CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 4 Jan 1923, p. 15

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Kif MENreT v AY INUAY . 12JeP I~AR >.2S-Unanimolis a"i on tise United StÏtes -s ai Oie court house Wed- e.lly every xembes'Of tise la attendaaCe vhouePreni- for Oie co'eted *tpresent but vas ~ *tise event of tiere pwoMI>lly of thse appoint- oe,to - . uastete. tivre u reasoua for hellevifli coud b. brouibita eof tise Winnebago »#Bf of Han. A. D. SelY UPOteappropiati e- ýâ5 to taire genral charge Wwlacilvitles aimlng nM the W4 o ail possble influences 19 of Zndge Welah. tur er appointeS A. i.. 1,0 peideni aifbthe State N>bçIatlOsLB.D. Reynolds, çu o tihe WInnebego County ff Centrai Committee, Wîî F. Kiigt, raprasenllng the la Lglon, Thomas E. .0111 anti, - M Linscott as a "steening"' 5nÎ. vith the underatanding 1Members of the local ban xded as n genenal committee ta «Il by tbe ceairai com- ýn *«stance visen destred. or' Reynsods declared that «4i0l0thOelUme Wva.mont fer' the Rockord aspirant. Weinne Mcounty, of iMncCo oiucka o]LMcKinley hevlng a «VOOU knowledge ai Rock- jiOLOkfordieo, anS Ex-Gav- rf=* 0. Lovden, tisan vliom 06t8ide Of the presidenV's OÏUIY stoaS closes' otahOe »tb=nl admlnialnatian, being 'kW bot- Ail Oree are per- ances anS admirera af 6 shand Oie cammittee vas ý tii get busi vithout Selay. 4OdUmttee met immedinîely e, thse ban session and plenxnesi ySuU.erence vlti represeis- GÉ he atate bar association, 10 hvich la a straiig Welsb. ta snep out 1E Un 'of action. t4oln eslutions vene .$Wihebar' association ne- *4 thus fternoon: plqncy la abot 10 uccu r r h' ra.OOOrt of thie UnteS States. 01 i flinols;iiy v'Itue ai ie Mi tbéeindustrie!. comumercial peaLnl Ille should be nepre- court and bas. among an nSlawyensmn e ain- Sc t iscisenge Oie Sties Wu, nOie memisers of tOua guenth Judiciai Circuit ai hUm lu ana of lis jndges, Rois- aib man viso posseses ali 4*MOutsaifnagoad lewyer #om iidge. endovad vitis a l- Pl OMsaed af Indeatlnable onOur Preiens- u8r DAMESMORGAN beerv n In.b Ma. Mors... 110-Nov. 2, James Knox Polk lm.5-mon,,br Tonnesese eg. lulatum. 182541-8g--mbr of congres. lSfl4-oav.r"or f Tmnneushe& 4044-Neminated fer president IW tii. Desiomdeanssd 1846-Msaeb 4, insugurated .ev.t on*l prwadent ag.d forty. 184-.July 17, Oregon question 1845ê1-The fleion .war. 1848-4Or.ateterritorial con- quest ln American hlstory. 1e4-June 15, desth of PoIlk, aged fifty.three. MUIlS KNOX'POLKC was tbe isu dark borne to win thé. presidential race, and bis figure reinains ainong tbe paie shadows ln thie procession of presidents scrons the pages of hlçtor) When be was 1'et a boy the famII5 of James K. Pol1k moved froma Nordi. Carolina to Tennessee, wbere be ias to0 frail for frantier farrning and was put ta work beblnd the counter of fi Prossroade store. Atter a tIme In that exellent proeartory scbool of lue h( returned to bis native state to enter troilege, and be graduated from the University of North Caroline. BecomIng a country iawyer, be war sent ta the Tennessee leglalature; Mear rieS Sarah Cblldress, daughter af s well-to-do nman of business, and went to cuvieaa for 14 years, ln the courus of whlcb lie beceme fInt the Jackson leader of tbe bouse and<i lnally speaker. %ext lie took bias pat as governor af Tennessee for a teran. Liter havlng been twlce deféated Iu bis effort tu obtain a second election to the gover- norsblp, those defeats were Immedi- irn InSemtlb-'coraerc- tely cs'owned wvus Oie Daanarati *4 vlOi broad axpeience, nomination for president. ceu. aa ayen, and a a It wasln the tinttyearof the tele ,clos$ student la the prime grapis. and vien Oie naîne ai Cla. ,MW, sasnanhood. tearlEss in vas ticWe off as Oie naminee 0f tl tmae ai SutY, graced vitis Setona atioeto -tuainsenta, fDteS for aie- whg ,vetaaiBlmoeho tihe Supreme courtoftise wlseacres af Washilngton vho BiBI r mutes.gardes Morse as an2 Impostor saiS OUn tôré, ha fit rsolvad by tise tisa trickt wss easy. ince anyane coul Bar Asaoclati5N that va do bave guaaaad vbo the Whig nomine cal beetlly endorse te Pres' vanîd be. Threa vreeks afierwan( Arrau G. Harding anS tise visn tisa Inventer at Oie capît. Kte 15 ijaliStBates, judas , ,s. .. n.