CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 5 Oct 1922, p. 1

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LAKE COUNTYiINDEPENDENTWAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN VOW E XX.-,NUBER40.13BLAK CO R 1ILNOIS, THURSAY, OCTOBER 5, 922. $I.5 A YEAR IN-A GE09E W. HUNTO0N DIED D BESS ENCAMM ET APPROPRITIM HGHRT MNON EN LAKE FOREST WEDNESDAY, T H E m P T ERBETHLINMYYAR George W. Huntoon, well known G. -'S. 1. Pope returned to his home in FOR NW PAYRAM FORA. R. man of Lake Forest, died Wýed- Libertyville last Saturday, after at- nedy ihta hi om nttcy tending the National Encampment of Mr. Hntoont eInth ainlthe . A. R., heldiIn Des Moines, Iowa. H S IA 3CcM mnt ofete the .A N.atioDes Mr. Pope says this was one of the jbmpen f heG A Rhil AWC MN best encampments ever held, and the TaboedeMotiontoRause Jude andreihEeel Awo'ræd attendanewu btter than lt year Present CommiteeE1 PM 's Pay to $?00 returu home, being removed from the LTLE MDR with themszelves to see how much they t prt eéE eon ytrain in an aunbulance wofè nDOW could do for the entertainment and ings for LessMM Mn Sheriff's to $2,500 Mr. Huntoon was born In Evanston AN\ Ag?m comfort of the veterans attending.. it July 20, 1842, and was therefore 80 was the first national encampment it is noticed that the BUL.LETIN years of age. He had been a residlent-l ever held In Des Moines. In talking of fer the còunty apprOPriate After a stormy session the board of Iake Forest for about nine years. the good time afforded him In the for expenditures for the 4 of 6perlisorsTutesday afternn voted He had been prominent In the G. A. Iowý city Mr. Pope said: general hospital. A o t te Increase the salaries of county R. for many years, at the time of hi$ " veteran's money was no good hospital committee for Judge (rom $2,000 to $3,500, and death being Inspector General of the when It came to paying for transporta- shows that $35,000 wusap that of' the sheriff from $2.000 to Department of Illinois. Last year he tion. All that was necessary was to a year ago and thatth $2,4004 he held the pont of Junior Vice Com- have the G. A. R. badge. This included was overdrawnl $10,00, * The raise was made by adoptIng mander Of Inois., For three years hie the visiting wives and familles. Autos total of $45,000. Doc. A. M the recommendation of the tees and was Commander of the Waukegan were at the depot to receive the com- was allowed $45,000 ford salarie Scmmittee to whom the pont, and had been a member of that rades and carry»em to hotels or othler one hospital. matter was referred lust before_ Post for the past ten years- tpigpae.Aottohude h rsn optl. noo. H ssondt urvve ys wdwoe - Boy Scoute were on hand to assist. is expected to operateWb! A apirited discussion ensued th*t snadto agtr."Four" special trains arrived Sunday buildings and the oneV0 morning at a meeting of the board The funeral services will be held between 10:30 and 11 p. m., consisting operated fer $5,000 less«t of supervisor relative to an in. Friday, Oct. 6th, at the residence In of 15 cars each. The comrades were It cost DocB. Bontoe crease in salary for the ofices of lAke Forest, at 1:30 p. m., and will be all delivered to their stopping ,places This han set the nem « county judge and sheriff. the com. in charge of the Waukegan Post. In- before 12:30 a. m. to figuring where they à mnittee on fees and salarite last terment will be made In Rose Hill "It was conceded by all it was the to- get off and where they * week having failed to include sa!. cemeter, Chicago. banner emcampmnent. Comrade S. F. out. They have already €tbW ary hikes for Judge P. L. Persona Greenleaf was the delegate from the accounting system at the," and Sheriff Eliner Green at the Tenth congressional district, and I was which will save about $î,8$ time they raised the pay of theN delegate-at-large. lirs. Greenleaf was but whether they ean 41 county clerk and circuit clerk. delegate for the Ladies' Relief Corps, departments so that they Superviser Obee moved to have and Mrs. Shower represented the three buildings for leust4« the report of the committee re. D IINT H Daughters of the G. A. R." for operating one under thW, ferred back to tht committee for -- ment of Doc. Brown remU reconsideration.