I MRA liiq E7L T. H-. S. DEFET SIC aottin. OW$,5O DON> Pidsy the L T, H. 0. *'orn hUneere"' Walt Iawmn.Ail rlght, 1Il ili tped away vlth the bit OMd 0-ti. Yo" ail &Jbout lit. The bay' le, &/'lIN ILlE Itr e - score s'hen they deteated AnfleOCh g 113l a group etflboys WUe are. tBUds'ng - scol12 to 0. The teama vere of even mmic Unndazthengood SapenvlInu ato SPgbôon, Hetd on As- weight sud both played a locea game Mr. Wahker. Ther la a gtfbs glee club Mans Charged With Takinq Als RleW f fotal. rom the tiret vbiatle the tbO, sud twu ethar Music classas." Aut In OiM lng Badch Ceck It Chage~AI~ReIesed oons held aavide margin cier their -~Whys, boy ttereetiAs!I 1love f0 onBnr.northeru oppenents, aud mu lusalu 1 iwaudbr if Mr. Walker veuled Seft.9d 'fn Pt" in. vers theylu dangeXe0 sor g lb t e nalinanaeofthtbml' it îlbockey. negre. lodlcted ýby losîug their chance ounpausltles. 'The "Wbhy, grWants' ha vould. Have you jEimer Filaher who dqaeted 4YreiC lIoioi>r grand jury an a charge :home team lacked th "go ët 'arn" pap a vacant tured vither sbcand or thi'd the. aiPI roservatlon t Ford Siier- airder, 'fallevlng the allonad vhlch they dlaplas'ad the GatUrmlay ho- prlOd?" * oan andi whc ta vantai bY' the Wsxke- 99 et Crawford P. Btm. nm '- fers, vhlch vouid have made the gm TeIhava the second perlod vu-, gaî Authontlea on a charge et ha'vng negroresldlog et Glenece. more of a 0oue-eided sfair, The fauecn n odSr enedat Ie= ,a ecnibau cr el2p ~9to ~Lacircuit court Plday and o f the gains vas Olandorra 25-yarq Thurs4&Y." i11the Achen Motor Co. ba,.nýJm l w il la aud of$7310rau, atter puabIug, eldetepplug sud "oh;' thskla juat gune.e. it il be112 umi. ut viii net ho IbyThomnas M. Be-l of Gicui. plungiug through the conter of Atieckl5e te loin the second perlai mule ru2t1~ili eat stand trial for Ma. fermer ediployer. Tbe al- line, ha auzoaeded ln f alUin ever tha clasa." - 4b oS asquréais' bas beau dioposai et : aidaqoccurrai sitar a dance line, glvlng LUT.iH. S. ilsn second. "Oýh, fbank s'eu. I am no 0gladis'eu by' thé, Indiens authoriflas.IHa hem 0à,oh the tvo men ana - sald touchdovn. f014 nia about 1IV» __- baho" t.a--dte servetraon. eta Wre gt loto su argument ne- Altbough the game vas net as bard, *Mut 1 baven't fold you anythlu r ourtéeus lu the Indiana Blute utfi the fectione of a certain fought as it mlght have beau, it vas about It s'aI Why va juat do lof ts 01 U nnat»rs' at Jefreurllle on the. wooian. ~~an exeumple of gond sportmaumblp, Lutaretina thlnge. Tlhe two gie use dol tIL hae fgadl ssd chas' urged Justice Bivanda yhlcb ceunts -more than glory lu sn t= =etimns u vryMn aulilv5t wbich ver. bought au ia biscasa breugbt UP for siblettca. ' day snd Thumstas' vahava Ivanîs' min- sa reastMbsatos nfi oe et tbe earllest possble me- lin hetiret quarter Antloch iked Utaes vheu averyone Imaysiln." Ae off L . R S.rauti. hll aukbut "Ms gministha muIa. uat ldbit dasarted at Fort Sheridan off.ti Lu so sri Ti~. . S era thesailers kbetl ygodee mIut bc il aM oceiiug teWaukagan-plliOmed 6àrsthemater-re eu nxi-a sortdisanc, were heywerhel fie?