LAU COUNTY I TYVIýLLK NEENET LakeC~jtv Big Weekly WAUKGNWEYSU QuIBig fl. W èe IRuuty CoadilSuN ide ne 1 É%nn41 ouiA UAWa m -7TfVBIICMI1I NEW SORE TOBEOPMM 'flTÇ'UMI jSQMOW HE n1SÎ (ÂN'I GTTHE 1vLTO AIvM 14VUULGE f WERTYVILL EIL ' II ES Ted Stieo.of Ldhetvwi eDeviazt- stIol* ]5SFROZEN OVI3R mnStrO= Ais" u u,.a Lbertyville lata tohaveanother huai- 'Jh Sb Fîr and nueaInstitution. Ted Spero. Proprio- Bout8of MoreFixesTa ntll os edear e or 0«the Ibertyville Departmnent tetai 0 one, a eiae Store, ba ssaed the Butler building Sre n Yeu aI) Aa, By Voiva of Zion. on Milwaukee ave.. where Charley Ray ice Lekeeo.ay l~worti $1,0999901y EDOAR W. CRQFT Tka4 ca thidtorth39.0990dvaueZion. UIL-Thle e9ect of the. Anti- intersection lnthei. wt W. thaj ern Bo ard ofRi"d.. by 3udge Claire C. Edwards, ln flot arrested. ve l ng o sp4 tulark. s ThdewRb i te City ot Zion officlas are >- It wu thse Ort Umne tempmiaety e Iine<i#romk. Thenstory of the City, 0UU8 a 470,ffl mre thon It vst wUiyelbti ri noca 10 o Zo OPO ~~~ ~~~, ~~the. faions Anti-tobmSc ordlnance, 10 o Z<npol ès, W44 aaeaed aN e o u! ii beato lune up the.people ofBahatigb elb* r1e4,t&ued vlue. or u, 5the City 0ofZVon on One ilde or thse The ausewas the ,*~ peraonal protsp¶»3 know mst vWho le Who-who stands a jge3 "si autmobleslu b" the une of tobamC, profauty, bids Overseer VOUas M aP a * sae,31 alue bieinsvulwaltl-, obacoeelanguage,tilquer,beofisplcfre %WbIOO. thaered are ue74 olusetC., snd Who are oppoêid ta torCllg UtheZMeno tpn To ere an hre 74voe r yea ie ethingsansd Who vaut to live te0 ft 4100a. 7,7 sosavluda evils are reatxlcted by ordlnance. oAInWx ZIon euty1» 7f,1:3,874 hdo» caloe al The injutaction viiiforce the lsue, 0ts f 1the. 'i.daI $88.50; ules 124 valesa tint ther coammet possily bc any iu tmls 2,vlemntrais. Those vho tght Lthe ord- overseer Voliva aine. %ý 83,8; ah*eP, 1.591. value $4.160;p Inance can t rank thenislves as ta the postition hold by bog.a,.6. value 123,410. hr Christians, u'hether. they b. Metho- It ta an effort toh0I 0<biarO a&M Pool t*leatise £4. edists. or viat tlsey bo, sa that theic he'rm -am, M; ale 5.72atombls a~~'~l"5 tne on a peular situation ln City," tSOWoln q~ Thrae532atmbls a bZion and on. that Vollva ouglit ta Alexander P. Beaubien a.ed e $s".640. W 1wem&anu whooaecured tise Wae i a*u cs tta ,69lu \1 nthe firat place, the littie City ..... Attorney Beaubleu's 'Phtotal mer6bndl-eof ZVon vil b. placed on the. map TMH dwards tti. -'aua« Zid, Tb omvl"o.-- hsi-s OCI as the only Cty on earth that bas ')SEO United .Stattar hfttu<" , le l amUn e 11.30 am impie iad ta fight for an ordinance pro- lug ln Waukefflad*, tue M Onta 111,700; tida- hlielsittng the une of tobacco. 