<w 50' c" R1"DIS SSED Ht:- l 'rghways Russel Miner p With Soo Une Engineers. = éres Russl, ont upr t-éiet tlghvsy, ven".t teLk 06 Fr161> te conter vlitb enginens éh Sec Une railroad 'wiib regard the érection of au ove>- -41bridge lu thé noeatu Parti Lake villa, vhere aa&t-âté i lâdad$111 nuailOrdea- that a dan-1 -16gradéeesilg csu hé lum- at-mi. ila said tiet a aub-véy at la point is not advisatle bdcause thé 1mbk o! dranage. = stablishmenéut cf au overhead laéiea xpeimivé provoSi- au hecause It veuld luvolvé rdn ýr s. distance ef perhapa six bundred eta neahaide of thée ihvy ¶é enguera aise vent te Mmntiocb h ar a ubvai bas hbeauggedt. ltatithat théeompaimi le om- .ltudouhîé.triscklg lis systelul 1tbat- point vitblu thé uext fév mas# madie au ovenbéad bridge sî- 4i- more feasihie. Nei deftité action vas taen bal, 0St of au agréementit la te hé rmpcb' d in t#ner fumture. tisla Ù« ê= id tit thécont>' vil havé t.es(1 o? etthé éxpense athon Msueffort mai hOnmae ta satidélie e fft-et eIt of va>' on thé comtaInlucage ià cverhéad bridgé la deelded upon. * LAKE VILýLA * Mi. a&Mira.John Nadi- éntertaiued Iudq'Aid Béciet>' éiéted tht '=êura aithoi- ast s'égalar proidéntFioeéice Kerr- éli"t, virua Pimnn;sec- reBelle Richards. Tbqy *ateénoon o! t-is veek Petiofr vork sud a mocal '~roéla ver>' velcoin to Bailimmaicu boys camé devu sai-I te pis" football wth Aleutale 'W" liili whome freinLaMe Osrthé eeksud. *iarAet lias beaum f 0r1mm awcfthé tlauý the br *aMab> -ptWlud atikll. wX lat- neksd Io nov rG~dBpd a Mbcg jiésséai ta' o> are iged te oopéste lu CapNo. 40, »- N. A., lm hbintied*a>'aithé i* b Tpsyvenul, out. st-hatms bundred v$099 s labié van desAted ms a s4abogputm up- Pho202 1~yu 'j *1.î Iparts Public Service Co. 'lf0 M eo r a i uls m !la r. k il, e per of roost chckén sud al thai -<oea vitu it vas served ai 1.90, thé charter VEi-,,!'W menr havilmg thé houer table, aud Neigthor Héédriokx, théetii-t Oracle ont thbuSine tirtbdal cake. Of thé tveuty-six charter mémbéra, cul>' élgim veré sble te hé.préuéMt. thse malorftY' having moved tee far éweY te hé able PUREBREO -HOOS ARE SETTR te corne hait for te oc1aéict, and tvo ___ iavlug beeu cafit hi deaths-qeigh- uhtBe*a d ocmnRt- hoem inedeitfeld sud Tweed. - Much oritzLeafiiéd Cncrin Ris The Cauap vasu orgauized Octoheri tvéM tSc rusmdGo- 12, 1896. and officérs iustslled b>' DeI bed Atiimait. uty Alice Oison snd Ass't Deptit>' M17-- Scott. Thé follOwing veré théetii-st I (Pi-ppéd by the Uted 5iâtes D$Petart,é efficers: Orsete, LlIlie M. Sbervocd, of Âgrtcéltur5- nov Hentiicke; Vice Oracle, Dm11>' Atbough théré la a igihér percelt-- Nelson, RecOrdeirnm Revllug; Ré- age of puebred hogsluinte cOunit ceiver, F'loence Rai-banals; Chaucel- thnof an>' othér ciamsoe ilvé stock, Io, Carnie Boutvell; Mai-sai.l Mary 1. ibère la stilil mucb rogna for iiuprcve- Carfileld; Managers, Katie