CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 24 Aug 1922, p. 9

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~LE D-EP' END-ENT nty WAUKECAN>"WIEKLY SUN et nimois, THU WBsI & A1X#tTT 24, 1922. ,MI M4t [O7to .0I b muab, o Zion Folka See Peril of Chica- poans and Rush in Boita, Bringing Them In. THEIR LIVES WERE SAVED -Ziln. à -A îenly-tre ta&É ll auceh, called tie 'Bonnie I*aiste" ras drIven ashore by th1e nlnd and ra-es ai' Zion yealerday atternoon. Thue laoneh la orued b>' Otto IW inuaer, 837 Dakin treetMC&cgo and Mr. and Mn. Wlmmler rere returang troin Milwaukee rien tise>' trtwtk ieavy sns off Elon. *ad, i.v.g ne ballast lunlIse boat sé. voulu at bold ber Course and ém oo aong tie breakers. At tl*,tnwboat ras wusrIe cern- ld*oWai*bd, ad itlIooked ns.I nýM offld be aramped, with a -tUP 01 s ofdrownntgtle OccapsaUi, but ai. ras finaly driven Close enoogis lu shor for tome Zion men * tze corne te lIse mrose, .and Mr. gnd Mm, Wirnmier nere taken te sonse cmpe on the. beach, nere tbe>' re. upplied riti drY cIlIsh- lux. lire. Wimmler ras t1e "caPtain" of 1theboat. 8h. ras englacer sud pilot, and aie did raIl till sus, got off the coat of Zion. Tiey iftI Chica"o Wediseeday moenn. su~d vnt eut M lwlauikee. aiDting for tiree hourg t Racine On lie ns>'. arrlving at Mlwraukee ai 7 p. ou Salurda>' moftiflg tii.>'lett Milwraukee aI & O'clock, but lie . 'esas v ý O rugi tht taI iedIst 11l putb&baeb At nomn. tbay atari- %-J again aad arrivait la Ratine thie hoors inter. Tiey to»pfd &Z * Racine overigbt and lkt Sonda>' maýrnIng ai 6 o'clOck, arriving at it:enooia jueit lhree houre Inter. Be- lures clearng 11e port ai Kenoaha 113e>' nopped aI lie Coast guard Sai- tian lo" enougi ta dry their ciothea sud te enquire about th, cliances et a tate passage froua, Knoa ta10Chicago. Tiey wre. iat-lmed b>' Lie coasi guard thai il ras lai right te go abead. go lin>' leftiKenoaba atil a. M., nad tound tiat lie laie ras rougi- e 113*11 11e>' antICIPated. lIia v. iraiusser trIed lu vain 10 alcer ouitlbo thse open lake, bultih viud ansd raves provei ton mach and about i P. us.thieboastras drivena miure at ZlOi5. *-Fe*r a rile liere wu great t'dagV Of lie boal filing niti rater, or capatlag, and as M;'. Wlanznler Cannet arma, thsora a grave danger of ber binlg drsinnedL TIse> vii be taken care- Pffb>' soume ofth11e Zion farnllea arnPlng on the lake nioe and ithtie laks gels ýàroother b>' darD, lie, nul, proceed ta Chicago. * Mr. Wlimner la a mustoi"l. and' playi lie base vieili a i e Drake, Botel, Chicago. 1JOSEPII LTWILEIL DIESÀT ELRiN STATE IHOSPITAL Former Waukegan and Tay- lor Lakce Resident Was 79 1ars Oldu, Josephi 7s-lie, aged 70etiua day aI 13thge ftie ospital, *ihere 1e ras taies a short. ilae - ga. Hle ras flac ms>'yeat-e a resi- ient ot Taylor Lake neighborbood, nier, 13, ronductelth&113e Mcrisne n mcm, nhlch h1eowueti toc 30 yeare. Fer toh11e past yeac anti a hait b, had matie bis hosma nilh a son, Robh- ert, aI 338 South Jacksoni streeL. Re la alto survivcdt by Ino 0113r sons, Fr'ank, ef Waukegsu; James, eh Boston. BrillishCoombia; Mcs. Cet. I(- mn Il sud atiMc. William J. Dat-b>, oet Akron, Ohmo, antd is rite, Mrs. Mary Litrîler, n-bn la non on ber wa- ta>le Waukegau frous Colorado ,S- prings, Col., wrecIe bas beau ,he la expocted tle arrive itome Tsesday. loigatrsm saemtes Purrarangementa have nut been matie. NO ORO4R ON CU13AN AtLirNS. Washington, Aug. 21.