CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 4 Jan 1923, p. 11

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LIDWILE Dmv>lTHISDY, JAIÇARY 4,11923. ___________ -ON fDow i ,capy fs* Accomrpaly apersTalk te Thsm ln Language esSent Out. Thsy Soon Learu. Springfield, lil.-21ach apiletban (Pi-epared by the Uied statue Depart- frtihe soldier' botnus Witt b ment of Agriculure.) led by a sortes01aInsti-uc- Foi- pouts te turkey ion la the 4t4U4 te hew to f11- ont te blanILi.hs no.e ItI(n h on Site Thie Instructions vil le Prlntod and ti iote htcnb on wil is atactei t lie araonwitchkno, their needo and tao taik tu theo blank la ta be printeti. Tey ad-. item lu a 1angagtiiey soon learu monisit te appîleAlt to il, out ail te understaud, At tule uppi-oach of blanka aud ta Usen a typewriter, If auy danger she givci a iow, warning possible. Thte principal Instructions note tisai %euds tiîem scurrying lu are as olowa: overy direction fui- a weed or Patcht ~Use a typevriter If possible. ill of gi-son grasis wisre tho n lié11 ,Ont ail 1» .blauks. Fior example. If dft ontthe grouni eafeiy bititen froin yota z"ver voteti say go. If yen nover Iew. WitUe ou fi-e i-age, aile keepsi uad taeg, »se. Witere s question ber irooti togeber by talklltg continu- 1, Xt appicable te yau beause Outhtie oayl otneprigtn, uA4gre of jour auswer tW soinsotiter tousthe lu s etedaps-ringou we s qotia sked Dos nt appjy -' rliatb pulsavs lnmid tisaI auy er-or or falure te te à. MsIe full anti compiete suswer to tise Wben lber pouts become aidely sep- questions wiii tielay te pavnent Of araisiti, or if juine beou at, aud yoor dain until peoper data cal, be eetears their "peep, peeP,"Osie cals igeug1ei. tem with te cbaractertsitle yelp ,JE you wore iu busines for YOUi- itearti au f requprtly duilng the Çatying àelf, do state sud give your business ceason. Now aud tissu. wltle the &ddYeu. potls are but a fev days nid, ste »N» ilu capital letters If you de not catcbes s gansopfer or otiter lusect Use typewriter.'an aith olstcreadgt Priar te April 6e1917. sLd e u e uitstetu cmeiranie U you eniared te service prier 10 ied, ooer nda ne u iheaow 'Apr. 6 1917. answer tiseoquestionsfetiovesd-agot hd me thse hautsof youi- reaidence at te of the motter ten lu seareh of wlti- tisa of thse enilataseut, Induction, evei- tiey can ind. waerrant or- commission untier viticit Young lurkeys usually remîin wlth JOU wre servlng Apr, 6, 1917. For tise mother heu uutil about Oclticr or esmple, if you enlistet inl the regu- Novemiser, When the maies iordiitirlly la amy Jan. 15, 1912, aud servedl separate from the femaiesiand range titreo yesrs. then spent a yesr ln civil by theinselves. When two turkey lieus lite, tben enlisteti again Jan. hi. 1916,vls broatis ut about the saine tige for s titree year perioti. answei- the aetmdoto rernetgt quetions on the baséis of Jan.s15.areytuisie onion fernlogethndea tie vl eml a u dcsu s '*Daoct senilu your disciarge or titis mabes Il eanier lu hunt tem up oUciali papars witb application. If noueessiy 1te epropos-adJutint cg jor ciaim. thse board viii se ln- ZorWn >ou. Nttacit ta ycur appllica- l ien a certifieti copy of jour dis. charge. or other evideuce of sesars- tien tramntthe service. Tiis muât be peto&ticor typevritten On vWhite p.