ý - *.' l 'Usnmnt tocie uprean- fileUnîteS ýtatea and here- 1'homaff e eeconvinced that ha vt iiiy request Lils appointanent. a tranS. Tbey scaffetf at sueis an el Misen t). afly. suntlty and wene not persuadeS of tb Ei D. JReynolds, truth-until Oie arrivai ai a train fira t' os a90 E i. 1.Baltimuore. Wv"i'ton oven tisa long dia- Tise obscunty of "Jian" Polk,. vbit ebaùe vilis Bilas H. Stravna ta smug, unemiling, uninspired liti â». knovu ta be close ta tise Maof respectable abilities baS pr ýthla marulng. A. D. Baly serveS on Oie aminenca of thse spea ,atM. Strawu baS an-er.carvadepndbOiah QýeBaker ofInldianapolis e' hiwsdeee Yteoi hËàman tisas upreme ceoig faine of Van Bur-en, visoanha hi 'tciteevs tl ie displaced at Oie convention. andS eîL orthern man heing a> Ola, againgt vhom lie vas match. It. « understood ln offi. b«»ceathe peopile. Thase tva state g Wash ntn that the n" a if i 2ken it for grnted ti wu tesome man the # - e the g> champions of the *trava saiS tisane ,»rlleu. Bistani suspal Mi. tr- ai te- thai t teulctedln a frendly vi »0aM o f Oiesu<ssemaîwo lettere uisteisappeared uzpictoi ase s- t u ee S ly loéê ta~ S m ituhicb vers et eik la el bacis of Pletoumly 811la ~dlseourgingtise a thatgrate coventon m4iiîIbodlspie r ij~ouuge vev tbe RIUfor nir Ut ý um old derdl teem a tent.i Me te Xr.polis, t" produttof~ Dr Ol ho s0es dowst ie tinaélection vOIu LSAEthSndafltvOu Oieret h aglngo N 4"*uI»t, vig a ut n athitikette cfl ause isdefetr -, r >-4'ù - t .~ flW ~ ~ n '- i -.- te~1 -à 1 mi . IIas wel as the operation of the county poor fr tn VOLVA aiN ouf as ctnspicuous in those two departmients of county VOIAOTISPast Year at the County Capita affaurs. The radical change brought about in the man- TR COI PLANT; agenient of the c ounity hospital with efficiency ntle (Fro thoWaueganOaiy Su) i all departmenf s bî'oughf about a compicte revolition, ÀLSO S'rUDINÂNPA'i As the city of Waukegan enfers fthe New- Year and: onie hich will benefit the taxpayers and their poeket- looks back over the year 1922 ifs residents eanmot help lioý(ks greatly in flie future. Voliva Announces These Two; but figure thaf fthe year has been very suecessful in hîîsi- eîivo lcsae' torîv' fieiitemte "Achievements" Before ness circles as a whole. This applies equally to mer- of enforing fthe lSth amendinent has faken a large part a Big Audience. caneile and industrial mafters. There is no question in county affairs during the year. Wliile the state's. ZoIl., Jan. 2.-Voliva had two, about it but that Waukcgan is better off fhan many cities afttorney's course lias nof met with approval of sm important anuaunemments ta mai"p where depressed conditions bave brouglit about flanYl(Isionfeohrhadtebtreemnfelht Cathole Aposcie Church In Mon _ stringent situations and privations to imany people. lebsdn ra okadta eigtelwi lch Niht la GenericOerNew ear, The year has been voîd of any particular cafasfroplic existence that the constitution should not be viola Ër nlght. thtbe so far as Waukegan and Lake county is coneerned and'as some persons are wont fo do. Anmouncement No. 1 wAa t a the death rate has been