conf 1erence . Thse Revérand ase, con- W- J- t ÔWM <IJA~. ducted Holy Communion service. a beK3ifti1 l .X I~ >tober 1Sti, aMd U a 1 R ff te sne place on Sunday. Mm ICKoten 4kI.rUOunu tfl'eil Pf~l icopned hlm. bsyip9Ig reening serVICe, btt wffJ3 DÀL Meiss-Florence E. Maether attended the 5IfllIL SitR oho ylhahhia ula Freshman-SophomOte Party ait Main - 0 L ni Hlgh OhS D eUIiInegRDÂDEDU R D.NandMmo. Taibott hal as get STRUCK BY AUTO Igiet, and reted as:iavinga won- IN WILL (» N selt vepk Mm. Taibotte s tep-mother - Water \'ose suant the waaie end the John Wallace was home f rom lUt'- TwyAverts Death as Her longe uË hie partnes. Mr. ani Mrs. Jack Leoker Brought Fifty bans a feW days over th1e week end. r.Wot Swerves in Auto- chare Vos.Mndy ih Alleged Bootleggers in -at !Theis rsae being put In 0' r COI âMoile Drîven by R. No"'. bel, grandmotber, Mrs. M. Sciiar. Joiet in 7 weeks. ith11 layijsg of concrete, and tisa work As I wa s aukean ail isoon thse lsutb road bas bean. abandon.ed Mâcahe Crapo, daugiter of Super- Mr. and Mms. Prionse and Mre. Ditto 1 t wsaWuea a h for thse reent, because of lise inabilil- w-Chss. Crapo. Gien Rock Avenue, epent Sunday at Koiz. caused ail the woe i itcutt !ts'cnrco uglcret qklogan. escaped train possible fatal C. M. Gilman and tamily attended when 5 bo lnrsW'R fond Mn.f 2L7Saden foss a enosavto fes Monday moring when ahle the chrislening of Mgr. Giman'a ais-. with the goods aned turned over te g-, *5'Uek by an automobile on taras baby ut DesPainesl, on Sutsday Faderal anthoritias. It waà Ona of S ~bngon street, as se vas rid- atternoon. the biggest clean-ups that Joiet isad CARO 0F THANK$ coid lier bicycle. Sise was taken 1.0 Chartes Sibtey moved his îam'ii ever hadl, and Wiii comty le mst 1 We wsh to thank t 1.10e who by their sta boinsvisera Dr. P. C. KnilgisIf romnt.the Har-y Mason place to Laie, getting back to normal. iacis of kladneQs and symipathy, and Ir lnatioer.11erotythappoiar Fo atraJack Lecker, who bas dune son10 fl<Wnrs, expressad their sympetby for Io are bruines on hanraisaulder Mr adire.IL1.Davis entertained was the man lu charge of__1 the lisoaurhioe aa 1 ibowa. Sisela in gra an relatives f rom Chicago over Sunday. investigation, and L.ecker la makin.Ban I-famlil and Farnliy. A-8 7e girl, accordlng 1.0 the story Mm. Gue Stoerp motored 1.0 Long biss home in Waukegaii. Ha. hal________ res togdber fat1eir.was riding Wet Gmve ad Lake Zurich to see the hall. apartfier withhim and two Fedal@<@<sO®Obgi..iar Washington trbt vlh1the ig- gamnes on Sunday atternoon. delectîvea woniing under hlm in OOM- Min dm> girl On tisir bicyclesl. In thse absence o! tise superintendeul pllng tise Information. Flfty Baaionj@ WR I GHT SCH OO L th sy *ero near Jefferson avenue Who visited tise Suaday tichool at High- keepersisave bean laken no far, and ig *. I-bey notlned an automobile îannd Parque last Suniday, Wallace Informiton filed agaInst them n Ci, 1a@OOOO OOO O o s gbaohiug behlnd. thein. ThaY Lockhead ted the Sundlay school. court, but more wiliitollov, accord- Ont scisool opened Sept. 11, with an aIl, ni o"e t0 tise crsb bt as th1e 1G eCurhi etîgraylg 10 intimation made by Leckeenrojm to 4 uil.a t&tm tedopesa, tise