-s i»e ?z10iinohes sud inut 0ma5in a complote of !&Il the mlalte apperi125g on bath front anti bao a rVduscisarg Former uiny mn yio have lait their disclssrgemsttiti request frein t" &utant gemral of thse amy. 'Wshinutcfl. 1). C.,,as ceriiic-te lu - sasecurae similluxcertilc6as fraon 'Aspace la proMiieti for a detaileti accoua o! thse nature 0 eu osr Ser- tee. Usades- tise beding aQrg&uti5- tIoW tate tise organt*iiouis te vbhieit ye*, Wo easegnesi or attache', a&" »4« -r ren dO -W»' lhéedates oetJuin- bg ad iluVing. Accouaifor Jour uatreprte etservice la 1h15 M". le ; = t u ie erie rIrThse Tw'ley Han Takes Oued Cart la à il 6 1917, jou neetinet go back o e-Sr Younsg. « t tat date inlu tllng ouitishe answei- n aefr hm tl avs et te te question. Tisut Company D. ~c-- o-ten tl tvsbet fong IsfatiT. Apr. 6, 1917, te May tra 'out two or, tbrea lissusxvlt t_. 17! Cmpauy B, Tbrse huit- Uai- i-acta dtogetises- vien-they ai-e dred tkort-hirdi-tnfant-y. Aug. 16. Siven fre i-age. It la net a good &"7. te sept. 21 1918.' etc. Navyy iian te bave more titan ibis number ïýMshelulti give stations. vesIsamiof yeuflgpetits lunaone fock. say poul- -rlkbb ey served. etc." t-y speliluats Lu the United Statet Deusrtmeist of Agriculture, as they WÀR VETERAS BIIMER PENSIONS tvahe iteslube itovereti. GOSLINGS READY TO MARKET Advlsuble to Aveld U»e of Young Stock lu Ralslng Fowlga-Old alideAre Prefers-ati waslingtan. Di. C., Jan. 2_-Zivii Geese are bu-ta of long lite, soins. WU votaSeanti reteras otthetlimes living ftaen to îveuty years, ItiU fl suad Indian vars, vîdova ut anti gauders as-s atitais- hast eItti-se, Xteimsuof tes, va-aanti etfte <cliior ve yens-s. The msute fIn-. Val'of 1812, civil vas- nurses, anti matus-ad yeung stock sitoulti te Ils malnsed veterans a! ail wvrais ieldt, especiliy for the ienewal ut Ji isici Ushe Unitedi States bas sn- hseeting geese. butfus-rte ps-un- wus iii ieneit nexi inu sitie ion ut early geslings fer marktet, il ti-m -it iseilii-umin ll ID- la utten tise enstom Eamong ireeters oses6*liesIOi Ii- uetvetraa 1,to -use 'èggso froa yeung gesse, asz ~u lsais s-lattes. ~ jtitese usualiy begla to- 1»earties- lhn :Uider the Burutnbhlispn IM of etclvil aud Merican ver val- *18" li be Increassetifrein 50 tu $U .s munt, vie. vidava of the civil sud Maxîcan vas-s adtheit -wr ot 1812 viii recaive $50 a mentit, *Ul± an atiditionai $6 for escis chutd ..»4es'16 or' ielpiesa menailî o pbsically. it la furtheas-piovitiati $àxt widow5 of vetes-*ns vtU barS bgre' again sud viso bave be- w vtoi s asecond turne, us- have S dives-ced froin tieir second eau benefit, proviie th ies-e tg ptltig agailissin snrally. Civil v,*- i* iurfes also receiva 350 a munt. 716er maime et rassof al vas bý" IuIg tisai. vi o lst 1mb, ci- otiterwlse Imjured ln lins Of *tise figures in n e navst sun, as$26amoitît. Mb ftf bl# --as vetueti by Preaidett .