CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 12 Oct 1922, p. 4

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* AIUWIAL ETTIM DATA FORbaan$eung 11k caprotet 8s Wfut W.hgW hI&f AIEUN Mm'IIZI a". T. John he:h:v:n:::%r*th:i ______ M____second_________lb______________care a1 their lots tu Lakemide oemeterytei7nf otk p1.*h ~ PUIUê at ~ ylil. lU. -S~Oa oi.a n ~ IBU TYV!ïLEMENare re'u.sted to do se at once. or miit OLIIERatalmat volva for religions freedam lote wili b. taken tram the caretaker'eilnCt. enNelvstr nvrly _________~Editor lst next Yser. The moliey shatld be 1frhetmUiestpeet ______MfileUeTBnner Disràayed by Local-paid ta M" Imagene Schanck, 128 W. O. Samuonand MeMbers of a ? wl v'a opt E ng ' ineer Says Belvidee Road ____________________Local Managler Stud2flts Cause Free for BtCaATf3. His Committet Turnlng In take ui ý the batts a anaia lva JPoabyB'Co _______________________ Ailta Saturtlay Game. &fier the asti,wtheart,d IMany, New Manes. ThcomDltte f titre. mInieters UnUi NextSummr.. QntiON PrIe-SIJO PUR U1. StYRiCTle e N ADVAN.y Oscar Finkeol. 4monit and drift away juto dreama thttThe cornm*tto of aupervIgo ds.Inm&lntanng the rigbts af the ba i OffesT..g.e Nleo. 1.LlWrYvlI IOiiOV ollowing la te version aoftefoot i laOau acret aI terihodibtd ahlperbit h ta romain lu Zian City Betv'1dere I1>ad han ea co plose urftuyCetYOr ate d'- gnaedte el coplte heHot01wanam.ed au.foilowa: The lb,. by the State fflEhw'ay Devtagi14 koaa. ineCut odbail gants, 4>ayed lunlibertyvUlle iast non cigar hore. Bradford's Babermenon eredMnethhadIsta i ÏP>W.ARDSAS SUPEIU 0013RT JU GE - lday. saï seen by a reporter for the 5h01>. 414it arder ta place teïr > the OI Thome 0, ator oaimYlnt lust os acette east end of theq Etloksas i aeony a apretty godchance Wankeg=n801h00l, InWbiCh & ,d1The MOUt"ngof the parent-Toacher bonor raolfor the nev Vetory lie. brc. = .Theo o. R«.derpra B.a V.oata ~ I .dlrIyatr ola opti r wrlghri fat Pott hrb acet a810 orlt ourc Mt.s upreme Court judgeship in case the new con- aienenomd ygrl f ieWa- October 131h, at three oaciacks An effort taeet al the n&etin e and the 'R«. .TIlintan!anecort bdg@i'i gon s aopte. I furherappan a thùgh.akekom chol: t. oMMXamrnr Obol.Mrm.Maade 1).fore Nov. 1, thte ttrne having beu«.chilch, EltOIl. the Desplalnes River. kt la exPect.' ~bn je adopted Lt fu.rther ppears as Ahoigh.Iàakgains falil dte keep Reiman, RIN., chairman ar Nurses oddtaveot lai hr a ".aetlkn ismtiu. uitt.paevi oeO ±vîs just commeg mto its own iin state matters after tho attention of the lAbeftiylvaiUte tisnsea ewwo ee ll.e hal.h m or"e athn dlni fWWgatie hcbU7 filalorne Urne ff alaID Ube o r@d years of complete oveïfight and neglect. Wuets Whou thre SatkmHg 1 C"o h hl. pr« u-day Tey mohi . 0. Samson, chadWIbe & hâlébu*il kIE< jo strongly Bepublican that politicians over the tunued avuo te waukeffngirl 1-charge af the vark la camPoipt te but sa w vo eccer or hemusI b. aàiowed ta bartlen. ii .were incined to take tbings for granted too rnuch students Who vers ~CarrFing Ihel dded beauty meane lncraed val- 1151. a rking bard ta comple tte roIlgiou lberty ofan ilpeople vo thal lime the remindSadet .1lli. aever thought of rewarding us. The change seemB tak'thebane aaygae aprty aud »6U add justas urely omiteein fw df t opie Oydbore rnia ~ ~ ~ vi .boiu o for a ire. for ailgn gi nvibt isata o.'vle Phone 50 the