CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 4 Jan 1923, p. 14

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MSahtberg Opposes Di. k« Action on Part of Wife; Wants Chilren. ,,'Ubt ils vife vas entrely 100 týy vithhliea»Mors vWhopatron- their restaurant at Norti Ciii. was the. assertion made le cir- curt Saturday by Sam Ssiilberg, - erly o!f Grayslake, viio i. con- *Mtlng lie divorce suit o! lits vif,, tA rp.Sahib.rg. Tii. vite le su- 14 Sgahiberg on the grounds .o! ai- ,I cruetty. Si. testified of two ~-eanaon vilci aie îaid ber bus- *=sd vas cruel. Sahlirg tld Instances liaI hap- W»xeu wviile andi hie wl!. operateti »X restaurant in North Cbicago. lHe AV& shaie was entirely too popular -vtb tue sailor boys Who beseigeti àk* Wvlhb fioers. candy and ti her at- tentions. He admilted tuaI h. iiad rmuetrated viii ber and saldt lai On qse occasion i. b.d grabbed ber >7 ibb ar)n ho puli her away from a telephone vien aie vas talklng 1u ae admirer. ,Wituesasaalso testifiedt laI Sail- &i1g bkâ bon Csring fer bis Ivo chii. 4à"âin bCicago and ialid tuat Mns. 1PAJgberg titi not car. toc oses hem for veeki at a lime. Saiilberg vanta the oustOdy o! th. chiudren awarded te blm. * GR,&YSLAKE * lir.». G. Wbite sud daugiter Mary Uâm*s ve Chicago visitors ou Tues. 'Dr. John Turner of Washington, D. ù-is vlafting aItii.e home of bis par- otta ber. Umi. Bari D«rby altendedth le funeral Of * ftien t iWlmnot. Wl,., on Monday. XMs. OIlihue aiPeut New Years witi la Ob I Cicago. be as openeti a shoe re- ts4 by Lhe Boom.recentty occu Mr. pi rs.Mike Smith are thie = i2pýts f ababy boy horu ou br. ÎP1lg1t, o! WaUkegaii, vas a pro- Ç~4u aIti:e e son Fniday. e- td uisiantid mnt *4Mb opent the liidays at th. home îo Ma.Coteon'a parents, tir. and Mre. MrO .WaIdmana wae a Chicago -vitor on Tiuraday. ISýe .eev auSkplant viili vi h ««t'atd by Henry Cunningham, wiii *0 tegdy for butinss til latter part o! 'L LE VILLA * '-<~me. MW 9-W. - A.Truiamr r- 0e1% *00A±aiaOnson tie butà et 9% P«96 daW*iter, Caret, Chris- was le Chicago on bus.- Ma-. sudM (. Pred HamIln vent 10 Oak xut sgartiay anti sent11au1mon- viurelatives tuer. àÏ . c h. director o!frlii- Oua education for lie district, vas a pOb t Meeir ber over ta. veek end,. a sUmm lhati many gooti sugges- A od air* la -thc egîdnnlng of s 0094 Ne-t; a Sad On. lauth. End 6f Any Hert. tas 15cooaîo! fee.than ail o! lie 91 Xi. Bahimevh.,ian ssQporated 'the covsin le .otiier ierd. l voult r.- ( uMery hmbor ontue ast year, bsare- quIre 117 cove lite tbé average te tue tereeu te bis iome 1110" kPark, anti poor bendt 10equal iu Profit production t6e bakeny viii reopen le about a one o! th, cova in thie tppbord. Tu mOM4n untier amy management. equal the'ý herd o! 16 gonti covi a ~ L. also ta penting I vio ermrer woutd have 10 keep 1872 sol- etis Sluter ln Muiburn. mls lirete average cov uitis poor tr, id tira. F. M. Hautn andt ieir mar ibuihter apeut Sunday vil finndast - Wr. anti Mm. Carl Bructuet have COWS DURING COLO WEATHER e' st*efd te Mitubume, viere tl\ey haves _a_ 1peeltion con a from. ew Pound*ot onahp1Ký tlhford, an&i-famil: ant ili l ""' e tut anfr sme tinte. - 1Ie Rev. Mri. Kean resumeti hia During coiti venuher. tiry env. aétudes t Garreot Bibical Institut. ubeulti