LIBETY VLLEINDEPENDENT LAK cUNT ~j~jy~Lak<« CtrnZs Big Weekly WAKGNWELY SUU " u IadaÇrgugst WekMLesin Konty Cmb4ne VOLUME XXXK-NUMBE4I. -. rbat- iaed e lw L_ 42m m fet eidst- A couple off Koeths. George Bs. anti cous-V for ailegeti violation ota a jonction. agaieat tsein. acces-ding Vo tnformnation filletib>' State's Allas-ne>' IL V. Pmith againel Ibemin heVh C' Coonty, court Monda>' aftes-oen. TtMer V-vo places la Fox LaIe, a sa- bcon anti a general store, voeeloaeti 1>' an Inonction at the os-des-off tise cace, during the gemmer. Il 'vas to" &ut VisIlime that Vie>'bail spld bouze lan the oplaces, se0Vise rec- orda showv. Place thon Vie>' have solti booze. il ta chas-gat. (lovernent men 'vere 'vorktn3 eut o!flise Chiscago office, t la lntiiuted, and tise>' oeeable o soecuroe evdence or! ages against bth off tIeu. This la tiseugit la e he b lirai;t actisai 'vrl of govrninent le tise ceunt>, 'vies-etieir 'vor 'vas matie publl*c The ltoeth places are locatet In Vie Village of Fox Lake. DUKE BEIN FACES CONTEMPT CIIAR41E Paut "Duke* Bein, one o! 'tise old reglne In lise Fox Lake reglons. Is bing ht b>'tise law fr lise teneh lime, Last Monda>' States Attorneay A. V. Bintis filet Iinformation agates! hlm le ceunI>' cous-V ciarglng his- 'vitisconteinpt. "Duke's" dive.,Vise Roxanna iotel, at Fox Lake.,listi isen loseti b>'an Ile junction. This bîo'v came wben thes coust upeisî th ie charges matie b>' tht saae that Boein'vas selllng 'inoon.' Tise place 'vas raiet recentl>', ans Mile 'vasfounti bock off bis olti stand, no tie sponge aquati reposted. and tiquer 'vas talon. ifn Io noVtishe o-vner or tVie liotel, lut tise rentes-. Tise o'veor allo'ved hi oopen up again, Il; lecisargoti. LIBEMRTVIL[AXE COUtY, J-NIS. THURSAY, OCTOBER 12, 1922. t. VAMPED RAN OFF WITII lMS FRII3ND'S ,WIFE, WARRANT CIIARÛiES Mrs. Peterson Seen Early Mon- day Eloping with Elmer Hammond, CIaÎm. Listen fola. here's a yarn off an elopement with another man's 'vite that reada 111e a dime novel, and lias a quarter section of rustics lu the viciait> off Hainesville buz- zi' their heada off on he old part>'Rune. Let William Peterson, wlio tashsort one wife. one 'vinter overcoat, bis morni' smoking tebacco. and bis usual tratiqult>', hisper the tale' te you as lie repealed it ln the ear of the prsss Monda>' mornlng. We offer as tihe mat ln this production: William Peterson, the wronged hus- bad. Rose ?Feterson, the esring 'vife. Elmer Hammond, the ungrs.tefui fs-end . The setting Je on thse Graver farin, one mile froin Halnesville, tliree mlles seuth off Round Lake, and two and one haIt miles soutls west off Grayalake. Plent>' or tes-- rites-y. Turne of openlng scene is Suaday evenlng. Ring up the curtain. EImer Hammond, laVe of Miclgan, uliere lie r6ssned 'vitis Peterson and iig wife ln the wee village off Gerbin, deignas to peed frsom the f arm with liii higli powered car salit to be reared somewhere ln Detroit. It was one off thoae klad that had te be cranked, but lt 'vas nmade ever into a apeed wagon witb a change etof hood se that ne on coold ever tell tbat thora 'vore millions la tii. countr-y k it. 4nd. Ul