CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 17 Aug 1922, p. 15

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411 et *wl fo larrtt , seflù a . iw.~. 4ie. beor«ebe t pectt4yjIl loi* - 31.7 11145~ -. obiaku fiai 44.2! 43.54 tan, repi*rtmg tisa _______ 154 uer,. repslriag laWn - ---- 4.54 54I~~ttaa 51* ~7di ti&m~b*esx1 _______ ,1.0 ~. c.., 1; foot ___________ S.. g, 5144 _______ 130 v ~e ~ 5.~1 nover. rueu r- $~ mu I .<ymmd -~ Sa Le Pair - - a Ms IL I au.,.- .L ais 1500* -'-a par1e.go rem#13a, o Ive ber. si a.-,-. -s - i t'Iisna 1040I*~ su 0< Uup~rvlsOr VIOl 38~taEltévodI lyds *ubmthe. ge: cm. A'sa i.. r au -vtae ispae. wa Pte- 09 A*e nce tate 09 O nVoué. i w-,e, 09 fte 'revu99 Aveu., outrfa «.sof t.lait4b 20.06 5315 t. *IoMà. Çr ~ 5 ~d4 $506 - 4î0 bediav as, .~i.-..q.o..e C6u4tq-..381 ~gcma Ce. W$ loÊve e&aaled Mli ues i Phu* bsota'« nmm ue8pti£ Sud <idsue'ert..&111< la aictaica ui ls bàOs mofan, M 6E f 381.4?.bm*»4w« - Al 0 vtei leeiecfl m viq= bo beq'offt x» ïn ' eiltteit the iv Mfi- 04, voo4~.. Bakoni', bncai-.--- - pI. Sfgti, çWthl5g~ - epan Naclmiee se~. l1e~--------- I seau Macînnes. ser- elb..-.-.-------.-------------- 2 scia Mékiehie,. soi' 3 ét~ ~ Co. 8s5- ~ i -4- o te : t he 1w XW41$ -uo ad. S' à ý -t t' ttT> 41. 28hs .ieb m R.ÙSrtono Fçoàttte. subIk MIL -lx 19185Ia t bfl i People 0 q.Igide. ystem of W, PRoute No. 22 ÉbàL the-ueertal oowâmts in the . 140! ethle State b4twqeeln ou wlU be t fltoh aeklism 102. I on and9.Uié ledi, and on motte. et Bunirelee 40~d1 th0 e ]1ine ;1) Bt IlUE UV1t Webb referred to theBw »LiitsPw« to *eL& ~t IbiBoard pt eM m i te8.4 115B 7 T ote lieu* rd as f*vorlyg*5Wd An~d t t10 Uiq Boaf of sopérVlsors of lait* IOr B=Sow's ]notonwa e Department m! Pui MW Coott7. minois: bj thi e WWwing o pullfl gsbea É 94~ej ~ qr~t t8OUOner. O yeffl vTbosee Tttflg jA 40 avoabylcuucçil repéets tbat lie Iothet o wner or lthe Au* 12ru, el p.q Dated et WIkuI L 14 oiIe il, IUteDc, PIck., Mo4rteIa > S49Y of June A. 0.l. in uitue'm-aji ntobiw12 eKelly, Martin'~vM, EXI . LFJOK&"A Ote eOX pairtel of UMuIMO, Naber. Obee, Otoaatr SIL 0. 210ER. 1901d 1»'foot more or leftIli wlâtb, PidOC, Ç Usa. 2ry 8utttonj JAMU <O'MN R.. lYtig,eutl of the preant ditch or ' vei*uYrcole 84. WXIrM ye.'81*WOM *jý0*«North of And 4jotulng 1lad 1,16: Min civl6or M.yer 1 Supervsor'W* bâ~O*lattiire- b ~n4 I Ray Preguame coufl- u riar (mv. ItXIi lmrs ki ý0tionli~e ac0.0Mu aptd. I~r n~or loue, tyigwesterly »r., A0,Mite ouiaMs. ton carrter! ua= ".,4éIyU» adr itn.West of theN. E. li>hy . . bîte £4Wb bgtg Supervisor Kfr%W*neVbM r* * W1 , M i. 241. 