Aw 19, l ~FiPes" Roimace, afdd 18d -'ve a stuent ot the Z" a] mwtvm instant Seafi 'Phurs-a also "rt>' sttr sevnOtity I à =. eu b odbS>'as avouaS kma nader fie viseeja of - a kt ltimieS train on the No*l ep near Tvcs.iAudii'J wl R»oin -iu so ber vay I liol vlan the traged>' oc-a é.- Reur boq wvas nasuged 80 Oýutint ifsuenecessaru' f0 e *ec ber IdentIlt>'b>' means of Obil ool 0m 45'oeaghlgfe rilîroad tracie m,. vay toascicol the young à« boditeomke lier va>' Soya se ban on fie south aideo! 'irosS rigit de ay '. he 4mvm Idi, %ukand, fao late lier suonetuim ev tii #»".e A ine mmi, u 'bet bsmshurleS undsi' thc Mon lsuhigit acisool meefs af M u. for' Sevotungaia sand mis I» vas cldeiti>' hnuig fe )ý sadhool ou tino slieu atruci. ïlb had pet fuilus a lit 11e ~1oI uSees. mer fthber, bbbu ittsas t Aiin, MW V isier P. Obav. ' Siet o! Polios Gjeorg ëd V"s qiekl>'on tIse»Mies. -ýa thsa mm"dm t the M"e àî tuevs is ailo ot er e! île vorid. Tigre vero.lo bc«! races, botb rolwing. mud pove boita., The afteriooii PrOgramn-vW» con pleted vtth a baud concert b>' Lavi Poat iband, under île di rection ofESFd reuud. Sunda>' evonlng ft'hoVeliftian NIg Pageant o! lllumiaited anS decorate boats proveS to be thle most blilliai ffair everistaged lanfthe hiafor> of!th laie reglon. At the cail of the bugl boats f rom ail aections of tic lak cme froni hiddon. places and heade for the norti shore. Startlng l'o. fNorth Shore Beach the hoats mviii into line, hoaded by the LavadaL Crawford Post band, and paradeS ti %hors line, after vhich the band ga a. concert in the renter of the lali ville the handsomel>' decorated boal passeS fihe revievlag stand. . Tfe firsit prise wasawarded ta G. ' ýohnemof o! GsDrive: mecoud pris C. Baiser, of VI1a Rica, anS third, 1'. Àudre, of Nor'thahre. Mr. Waal Mr'. Kolar and Mre Becker, via act4 as judgW, found if a difficuit tasi select îlie prise viners f rom themi beandtful fi"ea btered. Dancing the evenIng completeil the program. The peopleoet Loon Laie anS viciat viai to couigratulafe the 'lSvwnda' Crarford Post for titeir eiabrate Di gramn, vhhwa enjoyeS by al Uic 'wbo attelided andi hove that the iei attendance .wIii ejumurge thenu hold more festIvitiez o!ftis nature the future. A. Maxveil encouuteged haffluck the rovwcingtet t i hlmisgood al WMn"l by bréaklng an oar vhen leadS Min UItai4Tomn Coole and fricr vere spectators o! île Venîtian Nlî Pageant. Commente of "get the hooi." - Le umi»," etc. dIS not, meem f0 ie the dectuous of Uiirea Bs'entea0n à B ocker. vho vere rendering big leau service for the bail players. Jimmxae Peters, o! the Alhiert Car pave several Iuterestlng iteixais 'fluas la !aacy dancing. huis. - A. Maxwell entortalued1 dsughfer, Mm. Boy Martili, c! Youî ton = 010 over the weei end. t0Cao ou=daafer ,pering sunuer at the laie. - ' Mm. B G. Becier retursied tf0 laie Monda>' , affr' sfflng af dffl wvItihber mof»in la Lbertyrlite Mfr. anS Mirs.AI'. Bashore, MIsa Bel Bali'and Harold Holman itiS vBh, Dcker and McBride fi - 1fr. dUMn. Dd Sperber of ' speut fthe fore part of- île wq Auduee cottage. 