legs than i some previouis vears.; Tegnrlfeigi hffh aeo osnu as the Cook ELectrical company'a There bas been an absence of epidemies and as a wholeldp hogdttiscmuty utsopadhe- plant, but whlch formelY was th' 2 nfhdp lrulottiscmuiyms tpadtee prp roery f hechrc ad cmunity a gone aogvery stsatrl ntefr good-fhinking people have been back of the prose- used by Dr. Dowle as a publishllgi mat fer of health. eut or to a man in his endeavors to enforce this prohibi- PIBnoO00cement No. 2, was that he The great work being carried on in construction of tiou law-. ,ras a grandpa! on Sunday. Decer- the Jolins-Manville company bas been one of the out- The county bas seen an important change in th£- ber 31, at 2:30 P. am. there was barn ta bis daugliter. Mrs. Roland O. Benl standing incjustrial developments in the communify. This elerk and prbhafe work wvas separated and two new offi- ngtt. a girl. Mrs. Beunett 18 he fact and fthe prospects of the future as indicated by tfl ial upic hsbigdet h nrae ouain Overseerle only living cbu, bis son e t n i e b il i guele d o t e co c u i n t a l s ph ed hi int e y a havlng dIed when eyy . tnive uligtArned t h oclso htg du oer fo the csed poulaion Sa there vs mucli e îclY",Ovr-Waukegan is in an industrial developmcnt and steadv mattrond 50loing ack e roaltesde ns th e a lseer Voliva's houseliditc. cwhc iâo en ulitwadif ra ffro ntliganwprbt ug n rbt lava insisted on cûoOsiflg & name for1 growth wihi going generalc owrdit clerk. This year, 1922, marks the time wlien the county the baby and ha thereupon cailed ber growfh. 1922 as a wbole shows that Waukegan and Lake eounty Bath ele The one dishearfening feature of fthc whole situation people feel as though i if as a year whichmarked ma.ny be an audienle ,, ver 3,1100 wlth wif h reference to W'aukegan's expansion is that the city stepa of progress and expansion and local hisfory will great applatiea. The ttthat hehad .iaS inithat it cannot epn aein getrrcr ta n ftelettermuiybsla l reecured the printing plant. atter nit S 90 Penne xad ae getrrcr fa n ftelettecmui a a n haS been iast tO Zion for ten YE-ani. f erritory and thus grow in SIZE as well as POPIJLA- , sm v ears. brought iorth round aler round of Up- TO.Ti iuto oý-vr em ob oewic This situation hoxveburltingic s ilch auikegai bas great hopes for 12-n if it is as blue Tiea ildVliting as bli TIbON id ad a eemust onm elf c« 1;s of many battheees.vliva t ' cno ea-oddadWu nms ofri ifsl generally sueeessful in ail uines as 1922, none of the ta purchase Itt rù nmndrthete receit reidnt wl hvemr, oplibutmig talled, and an outalde coneeru gat it f0 that sort of a conitinadmkefcbefoif rsins 'ilavmuicmpincmng Smoiing, and other violation Ofth' 1 1fi afe feployment of labor Xaukegan lere's lhoping if wilI be even a heffex' year in ALL rcity leasat and odinance i- Intetatro r hr hsbe t)ulged in by empfleseotfthe Cooi bas been particularly forfunate in thathee asen respects. Elect.icalptnTi a ~s di0sresecat fo no f ime during flic year when anybody who wanted to -___ -___ causaS a tumuit arnong the Zionists. work eould not get work and fortunately also whule there Watikegan people wil read with interest in flua anders. va e an5 eeti n bas been some cuts in wages, as a whole there bas been issue of the Sun fthc announicement. made thatt.a.hard- adaily onanvcn lot Oppositee no extensive downward trend along this line, ware firm prevîously known as Burke & Wright lias flua meplnt came scrUtloednTahe proprîya The openimg of Sheridan Road pavement and the, day become known as "The Frank Burke Hardware owned by Voiva and irequently beat pening of the strefch of hîghway througli Zion and the C'ompany" as