1The bas een living foxr e t e ieand 1Apet 4* plit. «i»;, d5AolidS andbo.ame of this ordinsuce ylb ho knlt soketa.ypermanent yl be plat» u aniaby ndiv27,140. worMd-wide, and vIl brins thon' - d' vy goud. iT bbing bu aun- ~ba es of " s'as a,"' Idiid eluad. of dollars Worth of publlclty dergone aau o bauiu ti»aWeek. the pol>~ e.g5d t Muakl u fiefrlueta the City, and vil lise up hitu- vioie place »aiaad.e& v -IF laovaput 1h1211etn 04 MW9» ad MO trutuedredso io wold 11k.ta liv. ln a ln, uitta ndte lrt itteit uo.,Ith e Injunielnagis Tie t Ca vaseoan, etty, viere sncb .restrictions ahelint . o uusetc.. toanake a mFe."rdiAUce t tvatueofaedb i. ho ~are foue~t for o,"ttreBn le ~ 2.1intrÇ MTho or ore » e eie aigu. J. litooe9menting;on tle gt te il- ~ r 4.453.485 ~~~taIn snd enforce the autl-tobsco S mai sa otiit S i Tior en on1 rWMb w ofz" A-Teeordinance. said: Obier $21s. eajga ind' I 'eL«t mpovd ili b. 0one Of the !moe bsd d,ýý ~word. lt vm lbe fouet. t. » v*sed At $4819». en&ta ueti. cou trl sud e méP 1 » '» ibrougir li lec*l th& ________ Sweu abv & ie aê bueçi1 LÀQ Ca ~~~~~sibokers .sad OM onu* S luw z. bave sôm dalhus la IbisWo au-on auttom W $918,2; HlghaAd ~ . $I$9,OOO;~ ,... ~ . ~ 4~pQ~e P~ NE t "Il st ceraityvitb.terd otake car et thé4 d.sand for c r? n heŽo-:toal EXPANO PL K way, and IAY VE U~ ~etu~l WIImakeustvOr ith _ _ _ M # bs triu mai of th e b orairindf r a le o f S e c n T he G a x u S eh o l a d ow » M P D o to rS D e n tiste a n d D rU g - ton u s! T lsey -J e t P lat as "Il "pl ard 5. 5g -es . T- Miller as tneWItPaoCTiay me hrsa, November 2, Seisoci gists WIU Me« at Glun' face! lu order ta proteot La DEtheI~ DAA Uvs I lils araneron. hoe ioonIt Day !or LIbrtyvItie. Country Club. rigits o! lie ctisens, te flget NO c 4 i ceiclwokvee___Nellier achool la planning anY sope' - ___ il ho kept saisuutith le Place FO C _______ teIciIni worV" wrkaiie tNA Th pysriasNVENTIONn dg-th aoY-sar ers;t wl Hi lilas PlOrence BOuger and )&M Permission gvanted iXat veek by te l wokearsa an okoJ~rle h bsciOdnltj~ddu-leaoveri ae aidthn, 0 Ifteb. Melvil Pitt&5.Illinois Commerce Commission ta lie te gsardaLiY V106-r111te ho Ca- 1 gists of Lake conuty vil hold their frozen oer tsd ie, t 1tbere's ofMin wcr ü b1 t North Shore Gas CoMPauy of Wau- ried on. By Lbýs vie dboire the Parents second, annual "pov-wov" Frîday anytiuste fiait Oyer1 ILviib"' kegau ta dispose Ofr'stock sud prom- tu sec tie achools as they regularlyj evenlng at \be (Gien Flora Country fougit over On the Ice" lmprese bYPteaof Mss Wrd asr~elg ossory notes vl Permit Lie cona-lare. Guides viii ho lu the c0o"-1 club, and a number of noteit guests Hooa to Igowe Referendum M*er at lier iens. BUTCHERXW E D~~~eur ta carry out a long coqs1dered rldors duirlg eacli period, and liese vtIii-be here for tie oco"son. Tii.Be ndWn.lmnea Xme flhltfl plan o! lncreaaing Lie capaclîr o pe w il direct 1the vistors t10thee1evont ylbe under the auspices 0< MANVILIJ3PLAO T obeerarWne lvis a t ie, of WEiuI IL Ils plant sud lnstaling muci needed varionsrmomns oi tbe buidin 'tise Lake CoutYGuitd. Dinner at TheLavas Uit vife et-1-11 Th !tl4îg Iasîlites ! re i- in g er taa pehrterai e 6: vîli banda prleovfe n- l1-131IthhIl Le W.C. T. V. Convention .