CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 11 Jan 1923, p. 8

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DPEDET $e outyS Big Weekly WAUE EIKY U &Mw *UUtm .31« WSkriEe n Goawty Oouisd enterud a Vo a t -beyt~D.Au SoeId Oa man lutter L1~ERTY V E PENDF<T, THURSDAY, JANUAY IL. 1923.$ OYA~NUAC JýTbDDYFAR 'wL NDNKAY, JO. ISth I Prie ~~~ohe FR A Ii»~arranged, aAUtÀMy; e. M - uof tCOtaYn r avïr i% vfu faii- dN aet eviihave b . asbrbrtorested lathe f'ni' k, " th eWrstand Kflv$ O. U leInde n eut a ses Fr>nk adRoported to Hae .a mnber aof' ig O2.r btion ofa0 da~ SoId 727 Am eFarm to t it au*o'n l S fi9%profhoU IL ~ta~ I3 i: <>rnui-~ riz..Ail GuarantMd tr fflmen. Ciird, the pl)OUiUY sPOl8liSlothe (Ot .Do.. eV e ll Aier. 11111101a , Vt lu5- o e-n Morris Chandier. 25, ada t .Mfir oeie agift?"a = Of kthe. That Frnk Dady, brother of U N atrUe oe pigr4 Matteyi ai 4linfl. Ifs, aju ita 1 1 t m m J . C h a ndrle r O f au O B l , a d i T S a l d v'ê o n h ti . v i tA r >5 11 t1 r 4 7 8 0 a W M î*st1>e~~~I~1ade ampcigu aa gerJon Conrad, ad ou Of the laie imna~ut a" d %o uctanàld MLJ hni'o ra 3(< I ell, if that luu't a Ilbilt.SLPrOPOdepose4 etftheol04Dsily fam, wombte- &Dy one at an Intefeutel. laide naytOl *bO b Io Ido' e vvhtlà,- aucter can- ing of 727 acre, at the. cre- ofBel-' Thon vo bave planned ta bave Ins. gun aclentl dScb** Midate remarked. videre rosai u akgU . adBttrIlddmÇ Htte on huulye rabidt# iM 0 Is* t . blu s ou~ n ee aut as n ii.In e en en re del re geu41ng In tiieir If I eau get a $1400 ClUi l»d SIX h e staiemeut given ot SatUrdaY t afrom pou t<>gi t ouff, s,, , a , Si . voy M oiailre. p i*aDa 5 isdup êdust5 >e dunt $8 " vryo e wln j om natin M uE s Is bOVU 'n ex res- edau autom bile r a uanà~0et aapso rcestatoahea rta be relia le. uiosi uniM oui> Va u iyo uwhtO MMall&babveiThe4t0 lfle ~ ~ b u a a t l 4 I i i s n d p r I s e I U I 8 1M e dat aa u t o m o b i l e sr a 8 th A t . b 'e l . a s o t h e o ! i lt y t a d a y s ban 3 g o r a p a r t i e u l a r t r o b l e T e l e tà "a 5 a I .Ia i i td d ud rt u c s nt r s d v n the aigu mna dg r u u thle Utile Mr - Ilev m, l' mn going t n b r n o ud n t b u~ Iol d a o t ;C b e iv n i atI nul u try car ge ob f e v uuds*lac 1 tom ~ I< asitjiue vi h ey igea 4 le seu.nd i n o o m nr b t kn ocpe oto I rn rise ds butionL. I bOW de ai but te accaunt aI>eP& rg ta o , , holsblg ttn l v t hre a ii u ia t tera iesetti.LlerY ~t i als5 1h bgs* aads yu l re durlusigte put ev day. Iots or people W vi 80 td ubulC frh l n v htfr y~it h etn.iyvlhoo ,pr .eee- d5 'n thcuf ne. S e n oifb t h e L i b e r t yo r v ba-i t e e t O . I n o d . d u l o U 5 v o t e sn a n d d é nicr ie dtt en a t a tt iZ. X liY c-b s o met sU r nes1 er .lD a d n v o t e san d aud e a l t i ot at e t h e 1 d i , n o m e tiu v U rt h a t t i i . w o n n dui v lIwa y u a b is n4 gils re nov ar 1 u ho h fo ti e t . 1"lu the L betY ilfiIndei>un4ent s - endent. W hîch l e the besi rnetbOd& laprogrela for the sale o f t he. Prol>- o er aur questions. c S r ngtat, hul% snyva a. 