ey el~*t#0PU* Weuidy ÂIit It, t ÀI10 thececrecdOnY. The 1 t*iidate roSa tives of both wore prelit. 'The YoUng on ou d, Wb tPant S e i Penttaoir hoflflOin aiP tn at 98,..Ro~ -3t a4nd No Met'tMrs tub .e' Bcke e Ç,tin S*gt. mr oe nGrn e1101kiat& -iiasfn jla *h6 Ceai aitaitii»i. accord- Md . MM lRD11 Is anm llnthe woriti. former Wauk*aUor'" *4.Hamna#OOtt~bWLU.ther ~aZLsCa bilattendiit ue and UbrtYvW$ ci0il 04e Pui«ts. If tbez-e Ioa rift ln the aavrr ttsorbn'Ie.e ute. Mo*X.. eniy se 04wwee.k5 .an f bus net bean apparent bere, .notue8 i4;b rq£ýu ets~uio ta4 h1-d4ylookedtior, acoo4 g te1 PLr lira. 'A lWiman l0<LlM e -i uut beekat eut V#benhliena%, ia ~1~reis he ~ieemal ~b>~Ws..bcO ey vl tod fice.. cirons rider. agtiM 04. bu ii- d of cei that bas elrented Thý Dll. Protbte' ocialmed - te hbe 'Doon 0 *'a mi"~ the put tew weeks. They 1lMr$. EdBeknU4 ia entertalinnah-r uWdygari for PreaiiOt. LI100Il 401' buyng every bit they eau get nlece. the MiWes Jenniebelie, EMIlly ing the vear, Ric briber, Vleilk dug the prie regertilosa of the and ,u aAnderso, f , et Everside. ?rcliue, h W" M ntherda~re toi 1ts.Michigan. bustn<sa la W"kbim with T11 ,I boat li expocted In tiis vcek Mlr.andwki. . Ia. Myer vere the andjLucas, Iter establishi- hÂpseti ro.Tlove matteris eme. it ! ,a et J.tL. r s. . in ibti arneabsinss, t I4beztyvlll, - n7 a twol"e day avreffe aiUP-'oe: Evanston, SUadaY lIe bas apa iýb*r oelart0 ivesJ- os _tbe local ceaccrn, but It viili Mr andi Mré.,Albert Johsn andijt Lnè t lbeitwu>i. A .peuli ldw I - ati. alif anythifla tô what or-,daighter of Chicage vere guests of patch frein Butte sa"s: . çunetiofl bing. Bouides tisl. Mr. andi Mm..Uie Ott Sunday; aise Butte.,ment., Âug. 1.'-an Pro, Pl Iclatis of cell have beau rb Eti Lndantucd cfanilY. tine, 9S. Butte policeman, vhoseOlove astt recently, vbti 10>ifiiOit 5an ltev. and isr. M. U Theomas returfl affair vitil a 64-yaar-ol torntnîc',ir- flOt Wr 18 car leatia thaf have beceule MondaY hem Camp GreY, Mich.. cue rider breught hlm te publice t- Mr d.but net ahiPPeti-- vibre they apnta week. fention bore reteetly. tiiei thus after- li 1 s&taton la this, Hart tates: iMr. and Mlra. J. tL. Glbson e! Evans- noeu. He as bora et BsrnOeg&t, NM ai, i; ib, local plant la ruflnifg e- ton; Mr. anti lMa. Bert Xedlond andi J., andi cialinet 'te have been a body n g t rdinary mun, using but W0 fve chiltiren et Denver, Cao., vere guarti fer President Llicoin 'dqnlng Polo iola day, te irbere if nuSe16o gus or Mr. anti Mis, F. IH. Meyer fie ver. ccii MY PrIday. A veul or tire ago, Protine tok M tthe south plant la runania -lra. S. P Hutchinsoti andi MB. P. eut a license bore ta main', but ater cdit asalene, an indicaRtion Of cx- Petersen enterialneti the Miassonary the arrivai of the bride vho rode in noi5lty I Society o! the