'r. . ,oiüda srreS eaist t brof the musiinsd-rig s~~~~ tueso 4 ~i e our lu Europe M tiid Wrtbi Ç=isle ersu'eh*i. -ited Suola& Egland,1 ke. toiture. hil tanS, b&OiUs&". Franco, a>,sh à* waes. -for mnu, friadand 9130 le4 tfis i or he aCS u ex- la pcaiiag&bout conditions ia »auc«' fi*nd&s.Unesala ths Vallons0 triesUlmMWa'Suesus aad fiat lu emiiuts vai etronsiy higi tr»M ws, pre o!ent. Ot c ~ ~7 -whiI ouid 'le oquliqle'4f toi1 in "Our moue', ville s mai - istiiOilDurc*m aiioi'U555 " suit sb»U. A irionS af Miss mess'j a dluén Party' for s Part> a! jteen, a ver>' olaborate affir t Uuro e Mil: atudlad expresiton under En su rnhacie. Site lsaa 8fro r.W . Bllova o! Wauke IfSa aluSsaisi fiat a heal OW . intdy« duy u. ims B.ttic inha 'ecvey roua. Oefr do thefdiiyk êm eu ou "aanoffili i nsa le Meiîhî'part@ Élàdde; #MateralShortal To Mloldzop Jêb. Join Darrov, Wankcgsu cOntuâ vas notifieS Sept. f6 b>' State1 s-au' dparfinent et Sluingfteld be lias beenaerS ýeS teoc for fhe cne tucteb lem -carete pVemet'n from thfli Wui palEt 4,61 mites even biSera v mare tia $4.000. ntet-.ov hISSr. Due ta the !atfs b.lag boiS ni> tiront>Mis ra tosI efrikes, Cantrerfor berna, tôt bellevo lie viii h eable to vomi on fis Jobtfils fali, Rauth Bras. & Aciers, o! Offu la,, re0esved the contrent tc, #tMuct the concrets bridge on SersIfreet aven fie Des Pl iwerthel' bd sing $17.9 Thmer viii prebe ' ii ale heia» UutIil nexf sprnt as a1 o îl»e sorfag ofo! ueIea. liet ia.aC GUst-Thbo1 dcli o. i 141>1 J1JR ,S >10 1BU clitla st inda>' lau agaI. -l-it L tockeubaci boa S onet t Bd T ÂITXrIM I«.wbtre se aie15sUPeri- if 3JIU' elident grRelilus insfrpcto o - the t~Im ot, Michigan. ie Four Lost Thoir Jobs as eSUti WgLI'l5e Wias, viio la principalor,, ka - the l-liingv Ne ed Due ta "Revenge" or iust i Pr, o g fain iving sud nAbene.cîîld-Is, retXild priSa>' fromt their le Wietier if lemerely' the Iroar oortrThe ýmemlinerY Scle> ho O!frate or viether there o lata>- 1The iialtsvAsMsngebar ouci e fz ve fhing partJlil'y "signidcaift>' ln it ethe taleed 'Yuea b>'hn.llCheer nf liý as nat been develaped a! fhisla tî e .a»,fedybyMs hse h 3'but the fact reaatns that four of'ae asoas1 the Mon Wbo grved on tise Jury Meye. io r echn t y>, Vol vhlchtfileS Governor ilmai lanWau àpafîe e ea af t H M awyer te kegan have lent their jobs anS, a<c hoPe.te .. n t hP M ee f0 eordlag te reports about fhe court hmr. aSMe .J uf'se a-o liebuse their inabflify ta ga ban k<> pye. and mmo! a. Jt.eDufarbte h bora thor old Jobs wbich tise>'heid be- ThuPrilnt.s o att sf. ie, on x tefore flue>'vere summoued for Jury TMrs, 'd lot,'V.Rtciona fiy e> eto pn thfu isat lof IrvingFPark, vers île SiniSa>'guets far eissn Of Mr. AD& 4Xrs. Ray' ReOi a e ntional trial aad posaubyi>'ifMay' Isabel $YAesH5kIns ofw lain ho a csea! rt aliaf ion i oi' loîetlepu ve iitiise O! -the cases or, ifniay mnirel>' randp&rdoiý, Mr. anS Mr». Ir. C, Bled- ni ose lie that nov mca succeeded fisun Pretadt, .hiWzeturned home, rem ge becaume theu vere ~abet from Mime lurel Stryker left MLudny for Pn te their posItIons'> Bc long.