bicyclisT he rac u a gtaî lobing Oh dy The Investigation covered a pero nrget f4 uis M stâ UIt h tetand Blanche fragetclbaino coe 6 seven weeks, snd burned up a We have five new scholars th111 year tIm Ont b te sree <IThe IHarvest Home Festival will a b- oao c0to he.wîofouny Feesss . othe Sand Lit e csootr -wol M» uo he froun serTheelcarn d eeved bln.the moning during the reg- strong-box. land Pearl Resal, f ront the Libertyvîlla 1.1! t s -otisa gero. T arddular preachinng bou, in the evening Lecer i n o ! 1of1te men lw10îenhoaiosu 9Wv iakiked tep by Noli, Who.the Sunday Sohool .wiUl have a t5.IIy. caused t1e downtail of tise Illinois Annas Beok o! the second grade, baspa 1~'487 N. Geneolas street.and< A good pragragn lu heng pepared. NO Rotai, aI lFox Lake, ansd Wona, Moved 1.0 Chicago.I ý.u4I- the home o! har parents. admission vili be oharged. The Public who was ieavlyy 5usd and sentenced Mr. Simnpson visited us Mondsy ait- bal vasw called, wviso examine<i la cordilly Invted. 1.0 elgisI monlisa in jail by Judge De ernoon. e B paent on maY bing your donations fom Wolff. These are tvo o! the muat Lust Frlday afternoon eigist o!f1the m ff lai thst ha vas not golng tise Deacones' Home on Suuday. Oct. promnisintcases he bas womlted in Gage'a Lake achool boys coaelto lay ait Mt M tetise mahaatuci 11e 15, 1.0 the churcis, or leave saineai t11.1h couuty.bail vlth us. Tishsor as 43 t103 wi ML ps.rsnonage at sny lime before the 151h. W;hanu maing th1e raids around ln Ont fayot. ThîsFnriiday va 'go 10 _________-Wha may we brlng? Canued fruits, Joiet ha vas vorktag through t.11e <age'a Lake 1.0 play a return gaine. o * ** ** **Jalles, vegetables, butter. Lard, Eggs, tate office in WiIl county, and *"Dad" Calvin Brachar sud Edgar Rais, ofb iRI IlVE ~cs. Ail wl hgattlya c uss. mplwae the instigator of teLbe vlie hi&h suchool, attended the Rn' P lt A1 R1 F V E"fus. bil age and helped ouItishe boys, ter * ** ** * * * Tise Ladies Aid will Meet t thel Ruth 'neeman yen absent Monday. thE home o! Mm. Nicles, ou Tbursday, Oct. *********** Peal Dub asuferig with a akîn ln& <tes. C. M. Glman and Mm. . Davis 12. A fuît attandance la desimed as,* LAKE ! ICH infection on hem face sud vas absent no, go las Chinago. on business ast Fmi- there are important matters tu ha is AK UR C Monday and Tsesday. ri Y.cusaed. Peari Beehet received 100 ln arith- ab Kg. UL Maetisem and son. and Mns. iS.E. Kueeader la very pLucish * * ******matin every dayl]ast week. tf .,&Aý . Me ver ereLlbertyvilte rissedinalhuo cvtesI a Me srs. Waitar Prahm, 3P. Buesciing Frances Betensky was perfect n th, Th Wbm A.. le zglola.rhe lurofail behuroianstties tIeiSFrank Dubi and John Prehm attanded 1anelling clansuail waak. t Wiares Moiieg o Wdeday rs . 11 ryrcUhmfinstsI tiseseM. W. A. booster meeting in Wau- Robert Hemai o! aPrk Ridge visitad Lord wili acon restore iser haalth. Ail gnWadnasday avaning. eechool, o ------'-- g. Ha came a Wei Cisicago. lu spendbsg thlsare glad that Mise Dorothy 0Otvst Mlidy 0% ai tise Maether home.. vas very 111, la up aud around again, M. and Mms. Leltoy Landwam and vitis Edvard Radia. be 1t. . Wlf ad Misa Daisy Wof of and wil ha glad to ses her at cisurchl chldren, Miss Emma Lohinan and W Il- Clarence Perry lu attending 11ghb h s&acpent several days.visting next Sanday. i umi Landwet altended a bisrtisday par- scisool at teea Ibis year. tl ~ieixthse City. Mms. Harry Mason and chiidren ara ty ln honon o! Mr. Laudwer st Bar Blle aBldviu la yorking in Liber- tre ft». -4d Mts. C. A. Ioen vers in spnding the wee ville Ms. Emma rington Sunday. tyvWue. 