*~às~Qla~~dp4eq~.Wako w4*JySun GerIa~ lsn't saying mucli just now, but eivl 3lever forgive the Alies for not letting themaehl-n Oets licked. Every turne the Mosierne perpetrate j new massacre of Chrishfans, they talk about a "holy war."C Not that anybody wants to rub it in-but seeing howi bard Up Ujice Sam ls, xnaybe the service men could chip in aud- pay a bonus to thegovernnient for the privilege of fgtn.______ With peint and'brush, Zion arma -fer war. ndin ýWaukegau the flâppers are doixig the saine. Wonder whe uses the most, Zion abid its bilie-boards or the local experts. And se it'à case of daub, daub. diul nbthl Waukegan and ZMon. First we -have a 17-ounce.,apple raised in W aukegan, then an i"uomce pear and ne ores a 3'k-pemUR iweet potato. Surely Waukegan ie dero flî zpid1y i»n this matter *91jwoduclngbig vegetables. Sue: records as these have seldom been. uoticed lu th ansd it la gra- tifying to kn6w that auch size 'vegetAeUesO" be growu in the commurnit. It shows the feàt ndaatiii S-'ty of the soiu of Waukegan MudLske Joimty. L4ke County people willw4teh i *th interest devel- opments in Chicago wherein an efftbau been =ade by the city council to preveut thethrùin of deinocatie attacksou the city administrathinvia o.~stereotan trom oee ide of the treet. to the ot:ir. M»e dernoctats i3utared it snd the police Rtopped them n u tI'assiuption that it violates the law *reative to furniebing im eients .in windows, thereby stojpping traffic or eongeetg the streets. It la, lu a sense, a parallel case to theé bjMlbora siain uZion, the exception being that in:Zion the "1advertisi l doue via billboards rather than a stere- <pio.The democrats have gone Into court to test Srgfof the pplice te stop such a practiee, declaring that they bavd a right to thro'w signa acroas the street If they wish. to. I)eciaion in the matter 'WiI have an in- direct beariug 0on the Zion casef uot offrially but 'in a way wiiM nict epos thtatehuîl' epithets,, tbreats, chargea, etc., lu a manueèÏ ofthis sôft The plan of action in the democratic circls latoseeck an injune- tion restraining thàepoice 'froM ix4erfeflng with the op- eration of their machn Mi , A GOOD i '?LXED.- Pepegenerally are net aware of the shortage,ol car ueddfor baiUng grain,ÇO8 aets, etc., ln,,t4ese the iuid4l wesi't tte. It -a'the shortage of cars, nol a 0, her-gêof cemmt ntsd -ther material wh la sold- ýng.up znuch of e i Sad work iuI4ke Couxuty. rigl4 Dow. N Thereforeinueh o 4,às been slowed dowxî e . IIU CA NE or shut deown eoenpletelr. Abd$ oie of the contractorfflN~fN have, been using ip the surplus efflent tley hàad 3eeu XS T sfl Savmge for montbs pasit lu ,tyyi» to finish up, as jmLüh% work as they' emu efore eoW weather*comtýà"on. The ' 'r D I~ Z~ a P~ T whôle situation* a eritico ed a 0, se the rai:oads eco->OdePWk erosOresAG-IE ui~JK' R-IV ýC4dNAU cerued for,. they have great dexnds for, shipinenta but TrànWWUp in'Appeal Case canuotf111 the ki '~ onplenty or, bt eo otgor 1WAK6NDUUTSFDLISALRUHN cin't-get tbenî+the tact la thousa.nd of their cars are WUeGNDUGSS-IDUUULý»HI in the eat and thae ein roa4s are keeping tbein, tbey INCLUDES,21 CASES. MAi0 o R CiE ET 7 IUTAP woni't let them- cone back to the'.mdle W est. -OINM SQUEEZE NUAR-ALCOMOL EROV SpOfjoY rnenthe nationâl laws,'thm Toads'ean. ay $1.25 qà te pâi' m a $leuSU te AD-FIa AbSACIO TER Iper day for cmrs f other, roaýàs and. keep on tlsamg them ea g'*jýtber. he« orndat aeu iav «t li a howata 8 .4 i aiedmxctieso as long as they' wish or ean divert traffle lu their diwus- u ibecar of di$t. ltemdbv.