*AS QIJIE UM By A. K. BOWES i. 8eonetary, Sacurit>' Titl i of thtie Recorder'a of Xe veait endlng Saptamber biber 'of eouveYaxiem, 12 Ogm e c cattel inortgagas, MI*e- o! trust deed anddmn bd nurnier et instrumi MIsPioii t onqu. $162,4 oinesa coetinue. br8t.i jýâo7" thse avosae. :,âovlxig are tise more h leyer ioght thseON us4«u front on Madisons qiUot eiesee St, fer1 ,anI gava hack t j'_q esley hou«isthesa Pl# place ou vest ida AAv. astSuth ofI bsi fo uIdicael $3,000. tnismlWeits ioughis =0= rb.use on nonsh OgtuS St., beiveen Parlt r-I1 St. James St.. fer ore assienbex-g bought 3 _B8 ide As St., mast sout WWS St. ram liltaietis M. Il ter $3,00. scaM. Sciicit bought P.McCaun place onn ceriser Lberty anI Se.1 .4ot4ndicated $2.60, and É tant deed for $2,260. *Ci. md Mafl M. IHl -a6foot lot 0un vest =.t."e, jiistSt f P 'IýmmsBlt. M. Deniox-si r« C. Seliloker bougisi too place aneasat Bida Vi joutb et len Rock Ave. osnge Moran and vif e h =is on the veai ida etf tk uai south oethtie Dow I bSth ie Dov eslate, fi M. DouaIs and vite bu 5.J. Dietaeyr place on ý1trvIw Place, for InicI 81 bought 2 ot OU I oasonWetM ,St.. ust wvof Dord tta osil oie àflui ritu ourt-JintC. C i.lo exitu wAv t 2v , t i in a e -¶iplc oesant ade 9-As. fr for atlnd bavek trCtrusfe Ae., ofsez -e cRd., ae for $.80 âbDis apitoalleratl gai vite toeght tise 414,000. Algve. iybetng Sipson nAi . oang bJoualR.Thi S ae Bid pe areensyi Ave mi on et aid t~td or Ol 12,00, su *~ébsk r $2.000.o JuéilnchBra ndbe C e, ate -B. Bushn m Oredil d vile Uerenvay Rd. to #*ur4. Sec.be.rts Tewnabhiu.- w ifs bought tse vouani1>la rse ty onFnortLaie Sbought thse lIn redfe PlueiSiSe on wvest ide Goodi)o'w Bivd., for I4RVÈiTiNG WH IVE*tOCIK 00 ponuh Of selected clover aeed to For a mamber o su!7ar t Ias beeau a t0rowm nd seedmen lu a nuosher of w1e ugit tise G060 . Elye OPb'" livestock. At ffrt hIt wu otged or' PM irvàrietlea of clover sead are in Powelifi 811. ai Druce LI-e fer but later trials ver. made vus saheep gravi la <ls'sdy county: Thse iomnox and catt.. Be succesaful ver tise.wviite,. the yeUlow bleasent, IIs*am and t a __________experlmexits, ibat aengrain strops$ erm* yCoupsit eei Ciover.' Iff 00090@0 009090 000 wee baveted inthe »M'e ma.uier v*ttla m r eeeted aller expert- ~ A~ and l ith copal suces. DùurnUg tise MMetltts baMdbeen made tae tab. 0* M T RLA NIf5518915O * arw veaislaber vau acarcai iighiprlO- 11h thir adaptabulity te tise couty's By A. . eOW@ ed anid ofien ipCleîst, the fsmer soUl condtions. The lait namied varlety 0 0 0 09,0Yexers0 "0=O 0O0O0O0Owo seiarveted wlthIlivestock hiad a la attrtciig vide attention ass a nov e& great advantagb over tise ailse who did kils of elavýer, being tvo or tisiee Ul Sept. 23, 1lm2 net, aud thse experlence galned fromtveeks 0541er thon tise standard va-.Il ffies W. B. lngvoiditud and vINe te T. M. lneoSu18y of econonglzxig on ifibor bas ret?. e 30, Gulikeen and vile, lot 196 PFaset ntro ace nvsystein of iîveatoci t Oseountiu