-OffllcIai--de- niai ras matie at t1e Mate Depart- meut Ioda>' htigthle United ti aIebas gent any nole, or matie repeentatioiis -off rbaliser character. 1tbf heCuba govenuent lun11e matter off pre-u m~lon off smuggllig allens mb 11h3 couhntry ' rousCuba. lgtjbtersons vers mao Md- alitA nd four rsrIs wa1 tim L101S4ly cosed tdy as a ùnl1 ofu auliincti nbeing {*~dby Jufto C.-C. Iidwards, a he lb. i out gour4the &à ame bavlng beeu asked by fitaesa Attorney A. V. Smlds. becauje ot alleted violations ot the, prolilbitory lar. The deffndantîs are: Uira tantery Morsi., S&lniy jei and Peter and Mary Moaokoaki. mho conduct and cru 1the soft drink parlor ai 1208 IUncoln ave- nue,- Noth- Chicago. John add Anna Jackson, wbo OP- erate a bot and resrt at Deep lAke. Rasmus Rasmussen. w-ho rue the Rasmussen botel at Fox Lake. Noie Nelson and George Hertel, off 1£1.11 treet, wno rua a saloon and pool hail et Wauiconda. The detendants wnu b.ieroquleu to pot np a bond as a uarnl0e. ilsat Iliey rl»lDot violaeth lban. REaENACTEI)AT CRASH; RTIIIJ DI3CKI3R VICTIM Crashes Into IJnighted Truck on North Sheridan Road Sunday Night. SAME TRUCK IS IN 2 JAMS Au automobile truck belongitflG i the. Jobus Motor Transter companLy, ot Chicago, and nhicb dgured lu ai- moal kdenticaliY lbe same klnd ot an, accident Augu5t 10 rien a roman a log »was brokesa. caued another acci- dent at 1 oclock SBunday nigisl. Arthutr Decker. a tarmer Creiting jea Mlnw&Mee road. near Wsukcgsn. wau drivitlg is automobl on alii- don road north off Waukegan, &a when bo reacbed thse place Of H~. W. yerry lie ergabed loto the. rear end ut tbe truck. wblcb did not bave a llgbt. There ras a lente-rn th11e rpar orthlIe truck but il rau nOl lighted. Deker'a car ras quite badly d&ntffld but none ofth11e occupants rateln>)Ued. 0'*AÂuguet 10 tbe saine truck ras rut fintounder the same clecum5tance. At liat cime k ras Fred Re.Inuoli. of '1764 Hilghland ave'nue, Chicagu. ;Ieauto ran into tbe truck. and hie wnlte'a rigt leg ras broken. 141e rau tsken 10 Vctory Memorial bus- pitl. Arthur Decer Ibis afternoon anore out a rarrant for lbtaheet çofJohn Wagner the. ofthle John Mo- lor Truck Company,. nb la being bed by Sieriff lmer Green pendilig lhe arrivai ot his employer,. nb ras on> i nay tb Waultegan thia atter- nom,. and nul alio be plaeed undei arresî wIen bie arrives. Tbe truckt ras loaded nith severai Ihousand dollars' rorli ot candy. Il ras tihe samne kînd of a load rbcn the formEr accident occurred. SMarne g. Licenau~ Clarence 0. Magnusion 30 Es-au-ý stun. Msa-le Rasmussen, 29, saine. Mans-in f). Wayne, 21, Bristol. Inti. Beasie Taciupp. 