CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 4 Jan 1923, p. 10

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UBEYVLL REPDM, T5 UIRS'>AY JANUY 4,1t923. IC I ~ ~ &IJI~ li' MIlw 1r. and Mrs. l. . _Biederstadt, lust îm44itui.vuu.Eam mosuay. lx *Uý Mr. snd 2Mrm.Wi1lam Osterlnin and CM Àh1 SA SU D ~daughter. Florenice of Chicago, ver. sleats of 2Mr. anidfrs..B. P. Qterman DEAED aver the veekeand. The cauliter are putting the. roof TO BD nBheTor rebeertichrc . Depatmen otAgriul-WiIl Prize Winning Grain OUt- b0iduas. rrturnesi tOies werk et Gales- yield Seleoted Type of SWd Miss Elegnor Meyer returned to Hfar- Agvses Cooking Ofve u a t a pbrwokt Wefl te Avoid Matady. ~~from Non-prize Winner. yTed ttae pervn t p0rk veil' le he adivce o? Will pri-I vinnlng show cor-n Wdedv col laD Steia the dex>rtueor iout id the coi-n vhich ;W« net 0. »t pçnt part of the. hon- tate era ore u~aardesi a rubion? je it possible <aya wltl, A C. Antes, et Pnre to servie t efor ithe former to select tv a ps 1Hlland PArI. ; byoserions l fale okov f toin, one a hlgher yieldiiityp M2r. snd Mm. X" ' eeds and sono oysis u ie e.1iitbsn thie other out of hie o ondses? setti 9~cLvt f.sdM 'Vse painful and !reqiientlY fatal, Mr». iy o-elto ieven~iuCI&ln t 0 tg dth by asinil pruit at Foodoft Urought Drcl t h0Fed'Lots FreniCMol~bYi. Chie Fan types of corn, disese rmilitatsa, andç sr.Ci4il on tC ed(e acco es lu pr.ihe Bureau Faduration nd~v tccsipr.yield et coi-n in thie eld? Tho«Ie 8wiug Clulb,:e-b y a t.rnoan. Idot prai. aso In RdLIhhêt It hipft. ai ayohr~etevi 0. 1. Roc ~~acihO raturned tram 0ht1Th alvstOk-fai!yarotei peg gnosttiquplneO Wini ~~ Seefi oniy. re~Cth iouivetkthe un~~des roi tens. tte plnet s uyng af feederd di- a9ke4 ut the third aIintal utiluty absns n lêodCtWs ii loten overiooked: aveu ta*th ii. ou herm h ostaïo m"Pt plan. Dur-- coi-n show et tihe University o fui NlMicos'ocoice etwbna- Lag tii. month Oeteer- farload eedr e ,tl 8brqqht ta 0h10 adition22ota . lrennb rZ ibartng the paastes feedlots dlr.ctly fràà,4m ' do the .pu= ,aqn at#mto0 the Oblo bo iPteds and xDO& Oe-Frm Bureau federo"', 40.hil ~ipeVassociatii. aopn.o! nales orcor ~n on * MILLIR1p Uib'àêla eacl ti envaos cluases, therevii4 * * tès n prkatlae a tit ii r. 1v i.CioaaYiiBueu iean ettensive ,tiucatlonal - xiubt _re l pesac-a terpr. The fi-at purchases vere made hy 2Mr. Ssttt OM&lY. a well-knavfl cettle deling viti the. coi-n quessUong h ais l oit ilhl SPracicale systetn Of Ment ln-tender of 0h10. He. wasunabie, ta MIl ail a!the. orders received for thie firat Iilted above," seld a tatement froni Ti ais i olt iihl lias boen hcavercd by ebpments, snd @0 Veat vas the. nwber ot ordure that another mon vs. e.Univeraity of Illinois today. "In Meeting 8aturday, Jsnuary 6th, after pereans uto eat il"coked oasry on tic purchaing end on th eco'Md lo~t Mr. 0 .DaY asd az- <.tuls exibit wlll be greUblcaily dis.tic Insurnite dinner. Election of offi- ewatdt ram liUy ooe daner 0fc iiBesie. a a titéfeeder ofahoa, ltt for tie range agait a clst veék lu Oct.