CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 9 Nov 1922, p. 1

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LIBERTYVILLE -INDEPENDENT LAME COUNTY INDEPENDENTLeke Cwnuriv.,eBg Weekly WAUKEGAN VWEEKLY SUN VOLUM JnmBER 45. UBERTVILLE WNaEN[*K1X THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1922. $1-50 A YEAR IN AbV, e '.4 4 i s DRPYWAS FATAL TO SMWI wIrDDDL 1IO0LI1IIVANDALS DRI>SYA. D. RITZElaLER AMOUS uTO TWlf rfltmoBUREAU"PUBLIC IIEARIN4i ON IVii3C I E MILL s.Ag ç tenhlr aged 1 DOYL~E MULE CASE This in tisa abjet for the essy M1IL WÀUIEE AVE. hl er daugblar. residlusg nartlivet o iufuft WC1 ttise 1gb Scbo8h d rd Sho fl LberlyvMie. on vwhM la knffvn as the E'posI3in IlA Lke oty Flfty dolars Weretleld tarm, Tueidaynight at 9: 30 in prises0 l e igl uplls Scarody a Tombstone in 0W Mma.Ritsenthaler was bornIn Chi- !Court Scrap Cost Big Fortune $250Ô0 te grade "101 pupils. cago, February 16, 1872. Her ha ' The ffrst prise je 010 In aach cliii. New Procoedings fer Iinprovir CattWoio Cemetery Left Daniel Mbi±e., iedeieght yar and Was SUiisLuds iuf Get reaily nov. Purtiser aunounce- the Street Starsdby Board Standing. ago at Prairie Vlev. vbere they re-I Years Ago. meula later. This countest te teobc iided for a nisisbr eOf70511. b elld lu cennactilê th lise ParDsBu- of Local Improvemflo fs OMO a rackg of the Mill hi asela Srvftved b>' Ibreschidresf-1 This Ioa tn u at hoa.hav 0f vbat reau Manabarsialti amalgn.Be-iYs ormsk ogthoec cmuler>' near Wads- Jay ami josephbofi Ubertyville, -an ,.the meut 'laved" eu ntise mae i h e l rd=TaaBureau Office Th olwgntie usntoà wo* by «bouiiala vndais ban ira. <Gien prye; aise one cousin, Mrs. blatary oai lhe Lake county courts. b>' Novea*er 201.Te otvlbntievs etl isuai i ndgntlis V red Suyiani.'Atty. A. F. g viving Al teacisers at PDlas shassultakireai astate evuero ar the village uo»M a ste m of ake Can Intat The tunerai services vil] ha bel ktedpae m ra uees i ota.Weiaidsy: d bme ,k CmY t& o.10 t1ocokprincipa.llu h ue perd nget neetIn0%'e st"Mr. Taxpayer: bc"n la fer tise parpetrators Il F""Y 'file ,N-.1.a the circuit ceurt at Wasskugan Wed-"TeBadoLcl mrvM] ~pprshi. Scrcai>a lombtebone utes1ne , 0ian at S0.1 ockatthe nesday, Nov. 2, ami haà the ftamos * aFRrIlE .."e Bardioal IlfsolPVde Lmas b luit standing. Mia>' c! Melliodist churcb. ia charge ai the MorrWaDoyia mule suit dsmisseil lu *JIL FOR -0- ER=prenent at the hearing for wvisci t hem ve len boken app Reu y ,i Mr. Dicke>'. Bua ill bii h lu the vuke of vhicha destu bas folloveil notice la berevith givon. We belle tm4 beuboSaaest Lkod etr- v hmilits1> peclalb. UIUJ WatAIJte 71i1 r- wull luug.hsmrs. Tise comoterlt____________ I ajy Précision. ur tiaIliibuecsr>tehrs inc «s -et aout in the country. J. R. Morris. o! Deerfild, in 1912 M M1454 ta let a contract on the cernent roi A iaimU arirIasngtete recover possession af a mule Ibat u h lodnoiel ie na aCO sa t ten>' m h hartarte l ont ta-JamesDDMyla. a promise thal bas the support f a B MulItel>' mae a rport ta thae eigbbor. Morris wan lu tue ne- jority of tise taxpayars lu tue aid j aie ofWdsvorh aid aiseofa J DGIE SETS SD plein suit, Doyle cimai the mulet