19, Etihat-t, md. Wm.L H. Zuntach. 28, Rhbueiauder, Wis. Kitty R. Perault. 32. saine. Win. F. Raudali-II, 30, Laie Ce- neya, Wis. Beagle L. Wiliams, 22, sasile. Waler Narenîki. 21, West Allie, Win. Alice Jansuone. 20, saine. Ion. Y. fichusler, $8, West Allis. Wls. -Mary LU Meiseubeimer. 44, sause. Jus. Muta, 4W, Chicago. Cam~ile M. Érui, 48, sanme. Cornelluse C. Ryesnu, 24, Chicago. Gertrudie E. 18, lamne. Alfredi L. Par>, X6 MacVenu, Wis. flusanna A. PEtereon. 32, samne. Eiusen Jacobson. 1, Mileldt, Wis. Agxtes Smith, 18, saine. Walter Y. Glaf. Kaukanua. Wis. Louise Barcett, 23, Appleton, Win. jobu Bayer, 21, Cblcage. Loretts M. Moleson, 19. aine. Emanuel files-eus, 26, Chlagr. Minnie Lare. 23, saine. willaus Wilson Mrfihee, 25.,1Chi- cago. Millau C. Dulear>', 25, saine. TROOPS FOR KIANSAS.-. Kansas Cilty. Mo.. Aug. 21-Troopa nul 1e seul mb M anias CiIty. Kane., unlesrail dtrlke tilsortiers lieu-e aa', quelleti nllhin 24 bout-i. accardlng lu Govecne lbclry 3. Allen. rbn bas ar- rivei icre. tusmediate reorganizallon of 1the police deplrîment ras begu-is Ioda>' lu obvît, lie necesîly off send- lhg Ircopa. -M -I The ray te Tlpperar7 la losnger nor lhan It ras rhen th# boy8 in the treuches sng about 1. That. oecauàe-of the ghting liat ban been soins on. Here a bridge to Tipiperary townn l shown destrclped. but the boy wulth th donkey and milk cart wL» selt ther.. PIONE3ER PICNIC tin vhseo ies m AUTO ROLLS OVER DRAWS BIi TIIRONG F.:D.Lca, tuîüý FOUR TIRES; TWO AT WADSWORTII tant Ry ic ae bleY. Y, BADLY INJIJRED Clark. E. C. Hlaslings, licury \l,) er. Thomae Hogan, LAHoY tit' meyer, E M. Young. Hundreds of Persons Gat h xe uln-.uite Chicagoan's Machine Lands in her eutlive Committet-C u1( for Annual Affair in Perry L. Persons. States Att ,i n Cornfield on Waukegan McCarthy's Grove. A. V. Smth aud I[l. O. Br,,,ii Road. GOOD SPEAKERS MEARDI AUTO A COMPLETE WRECK Beautitul reaîber, asu enîbusis.- Two Chicago men rere Injured. t a oro d su leuîy of e'slertaiu ne quile seriously, sud tlie even- ti teatud 13eauua metngpasseuger automobiule ras rrecked Mentfenure th anualmeeingbeyoud repair. n th11e machine Of the 14kg Counis-Pineer-Agri. - rChe rpoie eut imb lb, ditch onuWaukegan Wtscs che! o polce, , ore dsy, beween Washingt on street aud cultre asolitne hid alu-Os. 3card cfNorh Chcag unde rand avenue. laIe iuîurday after- Autust l9thl i, 81MCrtilya grOv2', bis pians for decamping front île non. Wadswrt-h. c ity, b~cbecked himànelt t, anid The automobile rôlled over four The reather could onot have heen ioutsd t1at, as (hi1er and (i ycol- limles sud iauded in a cornfield un mor coducve 0 sds n e ut rleclor, 1e had 1.laih rpo, ýsou1the weel uhc orf th, road. The top moe eucl W te unI10 loland a Icertain City mneY nilil~, uD]n, it, he eels aod body rerp crushed as il tlhzea rbt 13 on-turned avc tg1the Ciy, would bd ilhad been cauîght under a pile- une rc z b thrughthL on-beid t, ii> galubt hlm prO;.abl Ou driver, sud the driver sud orner. dertully