-a car of Acben Mter Company' for W beglu servlug a sentence et sud forced f0 pant. Neither teain vas *IrU; -but tue Ibet part of ai la then O agaeacekfo 25l thISe court askfid. in danger of scortng lu the tiret perlod. opera avers' y«gr."'uetait 13l tePSl ae.H ths Pli4>can..chaufd vlth &U' la tha second quarter the battis vas "The opera? Wbat ln tba.t?" - aneidova ava'th #ln mahn.Hei with a ieadly veapen. 'W la Autiochas danger zone the mont of j~DoWt s'euknowl No. I dint sul>- Whu ha got luto trouble a u Elhart k ltta- court FrIdai' and Pleati- the lime. Ater belng set bacli on *eu- posaes'eu do, being anY4%is' a an.he wvr o t lic-uthorltlau et Fort tut gdIIty." He vas releaeesd alias a number of times Tsgtmeyer, If le a reproduction of the entire yes2Sheridan and askai thein ta pick himM onds , Plbeeans euteo rs L. T. H. S. fulback, pushed the bail j vrk, giron justefore 6sOho-ia 0111..u on a charge of derstIoa, hepint a bicycle driver on Green over for the tiret touchdOvu. IW$ gave a fluas oaa lantsear, but Just tbanaby te escape the consequencas I tend, lulurlug hlm severely. la the third quarter L. T. H. S. agalu vail antis'eu me. tha on.." of i acf la Indiens. edivorce c-flea v rW nled lobt chances for toucbiowns bs' balng _«0"O,, e in ba4 hatoT" Themültars' suthoritle.refused te Uoeuý P'day. Halla Tlle, off aide on a nuuibsr of shift plnys and "Tes. If j'on jolu e nao fthe clasEBs e auflfor hlm or f0 intentereansd tha ulpd Park wus VSJIS2d a dl- lu tha fourth perlai alter belug seT igh &aas'.1 reault vas that he wam triai and cou- frein John Tille, vhlle Mars' back for a 15 'yard penalty Olendort "Let'5 son; tedas' la Thuradas'. Oh, itdo h rraia hre h tt o lwo ban pusbiei throughthunfohi e 2ta musM.Wlr lhoee Waukegan aulhorities were Informai Cre. 'front Otto Keier. Botb yard run andi toucbaovii. L. T. Ji. S. tedes'. lanIM goiug right lu th. office of the malter by the Fort Sheridan1 ,on vers gi-nti On a oharge fslto ake thibebdrap kicki sud the nov sud join. Goibye." 1 Officiels. seion. gains eniai L T. H. S. 12; Atlacb 0. 1GodyT"hl'e auto belangins tute alocl can-1 Naixt Saturdas'thb. "cern thuskera" ,Thef la su exampie b thlb.Interst' cern isnaald ta ha at I khart. Il wil * ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ w *p ****yl ay the liglit welght teaarnof Lune taken l inmusic bs' thie tudeuts of; ha brought back to Wsukegan. NONAVILLE * Tecs lilgh scbool. vbich promises tIoilT. H.S.I8;____ ]RONA ILLE be a tat gaie nesd vorth vhlle-saeing,I Mr. Wsiker vos on th« job eafsoncu * * -e* * * * etaa gel eut andi baIn the teain. as school vas veli eutrtd. He tg blie ERN8.T J. 8CHUETTAUCTION Prlday's llnup: avers' Mondas' sud Thuraday morulugs ~sâ lin. Arthur Alvel ad aon, L.. .H. S.ý 12 Autîoch, 0. briglit aud early' te basin werk. Wbat SatuM'ay, Oct. il. 1922, et 1l a. nM., , abutai relatives in Ivsuboe Chandler RE Spafford vewuid ve do vîthout hlii ? Nothlug. Effleafj. Bcbuetl viiilel t Public or- odeiliRT GraY Ton ail-kuow tb ld. 14ses'lng, "Laugli Auction o naheRoffman Farm, ou Lake 14,WeMd W«mabsent fire abol llornberger 110 Hock land tah vend langli vitu s'eu; veep IAve, sud Harmes Rd<. 