Preabyferlan cburch at o ebck e distance et n hundred K t bhpltats vili curtailitheir; the berneetfMra. RaY IteetisThursdey miese..angucm -w goal even father If there isn't' etternoon. iiilicite markligcieiit wa ma1cle Lk la the situationen 02. Mr. end Mlis. Raymond Clavey re thtl tic me tiaehad rubeingci i. tsot ceai bas been areunti $10,turned Tueatiay tramn a ton deys' eut- itelypepec itotrTinben e t a ton, more th" double the ing In nertbern Michigan. gWCn -' à7 ps-oe o cal hey PaY. j ýMisa Barba Huehi spent bce-eI 0-00000000600000000OOne t te Interstate Commerce Coin- days lest veek et Lake lunrchvl w h H IC K OR Y 0 wi bas promiscd tha.i tbey get WlIian Rockenhetil.- tand b ave given thein pnlrity >lire. Abert Clapper and sonso! 0000000000000 00000 but De ceai bau been the ne- Chicago spent fie voek endi vith Mlr. Mn.and MUn. D. B. Webb ave a new anti lra. Henry' Segert andi other reis- Ovenîsuti. te goverument la torming a tîves. ëmn olebkrtuedh e Cet diltibutipti that viliicoven Mranti Mn. . itrt Bank anaison ada ti efl.sinbec lutneeiene utiliie. vh1ci 'iVgvcfhem anand Mr. anti lis. Will P ggemt o<if ag adaY eft'vsith a itveki e-te -go ceI for cash If they lrv!ng Park mare the guetseettheicF. i<br did>th hom mesandi rail Strike lMra.J. Townend anti son anti of buMary Speicher M1,,tbe gXeuation a, vinter gnd daugte re vWtlng lira. P. Petern.on eaWdnMday aterecon antwiabiired. bc rgp u let.,lirm. Otto juonnd eti fNWIy Éî pent on Thuiday inlMt.,,OUvert cemeterlf eýj u a i gvrmet ~the meek end t a Lke Géleva vith pujioa Zo. ~Žettiitrlutin cei e ca h i *"5 ne lia. Ro e att ahe-Wae- Mlirasrvey Dizon sperý a feir das I*jiakJs siutind0k Thofwi O lai t veelu vitilbici aiter, Mes. ~t eh s~tat mitn pois- EanWlo ebn he Lon l ere in Bristol, mixe ma sck tus' i e " t es'giegatloi ttIO4P3 4M * Dmeeting at týee4 p o belive.Barinten -Mti. anti Mis. Romney Agbton of ___________ . Mira. Etv a vondtiulbible afin Chicago, spent over Sunday at Magie- g tent ot Ciclago filet the puipIt fothUicvood fata. 0 0 Uo 0 00 sPresbyterlan ehuréliBUndayMr. andi lir . HA. ITifltéen anti L'AXE VILLA .0 Mr. anti Ma.M L8.'ÂtAsbA* anti Mr- dangtter visitcd vitb relatives in A* ~ aaa ao6 aaaAar" kalma a~dsy h~Lnbo 'I * De> at the omQui un Isiùm Ay ~ M,. sudlia E. W. Ring anidt-. ~~~ , "I Prk 'a li ertuya IBrbr l m teia er. Konoha visitera on Tuam 1aOk151 pd e fa h. '0&"# bos. liraGrace DreysrstumettoCh nêid»r vtSem ' e:4 4d ",- rsieldtea rein ion Sanday atter apendlngaoveral ; 1* sluasieof U r. ieti Mm,. James tethle Cornera. ~hbe u~p~s~1~<~re~ ant so13. hn lra. George Potter'et Waterloc4 am 11 m 1 *h *r nald heme by fie Aedth ova l be itn _fept lai - ~ ~ ~ lendatLntmemad t asu mliiiber ater. lraMm oq elltir'- We"ieIdgy. aomip.j>ed 7 Tbmqm., 8e lettfor er bornel , n 'a.Il, tidaoot-01-ieago - a____ Olt_____ U Badaw« hetm0 f Mima Jouta e d 0040000000e SOS jUc e________ 0dà- A NT Io C I Mo... o ep,acmne, A[ Z RC Spedàb9l Day et tihe Central Un.