b. ted a 11111. more gratn than '1'0"iy, alter a Ivu veeks' vacation. duin miltir enahier. A fev linuntis a foxiy rounion aI lhiubhe on New e o ConehOP esci day turing lie cold- ti r, anti tra. Jant s Barnelable bail esitisays viii ii.Ip teprovItie more -Yea'. Day. una bodiy beat anti ensile the cow 10 keep Jiss Alvena Larsen epent Su a p ber milt flov even ho lie coîdet " -uel*i ber parents nean Zlon . w eaîher. Itlet.of course nec.ssary tint ft-ed BafliesI spent tue paslt twoth ohaeslérndntbex * «0sî» U v iitnentaIs n Chicago. leevhv Iehrat u i x Mm , Nettie Smith enlerlaineti a Posedtie tlb.coiti vinds. Oun raI frlpod, Unr. Stone, uver the Nev Year. colti tiys a llanket wîli asail lun tmep- IDt fiee Tweed spent lutI veekting lie c c elitortabIe. w1wvi iber brother'. vif.. viu ta ilI aI b--ter home nean Harvardi. WSLK NCE AR DIK -j Mtrs. BIrtlett la coufinedt 10ber O SLK NIEW R DIK homne lu lUnes.. bull. Improvlng. e%9Leumin anti leacock familles Animale WiltlNt Censume Neeut -,stertaineti bouse paries aI their re- Arnount o! Waten When t la ' spetve hom over tb. Nev Tean. Bitteriy Cold. nrs. Fowîn, Jr.. is vislling inle i-- ce 2ix ale IdXs net permit irour c-ny, ho drink te repotetat uIMn. anti trs. Cati Ice vater, la lie atimoniton o! B. A. 13o=ien, of Marvarti., mry !tsRafflon. taiy extentston apecaistat a pince. are th~e prend panent. ni a baby Uiversityr fart. 'Cow-s will nuetii-n tims George Bli, vho bas ieen -sn II. putI four ves. las lnwly ~Clyvti " lanti sont, Miss Selck ~ethte ev Tear lu Foneal Park -The. Churob ton tiecHUIi WW tis our rigie ortuT Does it pw an un poer In leyour 1f.. 4,W*,b my irbe able' Uve lu-ç ne- "Yfwfl -but m ou mWiotuer rooms e-p tu= ieess. Eeiigktiunair tirive eVonifm Ouse, but. 111e pe, agr alrmekt Tout mair girsOtrreligo a seuil room; «Or liongit o! it la a five- tI Wl» net bave Il disoua- sa~ t the <2aureb cntihe * mauieg ag gc at il ja *ry wvemie. ~ ~ elwalu cnid," mgayastir* .Flnan. "If thielal, are ont provîied ma-tIlt aer sucketa, pace a tank icaler la your lenk. Il IF far -iuaper lu beai thie nter wthb coal anti corn cobsllie tank healer tia iti bru ted t10thierows.' Wlnter Dalrytng Profitable. Winler tiicyng ta Profitable wtth gooti c-tre anti gond cowa. RelIer test YoUn cows. weighing lie millk nigil anti morning for a weet on su. anti usitu the Babcocktlest tâ fin t i lo1e ici the mlk la. WiI "Dry Off', ln Hum-y. A cov liai ta le gond condition teti keep np her- mut flow for a ibe eveli Iuielugisic is untier-feti; but - gaib>- ali>' ber systent yUl le nobbqd ecf41 b.1 mpus fIemb, anti sie viii .drY ka hum-. tiMrs. Carl Ifilanr o! Lake Vila vlatl.d Nra. John Clark ffltiay anti Bahurdair. - A number ef our rasidentsrae :called t0 Wankegau " sPeg veektho anaver charges o!f<rivng ýon the ce- sient radl befor. liaIt thorougifare vas apenedt t rafiLç Bevenal dnev fÇnes o! $11 le tue justice court.., tir, anti trs. Frank Wood anti- son. Calvin. molonedt 10Evanslon Saluntiay anti remaineti over Suntiay anti Mon- day. tir, anti tra. Les' Fetten anti trs. James Stearns v,1e Wankegan siop- pers Thurs4fy. tir, anti trs. Ray Tbompaon of Ci- cago visiheti relatives iiere oven Satu- urday, Sundsy anti tontiay.1 Margaret anti EdWin Dram.wiio are attendue