i lxiniosvis icisbave p Hill suis ou Long Laite. WD $350. farmlhsg tisai labeconnie !ery PPUn- gieX f$W qver ýgrovlng te o' qpn, el w. B. iugvoldatad and i vite ta0. u. lar and iProfitable. lui lait, i a ien in's5l plt are Adois, Mâcon, 38. Leversen aud vite, lot 198 Piea55.it detex-minixit factor ot profit or lsesonMaouiit.Morgan, Sangamon and U iort- Hill1 suis ou Long aite Wl)$875. many carnistl arron in 1920 and 1921. Vhsuaxoatg& Mauter li Chancery te Berthsa Co1s. One Illios farimer visose records!1 The Valisetc clover as S crop for TJ ents ners, Part lot 22 addition ta North have beeau given vide publicity va.s Oil mprovlig nurposes la long estab- b Weat add, WaukqgaJi. Deed $2,000. able. by haVeSthng wvus Uvestocit, te lisble, mans> conoties praecxig turn- a 99. c. H. rag ad vifs te Ouaa operate bus 14o acre tarin fer 5 years ailt ondes' of claver te Improve cropr vîtis Svanson, 36 85blt 2 ci yflng'a wvhs a yearly ouptlay of $46 fer miser productioq. Oveet claver ie siBO V81, tg &C.'s adWaxikegal.Wl) $50. ilier tissn bis ovu. (There vaunnoa le tamaurcounnUes lin oney pro lin- Pi. C. ScbIiiter te Peter Hansen, W. tamily isar hnciuded li tiis proposi- duction. Grundy axid Vermillien coun- 30 fil N 1-2 lot 87, Comari d, Wall- tien.) No tiixe le necesar--flo har- tUns report large productions eOfisoneY il and kegux. WD $10, taffl $5.60. vesting macinery requlred; tisera ia Ibis year. Sien- ttsdolPis Zaiacsenadd vIe to M. F._ ne ibresihit 1bi11 or fuel for Siremng, -- f22 Ligmn, tract f an sid lis Secs. 8 andI and latly, and e fgreat Iiportauce, HOLSTEI BREEDERS MEET AT a st.. 9 Ela tvp. Wl) $10, staZip $2M untavorable veatiser bau ne effeci. DAIRV SHOWc hnil H. M. Stinus te C.0. E ossew and iManusud herse laber nisie Up troxu Binr leaders trom ail over tise unit- t tta vife, lot 146 Ilesant 11H ailiu, Longt 60)to 80 per cent eoftise cost 0f Pr- a tte etAsthocuitaion ofet Laite. W» $6750. duclug terni cropa. By dolmg âaaitise lolutin-Flmaa soiaine Annia M. C. Docker and vile te C. m. withti i or billfer issivest and Ameios on Tisursday eveiug, Ostober1 Ein5- Scbant and vife, lot 15, Allen Faa îhxesilng, a great sasvng la maie. 12, durIng tise vsek ef the National1 Shng suis. Gages Lit.. Wl) $1600. As thia practîce isecane more cogn- Pairy Show, ai St. Paul, Minnesota, for S. 1). Rexrais andsitvie te C. F. mou, coxbiatlons of cropa ver. trled; tise purpose 0f discussahma vu tise the Templeton andwvue, part of lot I1 <y heann, cape or dloyen ver, seeded Association, plans for a vider dstrib-1 .t ade and J lu Za ofb Ieci 77, Highland lu tise cons, the.n iter a grass mixture ution of piielred aires xn tise dairY dis- Ave. Park. Wl $10, stamup $5.00. wtis rape i tise grain crepa, until trîcta ibis viin. mndi. new thse languis et tise Pasture Bsson ITise iurpese ef caiîing ibis meeting - on stock-isarvested cl-opa bas been ex- ls twofeld. Tise Association Officiais 3lots 1 teuded froni n ev days ou ripe grain 'realize