1 «**o blbusiness on We"sisday. Cruer. 1 Mr. and Mrs. B. R. Signons aud eau Pea.rl Boihai vas in Lake Forest ffl >ft ltzetblar Ia tauheing gao Florence aud Perey Maether and Bina are enoying a tan days' automno- Bunday and in Wankegan Monday. d<j 'et XNO meoernColett AtCharles MoIne vereIla lbertyvllte oun'bile trip lu Stamvad Rock sud points gin. apei u nday aI C l ise Pfauk Duba iri tnslar Monday eveing on busiess. ln Indianai. gnhom tudy tePul b i vï um ugu iso le teacle Mm. U. U.Meethen and son catted at Henry Stiet and Augpel Meyer vera h e emnfshyovs ecn ln h0eg Penteafeir dffl tiseC. C. Gerbant ihome on Monday Wankegan visitors Sunday. Tmeovve 40lis. r. Anses tratend- ____ ll rn a anevlss.M. and Mms. Bd Ernst and sou Hov- ad a wadding et Trevor lent Saturday be >fChicago upent tise Tbd Panent Teacisema Meeting vili and spenî dunday vils relatives bore. Wt.h biague beb eli OU *IIMY evevblngg, at tisa Mn.and Mms. Tisompson o! Western Mr.MoChrinicit ha purchaýed a by C. , 0tmnd XMn. IL. av :']OO It tu deedt e a iiv as pos- SDrligt apent te vken ils Mr. farta West ocfWankegala. l nir mller on iblebe grséet. an Mrs Ed oung Mr.Thoeapeson 'Pha h o e rt Bracherlaudr aulleru On. as lise principal o! Sigle scisotl lait geins extiensive repeins s- p : * *:ia* : l.aohgents fortIl Jni r. MdC"e kaid family vsited l. a Clâefb 81 rs on Sh ndltl Jno ish aslu omeina Gunnea IssI te bdoh nd the W s nMn. ~iq idiil ! rs UnI Me.and Mms. John EWntgan o! Wau- tina Tte' Maybg#Wt frlue.aand Bt- egaun vtelte4reli ,hmne8anay. PCanm j l Me lâbeu n t Ms.aidMss air ~meogx.z. oIsi. We, lseUiw g tila veàk vOIt ia rde lt* a tan days' vbdltiliMioh- t piayedviltiste Ma daughter, «"1. P. L Statifeld. tg&& -, ,Tise Ladies Aid vill Ment t the afte*AN utthe M. and Mms.John Camapbell ad son Mms. Wiliam Einhin, Sr., la able 10 home o! Mn. Amand Fumealr Tisursday Ue hicblago Cuba and o Chicago viated relatives home lust haraosidater a short illneus. Octoher 1211. Ail meberB shouid Pa,&Sunay. Mr. and Mms. Henry'Panner are malt- Plan ta attend. ':*ad MM,. John Iflli and Mm. .rtgur Pataraon vlied vils bis par- lng thein home vils Mr. and Mms. (la<. The P. T. A. viii Ment t the scisoot : «. w'ifu ere Prairie anis aI ut aySnay eMeyer for lise vintar. houa. Frlday evening, Oct. 61h, aI 8 4 haar Mm. Pernàikironlmusa indn a M. .Rose Sigwalt sud daugitera o! -e'cki. Au tIMula tise annusaention j ,-b -K a F n tri ev day5 lin Chicago aithtie Weit, Bide Barringlon are viuting aItishe J. Kimislo! officems, lat thora b. a large attend- tu Vnirea. te» ome isosp" ita vi%1hdauglea, Ilvelyn. home. suce. 1h. eai endaI -heI ,hme. Tisa Ladies Aid il moet ville Mrs. Frlday evening lise P. T. A. viii give Mms. Jaunie Embtu o! Berycid -%g1 en. A. a otniotn oed ahigi James Kirvin Thuruday, October 12. a tece»tion