olInrdet etac St. PatieXa catholie churcis aiMrris replevinde wvn ual the ana Receives Jail Sentence When sas" Jnay tinncsayt risici flher J. B. Foley la Pastor. J R SVEDIIIf ha bad farmad out but ana a-f jla, They Plrac lu Jnanisay ercn cr. IL easr't Thora as a buriadInviuslga- V I VLI.F Ia more valuahie animal. Ther e laypra te fr l.'F ct Um ud he cee tat et hea légal hatle over thsa contended Court T"ayTe roard iisrd15s t Clia oll a gagseo ethte tovuspeople neari> beg- ages o! the mule, experts iagrea- gel lise exact *Cositlou o! al, parties grai deicription.Thse Ilestructian iudge Declared He Would Not iug over the leetu. one North Chiîcago aldernian and terested on tue question: Shal il scareot>' cash havahéait mare con-- ypa ppasiui. Théseucasafv Ie others, anea a vman. were (2001 compromise rol ha supportai. an sh plate ~ ~ ~ ~ C ba'ie111 i entr Send Innocent Man to lau triaDo tse'irui court hatora raignadinl the coflnly court Tuasday Ieapa aspatio e wieb vas establilei more tuai Despite Critlcisml. iJaige Chai. H. Donnellly. Mrrsdy wn Ih> perd bfe tax payera advise us asitlanay ci sevety4ra» years ago. hesu rocked - won. Judge Donneily gratai a Judge P. L Persoanb coco 'y court structive matter on vblch 90% c b>' a tue-ifc earthquake. Man>' Of Wibur Glenn Volivt, was found Lnav triai, bath factians, vaaltby. and plaaded gullty ta charges o' 89ge acau get a Januar>' lettili the eW tembteneg vhlcb have de- "guily" af having criminaîlly liblai havlug aecided at thal lime tbay! havlng violatai the prohibition iaw. Pleasa ha présent aud anaver tad the eliasa for mai>' dacades the Rav. Thos. H. Neson, Thursday vould speni Ibeir lait Cent te prove i The nanses tolbov: NrhCirall caîl. ES S.H I ves brokas Even the larger atoesnaight. Juge Claire C. Edwardii thair ct tentions. Casa triai be. I Alderman Frank Svete, NrhCi ES .EA were poabai off tiseir hases. immeiately set slde the verdict tare Charles Whtney, jury dilagred. cag"o-60 ys lu joai. JOHN BERNARD, TMi URs theor> vas that lise van- daclarlug that there wui no Justifica. Tise tuird tIme thue sevs nid Frank Sarnovaca. Waukegan-60 GEORGE STItM. isilmu vas cemmitteil hY boys but tion for sucb a returu. aid vhlle he hafore Judge Claire C. hivds days In jal. 1.Mesubers oi tue Bourd of Le tbis je nt glus mucis credeuce dillked t iaravlstejry arshcnei]a d uilt Frank Novak, North Chcago-lO tip3emus for tue rmuseo-fit Ill la ura ha ftit itbis dut>', lu the ligbt ai appeaer. Juige hivarda deielda days la lai!. "W. W. Grummnitt, Clark." liai mma>'of lh. monuments vere th. avide...e islcsei, ta do so In motion for countiance aenatareul Frank Lorak. Mal! Day 60 days lu caunectlou viti tise paving toe iffl> teibave beon tumnai ovar justice te Overssear oVlva. ta bis jiidgint for $750. The Case vas in joliluni $100 fine. leat lu LibartyvRIie, a part o! State. b>' ygmu9tar; second, msny are tatement te tise Jury Juige Ei- appealiedaid Judge Hivaris wva1 Emma Pendl, North Chicago-430 Route 21, the folloving uppeared of the 9oMgiatIaltue natural fas' ards openly rebukai 1ev. Nelson. reversadinl the Appellala court. The iays lu laU.