'v biM os 0 Yebu t v onn w ce n ui aly g ing ta g ve av y ail tbat long ioa! vo in ?' rty. P'IraUlY, v.r viiihave l sain o f thureMenneru O j a Ssme<t bato! fr . d thé J>uer b s uai et. eal ylt IniU s d the $1400 Clev la nid I T he. canP lgn manager a u red her À gr ul af w althY ChlcagOans bred cociereis z! aev r al br eeuis. o! t s a 5cCidBt le a s scg i: laetta= gA bot r seN" eàuu b pol ! Lbr ix fuda suiayi n e«cange for gui- 111mb theIn.ot raPld vay ta plie ua wbo asu uie ol a oo lic h5vi i.un ovruiy a e-rbls asotv y t pries o Ilum t eh btoî . rvlu 8 r o l popl c o br e - $Iug valt«? - tik d an credulo ul ady bg umaber of votes vas hy abtainl i odayta e ti r p rted p rchaers .- tixq the rght klnd of blod for Your tnlends. H e 'sa laclat bis hoU ueiisuai~C go u d.gen- t sld y.tra.nev sud reneval eubcrluUa0.s ta tiihe laud.It luatatoéd, lu te b. con- poutryk hock. Several ~ d U abn ii rin a pc i le itQoobedau-Uthe anfl ue r ayaO u tOibuuàIfcel.uItiakes." replie4 the. c in-LbertYville Indepeudetit, carefullY ex-. vertsd nt oe o! te 8e ad ure Tmsvi aIab afrdIn ven tva dlc red th ~ r ls u d a s ri . e t u p i & n y e r is t b h e l A nidly lu l,r= a t s - o e lon e p la i nn g t h e. v o te sc iie d u le . a Co DOymo ntmu et lu iv e g a i f c o u rs e s ( m t thi a e. r e d G ra b b e b u m e n g h s fl n »1ut »iiibe tve larusitw lut ere t i o Platti lnmb- Ail i l iIYeu have ta do lu a gt vhih appeara on anotier page lu thus entiru North Shore. Is loctiOon t he i auctioftei'. Let's M &» hailutrn bs bdy h tr .u t = ilw ste l aeso te Idepnilt retisu- Tbey are given free by vote paper. and____ftelad iRis tetaba*ier. vbo Is s hardwareay-t e h ý etoe usp r » lp lS laki foin ta a e r ant.tge o1 iso o r yRio5 apanfg l vey ise o V re golflg ta bear !rom me." the. mlrbly suted for ls PurPasu. gesi yet held tu Lae cdIiuiY -uie, spot svd bis lite. e n ts lsu a !teiadl ait b d eil aubepulr a-h ig- s at ii s ho a di n t e a -n b v isifo h-e-t uly Smuids o f r en ai- teIieedn ndvi us nca'n didate replied, as tii. arase lu de- Efforts ta determine the Purchase Vauets"fac ,thi campaigu manager thor- lleved that the price. pad vas nottoIefris.da.nsd thel'"11 vasM ____ ____ ___ ____ ___ _____nome__ ofblyhejoed himelf talkng sud le"e than $700 pur acre. based on the EE YtiIA lb h O fece O! Dr. C. N.. Oala bcMing euanted vith the. candi- prices ihat have beu. paid for reaitY uCh.aza, 'nLbertyvIli. ruso t te dates and bu la alvays glad to talk ta in the. sine viclty. 1Mr. Da*Iyi a'i i<.Jf~A ln Widier a hsp rusbe ts suyoue vha cares ta have expiied petdtrerutWakg.osiieabttoa ICETO TH , AM DA ESnoe oitsthat may nat b. uxaeLy vithin a fev isys. At preelir MpinMngra n# lhri élestate holdings ite DakOt4zvsprl acditi iby WeI' -e<UbiIYVIIi5No. 1) fer fdibiesal biss n lfrstal.--' ayta et s V os t nn tedise LIbertYville IndOPeendelt' mvs $840» lblanbbdt Ritenscitiu t r nIeItae th* re sasio tise vll w tIYshss mnatdl itnt !qls aPion.If YO Ur the Libertn*lle Independeant.for ev- i ID IU! ia 1 Afos t- lx AtuiehlesPAeaisprie maigte thMangtaf9gt * ~erone kwovs wat un ilitodate nevu- D UAIIT RÀdIJSiid - Ipi cusito! he vto.wlhIbu ubllbedle tsisTierofore, It liaii moratthey vili get tUilr full Mouea vorth )31 Y R e ai ia npua in tisia lot, o frande andOpur hrtMAY.nOPeapbers.mev, tea, iliAt 4 Y« tact.,hfi. oig ta be great fun gsi- Kra. uimdiqt ,l 86ed 4 yem's ting votes frlcuvetr.Ai o U h144dldTmm ich ayall t 1U!0ou isI thaseambitions fous 'ho are wvling .iAfU liT ad, to vcau fort o 10* lb bu te kuêl l -:z a maete li tle esyeffort re<lure -aase lier hotuS futile. % t i~~~-t" Z. r ra * L i o s. Â -1-th-- - - '. 