that tise progress on purebred it of Sept. 25, 1922. te ai leat a four ntîis' penlod ou tise sire vonk bas net received tise suppoît IsoiT- May Nagie te J. G. Britten, lot 52, enta pasture mixture se conimonly1frein tise ranis ansd file eftishe purehred Tweed', Plstaitee Lakte eui t Fox usai. Ibreaier. tisenselves thai it la entitled the Lakte. Fer soein ime eats as a field crop'te, annd tise Association furtiser recog- novtis Johin Griffith andlvite te H. C. lias beau grevn ai n a liib is state, ites i tise National Dary Shov an li- UtiOS O-iff la. lot 71 Green.Bai add, Lake yet during tise sanie gerlol 0of years, 'stîtutien wviîci lis awakened tise lu- gave Foresti. Wl) $10, stamp $1.50. an esa pasture-miture ]lias beeu prof- 1 terest of tise Northzwest to-betr-l L- Bani. M. Lovensneyer and vite te itable on tise sanie taris viser, tiestock and wvise special efforts lu 16W H. R. GentecIs and vife, lot 4 lu sub grain crop vas a financial loas, aInxIi>li thus direction make a mot epportunes tide of loi 6, blockt 61, Highlad Park. W due te tise tact that tise vesteck lier- openlng for remedylng the situation. Purtb 'D 1.00, stamp $200 vestIug of tise crop dil avai vitis the Faim Bureaus anul the Unted Stat- Lfor Anna M. Clark amndisusbnnd te Geo. higis prieed mmaxian herse ishor.- as Departinent et Agriculture have Kuesley, loi on W. aide Elmwiood R. L. Donovan. Parm. Management dons mnout of tise work lunlise pasi. tise avenue, 8 et Washingtoni treet, Wau- Dept., U. et 1. They have beau asiasted by vide l00r kegan. Wl) $10, stamp $. -o--avaite 1ýaaers' associations aud md- Ienfo Abe Gordonen d vife te P. W. Peter- BARNVARD GOLF CHAMPS ISSU E vidual bankers ln tise varions commun- sogh $n and A. 0. Weeks, 'lot 6, bockt 24, NOVEL. CHALLENGE IlUes, Chambers et Commerce, raliroad Park McK4y'a lad add, Wankegan. Wl) $10, liellevixig tisaitishehast ton horse- extensin menisasd others, but net bi hom-tamp $860. sis apitchera iln Ilinois are PimBu- tise breeoders' assocations ln abodi. hm- Wm. Whlinxgtom and vif, ta Bul- ra nn HesItti and Edvard It 10 isced tisat the discussion at tise ®r ln- mai Oison, lot 7 Wlhmlngtouna lad snb. ex-ue,ree tnecsipos0 ieNatio" n iov meeting vil attraci bc- Dee Lit. Del$2I.linisA gicuturei Association, pro-Iilos ihe dities of Holstei cattie a Lout Eliabeths M. Thomas te Keo Ken- oeahre.epthn otn nlrem bro vrg armz n ,tiemberg, lots 2, 3 and 4,iblock 3, War ps iesai, ithm cnei x argn eadnier.! ave reedamerh nult Iated ree aid, WAukema. Wl) $.000 visicis tan inenbers of cuny f f a irom m.ie e hle a he te 0 .I v s t 1 . G o m a d w f . b u re a u s a n d tise . A . A . v iii i n e i n i e n f o n b sbo is i l h G. l. resté l. . Genu andvit . ovation tbe <reed association can do te ta lS lts axdibloct 2andN 8 tlot Tise. Heket-Teriset tesax recenilY further tise volk of tise Ceuni>' Agents Wuhii- 69 but 3, Poveb's suis ai Drisce Lake. vr itnosli s uuihrsad îtise Locl hterests tisai bave agi- teser . P Moaxii md itete etas . gof tournamneni aittise i. A. A. state iated tui lavai of tise purelrel ire. It dan. Wl)$'J'600. 