46 N., R. 9 absent80Act oi. , -ne«. rd saervioir swmàte cObtimu et: ~he * * Imit laoverflowe4 or UtheJfldliikT Ceutiflte1 " mt* E4mte of 1iniIW&.X4 oo8iJ :'bvm pisad vttWa the. moaclig efthe tolawIng r»part: Board o2 8 4= 1 e, tb.Stut,. is h.therefore pways Stae of'Idixiotm, Cùtaty- et Lele a s- r. Chat 0f 014 ~~ Ymir bhooable body villii lvn-br f-Rprtos eu Tlj ~.Board -of MUe*2 , minis lsd "mat to hlinMr- CbMa'IMR4ln uGentleman et fli comaiO intj*44 . 1fl *5a quit all deet of tiilame lapon Board et Supen'tors 'could beg teyMupyb te m'*$Sm 4s~'e ezamn.4 * 4 - EAXIP EG.14ZER. tOtalme report -test tbey huve 'th BQIe them d1eýF* Ot' otat. Board ce Sugurtisors oI*eclalu t ofO'Brien Secret ert il àwt of theS,0w$4 14640 f11,4 December 1&. 11, Werk btf itl.t411~Uhl- l fl ?pb«toaer. Oliver Moult, rep- 40TcroO4emUand li!report 1u te tb U.several ruois- 0'U estmw t Ut bto fétim. uwer of the foi- Iowas: mante tovi Iguw~ 4es em~prqprty,,Sitnsted ln We nad 4tht, ciel=bue be~ enre Names Oi WI0oisu. oôy a1,1* d t theBoard at .vcry mting sCe DwlIy Sun.m~4~. 1110 4"?lsa tes8fot 0f tii. SotliWest l Wou 1,4 vitbout deatea1, o Lb~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~1w Mbotjlelsl .,*Ie 15' srjW 4 qft»e 9. W. iarter And Ilicrefove recommend jhait muid 111. uptîs11seI~m$ tt4(ILsw. -luiu,>.fSctod 4 - .45, W. 3R. 89011113be settird lufui» for Uic suis oj Mme .~ ,muet oc ý 0f P I, .nd15thicWest 3ne 1800»0. aI 1 C. Kasseel, »Où. M'eUê it 0f 1814 gut, UM t uaiter (S. E.R epectfullr iubmltteil. Rlu ilte tSlOUl age Vp0for, M» gtk ý,vs& <Mrer (8. W. EDW&R» . M AWmAN. JO supplies OF 01tid24 a0fUM,4.IyixW -Soth' of H. B. Itom. T'r. ÀSIà oolsmeàffl,-.- 4654*4 l» -0#the , persluk Suucr,!sor Erc.121 jo,-ed ttbtt j ~pW. M. We1ckUfçaoè10. 11supputé ?&I, (té ,awuhd> exeptfiierfrlareport ha accOtfed'aiid adopteit. Allen C6.,44 OcMêve4 40 oiptu hm *z&fvot 4 7011( t01 belg bai!. Suée:. ~~~w A u WrSit < da401. Jse S', 182, ýBrolwae mtte. va" ..r:e bis of btli g 54Il a.19 me oobtsiu4fis le acres the followisvote: AUor - .tandoare 8<oura34111 otgAje Ste.$uperfgmOs M ntted. mort rt et mati toM 2. vbst 1 Ut1 . AtUto. Brown.-Burke, Cs. 1.5 RED a ïe5.~jo <m: $tl 5r. Eger, 1outtele. Xdy hO CONRAI> LJS1'b.