flue grove makiug 1the rbol-ýý icu charge of embezzlement a. a William W. Harper, off 3567 Costelo affale vcey arpocffuciai.s-avenue. Chicago, ras seriously lu- Thear a rre pplou ocaion.r Aund anMr. Scbard seul le In'(ty juîEd.rhile lits son-m ýlaw,-namecl Lakp e rnpesudpee rody as eed I-esureir of NorLh Cbicgo a dîueck Davidson. aiseofo! hat ýIY. ras cut 10k rocul deer ytmby113e el) semethin,,, hetieen $;JI),aud sud bruiaed about 11e ueck aud te te ccaso thchenthutiast' 1 presîumî e uselîle lbis5.e ahouiders. be eseut, qcupome ed b <>uî wl th11e rit>. The two ucm se -eou Iheir nsy thse residents of Nèrwport inubp. CAY ficîsîs feIt 01't t!]'3 former fromt Chicago to Dr. Byron J. Corbinsb on of b.prgseaiv ownsip ie f rboseemysteric us lc41ilPCar11- collage Ri Cross Laki-. near Auttocli oneO3heu gesivnowsypsoriîc-' isetTuemfday lu5s1tbeeu 11e riere they have been spendlng 1the Il . 0. liroru. president of th1e is k cf 1the bu la qugdUsum Pioncer asci wo as mater or s:1111 1the cil>. The accident ras caused by s wet Ceremoulesansd dfreclc.d te day B UT, pavsement.- The machine was bought. program. Th11e mystery deepeus f)r, m-heu lu Hewes garage. larp- r vias At n.,son mauy tamniiie-3rathered îhc ch(cci note10Cieuebank 'aitlaie te Antigcel. under tie îre sud partook et NOrth Chicago, il ras Ilourd liai ________ basket luches and 1the ape-kers on -cbard dld net have siffieut tonde the Progrsa were entiîained by ' Isd13,~ KWSr ROUND LAKE AND varlous familles. iused sud uactîcd ".N. S F.." The progranta iol .~4bnku euvhich in ns di3ap- al very lnteresli-7ou, md the or iO-1nîmeuî b0 b sde INEI .hetra rcul the ludneî-eident churcîî And now 11e officIasaise,.wouder aI"Zon Cily pros idel mugic for luý r13at they 'Il do icsi lie occasion. I-ad 1e ' c.iecked ut. -id rond TWELVE !NNINGiS The orchestra wa---flue uad their thal is Chieck cnverel tc MOneY assistance ln t, icurdilion ofth11e eue the Cty, il '.ouîi îî a 15 ___ national airs. etc., helped lis-eu up Scisard ns, O. K, but as iil l5, Rnli on Ao ak the~ pro08at 1 very usaterisîlly. >,3,1the check Is no gond ci ait because Ru!e' on '.~(so ak otiier thtig nhich added miach ta vntog here is ln the tlest lausasd Guru, , enltsvwelve inuluge te een toughyeaîerday betore they decided their the pragramnt ws 11e musialspr>~o- bank te lake care of liIt o01 Il. conteal ou a 9 te 8 b«isia nili As-ou gram gises under the direciou of chemks asren't cashed vhen lbey are Park Cetting lb, sligbIly bigger end Mrs. Mary Hotchisls Love efth11e not hacked Up by the IdIl amont. et 1the score. Waukcgan Cosersatocy of! Muir.Aud se the oatiy recourse nur woxld It-ras a good game played betore Everyone 'of 11e audeuls made ,an1be for 1the City Iolu al ibis $40 a taIn>' large holiday crord aI 1the exceptloinally fiue show iag. Those If tbey ranI te gelt A il amouat nommer resurl. Grsttee sud Snyder Who teck part nere: -Ibat nowln u 11-' aii:. îomlposed 1the battery foth~1e Gurnee Eleno Ble....... VoalSMo As Chier et police S(i ard ras vlstnrs. wbile Ilason. Eckstran sud Aithield SSmedberg ... . Vocal Soino ugo City colleclor on thc. ~i.Pi eflig11ejb o 1e Asyonu rHelen FInlk.