Ptier, ment. And téré la muct to ehékitoWu Mar Bain sud Hatle e rt>'; InsIde coucerning thé relative méttia ci Sentie Catherinue. Shervcod; Oulter scruté, crosiréda and,'purebréds. To' Séatinél. Mac Brovn; Physigclan, Dr. mire amm of the Polt$ cl--et, thé Néigubor Heudrlcké, lu a fév véli aimai huautdr> ' dvision Of thé Uitt- chesemi vords. gave a short histaeri cf éd'Bltés Départ-meut- of riul1-U é. 1thé Camp sud a fev ef thé PleaBua-e la stanilur a bréédiug and feediul x lu lemmng thé verk. A menaher of thé périment thai viii comtrat- thé easuita tiret dégrée staff, Nelatibor Cynthia cf qaing cruh, crcesbred sud purébi-éd 1MIlr, =noe!Gui-née, aIse made a fév bossUont scr nsd êrentbéd scvs.If rémai-ke-appropriations pi-ovIdé «Muinciént mé George ýKa-ye, etLong Lake, vaa prsn, il dgave bsg pipé seiécticita * sudja greupdcf songa lu Slcotiaskiltst, suth.e audience eujcyed bis enter- talument ver>' mucb sud hope to etai *hlm again.' ixteen'cf thé R. N. A gavé a pnet>' diUL 'It vas an eveulug net soon te hé fo>- gotten, sud sncb gathéinga givé uev Bié to thé vork- Lets bave more of t- ON AY AT  TIME ofDcn't von-iy enr head abeli vhat lat lu store -Acrees sone«old bridge not lu sighi; Deu't veey lu advance t the lood aud the goee X, To hé spilled luna mythical ighi; De'i veste ail yeur uie bemuanlng y oui- fate, -- dAud telling cf lll-iuck aitéad; Dont boni-ev jeur trouble and ix ofl For its being Paid when you're dead. -soi just ahine up your amile and go onco wth your job, or At that -shich is now at your hand;' puiebred Dur,,.Jéroo. Uer. h rake each minute count, and each mahéhttéefct fusn With th etat your strength can crosabred and serub boers on u irebrd th oommanud. sows will hé stuclied. e Thé clouda of tombrrow may nevtr ap- Téis crombréd BOWS, of varlous bréél*-h *Pear; mixtures, and ten scrub elwsof thé du And If they de,nineet them a man' ac-Ic luPeliénmi at f~ 'Tia enly a coward who tremblies wth eRch OC those groupe wiii hé bred to a And Ln the retreat ieads tho van <~,rd n atcftéohrgol Live titis d"y ait througb lu a triumPh wt héb bred to a elub This arne hb of s <n, echemé of breelgwil hé carri0d 0ou l As If It wfe éaUl that you had; frOnt generation to génération. Sorne Se Thén lot dai fllow day, as yen travel of the ofrdug wiii be ted out snd eh along, one of them WUI i h kept for breed- And you wou't have thé Urne te hé sad. ing béfore be lug ted out. Sheats fror (C( Charles B. Wbelmn. the different Iota wM beh put tu fdsd lots teér and tedliM, mo tait a 4 ** * ** * ** * a affur conso<bSmaéi rmade. Boeme *GURNEE ok thon,jsncro uhnd ome,wMbe compar4 -ln teedinr trials witlm puré- * ** ** * **bred raid othe depéatmeuffm«- "0 ChartesBrown, who, la attending St. péd"aetm' frO aet sitl ,M&dt Jcha'a Miltwy'A«cdemy at Dlatteid, gBorne il hé put Uto diffrent exPé- 'WIÉ, spenit thé eek Md wth hie