CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 9 Nov 1922, p. 4

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'LUBERY VU iLLERMME1E, TIIJRSAY, NOVEMBR 9, 1922. oe rtyville Indepen dent 1 Gmt1i, bueftenen - WaukemanWeeiuy &Ma * a u U. P«Wtffle a t Llbetyille. III. d Clama atter - - - - - - - - - - - tt* ~1TW-__________ ~ ~Manager M AL.LEV _____Y.--.----..-LaiMng iIpTIrow PRICF-.41AO PER VEAR. STRICTLV IN AOVANCR Offic eilehme .Number 1. LbertyvilleI!xeahanga. AND RE WAB ONLY A JACEAS8 w many Jackasses were involved ini the famous I~Bmule caet Was the poor mule, long sine better dunib than human and carrying a grudge gh the court for a deeadet Did the .fortune that ýpnt iseeking a trifling verdict over a petty matter the. bitterness bred in the mimd? à. - ew faets ih the caese might bring a conclusion aýpoye queries. In 1912, ten years ago, two wealthy eik4farmers quibbled over the ownership of the 4:. It iront to a justice court where it might have -SettIed i a brief ten minutes. It was appealed to hprcourt. Things ran that way for ten years. Tiro Whor presided i the caes are dead. One of the meys died recently. And even the plaintiff is dead. ,t b" ten years of bitterness sowed in the courts T'he mule was foaled into the world a jackass. It its short life a jackass. It 'died as a jackass. It r had the power to think, hate, love or gain lessons lifie. The aileged owners had; but spent ten yeai 3 eir ebbing life fighting to prove the other one wronz. mèn who had once been friends ived a decade of over a dumb beast. The point of legal debate went the cas a jackass. The plaintiff and defendant into it friends with a miner difference. But how ,,they when it was stricken from tihe court records- ~Lew many jackasses were involvcd in that Deer- THIE PARCEL POST RJLIEDY. bu Boston Transcrlpt telle of sugar being sold recently in «ra Vermont at 9 cents a pound wben on the smre day it could iglt iu Boton et ele~t pounda for 5o cets, or 64 cents a L. Thus the Vermont sugar cost 44 per cent more than the ý possble the. sugar lu Boston and send it to a North- ~otconsumer by parcel post haviug it deivered to the «at bis door for a cent a pound leas than the fearmer would to pay t the store several miles distant. Î,16 lustrates,"Ilaya the Transcript, "what the combination Ifre4ght rates and profiteiring la doing ta those who live on #*,country ferms-" ,blarates sornething else, too. It may be doubted whcther 4,took advantage -of that parcel post oppartunity ta gave on osugar lu the outlying parts of New England. Here làaa W against high prices provided by the gaverninent whicb mighi 10 amat everywhere ta far mre advantage than it is. Sonly lu remote rural districts but aima lu cities the parcel M oftez. the consumner' naturel remedy for extortion. The r EDWaRDS REGRETS. REY. NELSON TELLS TIIRON4i OF 1,200 Believes that iudge Edwards Would Like to Have Case Over Again. JUDCE MAKES DENIAL Âsked whetiier Rev. Nelson apaisa t1'w trutb hen b1.o osad that Judge iduaiýda regretted hie action n set- Uln&aide the Volva verdict. the judge Uonday aternoon sId: 44 havant a word ta say. I do my talking ln court and do net cara to enter adiscusaIon wlth a peotâta as ta who amails tha strangar. 