2 miles seut et Swyau c Hermans sud s'on sep &aoue." Weilithat la teGîeuvow- aiepretSwakiui O Mrin1 as'Itliat UT.R]EL . "Sngand the 18 Head of Livestock gr Ulclitlld LT -Sadr sohe l anes.vith you; lgh sud s'eU Tve fami gocdi vork hersas; 4-rn.t r.May leuderf LE Kuelui sisgh atone." -G. M. M., '23. old borne; 15 menthi old colt; teani of teiEtagnaiti QB - Wrtz 1 # Muleais, eMont 1350 Ibo.; 3 mliicoe; Wlka~. Wtirond LHB Tiffany jSORAP aw 111h OsYoung pige; 100 cikeus; 4bWwlug vena perfect lu attend- wightiman RIIB Stearus16 ducks n gse *SU ».boBf PtBiubr ag latnse B Anisa, Thera la a great deai of oteanint % onsgud 7trck gesse. dâer OaE~tAteT = ,Z*siteo--L.T. RL S.: Duha for' emxbedied I1alliaI lttle word. That l% to0 b uchlct; tn s baikrolera; 41114 dwels, 6 ort- 0oindo>t fer Chandler; vus that made our bys"over the 400 12 iGuaics fosti 45cons alsa' 049«gm, 1'ncva tuadrfor Wlghtmnau; Grener for Oison n* ou theaun.It la hara 825 heeki ce er. "'s Olandoff; landent for Tagtmeyer; qualities thaf make a teain. Ans' klud Mlwaukee grain bluder; McCanmlek - enaEus-Loft" f«t ritgerald; Lindreth for ef a team--bueket bal, bab ail sud nomu ; nd eren.corn planter; dimu Swelfva; Lana tor Sevokin. Atlc: 1foot bail. Fot bllaifl t gm, barrcv- Btiokas' sonder; 2 i'idiug Mea" for Wlrtz. perhaps a bit rough,4 but thon it ila Cpbovu' 8 b,..S englue; 1% h. P. gis Ts uasfsociation mt Toualidovua: Tagtrnyr lue4 an frmn thlg oaplgagu'-.e ootti barrov; Z riding ---G. V. '21. =ex. 'lisae ua ut 1 UT. EL B. cuwvatare; hovel 2gow; lia"icalti- -o-'Ineeds ta maebh an ibig sue"&vaton bbeylias're; MaY todded; tu t 6mu22CqL NOTES ICoachi Tea" aasahobua' t»ee ffld , n~espede-fanulvg =a11; ~ ~ia lia1* mt r~ uaum coavizs" anbtween a men, lat the mmnbavea'f the uaaedlmaus "o' ara rci et a*.Wbat oM aarfnla that? Lis- "If t.IMloe ma " U a mo fLe ear uP 2 0shome"! ;bas' *re T reIlsagta!" lut das'Mai IfM14the proviis St-d tann miIeraunit-9 Il 1 theWis utluols Iaboys' ardus',Il n=lot thave beau a dttat cie. fo nmaeu tainatlon MM *gas hclub fxte adioiu." ltory." ButIt dhin% 00041 unâgUi b. serve&* bu *~q" Ite Ros'al glee club? What do Ys'on S*, tee ank W$gat dov.ta radI huai.'Tre: «M0ar$1 4mmnh#set % mai? I 1neyer heard of sncb a thlug . nae# bis W**k sd ailU tellovl0UgW« Plod 1bmm" . -ha$ee, beftoro," subo ad maka foot bail the "est s 'rvun. . Lndwbr, Clark. 42-t ~ag~4 t4tC "hc s'u men tesas' s'u dcn't 1ous issne, Thare anre mawlht3' '- kuov viit the. boys' gins club la, and bard msaines ag amd 'va imuet bave 1 u'*A . l nt whl lMn. Walair' . ,aU the old-lie sOns-e an eagita v in Ps~v a.i,~a. "bs, sure I dont knov; laU mc thqp. --I W. '8., '23. ______________ :ôi90 9 wunjii tàwfun. 9ta te. cin..olasw tebhet bidder. MLe G. Simnansd dangh- ,,Iuliodt's two atea&4 lus badiWtbb ame «W. 4u lr J. we bb Kml E, <k uSutad fau&Y Mmiv.aluTruaniali, Sondes' ViliA. bv Bllion an ian it h .B GII ome, Sun- S. Cnawford visitda ihait des' luto latMocdas. * YÇAS LA XE * tu aWhte, -Who la li Xaion.Wiu. wn u ie'vth ber Wdl mu ~mhat AUlsM f assi, arm viaittin t the Allen homie. eugiWYWIýi Îâedbe.by the. serionsa lnete omf1,r MILION iw iu I Alen'. father. I- P. W. Nawhouse and W. L. Doolittlel I IIL NI PÀ K vere jin Cbiéagoç Friday.1ir Rav. and Nra. Bernett have moved toOtkland, north of town. Building impevements toe le 'a T. P.