a resuit of the firm i aving been incor- O p the enusadars. Eiders,.avange tpi i odi oaed h noprto rng oacia h ln 9lista. deacons, and iay members,j operafinu of several other stretches of concrete ra nprtd h noprto rnat hna h ln wera beatea up, salue serlou$lY. Eid. Lake county marks the year 1922 as one in which great which Frank IVurke lias long had of forming a corpora- -er. now Apostle W. S. Peckbam ,socre-l e we b ù *civtd blows aven the haart that ai- strides have been made along this line. tion in whicl aIl of the soksiudb we ybn muet proveS fatal, anS for deys bis Voters of flic county also may point back fo the fact and bis employes exclusively. Announcement that al contition was critîcal. Volîva tauzlitasbe wupndtti sowk Oy bis people ta practîce nonnresîstance, that they authorized flic construction of a large addition of flic stock lasbepaduadthtt swndol and en the blow was recaived wtbout tfo flic court house, a very mucli needed improv ement. by those connected with thue firnu shows fli cconsumni3a- heta Sutins incresole -They may also look wif h satisfaction on the fact that tion of an unusual developxnent ini hardware eircles in watcbed these diots trom an obscure'Lake count y stood onf so strongly for flic staf e soldiers' this community. in short Mr. Burke's ambitions cover- pt, da as Ouïs ed ealt the l bonus as a reward to flic boys. who were in flic service. ing flie last several years lias been attained by 'lb electrical men on Oithe ithheir lu flic ux ater of building in Waukegan if bas been launching of this new eompany n I hncsaeta vcme. The hZion a o Lake blS i hnoteory thaf many nevi buildings have been under ifs strides forward fronu now on will be just as rapi sitatn. a kaaer bndathe eel cus of construction and in the case of several others and just as marked as they have been sice lie andbi met Ings euthtr on nmofftadtbe remodeling lias gone on such an extensive plan that it partner purcliased the small business of W. A. Melody» m4etîngs were a proteat against an was pracjacaly flic saune as new construction when flic many years ago. Mr. Burke is rceognized as one of invasionl ai thain ehrurc-à home-the ctzn n uiesm] littel City aifZDon by thase who baS plans were finisbed., Waukegan 's nuost progressive cfzn n uiesm~ no sympatby for the Ideals that haS The successful and very remarkable achievement of and lis personal intereat in various civie enterp1ri805 attracted thouanlds tram ail partesaiflih Building ttnd Loan drive was ckecof flic outstanding lias always made him stand out as a city booster. IItlw tise worid. natiré Ater a wbila, the Meetings outalda, achievements during liche ar 1922. Furtlierunore, the many friends congratulate hlm today on liavin ttt theplntwee isontnudan bl-success that accompanied flic Y. M. C. A. drive, flic fli point in bis business career whicli le auxed, at "d~i Ters were ored s a mltis Salvafion Army ý1rive and other minor affairs along sun- atfaiued fhrough persistent application to bis.idtas.. lated. ilar lines shows fliat Waukegan isieet sltdin c pîa-yers wene oSfereS contifullY fon the redemptlalt o! this prlntlig developmenf and fIat fhe people are always ready to» plant. Little ehildren ;tt their motb 1come flrougli and boost things along. ana& knee, briara v1 n fct lokig ac ovr li wfooryarthean niglit. prayed that God woud giv Infcloigbk ertew l yaw a- Zin iantI aS cm the prnig nubisc not lielp but feel fliat Waukegan lias not only marked h4 W ' ngpln.ic pas en. fth unWtte wifh flie strides of progress which are going onF O eaiAtar a tima. the'iotlttg ceased, tliroughout flie country but fliaf we h.ave taken flic lead H A - e-anS Suring Oie past few yeara. ltte ec trouble came tram the plant. ini tact. lin many respects in civie developmenf, ec lethe managemienit changeS banda, and The defeat of flic wafer works proposition may lie ' tideala at Zion people was dropped. one of flic things on which there is a divided opinonas ER Than. star about twlve ireara ln aIl to civie pride. But if is our belief thaf fie attitude Ofwaling. thera came the annottnrv- ini by ovrseer Voliva Ne ears assumcd by flic' vofers on f lis matter will eventually >»d tise propetty.