CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 28 Sep 1922, p. 5

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~i plie" ý,f, , public sevants wcmP r i s r~tobseco andi other ngn autant pso&uct. f act dise it-could neotb. carried as ci mace i ucommS ty mit. t ntil smcIt tise as i ceudb. q«b.epd .for odmercSmiodties. instorage ý 1 i i 0>* d mn!etitan sif depreciated n value AI 1 V âm MYt «erate g not bae the saine value tosIay aur minetary systu bhas becmne so peifected t& a Piec of po i e t.fiSm of a Chec&passescarrent ~4llytC~any and i s face valu does not change fl4e macera bank andi the coSnuct bock have clàimmch to facliate business tansaction. Tisi Bank is ere for tihe convesuence of tdm cos-. mmty. We invite you ta as. freeIy not oniy tise checking depurtient. Igit every ouiier departusent. Lake County National Bank LîR.ERTYVILLE. ILLINII01 Count Thre Cost ed kIf you siD wash a ome the-Old Faabione Wayr have you ever s senoeauy co"sdred tbe genuine econoeny of scicing your dothes ta to the careful wokers tbis Iaun- ~dry-not o* i n mtfidcton and.b do" esconservation, but in actual olars andcens? i DÂAP WASH - 251bo. for $1.25 SEMI-!'INISHE for $2.50 ENTIRE ?ÂMILWAS GOMPLETE 251bo. for $4.50 The Reliable Laundry 1ÀUnD«IRS DRY CLERS M DMER lliq"d Pa*" aa4u boe Moue 3Hi0" 4Pa& .17-Libqtyve 67-R You Cao Bufid Now - S CH EA PE R M Than You Will IThis Fali Don't Wait W. are i goodshape ttak"e cre cf you - Our P lan Seivce h I Ail You' Desire Sào Tu*me WHIlSoofBe Here. Geti Yours Now. We Sefl Stave and Tule.1 VALDMUÂ LibertyVile SCUEN m~wr Lumber AL4SMZES'x CO. DOORS oml'. Idï md M »,ecr« e e ut l. hi tshot bitdnsof Eqpecial I ters t M5~Peter Moverà vswu nWankef- a=m nd Rliiy Willamst were omVisâtoiw Frlday. Mias a ita Carrol agent Ithe veek end vitit friends la Rlgblnd Park.a Mir. and Mm. S. M. Wilson enLterta- Od relative# front Chicago Sunday. lire. <sreWltney vas hotese ta the 14&eVe sclie Club t ber houe Friday atrnoon. Theylt the £pot. Drive away tiat dry. parched feng ytoni7ur throêt wtb one of aur dxiic. C. GOti &Ca. CharesEL. O'Connor and Harvey Sheeler of Cblcago vigted frieýnds ln Libertyilile Sunday.t D. Vau Patteadl d slly of Cicazo ver. week end guecta at the homne o lira. Mary Crnay. Mir. adM ami is EzyLken are rejao. Ina ore ntalval of a baby boy, born Sunday, Sept. l4tb na1 *1la Nllorbu, returac4 ta fais UnlTcgsltV,.ater spe»dlg the sy-mer mmutbo la Lgmeryslle. Pl iRofin's& n a l Snior year At Yae. ________ Mi. ndMrs. Walter jely and son Haroid, spent tbe veek end at lte heop et0 lire. jellys parents, Mr. and Mms. ierman Helfer. Plie 1*41eVA leety of thc e s- reguIcrbosldg0.UWdntlIth ie church pantois TuedoW.atnoon, Oct. 3. c Dont Srgeit hs& poXt Satrday eve- ning vli 1e y= 1 M, tchance ta dance ai te Vsy Broc. 8#IlloflthlB seasn.î MaaqueradO, tac, Prisesfor the best snd moat 0o608Wt Ottilies. 