- laycd the. resat. of many expert- corn anud qtier business. 'iW-Tiere la, liveer on very ber- viti ordei-efor about 90 cailode of stock, vikIcbWOi-8 lsigly lled during omelnodunte d et the nivp-st'mTee eteJnrY Sclty u il tdftttye Meung of preveUtIng tue early Navembler. rt,!c n9emat !smis sos onr ..&DuaMa diuas& COokinq destnai-a'the. para- Feeders vho obtlned.their cattie an tbq fret lilpimlul ver. veil pleesed rot show cont R ieuts oti- coi-n J. k. Theinnsi Ms. . DaMe sites. Bucs' p-rel 0cokef pork vitiite plan, accordiag ta reporta tiey sentlt thticfederetion oflIces. A ofshow c lestyear, thégtir iti datrnv. &Taand tii . ac Mti. D a n ta~~~~~ ~ ~~ soaah rcIOl e ltb umber of letters stated tiet the. purcissers fouild hem a uniforru lot of goosi as ta their Production andi actuel Tee issue 0f ti.urci viii cerve guÈrusi If tic simple roie ln fol- quality stock ami reportesi tiemi ceeper than the sanie quailty feeders coulsi samples 0f coi-n tiiey. produced, vilii8cekndlerStryJna- Iéwu a! ookig pak vei - have iice purthasedl et terminal mar-kets. One man reported e saving of niaie up anoîluer feueura of t. the go il vh orveh cenths. reit 1oré ft ln eateiu. agtyoe Mo necrodo Tiiese samples and imany Mpd mer .fort60 cedtson icad *etna=teYin ta te'Unted States agil >i < uoeciîi f~otherg vere tested ont lu different Mi. e. A. altue ndfo sRcad, codtprnt o net Iparatlvory EL secUoflao!tihe tate and the data e~c aleeso o eaea raw porkNand ouly a comparTtRvEDyhhugsaecured viii b. ýo! great value Calif., te rromain severel menthe vltb poaaurkns onh u latoe whoGU NEL H S aN D U I)E-uMA.u1vu tM te the tfermer vho ln interested l t a Ene' tonéfiqm *countries viiere Park A E W I MTTlE l l N~ KC1bethertag isseesicoi-n an liîfid Miss Inez Polleck e? Chicago la ts , emauenly eaten uncookedor ERfk5ICAI NSMTl81 B*uuN1C.sseu ASSE1 ici a type ef seee vich la exhIlb.speuding this veek viii ber eete. tiie ' W» re undér theinfluence ef for-__________itn resanetti.oaufc-nMssWtsn #0&,cUstQofo!eatlng uncooked tn aitnetthrostcrnMgnWto. ttare ta muci danger of con- snd therefore pi-gducng MQre souns ienMisaMce Coiris o! Russell la tay- Quits as Treamr and 1irector West Virirla Association First mai-ketahie cern per acre thon a 1<g wtii Mr. D. M. Wilte.anMr in vibu outhreaks of some atioerRegnsl. Dr. and i-Ma. M. Weise, Mr-. snd Mrs. o! ricl. of rgi~ztin Dpatmolt te Take Advantage "g- Tii. ciief fNature of the. coi-n oge rceto!Ccaoanii. are especiliy llkely te occur.q of Burnzaio ea ' sîeho viiibce l display Jenar andi Mn.. J. M. Cannon sud daughtei-. of Bueau.IstrtionServce. 