LAE OUTYIDEPENDEN Lak4y ZsDiaTV WAUKEGAN WEEKLY S$UN . XXX.-NO. 47, LIBERTYVILIiE, L&KE oeUNTY, ILLt~TOIS, 2HU~R8J~ÂY, NO.VEMBEIR 23, 1922. $1,50 PERt YEAR, IN ADVANc2 ~a~ thir ~ tvl io tn rliE nov.M Itors of Igati **a lag a.em thoir vane ciatés e ctfice gaytion cf ral resente ytha ven tiiheodi cderteti Don7 mone ray ei ILL.ur a lep UMMOI 4IIVN IN VQLYÂ Iukw Mwq* a tePlea toe jaeCa*êioAneher County. DECIDE Ori COUNTY SATn Judte Caire C. Eavards today anaLeS a change cf vanae lath*. mot on for a MW triailunthe oet» g! WbucrGlenn Voliva. Who ast. if W 1 !ound gltby a jury in e the icut court of Leke couty on ehhsràa cf libellas the Roi. Tho%. IL lIisn.Jidge Bavards Imminadl ttw dot asaiSi theverdItf reeing tht Ovear. Next Batrdar vau ait ai th* day for delglug viiether tu euaa. ilii bare-tied in Raz., Vq1Pagii, Wil. or pcslbly Coo couti" .Judge !idwards at. the U» neset asole ltheverdict tatel mud ot &galihein the. 055f ho M~branded as thée-masi la bmt'l it long empenlnceon1 the bcb. The tastiamuy nef erred to wi» liat vilci Voilva broqight out tbhoug scores ut vilies a l au e oittprove that th* Ibing h plitod ai114aimSabct Neison wm s *adid utfbi. lg6Chi& ?.- Bemrn. eprasent- :.gJ Ovugseor, doclaued that the vob». MiS'b, ready 10 naine tic Opty lu Wb" tbe eex»vii bek tnie eclth*. cnsent cr Vlu sosghiit 1 provethat vian 1m; leaSS1v es afoui- * - mowqtbe4 iSIihéie"' hn b"U'lai et '0oio." A -À . loUs je 4 ud aven OUMciertb be wva promptel by -$» 0iiveL ReY. 'Nelso brougISt à 7-ViU- nanas frcm Idinie<iv 1ws toemefll'bad Charge ct a, essogM té provb tbat ho bore a VOoS repu- tatiogi and liaI bsMe « flasUi I- Ilorftt Ulho bad -toiS VUIlSivaI vua athe i ime ha joléeS thc oversoirs chumnch -JOSe, Je BERUBE, IN SUIT FOR DIVORCE si,~ Biruba cf Hg1=9t ar ioa'SSsui for divorce, frontamos a Rchards Bonubi, cangasg lis 1 t la iyicai> Incapable of pen lu1 thei Sutais cf s vite, Be u&14c0ang liaï lie hu a aviolettouean - froqueull>' rcUttad0Cool for hlo JfaS bisifanE>'. SAGED AUTO ENTHUSIASI' a. HAS EQUALLY AGED AUTO - Ls Agehs.Cal, Nv.20-A. V. - jeion, cl. qgil>-six-yiar l olS erafl ot tfho Cvil wax, là thse oldest rem- dém ofuthel iSoiS1ensr Nore t liv- telle% but in u >' Youig=9 dasi 'lobaugaco e aiS le cvi lbhe ldet1 #i' t aicublin la d nuLas AnIaltus, -ist ~o! helie mas cf twenl7 fourjeans &go, The old buislAiti* ~. Civil War vemaasPet aMS JOYon sd vhmah i e divina Il ten e- paInit. Pa "fiacar mazai long ai 1 et- 'lma undred," Jolunso gayns." vint ho tesue a vannlugte some thome yonng teliovm Lit aI vie ii hnme co.ting dvi Wilshimn sILE Laulslbe Ky. Nov. 20-'Fli fi ufflovi origIn deitroyed the graU s tandp ut Ulpse Park, hio te i - Louisi l oncel, sarili h no n- i'- n antaiaa Icas o! $60,000. Il b",S bai n anoiuced tiatthle nain- sgmnuitenSeS repiacing thisgande LEU~ A HANDICAP Physicen Nad Forerécim e oTtA. pnduqe Wcoild