- the Waukegau DulIy Suit, Tuasilai of bo>r voulil prevoutt lim tram describlua hlm ai the met "iespic- case -evrtai te lie circuit court Zbseph Belaki, North Chicago-6. At a meeting oatie board o! k enteslag aOesmelen>' mter darI. able"' and "couemptabla" mai vitu for nev trial, wvich vipeul out tue iays Ilul. ~Improvementi, heM eat t.he village1 'lM thlisdatruction vas vrolugist vhom ha bas aven beau compelle lduilent. Frank Novak, Frank Lorek and lait Monday nigha.tise matter e! b>' atla lise oui>' tiser>'I If ta have dealluga. lu hie 22 years Morris diai recasalyinl Paris aid Emma Pencil wara chai-gai vilh iug Milvaukee avenue vas agate thsa *Mt la abanioned. l iidM- experlence as a iavyar uni ue. hbaisire s akeail tisIfurmer l- lise manufacture ai îîquo!. Tisa cnaup, ni a nov oriaMaca pas CMI for the villagers and chulrcis Tisajury was ouI luat turea heurs gaion ha iroppai. Blucestise caeotisers vere chargeul vith baigrdinS for the improveiant.. mqmIuss tu racancila tiomieliui la aid iuring their dellharations 15eY starteil Ivo juigea, Donanl 'aid lindylggrs or having liquor lu A public iseanngci the malter «*a a bulle! hecauqse tiseyeau- took ou!>' tva ballots. Whiney baie died» no hbaa tM utieir possession. Informations wyescillai for aagt Monda>', Noievber At $Imm 5ev arovn Mm ocuii is Iuge maie tiesetatement tete, bouduin*ia.AlscJohn D. papa filici aganit ail Ofthem aid their at 2-30lu the ailernoon, l e h a& Seing Sioiin10 a oint vra lat atter the jury returued+ tise ver- Of Wtu1106511,ele e! lheattorneys. ese$wre psa utacl o ~" alTsl ast UÎ !'li deieel. t roi, dict and the defenue >aelmade~Id>.A aa 5 jei e ee aIl tls epe oth ie village atere JMf! ý f heded.motion for a nov iollevini6 leg lmcaillaithe>' pleailai guilt>' aid thea catst eba utea . Uà - Uua ar rie O h h drest h uyJug d aI L-sentens watloraa isnlssa ail Tecapacit> o! tue coonci chambe, inm'bu etepeattm hv ad eordta hJ 'woDld gr(IIl setens a vre prnoueail btue cae eh sena i e cienm e ta le Iha aasala l Tme aewrddeiawi tbautharvguengat.the lirai county lu Bach Informa- bu. aibe t obtin dîa. Tse no trii vthot arunsnt IIV'~N I~ AV tion. Tisa defendaila vent te juil Tise ordisace passi Monda>' n ioa.ibWIt>'tisaI a religions tamatic Iu ts tiret ballot tise jury vcal BOi ON IREIC IWVY i lnmeiiately and hagan servlug their révisite aid plan conaiiarably, m."' bava been respousible for tisaII0 te 2 lu laver a! conviction. The sentences. Tise court establisisai a praviies for a large réduction lu destruction., la ual Seing ovelookeil. second ballot vas unanimaus for <'/'KIftaiongjl sn Cs- ntado $6.00 s i vut cas o! vanda Iin tcnitia in s alo1 ii T o '-m.IiI.L IIIVIIP tendes insîead of fines. eetlmaed, tue new project vili wes uo adlo htever Judge - _arB isecri_____ doui> $92.401. Of ibis amount 75 wuprertdi aeCounty. Overseer Volîva for soma af bis cnI yUl ho paid b>' tue propert; ___________ actions agalnst Nelson andlyaid Theodore Kaneitis, 7, Crushed FRM LICZ7J(US the avenue, and the balance ho spi stesIo h inor 'al over thea village. nbicb bas Causad 5BciniAdh bitter- Under W e- ofTai 6 T5i ha vlith ef the propoaed Ps ne;ss î iIavedc h o nd . Morninbasbeau mutarlallly reducai. Star VOLtVAITES TELL 