1ls a meeting af the breders wvhs tis ut n Sohicit, W 14 lot 7 blocit 6 MeNay' aboeie. Tisci aita defeated tise Misa- oea Id. Waitegn, l) 10, $250.oin ta ae fax-m bureau charnpsaitishe dairymexi andI cubers, net for tise Dur- Pex-eiMisan oixi Parin Bureau deconulal th P O"~0 ilill vsila eudn >1(. A.' sept. m, 12utlnommer. but te fSud ouitisow lb, breel associ Reatd N N.Webr ad wie e alte ohnations et tise Northvest Stateasrais 1 catol N. N.oWeher OImdvie s aiinSec SWEET .CL.OVER (0" BIG 0IN hest haof assistanice lu Uis great Wlednssn, lt 7Etilidosuh u Sc vrk, Lt la te b, au opeis meeting un vie34 W. AnloS iv». W» $150. GIWYCUT ihîci amy one vise ha, any tioughss woperx UhlsbE.ILDenisreat anid blindaxl An11s thng tis unt rsxenus xiin - Iou Ibis question Io invitai 10 spalin. JOuItateF. C. Revitt andsi vie, part lots 45. -o010vWhe encourage tise gx ewixig o.I nvitation» have bse usent te ediiorsi 11011W 81 and 62, Cen?, aIl. Wanitegam, doyen tex- seel ' burposet, Grandi isas ef fgrni pubihcations, couuty agents of del W» $1600. recrded abvances lu Uai fe'd vhlch tise Noriliveat fax-m bureau leaders, Katiserima Korgie te . C. cillcker.lave attraciai coxuialerable attention. creaniery men, iankera and ovuers uf Auo loit6,. slocý 1, Gradi & aHâloeab suis, Afier about six îeara of promotioual grade caille. ridax akgn asoo.wex- on tiis crop, tise Gruudy couty Auuouncemeut oethtie meeting place ixp- R. W. Boy and vite et ai te Geo ai-m bureau hat yean ounnItisat faxrn- vil ha made aitishe grounds ef tise $15,- Moran aud iu1!e, lot 2, islockt 2 Pov rs lI tie county lad sold aimoat 160.- National Paix-y Show. iv-s éauwnua *ainw .- I Av. e., $226,-1 John DOak-I $.M0.i $4.500 vite place Eopbax- lsi(1e It Be adwamI I pt Ilopen- sSub . Mid el' ad Wuean 501, tm ___ Sept. 27, 1922. H-eu xy Reine and vite et al to Jos- eph Moesnu l vie, lots 8 sud 9, Kîne's uaundmland adj. lu Sec. 1, Lakte Villa twp. 'WI) $10, stansp $15. Emila J. Smistha F . S. Banta, B 132 It. bots 103 and 106, Ra-vinla. WI) $1,00, stalxip f16.0 E. Blockt and vile t-o F. S. Baula, W 79 hi. lots 104 and 106.,Itavinla. Wl) $10, samp $4. Stanley Wyaocitl sud wlfe ita An- lx-ev Uzetéelacndml vie, lot 1 bledk 6, Waukogan Highlanids, North Chi- cago. W» $10, stamp $1. Michael Miniat and vile ta Geo. un- hum Sontnga, Wsukegnn. Wl) $10, stamp $1. Este A- HePPle te E. J. Monahan and vite, N. 100 fi. S 200 fi. of uh, W 245 hi af loi 242, Laite Fox-est. Wl) $10. stani» $6. iEeu Frelanici tot Clifford Whute. but 5, block 3 , Poundl Laite. Wl) $4.600. H. L EiMermau and vite te Mary X-. Keiso, E 1-2 bot 5. blockt 7, Tif- fmnY's 3rd add Wautegau. W» $10, stamp $2. . - EL. S.auulkner and vite ta Auton Unev#$ Andi vie, 8 1-2 loi 7, blocà 7, Laiddsud Georges. asu, waukegan, $10, eiasop I". Mary Doolai te Wm. B. Johinson lota 14. 