- Wti,11 àhl41* *#0* 40O0O Okegan. Bib 'Pra»Shoot. Balabil W, ",e*_EZ poniLiber i toh te Central Un-' gains.Geeti $pgilulnsanti otherfret1 tdtovio leVt etiIc aI trio e katatPm*, Duloing afleroonM& : n*4lk-1W 'Ïlt.aâ Blb f PneeU lot 0s " sý'M- 34 nra4e may friands e, me asi, ( Spatngs andi pfixr tfr n=t, vIe Voaer ;. 1)ilcet wM te beveoiag. Elood muic. le31 flilas Seu otp bll'tpw baýric eshi 'e b4ery andt any vot sle glv- ate# -nuf110Maiy 'l'acmiyos pitil etsno on ,tb4 Loties' Aid Sooity Saler ioeverai veoka ago. buai mprovetino, et totLlgh wu aaucemosaanxdthe com-' M7to e eoyete homie et honr 'esà 1r ai MdVetden's andi *&W d o generuily. »lia. lmoi"rsy i ientis hope tom a se.4q tpaqe l4rgiWltea lieR.andi lra. Biser anti little son - iPeodi'mecvry. LUx i~11 t 11eraid-la îat nlndig a tov deys wlihiRev. anti Bora, !ML ast liraSheridan B4- 0bas tuerai ont- emi i:'Bo1p 1.astI, mut Thursay. a ýbaby -bey. Al Ieia -te lecui 1.aks Ni'anti s. ankare iolng volt la Ya IidultfIaite iona oa±.Calc te a ibi Mr. anti lra. W. A. Laun, tIrs. Lucy tflles bhekereui i aya fihe Putf eek.- z of etGeou)a spond-; Leun atidi- tMr.Uhinlu spenl Suatiay MmU ti.lia,Mk,. Itarimaantichiltinu- vu1 ber Materlira. M., m.ltiivet inteWamette. ef Decitur, *pent fixaput mou l he i inr.And Mlrsa l in cks e! Llberfy home of »m ilariuui'saiter, lira. Lofflr la apendinga couille vui5 &Dent Suuday wth U. anti lis. Vincent Dupre. - ui yiatlves inC 0.- , Wih. Wostasr. 'M. anti Mra.'Fred Ken ,anti ciii le $le et lota bt .8baAf. m%, Francea Pipilianti taugher tiren eof Baiison pent lait veek aif w& aua as vel ut- are btltp tulaCicago. fie home et Mr. anti Mrm Jobn Wood- tu 411. loti vere soit, tIe BaisilèlPMBnand n aenjoyimxg a ve- beati. ç kom 4O t 411. hlihe cafto viithhoen.lks. UmisaCharlotte Brackley, miehau tat o e Siph. au famly3, MMa,'Ooav Iftuianti sousef Wris, ipendlng a tsv days aI fie iloinaet à> atdii. i. N.WO&uAnmi Midi..amc 'shllIng riendi bhero fer alanti iraMmVVrai Nord, retumedtt 4WMtmaan d t lies. b. GeY- etivichoenitineti -cern- lMrMJoe 1ith 0in.Haise s4oellee. pany if100theliety oPr o Btmay. . Libertyitle spent TburatiaîmI irt . «îl.- W%» Flaher bai usiLIte Maule lAbsan la Mminlg a Bertha Bte.ntce wap s t veeluMxi. ia- tev dapa itbhan ur lter. 