Peters n la a.stage tusprtIla laut aiu hatooL ne & » f ~a*. *» J#mertUdb., 3ÀLOSO NOV. 7 RLECTION BEIN4iPREPARED County Clerk Sending Out No- tiSs; Inlude BoSLight Wne; Soldiers Bonus. Notices of election fer November Itl ve. reardMena b>' Cot> Clor Rene. sd bs aida, and 'viI b. msenout ulthin a voeeL 'Flore wlîl b hs-ce ballots, one cotainlng the regular liaI of can- didatos and Iwo on mnatIesset pub- lic poltcy. One off the latter con- tains tsthe tn a- lawhether a $80 0000 tind Ise.shal bvot- .4 for thse s oe off buflding an é~addition la the ceusthouje. Thse other public policy ballot containa the propsition off uhether the Uale of Mlinois shail cents-Lt a debt ot $59,000,000 and Issue bonds loa tI amount, and ev>' annually a direct tax aufficient la pa>' the interest on sucil bonds as It ahaîl accrue and la pa>' off and discharge thse principal eftsseh bonds 'wthin tuent>' years frS miasuus ,ln acordanée wtb the. yrvWaons off an At off th* Gen- ra Afflmîl>' ofIlîlinois entltled. "Au Mt ta provide payment off coin- passation Vo certain peasons who serrel uflil the mlitar>' or naval forme of thse United Slates tu the roost use 'vth Gerrany" Tise otber proposition on hs bal- lot wvisther the stata, and federal proilbtion lame &hall ho rnodifled no au (o permait the manufacture, ses ad transportation of beer con- tainn thian 4 Ver cent in vol- uméet offaol.and ligt 'vinas for home eonsamption. Noms of, the candidates nominal- e4 " . slng for ocunt>' offices <111b» egoiio for thse offiege or j piu lrk, siser if. tr easw'e 0£ tecicps ro ae. of oebpok.epcoçre da>'toi MinhIg te oU-igoffkce:- -biU*Ieg&tZof linois, t w. s-- pUeo@d"tg Uin cuegrtes sate t Ia*ge. oas«0repreentative la cou- g<e»8. mttset alaa tofin 1vacaa- eor ereaflelb> deutisOf. WIlim ]I. Kama: 5WSW5awatatelu congrMf for tàeë lb1ogrsiolldistrict. ' Thru r;ÎbiýaV1Ys intnh,@egen-' oral gmsqM'- for tIse eighth sena- toilaIdiatut. ?T" gels 'ili ho open frein 7 a. SENOR NDTUE JUNIOR, INBAI First Appèarance of Govern- Men ln County Brings Ko- eth's inContempt. LAKE Co. PêS j ORP1INABTm i DUKMIJN IS 1 0 TUCMDAY OCTOBER lé SIIOT; 4Y HVE TO SPLEN DIBWMiESA0tag tiy IAMWeATEldIOct.i1 OnIy One Cut in the Entire carIng fo -averaeorf l.00cHlIjarry Wewetzer, 16 Year 0Wd State Whmotm Pays Its vises recenti>' appropirated. $5,00 Lakce Zurich Boy, Viotim m Teachers More. toward reduetion off Vie os-Phanage': of Accident Sunday. I Mas eo" teachers in L-akele u s et popul- anti one of thse best la-> eote-c6yepetlv County are 'vel, paàLIni.laact lses-O managest institutions le Nos-tises- i n at Lake Zurich, recellysa a ton are oui>'tueo tiler ceenlies in the llnoscharge off shot i ela e 109l bale-v atat, Winebae ani Mciesi>'.tise knee through the accidenWa dis- 'vIs, ici p a>'bgss- ad wM enCOHA UrY, fI1b charge Cor a siotgilii ililohunting teachers Inla ae Count>' are oven O L B YE I I E savon duels urich siscfti3' er More fostunate for 11e>' are iigheest Âh w>f~l-'flt . 