----------Vocal Solojetc., and 1ha1 it 130w lie lîappened Park-erg. Aecupsnl3t -Mary Hotchkssî 10ehave City molle>-ounIband- Eeckstran iook ns-cc 113ejobon! llng- $1.5 0 PER YEAR, IN ADVANCE POLICE BULLET IIALTS CAR MFTER À UTO ACCIDENT A. C. Birchma n Seeks to Es- ceAfer Crashing Into Atutofof H. B. Epker. GAVE POLICE WILD tHASE A. C. Iiîrcbmitn, aged 30, Lake Bluff. ras placed uuider arrest ln WauXegaa Sunday moeniug air 12:10 ü'clock. after he lied r,! used 10, stoP until Molorcycle Policeman Tbomas Kennedy had flred a revol- ver bul tlshrixigh one bis rear lires. lie ras boolked on a charge of belng druk and dksorderly anal driviug an automiobile while intoxi- cated. Il. B. Epker of Center aireet. rai drislng his automobile goaula lu Sheridan road et 11:50 o'clock fiat- urday nigbt nisen 13e met Bîrcisman wbo, ras drlving bis car end made lt Impossible for Epker 10 gel out ot th3e Way of Birciimausa car wbich ',rashed tainbis machine. damaging il very hadly. Wltbout revealing bis ldenlity. or seekiug te, determîne tbe dam- age 13e had doue Birchman backed lts meblue and slarted to muate his "scape. Epker rau 10 1the uear- est lelephone sud nollfied th3e po- lice. Officers Lyon and Mets bur- ried toth1e Bren. ln th3e meauhime Motorcycl. Po- liceman Kennedy rode aioug on his macbine and ras Iutolimed ut tihe incident. Epicer lnformed bima tbat t13e othwfecar 1384 proceeded uortb. Kennedy speeded lu tbe directionl ludlceted sud soon caugiit Up with Bircbmau's car. As 13e rode along- side sud ordered t13e driver to hait. ttirchms.u pald uo attention. The ollicerfitred two eabut i in1the air to frighteu hlm. StilI Blrchman did not pause. Tben th3e officer fired a iluol through one off lb. rear lires. Then l3ircbman atopped and ras, couducted to t13e police sasiGn.' A sarci ut bis car reveal- e d a partly filled case of 13,cr. l1irchmaýn was locked up lu a cel. bi1,s car being plsced lun1the polllte s1lin gar. Vehiele liceuse pae ou ieMachine ludicaled Bluif or ChicagoS. Birchusan paid a fine ot $7.40 be- fore Police Mîagistrale Wallr Taylor ibis moruing. ýBABE IN ARMS FREES WOMAN Mca s iat e Lach. ot North <'il- cago, was canghtlnluthe meSies off the dry laWs dragnet Saturda>' nlghl aud seeasd hec 18-montbs-old baby ivere taken 10 1the countYlail. -Tbe jaller refageli 10 lock tIse baby riti- nul au order trous State's Attorney' A. V. Smith. The Sherfet permit- ted' lie roman to scout arounti tor al rin ras finluai>'obtalu- e-d, sud ahc ras releaseti under $2,0,00 bond betoce Justice H. C. Coulson. The o--cers aieu acrested Emma Peuson NegreBs, on a,- charge et siolating the prohibitory Iaw. Un- alte 10 turnisia haillJustice Walter Taylor ordereti hec lu the coont>' jail. ,ia WfMM i Iwo I~MI MipofA Wm At Relieve Her of $30 J ust as She Was Locking Up Store for the Night. OFFICERS NEAR AT TIME Two bandits, armed with revol- vers