CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 26 Oct 1922, p. 4

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a'. v ý'31fr Indepea den- to________Mm_-bert1. ~~CH~ÂT LhXU 00U1!TY ee' s~wer'~ Eightb senatorial District Js co!!osPed of LakPI randi Boone Ceinities,, this dlitiet will elet iembers in the neit General Auslembly. It~ mem thAt a Naf distr!bution. of ibese important vzoud be ONE from eaoh countY. e Souty bas 77,500 people. Ipiry county hmas 3000 people. ࣠contylili 15,000 people- ýbei words, Lake county, has ahnost ý80,000 pmppIe than the other TWO counties coxnbined. therefore, must ho admitted that our ooimty is to ýat least ONE representative -ln the <1oneral le ounty bas nominated ONE eididate, namely, -'. rWei8s of Waukegan. Boone county liaB ONE candidate.' McHenry- county has narnec ý*i<ltes. So -then Mcllenry county is bounci at least ONE candidate of the TWO she bas »d, if hewever that eounty should eleet TWO, goom-Oor-Lake oounty must ho loft Out. didates frem-one of the other counties are xnak- ,etîve caxnpaign in Lake telling the people, "'Your W ýs gale, vote for me." As a matter of fa"~j exxr sýhoulci do that, the local candidate wduld &as thë other two counties tàke migbty god #eïr own men and do net waste much of their ý>ê,Weetnesa oûtside of theïr own bord1ors. If W. M.ils to, be re-electeci the people'of Lake county for HlM, that la quite plain. P b las madie a creditible record at the capi- a ttentive te his-legieiative duties, is honest- 01ss. e voteti for al weaoures thi were helpý-, Wu- District snd State andi' vigorously opposeci Méed Iaws'that would taereake 'taxation or*'ina any »X peater burdena upon the people; he bas been ta i the truc meaning of the iord. There effort beihg made this yeavto tako'away >roptsentation in -prixgfield. , Lot us be 'tý5to41 and vote for- our own candidate, tapr Idsalways- been FOR the industrial ~'0 .coutty._In an athletie.contest-wel"puleéd" mpe team sud politicsilly we areo for the Lake wldato. This is OOOD BUSINESS; GOQD &1NSHIIP and GOOD POLITICS. laI not eue valici reason why Lake county tvote and work for the. reelection of W. F. representative. rJAN AND AMBRICA PRIElIDS statement'made at 1 Tokyo, Japan, Premier a; "Japan entertains toward Axnerica a senti- re~o friendship and we hope that your country frleëndly sentiment towards this land and ý ý it" -The premier added that Japan was. te establish a peace on the Pacific, whicb Omie forr'decades hoyond his own adminiitrà~- ndthis was net bis policy alonie but that of WMbation despite the sensationalisa wh6>*z topremier now says is ex'ctly along the .clusion whicb the editoi of the Sun reachcd Japan a .year 'ago. He failed to finci any ofi Kmer1<ça feding which propogandists te ourý hiig are ireulatiag for uterior, purposes. Once in the entire trip did iwe see any outward gble feeling that Japan really, in the, bottom of ,was unfiondiy toward Ainerica or 4hat she ;0hecy of aggrandizement in mind.Inl fact the itiraent seems te bce a desire on the part of the te bave the Americans feel they are friendly xi;o Country. as our conclusion as weil as the conclusion of lé mnembers of eur party that the wholc agita- net Japan-Amerlean lnterests is due te propo- who are trying to upset a feeling tbat kas con- r s,0 ruanydecades aud which they bave been D- ch#qnge desp#e persistent agitation. our blief that Japan and America will always Inondsansd that Japan bas no desire te seize ipines, the Hawaiian Islandis or anything cisc tigs te America., Net only is this net in ber ton the ther hauci we cannot sec travel- ut