aithlie school bonse fon the on friands aud relativen s an sd t ~akse rdnyln tgeinl, isea a Mr. and Mm. Lee Ruson and daugh- teacisers sud11e enusic teaniser whOPrairie IVev tiesept vesi. "a ieiflOU t lie igilireltan apent Sunday vls relatives et Lib- yUllà aie Mm. $tenktan'a clasu o! Rev. Wilcox o! Chicago tliled tise put-l - <jpraiedetI-eI qareni atyvlte. -pupils. A short program. yl ha given pi gl aul ay eveing mad dellvered a Our pasîor, Rev. James, la altending sud ligist efreulene served. A cor- a veny interesllng and appropriale son- t conference at Princeton, Il., thiswvek, glidl invitation la exlended t tise pot- mon. e gotisea iiiho no ceorne services rouesud thaîr f riands 10 attend. H. H. Schroeden visited Wauiegsn R >oo4 ear Suiday. Sunday Scisool et tisel Ms. FloraClrspn Mondaylasm seu Seriçe Mn. and Mms. Robent Rchardson and ual. We %xpect anolserneno preachan Station danghler, Sylvia, sud Miss Minute Ban-!****** * next Sunday avening, su plan 10 attend ___________walo!t Rldgefield, vitad ai tiseC, AK I L yadIa i.s vnDuJ-avgvDiloihome Satirday. * LA E V LA *adeaimI LIBu zIuLL Tise ladies vias10 lisank iltt 1105 GARAGE vho asitad tainmaking the swpen t!* ********** M G the cleumci last Tisutsday evesin sunis Tise Lake Villa Cernet Soniet.y ÇfiRMÛ ly. The neataus o! $43.25 vas addedat ticho.l.h.bouse. Ail maintie nud taelise treaumry ta carry on tise vomi !meuds are urgad lu attend. el~~ N u in thîs communlty. L. B. Grice of Âtioch tnansactad E O Y NTM e Mn. and Mms. Webb Coo sud son, business lu Laie Villa Salurday. S SAIL AEPRTM'TS friands here Sunday. anS have again resumed thein studios tgE The date o! tisa Raltove'en soahet et a Lake Forest Acadamy. 1the M. X. clurch Is vii h announced lu C. B. Dicis. Jr., hal a new eSSx Qucy 1.SpI28-Genr nezlvee'u ndeandat.Sixcar t.n Smsll today, durlng Inspection l M. ad Mm. George Walter and Mrs. *E. Smithlso! Ivanisoea isapeud- of tise Ilinois Soidier' anSdSEiIOT'os daugisten, o! Lîbertyville; M. end Mrm. ing saine lIme vils ber daugistar-u- Homn e bra, tlI Interviewers that Albat KauIenberg sud daugisler. Ma- 1iav, Mnu. Nettia Smitle. h sîdntol 0lncn ýÎ - y elbel, o! WeUkegaa. a Mr. anS bMm.1Tise Royai Neiliome are planning ditiong ai ftet baud. but ta finS 1 er ned u oao Waucnda, la birthday paty for Oct. F2, la honor olt visera ugteoi ardc vere Sunday visitons at lsa home Of!lof the 2ls annivemsary o f the grganl- ed lulise nexI apptoprh±ioue, ville-b Johnilio!lie ndr a urvilae. ouit affeting the e va fer !tiselI- Mis. Deirymsple Io epandtag a couple matles and thesefilesy o! the ta- *FREMONT CENTE r.andMm AlbtAndesonspet Wprt I ateoontal forthlie * ** ** ** * * o!e ekvlsen i M s nilers tsitunsa WThig ero, ude C -Born, ita Mn. and Mms. Frbýd Ohanauf, A. vènyeejoyable day va s ment et lare; Lawrence Badierer, superin- on Friday, Sept. 22, s dasegita. tise Chiurche on lise Hill' Sunday, sud tendent et charitien; Victor Me- Mm. Helen Fraderici spent part oft a goodly numben brouglel Ihaît pcnic Brocn, tate dîetitilansd Lella lest vea i vilsrelatives ta the City. dinnen and enjoyed tisa feltoveiipand Sinai. Mr. and Mms. Muke Obenauf retierned 1.oiahilily o! tis e mal togatiser.Ts