o cbaol wlubl *4prograth Aiglit at 7:20. Every- jbe., ombS'S Of the Mazoute loueg oir *Yt*0o Ot ~ q t%1d7 bI gbtûq»t in athe liotel *mdsY te 'v»'~ whtt n0110'tg My0-d I ovOM' O4ovef v'ers laid f*- about f re the fdbUa1ty bondisuswt*it7&l '*;tebanqiuet the t lotMId vin. 0 Utoeý rtMbl om d" vis coferreti. rowu 4 f radust orn xr h ~s'ar s te* LAKE Zt'o CH H lK brfmthb* bo'stt i *1- W ilizaPrelfl; Or, loti undal ta tboIr y lop$* OmtM iist bis dt.tr, Mré. James Coin. i glaaà*me t) Pi lt' " 4Vt»oisl'5IDALTt. plie *Ork th ?1esdap g'auin.gthe. M. W. A. Iteit «Mtrty a-bUoOQty andsocial evening for ger ,l1* A tt the m32)0r ibtstmgara.gs d thoir familles. Ali 9t". tt~AtohsotOi lp1* ie baaa 1M > «» dr ileu, by the Daptit egy getzt,' v eit attedi. ta vu chttui okïU Oe 10 de& anti every art!. goi tu _________Ms. RBIuostrading and chiltiren tho 3ýUy attsxooe lhe girls at the et AUTIOCU ' scoIoOI ouSe VII bave their Christmnas u pi.rogrtm Rns Kriugie las prornised In * ~ ~ ~ r * ** On* bb ond and leave eachcibiltia a] t resulis meeting ol fie Roae:evenent tht IO5 h flOWfg flai .r Sauiiday eeigteBtptist oburcliha tilt euloaing er Oal, choir andi Sunday tichoot yul present to 4 B@ok; Vite Oracf, l'edte"th cantate, "Thle Coning of the KIr n g ' Paît Ois1e, 13rna Pevia.s:'t eight o'clock. A cordial lnvtation My y , Murrtte Wilton; Recorder, tg extendedt talal ta corne anti eUJOY ti Ka aa axbal. AnnasHof f- theý slngng.ou ~)ueilr ~reiPanovaki; , Suntay evening the EvangeUicai Sa-y ~jtluiaWilias;Phusilan, day School vIli hotu thir Chnlalias ni y uia~..programy. Stipecial numbers vilil be ta wl la acom unîi'Xnasgivei by the choir. Everyone wel' ne mu an strtet fflday ee n-caie. hb bm o" l vib. soutg. Eyery- 1g ot iarday TbornasCale attend- ' R I I TE W tlitauJ «fDr. Quine ai St. P A RI hE a ei,*lt in Chcago. *t* * * *. * *in Ms.Josephi Filveber have uw tisait on Laite ostreet, i issEleanone Prisuag sent gBadAI i 1a'isoginly telnodeleti, ad; wtb her parents, Mr. anti Mis. Freda Ir u u-modisru m pral'tntts. Mr .Dttoe of Chicago la vlsting lu I. ~05W Xt lP bas rneti r liher slaten, Mrs. Fred Prisas, w aU ub.a4ohr Mrm Wilson anti Miess ima Ritien- fr Mr jathoor a te reb vlan.thaler returne t th ie city SaturdaY. be ýÀjot iàp«n1ng alew dys itaftr spending several dais vitit thein W, WSSI& v a Chicago passenger Parents. Mr and Mrs. J. P. Ritgen- lé,j édiw int. thaler.li 01ta r. anti Un. . u.. nut,1 Mmr C. Nikols vas a Chicago $bol>- cl qiia;Dec.13, a son. i par Saturtiay. g irspfy o lest vetil occurrod thte, Mn. Emnna Knuegen atteatiet the in iet 1 U. Mary Rogers.,ait te'ifnera of an aunt in Chicago lut c- efi liaistep-ec. Site bati beausatuda. r ter som i oi t S h la sur- Percval Mattier was a DesPlanes fi alter Mms anti Chicago visiton SaturdaY. a atefrests mm. C. -T. Masan speat gBanday eai ~i and otsp e ,lisoi Evrtt i th Fiank Tunley anti failY. u Mr. an" Mrs. W. Locilhuati mtoitti to DesPlatnes Suntai ateM- , hi i1 OIitW w w il vislt libre Mns. William Saner anti son. Victor, D lkÈIohw wh Mrt vr ere ahou'pers tn Chicago SatuniaY. i s. ToamSullivan, Ia v as operat, GeWorge Amal of Libertyville vas a ni a everal weeka ugo at the Lýake'business calter tu Prairie View las i tgy omaitaib.aptal. retumen o ýT'uesday.Il home Baonday afiernoon. mach imw Dan liersehbenger of Aptakisic was In ta i healili. a business calter bier TuesiaY. li se anaStiills 1fr rlxrttaî or. Rev. and Ms. C. A Roter entertain w thur vterrien Or Chcago spenit Tht Gritee Suntay Sehoo' wl have y Il et aibis borna here. thte Christmas entertalnm o- n S4t- à$ 8t Ignatla.s Enday Sehool .111 urtigy evening. the exercise:. b ýgiunnItg ihaelr annael Xmastroet anti en-, at*7:30. 