Nt lAlP De" in lu haNative Ul9lmint. A ditlngulaied Socton cf BantImd, MS, bas as dock of iiuecoy 5045 rua aIng around bis ceunIr'Place sud ieui lng s p-est commotion la lie eet« - yardocee Qfternoon u rneS bence ho ses eue o! buislucs Soîug a mte et - dne-evllstunts ilu mI-air. Tiie"fa0> lùa les!," "tail-ail" anS suds per. TZormmuces vomi tollewlug cee anohan Nuih tartliug rsplulty vien tle dSc ton Slsco-verd tisaIlise cauie fil pli ,wa Waabig rat vIlci s ahsn"t o, thei Stc's ieg. Tii rat boiS on untl tise hep came off, vison tisa rodaont ,'Aropped uo the p-oud sud escapD, '»Theaî 50 1Ied the lurued membar hl liisurgery n'as ea ucces lutisaI bird recovered, but Il baiS a p-Ot hýbauSIMIn luits posesioin ut a Eangl* -ba Tise doccçr mande a vooden lia forn tbe fart lîich aswiled ail pur- poe on the- laid, but ilion tise bird vtatureà I ito the vaten lto effors ta puiel ih 'bue leg canadiS i o de- scribe cone circle after suether nc tisnh If it I fna1ý' dS -enchli hesore lb wu b>' 11e Ileal ri't n -HILO DAMAGE EXAGERATIEO -f3Stn Francisco, Nov, 20-Adv-lOie tren Hduuonoulu Iodkr dewflas'e rlsnae cn»IgnatIM4ý liaSouthi MmI ASSAILANT Of PETER ADAMS PLEADS iUILTY 'Rankc Gaffney of Lake Bluff Sefltenoed te 6ODays in the County Jail. SLASHED ADAMS' THROAT Franki GaRne>, of L»e BinE today pleaded. gutta hoavlag silshed the lirocf hie nelghbor. Peter *dams, voit Iwnvu rsideul cf tbal place, [and Judge ClaIîre C. Edvarda, upon nemmeuiiim to fState<s Attorney' A. Y. UmIth. sentenced hlm to 6U days- lu tii. cotnt>' JaIliHo bogan semins bAi sentence Immediatel>'. GaCina>'lait sprng gel loto a gouirl' vtii Adama, vho la a crip- pis and le compeiled to nie lwo crutchei. and ct tihe latter'. Ibroat, llesalng the Jugular veiu by a quarter of an Inch. Au Giffney bai a large farnl>' vhoae membeni dopend ictel>' tpon hlmx for support and for that nos- son Presecutor Bmth racommended the minimum sentence on the mlner count lu the ludicmel. Tii. casof Sim Shockley. olt Glaucce. Negro, charged vti kllineg C. P. Burns, aleo coiored. vioso case vau -ciied for triai Ioda>, va» con- linseS tu Dec. 4t BOAT CARYM 1 103 I'ASSEUIRS SINKS IN GULF Caloxico. ra1il!, Nov. 20-Reparti rekchlug Caloico todsy ver. te tise oe t t a boat carrylus 103 pafis- "ogni, la addition te a lange ioad of fnegt, mad un t Labomba Port on th@ fGof e!Lover Cailfonia, about 35 mlies outh of Calixico. Ti fate DÉ lhe passengons asa ot kaovu stbougis reporta ilateil tht &a unuber vero droiued. Tii captain o! the boat, vhICIh Sbrlnglni pasieugeri fr010 Mmzt- M(ealco. te Meicali. vwu Dot fpin- vwt th le hîgi tidei,, seondlidg te reporta, and did! nt ride ibe- Dort vitih lgb tide vhich u1maI1 la about iveive fiat blgh The boa, il vaj reported. vas #14p sivped b>' thi Ude and cap- seSd. tbroving the passeugina luto tii vatir. The. sccident cecurred about thin- ly Avre miles .outhhcf Calirco. Firal, reports vine tbat tventy-one vensons ver. able te avIn aâsaore 'and liat thse chers vire drevued. Tiasaireports could ccl b. veriied. Th otIle! ent dovu vbille flating na thi barbon. Tii pasongor lut Inucluded vomen and cildren. Ail the passengeri. l vas gmiS, vere Mexicia laborera sud hein familles, Thg pashingens vinae belug brougt hem . ndin con- tract iti A. iÀera of tiscit>. W'ALTONIANS N.EVER IN PRISON, SAYS PREACHER Chicago, Nov. 18-Net a solitmni' dyed la ter wyod flahenmisuor' na- ture lover 1la uer tounuSbebild pt, at a niciait meeting cf lie baul Wallon club. "Bad men bave ne love for the out cf Soor," ho saIS. "Tii.>' cnt -stand to ba alone vi themiselvea. Statistia show tiat col oue o!t the major criminali o! Ioda>' leS 'Io fiai, taieS a Sog or aminceS a pipe." LOOT 10,000 FEET IN AIR Sac Francisco, Cail., Nc. 21- Guy' lmer sud Lee Pattison. plan- lt, arrIved hure Ioda>' b>'train nome lie -vouse foonheIn tbnliiln. axpeilenca yentînday, vien attempt- lut to keep -ga engemninl bro-, lia>' itnti nonthib>' arplane f noma Lon Angeles and via-a 10,1for fve hours ln a dens foc 10,000 fat la tlie air. ..Coulig ovu 10 lie surface tii>' distovered lie>' ver. ner tiecrcaes of!tlieSiams Madrp ,mounais. Tinougi good tuol lie>' ver. able te malea anSluig lu the pantin-eo! amountain eesid DEBT FUNDINQ BOARD METS Washingtôn,. Nov. 20-1ii Ajmerl- SeauSbI fuding comnlustan bol* a formai meeting toda>'. fur , thé fia-stImein luIvumounte >- celve fnespRoumanlaunreprésentative, a plan, fon deferrng the psymeuh o! $41,000,000 Roumn"anu ebI ho lie United' States. - CH-ILDERS GlETS A' SITAY London, Nov. 20-(BY P111510-A vni t t heas corpùsus liûbeau grnueS at Dublinl, bu cataset fer-19n- sitne Chldrs. lise nepubilcan Incg- niar leader, accordlug ho a ispateli te lise evîuing nevi 11118 afternaon. ARMED BANDITS GET $5»W0 Chicago, Nov. 20-Pie archeS bau. .Slt svoopîfoSai on thei. Un UnTis Canens, viiil ncvu ClIlcaco dlàlg lace, ian!>' toda>', locked *JuesepCianasies, oii et the ovaire tA M IeV,Ài. ,iviat058& * ma44* Te cheulpest milu la ". country lter it Wu1have, % ccv Board of a eomas front the. biglet.pnlced bTi", lIi frai: - lais 'rod. cove, aeeuding ta <Goy H. Hall, the r! ntidfroltotsoit nodeame directro f the National Instituts ctry; ha momsudrelsetn-tîmsoit ! i of« Progne5iveF51?fug. -t Chi-tracters, gsuch asIle 1*qe4eAllis- cap. Chuiners modaILlÎâsbo àwui rsggug L5ctest go.rnent figures show machanicai ha>' lb 1#Iiithe. pi. lauhae pays fine conta for It* ture, cultivats ait and paffonin mui, white Chicgo, eghty-sîx écher labon qic an sd cheaply mIlas âaa>, pays twelve. New crops are ha=vetydb>thie iteat Yok, Atlanta. Dallas and Culves- machinai; ccopealIveiy owned TIi-AcTOR- WAYI.OADER ton piy ifteen; los Angeles and snd cperated aulo-truc!a 112sh tii The last cousus ahowed neceîPts cf Onleausf