'are ri ses Of v vun , a l fi ria et 108RIb lc àX I t »tu,000 0jUs C. ILui=. Ige e,------ 00h u~e usamometeIvitient tis. Olive B. Kerof Wauke- umiaRe" vsnt 10 taieA85 1 li-- SMb eeudllu sOif» en.Monduy. lanuar'y let, aMlAfton i 15±C"t ~ ~' -----_ _m Mm A. Imb y. R.=- JanVary etb-ngan Fîes iv rcfui Iu s. litvlb ei4Sn ..-...5O 0 ns ilM& y unwms " yle, Ri. Z cmAgatnst -Husband. sud bai heart action ad .brM MU g swt lm1Ti s~ ê...--- ~ 00 lra. C. McCs. urne 'o 100 .NVl letsi.t etr "r t~-4ke, <olyvile..-- -.--- :~ ~ ~~-.1000 gei a -"ruunlng star no sa 11mbeuoone -grdu ul en rler0Wi =1 17 gghle,= vç ipii wa ever gei abead of you. Clip Ot Deatihreats sud cruelty are lthe aily deat nes adulBtols-A'aged.«o i. '5us ~l<im los. J .i vu ia~ 000 U nt. Augat eyer, thZL. ' oo le Nom lati n B aui-aend or brlig c hrg s upon vh ch M mr. Olive B . D m.Bavard C. oa u d U& Binol- A elaro n t u r ta Bi, i .i, waus l, ui R. 2. .-.. .. a000 Mise gre-- -iL---er-.5ig-0 it ta lie Iniiepeudeut office ai ne. 1r.1109Cebu bet and toyheY M of utetlODW JU ta't Ur& ieouly ourt oa - ~r iijn dhby x*rtjufle.- . ~Miss Adeline Miler, lh ttife- - !Yu dou'i vaut ita natfte YOlir- gan. lasedlng a dvorce her hua-sud e r !tooill ii n.tntil'i su >~ Pii~sual. Ajatlock--. M, acMss.Prairid ~self. you mai nansinatu a frifld. Xitbaud. WlamiA- Icerr. The. st EeViuuivshhdus t naer o torney - 5 l.Mn. . cM epr. D e510d00--- - isodoesn'i cot sjything ellier 'rai sd ud va fl ln lucircuit Ocout Fuda. rde. Whfle a.hdntbo iThe 5 AttOni.iCam, V. t t g i I g O i . - . ~ - - - - - - - . g , E . p . M e er.u. n o n a --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 5 0 0 0 y i l fl h l d y u d d l u g ,Y e h " h " i i o a l toa i...........-.---.--------.. ........... ...6.00 Lucy M. N es, EUpe.on .--- ~I receipi o! lie nomination banis junoihen retraiulug Kerr tram vi- Pli netb d isu lnS 1 ? s e v tW t al OO lih 8 Ira r o i u. 1*. ....S 0 mn. j. Nvilie, a c n - - -- - - - 5 0 0 campn gu ieadqa#~ers VIii liiedi- l h bs lf'$ home, tram melesi- Utme. Ber àalment vas uat Itu80104na«le dOtJohn haî . Duien.Roun Lai....- ~ 1bitlmeua Nevbare. Wuiegau. Rt. 2 - . .~ ately forvard Yen, complote details. lýO- lngher or their tva chilren la aysoi t ob.encephaiiti ieiaisl41. 0 Or a.El.1s5 8 rp~ ' dl. . ) ,i.Utec . n . F. O I'3 oe p -FOX----- - ---- - -5,B 00 lgethe viii supplies ad al uuces" " respect. r ra d s ol a! is u - " mg&ep Ig O w ive lu'55 0 8 EI 1~ luit;. 4-, -5.000 Mn. Clarence Orrauder. Fox ~Iaucesenies. If you dsirs any inform- teu t he parti e ani yBss'aiatv uWPe ue ed Aima E. Rose, Gryslake--..----- ------------thon coucernInÈ nomiuatlng yourgn by hi hern. te chui yan tfdbad MM01chbtJum DRIXICt, sale-MS»# W ehre ibe? . L i er1 Y lU e_ _ -s.f As.A . ii cha dsd L aeLVak e . ..IIo a f ie-- c-l,-ai lie_ bihfieic uple m auy y eet sudhae a larg .15 !. o Jo h 'K o g la l . sa e, s S e :1 . 'e hJu g Lier, W a u a n d s . - - ----- - - -5 . 