gschool aI Unbania, spent lhe vacation vith theur perents ber,. The Seniors are buey pnacticing tor s play vich tey wili give le lie near future. Neas-iy every -family lu our ltle iurg ba~s sonteone sIck with a bati coîti. tins. Tam Sullivan,. vio ý-ne home front tha hospital recently, la Evansîonu camnehome Saturday qut. Ill. Morris Mumiord I. alan 111 aI is home in Antloch. tirs. EUt.s Storey has been quit. iii at bei home ilu Park street. tir andi trs. Juin Woodiead enter- lainedti Io nepheva frumn Evanston and Wilmelhe- uver tichesite endi. George Bruv hba.s olti bis fartaon thue Htcktory Rond ho Frank Wilton o! Bristol. Haroldi Hoffman bas bee nspeptilng lhe hotitiys viti relatives te Cicago, returnIn giome ne etint, for echool lasI TuesdaY. [*FRÉII0NT CENTRE.k'- Miss Loretta Hertel apent lin pasl week vit fi tntda, in tue ctty. Mir, anti Mn. Abert Obenauf of Graylake enleti on relatives hena on N'ew Tes'.. George Hertel andi fantlly enlertain- eti relatives front Chicago lie ftrst o! lb(. weet. Misa Louise Fredericit spenl lie past veekth h len sunt, tirs. Louis Weirenbeng at Libertyville. Gerge Hironius aanti sisters ver. dinnen guesta aI lhe ihome qî4 heIn mo- lien,,WiII, at Round Lake New Year'm day.0 Peler Meyer relorneti fron thti Pal- aine hospitl lasi Friday, muchIran- proveti lu heati. tire. Helen PretierIckilavliing rel- ative, iu Waukegan anti Chicago. lte feelng o. .t.5i p0pmi Tiiere vas notiecrease ln tie mu-, flow non lu lie yieiti o!fiutiertat. When ted as tiescrliti e d tii-tred pomace appearedti 1 be equtîl, pounti for pontio! dry malter, lu good con îiiage as a succulent foodi for lis tiairy cow. Owlng ho tie property whieciti possesse. o! ahsorbing large quanhihies »! valer anti sweling,lt sinulti neyer be ted dry, bol shouiti be slowed lu isak ln wnler for an hour or an liefore !eeding. Tihe pomace appeans to lie a palatahle feeti- lng iluif. Caution i stivîseti lu eeting tiieti apple pomace% a. tien. le a pnssiuility tiat the teedtng o! large quaohittea, or o! quantlies cnaiuilag excessive amounta of appie seeda, might prove Linjurions. Il appeans tb besafe, iow- evet', 10 feeti as much sonteti pomace by veigit (one part tirieti pomace 10 tbree parte vateni iLs Ilwouiili e ho f.eethe mne atont o! poînace tresi frot i theeider press. TO PREVENT DREAD DISEASE Foot-in-Mouth AlIment Need Mot Se Peared If French Sorum Proves s Relable, 1. ue tireaul fton-ant-mouh dtaese vili no longer lie teareti by catfleinen If tue announcemeul O!flthe diaeo-vcry o! a serunt for lie prevention o! Ibis dîsease- by a group o! French iclen- 11.15, proves retlable anti if thb. seruni cm b, manufacturei in sufficteut qugntites. geveral outbreats, of tue diiese have occurreti iuitle Unitedi 9tates, thie is of lient several years «0a, eausing a great Insu.Tbe oui, 4fective metiiotio! stampiug eut tue dimoeaae eeofone bas bienu to O Mla ter ail catleaffecîti anti tboeougiiip siletet le peigme 'WAS FRIEND- FACT 1 MR VIOLÀTIN(i D IVO LY WITII SAORS! SILO NECESSARY FOR' DAIRYl ROM) ORDINANCE j- imUSNNum:::»mmk 0Fr 1 lncrease of 7V, Per Ce nt Madie on Ma suiFarm hby roreding Cowaml: Drove Cars or Trucks on New SUCCULENT FEED FOR COWS on sîlage. Highway Between Lake No ailwhota nitinga hrd f -Villa and Antoh. Onleti Apple Pomace DoaMot Cause - ~~Deci-sase ln Milk FlowNoYîl a dozen or ilor. cows eau ever hope Six men, al residents o! Laike Villa of Bulterfat. ho make maxitmum elurna frontilS anti Anioch ver. brougitlinoJus- hertl without a silo, accordiug to E. l ice court Saturtiay morling and firned <Prpa,,,d iy tiie United States Departmsut M. Harmnî, talry extension speclalist t'for allegeti violation of lie roati ord- or f Agrlultar..