9 - of!Lae.Villa spent New Yeer's vith time o! yesr. sinoked and Srie 4. o!the grovlng seesiinge rm h aets r n mXN seage ansi vrons other -'eacî ofthtei.respective teneur- lots ceu a entsoi-nn. r..N fiemd ram prk ansi eaten Chane . lunnele ha. joined thie The inwoosi Fruit Gravera' asioci- o! coi-n. The utIliti- score card whlcii Th WillngWOh.clns-.n Moklng a' areCMm1alY COWstaff of lie Aifercan instituhe of Ag allen af West Virgtisa vas lie ffret vill b.used lu plaing tllcrin, T.WilîWrar ls a u la coansidérable quantItIes lu ricuture as directer oh Its extension te take esivantage of lie Auneiffl requin.. suci a germiniation tetrtaînesi by Misa Doris JWWnisn lest naclitIda, ita vicli the est- departmefft. Mi. Gunnels resigned as Fra Bureau fédération"§ nev feer- Foi- the phhIpo*ps 0f thie score, Ion Thuradai afternoon. Misa Duncan of ~.5 uliooksi prk 5 Cutamr-. ~' Guine. vas the tuent of the. cluse. ~ ~ ol>ut~,pot:e lapento br. tesrrsddrcoro i re itrtde-mark regltration service kernela viii bc&' nmoved froni each Ti iiunaho epns us ;>=, If ut e appetesbisation department or lie AmericanA large nuier o!f arinr.of West 10 sur sample and thet portion of dayJanuary 2nd. Ireebas rehablee taffcaue, arm, Bureau fédération, teking effect Vrgine market tliu-fruit tiirough tetic cre ntonsde laeeae c ionditon Mis. S. A. Faoka ansi chIldien are ~uare faoblestema-usae c ieeneimeeting. He aisea ie- U&g t*tmoviicd demoesnatiot peck- g.riaion addet ies bycthe itionor- eu lu Chicago vitii her father. an sd as nani-as a hundred Signai as treasurer of tue UnitesifeInbohaeset aw noosi, lci vas culai- mance on the, germinator. Ms-. md DcMrs. arlBracerend A 1 « ~nicious - have rcsulhed 'Stetu a inta ii-ers, lac. II&ed for lie purpame of stand.rdlslng 'AIl coi-n samples ahoul I se lun maeiDebr30htthE.A g*4 t-tci!àesingle habox es ?i"-rladn ins«Mjutte aorAgslciil-tii.'pack tbraugiut that sec"iouof Urbena not laterthan Jenuari-10."Maitin house. amantsor sbaUr DYe4 toeluis he4quau'tem n l u lgoWastotVirgnie an d tic adjoîingti-- sister-ln-lav andi Mm .Duel's motier o r ttwû'l'is* 01vsc gnIe ii GogeLvigte.tai-y InVi-giala and Maryland.Tis aayhaeaaingwbad d .'l ccupilrdb oniciga **Wo o** * eevstrthlhnebP Oweg thun'aile ooesm i 11afor pecer a e h ora ciomc *eek. ig otA"a 01 thcilnokla do mt l ecool frpCeBwortr oeDEERFIELD * Miss MadgefStro.g speut tb. vek &y ,od * lei»0819< do net es ad bave tb» stgndard peck edoPtesi endsi wth home fQlks3. awore orxor fod a inthleculity. b i 0 * 0 0 0 * The C.. Societyr vas invlted ou WicfS& an thneattrciMisi Eniza Kuaask viiientertein théourne. C. K Soci e alWoadmen is te, fld Ia socIattIon tiiJahnni- Ai- W. C. T. U. Tues'ýay, Jen. 9, et 2 p. mn. Hall. They report aL goos imne. axp -dç..4-s" detuillv a thâttIlil'hmembereansd others Interested inl et vlubmhpskIo moa nt net orlyPlaa th>lé vanta"JOinil-thie vork are urgesiho be preneut. Mr%. te tb, y«« Awfc»ýAjulescêsi but the»: 1la Oraducef & C. P. 