[DENCE B hornes or have been vlth the ied, et the 3r. He toîi nu une but mncy aroules police vere Oordon »dt thie Armour anfor sei- ne ,Ihe or*a 01 chars". up to Ivo la DuflIU es hlgh,it for $40. b a. Wemake recovVeis Me. Geofge 414et se gesse. o , L 2 Pruirie fvlle 19-âR-I. 44-4t G PIGEONS »ILL. FARt, -iONE LAKCE 86-tf Fat 0r Manu o.- unfuraisb- igienîde, W. 45-it ogool faima ms», one-haf -lnjlwre of R3 tu WM. B. c4get ~e.s 45-lÀot for 1ive room iudlflg recorda a. Reanouenle Loui St., Liber- 45-lt -My faim of the v1iage of a write or tel- Graylake. nI. ne. Job»n Y. 4"-S better. tree 3 lostein botte, laY; two eues be f resh in*- ype pure brei ri boer lalgu, rm. Deerai, 897-Y-3. 44-«< .and librara 1 Libiar>'. Âp- . B. W. ColA»', 45-lt ger Overlanti, indtlofl. Tele- le. 415>-t! m owner of a y between le i; on or amar A" care Inde- 44-2t' dOTiC E Miburn yire ,0 Le-leu sa as- ar and uUfty ne 'l tiou3gad the loises and 922, amounhlng Il bc due' 9, Secretary. l9z2. 46-2t ANKS ta Our fi-terxds rtelt apvr4ci5.- te o_ k.ndiees mp.thy durnn t i oaur dearly rdget Shehan. UEN )CHiLDREN. AN KS ur gratitude kndness and the iilness and dauglter and iny lovely f low- ng aý the choir IL NAUMANN NOTICE i ereby gîven xeculr.x or thie t of Jacob Lei- end the Counit> WAVJKEGAN WEWi-ýLY SUN UB~TYV1U~1 oouq'~, ~r,~eîg upà&z NovEMBE1R9,1922. - -~ 'j '. .- - - I i ut Inapection Ueo party vas miter- veii a. officient- Il I. an evideuis E e- ta ntiio m la 8d#AW Io total vte recelvd. o* I lrpdto a lice -tit> vore 6"» AN* WRU BNUS- tue r limrBonus brouet o in tbiot thessoal-d81 I4i~00>0- FrtfeIMM t.71à W"Pkm tbe scmme a - WR 4~D U~SR :tN RAtItE Tie ,- omm fwstenetideva* e$4 b ViameeP.W.1mqrWe. dam h~Iobatt is» #49alit t tay « vag id be alo la vaguwan bardl eamlm ~lx v"tes bofth" ba h. x11 a <cOer>. Ils #w ~cnlz ompwotereems - vIAMfr.wîeS,.' Rteuttetics Wlgllouteb>' Ildlngr t add la J ia veli .X nu lu eo. Clrk-cvA oleej#b Judg-r-IL Probtt e»Ct#u-4 ce. ui ool- 1'ticket W, ciel: some Ow.omo s-e leda i Whoue lamge Vo4 ta 'reprffente. UiV provOd a surprise. iovver. show thet. iic tbire Repub iloga caudidalSa vrp re-lfeed, But lie>'he e reanon yestardai Tic. total vote retureid lu the tbxee coutes vwu sefollova;s F«KUnrdw4mww êdBoy* Tue latf ~nt et aidsDie. Taeb <ëgla am» a t oration. voaag jeix 9lcaORbav bat- feilb> I" ocana"aimau or tbe Ciloihle achout% Usrebutai- theu l lb f leaiMdnI hSl- ne 1.et the upO=> fttas o». bey tM"ha ils vethtila eesmb ta plaCe.Pl The oy or.vi.se homse 0 va ',-h vo4lag oetdtam anago oMt Ialte ébplnaa orld vie'..wi{h 4.4l>acl.bandIoe. ic>-have a adheip provide for thetr ~t boi ae bem au foa 0 Vhspoo 0(ORth* Notiioc ~bvla othar pairs. be 4> Igtht mir 0>8 hive oufp#V )«r«i tit a bau cntagile 9M. ro> mdaideiet ap chaIse, og , l paopPh r dek Il t ,l 01a:l ti v lx lhe rom ofcio t tbe lasebega ISMR31LCTED riMeefflb>' m bito Wela Wcn Rre. liake ~ m ..70 583 67 ,<Mu 'yot al * 73171S45 U9l A2418 for pd5tu hm. A» le remit Ni. oleS-Otpds aeecee4 bion tice Bat otrascoios afu didates. tatbai etlanceon by Ca4Pt Watdo0 Rvnas, U. a. Navy', tue- cgmmand-a ant.Congresamau Cari IL Chft& - %AWkIÈd4I~arN blom. Who ba» been Moet active tu t SÀ Cham Qlonngtli eau"e 0t Greatà ~vwna~~&*~N ak ees, vau the gtzest ut b=«o. VoW - ~ r>Chldbom annou=m thIbat ~~ l~e hm lroeive a toeguma- 1e Rat Amira l n-bRQdauU M8. Aeàrd on STrATION 1$ IVSPETED bt. e fl M At à4 ouom t the "w in Part: .-&oatve ."il ,Pou-l'tee "I caunt téUa i ou tomb,»w ~lab.vs<8,a~ ,sndun- leafg dt la 'te me, s iu ow1 met.~%it~th e StAtion muat be l to Mor gV-4 f15ai fore a>'19Vlb.'rnt- obaeev thtptp4 - 1 PII an naoUu habiet t n ne u th rrae poopl Rt- ca au ePnothe 4eaOttW #80551te Cuasrecos opUSU-am n not C fl>' t. gave <l »to t station Xkes tou poliloablme nt. PasUahala' W* tour baui Ut viiib.e3ApCl5 ofte se pirit of progresnlvenens char- acterltie, orf imgreal section u« tice country. 