'racea3Lob- lra.Dedm d antitiiter. Made and 1 4ii PUt$a mai imal uie *oa8, Jolie »d Ov04. f SBt.bot- ~Il pcitiO tihnoer e ex OOm lb. 555e.beisg 19 te 9 l in it U t. lira, Mm B u«*o eutson 0of Wi*>Piet wedaead&Y. SeptIfsver ef »Barh-Niapie-Wokegmsi pent over B«"dsY mitb Ur. une veleere. lMaà. Peer Jhaset anti Un. James auus' parent#, Mi. antiliaMm M.K *ep giron egrl>' Wcdnes- IDavldieii veto callei te 0h10. M, .on Bunka. igiion imai fon i a oobhfo! btisuethfth e ïr motion, WllamiludreoetfliltiI jod were eut et the batkaniiMma. Weeset Budy monlgrhngthe weeê.1 i th uItl tiei m. 1$ mai leuredtitre vas Xl-sudBM r.RAY agie and ti le MUn. Samuel :01Po U t altne tupm l nvetigatio n even'- deegiter left Thurstay for their home reput the efvetiAI ber daai- tant ail ilt. ln Lemon, . D.tmli.Aru 1petIp.B MisaBt olo ut tett i a 06000 lii0 i100 cif -a. Seri P03M!.VO Yi VIZL» s lue-un-i uRt toi JO:îîje enenui tfrieb au tteMiatitht>oIt iel- ieeepouoq .ttii aii<uontuil OiPhua, br Dey ah the Contrai Un- l> ia fitcU.iml aL Onpizl5iUhinimp ra. Muif ntoti tealsthe mv. J ..i iaitoPai;uou iea.ti 0 es of thse lLadies . Ai t e 4home 4 'slntanti otier trecfil î puu"uuell Uq it4sisiiep huIt>!The 1Utile Omainouti> o vi as ilae * air_ <aten.o s -"t pf g unoeBfttIllM eauglJ JChicago heapital fer ieveaal vo,,ia, Wiss e Migacvi* be «IV-ildwa luhs cuuwl ittontmaqj, aupiv sa boon brougt honte, but la e t Yt X,, «4r thePutweek uu)Iaauvql l£ugom ut.of danger. 1h le hepet th ;t lie*ali ZtGbc' ,ou 44nâIsaix.AOiI 3it,4mi1 we>tsg~et aleng al miglt. _- -.mai e;- MplnLeîsçe~ay~o ~ lra. Croplay rethenoi uxday le ici SantaF. JO eimaeî 01 ' aheo a enoha11fOeNsek' 'ui 14K 1t*S Park w nme. le £.uîqu ui ir Thej - l 1A" Ai Viol Uto NL . C z . ii>h onr aseuad s8éeeral ee w l t tIe a 00 yK VsebtIOS$S<PmFR 0 1 sj i* L~ 44 Earlett M9 9 409ao tiao $ e 0 ttmaaadOWi 'z5-ilefj m i -*a tu'p-1wai Ur. ia. Pmll Boue e LOf ohlle&Suy a et Ottmwa lo?. cnt ieiofft the veek mant the IL C. Moee! Mxibv Lo inSîlI W" "M4- e io orUins 460lo tolter . t of te iufaw", 4nï Vt-'q ielu04d = plh r Win. O*.L ~t AnfloCli.la* b"tdr on the pganx ut DelVidsra De.d Üra. C; W. Touna ntid hem *frlb 00r4 aPanomk hWa*Oirôai, frohedii.walk$u Cty lim a dught4ta tà fa*ie liss a pt Bn- ZMon lltutiou ii ldiUatosiuu 1w BondaI mLiii or eltt iwotit40inmaeweaI le»iter I iiday r. i . aitM%%. 1Ra.C, Cameren. Gie>ui VeUve), De wn1 am ieli e IIUO i1*4Wavenuo, hidi-bolng-/offl4d by thc e 0 rl aujtvee.rpCtcg eeFR0-be pr rd1 o. vor fihe 10* eu. niete blar tiepa1Uzment V0rldAyt tl4 iel w uvkvi*u pp ~ILB~mURI# . - tes ier valW 17.?O d. Mger a4E.r-4Wgb iiM.at 0~.. -3 vitiMm.antilir . Te dof tb vea t oncaeth Iae n 2 M- - kWa = art i- ~ vek 'atlnrit uti lago nmberpio bà R oe ag b e , FYW 4-iUl L0takte nSU M", Matou au vilci chie b th& b ieOnt fav te b. ' v", ltb r . and2 b1S 0O4 fm atr iet' n. ~~>, pi.- Wblfeo vast-agt Wai on tahulateti >objýeUè . r . .Mye.Rlu'Ut.