wth evont&97,> n opbtir *a DtItIt Can Be ~snlSO ~y w~s1o CheÉper than U VT S T I ý10 MORE' IS ASKED M& jES I3T ramiEa BYIIIE STATE' tla Watfflitoul neit Appeauhm o fAmat11 r btts f heoéthe affrOPrlatiioas Pitgahr Ofhd1 on navg Affairs. or Beauty Spots. tt éroative Pot Kelly e)l haian- Davd LU GOO& S~iauuand uemobr CHANCE FOR, LAKE COUIVTY the UniLoagené =I ml - go thé cau"s of the Great lAbOà rMéd luo. &v --ne ~eha" é Ieid, aid Mr., ioflUïwoIla npab e çsWsthé IvIlué la a itatéinént ir au of *tou - -, 1~t» budget COflhIftté tt ali éahfo19bat bas sgif,0ay: 4 sbé te appmori*t 0théeGet tht oréCéUBo WTb os station' 300,0<50.tien. lii trle'tor thé btut U«t Çan =Tréffl tA*0Mou. ha adit bythé trot 09 tbé voar to M. m alfor 150.0ft more X~gmary 7 e. Aleoblre, Plymouth. 111, Io viret oablo us to, train 1,500chumai cf ompttli qor Wthé uavy. In other wordt, Thé pictureo that asoaccéptei l >.ééOt 500:men wilI toit li'é omcmit±oé vil! 14 piaoodon ei- S~iofor rmantenane and $66,M0 bit' 7 btcmmittes, sadthé #po* i 4aé . f 1,W mo > arkell go that; thé> May'b. reca nay bord lias beet. iY W =l5 " éo asiuchnundlsoovré< Bita ixea fortrilai"go hto on p6ea biuiMis. 414*4r* y ad.Newport. R.. L _ p ruhout-hsl-Y0* »oads »dar 4 -4W Il tbero, l.b* mtilatico iSur lémmoIn lthé old xponatte'.tri., sad t*tére whch ououreoiite<-- = ,»i UV. Y«o-s vi un moan eMeé e eed et aUnMext o »rosrs ltffl». f- Der'that vislt thé non' gonoa tu l at b«UidbAsé. lu&émn4* -éril Ifse eulyment et thé beaut> uof111- logicaltet.bavé a largé statio..no, : the ost tis réGna reaaorablé._________ Ptm pke p . p -141h. '*brdfiwpoI~la anugou tatiu '0 opeaaty fer Mol l lfum I Ih* bawx ss Aie, 14 sud,"thée at»d stBobyion thé docte tant tOI~q5 oudemeai tebave' bl@ le' 14. ts ot ê ~ st 45bi.the public ogecflua ~s. rotLaos'theéil inoa- lifOLOS IONY sECREt ,90= m -é, F4éâ*0 f r- a.4é~s.that 1h é Ir', baebapiionéd. himathé ta *ho~~sturtngt 1é1mrémtaw oSte ' r.thé ýýohég vlo, eb d tdnh ara udtold ira om far 0. oru h o ébu 99 .Duing the ala5toqlo* Labo couty ho Insistoe Waay obus zepwta swert -efrc'Ilatn 0* ,fln.0i id -lg - ton-»Moinathe tbla5s Wh"di lulaor tr iesbspaél Whkgamaand vomé wl intereit.d. ho could "pr.4od4 blagét scandai vhichbau ove .1 produced la thls coi'ty. * Héloats out 'thât *"mn>19 AiLd othei xnebs vvled haie bl Involved la lnolq&enta" nés!' Mt pi s4il ho shoM lk ati 1k @sg bo*k we u lapiba.t, th that «Mi t *thO y'fTm mm Ir Largo mise gray 0-ai01 Tory affctal ou.açstedta19o h illégaltéo! os.I il ber.4tu~a Wbisu té W55 9eum ha ae hout loibs~1 41Ibéér -wr, hé hs lof 1é O. týté h hoiMi 4j bont andlut' Io on meréi'Pobi-'i 1*, at ée uie *a *Rebe taa *1 the W étisthat go", oo $éWoa Mr A4é* Y. , Paulo ha4o, éd not -b00fJ« - u au *a 5OI Our ontiré. stii flea 1 al ao*ýcr* living rom ppéo nSamiroofIPel ppo a l mI Takû u Yr. I 1-m -. .- -él tikiéfoêtoe*1 a ta ver0. 1:br tbe émm"y for mabn thea thon -&W 0*. tb* PWM U' meo 1aem4 SoS*od W&M .gl 2 ve0~ popirs. l4 ý*tbw au Mi hmr* tui ow'iw ra- a~~# OG9&02 ý INtbe eUII Vw ta irmpd a s s*i-v~ toMte for mothoesbutor.the. m uud ~nktefrl4 etThisPavorite prq6l ~plp3owas DSb7 »Dr. piste wiuk gimat sumues"MIe -5O~UfagO. t'sit FOd oMay. W n,$*4viïa UmmSa a U mw uwoS 1, bayo boom mt Vafl4Iâdp »ur i* orn b*ueipéa do m* - t w4' épgrltye"-mmIm mu ater, Sejut for oftboSkIetmonMotber &MBabô t* "Mts you te wriîte conMenvti il meii advie -.n b. eut yenwithoutcge. Bend 1oe for atria ofkg tP.ofbPrérpintbea loué Ofso06al~*I mou. wtt: bolS aoérlV I <naît, oéab 14~ Thursday, Pilé y We I~a Awy ur nu~ ~flt f ..EOOU~WS~SII~71 N~eds Tm~ ver mutm mieI 'f:~Make. Room Fr toidiyGod IOUSANDS OF DOIJ.4ES WO- F -ST~A~ JAÇ01AILE A GIGANTC fl($$MS&G SAL IATWL WEPI WA Nm Il~R &d1q*Mye liteh iasnfo 1e-sae _ _ __ _ __ iua1 At broo mat * *. -*. r' -' 'i'heK * WE SMASH "Mj~A1~ 2lotek sise SMY' ~b.I GS loi bs49ed, Po4 t EUX 4$ Cr f 406 «W-0. kvlué III anépce h .,.... soue I Toast payer 4wS oi t 0OTJ, iOiit *t'I -Si at $ 7hton. O p~ Tor sCUM biS bowint aI ........114 -- f. 1*rO, vol! madé 0tU!~1 tala gtrétsbééu. ~vlth siatioaary >1*8. Tory spéétal $1.49 aI - .- -- Ouiu le' 0&md. 1 Irng omd d - a~id Mope I t Q'Oo4r OP ~ tii- f Soi a -~Ma t - Bnomoth uéninol. 4bit «oa o*roost turko>. nib -régualis 4- Val, *,~1yprieooS Ja-t 4- la I OS >ollpw £14904 tbéaawaro. péta 0* tht... I JanS 14 115.0. 79c~ -t- t, t, v 0* éséat Wbfté oua~ot. 81 lb. éua~am1 W *Péét*7u ipeoLOllf étu~o for giceS foi thIs'sale. o~pélaaeq. 1 oal od geeds botoo of'whtté énMéfl. rPAU Ion' T - 'ré. et. I X*vy gaIvarn1se~ ~t. pailé. A mis I Loi oleasancé. Keaters 011 Koattr5~ - *..A ~ sta 1l 1 111P suant thort tion Pa: the1 a %pie seaui ment Ag mie 1 booda plica note. Th estat Ixed blanl lt wi avait Ama covel soldi tlcipi reati At SI on r liUt 1 i fore( lion by t) sto" p$ies, q' tIM OtaýlI -1. e9c 1 VI 'IN