th* uay "d il, e w to thé %Ueri Worth loobeti atUtea 50<1 a -sort a Iarkor ixa0<im rOI "d_*eym bouteS, au *a; ftlesd tia1mawut tS a amontt atro.Sn uaulm peemmalteith <t, idi oM" à chiot enlafer te de a a 1bA4l. cUxin Watwr Au UILTY> FWfED $10,, T«» Wp oaigio, PolI S. ui a yt ssut on W 5 kt* »M.4%m br 014ag te li #SMI aift a the bu wns hudeitibi' iaa0f1deuei maieS,"& at a &ftrot MIav tolU«" after Stewart -ýO%=Mdsaidera r- ihe b- *W:te- stop hlm s*ttg i MOyi Ignored Maii tobbora- mm.10e a Utile akia oit MY Wbi".W.nhz* rcutk.d, -6*e *Ü.osa*xe4.aàsâ& bire My> pe heft là aum-tiare vge UI*Vb*t yot are a 5vaianode rnSth"S ha 0, &be facet t h CourtSe tbi e a"6, mm te 5' nnbM ua roc ,. t a nver i. t P .k t a valve t hp - atet Seve fro W" k'ai tilaimt i h- sii rli teIt zn ~ .l wal eu tht bd éeeîtti0dam. Mr Oflaerli 1t ai- aIt la" a"«nolisa the ac sýlm>effrv omie %_% eor à, euly hoilgwostriaio crealsg troS ie.h ewa-ota tom't5,w aythl ~~~à SecaAi=l ieaff. MIi' *iob ti ne Soit ag o ho daaliaSt aW tMti. Vale pniq ave<le u ho mlleu is om tHeath,* S t the*Ibsbt Igt *M*«t.. eiminBa l Qui "64,k m sMihaumiti ainWvthu buit' u. etciVI lignt nr y s Atz cia go vtg ta de *lu - vIgm auilor the de. ~ bsmonlit. eliecontenti mat. »h affîrr.prowukel bat N. 1k eduelY ta go> I eutsc' at idt"fas nA ~ abola hepabbuied PP .atre0qil mier, se, ~te Allert, Ss, a former Sb" ebg plant, via wandis- 1 ' Wthh bcneh bt.~~~bi sunrln t ii aol.Worth w Nu evu. he wan Ahan mi t.d4oaa Stewart out 0< tht ~ W~ Sxy Uneho camaelu. er e p -<a Civil on <b tt e W. ould, have the robt nlglt tg bine anti ire, vu ,er charge liurled i Worth by îit llplYe. 151. nta. typtil of Wort.Wv tar Stewart asat nigbt. accord làb hm. it reads: "Stawart 'ter change thie hmrt aitU adkeeP your drty heu. -~ ~ ~ OI oe* Iiae aabeau sitlg eu4 a teatla no<it Nfi gf$40 tewat lai t beli aso~ a tic#4*W, va« umble te i Stewart. hcar#" DOuf. probawy Wvii alandi bL: e hi Civil ierrlf ~4Uea Ai liaclarges'a a n8la à atian wksrss iA Mat at liacîk Eye. As a rtg ait .1 te ici tffl a p uit mcdiby wora5 E~ t, gévtt ibe -,>tca ontofbita s mi bt tecki* o«inï * M. a atewartdeciares tia uftsiwoet kiocefftS lmdewn ti k"" ks4 m la tke zibe.s t liewp A n"mt ti: Kmt ni for ,a&moment or ae49 anmd t15. wvian hé,di t it *urei ,after ,W«rtf4 txe id5ia eat. him otwIWOtAntt W ' Not4t.' & V. orvii.-ju om= itZ Ont the-»t neft ttlip Woelti op Steatt: b" .t iis tu, gay:. "I iiiw9w at4c ep tuf do& A"t> efort oit lmrWoetl'5 prt to xIt mne an& i hngt Maac the be#» e#rtii, Si pove Wsttkeffl pare voter ànd beautiti the* Vpi a n , a.n k ee p tié plant oison, et lnhaPy"ooS. I even planteti lovee &*Mad ft.e out" deanti diâcbwarg e .haIt Soaen men for am. bée"lgfi& plant cloa Îuiîde 084cf ubbiiat iii. Flor and,.tshitke anoer open ta my knowlad5e fo ani' il,ý arpurpo..ton, Sa.-Iia= lce or the, .Mouth *«, tirelong la- take. The. people wbiohave paaaod la. tii. RI.lty â6< thi.waterpaoita iaofaiMy-efforts tW bwautifi' the itouud -and keixp cièon theii. i et iii. wateiw0nks. *aui mani Who uav thxainnitie or outside ot'lthe waterworku wtfif e Fr. AMus andi I were cxning It viii bear -as. o«t ta ibi a efet«wt. 