- Superviser NMaw- \. Been. rma attenpted to have the muatter C W O S R W U A report that the bs brought before the entire board mittee was stripped of i& mo that the members could express ing powers by the bo*rdý themseves individually. Attys. AI- Building o mte Ti AVN A Ovisora, Mwanwhont fou»4 bet L. HROl and H. C. Litcefield tginoon Took Up Matter carmaof dmeboartiàW g||||p"* a e". e th*brd enand With County Board. SU RE E OU T ".°-ae otf'»° *$M MIleI. r, eesdent of the Lake Coun- and where large UUU. ty Bwa sociation, asking that the BULLETIN. . volvedthe matter abooUl] malary ofMie county judge be in. The proposition of submitpng toeae ruŠ Moem or.ih resd Aly.Hlnbeafor the votera of Lake County a $300,000 Tks eifo CUt 9onnite wiRIM t body declred that the action bond lsue for the construction of an codeerning the ofthe cosunittee la"t week might addtion and ramodelling the Prennt W sT ÌeTr8 OD lsada be nneddened as a refection uponcourthousle was placed before the . - their orders *a »M»g and that if the salaries board of supervisors Tuesday after- Lobryczs ltn nœtrnn of the ouger offcers are to e ain. noo, and adopted by that body. This ,. cerning the *mp= omet or Mil «M" e t of the county Joue mean the propositon Will go on the waakee avtuiy$o, u twes 0WW be incinded. ballo for submissgion to the vtem Of 'kt-u onl h amycum mrdochil mtht it the couny at the genMerlelection on ....ha* geh t the OWUWWNgMed t ofr asaNoveinber M7th---- udge, whieb oMeen bnene cittee. mensded that t ýM M set o 11U & &obie,"n wich If the pp4f1aIo earried by being the diffes of n.ewi be searaed, that the thebor the bond Issue matter P U fl the amout appropriated and thé 0«- othme ao a when it caue woqor o*a county judge Would will men be placed before the voter-amun receeived froM o@souV08e, , ,UVn in the cotnty court oManNT&U sangeone be Mhhema. and thereforethsalM- st the Ney. 7 election. be levied on aN the r«at enra' for coDfnm of the uasesmet, 4Wsio* ý wry of $&,M0 would be ad0gnate. The committee recommnended that railroad, telegraph and teephone .( and again when the recast rl by this e0Rsy i onsidering ibe amount of werk the the plans of Architect Herbert P.fa M 'T EA property In the counaty, as assessed wu i e&o s u %d Mf l et 00-02r t- eivle.The -ou-o of Beers be accepted. ThensePlans are ,for 1922, and the county elerk was Was defeated the seeðud time It Mawman was that the as follows. ~~~~directed to extend a tax on ecnepae utn n the i.aevda r0 be hoinessed to$«,00,and Ground floor: O0fices for super. Appr0prigtion 8 P se y proper nuto ht i banSupt. Philo BurgessReal Mgr.;-provement ut .ial ta.ioty board er thtof the sheriff To 200to intendent of schools, superintendetthe aboveamount, nettomeheed4 Builig and Gomunds epænading it au on MilMuke ave- 1.q$&m $3o0M. of ighways, county surveyor, aberuSfas oever, 5 et o $10 nue. By doing ".Il owve, Xt, outys bil la Atty. Hall declared that it *as janitor's apartment which will Mate- assessed vluation, for genera1 •terd was found that the cost w oul eBrockwmy, . his perseonal opinion that the coun- possible the keeping of an atten. 9 ? county purposes. and not to ex- -. increased on an average o $3 par cognty. The* åàa ty j~ges work would not be light- dant at the courthouse night and The board of supervisera on F1riday ed the rates provided by law Supervisora B. C. Thompson, chair- front toot, as there would be no ChaTi W. ened, because It in gradually In- day, one large unassigned corner voted in1 fayer Of passing the an. for bonded indebtedness and Inter-ma, Andrew Ea"ner and D. A. But- public benefit. They co -nt a,- and George W.Il - creasing. He also said th"at ater offce, and storage vaults for old noua appropriation bill totalung est and detention home and main- tt oo the county Poor farm coma-ges sthe farm property any moe udeor, ofu01.m the offes are divided more cases records. 38,5,teaon xetdt tenance of state aid road. mittee, visited the county farm at thnM wsi hescnMass- ee probably wi)llbe tried In the coun- First fnoor: Offices for the county 1be necessary for financeing Lake Libertyville Saturday on a tour of In- ment roll and austam it, and with- Co0unty T ere ty court that now are tried in the recorder, treasurer, county clerk and county for the next year. As th-, spection, and they found the build- out this It would necessitate a suâ-. he ono g iom -crcuit court, and thug the work circuit clerk, each to have a private receipts of the county fromn vari- lngs, and gronde in much better stantli increu a enoot to the -Lake co=ty% bill for $ of the circuit court, now greatly offce, vaults and clerical apace, ous fees and other sources, are condition than they have been in city property, and would cause end- GkSlm & bt ..