39-lt )fr. anti lira. eaH. Cooper re- turned SturdaF. zaplug f-ra veeks vist Ir= ' *glatlVtu ln Joliet,C Makena anti En. III fA Ievfluoer *ýke a vonderfl gi. Thae $0 modou« about flow- ors that ana ev Carry a mesg paSO sly receivedt as thogh iliy prceless. Liber. tyvie imeve blhe Co. 39-l Mi. and m, jOu aCarberry vill celebnUate tft'gt.Neldlng anniver- mgU7 nxt a4q,*%tb@ J. T. Qucenan home eau o01 I*gtYvhe. Mir. and mms.0ge Roscoe andi famIly aS Ck1içg&Ore veek end vis- Itorgataithe b1 c f their dattahier. misa L.uha uigtc of Defleld l iras rn WGOl Udfaly wendlag a tcw veu at the bomne Of gr. and Mrs. C. A. Kalae. You cau hav" pVl-t ealth ttrougit Chiropractic. I1pI! <r«ontraie boy- ia. Ana Detditorud iMrs. S. P. ti o adctful bo&fna science can ta Cilsisor and danghter, Misa Miltirei, rmade to bring Yen bAck ta bealtit andp ere lu Waukcgau fBaturday. strengtit. Dr. 3. lH~ ealin, Cblraprac.y They bit Uiespot Drive avay Ibat toN ry. parcflet feeling tramn your tbroat Mir. and lira. J. P. May took their li anc of aur driniks. C. Gottl & Co. Utile daughter, 0a1baa, ta tbe O-encrai Mis. Chartles 0. Mefleiof Hlghland hospital liondo'. vbcre ber tonals Par, vas -heme Sunday viaitlng her vere removel'yWTDr. Charles Leiber. xandparents, Mr. sud Mis. Eý W. Park- If you are laaylafor service, thea aurat.Hupmoblle wvii 51 Ui hbi. We shall lir. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~b an ia aIKie eehr oploased ta 4emOiatrate tis car for Mr. nd ra. arlKaier wre ereyou wlthaut oVshfation on your part. amn Chicago aven Sdnday vlsilng tle Ree Mator Co. -Phione No. i. 39-lt1 brines parents, Mr. &aMlra. Chas. H. Kaiser. lKra, lunle D.tbotir and daugitter, lira. John McCormilck atteuded a Katbryli. ot Roob*ste N. Y., returned _Plday ta tIser,.bom Alter a visit Iu banquet Siven by the Estern Star ltaertyvrne 1g the Louis Hanby bomne. Order atl;te Hetel Là«Salle lu Chicago Saturday Chari«es anti MssElizaNeatel andi lira Brooks, erbo bave heen vlsltlng Mr,. and Mlrs. William Schley attend- Mr n K tu erleft Pburs- ed the fanerai a!1lira. Schkey's uncle. 71ay for tbcfr b"eIn Fart Wayne, joba Onnes, in Chicago Tbursday. oaIdina Chris Peterson, who bas beon laid MPhe, oxat W Sub kcrs lasa ai ttcda up for sevoral veeka vitih a bi ase --z li.E.Btay Soliéof lIMeotFrancas pf puenc a , làlareportati as tuproving "p. U tmb efa. Fadta andi yl aoon lie up ags.ln. teato".' Mir. andi lra. (iewac Walf have O ac-rteinlaepaiclysr cuped he ocbel na, eSnlY aw-lUi Our -rv" roo.lng. It yull sus- cated by thc Dqngbcniy family. vho tain its eiust forqiiallty andi per- itovedto te cGegIlari, hou». On teanýmy. Do -*be restrained fta Broadway. bnylflg tbél 5Ut. W. YF Frause, LI-' ba xcaed aflat linte CharleSKaiser building. s » 3pesta o re bis u> lMr. and Mmi W . Z F raaU vere ~Lb.rtvWue soos.Dr. balasu a11c4 to NWatertQ«'#14Wls., Jniday On in brtymile for loverai aotba ace0or theSUicdcXbt f 141. FraUssen wflh otffi a thIse lieu atle bot al ndgib, fStc. rdSl«k* BhUWigrv buildisg.He nov yin bave ibuoffie diet. ia4 ia lIia ttaaeo lu lte Kaiser buiding. norma ta the 87YOr a bifMe ttesOO îev addres taY (Tiuraday). If yeu are looking for service, lte Want ta taie, a trip te the laie OMoOWie vii 51 ic 1he111 Weabsa"il ralan ? Cal] Snav. phonse 3SOC A nov ho plesed ta demntr this car for bigit spead bus at yaur service. Taxi- yo lhout obiga nasyaSr part., ýab causanavwenelday or utght- sBtfRiotrCe hnoN9 . 