section of the worid how Japan ever could poItion se far as lier navy andi ai-ny goes te y- beAdway in carrying eut sucli a policy. i witb nothiag in ber hcart enoouraging ber te w'bt reason is there eveni te figure on sucli a people and government ef Japan afe noting p grstileation the approiation being show.n by »~ of Japanese policies, espeeialy those regard- n sà neighbors in Asia, " the. pr'emier., asid, "but ýprev>iils' ta mre quarters 'of Aineriçs that I Sto correct. This as the beliof that ~span's dabe that of the present adminifstrato ony. ~SÂ1JT 4U siB»C tock Issued by t 0= =re f $becoaam.f oSu On nma Ia CIa'bn Mtr oai !Ellkiart, lnd., which d Broken in Wreck at Wn- :oeirsdwli oe okoloo, ti-v r .pDwlgSoaleiS C ld H n ag i thropHarbor. Viiff 9 DisritHcurrta Tnibet '.d1., agttend to , Aihuc e the. com p y a d ment ~o onthe *Uyo reto ho allowed to retalidlatee of Wlnthrop Harbor. a bgg Studebaker uok aIaIIk.amount of thie Corn.d.ed suddonly WedneedsY morninajItyn cacntielas three mon and tyenstock. 10:80 oploek, at ber home oftro;ch1 y ewe35O WOmOl. 't1iril ~turtIe Byay lUht ~Agate. Ii 1919, AnldrewsW"tlu ofe be$ffN onWIlà ko" A adWsiag Maçhinep plwgI*occupants under othe ,d * rldI nedd 4h# ~BUMfuw. ýW9dp4jiy mrul moto " 4ir inWuring four O t$ ortbyeo bOd$ M matt opbïdo farce tAie pr of mono votfa e region of beo> burt and aiie wu Th mcin u oin ouhand t tIb -0s nthiI Hq t cmetO oibrtv lBtesmh bUdth e dbrigveba r A G PteMOfesf b.dhon aoki. wu »" na aaChair tWliu to ber bllnded th driverA. . e terD.. TO ruc r.î=ion wu5tii Out dabt liraU. Clyd4e rowu.Ob*heuo StIenBmith Vrm-aTruck tond hepan n #are o r-I P~$eWH w te sti.mouent ronsly ______ frontthie chair, wh« e n f to the injured. S» récélved a fracture afi oo dqed. ti.cllnoe w as badly bruisod 3 4j> OrarTyo as ntfe i about tebd.hemay have recl- - =bIda iqetlta atr1o.= yod Internae Injuries. UP I N IOM fa,n vorII = that deehii as de. ta ber A f ouiier Chicago ma, whffe name vasu Âdo p"dk. o! ibis clty, "nt, Dop. lMrm Browning was a native of wlu- w o & g t net Ieerned, vere aW obailli'braised h c&Mgb a hodup Mani one ai- Cousin, and bail livoil bare for about ralane. tKfoaahuitlha ion of Chicago. ChIloago. A nwnber of <6Bu11» I kilnir. Charles Mark». aieamq.n at the. The mai vas alledged te have taken mie :9 survived, by ber busnt and- Leader unhe store ln Wauketan, sav a mainhi' aupriso .n a side roolp, and'four chldroi-Udwarcl and Abert. and E 1 n a e the machine and declarea fit as no- grbb ghlm by the throat.' took $100 ira. Georro Stedman and lira. Clyde ~S O L O wg hruta miracle that s Uf rom hi=u. Brown; aise on. brother, David An- w Of tiie occupant were not kili.'!, as Sailek JÇ>rlied the hold-up, Catchlnq dre w8. of Buifa'o, Ntorth Dakota. the. top or tebarvas amashed lnto hlm betfoe he had a chance te make The. funeral services will b. beld Scbanck lIardw are 10.o the. grund. hie get4.%ai' down an alley, anld tuimed 1 Prlday afternoon at 2:80, conducio<l ________hum over » he i city police. There by the Rev. Chas. J. Dtckey Pasor )' 1Teon3 IETVU were iiartno>aln the affair and both the Libertirvle Methodiat EPISCOPsi Tlpoa3lLBIT IL 1)1 il 1111L ver.ldentified as beng the sMme men c'urch. Interment vii b. made Lat 1114R UINi whoheld up and rübbed another min Lakeside exetery. MR QU DRENOIAL 0f $00ii1ev eekaago.c Yovh scoeout o the. popular Rouand-up" tirring munie! Sprited talkell My- T X p p5M ST- PWST MKTIDISI r>IlEI> L meeting in tbe oves ng at 7:3SQ. Let ery one lnvlld. W. a&m expeotlgIbis T8 P R A S OFFICERSTUESDAY NIH12f IRTfT4TITEI )A us make tbis a big day for the