-E5rditg 'uesday. tisa cief executive acisst by statlng tbst tte , : lsrs5nedbeween viduva of d4V livs- sudhe laIe vurît var. ~YOU WJ.. INiDTrH^-rTHE IN- SLl85tTWVILX INDEPENDENT 1$ EAO, 8V MORE PEOPLE jr^ ^iA NY O11-ER PAPER IN LAKE OOUNTY 'PIED GRAB15E A 1ÙTINEERING A SPDEIATT »D!iRTa CouNTy ST. PPZ 441 Values of Property Rimes Steadily In Waukegan andLake County and Much Muved Both In Vacant and Improved ner of Grand avenue and ButrIck SI by . T. and C. S. Alshuler, who lot- 8nditlysbdivIded and have starI- ed ln on a hugP building program - - - which bide fair to iM5ke their sub- division one of the %ery chiioce home aites ofthei city. With the comi1ng j of the transportation facilitles whilh the new motor but lune wiil bring to Grand avenue, we predict that this ai- ways beautiful and well paved thor- oughfare will become one uf the moat sougbt residence streets for high nass bornes of Our clty. one of the most promising features lu the outiook for houslng the thou- sands that wiil be knocklng ai our door durlug the çoming year on ac- count of the many lal-ge 'factories now uearlug completion. la the tact that two large matropolitan Ilin- surauce compantes have concluded ar- rangements -with prominent locol T. J. Stahi. brokers to maire avallable sorne of BY T. J. STAHL the millions of their reserve fonds 0f T. J. Stahl & Co. ln bans to the homý bailders of Wau- kegan. fi le gratllying te record that the This l8 the fIrst Instance in whlch ypar 1822 tbas ended as a prosperous thcse cumpanies have gone outaide of one lu resi estate circies sud business Cook county, ln their desîre, lu belp ln general in spite of the general in- finance thc home bulier. This, te- pression held at the beginning of the gether wlîh the successful capain year that reai estate values had reach" put un recently by the WaUkes-f ed the peak and the year would wtt- BcIlding & Luan Association, in rais- ness a deflatiofl, reaJ estate values lu bug their capital stock froin 350,00 Waukegau bave more titan held UP, ta $1,500,000 la the blggest andtiat and are steadily ad1vancing ln keeplug pi-ogiesaïve step Waukegan bue éver wlth the growtb o! the clty both ln made n meeting the houslng shortage population and commercial suprein- which bas star.-d us in the face for acy. the last five years The ecnomin law of aupply snd Wbatever makes for home building demand cahfl ot be set aside. Every and home ownlng, makes for the very i-cal estate office lu the clty has ex- best of the eommunity. perienced a steadily lncreasing de- Home or bomelcs. which shall it mand for homes, business sites sud Îe' There la a vast differeuce la business opportunlîles. the two words. The homneless man Values ln residence pruPerty have drags bis famlly frIm pillar 10 post. beld steady wbile values ln business here,' ihere and everywhere. He set- roperty have shown a marked lni- dom knows bis ueighbors. There ls a crease over 1921. Our business sec- constant sbiftiug and niovlng, a fatam tie ncan no longer be ronfined to the 11v bad no establisbed ldentity The few blocks on Oenezee street and compaulons of hie chlldren areb con- those adjacent, but la