* .Lahara, Io**, viere élie vli 'attend AP la 'Number 1. Weters Unioncollege. -1 VO Ia the firaf place Juror Rainai> misas. Virinia Eston and Ddipîly cit in o! Laie Fcbrest had been jantfo lteichilt gje to attend the tUl'ferity Or, bu>p at- a cburchin lafitrt>' for four- of Ilinloi. >12 in ieea years. Wluen lie gof bac UsRymondMoyer left Tuenday' for th' froxa jury service affer iavlng hleu Lafaytte, fluS,, viere le ie .1 attend ZI ida oS t0 acquit Coveraar limaîl l b' PUrdno U'ipei'siiy. ' be glt vas notifleS fiat his service ver>' Mrs. A. beyoung of Chicago vise the he 1 no longer aeeded. À nov mganliad guesi of Mr'. and Mrs. J. A. iStrYker bM can been lastallod and Barnardc b u f0hlicpont wtt>. . t mse lok aroUnd for antier Job, Ar L. R. hIRer o! Randoiph. Mia, vas Z, aSd cording fe reports lie bas net round lie gueat 01 Mr. anS hrs. Erra Fritscl I:v gue ano uOp ta this time. Monda>'. th Numbor 2. Mr. anS Mrs, James Warrlng vial th m1p, Jurer Replsov ied ieaen mpioYed oe announce thée birili of a son on Pr1- tr Mï'k at tue Wanegan pont Office. When day, Sept. Mt. le liewva, called tufu Jury service it Misa Gvendolyn Itubert liasreturn- s her negecssiafed putfting anotier Maa on oS f rom OMaha, Neb., viere ahe vas iga- ta hie Job anS wliea li refarnel the guemf o! an unree. c f0t reauste hie position lic vas told James O'Connor la ready f0 more tiew fled thaf fie other man had precedeace Presbyferian churcli te île lot Jus if the anS therefore floe vasu no0pa v enf or Rosi Sierman's home, vhere It open for h lm et that finie. Thu fi viii b. useS nuf il thse nov chrci la it the ftepkov aies vas ouf of a Job.' iraOmPlet6& et fev Nubr .Rbool opéed on Tueaday. sept. 5, i >. lec1e0 wenrdBck~ ith the foiloving teachers: Principaln LU- R.téeeetLoadBuk0 LR.. Lowtlerralli, vho teache, tic 7h t vis- H&yaaivlleha ea on01 Ju- ry 0v-ad Sf14,gradée; Mime Lîlliun Berg- ti tnt. lug thes f11110 at a, grefer part fielS, 111 Sand Ofli grades; Mis* san-W o! thse î9teh dlzging on fia farianey :4ses Ifli sndS4h A: Mins Crl i WjI. O! thSt ,asOtIOn vas lu Pragremi. AudereMi, 4tIB andS rdgrades; MISSit re> Thaf lad beenhils lino o! von Wlwbg is ud grade, anS Miena894rbi' sud accordingi>' as inoat -.o!f vasult griiw. l'lailUthora are 30 pupils, t oe a doue *ie he vas on the Jury eeiMore to enter. a fie tiers hasn't beel mach vonk for 1-ereloess reinodeling being dons I hl= since. 'Ia short ho lent out on tieéaceobouse, te suit the 0c11- M o s nt of, île job., ail of, the venleuco, .1 thegmilis. ' Jobs whilehe oaiS bd ave handied .Thes P. T A, *0 ll bthef5rirai; meet- had lie beeu avalable Surug thaf ling Frido.y atternotis at 2:% jury Perlqdà. T Ï'#t~lY vauddene SuinMis> - - N«Miber 4.nîn ofi' thîe desoM f its r -J. B. 11,1dm, o! Antioh vus tiis e reS emiSnt. Joli CerolAt tandxota 11lu fiat vIiet>' but *hwb vas '7 odIS . r.i'aro" 411Mr belug del#YoesoAg o n m tevhoe A30 15.1847. ta Deuilsil 0nil jury WMbiii Ï;Ïbac i Oua fe wsherq gi io de t 480 * ~ ~ ~ found ftSai sa>', JP be bir Ce t %0he Unabi le ieuete, e tr"les te ta" J% lob.4tf 1otChiet!ciurciat 11Brerett fin 1q4 gSt titou « Laiel:rc a o xo d té P»ai l lýd ta»ie 1 .th 46pe, gante =W4r, 'blet dd aucoslug- 1>ly àis la getrng 'Ua e doput cteir viti Mn,. ottte in th e eve emcg epwsudFels Palc le>' e boti are îsx-ervlce men andSI a1155 etoasutoae o! them m"v six meuflns' ____ S aXQ1 serVes on fhe vestern front lu tiMeFrane. Tunfie criticlise tat Il01 ha, beeu gîven toe Braton for get- FeW .Pq>p1eRea" e Al i th ;Wi' tug Fields a Job bu beau giveiln iglU ou a a nuWho $mivservicesud LqUIpImW h fiIIhSSy ta oMicreS bis lire for his ceenfui>'asd CondUot t c $ervie. alOUS bau beau rewariie a tuille nov b>' 0015fr fie chie! ganse taarden at a $100 ThePublio e rvice CoiPnyntef 11 a onutJb.Aieperforun ifs servies yeqinsu'a 5 ast bt Wilkerson NeRwarded. sud varieS equipmýelst. -X ovni16 B e- And thns vbule on a h remoti gn in tton.7g (10511 no mach sabout Fields havins. besielcri ennlg ttln. eer appointeS ' Xe thils position Il 18 manufacturlng stationa. 