Dames that the supervisorn auailàA ethediat petor at Moan <.11 Npe corne i1922. So, let's keep after the Supreme ployons and tudents Jalned unti fan lgh grade building matonlala. W. Of tlitwnhitbp» are gherng& va. arrested sand ehargod viit belu tudehpand land it if wecan, why nott teachera and lder people araund the V Pransen, Jr. 4-t blueen arkn b oro omtita er eor d y acina. a rDg b& Tylm for dl. agti4eEUS ol-d - -Trouble sasrted vlien Waakegani On Tuesday, Octaber 101h, Mna. J. on the liaI, ban about 2.500%,-mea, P. Scot Mcfflnde. supiendent, oit 1v ilwauke. AvenietoaOusset Amiomerdrunken auto driver lm. mn down and injured a and LIbortyviUe vo ere avnDp P. Mai' hntertalned ber alters, Mra. vblcb have luat been arrangeS alpha-, o .I e mis a Bate Anti-sloat (1 3-4 mie"), conui4 amaolx, and pc oal bu lte sA ogy*ied lS ta loir Reuben I. Thomoq, o! Llbertyvlle; beticalli' sa that Nwben te auperyf». Iague, stirred bbe confores on Waukefan (5 mile"). 4u inLake County. We do flot know mproalybtatmpsteoscore. Aîev ribertyvile Mm. T. Arthtur Simpsan, ai Wauk-o-rs'a flot cames n 4bey can b. ceked the vine anS boer lisse. RotbBrothers and AkeSoarencon ive he iWhe .ahould be proaecuted to the full extent of roters turped their attention tram gO31 Mim. Walter T. MarIatt, ai Keno- ion dupicatians and additlanjl namu Tes ft aiI&U tal tho elu otà nt tractons for lbe brige al Dwns Ww. navidale ccient ar to nueros t co- te gule tethebanner being dia- eh-, and abc Unr. Frank P. Dymoni. added. Mr. Talcott, chairmanOaithe vine and beer te kili moonabine and Jacoboon for the paybu; iw.Unvodaleaccdetsar to nmeau t CflPlayed by a graup ai Wankegan oe Ibis village, in hanor o! the. list memanlal committee o!flte bospitai. la Itseif moonabine." be snid. *«We ThuIbis por-tion o! BelMiart- cr 0110W to escape wthout severe punishnent, of fend- girls. They essaulted tbe Wenke- rtha amlversarY ai ber moton aa le lamaklng up a carS index lHat, vilI meet lb.he Wlsuncmveryiisse street probabl>' vii bealooil trm rbo are runk whe driving For, a areful prson on he eau roter's vas anaktck chm-Msv ByrogCoveylb.o ra cota-sh anSgson-hevbere aadquesanioneconher. aquestioneu be teinov, bu nlwtuntl mhedmedle Oronm aqsol ~ecbun we divng Fr acaefl eso o teembiem. Waulkegan baysais hPletely b>' surprise, but vba greatly vicA record ai ever>' man. vo viil aaetasnt inan attemPt mer et leasl. vas lte 18fl05Am x icsrot possibly avoid what that irresponsible driver May lbe leam retrleved thie banner antj enla>'ed tbe accasion, and lbe numer- Chairman Talcoîl alise 4u a îlogt tabreak dawn a -constttlanal law preof;ed ioday b>'Merrit P. Smlit. Je. true that Moast of the accidents corne 10 careful 4rivers returneS filta lb. girls., a mn us taken.s oi affection presented ber. fram tb. Red Crassevhlcb centaine alneady passeS. rsdn nieJ o h o.M Excilement Cooled forar LadiclAid-othlb.names ai doseriens anS athers We bave been patient up ta thia Smlih pointed out ltaIt e con STbe Preebytertnis Ad O wha did net recelve an honorable dis- lime vllb officlala. but vo nov serve Ptrtiction ai the bride mk. use the "other fellow" banged int thent. Utes. lbetyvllle agata atbempteidomkwi _____l take the banner and a riat catilety vil bold an ail day meeting ou charge. and lb... vii i ho sîncken nolige on eveni' Officiai, lncludlng necesgary te close the rnd!S nov, inOdr oIjuiswr