fourtea Seattle. proluce, pridcpsiy diiry produrta, $t,680U00o frorn dainy poducti. Dtroit and Memaphis, thirtecti; St cver biautifol hanS roaSa ta lthe The county haî more 8rusey LUis, Pltburg. Chicago and Miv. . tkee mankut. Net only co ws, cow 1 than the lsle cf Guernsey Portland (Or.), twelve. and ta oi. some cf hich iraluce 80,00i>iheif; thone are 60,OCtt Hoishein..' sunaolead St.Pal with len- pud fml a year, are pure Friesianhs, and a large e resenta.' cent uillk, alose appronch Milwau- briS, but avine and s eta well. tion o! Jersey., tAyra...rci and kee, sud here again, Mr. H ail p.rints TiIs goca for galas, too, a new1 Shortfiorus. ont, l la a case of pure-tyred stock expeimu . Gen. 0. ILl.'ik, "Pure brctl stock andS mechanicnit and sciestifie farmmng. presdoeu t h. Allia Chainters farnîing ind their comrleti )ui.. Milwukee. lhovever, gels the Company, le now buildin.g up a icatioIn in W&aukesba Ceunt>',' con- cheapeit miik because ln thé md4ebrd cf Toggrenberga cn his tinueul Mn. Hall,-'and the aaving le Jeeent ccunty cf Waohesghà acien- WVaukeiha farm. s-ard with tisa ulîlutete consumer, tille farming bai nesnhed theo Waukesba Counly bas $6,V000.000 sTis.e coutry needi more cf sncb zenith. Wsukeaha là thi cowl.ortia e!cattle, and 20.,;1U,Utmt gai- countie». &-i IhhiY are bilng déo. itôpilal of telie nd nut wLz-j*&p ~Q$ miliiare produced annuAti17.veoped." ______ RiOlE TifINKS TOOK 1115 WATCI Muncie Biley Charged With Assault Wîth Deadly Weapon Sunday. VICTIM, IN THE HOSPITAL Munle Balle>', 41 . learu 015. a neglo nesid.lug at 113 Marol street, waS pflSunder arrent Banda>' af- tirnoon at 3:30 o'clock on s charge cf stihblug James (Greeu, 39 Yeari el, aise cloriS, cf 211 Lakte sîreet. Green, vea* frein los ofblocS, vas remeved b>'tise police te tie Vîctor>' eMuelai Hosptli vere iii recuived amergenci' trequeuh. lHe vas attendeS b>' Dr. M. J. Ka>'e. Tiie stsiblng-toci pluces? -nge t3:lock Bauds>' afîernioZ it a min baaS bain stabbed. Tfoey~ tounuSGen suf erng frein a long ga i 0. tshehaiSand miner cuti on the vnlst and palna vbeilého haS scugit t. vanS off the kir edged tnt!. vlelded b>' ils seuil- sut. Re vas rusheS te the lacipihal viiera l ii ueaned feion le lime tint the Bovin bai o! blo.-voWd prove fatal. Theiibfliains bwied baek to tie cafte viie.thea omt n Ifr had takon place. ler v j5 uit lU lie act o!f'wadIiK acrois gtée. tnit cauait>'. b*luegiSn-de jmy ho -get aval. Bit vas remoud t th pouice *staticawvir. a charge cf uaat ith i. dg adSi>' eabop vas placeS againat >lm. Accordin: to lie police hoi aS- mitted lihestaibina. Hielaalaeged to havi bold Ioin tisaI ho vas, WnormeS Sslundiy nigial b>'a tnlena Ihat Grain biS stolon a valcia hi isd ' Misai a fov Says hefere. He lai OalM to have admitted thal neý etalted olut tonce ho fnd Green but wu icI garcmuftl untilt un- SaY tirooté. Ban~ vau named