Par- Mental lots Ou Tarions feeda. enta Mr. sud Mms Norma Brown. Nogri>' ererybody tiinkl thé Pure, Mima Evélym MoCulIOugh and Miss bréd linmiprior to thé crub, bUt timr Esther PenIMof' North'western Uni- in a diaagreéremt amour fftmtm about versity, viitéd Saturday and S-ida the .orits of urbrei sud crommréd at the home of their parents. fîdim.Thé e ï»- énthope. that Mr. sud Mrm B. M. Metcalf, Mi"s lu due Urne is% expérimenta will givé ., iAta Mecait, Misa Gladys Howa.rd anud résulta that wi annwer auj' double. LMr. sud Mrm.W 1111%aÂppleYRd are vis- ______ itugfrén i l Caup-g sd SAFEST RATION FOR STEER hl R. B. Heniey o! Chicago sent the i wéek end at bis home lu Gurnée. &lange, Together Wth C~0t004 dor W, . W. MoCiire la thé latent radio fan 011 Mont, and Elther 0C0lOvr Ir luGurmee. e.or fifa Mrm. LU Wakefield, who lias been sérieusy III, la recoverInmg sio'wlY. Thé aéet mier ration for a man R. B.». =on la ieriousiy f ie obas silage la te feed 40) or 50 y Thé ingt commnruity movie was hid udal f gage per steer daily, te- b iat priday aeéung at thé high ocitool gether with about 3 poundA et Cottont- under thé suervision of Mr. Deme. sed méat or oii meal and 2 or 8 T\wo pictures, joIUIy JoDéuesin"Mak- ndofbyIremleoV*rai lur .Movies" sud TbpmassSantsehi ilu RfR. ut<Im f y f iCaei>' 'cioveso-ai- «Thé HSoof piameriz," vere Pré- tainsmo.Ct toiséd ake géu1éral ut O a seuted. tlu or Relutan lsoit méat, but *Thé Royl Nélghbors héid an inter- theé itotelu u in eli fbge estin meeing,8aýu yý _Mm C i uéilaty Sud ordinat'liy we wofld bhé *~t' - L - u _ 10£5& ton mote for struet thé Néighbors mnene uw ciuN 1 a~Ô'5 i~h work. question of teédlug corn te steém de- WillIam Thomas W"aSserilsylu- pends to a considrbeétn h 3ured at thé gravel pi Tbuxsday- fujtureé etlofl of thé cont sd cattle H. W. Keel wua aChicago vist mné.Pnai'i u élmia Tuesday. vei totefeed four or ive POunda of Thé Aloomui Aws lUion of thé Wsr- coi-n to thé average steer dail>' durlug réa ITownSip ih'SithocliBl rehéara- thbe iast utontt or two cf théefeeding in& thê, draa "Nothlug but thé e eIcd- Ta'uth4," wnch la to hé, givea at a future daté, =M pxm'emt" baa BETTER SHEEP IN KENTUJCKY itum h* M«.al»' rt-tIderebdérs improviiuilTioir Floélcm by 1 w*Ji tt5l »"AU Get rde Une of urbred Rame-SIPOm Thj%*uwê x»mi a preparljAégfiiSéOt ée>' thé Walter CaMP lunsevei Kettcky countles vheré slieep naimlug In one et thé màJor tarin olàw e 9- " i- pojcta ahéep breédena are uIprcvlég x Aver>' good ,program I» *Mr fock* on au etngtvéeme1, . t-o thé UnUted Bltet Départ zýýtu- os 0, , "t- * MADDI4 SCI1OOL be *abig ieyU&Tl indicates thé inci-éasd luterést ap- By Marie achw5dt tu thé improveiet oflf thé home Dlock Twe members of thé Raaauers Cyabhyl thé,.une cf better sire&. Reemstly of ChIcage, IL WWilamWeisner. préal- a apécimi "blténln"salé wushetd d1nt,1 ud34 r" IlWl Kitbaly