r mý s $Codo»leAi 4N DO= lu" sin Gotti vas a 0tiwo~ . U11s0 and iaN l lom in*tr Saturdal - qt Robnt flinb id entertalt wu& Wa woeer, cf olé»,. rat via 'lo~faed un lit W., W NDROTHo miliery ore., SLiam UfHplehuiefsat 25e ,p; wI~. Woo Ho.., Su Pettioats andi NoS>m " BthTO" &b. s,$1.25 upý: SDreoe $cade, GkwceLtathcr vaïty ca a"m MdHaniLags N«à %*W% Boudit CapeFancy i, MWa Noveltiem ami Fanty ýoods êAr., m md UDt* M" oU Amy Axtid i , ntto *ciwies., amo started thuma r pâeèpb 88 a veel -Ou!r eqçlr, »nu bae broad ezipiri eoë m JQdèýent.- The>' arm Jus- MIao i4ioctriai exerts hiPO8 vbo tr w ý 'oA depod for aceMirti 4" 4*"d 84*0 lun "gard te your bat- 0 or t«tibe*lwville Battery Station. it um 1A Llumattockuo!f Chicago vis Ité4 friands amd roewy- àu liirty- PLebert Kebout, 0n 0f Mr.s ýlaM. joephopb mOUt4la Wlji viia igt e lu" tbynGuerim,. litthogm-an daugitturof .Mss. Mary Carne>'.lIoIl Misses * eraco =«* ensaadLila rl#f Kim vpi igbianti Park au*- * eu Ma iiJiN~s ~m C, ivilie. Il >is A . ihilor aDent the veek endtgklnEyanetoO, vithberban mgter, Mmdi logis E. Kulb, ma mil >. Coke, nu ne compeatut. Natice oome»eniarbn i U l Inberior COQl that ô9ek.prodgéu Io" "mbi, vhicb t tkk1elhimiaxicm boat. se,rLenniirdé mai Ce W.P.. 50-t k. 'I delrdnetth bie uvtheb.cou- g 4o. delu u hkles prout>'daugli- ter,&eei -Cyuthia atspa, ai càgiter o! Wil- lem von 1ole" Î85183 arlind ivoniehicao, honoe.." PQMISs Biuigthtotake beur v>fen lt.e. sobol reute iîehi"ti U0c0. mdle rueRca4 we Prof. G, IL Rulibani &Umdhlm bUet- able orebpshra !ugelslietite muato for 0, dance ggfi$b' w4b*rs of Libant>- ,En= bwkldng. laumy nigt. Who dIte.<cos.d tite naaimi e! the gew office. <«fthe 1045.. B.ldes the dancé a amnesoper wvaseervod *sud canda played. Nov that the <nid veatuer la boys. ,Dus thoughte lurneta brlnslng sinaiine Inhi the home. An artistlc sel£ction of- plaUts sud' femorn ffemrinhtene8t andi beauty for tue home. Lbert7vile plover satiVegelable Ca. 60-lt our'repais men have broati erxri- ence and- ludgmemit. rie>' are ]me- cItanie anti eletrical experts uo vb=m you can depend for accunat mud sounti tivce lu regard ta Y-u bal-i * nqv nmidbla h ti.uperlor court of ' to her. chiffl * au uvokrnthi ut l5ody James MeMilieu, vho bais een labor. ~rs.~inx ui~iiuietah.elocted Cpttu of the. 1922 University mmbomldoldth e bld hto tsylngof unis foot banl teOm. andinmdU(J mwm otbat teii w "diie e HM rut.aualil-star by a&l critios, invelvet1 MIS£ BinUnelel testiflsd , tliat the distinction jahown hlm. - This eu tuer. wves bruis« on the hord and le proven, bb ls record at theIà.Lberty fb body o Marie Ruge, 17.montlin-old, vilne Townshiip VIl h ooi, froni FR frant Gien view. Mv hich ho graduated vlth the clanseof Phflhsip nj d«OUMesa twiiuituat i92 .It vii hors ho atarted hie ath- durnna 80 lda i tu ovember J>e h" dloticareer. lHes"0xtbocMme astar parcbased 863 worth of bcd for tb fl ot only hi fot bail. bt. in ail actvi- tien of theo scioX The quiet and utn- W to 16le te Kup; mlnfg Mac. coulid certainlybe reiied Wa ~. - - "-~ '--i--- 4e m»myte e dmeguor and na bouttit 7 quarte of miik, 6£ Iovreo ustou tIia i %-bu i bread, and-3 polindi cf butter a day. burh vsl ehq ~i edau Mise, Himmolreicb testiffil th Both'Libdrtyville basket bail teams "Seas there vas uno mili