j, tise irst o!f1the vaek fron an extended1 aflernoon meoeing vas Informel, but t4W IS yajad R moor trp tugh icni. hdmunis o! good lu itlo ft ail. ThenoIOAe.,TIE friand somesUrnoal ea unday. iano evenlng service.p Mr. sud Mms. Henry Rapie sud tam- Sunday vUS hanrinotiar isere sud ai- ily vama recaut visitonsaaithtie home'teuded lise services aithtisa hunch.. ai ýpo! tisa atter's siater. Mms. Rarny KAls- jCisarlie Cala, visa la at lise Laie mu W T R en, lu Joiet. jCounty hoapital, roanls InunistiseÀ DW N E /Mr. sud Mm. Leo Moyens o! Alla same condition.-Abatflal Vista, Iova, hava purciasad tisa Gais- M.sdMs.Bn or e eei Fort Dodge, IowaAbatfltt ONTRGL 0F UNI¶ULY HORSES e dlkliiuuula Largety a Nervous Dimorder, Quietn.u end Kind- noum Are roomntial. *ya&red by the United lBt.aesD.Partmaat of Ag,1ioultu».> Somo work homes, althongh a littie )Id shouldered, wli pull when once arted.- AunbaikIness seemu 1.0 be rgely a nervous trouble, quletneu and ridassmueut ha used nt ail Urneo4 rus the United States Department of griculture. Eefore any persusive satinent la trled the hearing of 1the Rress shouWj be examlned to deter- ns If It la hurtlng the horme anid is causing the baikiness. If noti- ig la wrong. place a tope or utrap round the kneea of the horse and pull tralght to the front, whlch wllU gen- rilly Induce hlm to move a step at a ne. and. thus gredually resuma his rIr, Wtliere It le repeated Beverai [es this persuasive treatinent la ixallIy sufficlent to get the horse to nill. Ini cae the hore la a confirmed iker, throws himseif, and refusez to mt tep, something out of the ordinary aUit b. done to attract the anlmal-0 tention. The horse Bhould ha hltched Itli a good pulling animal and whefl lwn should he held ln that position >havlog two men ait on hie head id neck. Then take a bucket of wa- er and pour a t'ery aniaill tream oM îe animai's 008e, occasinnaiiy allow- ng a litie to fal loto the upturned >stril. The animal wili atruggle tc -se, but hie ahould beliîeid down foi dfflt two minutes, wlth th1e wate) ýckIIng on the iuuzzle ail the turne rhe horse then should ho permitte tget on hie feat, and if he goes dowi tsecond tirne the traatment shoulk Ce repeated. It la ooly rarely thati bay horse of this charactar wtt trow hlmself a thîrd Urne wýet1ht teatment la foilowed. If the aulmal stîll refuses to'movi frward, however, a loop uhould b> dropl>od under the tait as a cruppel etending forward lhrough the balte ing, and fastened to a good pullni orue. As the word la giran, th, borne ehould ha started. 1the Wa&" eing pulled by the mate of the balký horse and the halky horse belng pulle4 by the hot aet the end of lb. ropt Au soonau the balky animal shows ai Ieiand, an E**Illnt Speolmaisof thea Morgun Dree. inclinstion la move hy bimIif, the lefaeS and sould ha tthlened fgain ouly visen the balker, heut- tatea or astcps. This trealment la gien- enally affective in cseing a balky horne anS uhould never ha attendeS by pues- Esisment wvilSthe whip. G~RAIN FEED NOT ESSENTIAL BShoop Wili Do Weil Whsre Leguminous Reughage snd CorneShlage Ara Avaliabie. Orain feediedg-o! slieèl urlng the eaarly vinten monthu la not ahsolulely essentill vierea eleguminana