Davlé, at LquWailie, wbére725 pure-hred rain t-emmurer, called on Abert Scbvaudi ofsmpgim, SitrOPsiire, m»Ad 8But- :ianylld 5y atterucon luaretI dwlibré5diug sold sud dlstib- = ,otlC5 clr l tIne*0a>' of déll- uted lu Rocks thi-oughout theitX tté. ol tIfton thoir anuti*i vent. qJ- la v.aaa.wm ur i,.oo. Wb=-ursda .teruoon. We were ail gladi to e hi er and hope mauy Wiil vit Our octool. SolbieWlesem peaed ber tiret blrth- day TiiniadY or last week. Alêx Skwprkowaki le building a ne*. cliickéenhom»ecmnthe Edward Gibbons tSWi. ttbitiigWOrM Monday. Thé board or directors held the reg- ,Ular otSitW, néetm#Wedueadal, Oct- ober Il*- MaUti Yrd bae tbis ba"on the E>- Thé INDEP NO<NT la 'réad h gw»p»po IthéS' M 0 pa'bé la ?..r. innt. SUNSHINE IRSIDE HOOHOUSE Igxoolient Plan t-o Une Wre Gaea and p&rtMtoma-i<epBuling More Sasmitavy. lU crer te get thé Mstvalue m» tbé onatineInsde the, hcgbsuéé la M xéihét Ou te lmeswiregt~ viE .10v thua ute get-t o4b % la àbeiter regotcticu cf thé *Ine. Tibua 510*1'thé bora t-o',> cet; &0 bept thé buildingmoremuni. wE T tiM! tal pet héý his vee unt Up se dui ag e ert Vhi ha thl got Ini g By Donald Ca4biuoi- First a pit tour feet des» sud thé ré- quired diameiter Io dug. Thont théigia-y el suji cernent are itaule d ud mxed vitb a mixer. Thént eforoasar" #et up and a PpepéIo tix=Ulthé conter 01 thé pit. TM&a pipe lmas oles lu itevér>' tvo.<éét se au i=oupin eam héput lto It te boid ép thé scaffld bars that bcid thé lusidé forma lu *lace- Thé ferma, wblob are two feét square, hv dmOk5onthé aides andi ends te fasten them t6oéiér. Thé con- crété las boit-d up tu Iuckets and put loie thé foi-ina until thé>' are fiiled. Thon thé>' put lup io more eeet of for-ma. They can eut>' put up aix tact lu a day. Thé néxt day thé forme ean Ibé removed snd ralsed. Wben thé silo ta fiutisbéd thé forma are let dcvii and bushéd vitb a steel brusb and oUed réady for thé néext -me f iilug 0fsilla& bas béen thé chie! worM o e é ai-nera lu ibis dis- trict for thépsut six 'weeks. Thé silo. vhlch la hutt01 staves, cernent Or brick, sud cylisdrical lu shape, la used fote i-scal coi-il odder for the vInter. lu 1902 thé firottsiio vas bult lu this distriet ou thé 1. Batlélt fata. Nev ajoualy éven>' fm u sou* on more. Théecru atallansd esi- coi-nare eut Iup b>' a maci"e aud hIcvu lut-o thé %nsio. MerIfénhàettlesa it-la rend>' (on Iféedina the cattie. MaN AU.. TOI- NKWO 0PLAKKE0 e OJMT, OUBOIEFOR TOI .