24 electric KUI interesting te note fiat , J. H. Wil- ani-stations, besidea atore rOOifS, 1-kerson vho vas crie!r ouaset for garages, 1dsrc ifcci, vafer Eub- ý oudtle»r eUIO f ovrorSa f lieer flere are 111 Ubfl ga0ve canuot bel» but compare flihe tis rnialaa iciaecu fouir "rvrs"l h ae0 lî strurted of con<,rte, brick astfel sud thlas f ike- Itese stations fiera týe VO 7adson ho bas beon maSo federal Judge tamomr n &U -the Chicago distric, and ,crd- gno, tr,,1, la . misa 4 big toae erte l laci Suema '~ ~~'~P- Llfls rv largeistationýs, temn l as a direct resuilf 6!lis en madefom9 se TiesW >iglinli or tf0 ovict GovernOr- Small. Thun aofou9 teu oirvf ais- sni0Oua tatal rapacitf>o!3,f50 B.H.P f10 go papey vhlc L 4ectric geueratiug stations :ea.criflcst Gaie Wan4su Stratton fath>omay euts fh e -nitu ipoi anPet od tu a say s<>the Ocapan>' frequires oi 'iPe"eabout VWlisrson belng revarded s0efoaocpct'fr130 os iy for Neari>' 160,000 poes are accessar> mpe»lficteafl>' o>'h appolfltmueit as fa carry itasorniines besida ioderai jtidge. underground clnductors, cables asu The., ciaint bars latbat Fleide lae nduits. lectrir mefers number- jusf au coMpo(ent tf0 h le dps y gain varen s wîîcren l 130,297 are Ovfted, aise 90,375 gaie wrdo. a Wiket6n s t begasmet ers, baides thousanda of afodenui Jutdse. matera f0 moaitirs service te fie r The devlopmeits la réféensce ta Comipany'$ vatiiyr,mstotoSil.To e te fourt jurors la fie Smel case fie demande 01 lieW hUaineis If la jat « !¶h~ a nov l1>jgh on fhe matter necessar>' te bu>' each year 14,000 âw of juryservice. AppaMtiSly 'If vasa weeti o*o a cÔafly xéinefor ail four.n e lCtrr-moWera flteL Mon qanS the report la.1 spraing the plant iopSs16 gai holdera tw xtarond Laie ou#ty, fiat iiid tfier vth a combbi_ :j pcltY ofJ,000.00 bien vIllijng f0 coavief Governor eu. fthe. 2Ïtesunoe ige s1naîl the>' vould net hava enbt wt oa *e,,a)Cyo-,6 their Jobs. H.vfl P.aTotal r teS oag cit>' o 3,1 . In fart iti réference tfc the in suH. P. The s75tous eocaoai Laie Por-est juror he lasie. n 20,300 fenu o! coke. For en- actur, have bea foiSthat ho satuci Out rlching purposea la the manutan- ffg-for one veek ia an endeavo0i'te turc of gis thé CoMusen>' consumes 1tract could ovrot r asalil thuigs i 000 000 - gali or tOnT 4idingîl Mtrat Wuldnov be iffereut;" lat Otr year. '1he new* - ga busniess uires v1t otWrde nfli nsce vas that bho t nereesar>' ta Îu>' oaci year 4,000 otrel vould nef have 1est lies Job. now gas méefers. An automfobile at comprlslng 220 et or!90 . 900990; 000 0 vehlcles rahtlag -front beavy truck$ Ignues. R . te fourlag cars sud speeders le ont- i vas 0 D LD 0o ayoc inicoliiteting île service. aff tte *000000_ 0000 meefombese autobi orkrrivar'ions cent ors fhroug»eut tie districts.