-.. congested, would be lightened Second floor: Circit court room etmtda $40,000, th ctua0l W AMmany years. The committee also lems litigatioa n sto beneits, there. eksle im . Sumpertisor Mawmaan's motion was and judges chambers, state's attor- amocunt appropriated ls $386,100, the found that the Inmates were being fore the firm of Tolman, S3exton 8belffven • ruled out of order and the matter ney's office, board of supervisora difterence between the amount ap. well cared for.&Chnlravednapa.ThsB is' ercs efrdbaktth comteonrocom. and committee moms, and two propriated and the amount of the- Philo Burgess, superintendent Of the village has taken through lis Juroes serdees..... fees and salaries to be reported jury rooms. expected receipts- the farm, la well liked by the in- attorney, Paul MacGufla. tness fees back to the board. Third floor: Probate court room The estimate of the finance com-| & AN E ,K mates and a number of them de- A rather unusual situation has Court remodter -....... DETECTIVE BILL DISALLOWED and judges chambers, state's attor- mittee for the amount of money clared that he 1s kind and consid- arisen In connection with the rui- jurer' board ........o The bill of WIlliam J. O'Brien ney's office, board or supervisors they expect wHIlbe needed to meet grate of their welfare and comfort jnge of Judge p L. Persons In Extra JItoGr service .for $1,400 fer detective service$, room and committee rooms, and, two the expenses of the county for theChreta HefrW sS d Supt. Burgess han proved himself the local court. during the administration of State's jury room. ensuing year, report the following, Cag htHie aSl a real farmer. He and his aida When the matter firait came up T4M ·..-. "".". Attorney James G. Welch, which Third fleur: Probate court roomaw'hich estimate was adopted by the by Mistake at Joe SeX- have hadl good success with their the judge ordered It back te o ibe m ill;.;i«was z*t has been turned down .four time3, and judge's chambers, probate clerk board, as follows: †ggig Augtjgg crops, which were well attended, re-caet recommending that E0 per Brockway a feW mM*1 anma up ..again today, and his at- ou_;rr's dormitory, law library County, and, circuit cou4- and the 'frounds and bul Me 1egntof ,tl cost36aint Irdh a rw..ou -,ld ard In cd juri h lns ae is C rnrjuwarr ants. .... 70 N that Iake county's celebratkept up fn urst mn- th rprttnhwae vn e ItemOe1W ifen thtbar oudblowg 100 cnl uddennhtpan aealo ome jrywarnt 7e Wif funds will Permit the imates 25 per cent against public benefit, teieso xes would recommen ohsmlett amn's and women's, tolets on each lForeign witneessfees ... 200 ed "mule case"' is about to e will be given better clothing an- ndteleaiig25 per cent ,bl orc neeyg he accept it. The bill Included floor, a new fireproof stairway from Court reporters...... 2,500 lits exit because the contending some new and more comfortable3 against property not abutting on •The $10,073.85 in hee .some large items of expense among ground to third floor with electric (Ooroner's fees ...... 1,500 forces are gradually slipping into furniture will be provided, Chairman the improvement. When this of the trial to IÀOWe01 them being more than $200 fer elevator. A heating plant for entire Mthers pensions ...... 3,000 their graves, a new legal battle Thompson declared. change. was made and the prop, does not inlude Other-a ,drinks, pool,. etc. Several super- building, with large coa capacity Comn1isiner'sfees.... 200 ffition re.eubmitted. the judge turn- of e:xpense to whicb Bu" visora declared that ina9much' as under grade, extending to the west Blind pensions ............ 4,500 ls impeeding that phreatens to out ed it down, thus apparently revers- ty was subjected. Nebi the board ordered the state's at-- curb. A positive fan system to ven- Election expenses . .. .. . .. 10.000 rival its pre decessor. on isl.Tee fcuswre include the extrWse l torney not to Incur such ex.Penses- tilate all rooms. justice fees .. .. . ... .. . .. 