growlug raply sîantly cbanglng; Rome good, somne weat on Washington street. south Onl bad-it means poor enviroument. County sud Marlon street, business lu comparisun hows different fi la communities are being established atainl a borne community aauong real Edison Court sud on promînent coi-- home owners, wiiere lile la worth uer, throughout the City. living. Wben good people with the Durlug the year two cbolce larve- bom0qoving satrit gets toget.her il subdivisions have been opeued up for means a good communlty. lte better cia,, of residence corn- Lake Suuty farina cotinue ta be munities. Early lu the year thse forty lu good demnanti. Oui- office alone bas acres of thte Kelth estate lyiflg be- soIti over one thbusand acres ln Lake tween Shteridan road aud Norths av- courity, during thse last six weeks. enure, werel subdlvided by 3. Biiif- Witb thse coming of thse permanent bei-g & Sou sud already neai-iy one- read systein, briugiug every part of hait of the lots bave been sold andur county ;ithin less tissu two houri î2any choice resideuces completed automobile ride of Chicago, our court- or on thte way ta coinpletioit. ty leunsd le become the favorite Tise west uidie ban received qtiite resort for gentieinanly estates for au impetus as a resuit of tise Pur- the wealtity ciansoftat eity as well citase of te sixteen acres at thse cor- as tise city of Milwaukee. *M REPJ ATE TIANWME 0 By A. K. ebwas 5 W. J. Litilejoititasd vite taO ea. Findisy N 96 ft veut o! E 180 ft of lt 332 Lake Forest. W. D. 31.00 Siamp $12.00. Martlsa I. Huckei- anti iuabaudti t W. B. Cocitrane and vifs lot 21 anti B% lot 22 Huekers suit Fox Lake W. D. $500.00 C. A. Neveomit. Jr., ta P. W. Mutipity lai 29 bock 568 Noth Chi- :ago. Deeti $760.00 FanY C. Pape anti iusbandti t Cathes-ise H. Mcllvaine tract af tant bevesu Western Ave, anti Greeu Bay Rondi, Lake Foiest. W. D. $10.00 Stamp $55.00 Elizabeth R. Pllak leoD. K. Tuue tract et landi lu Secs. 34, 35 sud 36, Vernon Tvp. W. D. $1.00 Stamp $10.00 December 26, 1922. Adeline P. Cit lu W. H. Rose, wite. W D $10: stamp $3.5ô. Lots 104 anti 105 County Cierk'a suit VilageofniAntloch. Cates-lue A. Carney to Fred Peter- fGap, Wk $10, stamp $1. S, 9Q acre, W'h SE 1-4 Sec. 7, New- s-tnTwv. 0 00000090000000000 Citas. Sask. 69, Higilauti Park, 111. Nallie A. Johnusen, 63, Highliandi Pas-k, Ill. Michasel J Organ. 36, Milwaukee. Pauline C. Brown, 35, Fond Du Lac. Win. Gea. M. Heinritz. 30, 'Appleton, Win. Anus Kroemes-, 31, Appleton, Wis. Mas-in Kay, 28, Cicago, ni. Alla Joitusou, 19, C11icaga 11]. Walter- Nos-bloin, 21, Waukegan. - ltloselce Milis, 18, Wankegau. Wills west.norelsnti, 21, Aurora. lt. Eula Johnson, 19, Milvaukee, Wia.. Geo. C. Knickeibiue, U, Mineequa, Ws. Amandi L. Maiding. 21, Miwaukee, Wrn. H. Feul, 21, Chicago. Irina Dauble, 18, Chicago. John floike, 22, Chticago. Marie Van Zon' 19, Chicago. Walter Dimitrof!, 21, Chicago. Hazel Plante, 19, Chicago. -Aitonso Woods, 28, Carbondale, Iil Ailes- Manley, 28, Carbuntale, 111. Albtert . AÂit-33, Vaukegan. -Tttaie MWall. 