'The entertalaint promnisesY wiaarament t te Guilti halt Sýtur-' to he very interesttng. Thle tecr- ýxjt ýtions viiili e exceptlonailY nice, thte ii U. 8. Civil $ervîce Commissiou entire front of the chanci being trans- toun=cetian - a int o formed itaapanorama of the citY Of .at~ ~ ~ ~~t bcetvil Tnur 2.12,Bethlehem. You anti your trientis are m1 tht position or rural carrier et contialli invitedt t enJoy these ex tek. The uaainyo! a rural cariier, arches. .sta;da ty îwagon toute af 21 jSunday Sehoo at 10 o'ctock; preacit- * ing service at il anti 7:30 o'lock. Real happinesa la not costlY, but -Ibo$Wtte fttumer4àih lw wnUt tii ottin rt~u~lIst ou U4 9~Eb tbe tucoi oure0 Dr. W O. tond. I~OI t.. l4xt but it C"gl. Noeathe- w tant a large ik Wa'ah*gan, Mi& Tbislea a ne4bboriy love, tI41f9 actors of 0» andti ulod d2d of 'bear? diltm Tiurodty feloti near thê, tnlt iras lit nu& a téfoUavi: 0*s *111 ta heM L wb#h thute o- Yff to Io pXe- *ý*Mg prepa- md*& aclaut t ' îoI veather S relitarsal # e lona et very, 4 Kms t*d., * )= Wé o* *opXvlmêvl ai.thit vs verst aofesud et thoin *atelyt a ampa rA VOe s4i ofte mi »M, use.' ttp isy M naied unuthe $",t intisiltaMd ian W, tackthe ~tout 1.am sestt mma Mnt tue bftiilultutlî ety- l. AndoeWt 50 .=tttttilÀu tat ney rente a alne Ê*blkhe cottage itbe vest aid of towa, 'ir l ty they tae petfestly 1afatiffl %P5 ay. -This la tht hast place tat iave sean la Florlat" vas the. doc- nr:s satistieti renlaril. They arlveti Yn Wedoesday the t anti on fl'taY Kra. M. H. gpon«eberg andi gien- jaugliter. Grâe Sponaepberi. ali:o et )- bomne town. avriveti#Mnti a e*ce [y locate in ta re. Lydia WWestfir- ilshe roomsand u e er eY glai hO ave tbem tac dinner with us the mest day afte titetr arrivaI. White boie theT ou.ng'sdrove ujt anti ve ait ait tata tbe tvo cans and dtrove aven toLynaHavresi,ta -the Cherolieeor- SUSe grove. vhoroe -si 0o! hein boilst a huadt Satourna oranges front thtfe ts u t 0.0per lundied. Ad voxy fine grape fruit Mt flty cets a doen ristgh&Mrithet fl ati ss resterdar Cbadley Maxon, £MMin FX'. ina. i., ade ti tenty fine speIsiet trtvut freinthe 100 plant dock, In front of Oui bouse. m0"ia ftv dffl tiaore got twstt4OWiim atck bau rItbont Stopptag.Antiteul ie %M lad tht tut of "rotid d mermmi a ittle. thent aieplenty MOever> close seconds. Wa ort oiPocttlngtta ope ailier Gauit o ple historia th" freese up book thora.An aMoert coupIe tbt vont avay trio nbaes24 'eara ago came back tram N. Y. a rew veeka ago, anti have nOv bolt a homo In vblcb to am sthe romain der of their day. in the blacit bouMge Un. Bofith teYcung'.andi Sponne- bergs.are txaMIlU3Y 9aW M tg t» h Eaiy Sun gels litre ta give thein the neva from home. The veather la as net perfect as lt even gels anp' Urne or anyvliere. They'are eacl Ilocateti In vater front homes anti are eJoy- .ng tht sceutri arouD nti O f the mosi beoutiful baysanYvie8re tutht world. Tht whole1 gang surprhseti Clarence Shepard at Lynnhaven, #adt lit aiso infaui tht g00ot tavaOf GUr- rite. Plenty roor for more. Ha. D. HUGUES. GURNEE (Too Late for Lest We. Mns. Alma eenlon in visiting ber