1 woudnt l.war ilhe dlgnlty of, the court ta 'enter an argument wtth hlm. J bave never salU 1 was aorry 1 to.k the action 1 did, not for a minute, 1 dld My duty and that'. ail thoaela te IL." 'Mo you Intend t-','» ny action agaiuat Nelac for contempt of court for th prated tatamenuts ho made about ion? UN. what'. the gea.-he ho% a rght te discute the. ceea; If ha farda satis. faction ln doi n olat hlm rave on." Tisat Judge Claire C. Adards "wouid be giad te tecat: l action in the. Valiva libel case tisatwun recentiy comrieted isere and re- verse i decision,' uts tisa state- ment madeby tise Rev. Thomas H. Nelson, pastor of thse Grace MiW aionary churcs, of!-Zion City. ha- fore 1,200 people efth ie Waukegan %letisodist, ciurcis Sunday nlgbt. Caaly and dlilberateiy he strucis at the action of tise judge, only after pointlng a long list of alleged Volivaita atrocities tisat had been perpetrated la Zion during the lest year. Charles Kelly, pa'tor of the Mth. odist cburch of Waukegan. made a talk upbouding the dignity of Nel- son. and also recited uronge tisaI werae ald to ise dons yth ie Zan faction te the Independents. of whlch Nalson le a leader. He made non attacit on Judge Edwarde wltis the*excertion of staîing tisaI ha ha- Ileved tisati I was only right for tise judge tea show these tate's aller- ney te maite a tais eisoulng his O'de iefore ha sel aside the ver- dicth brouzht ln by tise jury The Baptiste o! Von b'-ugit ln a resolution signed by fifty of the parlehioners tisat Rev. Nelson wae of good ciaracter and thal they would iac i hln hisfight againql Vilava. Arthsur Steveneon. a hpad of the National Office Supply Co'spany of ZVon Cty. tted that the btter lament th'-ough the county waaid ha ultis Rav. Nelson as long sha Pought honestiy and aboya board. Ha aiea out'ined tisa allegad VoIlva outrages agaînet tisa Indtependnts,. Stata's Attorney Smiths. who fIgured proiInantly In tha VoI1a casea.a rasecutvr. was on tise ros- trî'm bLt dld 001 tais. The chtirch wae nt able ta ho'd lise crowd. The pennle wera packted ln every con raivah" enotlnlatise epselouse rom. vl tisera uwere thrnnge turnad away. WlM AN EAI I FFU cai use it for manufac tured goods and the city man cari use POR151i1i LIe.> <>5 omtry produce, wherever they f lad that the middlemen are P RCIW TI AB tg themn a square deaL turally the anti-Voliva folks are sore to think that Judge Ed- INIER À M jet aside that verdict-BUT, the judge openly tated ta the, Mrs. Mandv Virta, 710 May tion irnediately after the case started and he heard ornie Strpet Rproivgui Serious exidenc that lie would set aide a verdict of guilty in came Iniuries; Rtabe Unhurt. #yeu. lHe explained he had no iglit ta take the case fromn- under the law. And the posecutor feit he must proceedý M"s. Mandv Vii ti. 45 '7iaars aid, re- sidlng ai 710 Mev sîrëet. vas se-lnusly te evidence anyway. Thse evidence was of such a character1 hu-t vian ise faîl frnm tisa top of e Lýude fet all along lie must fram the juri's haruds' narcis t tisahomne af Carl Kulmala.J ' ** J 1 (amminga Ave., but ah. managed.. iemecame; 'He knew iC .