25, Des Plaine, Heauý W. Weatos'mifl, 27, Mlw9ul tetily proper. buti for'lmredng a~,Strang, 'Deeis, $20; stamp $1. flugi ti. Ittwarus. *fieliL experleucethi-etiers prefer oltier orS- W part lot 3. Douglas 2nid Div. irie. WIS. il vali matus-et gesse anti gantiers. Waukegan sud 80 geresalit.socs. 27 Ella D. Schaefer, 21, Northt PraIrie. 0 anti 34, E. Anliohe Tvp. WIP. W. M. MoCanàey aut wife lu J. W rn. H. Froemming. 27, w4iaukee. Bir, IMOORtANCE OF ROOSTER -Bss-welI, W D $2; sîsmp $24. Part Mssita-A. Kleier, 'ü6,M aukse. t Iota il sut 12 bock 1l Original Wau- Alfredi Jung, 27, Milwaukee. impossIble ta Gel Seat Resulta Wth- kagan. -' oianna Nyffeisi-, 26, Miwaukee. q out Use of Good Mae-le Elis Goodiman anti vite lu Abe Foyd D. Bonner. 27, Marshtall- -Haitlte Fiack. Goodman ant i vie, W D $100; tamP lova, lava. $1. W. 100 fI. lot 15, block 15 Wasîî- Melga Las-sou, 33, Nevada,. Iowa. Tte maie Is hait thie dock. Wituout bus-n Springs, Waukagan. Jacob Malzenbuekter, 49, Chicago.a a gooti maie itla Ismupossible lu gel RliisGodman anti vifs tu Boni. Rose M. Wolk,*38, Chicago. gooti resuits. Uis m nore tangeouns, Buekacerman ant i vie. W. D. $100; Abion B. Loebe, 22, West Beuti, bovever, lu use a pour maIe titan t ts stamp $1. W. 100 fi. lot 16, block 15, nd a poos- female. for the roasouutat frein Wassiturn Springs, Wsukegau. Florence J. Lyman, 20, Wes od one maie bird s greater ntitba-et 'of 2ll,1922. PFrank 1H. Gruening. 22, Milvaukee. gMekscltari-ying bis biood will bo M§ieu 0. Sqluires sud huatandte Mar A. Fosdick .19, Milwaukee.. issîied Usan vbers a pour fenlale 18 NorthtSBiteaTrust Ca., lots 4 antid . Cas .Tlma.1,Gan1oie mailavati e ram lu lte dock ,block 18,, Highlianti Park. WD 2,0.Mit R li . N. Turuquist andti s-is 00J. F. F es-usGregg. 10, Glencoe, 1I1. MALES OR. REDINGSTOCKGvyn. ilt 29. Ravinia Woods, H.gli reto Beckley, 22, Savanna, El. e landi Park, WD $10, stamp $.50. Ruth Gardiner, 20, E. St. Louis, Ill. Menr-y Untiz ant i vie te C. H. Robert F. Crugan, 21, Pymotht, Nt AdvisabiO 10 Wait Until Last Casttoi-e snd vit., lots 26, 27 anti Wis. Minute ta Selet Fawla ta 28, fUntz suit on Gi-sud avenue, near' LoIs Mabe, 20, Plymo.ut, WIs. Head Pouftsy Flack. Gurnee. WD $10, stamp 50c. Heu-y J. Numson, 40, UibertyvllO. T. A. Fltzslmmonsansd vifete l E. Louise MeDearmit, 30, Hghland Don't ý.iit utttil lbe lasI minute 10 A. Hetin, lat 4 ex SE cor») Iligli- Park. boy msut o ur sour PO¶lry bieeiog vooti. WD $10, stainp $5. Niles Mumfurd Hawk, 26, Wauke- pens. if! you dul0w test wlii ho gune Congregation ofthtie Rassuri-ection gan. -anti youIll havi lu tako vits left. te Josepht antiAcnton Mudek, tract of Ethel Margaret Swantiot, 27, Wau- *A breeder sels bY ProVo-ssaout simi- landtInl Secs. 9 anti 10, Cubt lwp. W kegan. -tien, txspsnig otfti, 'et ire-t. so 310, stanlit$37. Ricitard Tursli. 26, Iligtlant Park. -teesanies- yen boy,lthe Iter wliî teDec. 23, 1922- Enes Palantul. 