'TM eupr thea -com tixrough ftxe hrtiorzituke la cfleotW aomlng tbiough thre bl' rouis-tof soinfer \VOnrlWa fifth 4d enatm'peibki Àî*regurti otclé&>' maçon, a&d ta the. fie tit ti M 'Mt - ilxisiner hasanot mada î?m z~ etea;; md hi.e at 1. vclt- in&'"s document sano som aller J;*Butmataticle Siz prlatei &B t»«ta, sifftthe. bIain, on lm*i Stewart la dire«t 'prýop taeioverwlinlmingly aud eoev, -nucb Iliat axly beepixi; OL. Worth On ihua plant aa Splacee te cit> .onacxil nai il sp 0f TAIlv*ta'Y r- iitzi. 4»aipol!le n lt tix tb&hm 1 W t h t n e c ~ ticannot masie te, on nerc an hao "It on rt ni oc tnthi.e S élcee ~ltyor ubîf t .4 Il, temmencing wAttth t etop, 1*ble nid a kloofu tr w my, opinion la equa> tlxeY pleti -Ignorance, taS o now thoe wtats. 'titen itinle just a1 culpawi 141 0 mWtiie Plant wae foi wvtei« ght~ qacargx pd 'aiuxing têtixàit w atlie enys lu thu 4olukxeà*, and 1 sli.the Sun ta lltbii and iprînt lima at-lment el au t aAattention oth ie tact ual In liati Dot seen Stewart and litA ja tjxe only word Abat vas given tg Stewart, md neat Stewart said, >..*&od morxxiig" and gai a crack ,Ah oy.1Icotiaticreal pension- sixat lzyearc mgo b6cause i v, la tnMy opinion, au aid mait b zgineer Worth% ovix net in the beat anwor tiat Stewart vai120a Lta blime <or the OPenlug afthe b. Werlh CoUlt i Fi ABock Wth Whî a 40 Doeint Know, clalm. lit Bon ai* tii. Commenîti made by kltonewbo Sknov conditions -ait th o.waterworks are: *It. id That fully a dosen Parti Of tii a. atetvonku are ciosetidowu becauâg Ln tiiey donIt kmmv boy taoperati * 'fat the. chaorme tmchine la fo C- proof anti prevenia thos who don' er àmov ta-wta put hl Wlix. vatel - tram doctax'Ilig At tOO heavi. Wort ila a, Motou ns - wii doult kfi a. b.a ta atiti etion, acoxding il th.the, otinetg atment. # T. t t ewart kixova ýnOm" bal leWorthi about ti,e vaterwonba. *on afor tlit -4.ItjWZi ru iai Stewart l t t m mai0 ie mineabie uift , witçn Maiii 1sr* u thé piaaii entitle 'him t1 iare r' s pect. Afen Worthx bLd tciOtAiBh' attaÙiI as ed Stavani. lie buntie ta the lIi. ,ice sat-tonan&i plimketi &OWfl ý t$100, eayliig, "'He-.tiSe My lin 2 out of iWi$." Rapeatedi>' Woel A liai tai Men tuat lb.> couiti 4 Mn notlxiptta bnu .,atpoiffhad tO Tua e tatment va" aise matiet V4 .Alberi Dgiin Viienhaéva. dhidxar o..0 by Wortht. te1 b. aie cfé uit àe auiy'Payemof e! £*,etla ade. Oarriek va le At Unsteplianoio 4~-pai'~nit -~ ~ice. te »pee a day at liamPtoti andibrila gol elube andi bath la ortie te t-st 1, 0, eAk theigb1v vas oveï t taauad li iue te a& lwimpnottu dnum 00 itAkilisleaieOf J )da hast Carlle preunted b it ii "qe or jÎla ct4% .Te, bov lxovrartc- Ai golt vax <"isplid e.ô t ai b Tweed. Carlyle mmniloan iasnU.te drot-e xrugob Keiutgt -ontae- btg UMpon <laIegava tobn»ee lie ýW - d. .x "" P¶m eIx I 4e v8aent, M»acles »me an the g liat oa »mlM 24,ou finait a. tliIa» o Installaon ord &MM a e i ,« t opft halg au ue ss s tu4-bou ii i fiai o4t. Mn)i. Hunelsa ho* tif« opsintmt«' the. Rondomt aewgv jç&- aUte ~te et. PaL* Mla upUutmeu-i vhlcb la coeqm wu eiêva té gui the lpo ioa~1da an 5early dt&,e. h J la o '- niliilng Iran pýIpe top1 t e &eS1'UOW the rdz~somic i he ngt- ncer Arthur MéniàelâmW. DRY.MULOY SuNm TQ JÀU»-N"-4N INsPITome~ -MUSÉ&.;.Otifew PR Tlie follovAng la sChiâ4i pae~venalan.t l.te lt%0e