âgésho b. tcfoe -p1578 Lw0f our v. ier. Martin. Meyerq ,Ie W. J. Ge But vilsutiiodrAdit ete sdOIPWvl MawnauMCUiou, Naber, <14e,, Je" Suvervisor mutbliy moiêd 1s Uc*t esimd uIt'clerki.p ext O'Cl(oncar. pfladdoc. Ham ystrttyn,< 80report be aocepted A at 1ot>W. a QgIg Matin Deutof e bb4ve, 4e- Thoslun, 'Y.rap. 22. 4.30 AyeLUI 112' oi b@d i~ "0 uiS retir.t. im hem li.sali 0- Tbfove voti na y arem prvs 0.80 vsor Murpb's mooitl vdicarrii dbyvar r4ciok, «ter den. tavi0t4gsioii. "Men rlu. Fiche., oldrtdge, Mouian, .the lfollowitvig vM, - Iihle tict t ie,1* c0Uty orf w'y Samson, W». S. I -Thoce votice, a iievhqm las er atrm.Sôporyksors Jllhtr, Laroex Battu«. 44Autli Bhrsto brovn, ci Crai, 6. oI4VIR 110K. Murir, W. J. Staatton betug Absent- 40tifnger, 71CM ZEgl e'.1olddg% 11' SupervistaYOe ike, Cafriauor timisd flot YotIna. stein, Kelly, Usef, Mhahlse, Mur- Bouast lBridge Oeanitttce, eubmltt. SUPevIsr Martin, ChAirman 0fthe tiMeye, lmnMda.1.Mz dt-the follw'ctg report: Kbmpiatsommittm sn, udAlbdi$ o. M40 phy, Naber. Oé.Ooà?È4*.St tfnetm.îàCouuty 0f Làtke, Am,:>îowing reort: ft.4 &ameon, Hr atLeo .1 trt Oad et 8»4erîocmJun. Term1932. si&" a EIlliois, Ceunty piLak,, m.: 10ton, Tbompson.T.. Web. lit Mr. CbalneO Ansd .Gev'usmeu cdth b»orai 0f BOpcbtors, Juge Tarn., 1621- MWOA Voting Nay: Boae.rd, U0Ttql ~ -Mr- Clripiiisa A" amaeen the' it0 eupervisors 111*8, Etebler, luttros. Y9o Ansd jatilge Commttte. "Mr« et Blieos: »»0 Lareon and MOCUUOUnhb cifg tbuOttéf4 phom:s as refer<d the petau«, tXt*~itu oest~te io and ne fo votiSg. . ,rideats T- hi0TOI" of Aamrear-Nuisr6le orb 101*etHiui Ï416 Tie follovlug Deum" bsa vie r- h lc tt ba Bond issu« go",,Park Roe9ttal MPÉ-11044 CIII. 5.06 seuted sud t MDt 0fSUPtiiier v mdlaflt And ifalocvlle, fr ' <j,~ Webb referred téflithe nniltt*501repprfas loue"U: 01 Rose WW t g miitAu xrkO mj E1# rrocous Amsemeus ",v dfie~it~under ad- pifAI, raCOMiMenil Iat # 0là b1ab.Mt -To the Board 6r ffl~srvtemor Andak ~g~re#erumqt t .t t allovned. 10b Tur P.ttoUê*t. Nom UKlne. re- batwcc oi4 ég I Le101i- XMalasaTtIlsIL, Aà KAE.TMX 9pctfully reprmesfaW40±lie le tIMia#e .otet-f a' retaetIOn. 3 . A.WuBE mwer of sAr51 1,12mdetfiOeret sectlittw1 Sprvse-Tiifospoa movui 'th" tn secton 314'1. the -portet tae accxtod sUdo4pte& Villa; tha t atd truittla p<rtY ]IL 1.b.