wbicb ibey sbos-ed imb 113e face of their viclim, a Mrs. Bald- Wn. who wcoucis a refreahyli-ut stand oun113e es band of Drace-8 Laits. last uight robbed 113e roman Of 130 and Imade their es3cape di- &Pite t13e lad thai Cuere wretwo depuiy aberlifs within calllug dis- tance. airs. Baldriu's husband lsad luit gorte 10 their home uearby rien thse bartdfto accosied the roman as tie ras loclcing Up 113e place for the nigit, aise bavlng 113e mcncy ibu ber peraoa. ,Wélst11e robbers ordered mes. Baldwin 1e Put up ber banda. aie tisougit lhey wre, )klug but wbea tbey lbreatened 10 kili ber sbe re- alized tlsey meaut- niaI they said and the gave tbm tehe mouey. Me. Baldwin notified Sherlif El- muer Green. m-ho ýintormed hlm Ihat lier, wretro deputies, Wesley Gray and H. A. Doolittle. lun1the nelgiborhod. Theel' re.located sud scoured th3e country but failed lo tlnd th3e robhers. The Badrins. ho, raun1the place Ihat 113e Ives ccnducled s year ago. sur1the uto 1 o ft h 11 e d epu te a b u t wn ef, srald 10 go near 11, believlug b 13e 1the baudits machine. CIVIL WAR VUTS MET AfER FIFTY VEARS SEPARATION Homner Bailey of Des bine,, Iowg% Here for Reunion, Visits Homner Stevens. REFOUGHT THEIR BATTLES' Fifty years hBu~nt neakeaed lhe !rleudahip that ras macle nheu Lie North and South i Civil War. At least, nt soan nu Houser Steveug,ý 88 yeaca cf age SuuaIay. and Homer Bale>', neari>' as old, a ceident ef Des Moines. Wieu Hnuer Balley camne. te Lake couuty*Wednesday anti Thors- day 10, attend tie reunlon of 113e G. A. R. at Qrayslake, b. remaitred long enougis 10 pay a viait ho bis aId comrade, Hmarer Stevens. wnom Les-e. t Estltnates roen mat nlui rna.'~ e os-er d bavedy N uttîueaaîso. huao ML s ur as a solaer nul>' years Frances annid tîiilzVauder bad rsitfroust34V0t o $1,bO. .No -gamensudlits boas ras sffraîd'o! hits [N VYIIU3ET E lUIJ so, sdan d inet2een alace tIse> Love---------------- Piano Duel lady yet kuors 11e exart aMonuntgiving ý at a cu-lîlcal poiun t oftiihe.estrd01o 1ebno Tekià a Weu, sd il not til lit(, booiksaretgr).IlW1SKIC D4 R we uV k udf h no .- Ses-ral iaPln-) umbers îieeked bse-c comPletlY. A meet- Round Lake is lated for tise nealrJlI. D N .Ble>.vstu c tvn Marehal Meyr - iaiu Sol iug ff 1he cîîy couoneil ras bl5couleal againsi the, Ughtuiug Grands l i uic os udbitu Accospaunlst - Miss Mula Carl- Buda>' noon sud 113e iîîbrWa>of11eGan iar lhere.hlile ane is hoe andy-eilbitb sou taktd ave bl n .uiiO ~Reports aret-elaI Peter Nerbous@, day Sonda>' atternonu. Mc. Stevens On the speeker'g program wec, taken. dtreth Gayik Tmsl Attorney' E. J. Heydecker aud for- That Sociard faces acrest unleas DRUGGISTS FINED FOR edro 1eGaylk ie, wi58 ormeri>' ceident of Watikegan mer auerîsr In Wlu. ff13 lstadatl> cbîris eem aa- lLI'U~atedfor 1the position of PublieoAd- and recenîl>' mesed te Autiocii, mer suervise JIm wloh. o ho . mmieditely rttirri S siaiLLotG LakeH CoRUnt>' s-lat, of.Lak Cere vicei.swlIr inglalivinrelat rlves. Newport township. Mc. Heydecker moît a cerbt>' aty S 1te rit>' muaI____ J. Smith who, through appotullsent MIs formercosde Me aey gneokun "OId Pionecri," sud Mr. lotd somlebedy amounitabie tor tiei'de r gte. Welcb on *,Young Poneer$." sain and lbe bonusien ill iti. hl- BDyintern5tlonat Newgsservice bu the Commerce lBoard, nil restgu 8 iseguliving nith relatives la Des S. H. Clîfford, secrelar>' off 1he out doubt. demaudti lut schatti be Rochester, N. H., Aug. 21.