1MoTendayng oMeorntemvrdctALLEULU athe Roeckland Rasni aistise no j I S O itnca Vinva.Zian lait nlght. The 0af Mr. uni Mrs. Pelae Kanciltis, oraf OU D UI a heelectrlc rairoai; froin tisaI big bell et te Zian home, &I 24Saymorc avenue, North Chicago, taethe Hec garage, &6 tact; nont FIGliT IN LIN visisCes ere blavia he - as instantly kklled Monda>' marning-Laasra(te irais oi peaple gatheredinl 5 on is va>' lu achool when ha vas Net Titihtenis Around Wauke- Is propasau ta muairetue pavine IG T I IW sres Bolires vere huAIt. struck b a nortb bound train on the eteat vide; from Lake streelta Statas Attorney A. v. lSmith Ioda>' E. J. & E. tracks, at Morrov avenue. gnMnUdrIdcmn rt 6fseadf are Say Independent Blew Smoke iid flot knav vhether nav acts Kanalitis vas on bis va>' ta the on Swindle Charge. taeTlla a&venu ou the norlis, 27 fa4 InwVlv olwrsFc ouli ha takeu arOnat. South scisool about 9o'ciack vitb ana hspa aacmrms e IntoVolva olloer' Fae îJudga hivards' stataint ta the of bis achool Chuins. accoriing taý Frank Liczkus, of 820 Hlgb street, and elîmintes a large frontuge and tartd Fiht. Jury follava: pëepie vbe arrivaul on the scane Waukegan. undar ndiitmen& flu the farma property on bath tise nonSh " Gentlemen ai the lur-y, Passilsy shorti>' aflar the accident. The boy, Laide County court on a charge of soutis aides ai bbc village. Cencarulug the scrap lu Zion Thurs-' it is tise iuty of the sCoui-t ta aI- avidantly anavara of the appraacb of operatbng a confidence game, is. Afler montho and uionths of day nightIn wlhvbch Att>'. John R. Buile plain te Yeu aI Ibis Ima tha PaSI- the angine. teppei into the patn of' conrontei vith charges thal have batléqi-i cthe coinl> court con( uni Martin Ruasch raceivai darkeuci tien of the Court on tui malter. the train and vas hurlai Ivenly-fiva bat cons inced hi, aliegei "boss" bu-- the .uoposed pav;u1, of .%Iilwa arbesan mai uauni braises, clalig I indictai ta the State's Attorney' feet ta the ide of the tracks. Death' Leslie P Hiariinglon. accusai Chi- i-veafle through LIS '.-Élville, hO>' vene attacd ib>' a gang of hall before this case vent ta the jury. vwas instant. cage '1'onzi." and tva other alaegai iagc nia> ]osae t nid. ani R a dozen Voliva foliovens. the Zion us is My dat>', that lu case a verdict DIr. A. Et. "Bidde, vho vas makiug a1aida,. Anthony Lebaîki and Peter No. '21 whlcb il va3 bellevemi police hava recelveda diifférent ver- o! guilt>' vax renierai tuat 1I.vouirCdI n utisaI vicinl>', hurrei ta tise' Zilvtis. the verdict being returneul he loca'ad on bbc avehnu Ibtroagit sin Ihan those vho vere assulid sel it aslde. Thse Court bas ne accident but foni Ibat neigbbors hlaiF'iday In .ludfe Phillip L Sullvan's ertyvilla, ma>' h 'flngad enthi tell. paver uamier the lav ta take a case carried the boy to bis home, t vas court. viii go ovei-the newly comnu Thay .era infornîed that itheriavap îrom the jury but Stitis te there that the Wetzeî and Peterson ILltzkus wîli be tri probubiv (cklnd lRoui, run-îîhig 'Irn Buis or Ruesch bîew smoke mfoihe dul>' ofthIe Court lu case ha feeta ambulance pîckeî hi map a fev Mo-I Ibis m 15 1n5te c91.ut court ha- ,, paet hr t avll ge a ac face of ia Volvulle. vhahremonstrat- tist tihe evidance la insufficient. 