WANJIat N, ON CY. Mthodst Con ference Close at Prinoto and pulpfits in County Are FîIied. VOLIVA 15 ATTACKED Th. 1Re,. C. A. Kelly hsbe ruturned as poster of th:e=ais cmga Metiotilat church for the. coMI, 1 gy ar. Andi the Roy. itoit. Oir ,ofrZMon, the center ot Uic bitter acrap nor os tbv, laisem returued 1tehMa charge there Rer. W., E. Leruson la nibmed as pastor of tie Norti Chicago ciurci. Peor Borne limeho h~ a emassist. out peut-or. Mr. Pruacenhe actuel. ly beng ln chargi ew ovMr. LA"x- am takes Charme84spestor. Atthie IRoc River Contereace at Prnatan. li. w" icloacti yei- leniiay, Blsep Nicholson mat i » annonoents Mantirskecount! appontrnenta anti reappolntmenlz follo. Higland Parkr. W. B. Groae. If" iiiiîy Rural W:rk. ran Prai B.James. Dlsrond Lake, C. W. Laughln. Lake Villa. Josephi M. Adi'-- North Frairie, H. B. Amett. Roaecrans ait Hickory,' Rimer Wahrondrock. Wlnthrop Harbor, A. C. Calnil.. Yonrk ome, T. Otto HaIL. Lakre Bluff. D. B. Lloyd. IAke 3orest, . 8. B.ldmonsos. Llbertyville C. J. Dckey. McHenry, Raymond Sanger. North Chinage, W. Z. Lamson. North Shore Iri G. Wbltchnrch. Palatine, William Rtece Park Ridge, T. P. Bramuri Rchmrond, H. A. Brayer. Wauconda. teale upled. Weukegan. C. A. Keliey. Zian City, Eobt. E. O'Brien.« A T T A C K VOLIVA'ATTIIIUOS By a vote of l0i to 40 tue..cou- ternca.expuAgne f rom lis reoltit tia condemnetono! the. KalKlux Klan, passed et a Provions ses- ston. The :actidu . vas one of thq ",,W deiachaons reached 'belaor, 1ma-e journnslrt andi reading Of the. A> slgnmbate o! tie minhters e topa pls >,Blho#p Thom"a tMcho4sgu. P" rOQl'tli n troduceti.by g 11ev. F. W. Barnluni, Ok iPSzS vas uunettiouml! passed l in i "i ii* tsw lw -SI t n -li courte, andthre te.ln= et lue ia jte on's ùin," veoeo* Thc Rev. Jom WUUllMiai. ly or Tbompeoagi entw)slic iav . foiRe, va rett de % epastor, ata et 11t orb è3A-.ca* oitit. - v1i un legîiSI4t i Ut ik pli chIrit v t viné~ ili tr - Amerls' el Il llemW ta bq. x«. 3.4 Yaffl WoM.aTake Stand Teil AmazingTait. KIDNAPPED GIRLS, CHARGE Ousia. Neb.. Oct. 10-410; suai. lot toll e« hov 1h07 vere ciaai lU an inder=ront ungeon wy' A silege i ua wahviebad asaalttl tiig u as ld totiay on the au by pretty 1Mn. - JeacklmIts, a be« r io"ei"In atharib ne Mlaa MAI me.otA 19$vote 4"ivisW i triaii 9! t VeitBrownt be0an b=1 - toey a th le district court. Brow» lgta' aiepei ta bave idnappe t li Re ta «Id t le hie man vie k po osees of mua froini Nolirka aMd Wyoming on the bunt for ix voeu attr bis allqged aasslt er lbttire.girls. b browgs tie girls testieti. bati dut tve graves vitre ht hart told t-heu iby vonhit h.burleti atter h. bud tltison he. Thtefeuhgrave. vonu ;,foods saer is ceptur exatic stmatitoday, Mn. Jeaktal »U andeavons. Si. 