-hA--verdit: wusappealed, thse to shield a 1111e baby. uhi miewuse omIts wouid set it aside-and o he did it himmseif. -0f course 1 holding la ber armeat the time, aoN couln't e atserise.How ertisat il asa nt injured by lise feul Mer sie la aggrieved.' It olntboheis.Hwvr Mrs Vinta recelver' Injurias to 5ev-1 Le stood bla ground as he feit was right. He didn't "duck" eaai rAb, tise breastisane. apid seveala Cutsain tise heed. Tisa baby recalvad2 ce no more in thia case than lie bas in athers. He was flot non Injuries whalaver.1 to stand up for him convictiarns. Anothar cbiid vas attampting ta dus boaa a! tise parcis posta and Mri.2 Vii ta n trying la gel tise lad down. ________________________________________________ leaned againet s railing, whicis gave way, and sise and tise infant plungal (o ntise g;-ound 16 feet beinu. IDr K. M. Beck was caiiad and ai- Itiscaglitise vomans injurias va-a Iinfaino fraturascou,,d1ha,atd, and sisa apparentlyiyl gelting aiong 'au of a Rairoa ail rigisl- naw Wiia ad es, bridgea and bui'dlngs ad land centtute h. physical te vaine o! sucis property w1 Isbauth isiteo! yoar commninity may pat to Lens a!ftisosands or aven isndreds o.'tiosanada o! dollars, Wt usht le tise reai vaaue of tisa rilroad? e tii. tracks aned strucures uare ramove uhat wauld be lise money bin to0 .10.r commun ty-.n parchaa.,s isy ralîro d enpio)es; lb track- &-cisargeâ oo ulmber fron tisa foresta; ou ceai frani the n.nes; cm -ur oclai pîo<ucts ta cdlstant na.kets; as .eli as n tise reglLr evo n-lAnz yca ta make emergeucy trips loanay po.nt ln tise ý*,etabl sisad raAroad ultis close aupervialca hy thos tranad drng ~FO yetrs la the business, l able, unJar favorable conditions. to 4flt.s patrons la reduced ratas as tise reait o! iacreaaed kaE-nsy. êhe liakeo Italîroad. for Instance, e! ils oua vnll on. uhile under Wtvrte contraI, steadi y radacaul its average bau in. chai ge year af er ear antI Il reaCised tise lau mik ln 1916-tise year before tise Wer. 'brie sud oliser featarem invet ar aai'rod*iuisvLiuaovarwv88jdmumi 'NIseèwtis otier featu-om I nvesi i. rail.joad uit aine lmmeaalirailby rester tmthseh.cost o-the materai o! viucisIt 18 Salit. ,hicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Ry. TO PUJGET SOUND ELECTRIFIED0 T--.-ONLY $1A5 YEAR MHE CHCKER I80> lfA4»4 oSdSgWPILlAMJ. W %i oommuajmtiuana iideda hie oulua ab.,uld b. éddri ýo Wl a cJ oad,804 Clark ilWaukegua. IL jGazas No. 198. 10-15 22-17. the elttsburg DisPatch. 10 16 s81l 811 6 10 22 17 27 23 30 26a 14 7 111e 1116s 1116 2310 23 18 24 19 25 22 26 22 15 22 15 24 2 6 10 14 26518 28 19 221 18 s9 9 14 4 8 7 10 6 14 18 9 29 25 171l4b 19 15 6 22 16 20 10 17 16 19 26 17 31 27 21 14 23 16 a-Seeem ta, be an improi over 17-14 se »layed by Wend ln tiie net gaine. -b--Tii.point Of this gaulese, b. to, keep 'whA.e fiom sQwe: Prêvent the 7-10 cut auin eXt 9 <)-la the Bert gains Wend PI&Yed 17-14 and lotasa fOlliOw 17 14 3 10 28 24 10 14 2 6 30 26 9 13 18 15 25 22 Il118 22 18 1 6_ 7 10 322ne 669 22 18 14 7 5 9 26 22 13 171 o--No chu-ce &ter th.a movt correct continuation la 22 18 27 Il 1015 15 10 6 31 23 19 31 21 Zl1Z;1, now il 8 Lnd dl aW, bUt1 muh in bis cross-boa d analý this poetion iayed 15 10 an tliat blak then had a win. Probiem No. 314. fly W. J. From a cross-board pi y. p aj Wm. J. Wood, Waukegan. va. 0 Brien, Chicago. Bacit-1 3 12 22 23 K 31. White-10 28 30 32 Ka 6 8. Black to play and dr..w. Problein No. 316. By W. J. M Black-1 17 23 28 Ka 18 26 2 Whte-6 24 25 32 Ka 3 10 19. Wbite ta play and win. Problem No. 316. By W. J. 