- a "a Mmn obr Pettis entet»ned Tues- Th Compan>k bas' 2100 employés. -,mvaYlnWoior v of ra 8 . be ll of Mr.S Belvi- - o - - y 1gThMonda>'. $ 24,O 0esAMUS0 ew 'SiltboarS Tratos, ~ Bay . * C R*"' tion, Ili. - Jueý sa Qei1 mby closed la con the Turiia le City Of Jeruesîcen. during ,the Dat Wori Wiai'. go WIlbur Gmn j vlh'va, overueer of Zidu,'leW re. «ring in, close In on hi, enesclea -te Indepesxden:. Valisa ,owVis nt cozitrols thé etven square, mti ,fthe City of Mion site, wlth the xepption of a feir propbrttae ow"-1 ,b>' ldeoendeaift. 1%è satire îlke Front, miles and iles of rm lande, fhe adnitWiatte>bl& g, departmenf t OtOes, Mion HouLe 8a 50 rooni hûtel>. Shili *Tgber- xacle, several facterlsa and -m4uY isideaces - ail of these are thé >operty of the Obrittian, ubehlic postoilc cl>urcir lu ZIOD, Of wthîb Voliva fa generai overseer.- The ty adinistraion, lnciuding May'- r, objet of Police, Pire Depart- ment, Mtglst.ratee, etc. - aIl of Lee offices are held by stauneh ionies ,and Voliva has bis eneiles emmed la, in a llmlted ares. Now e #reoposes "War to a Finish." AÀ big bulletin boaed luit erected by the oveiecer. eays: "The City of Mon for Zlin peopie-and Zlon Peo. ple only!!! Traitors, thieves and tugs il ulnd this City' hotter than bell! " ladepeadents have trled tb destroy is and allier bul- letin boards. bu>t tey are heavil>' guarded. "These Peopie tink fiîey tan, core la bore and damia aur c!ty- we'ii show i.hem!" sald Vliva, "We muit this City. Tlhouad.s Of- Cll- lians Came bere 1f rom aillPats O! the worM bt live ln a City' wbere certain religious convictions alid deas could ho woried ont. A few 'ehels got ta hors and they thinX tle> un1 mer and deetroy ever>'- thln* heid dear by Our people. Tlhe wol'id in large! if tbe~ don't hie our City and don't want to live UP tO OUF ordiap~ces. whlnth îe name of doecy doat the>' go and es- ishjish a city of their own or go and lire viere tue>' can do s te>' want to,. We stand for a clean aitty - no liquoi, no tobseo, ne an ,no damce halle., Ac moviag pleure ibeaters: ano Sunde" basl& bial, and other B*a1bêth deseere tlon. Mud -Man>'otilarhings. and »s "1ai# oiir od.gfivea rilbX as e ", saof the. Imw eS Stes, naSse «ýe ôoeotwtion ama as a lav-a* lnc #bO*e, t lire Our Mri- M 1'0*0i~ i 2e on ' euueoNg>dr nuie for ieeiit tha' ity LKt insu Wb*o vmal4 goU"* *pleca of lI1id met s.ude aà a OManCati olic community mettemebt and nt tuaxit tô fOlet hi. ldess'0aonii place and bsIng dlsrEitlOu vomit b. a scoundrel! llAVen't J.few lts» sanS persomasuasmucl i iliitAs 1 1ev vIe aut tO Côme la horsac etink up outi' amos$ere yl te bnCOO snd to D'y and brek dovi Our omdnances.- Haven't thel', 1, nie tD inow?' 'ibraM*lhiwi1a4bit hqusoltter dl"e& et A S. uRAIs a Snda>' spt. 3 Max Minler q4 2amiiy ere calers Cid . erbert 01duer lu attending Ma« ody6«n.-in 1 #lgh àchool at Des PlaiSes. 