10 meula Jter lu Sapes that there vas fore .rudge Edvaria. l bebng chai-g- tâcrown'ina roaî unidiisoncei ed unidIthaIis brougbt on # ight. indicate ta tise Stata's Atorne>' that sUi a apax'k a! lifa that could ha ci that he vus an agent of the Con- slong tl.c roui. connecting vit! Il as lecdabaiIha a"gang'"incase a verdicto!fiil>'1 r-revivci t the baspitai. vîcîeî uarrîngtou bai svluiied calsudva oiîs at pouci pe BIsun Ruab.meI ureitht a il at t id. One short incision an the fôrphead Lthuanians. bis countrymen, ai St Paul crassIng on the Tow Zion policé déclare ' tisaI the>' recale- 1 s indicatai ta the Statea Alor marks the daath blov. The boi>' la Waakegau and North Chicago out rosi. end a report tuaI thare iciee brea ne>' uni ha fet at t as bIs anIs' slgitl> hiusedan d la Intact. of $70.000, accordlng ta Intorme- Ths enabnlioratn Vlîva tollovers uni Ibree Iniepenidaîduy ta presant ail the lacts tte ouboe Stae'5A rnes' A, V raThis e aiodu' y einfo epeio ensunltsa l u mafo ur.a'n BT 1 ( qmlîh. Lczkus la uccaied of huev- han l bacame kuovu thut DIE man "match." The Iniepandente dame 11bave no fault ta find i th tisaej lo YAI hîg îniuceî is Cauntrs'meu bei-eSttHgb 'gierLmba ont second hast, action ai the Stale's Attorney', O? 5 EW R Sta nvest lunlai-igu exchunge vlth SaeHgwynierLm a "Wiseutise Independents getlilckei vilS the ut of the Jury. NrmsoOucln getpois okn oe h rudwt tise>' coma ta Waukegan ta shw thir' 'liOFF RER FOR promise oI quik'antegeetlproits, I king avcthe roun vilShag anisz, effort a Vre a it Iodas', "nail the transactions va bave Sud I lu vEIERFO hI'-h failed ta muterlalîza.tamkn bcprosihng aefott raepreludice.' The sentence of Hurringion. Le- Original]>' the stale propose Attarney Bis bas luken the mat- this Court vîtis Zban City' for the jbfnfU ecki uni Zilvotîs carries vlth it puy the cosi of an il-foot slrlp ter up vith States Attornes' A V.nine s'aura Ibat 1 have beau open thea GEORGE S1 H R T a rm ffrmoe ete easMiwueeaene tru h lu tha at ltatlary.luge o! Libarlyvilie, but uhat out this aflernoon for savaral Col- bave an injonction againat the Offi-_____~~ proparty ovaara began flghtlng vaites. îî vas a! Zion Cils' preenting thatu Tlat a reward of $50 viii ha pabi plan of the village officIais ta i-r enforcing Ihir ordinance lu for informaution leaiiug ta the ar ilD Â Tan aM<1Vitionai widlh cousude regard ta smoking. We aise havarcrut of Geai-gi- Schardt, former chie f Vi11.1 I-ITII4IJUI, OfV i fiut evelopedInluthe mat an injuriction lu thisaCourt pi-vent of police juil itv collectai- of North rIgllt..f.way, vilS the rasul thai UIlUi'IUTU long than Irons arecting uns' more Chicago, is hi- forniat unnaImaI'UD V 1 D- Rs tate lins appui-antI>'heconie wea UN N W H R S signa; t5e>' bava a varfure ail the ment sent oui Thursia>' b>'tîhe police GU-i I EII.d1 IJ ULtI watiug for that or the oulcan lime bu that Cits', und itIlaspasslbl? deparimeut aofiliat div Poqtiards wîthîuim Pattersan. about 60 years the counit> court coucei-ning th( vithin the naît montis thut ihat unnuoîîîciug their'iewiai-ilhvre becît jeîtians agalust