'W -M mm Biack1 3 85117 1921 23 Wisite-5 9101Il25 2628 30 Black ta play rad w-n. Solution to Probleni No. 3j W. J. Wood. Black-- 524 Ka 21; 3:.. Whsite- 13 26 Ka 17 19. B ack ta play and ujo. 25 21 32 27 18 15 27 24 19 28 23119 16 12 32 28 21 14 14 18 15 1l 24 19 26 23 19 16 28 32 28 32 So'ulaon to Prableni No. 31 W. J. Wood. 2 7 15 K29. Wisite--5 28 30 31 32. Whîite li play and vin. 30 25 22 31 28 3 6 10 29 22 32 27 1 Sais88i1 31 26 31 24 3 8 10 14 KENOIJA NDUSRY ab-At thiBapoint tise play MI KENORA NDUTRY 2x2 tud bythelate Fr.nk lIARD tIlT; NO INCOME PAIR ARE TAKEN TAX WILL BE PAID B PNES (Kanoha Nus.)Santi brothers. Piaçieto9 Tisa hottom hias falc u ot o! tise grocery elo e et Hlithwû- Income tax lndus:y An Kenosisil me'- wit 1,thIsq,e ' p -1-1'" county and visen tise tax collectori rid Tisraday and gave up a yleld tob utwi s enS i ls aanegiP ierort 10 Madison on tisa Incanin r' 0bhl. gaifpnout, iîe an,.iýo.oa c anaer. it i la hargad. ran imb il tax colle ctons for lise year, il la cording 10 lise dry Bq 'ad"rpo t vas d smi-ad Saturday n'git lanlise improale tisai l viii take more Tise Sanli brolise', ormi yrAina court of Jascite., C. James, ai Anti- lisan a lua-cent posta-ge stamp ti a dance hall 'n igswo e 'nt îw, ocis for nsui cenl evidee, aler a ialanre tise states accouai vithllcosed visen fi vas eaid to have ha -ju-y liadt beau ipanael itenosisa cauaty.1 comae 100 '-augis' They iva band il ta anderetood tisaItishe case wiii Kenoha indu-tries dl*- nol make of $20POIti-'h u"-clisir t-iai van lihaeppeaaed to lise county court any monay lu 1921. Not ona or!rite sct atened ira daYs. Wiicox s mach n- va. pract ca.iiy larger indust bas of tis elly made .-raiaaed as a resait of thse atome zvafficenlly tl a meuil pos CRE~ se for the si-'te 10 ievy s tR A RTER FOR, MiA'onalre icoAdants are arman- againat fi and tisa total incarna lsý. t11w c nodiacv'tiseir t.ike a resl issasad lagalavi ail of tise carpara- MAEft.TP sIates 10 rr lishe in apion of tien for tise p--aseni year will uni NIASU1NI I 111 poacising 1-u, tra. cimexed 'Aundav axceed $15.000 and fIlaisprobable 1 , i1', t ,u 'ths h.'g.inshll Vitia avary nickel a! ibis Rniunni Tise Lake Zurich masonic lougo iup Wlam !erud,. sunerinlendeuî' wil! ha uiped 'off hy lise <ffeelof uhici s uaorganized s yasr ,gnaoe --' F 'y ' ", -,,, fim, pa prrsonal p'oPerty taxes. Tisa texand uhîish ba, bean oparatbng under a ihýp "- f sr vo bourg. Snçedan in ia collecied frein KPnosha cor- dîspensation since tisai lime. Saturday ' - ý 1ýIw'o - en away. baitisas' pmriiloas Ifgtise smal b Is e nigisi recaived te chariu-r. A aaml'er laveird tlelr gvuia snd kea i'n hîstmre o! Incarne tai collection la et Matons "rem LIt-rtyri la Pié!I other , - o I '- v'l I(- se souuvht son, tise county. pairs o! Luie cournty attedi. rahi'its Tises flailla disappeared. A Spoonful of Prity*L- powder in comparison with the othor umater"al ua.d in baWu that it ai- ways pays ta Use the beaL CIL4RESWIKELM Poo BODY FOUND IN 4 r.LAKE MIIIAN -A Public Accountant With Offi- ces in Waukegan, Thought Promn to Be a Suicide. 12 19 Tisa body of Chsarles P. Wickene. 15 10 68, expert accounitant o! Waukegan. 19 24 ultis offices n tise Whitney Buiid- 22 18 Ing, Washngton and County streets. 