> for thie Mîssouri College c! Agrlui.Iiacefiorbilddiug trespasslng eunenw- Dieti or "let-porttted*' apple poinace turc. Tii. tItemnent was provei iy ly finîsieti roatis. Tic vilators are as a succulent feeti for te datry cov lb. Missouri'Cow Tesiing associations supposedtie1 have driven over lie la the subject o! a prellmtnîîry report durng ie asîyer, s aownlu ienew turopike betwen Lake Vtila antid fromthte bureau utfchemistry anti an- durig te pst yaras hownln he ntioch. !oilowiug rsults: Acrlgh is e imali ndustry ofuthle Unitedi States De' Cov. recetvlnig silage produced anu rco aifieit arcd i partmeni o! Agriculture based >on an average of 5,798 tiounda o! mille, 266.8 rond suffctently anti, due to lie Iepnmn odtrielefeiu pounda of fat andi a profit abovtŽ fecd ieavy soove, they betieveiliaI iih value ,of drieti-apple pooiace. espectbi. coa t f$1086o per cow. COvr with- hati nul icen aroundte h remove lie Iy ils suttabiltty ns food for cows Ln oui silage averugeti 5,189 pounds O! obstructions. lactation. Preltmlnr remults are ire- mitit, 252.7 pounti. o! lat and a profit Justice tiason vas lenlent in most 1 prted beeause o! n large number of of $10102 per cow. The tIlfereuce cases upen hheir pies Of Ignorance. inquirles on lie suh.lCct. uas M0 pounda o! mutil, 18.9 pounds One, Frank Bro, a realdent of An- The text of the~ rep)ort folove: tioci, vas lsamissed viien Il vas It eppearstliter. lsa a liefe!among of fat anti $758 cents per cnw iln one foundt laI i. hail n01 drîven ente lte dairymen that tihe drted product ha. 5rear. 1concret., portion of lie roadvay. atnec oetiw heml lw This asa an inçrense of 7% per Thoan tirawing fines ver.: Arthuir jatnec ucld~nhemi 1 cent lu profit due 10 tue silo. The, Panku, 2 and costa; Lee Milledor! or even cause coava te go dry, aithougli average man wouiti go a long way te $2, Walter Oblun $2. Kerian Rayan apple pomece freali frointhle eider mar-ket bis tor 7% per cent $10, Raymtond Couse $5, Henry John- pres s generslly recognized aus ieing la vortis tuaI muci 1teiniti son $10, James Steàrns $2. a gond isucculetl feed for mutk cows. a silo anti ve muat have a lot more o! Instructions ver. sent 10te th cou- To telt lie Sounaneffl of this bette! a the beorewe illreah te econmytracter 1e barricade the roadvay lu feeding triai bas been cenricO ont iy tiet efoe e wllreci ieecoonx'a hetter mannr so tiat 01n1Y tins. the departmenî. Oniy oete cüw was w. shoulti lu bultertat production. vho deîtuerateîy Irespasa voulti bt'used til tttest, sud Ithe total quan- arresteti. Warrants vere issueti for ttyof tirietipomae ted m'as les. than BIG VALUE OF COW-TEDuTING severai other violators, anme nf whom 400' pounis; tieretore lh must lie borne gave trouble vien cautioned about lummdlmt i eslsobau sorne Convinicng Compaisoesof