'rhhuetta, county preasient, vill be, voumb«tdtcatnhut ora face on su eppleseesi.bc present sud give e report af the ~ ~çon 001 oklmgMu Inilare Trii nom va» daieri rantii am tori Shah. ansi Woi-lsiconventions. ofat ére ve» cook e i thhïla lad ýo! a.unique chai-ater Mr. andsi fr.Glen Bavinan, whe vis- efltat coacatth wWn lior dpianiug l ie h oe t.a ond gto Hnry MIlk fo =* n * cu -vo flxetsl'~i-t.p>.leruand Oerai <aye, have returned. to 'their l0o ut theconter. A" or- WIIJ> ins oplant d tes v ed ovslieng r. en-Mbiefr- '4Wrcoaint as e riule raiss.eslie ii, ai-, gopergistent vas i. lu i -Mr. andi Mrs. Mertin Murphy hava o! *Lte iMent eomMiltlbly l*diâtho th.i- nev home et Hlgb- th apetune vbith the effots ht e thi-ee ln tht. vai- liat landi Park. ;of a!thié depatiaunt of!h vua iven the. nicknaue oh "Jaoeu- The R. fi A. luas 28 out Thuraday .4, A prve a umpeAppiue YJoony'aname-ansi.-face nigit tW enjoy their Chiztniasparti-.11çade trieblea,04aeR-, "Maevat as c oW aaved ho postenihi- andi lie Thc Officers electesi for thie nsRide .,tbSall144> dépres FI1h; mi-gi-averg asureah ofpi-atgehi5Xiet hein year ai-e: Oracle, Mary* E. Rocken- to th, ýla lthe e uu;r ohanu.' ivestment laa et-asie-mai-k, bat-h; Vice Oracle, TIlie Kleet; Past voi cookusi piit oprk The. ariauTara, Bureau fédé.ra- Oracle, Anna Goodman; Chancellor, . eMay flot hav tion turoigh un aWashilngton Oite, Winii tai.Vnt; Recorder, tutu Mey-er; o e poin, t. Acoardt - oze naui-e qic registnationu of tradem'rkg Recelver , Margaret Pettls; Marahal, o e 1W 1tÏesa tiat the ment i lale a - ai.for agricnltuna ca-opai-eive market- Ta(rtha Kinsici; Imuer Seulluel, Asie kormri-tbrf ont aasncdtinnetni frm.-la acualJuhi-ensi; Outer Sentinel, Minute Whit- ow n«potins frmelychotofth Uite M « VU-»da"-sudf"lr-' aU.fl camb; Manager, taure Maliolti; Mn- Onui Mhkspoed NtM burauohaskestatnlpmen bh-co t héieservice. stolon, Bernice Mau. lTh. Installation one. Y«. aie rest ----c- breu ofakets, t~e, tral 'rietrado-nuk la e bouslesa asset, vli b. helsi Januari- X5th. correspondanc*eou*s*s*.*Ini * larkeràlAn assocatonor farmer doling bui; 2r. Minue Juhi-end apeut ?ev housead thesten.1 ~~Mkng. nesJîeitr tRa unoma on eamral aietmai- neglech ta Year'sai- v iti ier son, ]Qmil, vho 'froua 5: 48À. Ü ta 12 Amarln Bureau fédératian ome register a hiad-mark- feeling liat he- vili aoon b, ahi. la return frem th% assista* nt autratricar Rly île , ae of aibnuled amount of bsness055hopitel lM Chicago. »l"Goodyer, fr (l o ur-- vas latur eetdieMne A. i l