'as rusisedtelathe Shos-m= ai t pt- perd ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ e of n'l ieaae Ul1~I~J~ W AElgin 'vlere bis injuries are pai, o an inthestae. PPONTE -I OB - regarde as se sesions Viat amnpu-9 The folloving figuess. presentet ine AToN 151'icE U Etation off the leg le blieudti le PLew a orgnof thse Stale Deartnt TO We'vetzes-, togethes- 'itis Donad lffck off Publie instruction, givo lise folij - son, ageti 16, also ot Lake Ziricis, iowiaig table orf salaries paidtit school teacisers le Lake Couat>': Attos-ne>' Ces-alI-eydecker isbau'vent dock iunting Suas> morning. Average salaries off men teasere appointeti probation offices- tbis Tise>' iati reed ioto tise laite 'vlen 1920-21-42,070.3L che action being talon Friday by J ç, ' >lkon lad town hie gua to eas-c &veas slaie of omn eaisrs- d'artis. Mx. He>'dckr aai6iomesl o!rtise isoat luseme &Ueà:g slarUIies..wrnntocerbis ne-v <uttes Imeiatl. - nelx lei*'îA -'4, <g Average salaïOrie ofàiltsaoiers th arate & et dtt oi; iststrucil yVe'etzes- la the leg 5V 1920-21-41,427.55. i place lu cous-V Fritiay. otrne Average salaries off men teachers Samuel Sisocle>', intiieteti for mur- sDikanborts-a e h otahr 192-22t2162.6. 1 des, pleati ot etgulit>'. Hie halltadicksen et wsthebea n anÎe Aver-age salaries off women teachers 'vas left at $7,500.eVoBrrnVo we-8h 192.2-$.39.8.Marba-Âbb<>t, <harged 'iIb c o tobie t ai I"atusa at1e Avrg slre o i ers5 tiuctlng a duaerdely lieuse, 'vasre- eevdirta raMe tth Average salries or ailtes( 0casedin $500 bonds 'ih Jîe 01- oste.of a pis>sica. He the,'vas 1921-2-$lý53.0s- ued tote ie spital l la]gia. t Percentage off lecrease off salaries tuaI>' as suret'. Bshe pleatied not 'Plie le tise second seritons unting off mens 1921 te 1922-8.807 Pet. guilt>acietofte'.sn U Lk percentage et lacreue ofo!salaries F-skLizk 'is va ncei ccint offAtmae sason lald ite of women 1921 te 1922--6.275 P t-ie. on a charge off co prlie 't>'. acidnt.'a 110 t Percentage off lecroase ail teachers gains. pleaieti net guity anti 'vas-e- pein ciet 12 o12-738P. Joe OltuskY as suret>'. A T IE For Vie year 1920-21 Wtnaebego Frances Koprie pleadeti noV, guilt>' AIL I. LLUEIL cont>' palditi i mate teachers te a charge et vleletig tise proffl- $2118.83 anti Ils ferale Vosuhers- itory' la-v Sho'vas rêlessed Inl $1198:54. licHonsy Cousit>' LdIitils bonds off $1000 WvtIb John Labovec R N A DO E E male teachers $2317.80 sud is,.fenale RN ARD urety.~ teachess$957.83. Alfredi Bore, siso cisargot i wth Tetable of figurease-vos an vtolatiosl off he Prohbition la-v. DIVORCEws DECRE Increaselan'vages off achool eacbss-s pleadeti net guilVy sud 'vas reteaseti iLake Count>'ddn 1921-22.Iinbdso$10ty. Eugeae M. Runyard, off Wau- tact Will Cousit>'la tisOdOe oly l - - As-m Dixen, and Steve KoVe, kegan. former master lu chances-y. le tise staVe 'viicis pays its maIeicisargedti vl larcen>', vers refes-retid aZ candidate, seves-al >'eas ago, adfensalo teachers as muelasIn55t the probation offices-. Tise>' 'ers for representativo from thila dstrict. LaeCousit>. Tise 'ages for tise chas-geti 'itis relbing Vise Tenti s t.,tieffeatetib>' onl>' a fe'v votes, -vas 4t-vo classeos In WiU 'Count> as-e ds-ug store. granteti a decree off divorce front 4 2418.87 sud $1485. Reecoe Smniths 