é iDIPIDUN-41RK VAR 6 0 0 0*0 o*ée6*a e 0 0-e tn flear Wadsworth Adihts r ýg*'a Folks Have Dlone fh. Work As He SatBSy. bhat Waukegan résidents who are Ciugý advantagéetofthé uuttit %#Mt sud geiug jute thse cOotiry d atbéning thetu, havé voikéd >irloull>fer uiafly armeta vitb- trSeomîpense i. evldeneed by te iienut made by a fa-riner feur 4orth et> unday., tum frier afténhé lad cern- t led a 'Waukegan Party te lin-Ii s' tiré bgso!vinUts wvb.lO t y lied plcke d 0uP on h is prop- 1 ty admIttél tte thein that te dat2 bad lecUred $150 frem uttina 'Uteo as thé res uit of selllug thent ,e uta attér they badieIvadéd Etprésumes ani gathered thé bar- In ibis cagscthe farmner waited1 tii thé Waukétitflman had fOued1 Pthréé large bas er ungbuckéd ,Inuatt. Hé ibm apfearéd ce the %ue aud told théin theY Muet Lmp tem on the gr0tmd. Thé>' rtested but h'lefiually sal1d h-* ,uid oeil ihem te thi-n at ý3 a g. 1'hey réfused. They teld ilium 3 eép the But, Accordingly ans rgumaeut feliewed and b? éxplalu- dte théin thai it vas his prop- ij' sud hé had niadé a 9004 Pi-eit les season Oltf nutting parties who Sd corné frei Waukega5. vas us apparent that this fermer as tl as othérs has vatched people ;0nlto his woodS. Pas sturk nrOUnd Lii tbey had c"athered lu ail thé as tbey seemcd ldesirOms Of .eeur- ng, nad then ,ppeanéd on the une witii the suit that héelettser mpéléed tisen, tleavé thé nots )pey ai the "-'te cf $3 n bu- tel. Oifrrs lun Wilkga.t> havé bad àé urine experi'flCéetOfgeins te me cciintry and gathering a han- st cf nute ani thsen juet as th"' luli they have sil hhey wlll cccl icrins tise vIn er, til tai-mer aP- pears on the 'cene demands tisat se> léave the n-ts or PaY. lu short, Most of thé farmiers ef aécuty havé bsd iheir nuts Creed by pelefreina the citY vrbo havé net been pèid fer iheli- srvices and vise havé doDeé a elcé lèe job ail thé turne. WADsWORTH oighth gradé pUpilsto -a- fjld trip onMoloéfved thé ,urillcl kin19cf o .na alm mads a collection of accrus andifles. -,'Me ésth grade la makiitg a f"rn en thé #and table. Mr-. sud Mrg. W. WaddeléUr M-.sd «ré U. I,« Motcred t-o Hébreu, DIL, George .A=*= f tC'bicagO $peut thé W4 . itss Hurt "meoc Iblogo lsiéd und Ol t thé J.IAL Piher Daésist ék drove froit Noi-th mMta te bshomeélu Wadia Writu, sud reprsod roadealal the Mr. sud Mira. WiWlli Hé>deCkéi- sut hmulfy cf W&Umgav islted 8uuday with A. Heyde*5 S ala-r. Mnr. Margaret Skismier, Who bas bee rinlg. her sistér, M-rs.W. WadlU bma returns4 t-c bér home- lu KOUO"i Min Bei ays>'Of itel.Wi-la. visitlug at ber homeO bei-e. Miss GlénorS.Cashmere, Who ila ai tendlug seheclinuW&Ukg$D., pént las Runda>' at thé homeuecf her parsuis Mn. sud Mira. P'red Cashmere. Mrs. Heur>' PoeésIof f aké ViII visited Senda>' vith ber mothér, Ma-i ,e Clark. Poreot ussnŽ , - Und Leslie Krabu cf ]Bristol, Wit-, vis ltéd Sunda>' vith Mr-. sud MirB. F- Ray Mrs Lester Murray' sd daughlItel Rita. of t<enOshé,are - vlsitlug w*1 Mrs P.LUL , Ma-s. Spounenbuna ýf Gui-née visiE with faieude lu Wad»Woa-ththé pan weeék. IE6T LOCATM, 0F' OQ LOT s i m l e P s t o n *yn e u se.N a n t f pmswsng Spmadet Choiera- Imité New steoiC. *lrepared by e. ibilgé i .. taDO.ssew - grilosltlo!i-é.