«a *ay te set it. canned lboIut tho vas golag toe Lave tricte. Azd the 'western rèads Are powerlesa to get baék rarlcus .14 -n.t, i8 Uav*Ibe«a&l sort& of mes&a Sparti and thid vanted to cook the Justàoe put l'et 0<. s4 O MV*W# oftlnie drinkers -te gel mthing. their o'wucars.Thue3,-e*erybÎy in the niiddle west1suf- rçaula to Sfit 1150<.8l çtreThey bn u he derlitond et aitmIyon fera as a result-there are'plenty of carsbut the easteru hy.Ti9 mOAr u, "% 410 188t <atala ier boged hlm bal Mis eméât ndalle wur- roadshaveebbled thezu up and hiddeu or heI4 them tol t e ïiplahiedil h.el, va. ualu iAtlutTmangrex- our decided lueouvenienm . Eeir Lake County lasutf-t"lub l' ý ama e glatèr ladilo 4 as ty lm tthiret ao tra~oeÎ~ Sa e tmBt i a" u mou lieli tirrboendtidybs hr o fering as a resùlt ofthe p=~tIé ndaw P t - ho~tbé, 1 OM mru F.ry B.d. ______Te___elt t er 1m Octobtr ta niat etlvmae ta atise-pue arRd -. <ynth.1e4Wt01.lit la AaI,. o1 nternt TwcipnDGICAI&IL AVB. b " awibteBut tb * u.vemood A am val te kuw that Oume WIUy vilfleWho DJ.STEIO'~*U209 "rn.. ms.etb.' The amtaettevhSM a1. osiai va MA&xsdo mti,. arn the fd 'ig:<uT oyIWhuSumO Ui* a 1«1W dlis.bgt Th.y e% .sboule.tYho .Deha U?çh5l 0<111ilOyt sa i lAnothez reason why'Ï LkeOioudbeket pÎ .P- aatr.s **%g~AÏ* doenut samk ter a bewch 0ofcelaewpapets. to ilLs former statua la tbi W e ;t inen being dise g.i- - < An i rt ulmbwa asfe h r«WmMO ti b ed front service are retitmiéd te tl:ianaval district aud w. j. Mm . ca*t o t ip tl - b .in bis »t.l'exlid C» batb. ceand (holi H. W. tuey lbCo.ttMh hbeau =«L thethL for a d aI are mustered out at the na'val sMagon, where it willlbe C. F. " Myhdé tt ac£toi, a bail... easy for'them to returu te their lime cotàmnunities. C.eader DePolt gtor., __ 0<-EFbét lamak a i u iQt 1Et8Ont ou lIe onR ee This diles away with thedii rofhvig he= =s= aloolr l. . .-.- £r. i charged in other parts of *tho eounâtxy where there ila eato o mw.*f r* uhea w et a asamit et Ibis n discov- possibiity of their belug absorbed uEgar the pointe where P.f1. = a bl Iwcyaingalitheyunst ac tA caiil of a! they are discharged, in wbeh case the twelfth district A. . . 100fom10ofic eahet lit la repwed that the would lose inany lu population. -Oniiy last week 90 men 'te& o l at «M luca fo110cet. ». erct hé su" batth were brought bick to Great'Lakes for disehlai e. Ea. 0c. ler.tM e ;PW; bn. qd t o. t0e prie an tatAr wil If they had been nmuAtered eut on the Pacifie or At- ttu& suillugat f. te g iI e e log b difftlaenIst b ge got lantie eoast stations, many of thcrn would xever bave re- RAIN DISI f JJN b= nprowl*y Ia il necearr te nue a«Uy libl mehm l uli e groc turued' to tbis diotrici, for -various reasons. This la an- wMty gooti grade of vodd alecoL dio. 0U1V'Wood0581lb LA thaIt dgel other reasoil why thei t'welfh district organization slxould AIJIUN!I ILUWiJ bave totnti that by uIBAUS tht. canned Vpot: 11Inataate. see that Great Lakes la gi4Ven the proper backing. T whc etat beandete alo cf ontdd « te prpao o 6-Dont niarry au egotîmt. le .t-me te, ulter &M ver.e ale te buy it because~tiaivlg aglmtfcin BÈIDESIOBE 7~-lout marrY a wi ta lnl tv7rle aotyeterdgy, grade oiti over .te eonuber tae thePAQEA~î s->up yari ma v hiant the farilers Élil or Lake ColitY. aypiId te Il and blas hiou tilaud go SOW air mmnme of humor. That mr avs ivbat thaYile9aded *tliesigrîht tedl a uha-1 NHWI ARE (ilEN TEN -eW a aman wîia 18fnot te g:ftea the lbard groud efeugh 601101 t? Ut. dea-- of appoxnmereml 1u o heground lbas beau no lard. aY Lcldgt <eba od rin im bMboic pague bv,« e RULS M F*1Oj-.Djou't marri a manWhobaslia. a uber oet armero, that Il lias foc r pmetite m t hen he w orn . 