rougi- ae anS good norn silage or rotsa are availabia; but the haut resultu ara oS- tlneS visen e amai ainoont o! grain la fed ragularly tinosegboul lise vin- ten anSdhnnessed muet pravîona ta uaenblng. Tvo parla wisoie ostusuad opa part yheat bren, hy measure, meakeae good mixture. If nome gnain la fed during the violer, lass ili ý requInS nean lemblng lime. 015 avesl, ernpecilly, need planly o!fzooS f ad I-o brlng about maximum reaulti. HOG SHOULO BE PROTECTED Teo Many Fa eors Have Suaà That "Any Piac, la Cood Enfflh" for I-h. AnIrnaIs. M&cat farinera bave tise Ides thal auj place la good enotigefan a isog. This la a mistaite, for tahe og ha more sus- ceptible I-o coiS thoan a isorse, a nov, or s steen. beceusé e lesisnot no wei protecteil as are the langer animais. The minute a hag la put mb s bouse visere drafts hlow on him he a aelios- sure la contrant pueumonia on sorne Clser simler trouble. If 11e isaiept lnae dry, weil-veestilted place, vhere is au sutay les comtort, he a Is 00apt te becorna diseuseS. WAY TO PREVENT PNEUMONIA Pen@s $louldBeSa Wrr, Wlth oDry Flooru and Rada Free Frorn oust and Ali Moitture. Wam houas wilis dry ficorsaned baSa free tro»uaI 5115 andmotlure are necesary 10 prevenî pneumonie aemong pijl. Ventilation muat ha proviSeS' 00 the bOnue vil not steain np, but tus. pehould not ha forceS lu iieefp là à dSdngit. UP RECRM IM Sain Shockley, AIleged Mur- derer, Many Othems lnder Investîgation. The Octubar grand jury svung lb action early Monday morrlng anSdliseY have begun Investigations It ai very large number of maltterats isave corne bSae tan lte's Attorney A. V.8rnitle. M. R. lluzzey vas olacted as forernan of lise grand jury. Donsinle Petracci, a Kenoahan, vis opersled 1the Inn at RurnieltI, lvi pnohablybha nudea sgmellIng lu* vestigation by tise grand jury. Petsr Oarney. au 80 yearold -nan, broogli tise cisarges orne Ume ga through iei son. tisaI Patranel liait hat. hlm almosl lu Secsh. Re w»ain St. Catinn hospitai, Kenosisa, for mon. Ibanfilve veau 1olioving tle beaîlag, huverlng betveen lite and dealh. Tisa charge planaS againsi tisa Kenoaba lallan vas mai: elasughter. Sain Shockley, canfemsed murdexal o! Cravford Burns, o! Gience, Soit coloraS, vU li e oue o tise 0lin5 casai on tise cali 1a sut prohahlit Shsockley put In no defenma et thl pralimhnamy isearng hetore Jusila 1Coolson. conleutlng imaelf wvi rnmaig 1the shovtag tistaugishlh 1attorney, George FIaIS. Seht Born vas a bads aur. RiEs eevi hae basad on soolng lanesaf-Sefeni from ail indications made aI Ili pnelimina y iseamtag. James Caluahan vîli also fanea i lavestigation on a rnansiaughte charge, .la tis hught. Tise parent o! Raymond Rlgg, o! Wood RIvai Ill., viso mal almoul Instant deat visoen a car In vhIsc li ie vas nidîxi rcollided vitistise Cellaban trock nies G rayalake, are pushlng the nase, aib i lng tisaI Callaisan *e punished. n DaviS Gldiata, of tise Goldstel i Clothlag company, vici operatedi a tha Manufactnrer's Terminal lu i soins lime. vil face lise juryo *a charge or larceny. Ha la sl by memben so! the firm. la hav taken avay goods under noverc darknes and sold lisein tubis a profit. Tise Invetory sisoved' rshortage ai $20.000 audilara