Ilu-ceunI ho- .251505i %aa- totlan. ton ton dang peudftg.tiie oulcoreo of ils vie- tins condition. Boun* vire firiS at E. P Baon. vbîo lu alvays bih>' hoostiug thhlnts Ibt make battar. fan. mens aud ho help keîp lji. yoal folason lie tanin, wvioIn e achargo cf -thei FanniBureau =me et tlhe Yenk Iouse dianci e aI liaturdain' nIigt. Tii meeting viilbegla at 1-.00 oc a44iuthere .IWI l nw tanishins ipeachu on b.ttererinsn, lmpr*ving Iiving conditions anS bet. havi.. À nomnra atusdail-f-la. ~iRt4 AE.TDTOJR CIVI WR ET TO FOX L. REIION DIES AT MiE 0r Decaus, of the tact that Grand 86 AT lIS DiORE ÂAve., between the 'Des Ilaincs river nîcaded for the purpo' e cf dongJamnes H arding of Lake Forest road lmprveet woik, antomobil- Dies Atter Illness of Long -lita c eau eiiFoi.Lake and other polita voit Sud north via a go00a Duration. detoun. This detour is the roaS fromt thse bridge sooth to the liril rondWA BRN I IEL D ruuulng voit and thon A BON I IRL D turnLug Oen the first rond ieadlug - foat, roiS running vest LdtuS 1100 Jamîs iHarding, 86, vue serveci nat, tience te the irst 0501 sud durlug the Civii War. dieS 1h10 otoru- veit-S rou tmiiof WTSg's Combr. lag aI bis bomne lulaiaeForest going 10 1the euS of that ruaS sud foitovlug an ilooesa et long duration. thon seing nortis. For yenrs ho tisa a memiser e! tise local G. A. R. poil but Wheu the Lake F'orest hranch open-ed he laineS rMAMIIIthore. 10 SHINE I15 Ho clisted froua Graylak at lthe TIE timeofo the war but on hie relurn L tI ock up bis home ai Lakte Foreat. L I FOR T E Ho waa the leading sho: man thore PiATIIcr in em l. irelaud but came ta Bouides bis widow ho la surviveS r y hree ons.James. Jr., CGins- .10-us Carlson Believed to Rave Ytopie nd o. ier Died fromn Exposure; Body Un. John Fitzgerald, aud Mrs. Chas. Found Last Night. Fitzgerald, and a sstor, Mns. Anguat Setunyofii eIce s ho u Wd Oua Cnison 1801Sonth Park nerA> semricesI 9'iock SI St.Wed *Avenue, a moulder ai the Norti Ciii- Mry's Catholiechcbrch. Lakte Forest. waiu founuSdesd 51t thecorner o! 811i Burlal viii ho lu St. Mrys came- at OrWman sd Twentîelh strait aI ter>'. st iyo'clocký lait eveilg b 1 Ilvas l he Daici eaa tac hia chicitous for . ie W i~ lie tnuS lie ibody lfug lui jÎW*pl of lbaves bouida tie rond, The PoioSwuvataiten to a ueirbMo- houïea"nadDr. J. LU Mller vas caltéS ~Xanalustbon ebovid tisaI the ngM hanS ben SiaS fer St leasIan hoq4n. Itlai bliveil bé vas ou hisevs>' te visil at.tii isone o! Cardine Cad'~ lu liaI ne(giboniaeod hecaui -isîl ite t e fleu. Hehoui>' elatliug are la ilveden se fan as comaid"te; leamed b>' tie police. The lugna in te hiouauld.tie aferuocu. CarWl ouscdy'.wvasremoved 1tfo i Pita-cailtan uudinhaitlug reomi vltne thiip tnquet wvan la hielS liiiani- aÔnon A nuanban tell o! havug Sé Cauis dianlkhhg coplcuai>' o!f dc ablare' vihiy Snda>' and the bWile prevalistbat