«- MmS '50 -O The faiowing isp&tc tellsof thefr« duing cerain teprasssnmucil holeasudee.over mlieplenter-ovd th, nter- tngla r. et M LOSE Dis WIIE acn by te Om On ad d lb hseP"'ste aents Tii. bontred guesta ou Ibisc- tieU nt îienbyth Dtur pe- r thieformner O nasComrc omlaof aset interesî 1tatliem. cso lib:MILLIONS REPORTp=eHia ukrt Jude dwadsInicates De- order today *annullng Is order of We désire tinat eat on. person El.e boruMs. Peidn mrist irani rKue et- jud e E WîIIbe n ted l 0 92 u nioilgt~ rmeeyh m rmwhlch- oilitren e..t ltnois State.Medîcal Society. -every business bouse tic ne irKee fCi Norti20Siore2, as nahn t e crne ae hoeIadvneo!Ii ay DnM alle, D.D. S. E-'rs-Reliable Statements Indicate "welcome W. C. T. U." vas seen. oalbrtersitaalatO cr426.000 t Nrt Sore GaoniCsorpay tnotuloe su and a usavt Isemof titns todent Chicago, Stale and National Tii. delegates, neariY 300 lu snumber r]eaab Husband niWy oe, n adpy sav-i.Plant'WilI Cosi Double ver. laiton over the City of an auto 3Mr- ejrab&t0 i ou Aanteacn 320,0()o of tiret matgage, six Per' ho a malter of cooperation, sud l e ntalur Societienasas;tth- d res Maklng love vti a bucier inlfý wllllng ta -eut off their nos. ta spîte nfl o carrted <oui success!uly Uais aut .AtfOW .es PamcutaAsi- Firt Estmate.tou ic nedl e t i fxes or ... 1- . la tonc v-Mn4hj~lra. . Lnu cent gold bonds, [n suotiier order ail patrons help. s etIlnî hraella su, - r.~'am~ ai tldJugeCiir C 1 d--'Ioraèd b> setrai,00o evnpr' în efvery The evetlvltl bé'-lu barago $500O sofiglnallr a 0w ~ * ~e ..- shn le iruit clqeCFrdr. tarfce tcu ol$.750,0sto nDe aiele expected, aud tIIs ta an ail- !t olowng committee" il vas staled Saturday on apparjnt.1Y Ou théprohibition ballot vpuld b. pIed by ie C Ragie« 'in e rcu itd BCAolcamb r e s thaBl xpnIo. da ffî.E. E.Graham, secretary L. C. D. reliable authorlty Liat Lie m&,nnsOtiadmission Lthatlie antu'prohibIti mvd aClog ao tehad.B.c. her broa t lasI ani. Tbis iatot xansn.t i- olt.jobua-Manvlle plant on Lie lorli forces ver. Justi4ed la their claIrago. e is ctartge to afrsverinIer s lsdaa tfoltaO r and atlpr- uý f<eWý. SPearce. chirmanRo taitfiats bore vil coat $30.000,000wvilch Liai trafftein uIurcudb e tremiedai crl and madeber lx- itoan. Imbsixnesos LieéNo ISR PDC. S. Ambrose. secretary L. C. M. not Lie blggest Plant ovned by ths Constitution lie 111h ainaidment, DIQ -S lie iit a varoua ime.been x- mt o!immese epansoliS I hb I)1ilUI UKU) DrggisimAsecnaten.orpomratiion. ! li blgest.1! etabusbed voteot oerlanfrom tir mWsrable. The. alleased butcher Shore (Gas o CMPaurbas beenI n- ffttSociety. AtImme rse orn heth ocrpwoins u rhy vof h ttes.oVe L TSdI M kuffe inùcident vas tue iast traw creasîng steadily for Lie Dpt î !ev rIJ) U A ing wprsn tnrs. b.cncuni"ewn are, y ôpishes. d h,&Weer. BShe had Atty. Lyeît H. rears sud cuir by opieratlug thoe I a ruaiig on li ectionefSenl nît Bearle. patr, butaIe