test er liedInsaprellmlnsry beasing. ýg Then tisane viUlieha WI le "Sinoke"' Hendenuon, aid bis colone a Pal. But Freuler, viso tautleS :Y ecultag anrape et tSe Red Ml 4 on the Fourtis of Juiy. Tisey ai a. bols fading charges o! asianît wv Slatent la ki. Beeides tisese il la believeil tisa viii Se e large anumben o! eliel liqu-nanS gambilingviatn. Inla lt o Sauievei tisaItishe cm o! Michael ConseIl, o! Ohicago. lga lleged tu have kldnaped s roSSeS James Feiljosi elt an=& one e eenlng o! Juiy se. (Tise reportonth lfisenienti tonneS hy tise grand jury vIl be four ceu paie oue cf tise second secti-oni qui-tiae o? Tise Independant.; WATCII OUT FOR WATER SUPFLY, SAYS RAWLINQ Thinks Ho "lHas 'Emn Again"¶ and Swears Off Drinkilng Market St. Hootch. Frank Oleida,'husky neMr porr ai lies Pil BranS barber shopt. Wauke- an, ba5 tise trigist o! ieilife 1l04 veek. SHa hed Zone 10tiste rear o!r1the ahop la sisoval nokeie m 1h. us- tar heatan. As ha appmoaenled lhe coke pile -ho beard s noise as If somne animai vere hnylag tla dinh up tisa aide of thse pile, cauitng coke ta ratte doves. Childs figureSt tisatit probahly vas s rat. Then tiisosegis lie seml-darknes ha sav a anake-lie head and body rie up from e eplie o!dolie and peer at hlm. Tise po~lsberis tout l1. khn.k sud stood uprit. Ha ruSheS 11ehe ci o! his hanS seronsuhis bqlgng eyes. "Lordy. Lordy. ams I gating thain ega ln,." ha onled. "Spare me tâta llnsa Lord, sud V'U neyeu'laite an- other drink o! tisat Mariat street moons bina." As Chiuds baname accualamad ta tis a Srnee. ha perceived lthe reg- t as nea 01a snae abut an allia- ton. Thiq calmed his fears sans.- visaI. This momutng ha vas mak- ing arrngements ta bulld a cage sud tank for thse animal. -Wliat dues au alligatrest?" ho asied bis employer. "'ve heard they are rigisly fond of dank rnest.'"Pisil BranS repliaS& -Weil, heaiant going ta get wnu o! this damtt moat." Childs e i'elid vils saisnoad grin. rNo ona cee account for tise pres- once o!f1the alligator ln the hai- ment. Thrr.- i8 a isole ln th1e barne- * uSit wall vheve ha inighl bave 9 crAvied througis from tise ontide. rNet au a genemel thîng alligators ana not cravlIng around baremt large. ]ls a deep mýsirywil no oue seeMu able ta Dotte. for on or Conuce ?DyWILLIAM J. W U- tbia oluman .luld b toWilliam J. Wood, 804 Clark ave., red 'it Gaie No. 190. 9-14 92-18. A corre- 1hpondence gaine played hy George Kaat, Platte City, Mo., vu. Wnt. 3. WOOd, ire Waukegazn. 111. ed 9 14 5 14 4 8 il115 2 7 2218s 25 22 22 17 30 26 29 u "0 i 116 811l 1518 7 il1 I6 rhO 189 23 19 24 23 1713il flnd Bee diagrain. White 4o play a" idi_. au, -20 24' 28S19 13 9c 26 22 22 6 TYPhoid Epidemie Likely to Notae a-6 613 162 Reutfrm Usniay 222 12 16' 19 12 14 17 B vins Condtions. 5 9 il 15s 8hi 3 8 31 26 32 28 28 24 26 22 W vina Springfield, iii., sept. 2.-cis Nota c- munîtis e pending on shallov. 