24 311 hisa ad heen missing for more lta 18 9 three weeka.,usa round Irtist unday Drawn lru.uuu4 ta Lake Michsigan aitheii ooat ai Van Buren sîreet, Chicago. Hie wlte and tua sons. Who r.- sida In ZMon, aserting Mr. Wlckens 'vement had bad no busAness reverses nor demutis any otiser graunde for isaving anded bis lilfe, have asked police ta o- ema tII duct au investigation. 14 and Police, on tise otiser hand. faillas gats ta ind any signa of violence, tare tiemutb Inclined te the belle! Ibat tise AgOd 1: ausltor tok bis onaIlile. Tise body 110bail beau u the water tua or titre ai 17 22 day.. 10 6 In Mr. Wicken' ciothing, bàsIdes 9 12 a checks boak aboulaS a balance of B wAnS $35.50, uere numerous basnss 1a1- e. Tise ters and notes, Incluiniaisane mis- 120 34 nive aboulas ha isad receI.ed mail. 6 19 15 since his disappearance, at 600 S. Wande- State street. Chicago. The body lysis o!fuae taken ta the CentrailiUnder id eaw taking roonis. According to tise uidow,.lber hus- baud ieft bom. tare.suesago Waodý Saturda for bis office. ln Wauke- A Lyed by gan. Yexepressedn intention o! uili M. J. being gona longer lisen usuai. Wisen Tral ha !alied to returu home tisat aigist sct 2- or tise foiioulng day Waukegan ta police were notifled. but succeeded men lui finding n trace o! hlm. foll e. Telegram From Chicago_ - On tise filowing Tueday M ra. Wickens raceivad a telegrani frein ~ ber huaband, dated la Chicago, say- lng ise wuald be home tise nehi day. She ieard notbing fartiser f rontlmr. Mrt Wickans isad for eieveu yearm i been chia! accoutntant [or Wlbur Glenn Voliva. overseer at Moan C.tY. Tisree years aige, he severad business relations wuti Voilas and eetabiisised an Independent office ait Waukegaa. He a ua smember o! tise Waukegan' Chemiser of commerce and of tise Waukegan Elkse Club. Waukegaa acqualntances of tisa aged accoontat are unaisie la ac- Vfood. caunt for his deatis by any tiseorY - otiser tisan suicida. So fer as knn lh aihadbeen la falrly good isaaith. If haiesad any finauclal worries hae neyer confided theni 10 hie friands. Ha seemed ta bie sue- ce-gful Iii buie-ss. Mr. Wickens uas empioyed isy vani- Guas firme la Litertyville to ,adIt and Instail bookkeeping sYstEme. On tise day lie vent ta Chicago lh asa n Lis- aertyviiie sud seemed In hie usual gaod 1 ep-rita. and made tise remaris tiitlise wanted to catch a train or Chicago. - Enemny of Voilva Wlckea' nsemity louard -Vol1îva uas- marked. When a etate investigationl 7. o! Voiva uts tisreateaed Wickens was ana of tisa prime Movera. H.' alsn ia credited ultis iaving publishied a pampislet enlitied tise 'Spider And Vood Tise Fly" whicis uas direct attacis on tise Voiva raglme. n- A !euwaeks aga, frottatise Plat- formnto! Sisilois tabernacle. volive propheaidad that Wickens would camrotea baidend. ~Yuwatcb Wickens' end! He I cent write sucis staff asu'Tisa Spider and tisa 11y- virisaut comlng te a bail end" vas tiesa ubsance o! Vlivaso prophEcy. > Tisat Charlas R. Wckens. 60 yea-s - nid. Waukegaa publie auditor wisoe dead isodv vas toud lotng In tise Lake Sit Ciicago on Slinday, came te - i Il esti as thea resut of an accident, ratise Ihan as thea resut of a succes'i 24. fui suicide attani'pt. tees the verdi-tI 32. relu rcd h, a coroners jury n Chi- Ic2e'o Mondey. I hem ' .ws vniný t1arove that J2. By deatis had bean eccdental-neithar wes the-(,proot lht Ilbc hd Commît ted suicide. The evidence shcwe liowver tisai Wic1rens liadtnnt been espondent and had fn financiai re- 19 15 .es. No cause for suicda waa ap- 32 27 parent. 