101oldo * Telsy s W l,. W ord. soupelclu pou tarolted ta re«$ ktwi r A. D., la bobbcShair thetic a>,of bobbedik & i -t urly amod- cru vhim;destinudt 10bu discancd as oon as lthe varulal of novelty basvworu trouamb? " ior anâver to mch, a query. The pho.. togrphuiowsfl he grc.t Rusa Utes Uuoiire of Slme, thc dancng bc* ' ur ctf întiqruity, Sb.c vofufl bbd- Ait, ecrnin beruitmo- mensaof vapin "hich mns ncaRly- aya. Tut vas lntic mrn f28 A.D. A complicateti b t o i sbstracton revials that tia vas 1894 years go. "If a ityrle has prevailed 1894 ycsn,"ssMd Nazîmova. "ih cou iardly bc called ephcmeral. 1 think bebbed hair lu ec 10 ay. lea sensible, and for lthe vomau of smahl stature, becomingr. ,Nuzlnovs la oon ta bc secs in a motion picurc version af "Sa- la It f im baeuupon Oscar W "d'îpcle drama' sud thc art settingt, byNatacha kamubora foi- low th ic drsof aAubrr~ Beardsley. Ca mBryant rected the pucce. COUTIOUSI3 PLAN County lerk Fgures Annual eate, WlilobDi*ndcesfrom '115,000 to $150i Lev A. entie., county cleri. bais Imut cmpleteti Oguring lie &enta of tatorcî-ut ia vibcho nceary fotr lie 1300,M 0bond loiue, =rit itcarnles, viii b. uset 4j5çkoffltution cfoan. additIon 'Wý:opurtbou#e. The . lnterect tie SIsI% -i4ar, at lhe rate a!flve P«' ceent viii h.$15,000.,and ecdY*e* titer, 'Wviib. retiuoed $750. endtmi ~ Mtury earmla 4t in- atIr, lm i eoui' $71W. bmte-idiedi Initoleee*Utr b. x~red t lie rate of $MM, 0a] t le ie1lAgvtttlai thc iond Issue fl*qua te sayons isvlag oocaIes t4 yWt the c ourthouse tie crowded coqiltié of!thie varioes o.:*ceslà~ mADIN3 DUS Clarence Woetor <Waaegau. =to e1ih -vil iii viteAsd chili. »avg- sytel-ta 2New Haves, coma,. *moellag lte a telegrat ,rieUtvoq y=« ibe oa Psa ents Mei giOi go . eftt -Wankcgia te bis autol lat i4ty meranngovertag li" .10 ill . trip Intire. da>' W" ia Le regamogit as utile sho't ctiarvtiou la vie. ofet 5h fet hhat ic - mauntem aM." bed atreehe- -oft eMM. Tbey .flllse" a setoum-i M. W t el ris lires la Ney Haven. DuiIdg t-b Ma r. Wcblti as a ca*tata ià'atls etlitea olauh.err asi. . Ie vus prainoteti te captaa fok, r"" onlv~, s ierbetleekti PAY $W,000,000 LoioOct. ili-Greàt Britan Qos Moada>, vii epogit $50.000000 vim the Ptei Ros re P Bni orNew TrorS s pot p92uet ofbaock ltett ueS thg $44Xn¶7,00.000bel' lolel -fraie itited ates la» ver ti*qoe,. I wl ftiisy ,annuei SOLDIER WHO FEL.L ON BAYONET 1AY 0GORBN Loadon. Oct. 11-Trivate & Brovn. cdthéi Walsh Guai& u s ing sesk- tri itty gM Palase WM teiomm. eintsud oskle iaý ometgo 1 117. oit the t ot ons oye. ROCKEFEL.RTO STABAUZË THE MARK Baril». Oct 11-A ncontlrmet" t port. vas clrclatc& ber.tôday t-at a represctxtlve cflib» ocfller lob. treats vasla ferlas caterrIn i ti lie g GrauGo-frrajacaregardlag