nrti-t by tlié WaukrgsMU Welc oil a chre of! ttmltet i bugusry, tollpwlpg op a nela ieiteý-w terda'lt, Nfle e t -AhiOn: * - Centurions o!t lid village 911 Uhrop Hachebr îw : 'iAnedftegy-ý closed lante'o!tbht 'Mônarcli -Ato Loek aei"pny .J. . Meaday eýy sud Iillaet. i = f llo'îbt texrdarknees. fi- Tlç on4 i anderlu*, Inaltit. lufing proyati "Arc, jon u e? Hello!' deized, h1à! HéMe id thht bo hmnecti of anuaà-j tSd, the dbar being barrad, li- souglit the next cailest entrance.. Anti dno ft came lti pesa itithe, ReV. D. M.R McGpwan, Congregaton,. aliet preanlier, eand studyiig rca degree of B.' D. ai fix e ot Cedar Rapide, lOva, vii cail iIto a ceA., Liter that eveoh.g poverful andi rccuoue Volcea jutai. thée aca of te conabales. la the street oui - ad thyoUzntlI ddie OConnoOrand aplrituoog revelir. . The twOi - ere lilxceliedtat aceli. "QrPétinge. lrethre,' aid the D Rev. MeGwan. *'Greeting yatrel!k hoviheilare- * yh?" responded one of, the duxil. "Suhai, ho. ho, ho. Eddie. look at dthli gay. Coit ifsAicollai an, bacS- Anti then thie Bev;. IcMGoyen. 9 vaniin x », vent mb action. 111.Sk (é, he, b gan. lAw eut. iiii zti," tlay chocuseti. i "We're ln jMil, mint ve? Anl uliat eenougli? Àpparently At wax flot. Ail 1. 'Uxcogixthe nlgbi the lecture kept I Up. Tavards dayiroa, hti,. ux . ter entitavoredt tacomplets lie nef- iorm&tIon liy leading 'Onward.Chise- tien Soliuers." Tiiey anâvered viii t lia unique ballaA. - "Hov Dry 1 w.Yesterday al lhree wve.arraigi- - -j gueee,' saald the, ludnge,'tha g& au tre"haebeuiulientuy PUR- it oeA Dkbrd- D*D Â1 eT belves Ne tv ooWlà", tus. f am ae~eai o titite» obi. t6 bel&teni evenloimi &%mres a good dra u ut ta",.$h faf arut tbe4 Sont.S 0"aa ledtlog ai *0 fair lal o sA filleS, aid *aià n. il, 19M b hub»PAlidurnthli *MuxI aeit'elr "Y o h mna' id, o o 5* amglamaecam a cs Péb for lit tsr imteR. $ohwartzhi An 0140f ta ~mb~ hf. ~ -m kav. ~ei~ l~ Sêlaeê q~I*taK~ ~q-~ ~ 0< ecuros, bal - lb. Up. la. ~ ~-- ~NST VEI *n com -- 1- se""rrep VViq,.Win- arwat.tioai' vtd broii efare og;inead seat'me - t. thé .oou*r ài Mr odao 8M00 4.11e AJi iale ta sei boods 4courdtigte Iota taeS se, *0 «xe. m pigaatuer Offlaios strgk a a it* -e & * t ttMok, mr fatiier . *'i4 A itti.uer. m ta g C! F.FOR the firit day el parents as well as of ~dcedM n nw topsà :Sdol eekasýormens i A plcîîty of iFolless Home is the firstllCCd'of sehool boys orx iis. Some of our betit num- brSs .are specially pie dur- ing Sehool Wcek. M c eavy ]Ribbed HO". Are 3me Pair A Hom notad for Iu aplendu -meang quaitieL. elak on1y; pair.----- Fine i) bb.d Hom r Special atl 250, Tabr Thug. iou hve irCitodhoeblasud tom .They cati eb lila bIaekýwhite or'brown. Piir ..........- Phenix Engliah E*bbed or, highwp,**ercelud qua nlty, lattie wido KziI¶iiIi iih., wlth s»cliam. fot. Colorsa ai'êbltiek, browti n4 wUIteý....8Sc 1 sehoois a moment thatfinstdehjb"Ms with J0y--ecial if they as chamomig ae thos one sees here. For nuafly oïâplte and, uaay '«ec iprc es are feetured Boyd '.Sehool Suits eially Priced at $9«9% Sturdy Suita for stîîrdy boys, perfectly tailored of the iniot tierviceable woolens in attraetive mixtfre. The styles are those that boys prefer to, wea and the low price most agreèable to fathers and mothers. Many of these Suits have two pairs of knickers; aizes to 16 years. Juvenîle Suits $5.