ý OMOW Ztoý goiter in Chicago o ati Ulb hebr!ds1 'val cetofconorie 0*on- lsst iaTMoIsi. . îplr. â Jemogniceiy anid vIl r ipýine struction ant illiiibave tbre 5p"s, j,3, 3 s"j a.MtiMt. J. A;;P rW k. cL ach 46 tee! long. s~M.amd Kime.George Ros, M ai ~ lmlla 1 L aS m qra Wetiel antichildr1eù mvisit- George -Bali-sfv eOfberaiat ir th pamaiM.mt ir llrae SO Âv t» m1* rallie aoeir Mme. Wutaela parents iu Wliseii- bridge Cemittee anti C=uty Cieru jMoBride ltoretite iMcli»=7 yandi WhedIiit, . . tber.1711 Chas. Ëfor ýa yack, beyA. Mondee vere pissent mon lie fh4pn toolu Uic motir abat to the lotin Ave., 20011 Pak. CbulasSe êlp»um týe MilieM Belle -Watieiiandi Ine" bldsverse peneti. -bats e Iais eLaite Suaday. oraPk3173-l monle 'lsfiwil e Della e! Wle - OPend tLober Day ut thle Central Un- MORSAL»I-One 10el City .enallato ahi Tiey ii reuM tilandel..... lmueo . uplonteetlectrie Park, Wau aitea, l184a; un"eti vo sson. 'Pv bln-sâ Ms. . ks*&ýlab TapShoot, Baseb siIt. lnives, 40 ML blower pipe, W0 tt Itiyoaespent Seiurday andi Sundal0AR94 I Chiago vîiMr. anti lra.s, ,8le 09969096'009s#69660 uttractiolii. leci* a!!ernefianti" chine et eux fax rm eue- lale aoti inpo atiua ire. White. evcmlng. Gooti tiiil.C. 33-3t of ROndout Aredy Parun. Phone 303, ir. PliesKIii petseversi Mr. andi Mn. A. R. Redey apent filei Lakte Vers!. test tnçbaantttndthe Pa- vekendvlfflNElle irlatives. 0 0a0 00 0 0 0 000 ~n.-ofFtgrea.Mr. and Mis. Peter Nelson anti son.; e FOR AIL HIWt EVI 0F L.AKIE 0 VORSÂLB-45 hiacluanti yeilev «M 'bore ~ ~ 00 iiieaSnteScelpic- Ciarlesetof ilicago calleti on lins. J7 iCOUNTV, suSOISefluFOR THIE 0 o ns anti roGatons. lnqiire ut dis cWetiacay ot tila eci. In Bon- b. Roder Buntiay aeNernoon.. oINDEPENDENT-4J0 A^VIAR p Appley ibaru.neer Pair Grounds, o' w'we.Mr. and MaW.(Cordion Chevilleof oca ýo 0 0 9 9 O5 OOO oe rffe lHenry Senit. Umety-ville. 34-St JOIN us Saciu, Hore Shws, ,Farmi.~it The Best County Pair c 'h JOHN c~ITZ., Sec'. LI WO ODIN, Pres. ID Zion Folka poans an tBring THIEIR LIV vas tiiven s. The slauneil iINIMmier, 837 and Mlr. and retumniot Ù4 tiley strtwkl tha.the 'b 4-, elgr of di but ah. vit enougilta 01ste tz c ore te anti mmra.: aorne ampsiv tit. esa lire. Wimn oft te boat and pilot, a chu lgo! off f iefCuicaue ant vont tU for tires te va>'. arrivliD; p. nM. * on Sattrd Milwraukuet 11 tbuma À-* Rain ri mornint etn RacineiiC jul lors ici-ilKt they 'stojpai tian long Konosaita iiley le!!t1 and fotuti tL erfilin U » oui fawth t v, nd andi m andi about diven aallfu vatOr. or Wiseznler cf The>' viii soute o!filse un thie lake gels 5inO&tb jrocee tat Mir. Wlmi puaylitic b liolel, Chiei 1ST Former lM lor Lal 71 Joseph Lit day et tile tiudere be ms atge. Ho va ient et Te: whiere bu c ftni,wminci >Vonr file Ps. bat matie-hi eri,.set 338 lie ha aiso sons,iFrank , Vilîcage; tIlI lIra tee.Bnit treuniatiu et Akronn Mary Litwil iviy te W Siprings, Co,, lolinga att he 1a ex Tues"iy.' Punenal. been matie. NO ORDÈ Washingf< liai vas i ment fotia> sent any sol of vilaîcel governinitt flan of smî country trot