3,000 Paul Kerpen of Beach last Friday other features in l. the matteoren .of special atteonel. without ftrst receiving the superv i- The approximate estimate Includes Constable's fees .. .. .. .. . .. 3,000 swoeiutalarar for the ar- the recs ol m ater waged.----- aura consent the bill should be dis- excavating, masonry, carpentry, steel Oommittee work and mile- s ret Mike Ambrortlivngarn trtysoAlrt L.Hall arnuest .allowed. This was done. and trou, plastering, painting, glasing, age (supervisors) ...... 6,000 him S. Gail are representing the 250 DI TALCOTT BEFORE BOARD roofing, sheet metal, marble and tile, Rent of offices for county Milwaukee ave., charging btewith un- or more objectors. Aâ. invitation was extended to heating, plumbing, electric wiring, officers . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. 2,000 lawful seizure and possession of a Contracto.r Cole, Who got the jo b Postaster Mancel Talcott, chair- hardware, lighting fixture, linoleum, Jail, food and heip ....... 4,000l black and white lfeitr. of digging' the E-ast Skokie Drain- mnan of the memortal committee, window shades, vault doors, vault Educational work ........ 2.000 joseph Sexton held a public auc. age ditch, which Is to extend from •u -Who wat Ifí*fRed to appear before equipment, courthouse and offiee fur- Public buildings . .. .. .... 15,000ia point a half mile south, Of the 9RE T 2 IEi the board this afternoon to etsplin niture, elevator and commission. Maintenance, counlty f*arm20),000 tion September 23rd, disposing of the 'Lake county line into Cook county, John GoodlÀl. A ÇXa, to, the supervisora exactly what poor claimes . . .. ... . . .. ... 30,000 livestock on flis farmu, located near and as far north as Highwood, Fri. of State's Ajttorsey information he wanta concerning Maintenance of county Kerpan's Place. Kerpan declares day completed excavation of the half r4 6 D ON R T squad Wednesdy world war veterans for inscription P O E U O ' b r 1 d g e 0 ........ 20.000 that he was pasturing his belfer In 'mile In Cook county. He reached He hqad&Cioe quo on the memorial tabiet to be placed Roads . .. ... . ... .. .. . ..-... 5.000 Sexton's pature. He charges that a point as far north as the county Supervisor Emil Ficke, of Lake higher voltaged than th», In the Victory Memortilhospital. County aid building bridges 20,000 the hetter was sold at auction by line bridge. Engineer G. G. Blake Zurich, had two Chicagoans arrested for sale, acon&ngI MILWAUKEE PAVING UP County hospital .......... 40.000 mistake. Amnbrose purchased the or the offiee of Charles E. Russell, the other day on a charge of hav. so they bogt bhuIM' Supervikor introduced a resolution A TVTE E State charities ............ 7,500 animal, and, according to Kerpan, county superintendent of highways ing driven over grenu cement On him in lu - funds necessary to contruct a probation officers' salaries 4,500) the helfer. there this week- brought out fromn Chicago by Con- released a ahort xi4 pavement on Milwaukee avenue, In Salaries .. .. . .. .. ----.. . ... 2 4.000 Kerpan Friday caused a warrant stable Geo. Gross and one man was $2,000bndhs frot f hecont frmatLier .StatIonery and supplies .. 12.000 ito be issued for Ambrose, and Con- nlned $50 and costs by Justice C for a date a week W tyville. Th eouinwst o. SaesAtre .V mt oa pcial building fund .... 15,000 stable2 Dennis Cawley* s otet W. Kohl, while the case of the er theco off t headtoa 0e umtedt h ici or i Appropriation to Lake Bluff serve It. .cither was; continued. !FIVE LAKE FO 'rS ment, as the state will pave a quarterly report on the number of orphange ................ 5,000 The Morris mule cs"eat Deer- PsDCE stip18fetwide, and it la Plan- cases handled between June 5 and Miscellaneous claims ...2000fedw'ch asbn through all SPSM ned to have the pavement along Oct. 2,, and In that timte he prosecuted Memcorial to soldiers and the courts in' the state, and cost HW M A1 ODA there 30feet In width. This leaves and obtained convictions in 117 -a4lors fthe world war 20,000 te itga.t tnsofthusnd f AUCiOlwNWON ATUDAY Five Lake or"te " ý t Ianeour .y the, ly the PoTENTo >n8. I eeP [or 9er menl W"t igage of lad from* ln chapel tut upper s. DaUot en allM Nam and l year ta. mthully au amn Dis torm limb i ered or

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