-That In- the admînistrator Job. Moines. WaukganNurh Oicao Chrnir podued.toxcallou may lie gaineul b>'masssg- Mc. Nenho'- e lbai liveul In 11e Tise tro veteraus speut a leao-. ofgtheCommercesioitlWilmaliaa-,ouil>.iWeyiss,.1r as a supporter aul week-end resiewingtlise icones o!rsnttv Com rce. Whim F. Welss . eii b> Juge Feiket-liere, rho fouud. OffGos-et-non imi lu 113te primar>' 0f their batlles together antidia' C.prstoen atle f ofthe isrct A Ttwt> tuggiata goilîl>'off îelîîag intux.iand aI clection and therefore is ex- cusslug Ibeir former comiradî. C. floxn. haiusa 0f113eorgul-~A1 ~TlIP A csting lîquors. ipeccr appointaientl15a aloglca onue. zation commritte, sud vice isuesi- CAR Saa a EN . A T. iesrgsahd ot lo -h dent off the Mlk Producer' oc- s~4,I.ay'u t7The rgsi bailuld lho rb". CopealiveMasrrotetingiooiss> R A t T I LPAKaThe usen appealed thir fine of $25 Evolios of Name -London.- O F>I D E CoisIesuîro 1,Illol acîu atjdcosts. Te s nLodon" dates Ibnck ta 1OFF T U ESJ taIe nmBut-eatu, W. J. Smith. ___E___T-he llîu nen L uaiausp citeroe!Ilise Hait>' Sittt, A. 'V. -MN OB AHRN teut Btin wer te isv i uduil. CIIAE APr Susith, eates attorney' of Lilze colin- A Ford helongiug th, Wlli Aroca. III., Aug 1THERnGou Gnriedaul rtln ere lm Tume an ucbI t>, sud Ra-. 1r. Nelson ot Zionlitoke, of Iibetty'.Itte', v. tlnen ArrIlAg 1-e huadie n hnteTae a ah C IA QÀ H Cm>'gv hotadresses On to)Pica trous Eieclclc pst-lc SL1iiii uy nîil. Moosee ara eeatmp-'danlu laentsainia ider iban ili t prescut. Iu 1aet BIGiAIRC N E off geseral Interest. He uotified ueriff l:lM - Groees'ittcoesrtnd lu thîs sud readj oling huis river res the ase r f aeosR C N R The epeaker outhlie day ras C. lminedisteiY alter l~ îiPt-C hills u iuted oea--cmnglgo ptbct ield os rom V.Grgoy eilr t!hue Prairie lossud att Investi7-tel îîiidislosed lanu thevcry train frto1he tondis Farmer o! Chicago, who spuke onuthat 113e thiee-ca hd bs--il -cen go -alinuat"cohicigoiono! literLyal lrde liteMeU lhe Importance off theMiii Pro-' iug nncth of Shteridan nt-..1about ,off)dense '.siîehu notens lomoror atItIl as lisu Ibtis boul>'oet ater 1b Ciaottkfrtan m g ducra'Maketng haf u bucbetoce lu, repotted Moosebleacl. te Celle bult a rude sort of ftort, to American ridies as t13e as-latioti cen- durra OC. eratie Makein ba11n3e u Pe1crn Iaotngis113n tri-countey e.eze a "aehorooltrtfiteeoutr.abiud 9tblst Couspany',sud urged larmes-s tu re- the matter. Sherît! iicen -seult Pealdnt Iat-dng liceldg inl-l-hIisbIfroneteîcyasrdl,'totho alzeth Ipotaceo senilng vor aog helie li s fr-day tu dedicafete 3JamesfDavis