'vse 'as arresteti on Mra. tih unaiFia>,l1e Data for- al coaties shows an complaint off is'ifs, vas releaseti LaIe Cont>' Circuit Court 'vies-s increase in 'vagea tfs- mon teacisers le bande off $500 signeti b>' JOelie liat been ps-etlcing for 17 Years. tu 41 counnUs. and for women Oltuel>'. Att>'. Runyas-tiwes given a ties-os ateachera ln 62 countles. - William Bock anti Otto Franz on hs groundis of f ItaeVios anti pleadeti net guitty te a chsasre Of' lcoipatibilit>. Tise>'hati been DRdynamiting fiais anti 'ere releaset inl sepas-atesi for V-vo anti a haif years. t bndsof 100 eah.but lira. Runyas-t bas beenurnaking VLT erg~ 'viicli have beeu luttesing tise court masriet 15 yeara age la -Wlacensla. II~ 11E IJOS ITA tocet- for >ears anti - 'vich IV aP- Thorearase no ciltis-n. - peartineyr 'vould ti s-ed 'vers Newvs off tise action cesses as a ses=uck ffe Fs-Ma>' by .udge Eti'as-ds keen surprise as tier. vere fs-v e Cisas. Staàdord, Jr., 'vlie 'as severe- as an aid la cleaning up the docket iu thia dty 'vise 'ere Luware that 1>' scaltietinletise hot 'ates- chute! wicisle becoming ver>' combessoins. Att>'. and Mss. Ron>'ard hati beceme t at h. local beach. lastailIlate sestrangeti. 1,sospital. IHs 'as Injtised iglt 0 00 0 00 0 0000 a0 0 0 Atty. Runyad hlas r.aded inLake ,d 'eeks ago tomosre suad ie s ig s o FOR ALL THE NEWS OF LAKlE o Cont>' practîcaîl>' aIl bis lire and stili sa-. IVlias net been tcdeti O-11eSBCRD O H aoeo tebs nw ayr I hether to graft new akin on bils oCUIVBBCiEFRT Ilne oftsea eaInona>er ld og r nt. he oy aY e MOYe o NDEISNEN---e50 YZR : Tise couple have comane V an amie- te isshomneswon. 10000009000000000Oable settemnt ofpsope-ty right. TII GELEBATE THE FREAK MWiIEf URITE PAIING 0F PARK £1 .vpupAuto Wrecks- Hayml* - Travelers alos, Belvidet Juat east orf Hainesville lit ConunerCWa Clulb te SponSor Big vers reminded of the diF' Carniva NteiThurday ud flower. andi tise>' 'vttuass Friday, Oct. 19 and 20 seen in this -couny In w hormes wsre sunning a'vaý rack tossed Iinto tise air hl tobobile. andth ie driver M Tlie paving off tise first street lInVise thse teains was plnned un hittor> off Liliertyville yul be fittingi>' rack. celebrateti next Thosda>' and, F'riday Thse accident occurreti oui both afternoon andi evening, isya rip- off the road at Lew Rendes roaingjolIfiatin ad crnialtheClifford Shanks off RaInei roaingJollflcalonandcanivl, hsdriving a tank wagon, t Wb event to be stageti on tise new cernent horses leere httched. 3ls pavement on Park avenue, froin Mil- off hlm lits mathor. E. VW. waukee avenue, west Vo he iigis scisool vas driving a teare of fdVl building. hitched Vo a bayrack 'Xv The ffar isto e hed uderthf us-Vier aiseati 'as Lester Theafairesb ie ied nde Vseanother son. who 'vas frt auspices off tlie Libestyville Commer- off a teain off two mues And cial Club, andi a rnaeting -vas lielt Inl leadieg four horse. Tise' tise club roona last niglit (Wetinesday tus-ning home train a g55 anti plans for tlie big celebration 'ers at Grayalake. completed. A man driving a àpeed 'W A mid'vay 'vilI ho Installeti for one the Nelson Transfer eegw