15 10 (Ina- fart that %vas nol axpiaIned by 27 2. 3 the Iniiaest was the cause of Wickans' maýte bTus disappearanre irorn Wau- ý13. By kegen lhree vc-spib- ltisahelie his body was found Tt vas found Ileal hea ildbea n It'hicago du Iag thete lie haas absent, but n reasont fo- tl- atns cas hcugiloul. il1 15 That Wiciiens miglit have bean tisa 14 17 vIctim af foui play is tieseuggeston 15 18 advanced liv rembers el' iss family and of friands, but lise police 0fl(Chi- celui gav tisera la aolilg 10 suppnrt uns inn saci a i, nry. Tiay* found ne inýlce- SDunua. tians of violence. Me was Identfiead wperra of pap' s ound an bha body. ANTIOCI! CRASH IUAD NOW IN COURTS s of a The case o! L. P. Wilcox agansi d, ran Herry Frmitis. of Ant'ocis. inuviicis MU -d Ir -1 tisa formrer las qingfor $300 damagei tee: David L Goodwiiie, obsinaim or the naval comiittee; Udward 1 Dodge, secretary; Capt. Myron Adama, vice chairman; Harry nu gene Keiiey. chairman of tihe Unior league commIttee on public afbire. John Benham, niember Union leaga. committee un iublc affalra; W. L Blerry of! Tuîicr Robingon & Co., CongresFman, Carl R. Chidbloxu, qnd William L. BIa] o! Hall & l FORST IN LAI COUNTY -Thse Independent. Extra! EFxtra!. Specials In For Saturday ChlIdeas Serge and WooI Crepe Dresses, at $4.75 Litti. Boys' Suits (2 pains pats)~. Baby Angora Sets, for - .- Ladies Sweaters, to, Le Lad ber. for only- Colege Cis' Corsets,aL-. - - 4 5 La&W sBloomers, exceptiond vaine,a ---------------. 9 Land iMCudrens fNigbt Cowus, a.--- ------ ------$C Baby Blankets, the. comfy warm k"'i B.d Room Rippers for Wome anad Chuidrea, op frous- 75c Vanity Puises, the. uify new k7md, op fron ------- $10 A Big Assortent of Ladies' Children's and Meo's Shoes I .adies' House P resses and Aprons Special at 75c and up Libertyville Department Store Across the Street From The First National Banik 545 Milwaukee Avenue' Libertyv Uc, IfhoWa wmal Shoes! Shoes! S'hoes!. I=I Gloves, Socks, Shirts, Swe ater Coats, Jacketf, Jumpers, Uverils,~Jfl, Leather Puttees, an d uany other numnerous articles at Reduced Prices F11EI~ A Beautiful $1.50 Tie with Every pur".ae FRIEIEamounting to 52.00 or more. Libertyville Army & Navy Store TED SPERO, Proprie.or 622 North Milwaukee Avenue We are open evenings mil 8:30 c la tl a"' Jewdlry Auction Sale Beginning November 11, 1922 Nothing Reserved EverythinF ýoId at Your Own Price Now is the lime to get your Xmnas presents. A imui1 cdeposit wi'I hold any article 30 days ROY'S JEWELRY STORE 12 NwrtbCenes.. Street. WAUKEGAN, UNOISI Fer mkirng the. finoat and am sabmkut. for ROYAL Dmiihag Powder. fk la made frem Cn.m of Taatar de- vfrud fros a raesand la ab- al Poë Contou No Alun Lnvea NO Bit'Tagt TIENS TAXE NEW STEP TO SAVE TRAININEi STATION Acomiitee of Chicago clitzený~ 11 viait the G reat haltes Naval iflflng sttintoday t10 learn ex. ýconditions and make a report congress 10 ha used as an ar-u en in retaining the station. Th' owing wiii compose the comm t

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