cburchl. aervqe t10 heiii, aucesatulco0f a Charles J. Diclcey. lator Bundai' Sebool at 10 a. m. D. A. succesafu day.' Nexi Year WiII Be Re-valua- The U'elle Workera held tei uI Jack Bradford, Choir DireCtor: lira. Youing, Gen. Sunt. Wednesday ovenlg at 7:30,l-week tin ea; ee E ,iab s tallatloq of Officera metn Tue$. Lyell H. Morris. Organ'at. Mr vn orabul> 8-tIl. Ood muate meeting for prayor. bible stedi'and tion ear; eek Euitabe deyeven!xg inthe .1m, etlng0 ratNa- SNDAYOCT. e--CURCHbyLLt y .hechotr rermneiyoheahstp. if loibis.I meetinmeeing 1 eb ul Valuations. tional Bank Bulding. The. fn'owing I1ITAT. Twenty teaa of cativaimeis itreseilI. 10 a few. It may b. bolpisi fer maiy; --off:cers ver. Installed: Rd Hubbard. 1 Ail members and fr1ends of Our - Dinner for the. canvasrnt 12*-80 If It la necessari' for ONU. St il laoà~ r Asaesaor Charlesi O. &rmes'Pre'idt;. Nelie Doebler, McL!.or; chutrch are nrgently requestedintad.i p. m. ln the Gym. ary for AL.. bau started a force of clerko work- Mary Carnei'. Secretary; Mabel Knox, vote this one Sabbath oi the year ex- Caîhnig from hanse to bh0050 1:30 te Thuradayig L.nln.- at 7:30 chob r&r iing ou. tae asesor book. getùng Bankor; Agnes Cudahy, Marshal; Te.,- clUBIvelY ta the. interesia Of Our church. 5'00 >. DL hearsal. Ail membersaurgea telb them ready for the quadroannal re- se Cudaby, "Âs't. Marahal; Matth" Benl- Lettheb.maitrng and evèllng services PWos-' clasa.tlu R1pworth Langulepyn valuation of ail property. vicht net, W arder; Whflim Stocke.,5ent- ho outsta ufdln g for attendance a d On- vag ls ai3 0p.m vili be made Ln 1928, and Il in pet; dgar eSun,. ?upervlao. C. 0I. thusiasm. lu the aftornoon lthe "Every1 pvtiLao e-lalM tng- -_ _ predicted that a large natcber or Gove, iustalling Officer. rollow'ng Member Canvasi" w[Illho a 0 .. Tap. Mlu iit FIROTr IN LAKE COUN"' - Tii.w changes wiii b.oitade, lier. bisg the meeig a"baitouet and dance vaz are aske o Wremain at home entlliEffcie"LarMa adsEr inûct business propeM ti'atlaI due held lu lhe Town Rail. lies. canvassers alleaupn you, ilion jLeymoa' Wight Service ah 7:30.itWIdft r for a boost. according te present - -...-a- -r efot il made to go: eqUtlablo e 86111Ilit as tick of liii.ln previgus years bas cauaed the hourd of revis* more trouble t>an Mnthing OlÇe. Amssesr Arme.viii bave the re- valuation madie 1>7 Us onsaie- tante wvblcb ho viiisupervise. The. generai advance ln pricea cg business- property and renta minces 1919, viielkealininto considtra, lion by theaseasor h lthenlakunig a! th revalitation for 19& MAY COMPLETE - B. P.UDDEERFIELD ROÀD TRIS FALL Kapsobul & Davis Have Near- ly One-third of Concret- ing Done~ Charles Kapachuil. of tecontrac- Ling fin of Kapachull & Davis. 118-- [ng charge of tue construction of lthe Hlghland Park-DE eràeld concrete roiti. vas lu Waukegan todaY to confer wlth Charles B. Russell. coun- t'. superintendent o! hlgbvays, and repote l t h bnext Saturday. hheY expect te be one Ihird done in Ut. vork o! peurlus coudrE te. "W"U a month of! good veaher ve expect te complete te work., barzlag accident." lMr. "tlCeul saiti. "I underatand hhere's a man1 An Waukegan viiose prayera are ai-. vays insvErei. If ve can fIi. hlm and cel bim ta prai'for mld MtAather untîl Thanksglvlug, 1I hWk v. caunfinish the. job." The contractera b.d e 11111e miu-up vlhh tue leainstera lhe etiier day but lhe malter bas beenstralghlen.i up at leaat lemporarilly, t vs, etated. BAYVE USEI PROIE-, PLAN, N ROUIlLE Andrews & Co.. Who, Hav*e Petere Lake Cnunty Folks Long, Sited by Emmerson. 