~UR-Motioni iirrlhd &,land, aad hiiabecsasu eat o-ME 'oe<NOE. Supervieor, vercoe lnoved tht the -1.7je somied valuatios of 1910. for tbhé ILIAM7.0'r X . bOIEoit 181111054Park.900ou im as- I3r1921 Wh" 19leeemulve. SupervvtverVéroem md tbat t btt-fç tbe 1MU*or bT.U for tii '- Y bur pýetitindI t1iérewOt aïs pot bo accepted sdaot&M.040 f M eAbU»der h. allov.d. your Board lhIn k10lia lbt - u, .679 41AMa&Y feebeft bai, Biou Mmrs and! -IOiitv i* m4au v0,ru abat,, ente4 lth b. e~Yrt smotions u»M tby -the -0 ~ti. _.. - ... . -e Pare 'TPPveta seybmk Um~i.ftueues~ouI760t bbop-sb tv. usn l4t îrCinHWi - -. inean. a&tout - oi. Utu, I0' z Ift*dted qUsU-O put»U(41? lai, lga. »14 ýw=îobuer, 1M4ea Mte>Iifý ir ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Ï0 A, eeu11(g i É.o.s' 'ia jisBod t8±o evie sow - emSet R'And rrisce Lok theTM a tole i aIM iieiV. enir or udutig . U <velarem noui 4,Utét i p Pre*Tbt*LtbU,»he.uilvf f Dolars &nte_ r tti r~aj >q t~j - ,18ectuty sr~5110d- iiean 1 -ieidse A= Of»- r tCin ,.fidat roumm Bk- dok Wy---M0lu~Lavr V..ete rse4ntt h e -mm sd aète 4 d soi *0 . ru a-Md1s th"ls% 9f Mais- ~prvuO e. eitejtair.sp Dollt b1n ars a*>l Aryofath* >Ofoerpfti CiUtn e Ii- mbn*LikdCoif tsthe . rmn io' isodt a etle irqitCourPt e AndatEa dane. Coi!i!tfou - - th* .fpllowivetfl o",; - 41450) par ysr. Pak- Associaton, ;Sose vdlInAie 'are SUxtrvtom ]E.L aUGEla etre,, l =à ,mAugtin, Blreow, Brown. Burke. Cronh, - RAM E. K ilian,~j&~eo 1844 Id 138-21.Crape, Vialger, llgir, ItiMe, 141e, HPA EO3 Put- Boom27 di S onietil. Hutton. Kelly, KlrociAcr. tiprto ebnvititi e ,p . ~ . 20250 ?(ae10er. MarUm .Moyer. >o4al or eXop.dsdaste 00411 tee, blond Mur Na MCllu b are. bac'. -Ae aed Mai' vote bolm b.d -upr- * - -- - - .00 QoCesnor, Paddock. suio luRrrnise W M iOtte* vas cardai byi rso. te, t.GasItointestl- Strsttim, W. J. etrattoxi. TtiompQu tho fôullvg vote. be'flg - ---- ------- i1600 55 ece.3. . Tirse ,vet n &Ie.ara Sipervlaoa' fe.711571 e 5e, TEeso-v@tti N&y m suw*vit" Bamvmtov.rwu. uke, Crup.*I îittti qcontait, $4000; Il pIp"erî"IOs mDIphilar on. M wHolisbS*tS, etW Mtt, ey - lal, 330 q»...-330 itabitaabslut &Ad ns olj 0h1. «&»Nam.0CeO~ Iioe a ~0115distace cfl5 tl - u»ervso< ts0-er qiovid ta *d- sont, arrStrf«ten, éei Wý Dr l-k ,-.----- . .- .0 uniE 4toeov mr4iug, June '>bog, vtig >117 am SoeroàlÔu tO pelenf!Ciii- »11112, aet11lecloex. Motion taid. A Ktn.Natiior. omeaa. Utiukuf fron Lab ....--.......,.-- lé Wsûepian. IL, June 15. 