M Laite Villa Daya, Ans-.11laid 12, yull ba big- daysliLaie -Villa, andi aven tiserons-h bome cf thea.ronde ay ha cioeed, ct-lera yul ba open. Our main at-rees were ouled lait seait, se nov se s-mabrat-bing cleaner air. p George Vals assit à&Ms-s Mr.Kupi as- in MmMaxellare tayigs-t attendea iuic e t MastoasGro. st t-tuas-cottaee Iis aSi. Stindi>' t,,, uad'M-s. I. G. Biaiseter-s- 1 Matfia Voas ta pendîns-a veats-- ei qt -m vfi nutt-hein, ILlbartyvlile villaber oncle, George. ti<at5-lYVmgIsbonoos- f Ms-s-lias-nd Anns- Wadtraass calleai-dbs-Ias et ltheberne oftlMn. Frank » Bacher lut Mss oroUy Banai1wbe Set th a s a uda.serionsascintnome lame as-o as stoti >uin the Wjey boapital Chiais-o, bint ta r George Vola, M-a.Ell Kmf sud on thea. rosit recover'. a n. Frank Bor-tis tdd fes- aHf eDaySanda>' aciool pienc s-tDis-moud The American Las-loi es-ats-ia late ' nde-y. -<jite s- numbar ett-be camp oerthse week-end. John Honps, enairmn cf linsEmas Sturm anti Mn.. Eti Gise thse Les-ton broke t-be record Batuitay vans ebus-y plitins-eara t-be latter part vhai bc es-ns-ta pickerail ippus t-be aof lastvtm s-alue-tt-en said cie-lislt poua>ds Il James Ms-tous-ai anti Caroline Buxschs lia-Ett-a Etivandsof Ravensvooti, emot-oretto Wmukas-an Saturd->'as-fer- spezat thebevek-anti s-t-h-e Andra noon. - co-ttage, linrs-aidlins. A. J. Rs-upp entert4ined Mr. J. Breien aid boys 0iomita compas>'Fnida>' avenngs. Park, rtus-ned t-o t-bau' bouse Mana>'y James Mitouseit, Fred, Caroline unit mor-ins- vitb bopesof *nziintbe s-et ie Donald Busch peait Frida>' avenus- s-t of t-be faisil>'t-o t-be lske qtleir t- t-li Creat-more fravacation latar, France. Brexitemeas ho MmC -idLr.. ihai-a fnmlas been laid up vith lôdoi alozsng ta Wiuitan, called at tiahe orne etJ. N. epeai tOh a el n-btome-n Busch lutI Satunda'. vtsthm t- John Mornisciso, Jr., AI Boutai. Mr anti Mns. Hecy Bauan adsu on, zClarens-e and Fred Buscht ser A rtlu r, of Weatziont, ID, psuta - e >n Wbeelies- on bus-iaess las-tRatsal-y da"vith Mr. said lIra. EKG. Becker. -. aveulis-, lira. Eood and cons ai Cilcaga, are ru Ms-s.Loyd Rit-sntliler, Bertlis-oct stt-hein place fer t-he sommer ar Boit-je, vaatmkes-t-o t-bIoopital vitl mont-bt. Cais f iiadicittaBrmmaxi>'friands Sotie of our resci-ters ause ojoytns- h-hope for e psti' cover>'. nev pot-t-oaafrom lh* s-as-dan. i S. L Tnipp of Area, hailat a truck Hurrah! for or Chics-go girdessers. rla-aiof lumben visicis liapus-ebasat troiEau Oees-t las-t s-taasy. Ig ff et AI Buntots, FraINI&:IONTd igln Pa. -2la f-oncf OBJECTION CASE bc AIMuatoas, Jr., aid Alica Btt-i admot-croitut- Praire ie 1e on busines The ce ci a number of objec- luat Wedneaday ateU% ncil. tons1. t-ohe t-s-zassasament i Zion Wble retasnsius irons vomitlut Tuu- for tics yes-z-1921, vhteli s .bean re di>' sits-aootia Fond trucit alammieai paunifIai- t-le rouaitycourt ici- idl into îBs-y Muaci's Saxon damnsa-ls-it serriral veeks s-t-ciday xnottnmag s on quit*ealsIl 14o0me vas burt completad co fs-r as t-be angoisenta Md M léMt and isiaolh, l la ere cons-amati, Juds-e P. L Per, Swr Malle i 'lnu rtç 'esous hovever