Bout going over the, nv road. *muiît Thei. m a thle new hlghway- re-viie Indicative, catnni lie accepteti and Poort-sHMrd Bogt c-ntly placeti under way tleen as conclusive. Out by Expert* Lakte Villa anti Anîloci andi wilci la bIb is feediung trial lte rri-tipîle expectedteho e completi vhhîin thie pomace was ted wel and is t f-etlig b>- theitetat. u Deprtment nxl ev tuontha. Driving .over Il value colpared w uvit hai of cornt si- oh ArtcUtWw. w- ille inlis preseul tate causes a lage. stuc-e l lu Intetdtle10br-a suc- testing association as lie baste for lils depreciation andi will cause tie con- culent feeti. The potîlace was ire- calcutatlons s representative ufthle crete te crack within a cear or se. pareti by adtiing 10 tie dry maleriai Uneitedi States Departent of! Agricul- People vin live along aide tie tir., limes l.s weiglîl o! water ieev- tair ba mae nme onvneig crn-closei road are in aonme cases given hur ha mae sme onvactg cnt-permission -lu go around tie barri- oral boire before 'feeliug, tins pro- panisons ofthie hast tierd andthle pour- caties in ordtieu reaci theti- prop- ducing a feet imîilar lunuaten cou- est berti, IlmI briog out viii unusual erîy as long as îîey refrain !rom go- tent lu ubalt cornie, e emphasls tue value of lesling. ing over the concrete. For a perioti o! 30 days lhe romi-e- Tiiere ver. 511 cevi owned iiy ment- ceiveti a balance ration coisistiug of bers -of lhe association. The i behrti********d***~ grain. hiay, anti corn silagi-. The et- ébnsltd of 16 evws, vîti an average ~ ~ Aloge vas tien replaceti by thie apple ef MO6 pouatis of butter fat la s yegr. A 5N'T 10 -CH potaefora a imlaer leugi of tine., The. pooreat benti bai 91 cowa. aver- ~*****- folloving a ten-da3- tranition pertoti agleg 145 pounds o! buttler fat lu a for the. change iu duel, anti after a Ilke yea-. Tne ffrst berd matie an average We -vlsh you ail s hayy anti pros- transition perio t ah te endi ut 30 tiys lecme0f iiperco ov? ii.col pnoEdn, Cok oYar. e, the original ration containing stiage et teeti consumedti Ie latter mad tnsetii oo ! lndvmont., vas resumeti andi qoulinned for a third rati-novr fedcoi 0 ony ah1 here vlslttug ber aitler, tirs. Cias.. average rtmoe odcn fo' Richards, aid otier relatives ln Ibis 80-day perioti. 64 cents pet- cev.1 viclnlty. tirs. Cook expect tu remain Tii. quauttty teti-SO pounds o! vel on lies, tigures viii ielp te show juiltiMrs. John Clark ta quit, 111 at ber total dry malter le the pomsce how tfor spart ver. lies. cews le tue homte ou. Park atreet. equaitedthie weigiit ofrtiry malter In tve bei-ti. Tue average'-cow lu the. Dr. Jose C. Lutigate o! Wheaton 111.tue sitage replaceti. The quantltiea o! besi herti produceti more, income abo4a ctee.4a seMres of revival meetings at grain anti liy tel remaueti practicitl- te Methhdiýt churi suntiay evmigjg. Ir conistant turougiiout tie whole ex- Yeu are invlted te attend these me- pertiment. lue. tlEnlng'service begflaes ah7:. Wbl, thie dais obtaineti are net I~-ir1 MErs lest iaons. vio ha. been suuilent te warrant lie tii-wing of very 111 for the past menti, la ahpi-es- final anti teflulie conclusions, lhe Indu- utmo Î~DiT STÂTE, TEÂG1JRS MgEUT Is Named Member .of Execu- tive Commitee of State Superintendents. Speclito