for the children for came out vîctorione ît.ubelr games tit weathez breikiast, one., mornlng ien se the Higli Sehool Gym lait Thursday cold exi was litere. PhhIlips doclareti that théeih.TePud iln o une hr fam'a5r Who euppiled the, milk did nftlookigthe WPoulda Mng Cae. qunet the co*O mtûI l ocloci ubat day liscauso e ktoWu aieo akgnlgt hé ïaldIdeli-snon wu Umlnto camp by the ore of 20 te15. "Chi Mrs. PhUlips d45usd there wer. no The local team wabfaparently hope- to malt sheo9t 4 ie,.be...BIe uaid thoy 10551>' defeatod until'tii. lat hall of ievedi bad -double bl"lkt& , . the game, when they came ha<tk in muas In Minn Mary Polmotoor, ,coutl >' P O oothape and turned defeat intq vie- 'Typl b&tlon officer, vi5l$d the ap.ci thts.tOry. The tova 'roam vax pittoti over m WOOIÇ. .d traced the. relativuel the against Lakte Villa. andobcauketi up the day, ai fflclre at the Plucs, *miont bl«si gfirstvlctory of the seggon. the. score veathi b«aOd for theéaprieof ail ta-bieng 27to 17. In the pret hallthe Pratur 4atg hei.-court 2leativeiof! soerai Lake Villa t15mWlord by s. score of il zeo ai o lb. ablldren $affo'et pur ian a> ta 12, but our boyr vere doterminod 10w ai Parana. 0- tIey ve.Percii tta ~tO vin tht gazn eand diti.-On Tileda>' blov go tétohéb.JiftOHome on K01t ii nu119t Of tbWla voclthe tulds teamHavre, JackoU atreet unmml iother arr..*se- Invadeti Waûkeffn and an»exed an .AIberta =e198 ffl be made, .ftb th oéther videor>'fronthe tit s«oiteant o! Alberta N.0 1180 o tu hie1itted the .BoY BoUdera. brilnglnghomo thoe Ti 30 ab alO O vawutake tehhomeo .b>' long enld of the.scre-26 hi 22. Lacktin t hidi. DunIig tt*uai wee* ex- 9ofspace proentâ,givini the. gae lu ina PeM o h lM permae!t tq=ateafor detail. but next veek lthe gamnet vlig aii. Z ber, ~b. covered In full. 'Tontgt at the cn rTe case srouge eoduiliml int« ter uh School Gym the srong auroso try du est, and Prgctlcally AU thb. Clilcagote=mviiilibe horé for a ontet *Itl penbai nevapipors bau reportera aht tès tov on*TePelaMligover heelu. - CtoamvhllaZ4 pla:,the crack teemnst le Maui>'représentatives of claie or-, of the Nrthvs.tera iteÉ40f t<b* plaina saultationg o!ftt e rti Shore ver casa, a momber of lte CacitCountyValleybq In court hi learn itat'ipositou Indutriai Leattm fin tirs et ne d i v wolf ho made Of- thé Ca", 0" is c lled at 7.:45 o'lglolk. andthe toboyâ state tii. -cet pensationai villi whîcb th*. delerve a gooticr«",Lve theInu QCKREPAIR SERVICE s pe Reter let tu Mfrnaii ov"rjze pj$tony in your car of yo, gun u Liberty0île hutoR iS~ #tng W« tftî br:tb.. anIsyAt>'t»a ontme or tr 4 Ausnn lnLpiV1114. 1 - ý mm, l4estoeu beautbeÊN .= earby lit October. The . va vory rapld..but se.kept up mgahor, wii pow6r unmhlthe colo raim CE0f ber teu véddlt Ing. w»h v à a appy day botii for uuar.=d'aul lb. !mhy.I n. Sbe lbad flot long ta 'vtaln d, merci! uiy wvia aareti veuta udpr- longeti ufforlng. On MUday"linln the. 111h luit.> at 5:10, the feit mlee.i> 111o ith BMs belaved sleep." 8h. ei lte moter o! six chUl4ren. ! tve e! vhom pesed aa>' bémforo. Site i5-susvîyedb>' ttre.d.ten and on. aoný-XmaViola Kapipieof! (aye- laite; Mrs. Gertrude Perry, of Lake Villa. snd M. Maboi Dai, o! Ciii- cge; a"d $oiin Leter. of Labetynile. She.