u.Tbursday, Oct. 1,a the church. A roam 1. honor loatlbe attorney general, tb. maYorS Tisils ii be folloved bi' liovi laineS by ether aide during thied edîaln rIte vmoil f iee»nil rer iav ot- te sp-iing b.tlive a saderly il5 he state's attorney is partial-be jncluded BOTH aides inu-me. akgnrtie h a-ieiaiAmsie.. . -.w lncemetta ite rersonpla in-es. in the b tie r e n untction action, demnanding that, "for the sake of public tyv ,îe nos. E, 1E 1a M E ATO SA _________ no~i such igus be allowed 10 e%'ist. And so, both -Waukegsnan Ce of e p iay iety RAINII IYRRLII . .P T R " A *W h a a e atiafied, but the chances are NEITHER wil1villelost o a fumble Whou Wau. e rbbyhoped he would Iarnbaat fthc other aide but kegan. carnied the bail fort>' yards. SENT TO ASYLUlqI CONFI3RENCE VOTEForhS niA ua line, an the fuo yard line. Waukegan T ---nna ______________ lthe bh all n dovns, vhenLiber-. Frnk ornianot }lghan. t yvilie klcked and got out a! danger rn orsn fHgln ton get the address of some hotel a yard ai Ibeir goa ta the secondlast Fniday fllioving copantalt Aso Shout War Cry Aqainst rradmni h oe.quarter anSd l on dovns vben is Wii. fea-ed for ber lie obli, Vice, Saloons, Moonshine 0F ~ an bed hii te mOIlyatuon zIL lmaae anS k.abe vasl atlarge, Salunda>' vas ad.-and Ku Klux. CHESTER W HITE SW INE- The most vindictive mnan ini the world is the one who bOOted te md-field vhere Waukegan Judged Insane anS vas taken te a Ein EnbcaovienSbr il rtbeYvilie b.d Il outtaina Ibal atlennooin.Princetoni.,II.Oct. 7-Protectod ~bLi s the'growing xasculinity of women will eventually baud ta band bIl, ore In he ftgb on e ll;and oeandVil' Fiday o,6ML r hàeso e.of the tinltnoiter aide galning edn atflbaid been actng hlb.theconter ofIntereat today'~" 1t'~ .'haeso c.on the mans ploya vlille WaukO8OII'5 queerl>' anS of laie bad. been drink- In tbe Rock River coniorence orth ri lii>.er 3 1" î recesttiY deyeoe vnbet fealng beavili'. accardlng tb his vile. Methodiat Plooaichurcb. parently, smZepethna aeuldie 5s amarreS b>' the slipimerY bail Oan enlght recently hc spent set,-l The Ito. E L. Williams, known The Sale wil be " m o the Fan. of John G. mts, 2 ~otoots bis horn to let. the train know he is ap- 809Yfield. eoal heur-e frarpolng a knie andi as the "lgbling Pron"ve ~ Ws fIab. b. n 4 cosig h etlred. His vif. difnot eleép made a vigorous allack an proteclei l akCut .nse ht w.Ao'Am ATTTAIttniphl ior fear be mlgbt at- vice and Intnoduceal resointions. aeCut hserý t rM r W critéism-ofthe meriau ho kockshis52ND M ÂL UNZ t t laite ber lire, eaiod uèhicb vere carrieS oilzlng the eritiisrnot te Amricanwuu SOMk "CuShenif Green. xped ofre -i 5.00 hi' tie Met- le asier to understaxid after you get aceustomed DA»CIQ.CNs - --_ _ __ tdose t eprofit a youth to have ancestors who VNTOOC.221r'r r, r 'n iIA Y cOosin tMayflower if iimmledate ancestor Churches fNmAl Over Lake- Uq iA. uyg m I ~~omc acro88~ _____ County Will Send Delegates ) A A l I.d A ar rany ways in whieh gils ean climb in to %aukegaJl btclimbing into a stranger's automobile isn't The 52nd annfla contention of tb. Lakte Counîy S il nlti a y ' Scbool Association willtI h helti _______________________ai the tii-et Methodist icpiscopal amon could b.. Lakte Forest viii Churcb, Waukegan, on Fricia> andi CALSgretlyzýis bla.A splendid prograra wiii ite car: NToom9Tno Tuerai ai George Washington ied nutlulafact One