> W b .e bo ho ielm lr a sW e ffl th icti i a 1 mlitbos'hod, c&Ustig thé déalu f iu adr e ft fa imi l n a s a i s le p r o u t - lieu, a tbb pi-opa? Iccticé.Ofi t-be be jt mi>' héthé e Mua cf prventtug lafftuo. Where net to ha've théebh« lot la poinitie-ut an<d othér 0ugp1- tiens on tus cntrclaud éradicatio cf t-bis disegse, afe given lu a lééDét publahéti b> thsé Uniéed St-at-sDéPai- inélet t Agrculture. log iots meh-d ba locatéd aies>' rOus ptre=us.asu higbvays. i-eu range. trotei Inn- gation canais, etc., bélp lu thé ipreal f choléra outbreks. Dont vist neighhori bogleita ci- nîlowv négbori te visit- îraif the>'bveésck bôga. hisectien ma>' hé ranniéd b>'tekmé sud waosts frout biglINwsl; don't drive In,~ te, hcg lots. haclaté f tonailéamit-va veékaail ncw stock bogansudoe mat rstu-ned frein xhbition@m and méisDont beni-w or 1er-inoga tfor breédlng purposea if choiera la te the coomtit>. Bpru te astes or boni teur féet deép ahl aintale hat dis on thé farci sud thé sed.Iutenai organs et laugb- teréd anlial, ince t-té> attract dem vimicti may carry infection. If chtoiera appeara lu the egtbonhoed, couâne yogur dog sud encourage ethena te do llkWIiYIimUiiwtniW late&d.-d géffoiil>'near iufected rentera. Care- fiai attuntion to thé feeding sud ban- daug cf thé berd atte- imuniation tI su Important natten. Mange, lice aud vorma lever thé vitaliti et toge aud renier tem nmore susceptible te di& if coiera appears in thé herd, pont '«Oing ucicée senoyur néigihoravIU 0mg. about i, aeggests thé dpart Met EHavé ail susceptible bogs la sltWiséd ai once by omoneevtb apécil t-rainng sud expérience, Pref érami>'to a compétent veit-ar4i. In " " - tht m pera±lré cf ail boie lbo ait-Ume cf testment sud su lu crgaiéd dosé cf smauigivea tO thomN sbcvlug s t-entpéiatuie cf 104 degrée F. rver. onie il irétéd hop tg qumiiéd cie"u quart-n# keep on ligu rssteicted dlét for eti Ist t-vo veél A «Istil>'Peut Faml>' ln the AlfalfS FiId.1 t-or. Anti-bcg-cbéiéi- srum la net s curé, but vheu uséd as bon as choléra. appars lu a bard i seéma te havé a favcrshl0lfféct on se animals lu thé ver>' sar>' stage of thé dlséase. Den't 1011r ow -41P>t14,>curéa Ie. huigt; Il;1t If thé diméamé cornes tc îomar tarm s* anz rues icourse, disinfeci ther- cugbl>' ftentiard al places w'ei-é bik op e epé. lirai, rernove ail ààfîeêted manure sud mpread on Delds Iacesible t-c bcg. Burn ail littr, rubblsllasd 016 incugbs tromWInfect-é pesaslmd lois. Tun over portable ho&. bousé4e, xPosiug t-l intérior to sun- ligh. Tboitg i>'ean péns sud buldiugm ln vhich s1k hogp have béés képi,, mad disintet-b>' spra>'ing vith ttaound c-émoi autlau, oe prtto 8W parts cf sofi vaier. lu sommer, pam- t-uréeasd lots are ugual>' made maté vitbu i trée eéwwka t>thé action cf sunlight F111 drain, or fence off mud vallovm. Dialtansd bcard off ail 'vTolu uni-néatu 'bldings. Detoy hop t-bat don't tulli recoiver; t-boy mua? car->'Cholema infection. SHOULD NOT MATE TOO SOON For