0 M i ss M a irie E e h u . P ra irie V lu ' . K5- ---- --- ---- - - ---- --- --i--ge x p a i u e d t ae 9 1 ' e a L îsr . 1 0 h y h v t a c i i a u l y e a a d m g i u i U i l eJ s p t B o b n i , m s u . l s c. iug. W e ga t. M n. L. J. R u hinore, ingleside-. -. . . . .-------------- 6,000 I IaI o!Candidate, A pp ears Toda>' dren: 'E ber, aged 16, s ia d G Wyfi 4 ue ic S e el&> O l rti ed py o e W . C n h i , p m d i n Mým i, uen. , R . .. .. N eile R en hen. Round L i - ---.---------.--..5* T 'h o liai o!f usines o! lie candidates' g d i . M . K r s e t a i p A t b la 1 u fv lyan «edW - o g lu ~ . i i a G r& --------bS ur n J . B rr u gt l R ... . . . . . nom tn ated p t et i e f go iug la cu st d î o! th é e b0lidrt en av r tu d s on. 1 1tle " c P 0 01110 ~~~~ M i J. P. Shlermaji, Graysae..... . ..5,000 1press appeads 'n buis Issue. T - baoie o uer h.31 se, t jt hnb Se Fouler. Wadswadli5,0ostndngw.l p___lnth_____n sle ------rng o . R i 2 .. - . . --- .. . .O O M n . . ie gv a , DG u r e -.. . . . . . . . . . --- ----. --- .-5,000 en t each veek . B e su re lia i Y Ou r j lav era i sp c ife ch angea e!tyDC h rl s p P s ;>Mm Bro gtnmuA e, R ........M...,0 erg.E StuewZiar tyu e-................-- . . . s,0Ô usne appears in tliilist, ta ihai yar jare made o-n vihi Kson err O AOON I F sle rlÎonOMe> i', 1rsinlim ,eRt Georg...5Q0 e Sbo, ie Zrit h. - ..----- -- --.. ....... ... .... 50 frieuds viii kuav yon are inuthie carý n- chrged vw"ihaving phnciied ia&aaU O0, t'. rairte Vie'.' .. ~ ~ ~ Mn. Cara L.. S mit, M eHery,,lRt. 2 _------------- 5,000 Palg .'i nh hr e . lre ba iT J A ~U KA t n K ls si U e , rare_,0 r ........--------500Oniy One Way iimand i e ,o ts on hngba Pu6d NAW44 ivaeie.on o~ M -arding, Are -u ----- - ......--- ---- .00Qoe. M n. Agnes Spelloian, Lhbertyvliel. . .0'i. s i a s ie o t n la a t r s Ane 8t ù$ - i ke rl t2.. . - .....500Fe .Smith, ibertyvîlle - .---- . . ..---------5,0001 Remember, liere'a oiy oua way ta lr im i lsud als vi o ialug pe dchi Wlte n .nsM rayaai., Rt. 1.-.------ Miss Nllile Smith, Area..- .......................... . ...... ... 5,000 make nominations. Candidates mu e seteued t in ii li er if shba insu- t e l . G r a y a l a i ., R L 2 . -.-. -- .----5----0-m is s T h e m i h r a y s l a k e ...- . .. ý- - - - - -- . . . . .... . . 5 000 e tt i e r n o r in a t e l i e u i , e l v t a o r b e o 1t h e t u t e d d i v o r c e p r o e e e d l u g s a g a l u s t l ESItas~o ! l l n l e y M r n ad.m a l M.~.,. 500 1r. Titeodore Svan, Area ..------------ --.---- -... . .-- 5,000 cholce of toMOma nkri eu ho Wiin dot ht.hi hlmo naus te wil o ,e6 " e ... g, ~I ...~----------P ohn Suydarn, Jr., L bUI* f l ii.'.g...-- ........,00J r> ". zaT h gesuent viioseph notl M-Alice SDring.Waswe----- fNà r a 84, Lai V 4 la ....-.-- ... - . - 1r.- Den 19miili, <rayoae - -.... ....-------------2 j eh ound Lake......... ... ---------------.. .500 ns. J. Towuer, Aren..... .......--------- ... ...... iI00 ui ou b' es l ix tbe 0Wu.4.LLoflVJiu. .Srs. 4" - L.brtvle..-..........- .,0 3 .Tuiley. Deerfieid.. -----.......... . 5,000 ers o!fbte $1400 Ceven waudarix Scilan en er P aii V ev............