- Walsh ia t Waukesha takng uee Of &PPrOxhnatets OmiWlOU dol- the. mmi batha. lare have beau made or are in Mmra. OA. Book and abu, ptrvinglaaiea d Par tili Misvea rtha year acoordlag te E. M. Lang, Mises RtadPrkceu ll Svn g1 lIty buldn npecter, Who Sa.i- vireHiglIaa Par caleraSundy. iaI.. that frlly -one hundred reet-1 MUt. Cha.Edwards ia .entertainlng eefflsbave beau beguthere thls ber ister, who wll sonleave, for- yar et an ayerage conireet pripe Wyoznlng. *fSi000 -a, ge~total ot P.00- ~ -0kInl addition to .thise other lxi! dolar mark, Mr. Loin& ba- FiI'St In LAke (countY The INDIL llewe. 'nu, la a -good record fer PaNDET. -Highland Park -teor1922 AUCTION SALE The unideroigned wMllal atlpubli auctlon wtlieut reaerve, ou h X cOurdy Pari, located 3% mles notthweet cf, Grayalake, one mile tuorth of Reinua"au1l% Mles eouth cf latte Vill, on the cernent road, ,whlc4 Wlll-bc open ou day of salaou 'WEDJTSAY, NOVEMBER 19 1922 This liard Witt bé .T.STsr Prier t the. Bala, and wili be S@Id * on a ï0-Day ne-tout, u il k Cou',, ail due to fre*bea tliia inter. 2 aiers, tiret cait. 2 Hefera, 1% yeara old. 4 Calves, six moaths eld. 1 Ceif, twa mautha old. 1 Bull,. four yearsold; a sou of King Segls Pontiac; Dam a grand- dsnghter cf Pontia orudykeansd Sarcaatlc Lad. Wth an A. R. . record snd C. T. A. record ot 14,000 poumis of milk a year and nearly 600 poirndaet fat. One can of milli a day for 100 dale. RIer. la a chance to get four daughteasasd six grenddaughtera.of King Segla Poutiac. 15 igh Grade Holtelns-.S t reeli, 5 forward epringera, balance inilkeirs. "-ORSES--î 1 Team Baya. ? and 9 yre. wt. 2400; 1 Team Blacks, 7 & 8 yrs., wt. 2800 I Gray Mare, 7 yre., wt. 1200; 1 Bac Chluik, 6 yeara. 36-URE BREI) [UROC JERSEY ROGS-36 6 Brood, Sowe... I Bear, 1% yearsotd; 9 eprlng Gilts;, 6 Spriug Shoats; 2 Boya wlth p 6S ae sold. The Doar la a Iltter mate te semas firat ;prise wInnlng hopa cf the liAdenhurst bParna, t Lake Villa. M..iýLm of Eachiaey, TOé4pIDdÇ" ai v e &W.., L - H. fEPPEf.Prop. . L Frmma L. . Fp.j. £ çtwm a ifiFabrI(kAL0fA Mrf am Is ~ .Cay and daugh I4>crb " a2a bIe, ua b- Y»d codUr.1. pilaX iOi <el-,à: nnialell Uatril wbon Junior Tatlj e ~at tu$fl ate 9-Moeak la CeOe U'k li day i0u. euyWrttsÉ* aiBrn drhki.. IL.C. sium ItLf P. , , ,r, Wliaeler of Wa4egan, calleil et Gloya.t». 1219* 05.-mariedsarh, l. 141, tm BaJaaad Iime aBonias. Lavano Fnla hu s agfku fflmAN5D!4 l1iO o rk ou poultrs' WAXWID G0-d cu.frtari n e Oct. 17. Haneiii ntiova ntl is t arai; mnuaid cuple witzegî wfliuerts'illo, Mahi iuet b. e -Ma- uniMn..Euidln Idren Pmfreosrrd, -A is' a aOn t fgrmer; vif. goodook aM ose- lâ ad m adwi'me Eno mwoI WVO4 Deim ut - I,"41t keefer. Gtv e repoas -lu asqtl oçompany tram Waukegan, SBady. IAddrms'arn care Lade>.Nt ý-bod and VhqnI.e Baldwin 'we eFOX AU-fUDj ICEQNO 1<- 4A»nt thia vW" AN 0A4'.t 0 DMILL .PARU, au1t Cohen tnria8hU Cheiles Beloai bad 100 ln arithmina eFOR B*aLU-4impia lu reuvi 864%maN. auem.. a, Wm.