'h. boad of "Andrevs, and Comn- pany," whose agenta for yera bo ave- poatereil Lake Counhi' pealple hi' tl>~ telepiione route In sels or tryln4 to' ael jstock».'bas oventualli' landed ' Ik trouble vihtueIlinois -lave mast as ti paper liat Predlcted rlgbht a10fl vould b. the c-Ase. Yes. thé telephonsý method oi selltng stocke viii nov te, airati luIllinois as a-t enlt o! lihe drevas &Ca.. Investmenh broke'a lW the Andrews building. and other of-, ficials f lthe compani'. ver. arrestée Saturdai' on varrants Isueil ah the. behest 0f helienoluis "mie ski" cou>- mlaq.on on charges of hav;ng sold se- curities vitinb bave net quaitied unde« tue statt seuitheaact. *rdword junior Saud. distendant r.- cenlinlua merlesof divorce suit&a led hi'hies actMese vit. Jumnls riffin Raid. 7and bo ofaian eQuai un or f reca-, c lisions; Menul W. Tilden, a $oh> of the. former preatast o! -the~> Deat' Ibora National bank. and Pilvard M., i aruard weme nanigila hie varranha, vhIi'o vas u.cufl hi'Ausistant OtWoAttorney UiIvt L .TaYlor OPEN-ING i SALE Libertyville Army & Navy Store SATURDAY, OCTOBER 2891922 622 NORTHMIL WAUKEEAVENUElIBERTYVOILE, iUINIS WE NOW HAVE ON HAND AND OFFER FOR SALE, SURJEC TO- PRIOJg SALE, TdE FOLLOWING ITEMS: 1,500 Brand New U. S. N. Blankets, a $12 va1ue--$4.95 1,000 Commercial Blaikets, Noew, from $2.95 t. $14.95 1,000 New O. D. U. S. Amy Blaikets, 64x84.----$3.95 4,000 Amy Blankets, Redlainmed; ry ..--2O 1 000 WodI Bankets and O'cot Mateibal $2.95 to $4.95, 100 D "le oimnrdu1 eiamd iakt~~2 1,500 Sànmons Çolapsible StdBd--- -25 100 Brand Newr PMlois, witii Ventilators, pair -$3.50 200 Navy Sweaters, Brand N'ew, ai l -.----$29 100 S4.-Overs, New, aU H e..----lS 100 Newr O. D. Reglation Amy WooI S"rs....-.--$3.45 300 Redauned O. D. Srs - ------... 50 New Wool Shits,pCi.-- 200 CWamlway -Shirts, Al 24 Pairs AI WooI.Axmy Trousers..--$2.95 50 Pains Khaki ruea-...-.---.-------îO 100 painsWork ~t. $39j 100 Pains Cotton Breeches, 429 Pairs WooI Breeces,Rcai d.-.$lS 200 Amy Couo. Coats, Tour Choice----69c 400 Amy WooI Comas, Tour Chie--- - 15 50,WooI Marine Coas,--.- --$2.0 100 Shits, KhakW, AUl 200 Army Coton Shirts, Redmmed..---- SOc 200 Pairs Ovonalswith b----.95c 100 Pairs Dmiuges, Heavy SH 0ES! 75 Jupers, Na" Bto adSipOvr-- 1 .25 100 Barradis Rap .---35c----- 20 Dozea Hcavy Regal Cp. 5 50 Dose. Au'ow.Cogan, Nw. --..- .4 200 Pairn Amy Marchug Su à a sizes, per paà---$4.SO lez rîmw 1as.... w 200 Pairs Aresa. SMots, -Ru" abe lMmusenLas3.95 200 Pairs On.Ung Shos seiaý- 28 50 Pairs Na" %eshc, $8.00 VIe.~-..43 50 Pairs Hip Boots, aBluzs.... ~ 32 100 Haltçr 1ie Stýaps with Snaps, Clan --- 9 500 Curry Conibu; ChauCme ....----. 9 125 Brms.,Éa"BrIsths, ClassA..--- -. . 300 Feed Rapo, Branmd Newr, $2.00 Vau. ---.-9 200 Pairs AN WWo Socks, New-.-.35e pr., 3 pr. $1l.00 800 Pairs Cashua.ete Socks, 75c Vae..-.-=.25c 600 Pairs Work &ecks, AI Colons- ~-.- pr., 29c 100 Pairs SAk Sodu.75c -a'e 59c 100 Pairs Cgpto. Work Socks- --..--. --- 2 prs, 2ic 500 Wgool Undit4,Rd 500 Woýà Drawurs, R.clauet- ----7c 416 Undarahiat, Cofton,, lamL- . -- 444 Draw«ns, Cottoî, Redainsd.25 50 Navy WooI .dns.ts.-.-----. .... 50 Navy Wool Dae'~--- ---l1 100 B. V. D. and Ràl1>d Union 5t tà YSi 1 SHOES!! SHOES!!!, SHOES! (laves, Socks. Shoes. Arics, Sweater Coats, Jackets, juin per-s, Overails, Handkerch,,efs. Spirals, Leather Puttees, etc. aREDUMEDPRICES. Mad orAkrs i feJ prôinptdy wien am.ompanied by postal or express nioney, order. - Please incli4le sufficient amouat to cover pa=cls post or express-charges., Mouey Refded on AilUnsaisfactory Purchases- r- DA SE] EN CoG MMMMMM== e

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