bhock, andi numerous amusements lPre- Dixon uho had jisat bon,- vided for aIl. Tis la to b. a genuine kegan Vo doit-ver a leaIt p gel-togeher eccasion for ail our foîka, came along. He drcsv6 ar andi even *"Pberty" Miller, AI Litoli- cut in glse h ita machO» field, Paul MacQuffin, Jay Morse and the rear end off Vhe. Iayrad ail the resft off the bunch Iinteresto In la8a aippeti up, thro'vipg% gooti road anad the best Interest of Shanks between hi& Va,1 Lllsertyville Ui be riht there and ex- i 'Ing .TeS, clsion te tend the 5.5glailItteaIlU vistesSBd s-naisof tVhe wagon te b#étý Rubherd snd Ir=et Davis are keep- . au d the hlieuses ing dark a apeci a at tis>exp«ect 1 1 ra 14fe11r put en. th od h rntU lias-t Vorett 'vi» ProutI by bis r hent s'aibi 'astise experleno. la ilplisate mae te fat on 'a pmelf ~~ ~~* abàMUU M pamd bhiaruebut a > - 1 1- 2d o t Ail 15 uethe lissunét oet b store Pseetielagi bevIm rud An e mtiB& Àt leVi.pioL- Au wsemie et tbat àarte 9.:21 aise anouncos betotue4s outt*s-niv-al Je gin to ta" se û» tise fattbt he a ois tg tel a bow f8*il finet Ofbis famiong Brubsueil Phone Vo letageV maW kia'Vico for grphe "sIieoan rife dlo chrge." a er mate. Bisao-, but leups E à- Maop, of miustr'lm . 'Vin in the uDe"ti Wagon 0f1 Rmaind*i hoonoa bad, as b. la s'i'u lréady te Vieil lse l'esches thse village of help lna aitisintfor te gSdor ethe i SaInesylle, Peopleo bld Poterson vlae« jnh , 7Wý Whvo s-esu ona oves- the PartVylino. Pat &venugl aocs> psa It 'vas totiss iatanuit.unatu aa t 111 v0548, ad 'vi nming 'vas ibd. sud Wss, ix ]es* open hiso for 11bfis Ieds."IlUItd umPloyer, and a friend vistot Col- ho ia, not expectedt o ata>' At home &U l A. V. BmIth Vo ueo saI m W('1te Urne. be done ult i ldi5reet 'ves~. This.t-voLibert:vllle bandae'vl coin- Colonuel SuggObted a w lsa 80bine andi furniailmusic Vo glatden thse justice.Hesvey Coulson gave Peter- big creui. lIn te evonlag 0f botehdmis1 ica ]#- plece or papes- te givea big dancewiU be given, ustag ths ho aleriff cisarging HaMMOnti sud sonÔth cernent paving as a dancing fattle6s Rose 'vtth a atatutor>' af- nloor. feu».. Thora 'viU ho pleuty off refreshimnis 41I wazt Ily vf bacit cause s'h e n1te -valoff eata andi drinks (non- alnt don.s bn'W,' Baya >'5 mforming atrictly Vo the Voisteati set) 'but Viat guy Hammond a' oves- served frein cenvenient stanlds. gelng ta geV 10 bosro'vDno mone>' 'tie avenue uil b. decorated ln fino off f. me ne mos-e, because hie did't style, andi all the resideets off that do Just right." Tbat'a what Boine thorefare 'il bave their homes s-e- of Vise officiaIs thouglit. splendent le tiseir best glati rag. Custain. s-ey man, -omani andi chilt off the village antis.rro.ding country 'la or- COUXT OFfIIÀLS pecteti, and a special invitation le ex. COUNT 0F~I IALS endedti o the .people off Ares, Prairie Vise, Haitf Day, Rondout snd. othert ONI fA MNT bq hor ot - long te ho reinembered. Superviser5 H. Eger, James O'Connor, E. A. Flcke off Vths read andi bridge cosnmittee, Martin Ring-RA D S 1 0 dahî, chais-inuo! he count>' board. AD RSE 0 Lew A. Hendee. oounty les-k, andN Ctasles E. Russell, cont>' superin- I tendent of hlgh'vays, left Priday G~ALLON STILL -1N eventg for north*destevn lowa. 