8-lt SFPECIAL 48 Pairs Ladies' Brown "Truea1eas Oxfordâ. regular $7.00 values; allit zes; -'per pair MY Ne SMITI 52, NORHILWAUKEE AVE. LIBER*YMUL QUICK REPAIR SERVÈ'E Pyopt -Road Work Ford 'Magnets Re-Charged Libetiyille Auto Repair %0, ti c E ti Wauktegan lait Thuraday and Frlday, 1111 'be found on page twa of tbis Isue of the Independeut. Mrs. R. Springer, of Area, vas écle- ed vice-preadent of the Wamen'a Aux- ilary aofte. Amexican Leglon at the. etata con'vention held ln Rackford, iI., Wednesday. Thie Young ladies of St. Josephs parlah yul give a card party snd dance on flday evenlng, Oct. 6, at the Tov* Hll. Carde at 7:45 and dancing at 9. Many valuable presents wull ta *ward- ed ta sucSufui contectants. Dlssiou4 ringa s eano !as atIbfflag oe a ian as a 1ev amalce rln7ga, puffed out of a good cigar. Yeu vill flnd cigar sasfaction in aur cigar case. Cominl and Inventigate. Bradfond" Barber Shop. 30-1 Mn. and Mima Paul MaeGaUXin1aod lit- ile dangbter, Lorraine, vent ta Ore, gon. L. Saturdar mnang aud re mained over Sunday vlsltins relatives. They made the trip ln the nov flpdgc car, recently purcliased by Mir. )&ac luffln. flet ua- qui repeir imunare Oemtt on a&U makeaof batteries. We are pre pard ta repain yaur tro,,bica, giving te rau full satisfaction, regardîcas of tha mike of battery lu your car. Lâberty- ville Battery Station. 39-11 NOTIC On Tuesday and Ylaay eveninga o! eacit veek, tram 7 te S a'clock,,tic v1l- lage hall vilI be open, vlth the village clerk in charge, vhere any business pertalning ta the Village of Liberty- ville may h. transacted. Water rente rnay ta pald there aftr October lot, or at Bradford'a Barber Shop. By aider af the Village Board. J. à- TREPTOW. 88-t- Clerk. LIN COLN LUSK AIJCTIONEER 1 have bien in this business for more than 20 years, and give sat- lafaotion. PHONE 83&J LIBERTYVILLE' SNOWie PHONE 30.61 A Farmer'es Prol We cive mýuch eatnest, stucv to the. oroblems that confithe tifanrc framn harvcst io harvest. We regard ailthe. famimsns dà commwlitv as businte ermtoyi of vital importance ta everà& We wekome the. oçportmity At any haur, te, talli over' plan. that belp ma" Yomrfana nmore pmockc- tive, or your " Chas. D Proctc' Insurance Of ailki", Pbm 154-M u0m'1 ... ...... Are.1 At Blaos areclte beacon Tha.. cheer 0ti' glaomny ads and nlghts. Dû Yau knov of a saul slck sbut ln tbat needa thc cheerlng frtend- iblp of the ilovers, of a Som fth*e ' membranme of themoNew Â~S68.~ATT aO-~iug y Seri Bayes. music, A-3672--9-N ROSIE TIME kOU MD O GQb4YV-g.T A-g'0-~'USg'---oXTrot. Played by Knlckerbocee 0. A-3676--H-IOT LIPS"-Fox Trot. Plfad by Ted LWis &W TABLE DAMÀ VeyGo ult ndWd= e-yr SVery Good Quality and Widtb, per yard - - Puere Gooe QTalety adWi, Pet ard- =Cdlored Pure Linen Lunch Sets, $&0O $10-0 msdI Muslin Nainsook Long Cloth Pillow Tubing, 42 i, 45 in. and 50 inches. mPdllow Cases,* Extra Value, - - - 'MR Sheets, Spreads and Bakt *W. W. CARROLL & SONS' Oe Phone 9Lbrtvt4J Imm i-,-

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