a Ï.as ftr.ieparpmof ! tablahlag hie value et ti th Ari. FIRST WQMA?4 NAMED - HEAD -GRAND 4URY Pans .,..Oet.il-lus ltie b*ol o! Teyiervile, ta belloeet t h. t-h mir wozan ta lhluols' ho #eAt licbead cf s grand jury. Her snie»vas draainathe regular el MdiiMa-ewvasappoinledti l Irreul urlaride .Luck A r*,rnuuttc uprttlon ha earnud for NÇortol I tamd, in tue Pacii. oeeu.. lise ulcinaire et "HYd'ymoon lalanti." It tu beilevedti b.> a brdt Whou apndo ber Brul met -"f marnaie Ilthiere vIls be oemade ong lItaf% buOh, u-eaittîund bapptbem Many Transactions ln WMue- guandmtTflou un- ty Durlng Week.' LOOS ABOVE AVERAGE Asst. Scrsetary, SeCarty Titi. Trust CO. Businessfet theitecordes'office fer the. week endtag Ô(ber 7, Nuniber of coaeyance., 160. Numiber of trust de44. andA morI- gtee..56. Nuraieret ochaht fmortqsesl. tg.' Total nuotnier of ibtuii"eta Total amount orf bans. $12.380.70ý Bualnegs mua11 cout~wt H vtth i0ans above théei4ae The fotlovtng ane tht o'. tf Im- portant deele: InfluT. Biiliagr sbld put of Ie hokln sot side ofNortàt .. bet*eea Eourth SU4 Peutdr Oh., ta Ty&nkUL. ox*y and vite zQw ad@ae $1,500 and purt to Edw r4 K.rer and i wtt, or la dicateti zOOO. Geo. B. Otdwdliboiight tbs T. IH. Durst place on eaut aide MOtt Àve.. north of May 8t, for $500 fad gavt -bacic trust deed for lUso). * , SAnailW. iiodeckl anrd *tte bolighl the Louig A.l&gs Place onit 84t ai Souti :Sheridan Roed.South 0f tbheMcKinley Ave., for Il". cated $4,000. John Sbnosandivite bouelt- the Wrn. A. Duane prfferty on Soth aide Lako st., betveen south CouA-t .tir st. and mica st., for nMM"oa ,oaaidration and gave back. truit d.04 for $2.000. irry IA anti vtf. bougit thc Alto. TPratt Ballenier, 2 lots on Southai ade West corner ilenn Jom 4&v. and Hicory St., for Inditeti JepM tulesa bought the r= etkTru laon o twti eçt cerner Nlnth andi LAucoin Oto.. for $6,000. .Peter Shhtvonen bouglit the Aji. drev Lbxifkplace on' »Utê aide Hiehphols Ave., luat .,V«it f suit- ticria St. fr inileet$6,.500. . lInLake Foreat Aibeit B. Dick Jr. ttOught,,tae imlsee -Mary -T. Md IgItM i4. CU- dahy place on vomi aide Green »ay.Road for $79.00,0.t Warrent Davtd Ovci&. aàd *If* bougit t-he AaialaM cL. U Hardin i puce of S16 sotioni t aide Green Bey oRad foir 1w,000. Bdvar4 À. N*liga bougtýtthle John Doit place on-_4ph #Ide B(- uer Bt.. for la10, PAO and çae.baék trust &*d- for 4$6.. Vred J. Dtckbasoeasd Iwtt. kbougt the .Schola placc on nortA aide'VIne Ave.. for'malcettM"8.00 e-.l lu hl irTwmlph. Arrold Joom *A"-uIt bovUg O u h er ub e # %* M b w S .,a 1-4. inste $, b.Central A».ýeý '#» o an e Cave e Ave IWsb W. and lma ».. Charob beâgýit lm TnAP. Yftw if l m o t Ocat A mSelàeI Av" for line *it botbta lot cm Nias Mcltgery i.at 100 feet ou. à". m"'il A00cr wqmlau Ave. d t aumâei Bt rie & W. Bey. &kt" sfor $4.400. , Anime».. M ichel. sand vif.