*ga. & ab laat week. t«r, No. , 1 vtb Daller' an t4rve; them nd mialwaye haVe a gcod stock Preai Beenki a,10 I 14100ig aband drV euffl O Id a n hani. Eepalrings ad raoorveel., lsat vrek. _ _ _ _ _ _ - Louia, Rivard andi Frank Faien ORDRES TAXENFOVU NE. I. M r a i*-V«ty acre tern, 4 M"la vire abeent Tuaaday. Brasai. Phoneolbertfs',lelO, catbmeto fIbbrty#iU G&OeOMI ___________ PI = O , ens'lIl*mm 1 FOR BALr-Potatoea at car on traek, Libertyvile, at $1 per buatieL.Bar- man Burmelater. 41-11 POR 8ALE23-Fard tonnias car. 1100.0 and oue double barrei shot gun. $20.I George W. Schubert, Round Lake, DMl. POR SALE-20 head of grade Holt1i heffrs nd woetock bulae. L a"i N. Redmond. Deerfild, III. 42-t TO BtENT-lS3% acres farm. noar Dlainond Lake.. kn<Ywn as the. Old Brown ra. Write te Âug. C. ALoe, 1476 Farragut Ave.. Chicago. 2S POSITION WANTEI-Day 'work ceok- lng or laundry. Box 190, Liberty- Ville, M1. -42-lt FOR RENT-Twe large f ront rS=ol. wltti use o« kitchen and bath roSIL Bo, 190, Lbertyville. Ml. 42-St POTÂTOES Pou SALE-Canload of' Wloiaifl potatosa on track laat 01 ýthis wek.$1,00 Ver buahai. Edwurd Boysi ,LibertyvMle, 114 41-lt FOX SALE-5 reciabungalow. mod- arn; hot vater heat, bath. bamexeat. under whole balise; lblektroin cau lia and infstSet. 1«5 Y3. Pak. kre., North Chicao, IL 4-lt ADJUDICATION 140110< publie notice la hereby iron t4t the subacriber, Execatift ottbIIt wili and teataniet of Robert ILIdej oeaaed. vilatend the Co00MYs'Court or Lake Oooaty. at a thm &tbreaptul b. hou" e tthe. Court nom a uWau- keau. lua a VouaIs, on the . unodu! of Decaméber neUt »M22.Wbe a"d vbWeauail, acaa blg dIMs agatut 0.94 entate arm noqffl &Munir.- goeted te yrmmeathel,.Muasta mu court for adjudcatzOS. 'MARI U Ugsetrx Wanega.11.,Oct. 9, »IL2 4142 48 =~ t iL O. c~0 saIUiGenL es-q.n. Wiokenuliehm, aglussale, lv. aie. IDnul PUBLIC- AUCTION' October 19, 19Ü22 MRS. MOULTON'S FARM the followmng propeîrty; 1 Ponye Hamm&a and Bgy 18 Cows'with Calvm,, andr Heavy'Sprigers 7Hors7o Farm Machipery Hay, and Grain Yom ud .4mUe- moiwesi of WuJoeg: t». ma" mtâ of SpuIibg'Cou mthé Grom &y Red; .on- wal P& à"sui of kIlHOM.. -FRED DECKER - F~ L O0 4cIAs FOR SAT"Uý )AY FREE A louse Broom Wiffi Every $10.00 Purchase FREE BARGAINS Work ?ants Cotton KW ki-$10'35 Wool Kbaki - $2.19 Môleski - $2.95 Heavy Blue and Gray Work"f êTrues - $2.65 Méos Dress Shirts Speialat$1.25 Men's, WOOl Socks 29e Men's Cotton Socks lOc Ments Unfioff Suits $1.75 Me's Underwear, Shit and Drswers alsize 90e Men's WooI Union Suits, ail size J- $2.45 'Ur , e y ;J SPECIAL 98C SPEC IAL $1.75 Chldren's, Bath Robes $1.95 Blankets, wool, ipcial at $3.25 Blank'ets, U. S., Special at $500 Blankets, wool nap, Spécial $7.95 Men's Union SuitsSp ici 85e BARGAINS Women'sF»jeyi- Beautiu Silk lime 69C1 Lohaine Silk Hose - 98cE Phoenix Silk Ifose $1.45 Eiffel Chiffon Hose $2.98 Shioes4whietheylas $50 Children's Bed Room Ladies- Beautiful Sweat-, 'érs, Special $2.49 land Bags, 319 Work -Glovesi .154 J' ____________________________________________________ ________________________________________ ME .WIIEETOU WILL ALWAYS 93E SATISIE ,rityvileéDepat vol Thi Sea boni prasi paci Tb cou the thé Tbi eha" ho c ce 8100 niai par) th» chia for nef ditic for b. dans ef s lus the AI deji. cmu and penq aRO or 1h cf tet tai Iab] vher tai Inab ic the T qua. winu lin tTI lac) mite The and erl Ba ad o dand btey T 1 peue 1 1 14-1