e "'Mehcml fr..nEInetta teln ile i fn tt Ue peut week Ushie als ual m»etin of tthe Amerea Tarm Mr., h è-~k ns$anuncmlu ict t- . - YtJq*ý ià "sm disHowardi of wu@ WiÏtèd àansiira.Strae, esCaîcee. -tisebs'5a Ot 019nS50 *4 over irlahins ~ ~. . M. Me-avas M otaheddirceto.coh Cb orgahe ýRü oer hrstms t te M.Mo- ation departuient. Betore caming tae arosuma luauldvertisini lie trasie- 2frs..Fred Klmberk ansi son Sber- hie A. mar asaneFaamthBureauuLfeItr&--man, o! Ravensvae<l, vare guests o! agéa i WtLinuited Irai îWbte mherk as velm Brea aéeas erlodc. ohfis- e arhAas ody I ~T~iee'gaes o! basket ball 'w tin, Mr. tunnels vas ln tbe sah.. qucntly Nappons t lspera fli t .hra saisMna- R~. ~ad t hi Waren Tvnshp 111h o f ta hUc)Parteofahbusiness liat Il ta iluphesi becaese Mis 1»isAdamis le vlsltlng et the ad sdooridèy evenlng. Tiie tiret gaag uetmutWs e someane clos ha, registeresilie traid.- home et ber uncle, E. S. Adamse, in iffl betveen lie gi-is of the GimArclue hWsigon niIaWaukegan. :~ >ssa~The second gaem. ga e ans toa th as <li-ctai-of thi e p- Mark._____Mmr.iank< Paterson ansi children Clucago Clvic 0O À(ý Mpe ieW. T. IL f. ansi a tean cutuhde etonaservice ansi counti-aertredto.awekaetwt ooro collage boys wvia were agent leader ln lic University- of Ne- -BUREAU AFNNUAL DONVENTION rhavesenuke am v.k n iiEYUry TmmdiDu roh oias h tidgm rsa Principal Lousiermllk rehurnesi Tues- v<gu anseulie WW arngs'r aa eanitaio eNmbro 5 ayfo.he oee earIlt -Xga.antvshe ai-en To tam. T LNNX YA' K pectid teNMot, lnHatti teks ciarge or tte movles et the. Grand ( p V _MW Io«i5. th staord v a iesinof thue T ' ______ EAS ORshoean, Chicage. uchool bduse Tridai- nighh. -makinit elîlit basket&. ThéOi amr al ruie Tn ram saluer Il tho 14 the Sher- ai inbung lln te Eugeilcel cinrch. la playing cSe vhat o .tla Fa4cbureauaet&*e 4sthé pM « on White oh Chicago vasthie guest seaine.s.i nu- anc ane e;hi. LJUnisty. ~~g g Aeo ~of 1# *Motier Mma.S. Rockenbecb, Lv. Libetyvile- Aat butastaelLborty-vie. eth à du l -tg lic iild*y la Uwig I te suuiliari- a! lie Ohio" sai -RiWin plantthesnue e efflui- Mn*. 011va Andalan ,tertainesitheti.. Lake &iff OBafige yl ieâli uot2W0 or moreti-up ipattd Oso on L#,aeAU !Society- of Si. Paul's Evan- WH=zzBANGS eurs vark of thir tte tira bur-cea ou c~u t e d ttugeica Ichurci 'Phurssiai-aflai-neon. L.Lk I~ B T p fédératio ea t ah lc ulameeting Ohf ducl attcta1ilt*ai, $Q- MWis e Nemiof Chicago spent L.Lk li ~slo - ----------- 3 OO eiselde h htio10StatewUnvgai ty aie t ieler. via vould '1'hose vbohave lieu- ovu radio euh- ~Sebu.nE .