Bomi Résult, Angora Geais 3Muai Be Aliowd t-o Vinai Attmin 1 ~Ful Murly. Angora geats cf hoth sxs w"i momet-lusamate vhen fOvé mnths eld sud ôtc t suairixmeutus, but fi-cntthé eflict thai ibe>' are ai this age but kamnthoci-tvcfrein eaniug limé, sud 0.aie nneu ai-hifuit greva, Ih 1a obvieufs rthat ttc>' abouid net hé permitted to maté. The>' réach inaturiti visen about 10 or ÎB mout, cî, sud thé>' aogtt net te maie, héfere tisai tinté. If ma*~d eésilr t-hé kida yl net ho me trt gor. se vel decloped. The> eare lu teur primé vhéu t-vo or si ,r ye sua old,' but vlth preén fe dIni la «u é'thé>' ha" boeu kuovu t-i brwd régilArl>' utilIl 15aYom '01& là Zrua >Ttoréabold hano tmqn<l*- teékffl dm sautlil e? ifSrvi- uiow"tor bdiar Mera -zoo&u la it- a te- or', [h ;d nt SZ2" woéa w.t... ber f.Pr fl~I~ M~T1~$I>j~ i . Pb0I* cf Pi ", la, Buna dat a rs 'q«s Vimit vitu bis - J1Â1'IAMtei-, Mrm. T. MiOréaL, BAR 5~ ~~AII1N ar. M r ,rfMM IL . a adhé ft day attwnon oan au suimb.etAkaw»~ ,Action TtkenbWythe SuPremO dohrrltvs terosflM ' court of Stat» at Sprlng- Mauricé Mmmford spént 01%t àbuaM feld Teday. etwltb alalAlS Five aukéaim ud zin Ou>' ~ Arthur Tai-ii-tlft the finIt cft »M ve Wmemc aMo i tY 181vo ekfr Chicago, 'oré héenmtai w4pre admitted teo thé bat *b>' théem«p' thé Scooci otPharma.eYOf the IUIY*_ë iwe court- at-Springfield Twrudai. mît>' e! Illinois. Anahle addresm t-& th* cln vas Mn. and Mrs. Chalci-St aneti à«i mpade b>' Chiot Justice Fleyd E. Tliorn*- dais thé past wéék vl hmé 18 *2of Rock laan sd at assitthé cralt'a &Satér. Mra. Wm. P. wh5.ééi it memubéra of the clams vers t-h guests IBarre>', Mra. Ohaic-ti -illld* etuéheIllinois Bar Associatio lOa 5a tee daya' visit- vitb be=r ttr, M n lÏU u thé e ,1iu4Bt-eL An. Obalcraft retsarulug home lu lie for addrema vas -made b>' IdimuX. evs c o of Jacksostville« ist. Aumie Kelly vigtfid assai-aidon Thé Lake comamist memhéi-Sof t-hé laut vee laChicago vIt-hfriands. olasvere: MINARD R. ULBB-488 Forti> Mr.sud"m* Zd Palmer ad Pol mieet, W au kégall- cf Ch icago viiai t e ff im 'at th ée 1 ROBERT G. LEWtB-Spd Popiar ter -Palmer, boute a t-i-et Waukegau. -1Mrs.mlmi. 1itu 'on ai uda 5 TRAN>! B, PALBICKI--885 So. Jack- dlégaté fi-cm theé local ebatauI son stret Waukfgau. te the grand llodge bedaiSeg JOHN R- BLUSS--ZIOU Ot>'. th" is eék.-DeWIt i- tut aaià wi JOSEPH L BIBBOP-Zim C it-y. te Springfield thse tirei et thé voe Mi-. BIBahOp aiaséissint st-at-es at-toi-- a delegate t-o thé gr-and lbuhe cOet as>' cf Z"c. Mrt. Haisé la locat-ed lu' rlWs. m n.Kra unard éxpecis te via t-be office e! Att-i. Albert Hall et ber dauaght-er, Milétaole, vimo la «V- Waukégan- i la éxpéct-d tbat ah tendlug m.bôol at Ditana, before ré- ttre Waukégau mou *11h pracile' wratuhome. 1 a vw bei-e. -Mr nud Mn, Paul Oueuthér, Jr., lét * * ** * * **the ~tntlrof tuls ok for hicabo, t vii until about Noveumbér lai; t-bM e AN 10C e>' vinigo to Yole>', Alabama, for- a,, * ANT 10CH two mnte' visit wth Mrs. G e~ .