tie Sun Springfield, Dec. 28-T. Arthur Simpson, county superintendent of the sciioois of Lake county, was eloted memiier of the. executive OSMmîntteeo0f lthe CouAty Superixi- teudehts of Sooi of lthe Illinois State Teachers Association at their ,nnal meeting here Wednesday aftet-noon. This ta signliioner for the Wau- kegan man, wiiose work lu this county bas bean largeiy responsibie for thie progres. o!flthe achools lier.. Tiie reputation of the. Lake county sciionls han grown 10 such an ex- tent tiat the goverement recentiy sent representattees here to study lb. metioda lnu ue y the varloub local sioils. Springfield, Ill., ime. 27-Tii. in. tereet o! over 300 delegates to the. sixty-niuhh annual meeting of lhe Illinois State Teachers' association. arrlvlng hbere today foz the~ initial meeting tonight. centerei about lhe attitude o! the, association on the. recommandations of the.Ililinois ed- ucational commission for a. change ln the state distributive plan. The. sweeping chianges ln the mehhoedi proposais of th. commission for sweepiug changes ln the metiod of aiiottlng the states $8,000,000 school fund were to taire precedience over decislons on other Important maltera, officiais3 stated. Tii. association for years has urged a state distributive ichool fund of $20.000.000 auouaiiy. Tis was their chief rocommndeti6n be- foreth ltitegislalure. wiiich gave -tiem $8.000,000 a Year. etili W. nIa 20,000,00 Tiie association la atili for thie $20.000,000 funti, Rob>ert G. Moore of Carlinviiie, secretary, state, but tii, attitude on theiillbstta 10b.proposed by the, educational commission must be settt.ed befor, il can determine the. site of the, !und tla t1.10 h urged befor. the. !ortbcomlig gen. erai asssembly. Tii. Illinois educationai commis- sion han reoonun.nded the, prenant baile 0f svportioning th. sobool funti lu Proportion te thie number 0f per- son13 -der 21 ln esci district ha entlrety elixinated, substitutIng therefor, sn allotmesiî bagad on ti-ý actual noeds of eaob district. Din@ues Long«r Tenre Anotiierimportant proposaI 10 coame before the. convention vas ta b, the, ""cure ttnnrW' act. provld- tng& for givlag teaciier. Perm-mont Positions after tiiree yearW- service. Teachers at présent are given only yearlY contracta. Two ether items Iqi conte before tth. meeting vero, te be a co4UL*cation of the ciild laPor lava of the. al.t, and a lav -$Peoiyg lie- powers and duties of CltY guerintendent o! ichoole. Tb@ Maste u Mice lojnov bua amem- bership of 21.884 *EVERETT SCHÏOOL' The Diiondt's new houa. i. rapindiy neating coenpietlon. Yore was home -for tire. weeks' vacation f rom ii. chool duties in Dubuque,.Iowa. Malan Phiip bas been Ill vltii scar- lt lever for the, esat fiv, veeks. Si. vas up and out doors for tiie firsI tirn, Sunday. 