- .,00Èlr. Taules (Chas). Graylake ----------50 0 t bie s d th r n.. pd ze -satniut aI ied hle ' n et jr p e= Ln e ri u , P a i e V i -. .... - - - - -- -. -- - - - M .0 i r . G e o r g e T r a u t. G r a y s l a k e -. - - .. .......-- - -- - - - 5,000 , o o c i o s e n , ou M u s t g e t y o u r n a in e v o n le d . t htéi. p r e s e né neta l J r , i 0 4 r n . - ý Otl as. e Vill. ------. -----.... ... ....... -5,00 is ilim T n e 4 . u ih . . .. . ....-.5000 lu ah o ce. - one pound han been iarvesied. - 8 »101 -d v o. qh qe g eue? Liortvlle. ..... .... .... 5,00 oOigO Unbdnstotk. Prairie View..-............----------- 5,000 j lu a te vhoti eeks nseareader o!f ialis sc_ tam li.Ea b ou- ine h8 out a! the. Question eatS~ FaiIee al res<IuW tcu5.-.......500E aued oldLi .... ...500 A O alFruet h ile ila ateu ! Hgiod avshg a e tle peei W .Vuth*IsPL Lbryile........... ...,o .A. Watson, Ae ..... -.----- -- ------------ -.. .....soo paper viii iie given a -Prise liai lii ori sane ainM e 'imes, this .311 I at hi 15bultat Iv e bl kie ch ? --- ------ ... ... so0Mye. M. Wlii. Ârlngtou Heights ------ ------------------5000 repretents a snaill fortun-a & $1400 vas ta:keu n lt utd gu dit"'i. X c es h be i417vid ,» bb. et ea. Rt. L.-. - --- -- - -------.- .- 5,000 Mrs. T. Wbeeler. Deerfield........ ... . -__......-.5,00 g1, w'mchle 1more than tue 1avrage ilWaom ,Uneukegn T 3. Sah i tatourten 'oes u i ' ie o bi ng, res Rt.î........- ..... .......soooFred Wagner, Oraysiake ..........------------------500 man maies 'n a year, and more tubtu lsiug lien ta o kgu ta h-sial hcçnm o iW g ùnvDuh ae 'Or --- ----- ---- .5,0Mm- CeorgeWeiirenberg, Lbtyviile ............... 5000 tie average famliy tares ln au entire e0-0011e- seow.1 % tm tMSa n X0is-9X -x 0X* K etFa ~ ....... 5,000 RuiWtPareVe.....-.-....... ,0 ietn.!aitiewt as adJudged insane lu lions t pre50.IV *laM0 esF Lke -- - -....5,00(l h reW a e. s e Z rih...... . ............ 5000 .A mibtion, eaergy, vîit PentY a! te eouniy court iu 1920, but bis cou- viii be p a ba ii le sie a a i 6 u N IP M aT I tank. d. 1Carl s.J en ett ael u ioch . .. . . . ------00"pep" are ts u .nates for sc- dition lu sud liai h a eritted 'inter 'huIt litIo IeeIF"s u. lu X, Mot wiey sm iar. ---- -------------------- th OIYýpila ni. makil u ay o hm ta c eat ue i mre a t h er hadta V, o Meceiy...---.------ ..0 J o are, Duerfteid...-. ----_.- ---- ------5,000 cens. Those vha start q1çan l iia osdnbl uet i l . i t s- at hrs etsJ U lier na trel ickeqouar heu. Prairie V e .. . -.5000 CyriliVan LaJidyt, Deerfleld .... ... ...--------- --.- 5 ,000caex0 :no,,, prairie VleW ......._ _5,000 in s. August Zelmman. Deef ..-.. . ..------------------ 5,000 <Cotnued on Page 4)cae i ~e ~First Subscription Coupon Nomintison Bku4t ree "-lis ti'o G'O FR10 otsGOOD FOR 20,000 EXTRA VOTES-lth CO D F Ri 0 V OtÈ Accnmpauled by lie norni on blan, sud your tîrsi subscipiiou, LIBERTYVILLE INDEPNOENT'8 uEVgRYON K W I4 , cQAMPM4 y~~~flj~~5 ibtis coupon wiii start youJln the race for tle magniietLbryll iVLEINPEPENDENT'S BIG AUTOMOBILE CONTEST ludependentt prises, -vti a grand ttalio! mare tisai 85,000 voies.Go d r5, 0Vo Titis coupon may ha used only once, and Is vald ouiy 'lien aceompa- Go d i 5.0 1 àe

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