the villages pt lnjunltln wil ha alle ermaent snt t the olic d,,prtrnnt4In oh. wh was otn ld reimpro thetheientvinanîla novno qea 10MB ON NEW nuc lnwi emaepraetSn ateloiedprte T_,n~ , ,e ar nprSpaldings Cor-ne-locate the route. This ci resraiingtheeretio ofans' mare ail cit'0 u nd towus wlthin a raisuu Igue na. teaaing dmua 15e signa oaionue hunpileî tles aso] the tlinars. iiei Nov. i9I lu a Cicago Sas wN'ouid leave Lîbertyvilie '"high 5OzC NT S AMPthas, have. aI Norti Cl-ai,oare hopelul ni oh- ib tii~aeblg1e d ry" di'aîîd If it shoulidasire la 5 =E T S MPs"I do mot knav vbere there Sataiuiîîg resutts M î" uî nlece, Misa Marguer- thoeliai-t oftNtilwaukeea avenue, bi beau a casa that hua ha 's as bardi Schardt dilicppearecid 1euî"-1n-u- o u r i ,înee. vas vilShlm Ca t viltlageil uuoaid have tl apy tCi Washington, Nov. 7- As-lau o! Ai-- for me ta preside aven us 1515 m ouihs ugo and suîbsequoiu'tly il wm the time ofaifhi dealli. tii-e cost, as the il-foot strip e lngon amphitheatar. sith the bomb case, Mans' af the thinga tue>' do foulnd that lýo vas cshoi-t-lu "am' Hoi,"th -n îoriug lu Chcgo for hlielnîover thîe ne-îocaeî rý:i o! the' unkuowu deudinluthe loi-a- tZion Cil>' arc not lu accord vilS ofQI sccouîn . A wdeceai-ch vas the r.11Teli'îuiiîiîe Company'. He IS the11w lline roui. grauni. la the central design of a uav the lav of the State outIlinois.,umude i'on hlm htt withot resîjît ,su '.ved bhi' usfîthar, Robai-t Patter t ltes declared that the reneu, 60 cent postage stauîp, vîuicis vîli heauni 1knov there is cansîderable Theu the clty licded that b>' aller sou, vl'o las heen an Invlli loi- a of Route 21 la lavai-ad Ion the r placai on sale Salaria', uarmistice prejudica lu Lake Caunts' i vas log s rewacul (le>' might be abIe sear ,!i-l a clster, Hi-s. Marguerite that it would do avis>' ith a1 dus', The poslpffice depatmnut also avare oI that visen va started this ta gel a trace af hlm. Thni- uit Cuiînee. uSera Robai-t Put- cnsslng aven bbc St. Paunii-a aunouneed todas' thut, beglnning Sut- trial. flus descrîptiots tollavs:Aile 40. tai-son ma kes hic home. b>' a aubva>'lanier tho tnacks ci unis>', 25 cent tamps. vilS a viev of "Wene the articles subiittai ta walght 165; smooth shaven; halght Towallua roui. Niagara Plls as the central design, s'ou gentlemen, iibelous In these aase 5 feat 11; bain iark broîn: nasee 'i o e e o0 a o o o o0 a 0e Anaîher ne-location Is also t, vIl] b isold, togetisen vltb u 15 cent tisaI tise>'vene unînue thare vaulul nathan hoakai ;quiet disposition: a FOR1 AJL THE NEWS 0F LAKEg O of. This wauli blug the roýule stamp oattise naidesign, asoisvng 1he ua ha anys'baiatioan om>' part molien b>' truie; llmps sllghtî>' on o CÔtiNIÏ.YSU98CRIDE FOR TH'E c- Rackluni rosi lu a Point whe f3labla aofLiberts'. viii a viev af Nevw accaunt of bllet vooni; acar blai a lNI'IPgNDENT-41.50 A YVAR,. vouid rudue nortb uiong tise Voit barber lu the background. (Continuai n puea8s> Iright kwae. 0*e0o0ae0ooo 0*eoe01e0 eaie ofLake lana. WELL KNOWÎNMRERYMN IE DIED EARI.Y THIS MORMI "'4"' Henry C. BurMige, the vell k4own SOLI> FO nurseryman. died this (ThursdaY) RmornIng et 5 o'clock: at the Lake Couun ty