oead"o vhyrW*eof ioce vll&tri-ga bplan rl atC PaCtotenr, cal' i ajt) AJ ULI~,.Colceru la lu Operation, ebiptoying the ballot, and baud Il backeit un- eeoedem s ton orktg a npe r malalu ns service uc oRY T T a largo lumber o! meu. Maty more mankeit o ln bLeW . TOM E ba li s-Mnvfe plnt for some a st audmAarwTeIn sallaioneo!Uevtamenare emptoyed lu Lie construe- T. U. taxéen bis stand but the th* oýh -ma pln o sisaandu ard. T er isalaincrae'othofaoM eie II.L IVUI n veir.Il la3planeitta con- Anti Saloon League sud Lie North _ 'l'h.Holêomba formerîr conituctei athle capacty sud maie Inpossible Ntinue lie von asG long oable ou-Wet a ern tCin i Adac asondaE N restaurant In tise Rittner building on ta operate au a mare economcai otorvoUe s B I,.(>IG OAIlier vil Permît andi Il aprbbl nts apalt atla forg .N.S Mllvubeeaveue, nfilie tomstiebass. . tojailSoe. I .fl L~RU~I ~IJ< laI mucb 0etl it ii b. conducted i cîizens taefot mari Lhe ballos a silp at -avne ad hedmetebusuo al oo.dier Jpayer altenr reezlng veather lîquor referendum. Tii. only course the Pübil aiettheaI liuiiwas répoi'lsit as fiav- For a number a! rears Lie gaa - -i arrives. for a Christian Patriot us *Straightl mng rougi-am"u. Company basliaid a difficul ime 1 Stanley Bsiop Saturday dropped - By lie lIme aping arrives tue Abord". lu exlstluag. . Tise permission ta rais. 3 10.000 suit udr damages againal ial ots ashl mn UAl"IT IWTEIIU! moner lîu'ough tbe sale O! securlîies contables Delliert A. Weaie afid Yilled wthbbooze sud completeir Company vlita l s u sh thae A lipIY oleah at sbeld among - -IAIIIN 9 INJ.¶ UAIL aboutit put Lie campeur on Ils foot. Conrad A. Brune, ln vîhlcas l ising four companlonalU, & vbo a li Ill ie b.possible 10 rai tie SuI.a!eabthepaorkm ( sac u B .icm - _________ charged Liat lie officers. both or ie had corne from Cbilnta attend construction vorlc an a much 1ager iovedC. Bo T.lMliea m e r ci v aas blta hoI IC-! ~>I~JI vom at liaI lIme vole membera lie big street carulval, --vl4ci as saet.. do i C. ga.eT. Moor a meauie k e inl le o gol is L IEwotl is an ln ihntelast fev days bave planation of the propooed mne o- 4400ng ltocueitg O Martin ~ ~ 113W RKMAN INJIJR d royS:tsquAd, ri ipaey Aor i' çd fortwa ysisTbidmal av tetvîs et uicommlegv ioog needuurcoe mat u RDzahrvalr a lu thWauÀN lîR tquar vîtiaul a searcli varrant aud was Judge Williams, 0< Clrtcago, vas marvelled at lie hmmonsltyoam-ie sîltuta rtMos h aina odyatr100 C tiat tbey brai~~~ote meof the.fui-- tackeoitup bY Marsiat. D. .LimberrY present oporallons. As yel es- MstagrtMns b ainlMntyalroZ.Ot boeanlrd day 0 rportLi . a s Ain1NWou- thSalureyanbarair and compeîîed ta i'Smslflinlu tie nouncement bas been made v1111 ne- Treas. gave a wouderful addresa onx as vonki n o0a'abt kea ualet this tan -Por spt tliase R EI S lue'ndadbhoosegow until he vas satan renaugh gard ta iousiug accomodalions fan Law Enfoncement on Thurs. night Rondout. Tie Forlt$ fat alast Frlday lie vas runer- Constable Brune la nov bead of next morning ta pIclÎ Oui- anew tie men. b a rge audien sc nu bni as renedto tc10thbave passed ilno th. greal Lie squad but Weale nesigned somne bat ta replace tie on. e hoat a _______ auwr eatioul usiheconuer o etaidfee sv ed e thr ar vastmeaga te arivl.and meornOledt speakers ver, pres- The 8.000 von lt le point. Supervsar Ringdail vas Bao, i ivaItat .