22,.HiglîgtandiPark. lte stock you gi-I. . S. Hansen sud vite te T. E. Jack A. Stages-, 24, Milwauikee, Wls. Gray, lot 46, First addtitluWashington Olive Ki-egla, 19, saine. Park, Wankegan WD $10, stsmp $2 011e H. Anderson, 22, Roshol, Wis. LEGS ARE QUITE IMPORTANT Eizabeths Mangeisi-tunk te J G. Lorna B. Bosti, 20, sabe. _____Hauck ant i vie. lot 6 (ex N 48 if.) Paul HR, ,Llnd, 21, Se Milwatukee, Nt ony4Wecesary ast Meas o f Lace. block 7, Latti & Ges-gos stit Wau- Wis. rnotion,, btt They Heip Appear- lUgan. Wl) -10 îlamp $2.50. - (Sga M. Borgen, 24,, Moroheati, Fo;s Florence Yule to R. R. Mailman, llionu. 5flai ~~~~ bots 2, 3, 5, te 10 Wlusteu & May's suit lt ie, 2 iiae Tis ieu t fvî ase mpotat sotLake Foi-est. WD «$10, stamît $42.50. Eliinuie OviatI, 20, ains. Thelog « owl ar Imortnt et Nellie A. Alti-idge lu 'D. A. Flynn Mai--y A. CopIa, 21, Milwaukee, caly as a moans of locomotion, but lot r4 block 3, G U Wrennu atit, Wla. il,. alolu regard taelise appearanca of ltse Highlandi Park1 Wl) $1o, tamp $3. Blance B. Bastin, 19, sains. fovis. Tises'.ora, Use lu egsersivs Fred Graithe and vifte l 1G . At- Auguet P. Gimaloka, 22, Milvau- VPrepc oré an4 attention tram SWZ vaîl, Iota 30, 31, 37 anti 88 West Viev kee, Wis. OMfMW -W-o. -- addItiAke VilaL. WVM $10, atsP SO. litas Von Baxel, 22, saine- AN GORAS ARE HIGHLY USEFUL Auimal la Disease Realetaut, Thi-ives ou Detrlmentai Plants sud ia Priatable. (F.-pa.,-d 57 the Unlird Sta«ts Dep.rtmeCt 'flic Angora goal, dîsease resi-ltt, thrivlng on the twlgs, hutîs aud leave-t of bi-ush and otther îietmimenttil pists, and supplylng excellent tuent ani highly usefui bai- anti skins, l, sîilt un- knovu la masi people outhIbs country w'lh is eu oe o!flihe'largest raisers utf Angor-as In) the world. Thoe"ai-c s rewi oi the bulerestlng tacts îrutgit YearfIng Angora Bac. WÀUKEQIAN MNRE -POPULAR ASA - @RETNA EGREEN Marri-age-License lssued This Year Show Increase of 375 Over Last Year. Grieina Green turing 1922. lu tact the recorda o! Lesw A. Mendee, coun- ty clerk, show that there was an lu- crease of 375 marriage licenses Issu- heredti Iis year over the yeai- 1921. Thora vere 2887 lcenseti issusti lu 1921. vitil Ibis year týe number jumpet to 3262. "Waukegan la growlng cotinualli in popularlty as s mariage mai," Clerk Heutiee teclared. -In tact we Issue moi-e licenses te Racine aud Kenosha couples tthatitose cies do to their uvu resIdeuta, A very lai-ge pereenlage outhetaliceuses issued berf. ai-e 10 Mlwaukee couples. 1 believD tatInlu1923 ve viii reac thtie 4,000 mnark If the lucrease o!fltse last yesr la lu be taken as an indication." The unusual teature o! tbe yeai-s licenses vas te tact titat ibere wso a large number issued te couples o advanced age. Net a few lîcOusa vere iasued 10 couples wtO hbu reachedthte three score snd ten age Oluce lte office of te county clerb sud Pi-obala Cierk bave been divided ail the liceues vili he issued b) Clei-k Hentie sud hiaid. Jay B Morse. Ps-Wr ta Dec, 4, John R. Btl iock, o!fte prubate court sud bis as sistaut. Mrs. R. R. Dunu. aise Issuec licenses. White Lune coutinuedti t be tIq -Monrtt et Brides" vitit 331 liceuse issuedt litImontit it telI belff Jue of 1921.,viten 341 liceuses vsr lssued, but July of ibis year mOD titan mate up te difference. tise iteiug 320 Issueti, as againat 207i year aga. The liceuses Issueti ea. monlh for lte past titiee years sr as foliova; ouI ln a recent Farinera' Bulletin 120619 TIse Augure Goal, publisteti by the January.............1 United Sttes Department oet Agi- -February . ..