- boo*t thc maudtolek. lace 0n% vesI - herlian Boad. oPppeete Wveriy Bt. for indiatit'm600 (vebmack -trut *4 r K$4.. OWleo11W T,.C. triâte " , .iItl te -*àawâ pragerty cmi South. mée Prosptt &Ave -a i Mueti1sufer. odt cetd *.,ixyse. trust -deci rri , fler yl maie tic flrmt.ci loup Sttfroin tlietgn f te i CAU&U orer.Jl'l y frOe à= FieldE[agusts, Te*..tg bock, for $10.000. Wb, G. Brava bought thc lue. b. idrs lot on eust- aue*Lhn Av ehtveaBeech ait 1çreet *ienues for indioatie4 $UO. J00119h- Delbaye and laie, boMt 1h. RoI. TPrîchard place ou norti 0"d Wemt Tarik Ave.for 1460. SCitY ty Hfighlandi Pri fflietia CoPo f iMe sonIng erdineuce. InDeerfleld Village. Hemnlertel anti vi!. boeit .àlt on east aide Park Av.m rI Bd. R. Hornbuq for$300 In Garne. T.K.McCormack ait vite bpaaht 37 lots lanbUnta Sub.ila-S. W.-1-4, gec. 24, for 1";;d oit$1Ï,. 000 ant f*vt baoi trust 4sdd fo Aubert y. Canbiore bouglt . S lots ta TuLtu Sub. for Indicateti$d lIn opn. - Matit. I. Wetona"mdaUl beugit, tic Tai 1>Hudson glac et 2 acresla .8. I:14. sec. =3 on ahetidosJlit et Bush for à> la Çait'Aajleit, tua. -ea 1 S Lems lii t&M tÀ> lu 1ýLaeVlla *Tqenei , 3.- Mleme 1- Sheehe- a" *f imèjigt -tie P. J. Sclca » acres la S. . IL16 I.14. sec. as. lu Lbertyvllle. WSa. BerS saS Vitebomght li Gae. H. Wb#&t prct>erty la Sec. 17 latentumtic a1u3 s ab*t 'IMbo bina»»" a diseuse» ! lcass liat $jQ>O.000 anctIl>. Obéervat e coslqoeg À igto ce.a: Je1 ma éseloi - i *àpM ull bappineo 'om .itstf.&-Isc ervatIi U rmred ta aiml» tatm maies puil bpL.sfr1 self.,, toIbis to alesmald k dumirlal conitilon,% today..--orlh. SeVeral Roze CVAs mouIe MANY FtiJRSH BAII. ~~4r uD'ai" CQ oos «M-r~,~ W~ 4tm" a" bo iracion bo . msaa.gv q4tr$O oe, a uSah&see ofllUiuUI*o! 5. ooH« Tme e m ouffl - Vo. au j> ýgftùm4iRaiM~ O6eue, Mot ol*g ~f i5ta81ig&aifl*. rti b& Cor fêd 1,wu o aoir et ml ti ginthOraa is aime ne" D hree iuer 's w» w»Hi plCebai et u clot by a& la d= by Pmopgacase alt fo V=o oissi Wbl . . isa , d ob.rg e let s eu% g Ilquer. sitiak ee aestfrtIl bail ~ ~ Ir fo 00at vsls o lait = O ofuetWti.cln liqu r. Anto ic Iod D hxk'scas va Plaid Bl~nkets A 298- Agret arrsy et pla"i aktg- ta IL vadI asI.moLt nî c .1e lomhlnstWu~, *4xt6 mtubseQ A Wit c004 velgita.RemanIK sbte value Bakets Very, tood qusllty Cotton Mlan- *4r7$uIngraise. ta yma kitsxu,7y.Incan ,He"andit ,_..arm, au uxceptionally good [Ivalue, seetifs and Wemw as F"cd ÀArich stomofluscOOuslarrae whieb are uougbt and tiatm by the people ct ino e ouitrlee wbate ttey ame foontin a t= &mineW by the. tamly e te losfeora b= ttes.in tcooald. W«e te bifa .bos a nimber of thia talaigt> bt as uted upon Igour lad vine br thes Ronig for tj* table wit auis am utatatu aowtiys liea Oaowci "g à arime P49, Océeoft tal ttbble tc mme marie* *6 beqr ".ttqa brl tuenative i=4 .