102L , loueGbObeeheymn.S Rou-e Bord- metpunlltant 10 siJeUibuiiet 'Bupervisors ral.. RafIal. Kirsh. I2U.-' vîhiOarruaniOhipetdfgsd uer, Larnon, Murphy, W. 1. tratlqê y Use <lO P. Mot2ULZCEGH, M. 1D. thie foll1owlg meejberm prescrit: Sep- belng absent sud fnt v*Un. andlAie 101, E. Dflrr1,rmAustin. BalisrtW, BiOWn, upervimon artowov evut'at - p.t~Ifflto Rose WII E * r i, Cao, Elonger, - fti, Chitrnlan appoint a Speelaf CesMtga , olp e' - ~ari Mopltal 1wDr. C. P. Eie1ler. -PIcke, Htroldde, lltlu 1, bre mndithé Hoietal Ceuilt hl it&naiton, Kelly, Kliner, Mitier. Mer- di!the. Chatsa »earu fîpm..DOb"ý t, 1921Neyer, UIMswm. Mowabon, Ko. Imct with-])t Leb«r Xdo e coui 38.1991, At $3.9q CLlougb. Naber, 011.0. O'Connor, lai- - Te'ho balr*aM.p :A& gýsWlï 4~~ ~ ~ 51.00 dock, flingdabi, Samsoe., tarry Strat. peis Cmmt 'a u3 d....sbriul -o, riipaeii. vercoa, webb. 8Il.sdock, artw,*di Ob*--#.. jI11111N Absent: aeysr amn u-Spr!oPUt-M 6.(heit.,snT mater- pli4.j. S __ tùý,13.xQuiamid irrtng- vous Medfratitf 1 1iprti Oc'ive >ti0-01te bas- ,I4 la, i«W octp 1ebaleoruflôYEsOti 0 C ttps2lt b~ .-- - _the_____b...or e jvit~ o con. remuaI cIS et LA. nid. - IbIs rTRATTON. iuqçved'thl md smd oot eMdU$ly. - drm- t ùxi *qbenilme~ Ço., saw i 6 8@it, plants - auppilel *erteff.- bandwari...-.-. Mai 1 92o. Uej«ttu Bivtoi: 1, 4 tua pet' 0f L Iat c.i4irnsRt st~i10tEfo Uc . out s ato tisi 6 1 4 ad ,t 0i VU 9 Laé 4à,iî.ted sf elp. exA p lu tii tii. #PO the ptDsoom , ,»i vJSi te ow~e fier EIUt~~~o1Ou1~11dVV 04 brl0 tttrat~1 tbatot!t.te#4t mûdt"O atnr h i.à 'Tii laid ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o Pq pté 0voc E 51 & ~*rné tM , lIt e l*~ji cilvotts, sd10Ogt0etl Otte. odRu <tlb ~ tc otlwlls Tlei'ebege cib ascod at eenl lum l>téi oe. oflotvust«a*1nvItitasulted uaifol- Naé ~i4iil*0,00 0.s:Alleu & VO., à utdl.kAyen bal-29 vote& ver. cast. Dr. Lieber re- Commereiod Pl If, oeiat iie. teve4 35 vote* 844 Dr. Walteefrecely- DaUY BUll bIs b. toetoev * a . 14 vote Notvotit, 1. Dally Sun. Os ecase t t. eqr-Aftention valcslld to Rule 18, suna ySamsu r0d, cçTa,<-ti îirnan ordersi! auotber ballot, DaIlY Su14, e t tmreblouis n1e- lilch 'esuted as follows!, "29 vo les B0MOn, ' et Sodium eCacdy- ver, out, lDn. Ltoer recetved le vot0s lt> e- 441f, wilevvth wsu Dr. Watêî recelveçd 14 votes, 4à . pa'âWab*> vituiout Lbbdeelro4 eiucted. ar th- 'lie sud - 4i.»-

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