General houpltsj, where ha vas tak- TO N M a n Wednesday for treatrnent. Cancer1 of the stornacli vas given am the caum af death. he Hud d M Mr. Burridge vas bora lu 8]nglajidTre HuddA in 1863. and cm to America luIn 89. County's RIch LaW4ut For sevaral years ha bas conducted a Big i ite-, nursery about one mule veut of LIber- nsW gw$ ty-ville. - arptd ob h ne la survlved by bis vIf e and tour btla ue i Lae00111111 à >~ aueitdren-olive, John. George and lUr- dlliIakOOa 01, ban; one brber, Sidny Durrldge. of vas rellorted laut hsU Lake Forait; a aiter, lirs. Wilia.teJae râi Ookes, ot Lake Feonat; Aa uiter-in-iav, 8fuinU5c»Jmon las ire. Mark Eurrldge, vbo tout ber hua- Heydeck« au ha Wadsvcrtb. baà buis bandrecM]Y.William H.L Ingleet the F=nerai services viii be held in th- Hem7 o km iatta' St LWrnc'e p5pk "l church neitvslbfomrvnr .odSaturday. vih h urlai lin Lakeside 'pThe coâsiertio vawu si bch over the »%M 00mark. ý0M- The farm'bImd bean on b*J ma- OÀS RICE MCRfor sornetlma, and on YU Lcou;WA KIK.AN DByiloo. b U 4qr REEIEPIWLLMurphy. CbieatOu B I- flot rentloned lIn tha lit ;hl Hearing on PropoSed Raise 'pihe tarin Conssta of M00al the Before Commerce COM- the richest Lake cognty cn mission on Nov., 29th. - dstrict' I te cou .; - gthe property w vas el, rto Notification tbaat the North Shore th Heydeckersbelng a 6â Gao Company vili seek to ra'~ies theeastate lait by thes fuatir T., price of gazinliaWaukegan. vau vas sold the farm bai recelveil Monday nlght by Corporation to 'run do-vu and s Counsel Arthaur Bulkley and lthe Couia- of dollars vers spent l mcal cil lrnmediateiy look steps to flgbt t the proposed bhike. Aogvlifu 0 The notice linforrned the corpora- entire lst of nvan pro- lion counsel tbat a haarlng ona Me buildings vent es: = et Aid proposed ralse wouid hie held before brail Duroca hotu, a a then lls uinois Commerce Commission cattla, tractoea.fariniad iY In Chicago on Nov. 29. and too15. ce When th. malter vas hrouglaI, ta The farm la nov w 1 bail the attention of the city cotifç ton Parm, and concluat et »av: 1 bat -vning Corporation Counugi as of ple4id lad, 130 qe tak- athoZ:,ed tb attend. the bsinvQ and 20 acres duvoeaite-1 eed, structiona b fht thle pro,= el ile. e. ÂAndrev 8. Doiom l r 3 verett 1. Milard. prasiet of dent of thefim the Nort.fl aub C o ..Tuaia bauil5, rn Mindecélared tbut lhe dm nfl nO <>ofWatt= a labeudof gazay conternplated rais.*, Ontbut- Steck thait w" had«belmmediatuly sought too jt fmiePrituai At thse Wlacealn112 e- la touch wih thIe Commerce Commis- state fais'.during M »2 J1* sion t se If nmre mistake bas tlght been made. J~~' ,an_thlh he coat of coua tireit beau H a sed,2.05 a t.on S M cou Pesdet ulard statedt Iisaso .i~ 5 e c on "I am flot avare tut « p UMY. tyon rs n g" at mes u vasa un T Mr. Millard vas aofIlie opiebu - avn:that Borne misake bail heu.mai utlng in b>oo<ng Ilie boeJ'iflg i -Abt Ro nu rtln muet be nome aId malter t Albr ienw , uetb, bas flot be-en checisei off the Com- With AssaiittW point mlsslau's baoks. Weapon, Is h to, ti> it II A IE Aiberit Rosenbuab, 'tpý cg 50 JOE PUILE lIE5 cbargaed vlth assultw#ý F alr veaon vus arreatd li r stract InAC R