lime lagoon," or lu Celtlc "cale Lun- l audifrnt."llm Iaiotyad'ts togibe laos-ec ballie' oa gl ias atinu epot.Meusorial. E':eieis s precediug 113eldon." Upon Ihele InvaisIon off LuIt- Rear AdmIraI William A. MOffeIt. poehrpin prier tu e heulk. ias ____no_____ conveutiou julude 113e initiation OU x.linte Iomans adopteul tise srusechie! ufth11e division at scroutUtie a liper rIceforthel mij. te Hat-ding' dIai;s of 1,000 candi- naine sîihets lîghtialteration bu eu- or 1the United Statea nas->', m-CI lu lie OGu club alhant ClarenceB SB1 ' dates ile Il 10 fl1toto th3e Latin, andthie knovulibrie tbrough tour >ears as Witter abot ses-euout off ten day FAIRDB SE ALLofteGatLk Ni pIgeons. orge Rue salot is out ou-n ras liu enuonavns "boudin- beadiu 1eCrILksN a oftoln. sud George Nedethoffer guioft( ,------off Smna!tcding. tuin." Il ras dtIong the Roanuor- Trainng station, gave-ibisua dvice fis-e ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ T ou t15.Mse. tem>e. D iaA LIF i- -. 2I,-':, tut iiti edd gol? (ropuulon tisaI tiseplue grer lue3e an tlu slitons et lte Pazeau e! Prog- Armes - sud -Qulggle. off Waukegaxi. cre'v It gt-iîiteall lýs ou-l I ll( i t mporlunt toýsu, unit e-eu îafter t-cs Sunda>' lu Congre-salsl. ebo bIierscoesbutrer no 1h--qlarî elurîs-ul dabout luaia circuilai IRomane departed, Ille Lutin lerinun tryerui Adiai i etlsalis tie conleel. Efforts offgset-ral W.Okî gastasa groovu-. cang to tiec1rt'-outil wetl ou mb hie molt-y occ"ltAdit-gYar i ofeItus Tiere rere vs-stitsstands on th, lu soersedates toc piay- îtîtclng the -are,'a131ttyaegtae grounde n'heru refrealsueuis rrLaeCun> at ec ri eslast Middlie egef, wheu bhe gradoîl trenid liles troust1the cil>' îseif. Tue>' ser-cl. isr, w etsa kuci Lark sud yarsnnounceuiteîmaieSuperlative Uninnism. ara>' front lime stict LaUin briinubould li1e, on tle other baud. near baby dan-n e,- aniBgela cîgar" th es- I an ild aes avnue enllt oedN> iteani Ilolilî-t- It-lt i-c(tigîillit!causeti the ellmlittiou uf thi lat t%'(1 the nailroatterminais xad areet car lut-e aud lu tact ever>'tlslug lumalle ichedule off the leame takitbg pa~ ho linsi alitlied l oia bauittti tti) syllabies andtitheIi, cluuugoff the fIli yîua ni-i a telightfltUi ntenon ras pro-lun1the sportéi prograns bas beeli mode4f"(,I 0, gitv'-ir! (lt lt)u! Ir tlrefsae --i, tainan 'o" tiitm 1rodliiiutg ain luau inheoduelor>' aducea t ff s!-hedu talle oe-eing; s dance ras as yet. George Hah's Llghtlnille - >'Otr touieca 11t I s-O 1the 1utiIn-un. --London," utecîsel>- as it la tO- Thousn saiti: h n rIeltcg,s halil andte lb, esle Grandswnsonue e!fte tcasu a 51- ntl 1 giic'ity ù:îr 'ortîsui;tPr .P-gag .'Let 1the goveram-at ,ulId a bia>1'- ci 'affal' r. pronounoedeti Leempting la make 113e grade. but ' tty ly -.c1 e tuî.- .Irae ag4nug o e~ et lte .muaI zt1c-esfful Ihat hlid lî ras tirueuldora. -u-i'lagitz::. u onîîîo. hlOatlicivn 01I i.' ICLOSÉS FOUR In SqftI~ rth -lies a ara eftý>-Iîppe -W rary ti dý Dm's

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