16 aud 17, block 7, Highlanid Park. Wl) $10. stan»$25, J. 3. Dietinoyen ta Chum. E. DaxIieha and vifs, loit5& Cbsyton'a asi te block 8. Waukegam. W» $1, sams»14.50. (!) (D 0 O0 0 0 0 ) e @ @ OANES SCHOOL Barnai AmstnmCorreanxondeut. Tboeoperfect ln atiendanca fon Use luti ihrse eets arc BeaJamixi and John Ains, Fred FYedrlck,. Franklin Grass, Ruth Mayer, RutshBOlivarman amd Edwini Undervood. . Fred Cinoas vasa ister ai oisr scisool eue day luti veai. Barnnai ad Bel-uAmann venu absent Ttsuraslay on accouai ef lullixis alla at tlWlr home. Tiser-I viii haunentertalimant and basket sOcia giveis ai aur acisool on 'rusaIs> eveaiig, Oct. 17. Ladies viii bring baskets. Coe aldlieip iako It a onceo IMve doar agld wll be giv* o* th ie bigisest i bser. Tise 7tii and Si grades have startel tbeir ires boks. P OO AU TM£ N<WO OF LAKE el * <OUNTV,, SuS8ClIe FOR 11410. iftOPENENT~i.?A Y"ft t 0 09 'o Il0 0 00 0 000*00000000000 00 w . Haemker, 24, Paatine. Rose M. Stuckei. 22, Lake Zurich. 0 1AM R lA E ICDEM 0 Joseph Clean, 25, Kenosha, Wis. 000000000000o000000 Margaret Kupis, 19, saine. Eari Bxstord. 21, Mlwaukee, Wls. teo. N. Wtindt. 24, Racine, Wl, Minoie McGee, 30, sanie. isdna G. Vanselov,, 20, St. Paul. Edw. 8P. Kiiugerg, 49, Beloit, Wis. dnnif. Eva M. Rogers, 38, Lake Geneva, Wis. Zlroy G. Ley. 24, Rome, Wis Hobart Lagerachuite, 22, W4uconda. Ruthx Daley. 18, Waukeebha. Wis. Ekel Graxisee, 21, sanie. Alonzo Bryan Jr., 42, Chitcago. John Donavaxi, 22, Miwaukee. Wl,. Stella Daugherty, 40, sarne. Exily Sueukel, 21. Es. John 1lurger, 21, Glenuflen, N>, 1) William Cari Max Martini iiesch, Wls. Nova May Corbett, 24, Chicago. L.ee Richard %ylward, 2", ound Maxvin Zebeil, 21, RacIne, Wl,. Lake . ~igjeanneatte Miles, 21, sanie. MozeAis ieRoig,ý22, sane. Wm.W ýMX zsKînba John Ci8Iwiez. 40, Kenceha, Wis. Wl,. W.PUfD,8,Knss. Hattie Levendeeki. 30, sanie. Caroline Glroy, 28, sane. Razimir Dmxba. 22, Waukegan. John A. Giver, 23, Trevor. Wls. AgnEea Vanovaky. 19, Norths Chi- Margaret X. Meyer, 21, same. cage. Robert Vînz, 29, Sulivan, Wls. Andrew C. Larsen, 21 ,KenO&ha- Lîflian Wagner, 18, Waukesha. Elna Hess, 31, Chicago. Ws Jas. C. ONei,.121, Miwaukee, Wis. John~ Andarson, 49, Milwaukxee, Amanda Smith, 29, sanme. -is Chas. Kemp. 47, miivaultee, Wls. Mailîda Cenrad, 49, saie. Vaierla Meyer. 26, sanie. BenJamin Shaffer, 26, lBianoh, Wls. Wm. M. Brown, 26, Waukegan. Agnea Hoffman, 20, Meiiitowoc, Mary GoralBkl, 24, aW.. wis. John Erlciraon. 32. Wauk~egau. Jeese A. llihngson, 22, Miwaukee, Olga Anderson,. 21, sanie. W Wm. D. Anderuon, 42, Mlwaukee, Caroline Van baaxieu, 19, Sties, Wla. W,. Maurice Culp, 48, saine. Wn. Myréi, 38, Chicago. l11. Rtaymond H. Bernstein, 22, Mil. Lella George, 30, same,. waukee, Wio. Sylvester W. Towla, 28, Kenosha, Ethel EB. Ernat,22. sae. wa.. Clarence 8. Soitbec7, 22, Mion. Ruth C. Mater, 24, Eagie, Wl.. Ruth P. Aa4lnd. 29.,sane. Win.j. Thomase, 22, Mlwaukee, Âudrew F. 8baffar, 66, Lake Bluff. wîs. Hilda M. EOO4iI. 47. Pain". Ueian M. Krabbe, 26, sanie. lra Caravei, 47, West Chicago- Marvin T. Wasrud, 26, loin, Wl,. AI., Brown, 45, saine. .Illan Oison. 