%8 The b'>y ust beginaipg achooalvi asSe a gooi tart l.a oc et t<b dreeay-laoSokg Juivelie Buta. Tliey are madt i ffne voolens and the. prîce .I55lu laver>' elal. Boyse Wash Suts S1-n9 Cnt iront Dixietta Clotu or plain colora anti neci atnIpeti patterns. Thue.Suit* at $i,29 ire priced for clearance. B %s'C- s79e Thea. Bayà' Cmpi ai mxed siitings are luit the tins for earniy taiveut. Tici' are values really wor uch omre than this prliiti. Boys' Knee Pants $1.39 Iiîcluotig Pintr of ver>' durable vooleni anti the bouthgrate of oortiutY. AUl ans the SnAckL- er style.Base te if yera 1Boys Blouses 79e Mate or linS or llghi airtlng utriipea. Pveri boy maut have plenty or new 1Blomse W tari o*9 tlie achlaor., Boys' Hats 49e Girls'Sch.ol Tbeee Boie' Cru ÀxHel o t or be by vbe 1k. ta lie Weilldreaueti are mate aimixturea anti attratîe checks. Tey are spendid vains Frocks at 49c. 9<,$L.49 6r Thiree groups of pretty Dresses are apecially prie- 7 ed for School Week. T)hey 'are e made of flne Otugliam -< and Chsmbrays The. Gînglisma are An check, %trie, andi plaid p5>ho~v patterns, ithe Chàm- brai'la nuoliAd *clora. Ail are neati>' iMhde anti aitractively trlm- med. There 's a wonderful lot of pride gener.ated from 'a pair of -new - Shoes for the achoàI boy'or girl. Bu1,'bes3tof ail, of- eoursé, ïo the exeel1knt wear thege Sboeý-give., Bq Bes f Grl'S q~J 1oys' -Shoes $2~5$L85au #M and $LUO G o1y11.1 -4 iiBàReli or bÀwe.c iifla to le eUti; -... $2JSmat.96hen-5, ili i .. .. Red (}ooee Ohool Sh oaetboy and gàrlge - NOueî .b*tter mado foi 'it or; wear. Priod at 3O $.afd$rOpeti,r- Mî;Isi. a... Sweaters Special ait $2U8 Boys' Sweaters.ii~i-vr-n coiit styles, matde àf heavy wool yarns. They are specURly priced at $2,98 for SehoolWeek. GfrIs flu AIlWooI, Sweatr ~ QW Svaera et th<le Stu b ol ycýrnu, la .Wt>-cloraThue. 8vqlmygara ver>' goat IlOtlag an WeIll a vi meraaicleiblu. "4 r Ail Week pare F GOOD LI The anc 4Baln Anlt yflage t. ettended a profitable been keen exprecaed vith the ~affed lnx InLis. Thé uinseoixti tbfir tam the school Dr. . V diay andI * eixl suit comes fr01 Arizonia a divisfS cil aIre ceci ln the tel t itis work toaean-d aixhoola. Dr. W. UnivErofty, Dr. Clars, xnnhnder o the eubj. Praetica i.' Jfoinifglg mforni1lig fo lo-Deno. plielfg à idea.i hI his coflihi ' he tf>. povîunity Case or riatfor fU or bringi; irý.d of ciatiexixof je ttxatruC -wok and h» mzade wo. k the munity ai of bbig rural iciI il Lot t ber sch& bave L*e I pl Itixient the cîrcuý ad deect illeite of M. F. G came tod. et the ci :- ork and et the la the ci A nuw bave bee to the el a"d langi O!f ixe Gc Mdary De tWauli Wililon( 'North Ci Slaixdar en esnli differeot teoodected port of L Studer o; 8. Clark aplendid reading bad a4 ber caeb wbtmi lion antd et itile bected et diligency te &o la Tva Pi been mIn iliat ma, si the 0 A d by ý ter of t. tu Lyon otiier wE a claie Non-e C ,o cf rAnc the pile * together vork est klnd 01 Over" fs * Mariai Editix EelitrE Jilerga J. H-. R. R. * Llliar A.irta Iesie ]da F F. A. Anna Maixel Marin Ruby Clara Mary Mr%. Baee Y Mary Orpal Daom Alile Mary Maile Elvie Matb Alice