son, y. . Fenton. Borne of the bigli achool atatientf surpriseti misa Raby Stierinon by giv ing a partyInta ler lionar MandaY eve ning. The Henry Untz famllY rnoved las' week tewaLukegan. Mr. MeCormick o: LibentyvMle expecta ta move onto flin Untz farm la the n6(.'future. Mi"s jennie flior vas a Wauke gan visiior Satuirtai. iThe Warren townablp t=dta Wauagman aithe W. Tii. fL ~Uti sinin Fritiay. We've heard timat th., Score vwas 43 ta 29. la It conreci mofqett Park? mise marguerite Thorue ant ie] Gilbiert vent ta Chicago Wednestia ta set AI Joslin'a iatets how. Gurnet foalks are busy selling Xnxa sais. Both the higli achool anti th grade acitool are selting ail tht seal they possibi Oaa. Let's boost ti vork, for it la for a wontierWa cause. lira. Conradi antiMIss Helen Mai] varI-nng vert Chicago viffitOnS Saut day. Thle modem 'çý'odtmen athtiiô:0 ai Ntkglbors hlelti theïr aniail ueoic of iec an'ay Ai4 Of lte i1 niffleers vert re-electtti. Hot tunches startti ai the Gram=l school Mondar. lins. Plolrný,W*M bo e a! ofthé luinches tti tr. Tl vblx ert ail gflatt have a,"h, M. Sim*snn as a visîtor Tutada 7e Dva itasi a choalk l ons amuse"; T)orothy Weltt 4 ;Cro illingg "leasing IW ason~ bbedhi" lteStulba' nLtsGo. Ritis"; Bi 9"'ihiears Corne lire. l've son thgthi toli yauWn; Paul Btolim's "nLe gofra valit, Ruthie." HALF DAY *** Ladis, 4:8 ty cl:a $68.89 ai tht bazaar anti upper 1: week. nTliat's not 6ta gLta": Mn. anti Mn. J. G. Cooki retun home last Satunday fnom thein t montlis'sojoumin InCalîfonnia. b lookiar fine, an tirepant a apten Urne white gone. W. aurasa-eglad ses them hlitkn as thein presence 'q misetiby e'veryone. c. J. Ileraclibergen. F. C. Tovntr il.ruger anti CarlWitt &T servini petit lur n aWaukegan. Chas. IL KMr eurt ilits vnlst vi site Bu~1 ern L. A. litat.wv"sttndung the reg- ulai sesson et tho boanti etsupervia- on5 tast m'tk. Floyd W#tet b",rMtareti tram Oblo. vbeie lie vent rô@usity to attend tht funeraler bis fatbez'. lir, anti Mrs. Cail Rnapcknen have moveti laito t h"» beiosiglng to E. A. Martin, net- the tsomt utia. u ndMi. Wý . B ean anti Mn. andtiM. C,. N. Petizmg-w ers Chi- cago vistra Thw. Tht Bundy Scl% and elanch ivl give a x.uta'oaiýta ast>Christ-nt fret iasturdBT tviltLDer- 23. A tiugter vit boga ta Mn. anti xmitu bRua* tlsitw eekL The C. lm. SouUIy C0=utee as in- - te MIXbU nU1u yoening. A m flare "r*i [»m aChs trct atm agei. vléJ &b o f , b« e» sgsoIlttroube, auseti bu "Z mgtig Want ta'W from W* ste:k Tht North, lg ont iia not ouyOMMe iveen Wa*es lut ,wëd. t coeltu gan-Menoobaý Tro4y, Ume heurUS buMsnot osaiUsed tM581 the petttion vol lm tran terý "O= Ds ot ho silSitest tub It la tKptttd fýt thte CMUtiI] yul bgve boomsO"tipUg en the" route& la the. nOir futrpCbbý by aptias at the "" ilateit. Ikla. the Iftieatlon of thse omma ta mite the tigetaMM ItOtnstve as httatwârtants iL. Coin' ç cetvl ba od UNie W*lumr mm I z::: UitsthathxP9$$,1 A~ '57 ' for. the home bdo and p!easwtea place to, dwel Our $e*ifl Furntm eofferg scoresofsucl t4~~ v that ilexpress teCr~msSpiri t i t s f~t0S Odd.I'ieè,es and Suites at a wide tanep Of P"IMýe wagon . - -$5.5 te $6.50 WMgfU lm RedRidu* - - $3.50 t.$4.50 Gm Tnicyds.- $6.60 ti $1200 ak SI.ds - - - - 75c to $2.75.L~h.. Blueliboads - - $3.00 Io $3.85 Do gq4i - * ~~Autoi 7S o U 531NothMiIwauke$,Avenue L Electie ic Hezp, -T woiýe, Oarving Umm ....... gfflm -m - LANGWORTHY'S G"« &èiés,ý