vie lutoxicatod Iho fo11t hle ground aud dled of expos- *ri. Be vaz &bout 30 Yoars aiS. II<eIAD PARK 4l mNAus CASE UP llie Cu#scf Robet R. Covié asalual tis City' of Highland Parit, la viiOjthlieformer osto, 0cam- Pal theii cuty oIssue a building- per- MÎt s80 ha ian build a',$525,900 hotel tu lie restrWed rs idffleescton, *ane tac for argumentIoda>' lu the cla-cIt court, bot vas ektusud tva ***4t-;0toA 'he lideuse- -iiioppor- TRIES TO SPILL BOOE, BUT FAILS Heur>' drabi' of }igisvood, vas caugist la8t uîght by thie spongo sqtaad, acconding 10 tiseir report 10 l.state attornoy'î office anS a quantiiy o!lîquoon found. Ho vas an- ~'IuSthis atternoon ber. Justicel lîvycou ison hefone vicm ho palS 6 in. Ottiena maklng the raid state lint hi naSegan efo4 te lto iseth boose and vas iuccesafut vith part of "MNY REflISTER -AT PIES PEAK Tise PlkiesPeak nibre, anev- piper prînted at liceumfto! Pit'i Pokipts hsle reguter ah tise Sannit Bcuïe motel, mie wlug Waukigan and Lake Count>' Dea- pie negitinad therei, aang them r Mn sd Mm.' Gordon Hayes, -Wlr an sd C. ltutbieiton, al of Waukeg:jMiý fe Gordou, hiake lae luff. TWO OIÀRiED *e w'r: TAKINE II O>~N AJOYRIDE Take Wauukegan YounGg en 1 1Ito Custodly; One Gotr feése Police Sayi1 ABANDON "BORROWED" CAR of the driver. * The>' gave their nameqMfclv Rtaymond Mliii.22 yet1iLAd 0 EI= - ngoue Nel, Io yeane old, 25 Oak street.' An auto >elongluIZ9Geore l of North 8 erldaau l9& fror in lufront of the gnphne thpr Saturday Wnght. Acçqrjilug theti.po- lice ONei has adrg.tted takiug lthe car to attend a dancë lu t4q couctry. Mliii denles that haho ad aàltbug to de with the affair. The car vws abandoned «st cf Guruce on Grianvenne wvhie gasoline vie exhauated. Bep Powell of the Wauhbura hotél. roported to the police that ha raru lato the machinle vhIch hafo beau Ieft Itand- ing squaril>' acroslthe roiS. TiSa vas at 1:00 o'cieck Bunda mornlng. MRS. KEITII IS FIRE HERODI Mns. Stanley' Koltb, leaSing a 5>'. Iug iquadron o! Lako Forait sciety. vas the partlcular heroine et a flre whlch parti>' -destroyed the. ast don- mItery of Lake Forest acadomy. liaI- urday. Trslliug thse fire apparatus lualien car, Mns. Keltis vas among the flnit ou the icone, lu a moment Rie vai lu a îwirt o! yeuthi carrylng hockey sticks. tuxedo enlia, plohafl etcf 1 1e girl" and chers onsa ms!y nDu tie campus. Thia throug cf salvagerd se joined sud directeS ber efors 10 bearing ont morn aboaintlii 41- jecta lu tbe hnrnlng building. Te To 5 to thi.e exiteiuentleie rame luit befon lbhe vhietla bt&w for the Lakce Foreit-Culver Iitar>' Academy football garni, 10 vbicb many grade bad retune& . Other societ>' womiep vhcver. spectators of thse fore ver. MIr. Lie- ter Armour, Miss Barbara Thompqon ise Jane Monton,'lirs. J1. C. Mea- chaut. Mns. Thomas H. Covies, bMms Phillip W. Peck, bina. A. C. Caz. ponter, lIra. Noble Jndah, Mri. Vol- ney Poster, Mns. E. L. Baker, sud lIrs. George A. Seaveo. MEXICAN SLAYS AN AMURICAN Caiexîco. CaliiL, Nov. 20-An mica- ligation vas uiSer va>' tedsy In thse kllllng et Dîcit Newton, an Amelean ef Willams, California, ovin thse "ia near MIexicali, Mexico, Ounday.'