- O t a piWO tdd oiOO. Wb" - Win, urmligtRthe Tweed rig empanne. Blue & Pt*~ wtth sceiloped edes, titi0«tuc X":et BIg& extra beyavi u vol blaniets, ie 7bO Ich uss. la gel, bhue r>,&Alavenuter. A vSolrtul opportunlty. Wool Bl"wets SpIeniti&UIl ool BUleta ta SisSO liuth mis. flue, GMaY,- Goli.]Plzuk A Laveuiter mfecta Juil viiet yon notti for chlili? nigits Heavy- Comforters Big 72x84-inch Comforters for MUl size beda. They're filled with 'pure white Cotton and covered with excel- lenf silkoline ini various patterns and. colors 2,98 Very -special at. ,........... ta~ ~~~t auHOBOh tol~ ner«Ytovitsilu l oouiity for th*. pur"o f gttt ccrittet signeratuto aot lie iru ot La" Couty la liUn «M=lt 11maI viii h. bell lIr. 82w le verx dut a boter ?lem et MUmoiia- -Titra se 't*oeotheronimU.s B»oone- ùd ïiâo1asy.la tis 4111 =u4 theetM are w orltg haut te brotte more latoèrtet -klmiV marbotlig aad -te pltot il, o. * more profltable busefor Uic Pr*. Thé . u111 b 09reprP.usat ofvsie Ian~~~ >nncssreituettoila price et gas» lolie s ii011r sapiia pro- duritu of g csais per gaîldË4 vIlck itl e ffect la Wauiegan toda>,. The »wv prIces viii h. 19 cents tank vuafflsud Il cents service ulatios. This wtitaie lnthetic tven .14410 vesteru stales under oc âtrol of lie Indù=enmpan>,. =sa cardlns g gs' aagîber of tic cornpinyit iMiib s5d'iugteumotoristethirougionth t-R stetes of aDppoutaly $3.500.50 montil>,. A Peer Comiblealon. A Met omumanceoxet story latalti about tht ggovernor et Mint vbo. vile aidrenclng lhe studfflsaet Bc-' dola colluge, snid, .-Tour spatouaf campus vthiii ia.beautttal garbaSe 09 pgi,,etc. Elitenti>, ho sarte t t 7"Ecrflist" tien svltced f o sto '~bu"but thé ecmbinattos liat -cstoa Tr - misc haPptOu in vile & Blue afete lgood stuc At tacA 59e Plaid BIanket Hantisome vool tinthai bisuit tu lîrtty plaids, Lareler, gray, & GOel effocta. siust $ach si»in taspîcai i egtit su- pristag velum.t Nasua Blanets 2hcic'olnathe f laniots ia olit colorae wir grai', whlte, tan & blue bordermandu are Tory heur' Automobile Robes - - ,Onplete line of the famous "IStrook Make " Ruto robes - no. better' robes made. Thiey're, in a great variety of color combinations, and are very w*arm and serviceable.$2 P'riced. from $U.0 up to... Now On Hre'~ Specal Erchase Remak 0 .pprtrty With Cold Winter N*Wght8Juet Around the Cormer PubicAuction -Sale O"tber 19, 1922 F.IIwing ProWjty: 18 COUW ITICALVE AND FAR MCHNT 11AY AND GRA1. ¼ U.nortwest of Wakega>-2r Imfies orth -of Bpal.uldns corner on the UT~Dy ]Rod; %/ MUl South of York Houe.. Fred, Decker