1 Il shows that cr00 thpuS1I the peuple ut the lditivea are tar rernoved from the seabomSd taie? neverticelms bave a subotantisl Mèteot la thee liv>, and luaffret lesog Its reprosantative la thie la- tW «lotORur country>. Groitt *k" va» tb» ptcheer la developlng Ibis laters M th Navy. XIfih laper mU»t laection it eau-do a sa-at Geai m etoward veilla iboad bqven ie People, of thesgreat anlvetmd Our- int lUne of de- Issus. The up.ýes4ld maera- vlocicthe peoPlo of thie setto* baie ralliedti Id b. aetense ot Great Zabes la Iisris couvinsa me lb~tbt h Training Station and tlis lai>' have usixsuaeh frienda I& t» ics MId!.Wet vico ma e>'bmr HMi 590E a give thelr v h-sro *Obaet h* MMMelteace 0f Our aua, besiareaderius it lei eewm tu1efU' -Y l an>'zergenie> ý b vipioi orConta> my e>'b.ce- ,h«OnI. " "tk*sy bicorne lu- "Mt à ti aMee tae.or warld frs Theéhrutpn lme iato à M4ai> of e pouv1tu py, bir teht.te b êWI broueit the capaCeli Ethe 0 up te a Point whetf UM £gwla VM b. marketfleut eeh vk. Et Would 8.mm Se. Ouw oljeun, le O t a emu a modem lvmon a train O u bo demonitraive tua a ale WUflrr la a land eRt tnala.-Dowxt le,, $Tees iUet *oelvx v 4f. Volm_ Y4v1 mePloyasW" éP Hayi s 'p3 10 4 4$ . 4 41127 -01 44. ou st si m7305 1 -_141 ai-soya 4 lem" k. ill ___tu' Il1 9<AMI, ', 1", A'." - 131>0 1W/a 1W s$v U3 Wamkeaala 1 1* 1 ~ 10 g 4 57 I 4111 8 lei4 101/ ui :JU é$ 14 S1 97- m- W I 1 1-34 tes 3 .11'1110, 1 m usy I A 1 10 8 17913 44. là tu te 101% 144Và «V la litli I 13 18. 148 lm,,,* *oefal .......i... ~ 44 M *. 102 13$1 1 1M3 03 8W w , ~.12 1 117%1 'p77 --4584,s 184, 1t . loqêi o eM . 12 1 147 I -1 1 9 4 07 , i - 7 1$ Il 1815 14 15 nu ¶ sej~ ore f or Wa-akegan's RealB argaRD Àl>Y1 MLY. Nu ior C. O. D. Orders and no stasnims given For ergt FtidayQfor ouse or t on Ci ltO W UMWWOsi5r5Sa%ýu& Voe *O lM## tbro 1d 4 bom o r w Sp ue ot Sf <suaVseepvwtue cb n-114 U* I i >s Chllree, MroeieeiRas,~ fr a vIlt sal'. vti ail op»Jroke . ...... t...au. oui>' ...'.. - -*.9 vls, aica ïik tl Vs. 0oede andari,-w~0. Flncy COllar Oelot c fny ole ti t. $1 #, " spacafor CoLts sud Ve4es EgeotÔ fCbller al nd fi.aa tas omolr>' old up te' lta-ida>' ouI>' ve vit *s or ut f vmet'a adkeritlp* tuiformerl>' muid for 1600ikoeI -3 for.l10 Fsncy BraceleW' =Iï5tri we ' vo viii rt"y IotaoR fne>'Bracelete i5s Tes Arong Pormelyw dult a 1 tra cW al fouTide>' B-aff Pin Pimnde>' vo in place om 0ale0-" lot ce Bau Pins tba owfrmehn»Ï laid eIt 190and 51.00, st............ .. - - -- 9c Fancy Cosb inde>' vWb'.111 oer Ilotat Paàcy Combe at thé followins reducton- 83.00 values $2.00 Values $1.98 98C Strands of Beads Xénethe' lice rato bu>' beads t'or Chistma. rida>'. vo viii offer dthem Ivo lots- $4.98 values $2.00 valus -$1.98 98C Hafr Nets ide>' va vil om Sr m ets la kueottbed s, frlugansd c«p shpat- Childre ~Purses Ont 1«ot o'Chldr«e sPua-ses, .valugs te 1.0.speolal 29.: for ITide>' ouI>...... AmricanLadyv corsets Amerloam. Lad>' Coreeta s b lace style, mati O uer09 li brocade and coutiL Va0aSte S - lotIs-V 0*. t4 R&G.8~ ~ ~Wrtdey - pal>', lb. ~ $- G. Whlle NaplIt lie solti Il- - e ~ ~ 185 3 Ban jsplib oap pw vou at i *Oe1 plasex 0 on]* ae rait FriSari vs Win eaXe-- lott ot Rarring*a"ai»Wo &t <a-ati>'redmiea ' p4 sot aMa 750#1 aMd ILO Fnday Ox0y' %dge on l Geuiiemes IMih ONLY FRIAY ONLY WOIN'B A»D KIOI', Winter Coats gpeciauy Pri" ed.fr Ou1 ,/ DarOuly These three groupe a' tyhlih w in t er coats present a large fielection osprtan dressy modela n the popular materifils of thesBeason.. E yer y ç o at is -peeially $Zieed for this on* a oniy. 1 - - . . -. . ., .. -- -- 1, 1 - --il lm $1.0ýMR YEAPL. IN ADV Lake . counÉy-,qýs Weeklyý