nf the bes - EMua>11E Hun. pLaite Forest patiott, vas andi sîrangfl in the islory t heliS PriSai aftenioon tramn the Cbuncb Lb. association. oeniIe of I TohBe ivenA f thbe Hol>' Spirit aI thal place.,standing 1sPealuzrs an the prograniT eGvnA a eMasanle lrabernlly andS memberz la tbe 1ev. Edmuni D. Saper. LL. 1 oi th. Grand Army pont aItWau- DrlSaer sa.of tb. leadeni - kegan being In change. of te day lu religions educ-atiom Ho a. active In Masonlc cîrcles aOfl Itb es Ithiide e d an"> of the Grand aa vwel a. palnlotic services anti Paraieut at i ta NorLheaternn Uni- Otesat 1lis ome wu Mater ai Evaneon Comman- venity. Anaher nmant who, la LIOEneI ~Y IL Lalce FoLest.LS NoOiDbei- Mr. and Mrs. Hiifl whowill give a sereof a! dres. - agd ~o nonannvorsai. Bocauise of lus'greal t lpataof lnbest onaitbe leading Army anS alber paliollc organi- an, inv h ite ire ah anlub.goat W."7r z an d buines,7actvte afiac!lr n vit t b rein t o d T U S DATn dI R T} Oti. »anol n uiea tienis bc vas madie banarar>' mein-Ibueeigbogtlbrbyb ber oifte Amreican Leglon. hnebegbiutha yt, etIbs oanty, and veil Me vsacmuncu !te niicers o! Ibis association. A num- SA a, PA rnoelbput tIhe 518.1, diod Cburcb o!flb.eRoI>' Spîii andi bel Of local minlsters and Sunda>' 0,Olabr 4th, t 4:580 P. m., serveS on the tiret veslry o! la gelvnumer ofarel ltes roe la Lakte F'orest. M. cbuncb. UVal tva yeare ago heAlnenme a eeae r me sof the 5test active va. engageti lu buBiness villi is Erpecteti iranial aven Lakte counîy. X tro n na' 'yst.t Counli' In affaira o sonIlui.ake Forest. Put Ibese Sales tiawu: Fnida>' anti trn on andu i2veniIg d Aimy>'anS meof te -Duriiig lb. four y" eans erved Salarda>'. Octaber 20 andi 21, Wau i Iet mouileea-ofWau- ite Cvii War lue lougbl In tc kegan, First Methodist Churcit. FaulI a. A. RL baIlles of Gettysburg, Âulilam, cul- PiograM lalen. Lookt for il. % W *» a bom a u ft- peper, anS many atbon engagements Juln 20, 1 2.H o enlseaiof m nor importance. ' N8glthlb laICavalr>' on The fanerai vas vosy largel>' ai- 5 u ch )Orte01 9E0 ,ýèa vetensul. Ris total service lav mn nNartheser Ililinois. - Ihie. YeOton moullus anti intenseu wvasItaRosebl cerne- CHRISTIAN SCIENCE _______________________________________________ r- to1ry. Christian Science services each Sun- iU t Ilinois Cavai-' vas à Sa>'morning at 10: 46, tibrd fioor Firetl i Is mesuieraIlired FIRST MTmima PICoà 9 'nolb. baIe of eIl>- halesJ. DickeY, Pastr. T hevMid ay w l ,o c p o l c n [EIN PR Jc Bradford, Choir Dîeclar mpber ai Waukegan -Sanda>' Scbool aI 1 0. m. DA W 1fiq ?h P l i jrobabilly vlîb bbc Leâter Parlnldge. 58, oi 218 S. Toung, Supt. 11 A..e.~.K~ K of te late Chas. A. Part- Soutb Greaeavenue, Qait Pat, d5105 Mosf ning vamuabm enaforil a. su.YoSon vu. lhe mnoa videoli' ownMonda>' in Chicago, llloving an op- moD ou b>'IbptGon fa .Scr>'.b -J4urogboul bile Stale. At erallon flrai plendiciti.Hela ao choie, Of fis dealb Mnr. Hunloi-mon Waukogau man and Ibe Bon The Osaton vauld be gi-ontl> piese O.a.s-ail o! the Le-aifite lais Charles A. Parbnidge. Il he migbt meel ai IisIo t -h e r- Ot inaiaG. A. R. Last vba was a Waukegan nevepaper vice ai the nev Canierence yoai, ail Parbrldge liveS in Waukegan about toueee l band ning: of aur abch ont ee ora am25easabubsan umbor sence sadiseartung Give enab-; 41 M r DA SE EN~ Co wi -sfl i"n

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