8h. hope. 10 b. back 'In achool soon. Helen Speilman o! Waukegan la vis- lting her relatives ln Everett. She vis- lited our achool Tuesday. W. enroUlet a new pupil In the firat grade. Hàr name i. Ruth Duncan. Thie- Rainbowv<-_cb helqi heir meet- ln.g eIt tCarolan bomne F'rlday, Dec.j - ,e*,~keedtimo ~ - achool closed for lhe holitisys. Our Janitor, Charles Redmonti, brougbt us a pretty litl tre., vblch ve decorat.' ed as a surprise for th. uitIle people o!flthe towér grade,. Tii. Ire. vas piaceti on a stand and ail o! the pres- einta were arranged around lils base. -Tiaen ilittl. folks vere invitedto,1 our room. We ver t nthbe mIdst of our Party, viien Louis Svl!t's messenger entereti viti gifla for ail of us. Eacl, boy lu achool recelved a fine Jack- ktaie, andi each of the girls andth le teaciiers a nickled zine utiiity case filledti vol olet soap. To say. we ver. delighted does not express our grati- tude. e o.0,, a o0ea 0 00 0 0 0 FOR ALL THE NEW8 (W- LAKE e eCOU$4TY, SUBORIUE FOR THEil* e NDEPm44)ENT..4lj60 A VEAR g 60,000000000000009 279000 IRECORDS Played With One E V-ERPDLAI THE PER&4MANNNEEDLE * * * ** * .Nrs. Etina Martien mpent a few days viii Waukegan trien.. Bila anti Fred Gosviller entertalueti relatives !rom Palettne. ouNev Years Day. H. A. Watson bas gone 10 Kansas on a business trip. Mra. Fay Roua. anti sons vere Lii- ertyvillo visiter, eoo ritiay. Mn. anti Mî. George Smi anti tr. anti Mi-. . lIzorth Wilcex ententalneti lie !oioving guqats ah a tilnnen at the Wilcox homu. on Nlew Year's Day le Isonor of tir. and tirs. IL. A. 8milbi alxtith vedtilng anutverssry: Mr. andi Mn.. J. P. Ritenthaler. Inrma antiBen Rltzenthbaer. A. M. Keedler anti iagi- ter 1>-ocale. M. D. Hoimpktm and tiu- ý hIer Co.rand Mn. andi Nr. Wallae- Lockiiead atl of PratiieVie,. lAna Auderman o! Paltine. tira. Mtpa Smith, Henr anti Cls.raSmiltho! Dia- Ruth Se.ley, LaVern. anti Loy Omail o! Libertyvill, anti Morris, Rob- ert anti Turner Wilcox andi Miss 2ellie Smth. Dinnar vas served at 11:30 e'plocit andthte ramaleter o! th. a!t- ernoon vas spent le mlnglng oid faah- îoneti songs. nre grmndcbildres pre- 'mentedtheli."bide andi groom" viti a beautiful baquet of roses. John Badge anti dangiters ver. lu Waukegan one day Isat veet. tir, anti trs. M. A. Cha.ndler anti daugiter. Ruth, ver. gueuts oftir. and tirs. W. A. Porteous New Yean's. tir, anti trs. R. F. Roua, anti son Itardin ver. Suntiay kuests o!ftir, anti tir. Ralpi Rouie. Mr. anti trs. Albiert Lenz o! Cicago sp.ul the vek endi vii tir., andi trs. Wm. Bonnkamp.,, tir. and tirs. J. T. Mitchell have muvedt lu Lberty-v-lite. tirs. Mitchell bas taken the position of Iliranlan ah the. Cook Memoriai luhrany. -Bllly, lhe 11111e son o! Mn, anti Mra. Wm. Aibrechi. la eeriously ill vîti 0. W«=rn wnppr vai.. tHE LINCOLN MEMORIAL T-y HOS1 Whio have vigteil foreign Jlande say tuat neo tiier silrh structure compiés fqvorably, ip eltiier size. beauty or location, witi tiie great, simple andi adrnirabiy-ituat.d monu- ment erected by the peple0f Amer-, leu, ln the. capital of thei. nation, as a flttiug tribute to the m.uiory of the. klndnes and the. greatuesa of our Lincoln. Near the Whiite Rouie and the Wasinigton Monument, and betweeu tus Oapit.ol building andthle National cemetèry, tht. memorLla .d.stiued tu become one of the, most-visited of 511 the publie buildings Qf lhe werld, The buliding la 202 foet long, 1S2 feet wide and mrrounded 'by a row ot marble colmma, several feet in di- &ater aetlii, base andi 44 feet hieI In. the. oeter of the. interior le a ccoosal statue et Lincoln, ln a seated "diton. lncludini the. base, l la 80 test bigh. Il weighs 175 tons. It toek twenty marbie cutters elgbteen months to cary. thIoi.statue. 