U'lljbBarrIngtan and vuni et. i4~LJI.SiJ IYIJj' Waukegan late Lthat 0 meure bie preliminarybaningJ geof UJE -C~ ITIE tc ey Couinant. h ad lE lAYP7 2 l1rL Reaenbush, accondlug te' Scbreck, of! Ubartyvl. _____ aver the haad villi a k0 ,C,. rroprietor of Former Fouirth pipe In Wauconda f1 ulze- Lake Resort Out After ment they had aven mon",~ Rue Servinq 240 Days. head ethat carne cloue tq> - ttd atal. The varrant vas. h LIb- Joe Paule, tormerly praprietor of for the Itosenbush, bat ît a weli k.ugwn road bouse et Vowrtb mga aet t ,--7ç pletej Lake, more tamiiiarly- knovn as A. V. Srnith vlth -W Ithe 'Marie's Place," named altier Joe's as complainlog vllness.. point vif e. vas released tram the Lake Rosenbush, a cattle' bui twlth couuty jl a i Waukegan flday night purchafied some stock train north after bisvite lhait pald bis fine. vhicb 50 ha tlid, 'A check ana th the vi tbte costa amounted in $992.40. part payxnent ot theseaoua0 ot the Paule liait served 240 days In the payment on..tbe check vaU wnilue county bastile atter baing convlcted by Rosenbush, Sclireck t114 of conducting a blludpig. mat the allegad ua5sa i, iwas Hia vite, Grace Marie Paule, vas conda several days aie 0, mdent, convlcted Set the same tima as ber hlm about the check. R Istrict husband. Wbile ha vas fined 8850 crying. 'l'Il kili Yeu," ret been and sentencad ta serve elgisi montha neath the front seat ef b*ý, 1vîew ln the county lau, Mrs. Paule vas bile and produced a1* tined $300, escaplng a lail sentence. whlcb hae delîvereil a ied te The case vas appeaed ta the hlgb- Scbreck's head Sebredla pover er courts whlch sustalned the ver- Local authorltlea IQ1041 lvit- dici as to Paule but reversed fi as bush and Sherliff e ,n he ta bis vite. Under the terma of the uty Sherlif huumi Griai gthe sentence Paule could nt leave jail ton ta brlng thie mai o- lbulld until the fine vas paid.--He left vils rable bis vite and mother aller the judg- er of ment was eatlsfied in tull. ELKS DAND atte The old Paule road house at Fourih ,e In grauled a permanent injunction. Wllb ec oh- tbis lina of business shul off Paule >rt Of does fnot kwytwa ew o eks to kovytva h ild USIC TISL Sage T YRRELL WORKS ON 'bl.EMaBonDexste4ê In~ theking arrangements ta e en-LIM CAS Elks band go ta Chicago 5 wouldthis month to play at the DO uIe on (lie MUSIC ta be braadcaett Asst. Chiet of Police Thonmas Tyr- Dý-iie hotel bro.adcastlng e1 'caion rail ot Waukegan le assisting the %,n effort wijl 'Ia madete- "t-a.on authorities of nartbwestarn Lake reeetving Outfit fit the lbcat I grade Counîy In seeking te rmn dowu the se thRt t((w members hars *-0 illroad vandais vho destroyed the MilI Creak ta hear the baud vben it lqA on tha cametary a fev nlgbts ago. The cagO. The damage lm sald ta have exceedeut This will bc a big public"t talked $10,000. TyrreUl went ta the scene the local band. whlch bain i a ver au Sunday and lookad over thlient a hlgh dlaissOrganll*"G ire it ground. Ha ls warklug on a dayw, It Tom H.iddlS=an.thse --m» i aat la muid. that may lad ta the perpe- ertYville benim" 18 la î tratoru. lUks' bandl. I b>taoC. I ~ t.' *bua~ 'z I

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