'Bui Shredsr or rellaMJe m*I tI la a ei n the Job. Uver>'- cr ~oyla glastoi s ni Ua iaga"în. ] Clrenice Buaeh nled a car of! isie for ubuulOent Mo»Ur b 1Gdorge 'rflater 5ud sbo L4u a w w re o u v4ritray. Koieday. O J0 sd fixllset 000.4 irandàsifaU8l ýoM LbertYrhIUO $>red Lemker aa f fM beiY 1w ý*s;: Chaules st= M d 51>5 ofl1 le Pral#e view; Mr. and Mrs. Anl:' e i Marinha GergePfitor sud fMei aiS .aele edn, Toas' iy * f uao G-servs aet th. ro thi bÉ> hil SUPE3R cows ARE d th E oNh bc 1411k Flow More than Six Times ta that of Normal Cow Se- l' c Washington, A'ug. 25-Breoding a dair>' row that wiii give enotlgh lu 1 m li to feed 30 c l dre n a day, lu More thon six fîmnes the capacity of thea ordînar>' cow, la ane of the fests of the Industry> whichbua been accompliahed b>' the UniteS Otatea departraent of agriculture, and Whlch can bhocdoue b>' proper feedlng anS selective breedlag. On b: its experinuental farta near Boit$- i D ville. Md ' the. Separtment buai Fherd of six tovi, the reault of Ibreeding work, that have producedy an a average of More tha> 22.0400 gpouttds or mikinlu M 5dsys. Thisn U'litie hord yields enough milit fo Lprovide a quart s day to 170 chi]- d:dren.a à An ordînar>' cov or ecrb pro- Ir ucaoni>' enougli miktô feed fire cldren a quart a day, wvile a gooS cow yields eeUogl te give à 0 chldren a qpart a dajr. Tho L siercov, e Iste departmenf cull la ew, and tiere are more «dS mors . m i n la 111, .lasse Ir oukr, et t à s e vuemiii a i a The improvemeut of Satry> -9v mieaaq more this uoWud Preli te dairyma, the departuent de- clarea,it ummneIsape nsd more mli, the best boue and muscl maiker for eMUlren. Gfod beeIn 1 Lduad good feedtug bave m="a îl16 difereuce. What iime&=a la lu rought eut lorcib'ly na spse I rprdb, fthe debart'îUt Wil là araflahe te aIl f10., intereated ia the mubjeet l le s"meoonetioii, -thc de- 0 A PT A&ISI c *pouir>' fLock ta get riS af aIl birds O000000000000Oqoeo resmt ln noticesble improremenflin Are yau a prisé vlnner, Coins anS the progen>', as vell ai ln an ln- finSt ouf ef Rau' Broa' pavllon at i.i-crasse o! eggs. amond .Laio Saturda> evenlug. Se»- Ronent expenîmenis vlfh tise tombeor ljtb. 37-lt »oultry et fie 1eltao feanushow. Peter leers jilied issilo Tuesda>' oS fiat flic late oobtiselerted and Wcdaesday t e silo on the Cresf- frOil a 200k TO 100ERode Island nionseFsrn on FriSa>', Saturda>' and tes in the fali of 1920 laid seven Monda>'. mono eggs per herd during fuilr Tiecrom lanf ts locatyIof' aneerfu' second yeer flan fie' original led aIl ripe anS readu' f0 rutof pulleta: The>' vere useS as brosSera fthe !ollowst<Mg w- n a s Go. Weinier tran agiatise mat raS puliets taedittincé taylng et the J. N. Busch home. lay>gIng ltfe taTIoa 1921 vere XWnesMhatousei and Caroline Buschi tond a f ehothe offapring 'o!fiese vese business caliers et J. 1% Busell's îafe nioitiag lieus. Theiu' puilits ffards'. li a pen of o sevea monfis bave Mns. Ray' Busch spent sereral days aineadu' averaged &bruit tva Soao et N. P. Busch'# Saing 9mre eovlng ggs Ver bird more flian the onlg- for Mns. Busch sud Mis Caroline. tuai briek. Miss.AiIc Bunton %pont lest vos> If la 'not alone l n niber of 'iu LbertyrIle viti Mn. Max UMmsr. eggfisaffc a it e tsmonitors' progeay S10 attendeS Ue ic laSal>'. , exceli, tise department r4pos' Co n- AI Bantou, Jr.,. Clarence and Fred finuod, but a iln fte value Of Busch, Wm. Triflan, »dS 8h10, and the produnt, as île Sist2ilutiO. va Charles Scib.>' motored ta Libertyvilis -mrevceui.a muc l 1r'er pio6por tath fir 5i'Thurada>'ini fliil'O auto. tiali o!fie oggs being laId during Witen you say Ifl"ge f0ums±oes.,' -te vinter monfhs. Ia île lait gev- Seble>' Bras, suret>' carry tie prtm enoumontis fie Ssughtci's o9 fie We vers pretoutedvithIi o-orl of late' mouitors Dot oui>' svenageS thenressmblin pumpillu as, but tvci ozen gl per bird more than greeiytlffe'es. luoqir ~n is thfe original flok. but fie value o!