7. ach of ithe aide waUls a...set: monumental brouz. tablete--one Ot Lincoin'. famous Gettysburg addresa, the otiier of is masterul seônd In- augurai address. whie betweene i. and time îtetue la a row of 8 clumna, representing lhe states wiileh existed wiien Lincoln died; on the wal. above are 48 memoril wr.atbs, supporteti bY .agles, représentative of the. states Of today. At eltiier end Io a massive paintlng-12 fel higb and elt long. Collins & Doane Co..- flMonuments and Mausoleumi. B Down By 'Me Electric Suaton Phone 200-J Libertyvilk 1111w Chas.,ID ProcU Insurance of ai l kùds Phone 154-M lm TIteodore H. Duriut, Prient W. s es, ~ F. W. Chuarhlll5 eOrsiary g ban gur SECU RITY -TITLE & TRý ABSRCS 0F TiTL - TIL WAUKEGAI4: $125O.Ô O0 Great take, Pgow 1 Tt hacame knovn $'ridy hh sn.e Sationai escapeof a tventyys4'-»I» oner consigneti trom Tyriffl o19 Great Lakes Noaalstation Brig* place a dày or two previslou andthe liprisoner. Who veamou break te save Ibis long sneo captureti only alter a three mge suit ont horseback in wbvh etiti he vas ridjng vas tinali? chOt from utider iiim. . - A marine hati beco placed charge of this prisOuer Jmd deI8a lti bring him from Trisco M20j Great L.akea. Tiiey vere pUil througu an Arizona Ciy sud tbq h the train 10 get lunch. r* prL"14W saw a hors, standing ucar -W4 madie a break fromis gosM'. LM lu on the.borse h. d is ie ss lis# aide andi lu a moment va. ie I0$ off tiown the, roat. The, marin, viio va, in <b=rge *o peued te b. a fellov Whio b10" sea training andi dld net k»I 10 ride a hors.. He qulckly = liaI ifis prIsoner escape&. Ug2U liaI h. himiel! wualnink UI4 li& camne under the, Naval law pz** vides tual itheguarit mut sUv." sentence for lie primoner ,Who 0 capes. Wlththeli.twenty-yeal -i tence starlng hum lnthtii. oe I~ not take the. young man long. te ' Nearby vas P. L. wiliUaof,~ racks D Company 6i Radfio- Great Lakes Naval Trolnig andi the marine. realling vii happening, drew bis plati al s t0 Williams sud urgeitd * on anotier horsné that vw" stsn4, neanby and start lu Duranl t « prisoner. Williams lest nol lime le tlia. Hovever. tue h was moe.fie.t han bis ove .à411 a tire. mils chas. e e auud4l ionly vay h. coulti stop l shoot lhe horse trom under bbotl Accovdlngly b. 10k sim and' a couple of asiitbhe rse neati lthe prisoner asdet --di»*.c but a moment for WWlhiMi to take the. latter and 1>18e.hW in as. took tie prisonxer bacx te. a marine vio vas MU ivaitini *2. U depot and tue 1,110v vas put àbo tue train andi brougit on te>0 Laki. viiere b. la nov lucareeMWi * MADDEN SCHIOOL Albert Schwandt buaS eepWi stion lu Chicago, vith tue Garage. Mr-. andtiiMs. Joie Wile" joicing over tue bu-tu of a soli, Decembai- 28. Aibert Sebvanttaid lh. Maria, and Irene viaitei a tbf , . andi Mr& Chartes atte. veek endi. Msny of lb. pupila le OurOb- edth le Salvation Army by tflugs for lthe poor. Rondout at 7: 20 aýar on anotuer trai n iia maga, muci, and canant b. r«-_fr front o! tue engine being &il1 aged. Mr. andi trs. George HI chaudren Donald sud Doretliy" Ions aI the Albert Scivandt Oanday. o FOR ALL THE NICWS 0#ý "coDuNTY, asSolSle P i o INDEPENDENT-41. A N. e ê e @ k ;ý A AREA

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