. Nevton sud a companlea vent acrcs o Mexicali Suudar -ho *mi tise igista"'. Âccozing ho thi cona- panlon, lie>' engageSa& pxlca" teAI' driver te haie thoni for 4ride. At lie>' baS gono a ditaetutul ti country', tise driver, b* decdanS, de- mandeS theirmoue>'sud' vian NeV hon attemplod te remonstrato, shot hlm tbrougis the )Ode. Newton otarIeS le run-and vas aholt trougia the bacit, Bis body' vaiond lutin. The cempanien succeeded luin rturu- lug leto bsa ide o! the border vIls ils mtori'. HIUNT IN ZION;e LOCAL LADS FINI3D Tvo Waukegau yunog min ver. flueS this moruing ton using fonrearme wlthin lie Cit>' limita cf the Cilty of Mion. The yonng men" vire Frank Sciatesser nd.usStanley' AndrukeaUi, and thie> vie arnaigned"befor. Jus- lice W. .IL Samalfussansd faneS Tinia dollars pach sud Costa. Tii>' 'aire soting ou propont>' Ivo bioc,. viol of tise Mlwaukeelecînlo LUna. RACING MAN QUITS FRENCH TURF; MOT FAIR, HE CHIARGES >a4#. Nov., i-Captalu Jefferson Davis Coin, Engli raceoe pro- pnietur, viie ha bien nîprseted ou tis e nci turf sinci 1891l, bas auuounced bis intention te retir-e f nom tise race coursesofe Franco. alegîug unfalr play. Captain Colin bas a stable et 200 honîco thast ho viii endeavor te oeil on bloc. Thi s elilen vas taken b>'thIe Engliis sportsman atter a serins 1of vhat ise daims te ho unfair -tactîcsonoutise Part o! lie stewards ai Longchamfp. Thi climax vît reacised vison Colins horse. Le Dauphin, va i siquailooS arIen ivinnlug the Paria Counili Prize, PI TUe mWfgdi taî AI Shorpe, the lgist. lb a rourteS tha t l Ivlaclce>' va fortediChtalt _i borse' owoîr lait 150,000' ou lila* -J i ZMon, 1nu.. Nov. 20-A homane ai x vas performefo yeuierday by XF- , min Charles; Rebin. ]Emama RoSSda, superlutendent cf ZIos' CanS>' factcny, had a cat that, haut gotteu aa eadle lu. lien hhrest. anS. 'RtoSSa vent ho the ZMon tire Sapant- ment, belevinsatanoseao!t th Oreicen cotiS hep reineve- ih~~O neadle. The cit vas sufferluig' là tenise palh, as thi point or! liq noadia vai jabbad* dep unto tbt* upper lsv of liie cet. vIdFetheii bitntenS vas part va>' Soya 11% throat. To ma4 'malteras $PR verse, thé cel vis a pet-'o!f )&i- Roddas lutIle Sadht r pid he o l lie remen. liaI Uis oeuiSili wctà tir, écoIai.s- tabis, if iqOaSgt tii.