'vies-e tise>'vill inspect a h;iswa>' le at is elag ('onstrllcted RAItise RAID INW Aeia irltie Corporation.,U I3A ait lthe expense off thse cernpan>'.Lag In he rocss sedb>' Ib in- argst Still Yet Found, Nab- pa ganie lis te size off bed on George Kiizian Place walnuts le used ln he h top of thet on South Avenue Sunday. pavlag and a s.maller amount off enn eued ie',am ts Yeh," chlrped George Kirizisfl, ini tise vibratos-y metisotiof cton- f74Hill rSeia os-e tins-alite s an s-iar>' rerati sudSouth avenue. "the gOv- concrete. Tise>'cîsîm tise mixture "iement aknovs I id lIbis ahiL"o beceomEs se compac-t ondes- vibrato- "I gotHardig, a rinti le Wuehlogte ry action Usat Itit lamDt imper. ameibis a iinnd ostrm nov Vu o moisture and consenuently bu doe flt xpasios-cots-ctta nysoe iUne." hetried o a-vothse deuant epn rcnxatt n pongesquad wltb. Bu tise>' didn'l ext*t. btiknet venat the mention et Vse governiet or Rardisg. Hard- tng ina>' hoa gooti guy, but lie (it NIGiGEM4EYUR fon't raidlng inte e ame squad 'vits tisei. il DAY George liad aaVilI, 'vils Vhs caps- H I QI~ TUESD ::ety of 100 gallonp, andi an os-dines-> for imeo te suad reposted Springfield, II., Oct. 10Snto- egldes tIs tises-e'va 90 gallons s-socle P. Bs-ady' anti Altos-ns>'Jaine4'off insi.. C. O'Bren bath of Chicngo, appeas-esi "Was oni>' making a littIe grape before tise division off pas-dons and julcs fer in>'o'vn use." 'vepit Georgs, paroles tetia> anti argueti for a coin- before Justice Hes-ve>' Coulson Monda>' mutation off sentence for Gees-ge Nig- mos-ning, "sud visse tbis go>' round geme>'es evicted t tI hs Decembes- me taklng a Inp' lie ol thse bot tes-m 1919. off hs Lake 9ounV>' Ve uithout taklng a drink.' "Wiseu Ciscuit 00w-V of hs mus-des-off John that bird dtdn't take a drink 1 L. Johnson sud sentencedti olye- figured.thtiahoi 'as a raider." A t>' five years in thes penîtentiar>'. frienti signet ishi bond for $2,000 Assistant States Attorney>s S. H. sud anotises-fs-tend 'vent acrese tle Block sud Francis Walkes- spote lnatrts.to10bas-sow -tie dollars t. oppositonla Vise commutation hen1 psy for hs justice ieu charges granteti. Hia hearmn>' la set for Oct 19. be1s* to cver"d aue ý fl Saferpatà Otfl bertyvleft pm'vleba dteh hoket60- rats could -iOt only 1vU i b 1100treeconlg, a-M o cta Indite 0that th f hae tPre UA b. s aupoff bUdcoPbe ' Ast Least Th. . M iee r 0c vd t iImýI IAeligfrt $15 fols Wo bki ten oe stPer Vlan Soit ooe. i & ta s $8 te 11.5poiW-ReOU miles iuli oae hst1b S vents aeart, oit 114 Itoa the rioqa ae A. May bile prc fer so»V for leg fo an il 4& ste somaie iodo 11 iberttyl. and t esp $8te asit11-5d0 .-hs tha e-rminr aeg 0.60 atnhd l sueo~ Ite trearionats i dollar a eflut Pribis it vould 5 Libertyvilie. rea dt bWI' Voworry ab heout. cAlet 'à tho le to atratesdbu5: a little longer and a a bard cosl ahould arrtve othe.ti". -J $1.50 A YFAR C AY~ Iaases, gg bite. Soit ose rhito and 39C: ssi voent [gr- "mler 4 voile mxodo snd trillie MdI tes, N Md domIt>', s-87cVIr IlT 01 lm lmA bd c il et ti tE fE 9 0: 1