- îews i cr a gloI1i~if U nt sud lie îey note o! ail ses-Letyte abli *tiret 1Infarmeit of ils reported de. fereit a severe strain ta -ils baill cage, Inslrueted bils AllorneY. E. succe"as. Theïe was a goodaitalen- lang vas Law Enfoncement. newv lsan ema.. mise ir aite Forest aud Hghlandt in an accident aI Lie John Mqvllle V. Orvis. la disimisa lie suit in dance ln apite of lie fact t li eFpot az slie AflRYkTElgino lt rgtpl sud almoal soared iIany on thefiats ThursdaY lothe iecrcuit court. Bîsop as er vas chlîy, aalarge anum- ADIIITON vvILL ~ vssltdCneto.A a proitr tumed isbrad xpasevictony - Momaorlai Hospitl ansd loncoi tabserve fve menths lu thi. business. Judgo P. L. Persans Monday outereul A < of lie convention denatyouit e of va.tst ta *rove tuaI 1e at l 1,placeit unier the cane o! 8, pir- Cousty lait and arderod la paY a Tii. carnival vas held for lie pur- an order permltling ths iIa ii> te Ileglnmel-. eMe vanI bs rotentel very mch alîe. " eport Ofsîclan. accordlng ta tb. bosPialS fine of 3400. H. taIdthlb.court Pose of ceieiratinir tise openlng a!flise ReeeH. Aitington, of Lake For- Iug a= FrldaY aI 2 P.-.a b nybi i! at veur 4au1h hadîe," n.Ringreport. that lie la broie. This probabîr nov cement paving ou Pari avenue, est, ta ho Iranstorret train Cook Moliadiat Cburch by lie doiegates. plussge te tie grOunol. dsiil ss.iT. T ie . ent ta tue KingsaaethtntheoYvu carrying la thse reasort1he has decîdei t andit as atendeit bY Ocrovde on couuty ta tise Lake eaunty prabate0000000000a uceetbl courtbouae sund dr.v bis las- sesplplug vili anotier vor-au. ta t1mev a*.aY auY more' maneY lu bath ngits. Gerge, Mton nov bas court for admission ta record. Mn. o0 oo0 oe0 s 0ee es uised~la OeIgi check f jservices on lie board of Tii. VOrna. dropîsei thle pIpe sud lîligation, sud ie han beau battIllng music in bis home isý being lucy Adidngton vas a former mayor of e FOR ALL T-E SNEWS 0F LAKE coup.vel 4%iv' thi oadt < i e wlgit on Kng aione. prohbition violation oharges fon sev, enaugb ta soeurs one of tump fineest ef Laie Forest, and ils te-ati coeur- o coUNTY. 80 DSCRIBE FOR TIIE c. 5110160 Ilef tai.u4~srus~ I~edbas il The. accident canseilie InJuiT ta oalai ears. and Ibere are several Paul Bay'e stock 01 erpisvch lustru- ned last vapi. Hrè la rePutett eoIOPNET$J IR kksnay _mis bock. totier suitestilpendllsg Uallit blm.,gent on anlnvestrneat of0 cenits, vealthr. o o oe O 0e C~tbn Wi- good ýwenj 'nocet les lity d ery the 4, r bkse -i ?ec- 4 *l-W A Týffle 94, i u MIS, TMMAY, OCrOBER 26,1922.