~~~ "OuJ euda i vAi-al u an uh "d Sa Wb e MdS the catl lopIon ceugilug *a&# - oo"allulbowlving, vitb the »aln. on.iemnuhaiS the fee o e, iicet- sud Oicen Bon Fliher boiSliash hoaS,wvile Pinemati Rîhuanin l- sertiS s hobblu lun bolveon tis java. liuimaù useS a samali pair cf jevienes-plilera, -and. dravtng the neie dSovuvardi from liie roc! of the cal's meuth, ho ),eloased Il sW tirovr1fiout. struggiad sud fougil, but the Piai vas 5000 oier. sud Mn. RoSSa vwu abel te reilnni the cet to ile ittlp Savghter. an t the anlmai's lite -vai saed. STis bomane act cf tise Zlon fini- mon, àaited bj Officer BeSIasulr' huaer, neitlted in tbei bngin f f tract bappluesi 10 Mnr. ItoS't lit- lie gui, anS suveS lie silhInaiM- then pain. Thé neaie 'vua lu Ues cati jawv troai10:80 i. in. tIll 4 p.m. Pure Anglo-Saxon Word. One use of lte nord "weuktu" lai modem lhnglish inte phriase "tise vouklu" rings. The %word In s geaul inifidu Englîis eue for iii>' or elotd; itlat more comnionly spelled veikas. V»i Anglo-Saxon word vai "velouta." Tlien tla iuppened toe aoncnee-iten 1balveen "velklii' aud A~i-nc "veairan,' bo roll, but tbIs bas net bon'proyed. A siotyetui ii '1 te liiJIaat eneaai ,Itury Ila iî.tIuv .DOC Johnson nee lîet the iIlîîgc PosiAus i rutiglgniiig fia th uai>'roition îlot siiiiîier iîiern. Thse losfi obserreS îiîat lie lbai sthila mliete g %atk juilt todel'er oee ueap(ipe 7 ily gomnesa 1" excliniil tise q.N"p- 1 lictiv ' x-ier, 'I'd neror ',-o ui-t ha. 1 lisaene fnr uth n tillSe. liviy ig' you '-Iti by joli" nuammma -IMM L 81USSEY C6 BUYS TUlERu3S Co CkDOMXIR isi#weiggest Deal-Cul*f O àWaukea lnaui '4- ber o Years5 4 TAKES OVER PROPERI; Ily the tarins of a deal cied fo- uI. at Str ab e Watikegau. controlled b>' thé W»Aa kpna Coe&,ompn>', a8c300 f#,W veeks ago to permit of the r. U'l sait of ccii ln Illinois, u4 wblih ii owne4 by the Relua omma pan, iiecaie Uic proparty of M. IL Syalïd compan>' of Waukega%.' the. purchaepnice vu »oc; dlvniged It la reported on gcod #£4. ~ty bien la exciss 04 Huaîey and bis coun.. ~1~ÂttOX à-T. Beaubita ct eo.k otZ Znt ta Shohoysan te c"os the, dcii thei Ihmaayo took possesion ct the property Immediatai>'. A.; MlITI c fWankegan vIE romain s4 manager, and ther. viii b. no' *aa8es lu the.vovklng force. Mr. Husbey admiued toda>' lia4i nqotltls have bain uneal fo tii, purchast of the . =oet> ' the lait few V 1 ~- a u-" surinai that tue wR. ib. au a4oz quate dappîr cf hard "I 1for-, ,WaUPI taefflaid North Ohlcago. Be9. eut Drea"-$dt.ennunce thIleic, vut read te 91=Sil¶eoI bt said tbat, for 1the eau, co= Sitari vin,,b. cereS for. - T d. 4k* VII totleue fq' thec priant at liait te b. op*rateS î uAer tii. came cft the Waukegaa& ca Company.-i The. M. H. Eussè' Company hmi beau la bu&lmmna l ake Coud! for, a umber cf yesr. hP toricMmI %#ey oflii6d their efta t. louher and buildingt b> neaf. Tbree years ago thae b64IJtt out lb. D. T. Webb" cci al iaa They baye offis la -Q=eau Northi Chicago sud, la eiWorit They al»o have a b4Iý lIracàb c r hm c.inpfny la Detroit- Tb*Zas. opeybAve duls t & 5ub«On IR aliWÎoc. Two lilayer, Or By~ scanbaAablin aud n *Sup9a '*.T46. local dç i~ itorage aaofo200,000tos FRM 1ETIRAT UT VATIZ1 K