~...0O I ..evilJ o Dot- ahcon.aametime lii b . fiAs #Md thff. *ho vois et the Mer- 0 1 roehcê*tv.ariÎ*oèmerc mnaauv'"W Mu mmoewill eu ---rly e ta- tantile' chai-e limuai- report the ead- LQ0 te Ixé m aCombes atuilo ondti i. IhenternattiMwlve tèk.e-= 1!1 .M Thom&"andth Totà _ É ......... l 03 0c hé PflePebyherian cir ansi liNE te sunuai faninra' veek. i>i.i8,n vhlch i. helsi the vuek pi-e- Mis a <lohn Becker, solalst, as von- B TP P The ptagsnuoutlizesinIeconstt eii4tic fana bureucomventloo . ~ oo !a repefto thle dsIqietes oh work 'of_____N_ r thna aceomlishe dernt th Paf IM. g'e *b 0-»'etfChicago vio-0 .. . 2 0O Oficre tate tiat tirt- ctivtieasiur-r4AS*"RNewIRED -FO - iC -..0 O0O1l«ftle pool: yenticrepaisithie '-~k~e5et-8 ,GMsys.ansiuazel Bu%- - ......l3 0 forts ansi finencing many tieuie over ltivestlgtlon i Aoaneeu CountY, ton.ver. guests of Mr. ansi Mn,. Cas- W ....... 0 2 ta the. fermera o!flisesauto. Iowa, Show. EaeÀ Furmer Paya on uta omn et Prairie Vlev Tuestiai. . ...15 3 3 Work ibabeau coaducesdin ufi-uit,1.28 Vu"nly. Mm i-. Ped SNanbeiger anudPLMm. Woun n he c net lilve stock, dairi-. vool, d veuabl Is e lemi> ettendedtihie funerai Of yo-r tho4zot the y ,wlft1:r*cpming wi'1 U ï1x7 «E»v9ryoneo be bas w g x a d î fnlte choka of bi&Bfe wSk or whe -f» urW#Welitic 4dulosta otbeU= fXshould mt Ili toUCt Irïý M ost Ornal moay Mal A.*ÂM* Its departmont: "Jobs -Whb-t the Tinies Are pni ng Up," and tbq "Wh~tShahI B?" erieeofopportunlty article.,prepared byecxp _1 arbepiZ=ho sd to Look Bofore They Lap. And in every îmoo there la plenty of rousing good &ctian. 41W. want you, or aMOOMm eecoeto yu aei u rft b~,h.rmrsl ugze.Tiierefore wc make thuaetAculded on oiOS oRi cri rguarprcela$2.50 a v ar. is ma ilnveatmentmyifue e. 0:1uf t000noul. od ju ct a»y$: Do ik Dow 1Pin 6.0t i.or~ mail f itfh came sud edrCsato .THE &ME ROM) MAGAZIE, M7A8 dayuS htt, Bedon, b volve - Tepeedforgr eater sMy= gpower ing Ue.-*a rg ede restan tohat rctio n iltoi Wlun gainYOUbd hm* p wfui Tnp in ease and comfort ýe heart of Chicago the Road of Service hShore Train you Chicagu trip is a short snd refteshing band on time-s«t the moy dom cf i âe Ieadîug bameus Limitedl Trains for Chicago. bave Llbetyile every hmu 2:48 a. m. Baggage Che"kdte an Points on liue. '. , Bus -ServIcemaiint feqemm I ked and UxmeusTrain&r*tZ? .A..x, mi throuilb il aon, wuo W nOpz5fai aa» ..ni6, m G .*aex dus at Kemosha. Rail and Bas tickets are iuteréageabMe. )PerasSpecil Whule Opera oflund enjoy a wuL mrmgSessn ta cooked dioner ou the Dining Car Opera Speciâl table d'hote diaer $ 1.25 fre, Chicago aiso sevice a la ïarte 6:18 P. m- Ihmedstaftqrthe Opens the 6:30 P. m ë seel1IIPàv. o &gsn abk 6:34 P. m tp A , n rv bash 7:-50 p.m. a lacune. Sh-ore Line ~Shor~ *& MjIwau!:~e !~: R. IVL~4~14.I' -. -,-,. Capy ?liei mlania blui oua you e Da i-ot self,'1 sUre t i essa lar a for e quest oeln -tion C"n tlau1 Ppale eata Mato back "7( t"ot te *a* Lia i-oaa M7'

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