0 RULES led £158I~I!L limon aiment Impoutblle teiiow. This ormelim pathetheAumO Ânt L À Uttlgirl and 1New Yo0rk. Oct, il-lu a talk on Theae man wlicm Itle POSitilYnli,. dtel hpe t r# Wl] tlar* ,verae bin vith It. Iw m~bro ther eba viclimu.h - IWht SrthofRev.anolai M.-MSara 1 h mnjuknwt e tang up lhe grouid. Little ylaving 4r.0 ramsmen vhosee eete« e Hoig«tb utholtime bave ordertd TeWMal Sortheo!e. Ja M.Mai oreIl apale .adi ous no = Yb.dea.bluebeau donu the lIn oitî 1liidetickit gtbrouo h Ilir ehos, Mmun «M dm » 0lthetiIn- -pester e~t the>Marey Atvenue B aple antiWhlvîrou; wa a i.farmer$ gays.__ viosee hirts word îtickln u t et<feo le tinte b le batned and tint Churcli. Brooklyn, gave.the foi- tbasvelf-ntrlvIa vs oa mai _____________mnhodi ne lokdw 1-Dag ulesmfr r ama in oli oandi, monl impartant oo!as tugla hhey lied anythhng except- ______ 1-DWt ary amanyo do't ll & ante slamp of vhooe lireIRS YOUTH"LYN" I a timae w1ich they* laid dowuo nSAE knov thorougbly. tAMBUSH GWoES ADI n OM SANALERfOUK 2--Doi'l mery a mai yon effeet andi clmrh ld:als andthaibt a AMUS GESTO COU RT ver. foilytherti.RMB te reforan. br- -idenbe liom ad "Parties" 3-DoWt- m*r) a mmiYelu r don crentea."Dubli, Oct. il-MAcky ORourke. jsometimen tIb-owîvonllcma iu and love lutelllgeutly. or' vho do caf. teWacwo.. aged layon. vas bact utu court j ak for tva orthrea cane of canneti Rome,Ct. l,-PIiaoli aitthe t e oe .YOU the Amre vay. ltltele mcwr. for throvlng tone. Micki exPalliti iheat. lai down tva or Ilirfe timeesud gmrne lia .happmeela pear mgo aB 4D'tmarr a mai vho doosut The'estIbul ,man roasteth inet thRtta the judge thu le e u"OnIY looktng expaecianîli A1t il rgttealq.meok ue IAncona -respect vomaubooti. %e-h le tock n liuntlng but the oub- playing ambul". aid lte jiidge rosijvbite te vas rappAng uthe yaktodai. Tho populationvaie thrOwus 5--Dont marri a mai vhom otherl ttnèes of a dligcnt manI preclous.-. hlm a lecture on the arrois o!mgo. tutu penicand conuitérable d.mu#I»,4 men and i cudren -dialtke. w<"' ariori Who are net at legal var.. oiemas cama Ato aieore oieday va. Loue. .i. THIS IS A CLOSED CA.R YERAR SHOW You 'wili be cordially welcomed to our show roôms, to view the entire fine'of SITDEBAKER closed 'cars. Six beautif ut and 'distinctive models-. Corne and see for yourself how well STUDEBAKER enclosed' bodies are buit. Juidge tliem on . quality first-"-then. price- because price atone is REMEMBER /THE, DATES Oct ,2-th, l3th, l4th,,and 1l5th inclusive- -Achen 13335 o. Gênesee St. Motor THIS IS A Co, 1-,e Wauikegatt, Illinit s-te momadmo I untferm e9 euE ms tbcom et fe laa M 'nu... *B9 stsmi elPtb. ia Whame Sdan a%" e Ud alA hlm mme Whole la iodme heud o t Tis uc vla 1,18&lTb an oIl e taua.o cn hmév bmow. - But tbc tlahpae& ie alii shouidr o!t th. pri blm body mruck lh carricti h op-ceand unfcen hi d&rk- dupl ta aunihi Th*. yc th* vomi Ducbemiz quaim. 1 for lIaI: -a, cent limon b.v lb. wea1 soiected l oualy thi resolveti 1 The mu burt, zni ;WORKF Alliens, Oc In the Near 1 'with f raitic 1 Chietarf ou Constant1nopt more ln andi The Gravir folpe airead) porti for Or. Greek sili. Greek reil are reparteti Many Gree tureti hi the Aimyrna are senlencedti t PILLi tAndon, 1 tram Thtrace tions aid pli, ta thie Datly been pilAfl Greels lu yard lafare ~iurope froi Grcak tro. ceecentrlt1uîi lier north Thte Grec malti to be q tentes ada andi tgliti sanction Oc enflent e-i thal Ilie ai Thrace are Àý - t VEAR no indication of their iný,rin sic values. *Mm.w«M»M ëê4ý - 1 M'