> AIESIf an ln cété g'A" txt1utsrprocliiet vas, Stngr if îl'te or vatormelon, Rob > % l assuS oh, ameprie-, about $1.40 per bird boy, tic>' are superflues Wo vers silosacre urins fise saune perlaS.If geucrosl>' preoeuf cd witk_ a geodi>' la experteS fief fim margin vili nuupbçtr f tissa saG bileet bi fie inereese. mo et Slounspluma, l"d vien ve say fie>' art goad vo mos- viat v viwWSieaS are tailng about. iIlIN ' N IY John Cargihiand faml>' vore Wheol- ing vlitors atSunany.Plie>' took iln fie fair FriSa>'. F RR Celle patte vas a Dlamoad Laie F RRlu D Ni ruiler satulda>'. A. J. Raipp vas bus>' filling hie silo "-p-ee !fefrtfa hr hafanda>', TuesSa>' and Wednenda>'. cueo h atta h On Tuessis>, Sept. St l, orcurred île l e ru discuseon oter of ar-l Soait or Jscob Leîkam, ant 015 rosi Tueda>' sulmiffthmatroau dent Moftia place. Burtel PriSe>' et bu-Ut firai, a because o! île Buffalo Grave.. Pie boe-aveS have sioriage o! comenf ta bié,f aunaed j..i ~ ~ ~ b th>i,> b'fe etafe, Charles E. Eumeli, O nu r G e ;v îpn ftih g re te r p a rt of' c a t >' su peS n tafo d en t o ! b$g liv«e >'.. Saturda>' lift atWheeling. The Ice toda>' siubunlttedS the natter O!fs&r- creeni vas fine. rangaua a loet o! prrnt>' Malle f Lutait ien» ornlag fthe 0=Mty tise board of suPervliors. vas mari gieved to bear o!fie Plie eMate ligalivai'dpartmeil(f Ideati of Peter G iriel, a Young Mauda eke555id tfia priotit>' 115f be just la-ien aSofiiuoosi, of eepen- Mado a», tiers vas sa mlchuclasmor- eIltia. levs ta f0 i#liesptl, bIh tram varions parts o1flhe ocsu- 0but if nomms nofilng coul bé Sans t>'that fthe. mpiWatMdnt diMe" af«> hlm tiers.. Tic Tom e i, avfitt n t vas botter ta lut fie boou'd- de- the grief almoat nabeairable ta tSsa b. ta.îl %utter'. Ireaved. Tiis la ils filmS 4ronap PliTe board, bovevor, rreS ied ya"en 9puf o!fiat t lamAi>' l f ourse moUttas! ac>ta île ruad anSbridge 9 c! a tcv >ears. .notlier sonS ied,-aIsO oeiiieftèéeanS th ise hsgba>' mie- e gi about 17 y'aax -o agi about a intemdut viii paver ta acf. R plungoa Over Sheride a Road minm t;Iet %yndb WU Jo soue - mai=s Scanlai, 1.y iod daup5 o!t SuueKOkA e aulws o nm SUdAlsno.ere broie». a4 Ià *is, a=tir augiter, sud11, e-plV vas saveel>"uJtS mblied bhmKbi#a ou 1 fiselu. oe. nr Font 2 1-ri BlideS bu'a dlivin rin A C to. silo LekewooS avenue, île*ups imlav,vi Ar e srvl>, 51dm'! s fo .*- .bor» fMm ltu lil* n rossi apl'stfu a bridge le.U boomeS up auddeul>' sed o!rib Turne Upside De~4n rautlsi'sort t et back lnto aSd vare !tutus. The bis k55.5" anS faoe bacivard fthOiWà ho fonce, healtual5da oment at ts SItnan vent piunggdo .lt, fi w rou reansd turneS UP"le Iova in a lîffle creei et fie bottoUpi RImer: KYnSberg, of Waukeg. bployed bu' the Cyclone ?ence c-- a>', vas one o!fite Iret tbreSaIt .he acone of*fie accident. MHeas- sted in faklng Judge Semanlan s ma vif e f0 flieFort Sheridani esiOV aspital. 