ý.......... culture, wbtitcoucetaine detailedi lu- Mai-ch..............1 formation about these useful suiznaiS. Mayr................1 frein a brie! itory of Usais-evelop- Muye................. meut dtew u management of goat îjw------------ ranchses, te marketing o! mohair, sud August............. te treatmnt o! diseases. September ........... Texas s lte leadiug goat-raising October-------------.. reflun of lte Uniteti States, bavlug Novembea'........... mare Angoras titan ail ot#ier states cou- December........... bineti. Conditions cf topogs-spby, ai- TTL titude, elinste, aud pries of landtihave _______....... ail juiuedlu to eip make thesai-ncises succesostul. Open-bru"is iauge. similsi- to tiat la Texas. makes tise rematining part o! tise Bautiswest second in &:hgçsa OPÇU rangius. Many "ise urcharsalu tise R FO Nortiswest stand on ladti ttwu bi-useffl off by te goals, ant Uera . l. ~c innis land1. la t d'gon that Tu adapi- ce-O -c.s ed for' permanent goaliatng. The Ozsrbs, la soutiseru Mluoiandi nostiserntAanus, conWsn mny Lay Away $2» 0u bands of Angoras ant wi v support andiLoan Shar« more ou a permanent brust-utiiiang baste supplemeut let vs intes- feeti- rqnt Ro lng. Oulside tise ai-es isera there la Mas that vHIi win, typica goal range Angoras may bt munlty' building ta proai ued for bs-ush-eieai'ing byhyiaidling of W&ukeigan vers laid temamcit as siteep ai-e hisSleld. daY at thse direction af Tise bulletini may be obtaineti free disectors of thse Waukei by stdi-essiug tise lieparimeut ut Chicago Csamubes- of Cu Agriculture at Wasinlgtou, 1).<C. put $2,550 tu 34 pid-up WueBui,.i~. llding an AI El il et &LFALFA TUA NOT IN FAVOR Evîdeuce Dos Net Show Any Great AdS'antags to e BsGalud by Use of Liquor. Aiiaifa tes, made by pouting b0ll- îg watçr ou bay sud ailowing ih 10 Beep for a few houri or- by stirring ttfg1fa meal itotucoul vater sud sraling lthe> mixture atter several ourshais beeu bighly recominendei from time to lime fer feediug youug uimalb,0bbut tise evideuce reviewedtU the Uutted Netaltes Department t AC -M., 0unure cou snaLd;u sny greai ad- ~s~t~ptDbu ,iohd jissoughthtie nus t- ttis iqu sBorne, eperimeut gs- tions bave fouud ltai piga matie hetter gains viten corumeal anti middllngs i-are, mixed wvitt aitalfa tes ratter tua Vate-, but thte atiditional gains ne» l rdly enougi tolupsy for tise in- 5il» expeuse. Causes fed altalta lm matie puor gains anti strfereti nucit troin cours. On the vitule, the practice o! makiug titis tes for liva stock stouiti be discourageti, says tise departmnt. HELP EFFICIENQY 0F HORSE NumeroasWsqulries Rsceived at Mis. sous-i Ootisge of Atricasîtur* for Hlitches. Vras-ms-s are makluig use ef paver Lu tsi-gsi unilsttan ever be!es'e. juin- erous inquiries f3r titres-hors. itcites tes- wagons anti Ève tu eigit'itrse hutches fus- piuWs are belug receiveti by the Missoutri Ooltege 0f Agricul- ture, says