2JON DI~PATM1~N--RO4E COM~NING ATURDAYAUW6 eç spe@eial lot of LADIES' SEIX tMeSýSThms were yexcéptionai ivalue at *!6-00 ani 817.00. ~fO ai!ace sale price choièe .$10.95*Ut rybMtnelsa goode -es _0 DIES' WOOL DRUSSES-Tuc:hluding Serge$, Tricotin'es, ýbediiýs, Pe. ; excellenit vahe . 2o. itgdifflunt a "a- diolunt 20f. iA dicounït oL0 ..-_____M__ 1 %nlY3DTES IN ROSE, Golti and SXjI SK -MMW apen4d values; your O s$~th. la threelloti at2o)%25% ai4-98 pr0II Wim 4ILOTIt COTe-Lwmï§ up te 5.'aZ e nm *M25,00t 6250 at £4s of ,L ,....1 MIESi PLTJfSH C0AS-In usImUP te 51; many verŽ lamualvanes, ail offeredata tfIR],,N'SANDJU TNIOR COATS - In a very good asiortmentof ' styles andaizes. Valuesa fron $à.75 te $16.75, at a discount of ____ LADIES'SUITS-~many very desirable modela in a go 1variety id clotheA. .Abost ail Kzes tk W in the lot at a iseount c... .....3* 6WEATERS! SWEATERS! SWEATERs! Nç one can afford to bewit6hut agood,'ail wool -sweater. moù sort- ment is stililunbroken. Many excellent values at very low. prices.- fLADIES' J3LACK, TUXEDO SWEATEU 'With $9 LADIES' SWUERSl-n and open front,;iide e ice wo<>l. Very j "éial fIES, W,%Wgg,'CHTU)REBN and IKËÀâ&S at34 PtiOX 'ÀLL. RÈGULÀX SWEATES-No trouble to fm one- teit suit the most exacting,2O Ata diseount of LADES'WOOL SCÀRFS-valiés from $300 t 20 .$7.50 t lp ..........................20 M&L LADIES' SILK WAISTS - Made of Canton Crepe and otheir very desitable fabrie25% t&ll values above $10.00, at lessa !A.L WAISTS--Values up 'te '$10.00,' 2 t&t dWsonnt O1.-.....-. .- .____ ,ONE LOT OP. CBEPJC DE OHINU WAITS-Itluh1 ànvy nd fleah c1r.I<uig zçup to R AW WôtLE WISTS-Pretty new istyles. MAI sizes at W&L ]'À2CY À?RONS-Zlon madep 03UNGÀW4Wand PORGft APRONS-Light wd 1 Idrký patteM& . Mny s>yles. AU Mms. Specl ait....... tALL PEMFTCOATS ai a straight Idisomut of eERSPEOI OP03'SERGE » SSif A ..R1 , j& i6 etai. b$1êO b clos de a L..- fP' tLÀDM SBATH UOBE-In heavyftannels n4 cor- ~'uo-At discount Of' ýONIE S1ECIAL LOT01r BATH U»Us AND> M(» at exeepton afly low pwc&4oeaad pik tbek à7, là, 19t 2U-Ilu wiy tyIe. ULowueck, sehort oaIe.vlq iVaues*150,$175 nd*1.98 ai difflumt of - M&1 oter Gooe uob r. ,Muo~w At 8, *rt . dui Ode goode oa3mt be , la - 1 n« vSw1J .' moi . etn4d..-- lud s *0 wu* i r nd Mai. 75 Boys, Stocklings, 2 e'Boys' Flannel $ 0 Spcapair ' 2 j ilNight Shirts BOY4' hev llecd__79e ,Boys' Black Séteen Blouse 5 "Kayee' . ..... Boys' Blouses, O Special price Boys' BathRobes, $39 Reduced te -- _$9 Boys' Rahl Coateý 39 ICliidren's Flamnel $ 0 Reduced to IRompers Infants Flnnel Orepers .................... 79 -!M,5 B okofM~'0 Suit hee sla t tIllquicly at falh)Lew - ~opries $300'50)$35.50 Boys' Ovecoats, abdmi ma ais Now redlqfed for .qpjekc elcarance. ;30.95 $âO5 $79S S9,86& 'A choice selectîon ft oyr' Siits af Specig Redue- d prices for our Janitar4,we. $8,95 $10495 «t3e95 $50 5% $7e95 $8 1, 4 9OÂj~LIO5 GIT ià*»e tbfte yeatý buy'a good Bain Coat C learance s Speqialsý vedesolya. 3 el""vs,-air "Arrow " Collars 50C 2 for --- - M en 's Handker- 5C cbiefs Good Clothes 35 Érushçs -Men 's-Kha-ki 0v- Iralt ~Tpr Slight seconds, 29 Pair ....... . -... . 9 Men's Tan Wool 29e .Gloves, pair...... ~Men 's- Flamnel Night Shirts 4' Mlen's Gartes 9 meyl1 &aip 0ariers, pi "B3odten" Douible GFrip Garters, pair'" Men's Blaèk Wool Mixed Rose, 25E P>air :4 »w4n'u SWoo Boys' Ribbed F'Ieece-'- Union Suits -1f Ages 6 and 10$1001 Men's Special f Men's Fur lined 9 I Diress Mitts men's' flouse 1 d Coats.... -la BATR IROBE8 Ko W DOD. Àl Bath Robes are now put on Sae.' $4.25 $5.95- -$696 IMENS COTTON, BATHà ROBÉ~S ~MEN'S RIBBED. UNION SUITS .. Men's FIain 1Shirts Red'uoY New afaractive, prices now placed on ail oui-' nieil Shirts for Quxek Clearance. ,. $1.25,$1.45 $1L951$9Q5$ %Ill Xfên'"oand Boys' Sweaters for this Sale. rq txigit 1 OAINQIS