32 28 28 19 19 15 23 16 27 2. wells fon theîr water euppiy ihould 15 24 9 i1 10 19 12 19 18 27 Watch 0out for typisais lever aet__ bhiss aseuo!oftisa yeaenacnordlng Pain o36B oS ta a waruing issueS hy Dr. Isaacs olmN.36.B .J od D. Rawlings., iracton ut the statp dapartuseut 01l eith. L.)fl Q% Tisa -) eamn S . lyphoid levaz Js generlly proculIent l is etbaud. C hae stae. anS hae poIntaS lu sas-* oral towne in Illinois wbere epldens los'ana tismatenad Secausa o! pour weter sipply. "Followuug a long dry sumimer, .u G II the waler iu weilsla leloysud ail nommunîties depeesding onui allow valle for their waten supplies Sisould* * * valais thtir step," declared Di, n m i Ilavlings.IM -a a l'umsn Seings Dîsemue ESource. Vol. whlle lied vater o! tan le Black-3 8 9 10 12 15 20 K 31. lthe crr o! the coetiniatioes. Whte-14 19 24 25 27 29 30 32. lise source o! tise dieea la toc Blaci tol play anS dnav. oflen buman Seings Ihemsives, ac- oordiug lu Dr. PLawtings. Ha setS: Problein Nu. 307. By W. J. WooS. 'A falianlous bali lth51e mînds of a guod mauy bealti affinera thal eveny Case o! lypisuld is due laIn baS valan, le, uufortunately, stîll exilstet. Wa muet rêemberanlet viie tise velu. ci'eei, mili, anS cises may lie polluted, tisera la a human helng nontlnuously on pe-C rnoianlly eupplying the polluted ma- EU MuaI- Observa Fîvo Earnntia. "T e isrus especiliy o! vele. Tie typisuld baclîlus la nul viable* fom sny axtended perlaS In vase sud constanit pollution Je neeseary Ige _ v m ta mndier tIse watt a conti nuous menace. Blsck-1 2 4 6 Il 15. ."lun tise ight agasueît typisaIS Wiste-12 14 17 20 23 K 3. foyer we miust keap coustantly hae- Black ta uplay and vIn. i fore ue the llve essenilss hat make- for e.radîcatiou of pravautabta dis- Solution ta Problem No. 304. By casese; an adaquahe valet aupply; W. J. Wood. proper die(posal o! saverage; medi- Black--6 14 17 27. cal and nursing schooliInspection." Wise-5 Il 23 ___________Wilte ta play and Srav. Quiciar etarlsa nd beotrligiss un- 6 1 31 26 7 2 2s 26 2 6 Ser ait &tmospisoris conditions, are as- 27 ~1 il 7 19 23 15 10 2-, 2ý auraS villetSe Universel BaItony. We 1 10 26 19 10 15 26 22 6 9 repîanahmaltes af batteries sud nan guaranlea fulll aqtistaction. 1berty- Solution 10 Probtein Nu. 305. By 1vile Battery Station. 40-lt W. J. Wood. BlaCk-7 15 19 25. The Chitfog>nctor hendias ait l inpte Wlle- 9 22. suad chronie cases In Naturea o1M vay Whlte 40 play anddr4me. unS b hoie ciroçTactiô 4adJu8tImuI-u,8 1 30 286 à 2%2126 2 7 openatI-ons, druga md suffirng xnsY ha 25 30 9 8 17 22, 14 10 31 27' avoided. Dr. J.BR oduinbisopme55llf 8 10 26 17 10 14 2681 $l HemhousE Place te T ve"y l a - er., 1%0 mion hbut tse 1 digio. lae4br Zie a lndov AlfiS Rue- W ~loy oc Ovense Ilis oicki aili about- The 1n uw6m tise oa6ved Us, Mir. Sûri sebon uta Mn. anS tin. and M Bilaiid ta fouýnà Nins Etta lt -Fr1da) The wed Inboetoi conter uDt hans longi the boysi wagtwurd palatutala Ioua, vis about 100 Standng C ioe LinI lest Tuesd Mm. Ed Schai lait Our boy "aY oteli nowly va ents am 0 A"d ati b lgtnoi lob. S ae.lng. Mm. Fi Poter v4 bae .in ta Mns. E. famasatte, uhoala o ready o1 availal s, auniforta] biaiSer an tb. shon tIred of p5 bknaon hi wank. Omil la w. fear 1 mot tise S Qulng ta give it mm Bus test Fnld Josephs are visiti WiliIS et I-ha C more M( Our bi Long G Long G Joe an W. F. Muter tbekala i sA" Sox Mn. a baby ta erfa A. J. large c Je 1 lust va Clare, gresai eaus fa Art maupts AIl1 AI 1 ver. c bd Wv more t ilied 1 And ~obe VUIiim basai1