'JuSge Scanian vas pisooS >n tise oporating table," Mn..,I(Yi- berg deçlared, "and jusf thon -the âtaîl>' isJured daugiter vas lftougbf in. Tiene vas no otber table nqa', ao the judge got up fo maire nooms or lier. Men woing on the lie- Cormick estate neani>' sltid, lu ge ing fhluiJureS f0 fie h*Mptfs." Despîte lis Injuries, Judge 1Seau- ln pulled hinusel!f o fite vrock and 'louSitaiesatIre famniW uncn- oos and pInned beneafi. He foulât several minutes lu a vain attempt te drag theun&mron- a der fiehe bar>'machine, flan ra u a u te tichigivhay - a toppES a car, rhlci hastened tu Fort Sheridian and aroughf a mquad o! moidimrste effoof lie remette. Tic SouSad inuroS: MARIAN SCANLAZI, 28 yesrs MS. youngaut Saugit fso!JUdge saS ra soalas SuSprobael>'of a brOiêi JUDOR SCANLAN. leoit sarme breokea, noe broelin. had sud mioumraouf. )M. SÂDIE SCAIOLAN, Vit.e!e tie JUge. gioci suw aertkfli 'L C. NULL[. f heu' gOe-la-lWSCM Mud bruteed about thele Ssd d bou«. lait.A. C. BELL, 5518MW09 th» judse, mini, boaSd nd a agce ,Tise >'er-old mscof the NuslI.O- ..m Murt WienMiaw. NeU b b iudgaid abSlders fo a Mmai fr îleh"ciSd vbeutM ImeU atdiroSfis>'tomS tie un- ooeos foras ot île athen sM neiSa eai tsalmt>for the ADor the InjureS vill rcr««It va somiStAticheFort asermdanlieu- pifai. X"s. alsa hua mDot Yet bffl f@id et fieeSeuils0etber S-01 for, vie vu thefis bby"O!f th Âtcordlag f0 the insu vho mm- mmnoS ip, tfi euisuaufeinobilO 955555 d m 100 fteava> froue lIe bridge, geing nortb eta fa liirats. He lu Fred Pmisqult o! Detroit. The accident came vile fis. Sea- liai »d tie Nels vers enjoylag thc iref leg o! a vacation tri» ta tise morti vooda. Tisu' startod uliorti>' after noon yesterday fan a 4W0-Orte drive ta fthe farm o! Aan Wolf, fer ni>i luWisconsin. Jusf as fie part>' passeS thieugi Hlglb)madPari a vinS anS raIls mfont broie. -The road la filleS vlfi sharp curvos ef fiat point anS Nehi vas SIlYilg careful>', accordlug tu the story'taiS af fie Fort. A malle goufi of Fort Sheridan la w-bat la knovr .As "Shridan bridge." Tic approacl i lafaI moresifia sharp curves. Traveling at a good clip sud vlfthf tise roiS utippor>' from int, BelL dldn'f mee the. vhltevasied, imar> ralleS bridge until If 15Usd ln front o! lim, 50 f cet ava>'. jutge, Scanlan rode Ain île front Lest viîl fie driver-fie afiers ln fie rear. Neil initantl>' put on lthe braieas and fricS d turn.on outei brdge. The car siidded, fieos roUed bacivard sudd.hatterd the fnce. in fie plonge te rr it a tree, ceronsed off, sud it another. Thie car trsuck a rock ni rtic foot o!fite ste.» hii, fien looPed bacivard, mil landeS bottons up in fite meSS>' crcek. jusige, Scauan d fie baby vers fie oui>' ees ronams. Nebi <as cangit under fie steeriag vinl. t oue arn iselessansd fie 111005 afrcaming t»on fe .cuts on hi. icS, Judge Scauiai ought Sesperaol>' lu the raiet anS MuS to drag the mems bers o! hie famIlly froxa uuder fie Car. But isiage. 58 Yeats, aud fie siodi maSo hi, efforts fruifleas. He acrambled ni> the sf50» sun- bninsent anS thore foixad PaiUWt vio had pulbed ni> et tise bridge viex ho noticeS fiat fise car ahod bas dslappau'ed. SCANLON INQUEST SET THIS wu., to 1 that th aut fi e loi telli laite bPL ,go eoi le 1)i ile, et ste loti pavmentg en do 'Beron pat Heor>' t am t Mo me is Sa frine Mm 1 vile, wS 1ns. à "Met Tu ~Mrs.J Mr.Ja M. il Mr.sua Pli" d tebera !g ther Ray. basitecS b ~Mn. s Top -> - Dieon anmbor amale viste Mn.>i