26, Scandinavia. Raipli Wesloi Coe, Il. Hlgblsld P-11W&k Uea Briuiit , e $=a. Leo Ko,,, 29, MilwvaukEe, Wl,. W=. ». Zupxkuz, 2», WauXe<5fl. Beatrice Kuhni, 19, saine. Irons C. La Forge, M3, aine. Hermaxi Koepsel, 27, Milwaukee, Norbert W. MarkI. 26, Minnheapolis, Wl,. Mliii. Mary Heuson, 30, sanie. 139Mn D. Brown', SI, .Hlgilsmd Park, Jos. Simipson, 48, Edri, Pa. litIÂo Young, 26, sane. Alvin Rl Aleff. go. Sbebeîgafl, WlS. Wm F. Brown, 57, Miwaukee, Margaret Draegor. 25, 4sne. wis. Jo,. ZlAUrelli. 21, JKonoha, WIS. ,lliasi O. Hilton, 62, sanie. Peter Hansen. 2t Waak8gaILi Sophie l'elten, 22, sains. Tom Hardisois, 85&Ciego. E E T F Rau ono.23, saMe. esss uivsw WatrG. Roms, 23, iMilauke., Wia. M ER -ÀA M4ONfl Annsa Thorna, 2t. sain. Win. A. Comhlr, 32, Miilvankea, Wls.. Ùjmjet Curtia M1Waxkesha, WIL Mrs..BaIlle TUb? cor lighiaisd Walt«r A. Ek«fin, 2U, Brookfleld. Park lu.t Friday' 1Usd a billfer divorce Wis.1aginst ,ber busbais& John TIlleY Leaa PitUer, =3,G~eaWIO. visoinsue charg« vltb ipuerti Wl Sm,CMstlsn, 23, Waukgaxi. 8heu a liber b12$ tbs tilei vere Ra èi M ~ 1Ngrth b C«iag. msrried October 24. 111.M =4 thst ho nea4 KeI,5 bleo. xeserted ber tr Ilylaswitis ber MarY 9. Watt, U. saMe. le tisa a mot. TOI thDOU III Inique AdvertWsng Cama'Un to Center.A01u gJ , pie on the Day, 0V. 7. on. o! Use moet unique #ovor- f bning canspaitia evor spoSsoned lM inois la under va> ta bru thtie te soldions' bonsga bill bele seI oP prelIl5g thé Novembor 7 Il UAtie, lasaId o! tise menits t-I th praposed measre. Ih. Dpo> nenta hobby Usai la uafleessz. T!iene la no liover> argins-. But bibi- boards, motion Pîcibne41140% sad nowapaper advonismg ibroogisonit the state in shouthng one admoniton to votera. -vote! Willam P. Sixomonia, président o! tho Cook Cosmty Asociation 0f thse Amenlcmm Letion, sad a nimber of the depantinext executive commite and chatrninafithUe Cook Sceont coxnmittee for Use bonus, bollayes the menonretincis yl neexi ne of paylog tiseIllinois MmnWb* mnarchse te var. Tise oni> Prabloin h. tivaiitgl te get ail possible votera tause pols. Beileves Patriotiom LIVon A speakers' bureau and yard vox-kara'commuttes. have boom or- ganised. Tisese organisations vili ai. tempitatelai hafore Use votera "tise tacto li the cale". "We kmov tisaI llinoia' Patrtot- lai val net 0ethtie flag vavlng land," sald Mr. Binumons. 'We know ibis ricil state vii] rigisi the une-van balance thai cxisis beiveen tise soi- dises vise lnterposad Useir bodies beiveexi this countiry and the coin- mon teemen-at $30 a unxtis-mmd tisose vho cisose to esil tieir liser durint van Uie ai t pniFpes. "The seldier fought. Tisai aveny maxi visesav tisa front lina la not a UNhie turnecIppie la net bis ova tauli. h lias seenad te un tisatIif tiser. Ie toe ha ay difference lxi the compensation involvel, theminu vis fotes iould net gatIssea han the minvis