-alme leavet seven grndeblidren I meO great-gnndcuUd. Ivo siâtersean ber hutbanti. , Par abgat tvonty yeara MaiLester hati reelded hILhetyvle and wus bigly respecte ib>' &U vbo monber.î Sh. viu a quiet honte body. 11=hme0 vwu hen Ueavon n.,. a80 d , ngv. that sIla oigne, w. coufldentl>' tres.tilbat B.atienviii haber tU home. She loyed ebUdren asimd ed., an one o! ber Uttie grandnitidr.n viet ~lginto the. dan svalle>' o!fbbhe =Owof Deth- She lied no foin of t.e paselug. but celed ber famlyl about lier and bade tbem escIt good- bye. Han cosnortng la theoV*oplti Iliat "We'll> noyer Zay' good-e u 8h. vas a good neigbbosr. Ail ber neliWx>n aspeait of her in the higiiest respect -SIte peyer xed4Ie4dVa the ai- faaimo!flier ineiglbora.but lba uoo504 word for everybody. Bh. vam a good angol o!fte 810k. vWho viiimis" th cheer>' visita. And thum in hier unp tentions va>', thia géot voman oeet.- euei M about and brighitened. the 11111. corner of the eirth vbero God Dui ber. She viu a goad voman; lier pasing la au Irrparable lose hi ber sarroving huiband and chidron, but they have ths Savanr's promaise. "I viii nat bave yoiq comfortless; I viii come." Tliey ideo have the. comforting assurance of Ebe Gospel tht wviiie he r.nnnt ..otnrn 1* thon the aY goa, andi tint aie rese ram. lier 9ICTED BY IRE L WIEÂTJJR FOUKS ami Stylosf« iaW"... aUchUbu i'riced Froin75c, to $Z.O06 tAY N.SMITJI ForChistm FIurkelys- Ducks Cbiuckens. Gçeie Celery .Lettuce Cranbemes Christms."s Candies and Nuts-"l Christmas Trees and Wreaths«« 13. HeCORL1TT Tephoues 339& 340 LIBERTY VIL ahngon Dc."-7Th Seldbnd The deecent to That or' lb. coultiÇr lsepa1 ril bie folloved ;)y aotber on -1 50 esda>'. according - tu veatthei ss e u e erib 1 l2Is'esfor,$ .0 ien cxperts terra the present- eap and they held out the bop' wbuld not ho much change dur- he week. tritnIas t' ton far aher.d for us se s prcdiejion, but illo e h- lc.ertain t10 ho a white Christ- i uàost places," il vas declare't. uical violer veather" prevalled nuch of the United States to- Lccordlog tu reports la the er bureau. The lowest tom- ras reported vere olght helov at Northeld, Vermont-, 14 lie- UWhlistoen North Dakota: 16 rai Helena, Mont; 24 lielOv ait aMont.; 28 belov at CalgarY, ,a; and 26 hotow t Edmonton., ta. se general 'pressure disetribution -ts Unitedti Statee. Western dtandi Maaka," the bureau sInicativeofo!vinlrY iieatlor dons. aven minci O! tue coun- o tlu xrugut~~S during the. coming week anti tpe longer. Thetocol.vave nov Ù9 eaetr'Kùtt WRfl tus northvest il11apreati rrd anti southward oves the houa uoUit tic fgtttu atatea; andi the great central ' yturing the oeil 36 ta 48 bous by Tuesia>'nigbt <>r Wetine.tiîY ritiia gg ti i. IlrahteAtlantic anti Gul! eattenedti y teMperaturea thse previously rocoi-ded thte le i tue reglon cotning uneiiwt ie~itIf .aeece o! titis colti vave." liHant anti Pmui Momie pilot antie *r resspectivelyoa!oe Of!the et tue LibertyvUp branch o! tue WJ W4 I OU iShore Line' ver. Ilke .a couple ungsters Tueti7 night vben the utg began hi f aIl. Balry WednsudaY igg tue"'pollehe4 up lte *Idtiabt id bled them.ovea te tba»ay. lteigbboitItod anti apent g the nbziblbe »unnThei5 AN WO TIY' *-< Mosa, Bsr, retu*n*gd 1Tuesia>'A N W RT a fe on 4mb vWst la Citicgo vith W. Gite Gm..S &MW.x -4: ' Oi,4 auern> iiJsm es u I 'l