decîs-red t t-bie rouIi [te aalen. tba viuity I t- . not bucs-hIe te set t-hea tu *ven go ha vuld gIve s- des-hlm -» there Ms-rt-luWolf vas lu town Tàuratiay la a large qus-itit>' <if ddi00e 0 evealhas, wvjn irs-t ha compallati t-o $6 oser. Mm lira fJcla Rilb as itdad bter, Tala pJactiCali>' finigsielai thé tas Ir; Deil uit s and as0f aleao»W« fflebjition es-ses vitb thcsexq»Ptioi t reuidtMber, -vet.tise>'kept a of, te lods-s'aruIlis- nhi ie vasious * mosSabqct ~twir'fve Yoma s- agQmWers J. D). Buford ta diviris-a Dotige tranr nt- s- herse thi. ttis,.) Thte Ladias' Aid bs-zsar stIlopen promyjti>' at 7 o'eiock nazI, Sat-urda>' evenins- and you silbea-be t-e fiaid aimost an>' article lI thiliais cf -as-aortment- f ap nons and rus-s. -A committee wilI ha in change cf ire crea-nanc cake, aise s- ps-i-c alela Tics vomi on t-be roatis le not- gein- on ai fsst s-s- a e t dasiru, but-t-be roai t-aWaikera ia dons anc sort baguai tovard Antiocb.- Mr. Mernicit, vire bal tise centns-t-a for t-liaroad seat t-o Lebmann'a cornes-, aise for t-be oe saut-b, bs bis machiner>'un anad mea-t>'fom business. lira. Carl Retnbueb sud Betty Jane et Ciec,ara speains- sfer veeka vit-h han parents-, Mr. anti lma. James Leonard. Mr. aid lira. Bsn Summnera cf Wauitegan, vers s-ceat of lira. Suxi- merls sit-en. lis. A. Kapple said fantll>' on Sonda>'. Ai vbo bar d Mr. Havit-t cf lisai- at-on, st t-hachorcis lut- Sunda>' aorn- lus- felt slsd for basins- beeauisane, said aima eujoyad t-be grls' chiar. Mri. MesClosite>' xpacta t-o be a b eetr next Suda>' mnis- service and tise Sain' t-a>' sebeol conventIin amrAirtiocit, Laite Villa, .Hicitoy and Mullburn chus-ch sf11 be baud li t-be btins-bbers. An luterset-tis-pros-m s preparans-d you are ver>' vals-oms, o F0lt AU. THE NEW8 0F I,.AK e a COUNTY, SUBSSRIBE FOR THE. a INDEPENDENT-4150 A VISAR 0o0. 0 0 0 0 0 0 RAILRO AD C d##IM Raîlrod Earnîngs - repre.ented b>' frticht and ei- jpe ratu ge CONJROL.LED b>' t-he ntsrs s Gass Wiages-over 60% of a roads cxpnel-re CONTROLL.. ED b>' the United Ststes Railr'oad Labor Board. Prrpesaf mat-erials are CONTROLLED b>' conditions in other industries. TKe Commission has st52Â% as the maximum net Oper- sting bncome, out of whicb 10 9e>' Interest, Goal of Sm- provementa and Divieds-with no guarantai of an>' part- of Ibis per cent Wîth Earningst and Expenfsanad Net Incarne, OUTOIDE.- TIIEIR CONTROL, the efforts of rilr.ad execut-ives (uaila ject ta the additionat restrictive control of varlous muates) are necessaril>' limited 10 the oporutine probIiro ofafford- ing efficient service under adverse conditions. Chkiaso, Milwaukee * St. Paul My ro PUGET souND ELEcirRiFiEp, INSTALLS FUJLL LU6hT M iSYSTE Switchlng on Street>and Rles- idence L.Igts Marked by Big Ceremony. Winthrop Hait-cjor vas rascuati from darnesB Monds-y nilft sha tht' Publie Set v ice rompais cf Nont-ban Ihuin! cuainertet t-ht- Btreat ilihting systî-m said tfte reai- deaices t-e l--hie. Tht' village s-hici tien Immediate> cortc of Zioi, and ti 5ands t-o t-het st-at-efine, rosa t-o t-haOccas-ion cauti tielt a lttlis-celebratios. A baud