J. C. Wootoy of the agi-icut- lui-si engineering depariient. Tte titres-torse Joad wili take but litle mûure of lte insu',ime titan lte Ivo, but bis efliciency bas itean inci-easet 50 par cent. Oste BesIt for Scws. Oatài isa a intiettler -grain fS *i-aod eaws thsu coi-nantis miture ~ot abut Iequst prts u tssanti COf La botter titan altte- grain alone. AI, fslb or aven close- baY vili psy go0" r9u-ns wben ted te breood 50v,. Alfulfa Bat for Mosmu. It suons advissbé Jutigls froas tise resulte ut expertmnt, net te feed a heaVy situita ration vIlS cerntc gi-oving torses, paricnlarly lu Pue bredi vbea mèekingtishe bout peuslIs 122 135 21(t 145 160 116 164 172 216 209 212 251 326 341 331 278 207 320 321 334 293 298 $15 329 286 300 3031 340 251 318 232 240 316 2744 87 3262 ) InBuilding sfor. Crn- l Here. g8 about s com- amotd the steetis Id avay yeater- fe tise hoard et sen andi North 3amerce. Tbey ip ssam of ets andi 1.4.1 550-1 'jaai asan sinin uus fr tie fa lirMas orne. ud orte 9 tis ishte. bgnig0farala his spla en ittasg otta ea noma- iontfreipln Cthambm'a! omercelu ruemers for aumbar o o!ercesu iey beisvfoUaI nmerofyes iinus ane sdtile htio3500 pt aiong vs ait initial u$o5,50pt. ogwt teIit oia satltefas$2,550. l mTheraitp nkes il Of h ssietiny avesi tiiaest poitesibleg fund. TitareMa nov 0pa th ipnkihes-s lt leranion 50 ati it is inra lng lu o sizcotiontiy. a nres The inicnvin esScet, i b The buitlin, w hegted, ibe - iitt10 te nd-» sO;tt, witu b<¶Qr plcem ut vit=tbyare diseuse- I zgSj tt'Y pl n s isa. ii te n d ' fo r a The boss-t vers very enthusistic lu apaning tte sInking. fond, anti one o! tae membera statedti iaIt e betiev, eti that il wouldtile but a mate- of a few years befe they vwouit con- struet lheii- building. $70,OOO DEAL, IN4 L. FORE3ST REALTY~ Dean flalpit E. leiman of the scitool of commerce uf Noithwestern univeraity. acting as head of a syndi- cste bas tekeso title tuetiirty-two acres o! wooded land lu Southt Lake Forest, belveen Greenitriai-rmaid d thte Sacred Heart academy, about 500 feet west uf Sheridan road. Thte property wyul be subdlvided neXt sprlug. Guy M. Hluston, directot' 0f tite Firat Nation~al bank ut Chicago was te seller, The price was $70,- 000. subject te $25,000. L. (I.. Airies of W. K, Young & Dm5s., was tihe îbroker for bot parties. ARLINGTON +HOTEL i Good Meals 50e WAUKGAN, HL Foi -1V119 DOLLAR DOWN DUring JanUary Ait ~vll oonnstute Io the preliminary S payment on o ELECICAL iAPPLIANCE sè bonght on term of of s Monthly Paymente id e- We include among the rk Bd goods offered y articles slightly B. ai shopworn at l- extremly low ed prices. But the number he of these U linmited *s and sw il the m qtter b-e to do into a.tqtdckly. I ) rtWateu Slr. PUBLIC SERVICE COMPAU Of Nortitermi fliol EHANAN W. cmB Omee ai nom, ou Co*i VM T e la p is m e 1 4 " ,,:- Rat. L H. MOe 0K . F. Assistnt Saetoefât«ti ý 1çYaamvuzx DR J. rsL uTALeeRt Gfl nFrat atioa iE Ob AtidreesMail te à.IH. OODMA Antloch, illinors Phono LISERTWVILI.0" F. A91 MANUI'AOTrURER @ MAtElEAU GRMP!E molUIIKrS-1 ,

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