vhonwked elgisi Saurs a day lu tise factoris hat rocelved ibeir stimulaion fren the efforts oft tiesel gaina sellers." Tise proposeI bill provides tisai escis soldier be pald 50c a day for aval-i day of bis service. regarieas of tise tact etfviseiber ha vas on ibis sida on tisee tsex-aide eoftthe vater. Bond issue Wii Psy St The paixueni of tiese ate bonus enitail an expenditure toe stasite ot $65,000,000. A bond Iasue fer ihat ainelnt la te ha votad on lu the ebection. "Tisera la ne question as te tise ï : i, u.te -im7e uas - Mi se growsd Usai tuasiU o il Dot a>Y, a&lUsai ongréas bsd prov!rei ho Mosusstaesm. "lI Inais Usera la e Doauchiques- ion. Ise boid Issuieii pay Use bonus. Thse state. nichIn xiunkuovis messro, oiau a y viisoisfeeling ftbe son Of bejag bat. The 8m11 anunt twTolvil ltu the state bonnseIi as- pear as s fraction et a penny on tise su buis. Tiser. yull h o netax,5as fai as thse aver-age persan la cou- cex-ed. "Bo Use question ta emurexy one af emtie. o etse mlders dese-vs to save Usefps ton isir heode er- ricea 11h04 t UaIof Use cpteralled rarbar?- We tbluJd $.ist tber e au us but oÙe msver, If the niee 0f hllinola vl vote.. NORPENDENT-Tho hast maud ail> REAL meusPaper la Laie Cont?. Angusi Hu"h adb"'ù smfya Stb o k da . ralpt iDe, 1 b Ooily iigo lit..!ce zhOt noume Mxuday. Threo, la a ummat of tempar. ta kil a notuaboru un JO responsible for the YlWkaOM 14~ i Who Ila ateaflimrngltflCtoT, = givon b sclolee betwo « *W'* a charge of threateWat lte b ar ls jus the county. île cios. o THe E , ROn OF~ 1 nPIPENDNT4I*AA YARe if epndaleTrain Srvicei On tume! The speedy trains of-the North Shore Line bave established an-unusual record foFreliability. Wheneveryourkl you are assured a prompt arrival at your_ destination.:_-This feature of the Road of Service hÎsi won the regular patronage of hundreds of business men. The convenient frequency of train service is an added advantage. North Shore -Line, Trains leaving Libertyville every baur frein 5:38 a. m. to 12:48 a. mu malte prompt connections at Laký Bluff widi fast Limiied Trains for Milwaukee. Alil trains naw Central Standard Tinie. Baggage clecked te ail points On Eue. 1New Senimc Route To Lake* Geneva Take speedy North Shore Trains to Kenosha and transfer there to coinfortable busses for la ke Geneva. Trains Ieaving Lake Bluff at 7:19 a.nLI, 8:22 a. na, 12:19 p. ai, 1:19 p. nm, 4:10 p. m., 7:19 p. ni. and 10:19 P. nm. make bus connections. North Shore Trains froni Libertyvile meet ail these trains -Chicago North Shore '& Milwaukee R. RL LMUTpTVUICKTET OFFICE PASSENGER STATION TELEPIIONE 74 W41J i tia aCs faer thff l iscunPL bat ti thodt i Tbe i Mdeatim deaoMi orib> ris te ibua #Ri 661% Koxr in i af tti f le la u 4 Local Tel.phoue Diectory Goes to Press'Soon lu the interest OfgCOo service subscribers ame rcquested to oeil The Telephone Company and give notice of any changes or crrections that should be mnade in their listings HLLIOIS BL ZRN ..........