stand sas erecteti on Sheridan ros-d aid s-t-erars fes se- lections b>' tieLhe nb.t>band cf ZMon Git-y, John Aient, prarsldeait of t-hie sIllage board, t-s-lied ou t-ha mem- bers of t-haebs-rd wvoice wt-un, dvelt on t-he a iik heurs tlat Win t-brop Harbor bati gone t-hrough s-id boy thse nev davelopment meant an Important st-ap foi-t-ha future of t-be viliage. Justice Tmusdale deacrubati t-h- avointion oif liglit that ha hat il-t aies-aid ln his long erasilu Lakte ceonty. Messrs. ('hi-is Jangeai. bOnud" Kniglt. lanc Ahiaiaienson. t-he geaiaf cii-i-k anti furtif-i pri- tient spoke of the- satisfaction t-e cit-uzans feit t-os-rd the n tii-s- ih fig systern. Thaems-yen t-ieFntntr ctiiTheo d 0t t-- iti-rh or Vaukegaut. niais-s-e cf tht- Public Service- ronitat->, who ctrtgrs-t-tlat th -le viis-agi-ouit-heur niodetr ihiîoyernînf, tivdtaitf 5Cm i-ntth on ittt . reliationr tt- -n tii-- cutit- rt-and the i u tt-t- riand çîOfnfeti os1t tes i i lti fori XVirii t-tii-p lit- ho- ii r i-w of t-h,- t-c t-fat 'the-I bo St-jr c- cîrîtîttîtî tti, re pae 'ticili a ). ti Maii- i tio --ci tie -, t-fgv t 11 te n-t' ,t i-aGit.ýteii, and tuzgeil rut ritze> r t-, ro gît - un st-il strt-uppur tt- t l-t ttoo-rti- i tclub t-e rake \N'i- tht--n o arfta-e httt-ir ttil i - t big- .gi- i i r-t-titi a ftown un s;hil hann n i iut ant inritris il - rir atil Buy a Deering Binder. AFARMER who bas spent the best Apart of his life growing grain and who has figured out every side of the prof- its anîd losses of grain growing says that the binder is the one machine that madle possible any great profit in the business ci raismng small ran He hiso says tbat~ no mattr wht Me uld uy any offher bind-' er for, he would buy a Dëeenig, becaue, after years of =)e ce Mi maiiy differoet kinds of grain leds, he Enows "bathe, Deering will take care of any Problema in gRa. cutting that it may bave -to face ThDeerin binder bas been on t"i market for clou to tbre tesOf& ceritu lt-adMore th= a mY zaie it has a the benefit of = nwg and of field tests of eve You wifl appreciate the Deering bindei. Corne in and sSe US. Schanck Haâi umre Plhoe-39 etuirwê A&m 16 W umicm rtomàt.GI Wrd ad 1« *2 ln es wlmdva »W« be.i Co"in & Doane Co,. Monuments and Mausoleuma Down By The Electric Station Phone 200-J Libertyville, fMinis HOUSES FOR SALE Two new bounes os Founts Street lIat vs vil]BOU1 nIgt- Tises. buRlt b>' us of t-be st materials and b>' lafior om da-bweia. 'Tb* no ù=m about tises-. 71y-foot g4ead lots. Stade treeéà xX W Moulsa have large living rocai, kit-chou. tv bed rocca. thtft*1 and bath oi main floor. Two bed races- on seocd flou 71»a emasatesi abemnt. Water. gas, elotielty. aliai m U lt PiNcs of ose 14,800 aud the othen 14. .Tala place bas n>s*u seooad 10cr and bua- no bs-=Maiat. FttDayment 1100, bW es>'. WIII put lu lumose for UPh. 00) extrau. AIEIUCANWMEFM CECG. pnu 80. LIIBITTYUA- Theedo,'. H. Dingt, Prosicient W. I.L slth, Vies Pr"a F. W. Churolli, Saou' a"i sdMana-ger. TaLEPUa 8S SECURITY TITLE & TRUSTV ABSTRCT 0F, TITLE - TISGAAW Capital: $125.00.00 WAUKWCGN- I L 1 o a.ao RU~ 0.1-ast' a D~ay lITS