~ ** *a aa *auntand unce, eadsoter r d Mn. sud Mns. George2 Kuhaupt spent FWiromntChit. ,vasme vehibu t zSunda>' of luti veék aithehéobe ofl sont etrvshoeoer àtieir daugbter, Mm. Ray Tbempacu, In a C hicago, sd enOu » 4udy f bis e k C om e te th é M éiodis t church s er- .Mr. sd Mrs. Thonpson viuîed atishe vices uet unda>' mori ansd rema ýKuhaupt home. fer dinner. A gocddînimé Inl stéré a- Jarnei Bisai-ns peut several das for Yeu. ita-- ib t is ve k lu Chicago. Mr. sd MmraLew Ll rtei r e d ri Mr. andi Mm. Adolgb Peutr, B tt home laut Wednesday itt ' t thé tirei of thé eek for oselsud FIVu itp Up north. la vhere t-bey vilI remain during the~ coin. 'Mr-.aud Mrs. Arthur Bock havre ré- 'd iug vintén. mii-uàd boume fi-cm a mu ce n»eYoed tri» d M. sud Mn. Or-lu Luninm su ad lu thé ést. J' fam l >' o ! K a ssa Ill, W l a, spen ut l si lA t W edn ss.a >' vo tia m em thé uda> aet-t home o! thein daughtér. sud fri-ends cf thé Methuat o4qMbaé t Mm . MUistor>', ave M. MuuSlrd a »wrgie et th» m Mm. Vicipnla OsbornmeetfLudiu>eo, parw an sd téem«Ythe 'eut t WU t-. b. anhsd Mr. andi Mmina- le iBax- &it-.About-75 atteufdidASU Ï'ý Siua>'aithé, home 0f t-bel>' istér, th Mm. Clams WiUlett. Mres Osbornue ré- * malined. untili WedneAwWy. O- Mm WalterPlmer, Mmr. A. B. John. bé sou, Mm. Fred Cribsud MIsa Helen à- Ci-mitatt-audéd thé RL N. A. hii-thda>' me part-y let 14Lke Villa 1mai 1%nrday M éveulug. te À u et ofthé A*U-ochu mombim'5 m, ou ftlltmSBIsluéttéimdbd smeet- 1 sWodUMadY evénat o f lut-veek. At i -, t-bat tirn t-be dégréés w«réoépferred FOURTH SEMI-ANNUA CONSIGNMENT SALE ______OF PUEBRED CHETER WHITE HOGS 24 Gilts and 14 Spring Bous wiil SeU, Rain or Siej Fiday, Nov. 3, 1922, coýmmenag t 1-30 sharp, oùi. the John G. Wirtz Farm, at Ivanhoe lvanhoe oe Iocated on the Libedtyiii-WaucndaSteW Aid Rond, 5 mles West of Libertyvifle, 6 ies Nu*,h East of Waueoodi, md 4 miles South, of Graylake. we invite you to spend the day with us, whether you b", or not.à plin ~ wieis o! [09 Coiy f 09l cteo Practically ail of these Raps are Immune from Choiera & flOAl sums of $25 and uder, esliL On j~J~4Vi~~ mmn over tht aMount,a rdttsi TE, lmotv iH begiveilOugaceakal notes beariog 7 pu Sont interest.froni date ofmae s& Nfw E 1lI lov, a COL. Waukgan Aoconers;ROEElkiP. tend UYabana. Usd" bai 4 - oMIeé $8andna btmiù ah fée *pffle -' '-let.le 09 thé eséret i raré lu i aucati'i thé ci'" decoratin. Ur.. sut a aruchisi Meut off: N*,eM a gsi eut-o, udég el£i coed fIoe effort as hé mit; Ai Bux Zd ée ve-e,>' smetepsu 0.4 cet MY-.11 are bel> aime on ai Pri-ai J acob vle bec aounced bad este a fpv di 'e f CoCumbs Mr. ' cago Tt lbén apom Mp. ]v- -d1 to se- bett-en bast Bal ail O!I,, ç ainll Bum11 MBeécis Mpei-- This rsd Hell er o Pau bc - 1 LAIL" tluuiav- 'J