-as now in his nam. taxpayc rs and fIat as a resuif of this experience Wau- u ,.l Th'e Cook cancarnaaaeta vacaeay M*lit, ahd thay viii probably maya kegan'un fine will. realize that if did wèil in "stallixig Not bec-ause it is an Honared Custom. but ~~~n Tashw hg ter 55 lilWin p 5ne-because of the sînserity or our apPrec1uIiK... bagainst the Coabcaceaol5ind 122 he 'laiS New Year'a niglit that h n abis peopla traely ftorgave ail whoI The one regrettable fact municipal lunes has s tnuck tisa Mon Cnusadens duing the been flic inactivity of flie eit ' officiais in the mat fer we taLe this opportunity to thartk yoeî for the .riais. - of earry-n ncty business iii a business-like manner Ch We are onIY ighting tan aurI andcsiblens 'in case a progres- pr o aepae u uiespdprt le tle city. I gay. 'GoS fargive them ad cicving edswlicxh are*posspribleaepayd' urbsnsspq t te 'rbey know not wbat they Sa. We far sive and husfling buncli of officiais were in office. TIc or' give tbem!" th 's wlemnhi n ews o In. Sa there la, a dlean siate for the failure of practically aUl fli officials t'O give their best ts aitev UftS n ews o ad new yeer as far as thîs olS enamy efforts to their jobs is one of flic things whicli las de-NE YAR. Of graund in concerned. jbat twa bigHA W W ted trategie points ramained ta ise cap =redgeatly in'tfli malter of the cify atfaining flic ends ta- titreS hi i/oliveand ZMan befone tOi la coudgay tisai the City 'wu Oeaple osibe ily r«eemaS. oua ai these points As a whole flie industries in Waukegan and North cw«. the 1>ak cB. Cook Elactnîcal Ciae aegn ha dl ad ~ i eiplant. and the otiser la tihe Zion La*hc g aegoeaedseaiy adwhie insomne [Ri induStriel. This Plant IR avued by cases a 100 per cent force lias nof been maintained there S hallck lardwarw o ~ Mrshil !'ildanScaman! an -lve been practicaily few cases wliere any particular ms Votive hopes ta get Oint plant aima, ]. ea- and tissu tis a r against tisa Inde- reduction las been made. On flic contrary in somne of Telephose 39 LEtTDA lit pendant faction wiII ha aoven. the larger industries many additions fo thc forces bave Voliva, witi the exception of a tew1 sct propertias owned hi Indepeadents, been made and some increases in salaries have also re- owus the entitir eleveti square mites sxthed. luI Northi Chicago flic operation of tle Abbttou af tise city ai Zion' site. Ha avaitMa aid ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ w an1otasoes 0idsresaSlb 'tories, flic removal there of flic Biflex Bwnpcr ilstîtutlons. bas 5a PaYrali ta meet ai y and ofier concerns lias addedmtrly 511a $100,000 a month, and p rlaitescmîa ng, ~ ~ ~ "C ~ aba ecsnteac iotmiUaturin7g circles in flic local zone. tek montis for bis business enterprlses. Wbile not a great deal lias leen heard about if a ~ c sî 4 CS. fat which should attract widc inferest is tliat fie Vie- QU CK REPAIR S'EK 47 tory Memorial hospifal lias gone alead steadily and flic Better let us in.jt<i1l ovfe i tons in ySen à 1ý vent' 922 sw a 4-cpnot nyin iiflic maqtte.r of [ý- ". i MUZ ý MOIINM. DiMM. JMARY 4.1923.

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