CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 18 Jan 1923, p. 1

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n -kl ý:--i ýr4 A s1 T'OF, .-ôSTILL U» Of R~N Sadd je " T .Reunsoresat Ceh i 1.kê 20, vi - Carry AppW Io VW h1à bis XTMO~STO Â01preme Cowi. WOULD CLOSEDARCE HALLdi la rhit.i a m A 8e S emteo lit*9 #wlt, pU1 55 a Cbarles A. Piiebpaifront-CRats la a-9 idisei, attika ohier Peroufy vberies1 go e ty and Adelaite Gauss MA S 4 PeUn b 1ý- ntesUfeità cotrt t SprULlgBa d ti« 6 Nbuo vWil old int gulty d 0u1»frISj t dU te revtoir thse A«Unto e 1* appl- ets'Laste Rene Sv! t vlenlie- attacluedthta Ltor 'or hI-m afiibig Ibe JWMOt o0£lth. du-Muith* Biala thse statuseeate recently. and t vis uhe ittemetss.ncIltYo rt ed. ol 1ket dO gL t hbk is- 2111 w boglulamakinlg the unn arrtsant sd lyugsttelelt, orotmusut orvat t fij~er n -e, standing thor asa a aentor et th ei t l'tais et 1111nots3vWs o! the PetiU00P, alu foran a 0 Ll bsutsth % glasé house and ittpg.pnebc4! le tireatm« m eunaton iimtîlig Wllul 0 Te le papl .bly for get ihat he, 'lis viltieýr cfothers. vas hiasel! a a IlWuhrm otlu& adnoI &pi bati attachait distgrace te bilscareer as a iavyet; a m-an Who hait lice, calalbe b snel 1.* P&uni- ia ludictoi on thse charge o!f conuPtitrcyJa bt&înlig moey nd!un lion os'ChannellAa u ta tiselv t> unadertfils pretores" la ietho iial court of Marlon County. et AatlOOb. .th tieJuly terni 1906-, s mn vis late?. vas suait by the Inter- Thie petitiffners Who roue t Ch&u-* MWI Bameter Compasn! on the charge that ble hait be a part et l ike asked for th. 'cort vrit "tg*acy te dais-suitthe Company wvhlbo aoîlng as one ef thttr at- on thegrous Ontbsthtie jais et- OÏ--d te c WUcorrnit b!Bvitft Ite th appeliate court whtch catra t the dauce hall btfflr e é >61 lathe lever court, that a warrant wualune&tboaniof their sbeop. 1rM=etlY, I-dy ~-11 lfrt and 4 vas te buave been arreuteit but latar the Yarvester emtenteit, the samapiO15meo ae4 *ý*ýhWhm h bdbeen usseclateit felt sorry for hlm asudoid net nIl the vee âmisahemrSet tbe wbo h.ladmornlag. Thts Weald bave bues bad àik& ivth the Prosecution. True, Swif t eventualy evadpe insoya onouSh. I-ey alt, but thse arilval Internationlal Harrester Cempany thse tbousandis o! dollars snd teparturse, o autonloblose t a»i U scourt hait held bc hait defraudeit theni et; but the resson heure et the niant kapI- 05 WU i4W Itt vas bocauée ihere was a legal-tochnul errer ln lbe plesit- b! thse s-es et tbelr mot«eg iMdIi= 'lft»sese thersi - ie would huve been forceit te psy lb ail back userttng or molesbot ouglilOS ditui bua4 the barvester roipmny désireit. the! couli bai-e corrertui thte te the Zenerai, diii.- They tubit the ilt Ibe Plsiingi. t, rit tbe cageagate and> probibly won a complts court I-at condtios wvet o l; "! lètum unbeamable. The caie vswu OhI [àiie -i the conýpiâcy charge against Sift were bis brother very bitierlyja Ithe local court. t LW C. Svift and Chas-le, S. Câane. ster I-he court hugidthiat b.hou rhjdtatlen in n hici Sa if t found bhimuelt vis se acute that thé cet Carathe noise teir vaut « ap *'ef etadliaav as siked bhy bbcproeuitîatt-oney Itorequill5tion the, pettloliers IIouk appiel te h g: wUi- huit te Inlhaste face 1hfr0011591rser chargeadtheb.reui- verdict t lb. local Court. 1ev I-ths ~a~pers 'd t mie, ad Swit WUvastakea uit o elndîaste flmou upreise court la aukeittte puan os el 1 , OOMsgsièb-î vasîsued on moea est ftiq mdîuagoe1the maties-- ffastaadsehargeit by mnan tltaent pendl*g in the court etl A Pu 'ôtY vtth theerime et ang ebtatlseitpropet! and MOste!R £- taeseu-w.W and forther "requfllà lumadte for the appre- tl~ dfeitninameit as a TmIrU V W ?l>MJUSTIC0. ae." lregmitt I-be tdletmaent as rteu-nit iii I-be Marlon CountY.,raLieut. J. l aavid. t 4.«etaI e 414jury Against Swvfti chargung coÏeWr*7: vsble utlt!S oISot ININMARION COL'NTY, m: w M utnre « bl irr NOW, That on the 1211 day et Jubi', 1905. bng the Rtalusit bt'flOC11At1 S 0 <cloek ,th ,fdictl dey oeth1e July, let o tbe WAUTION CRIMINAL v'e" bis planéu vent tato a »o" .bT ]«MON COIJNTY. hldut ath1e Court lBeuse lu thse Ci! t mchunle wcmswu it nioStre.. T Kq>ugOhl5, Geuat! o! Marlon unit te of Iniiana, halornstbe Bon- ncat b a vtilet o oo YYremnt Âifirit sole Jetge etfsi Coutrt, the follovîng preceit- eucapeit wth a fev scratches- ei h« aitla the cause o ae! orînlo tan itions s 01ey IL Swift, Ne. ff»Fox unit i MeobatO f.ew 8. ndctutent frOt igpoet n oe ue az r-freonChanuteo IbId te Fort Sheridani fer btanln proos--y uit oDe imter aIs P esteriti! itternoan. their plabei& te fly hack tIbs atteromel Quito le FIXDIANA, MARION IOtNTY. B*agilvs».ln ttaI-usui t4"riisl Court of Merlon Couni!. Fox ait duîflicig tith eeldus hua ~btute o lnda9r ~plans in central. tev. As he leu the grettait bis plans C. Swftvas uwepI- tovarit a han.grReal- - Charle S, Carns Iteitie! B. Swiflrlng that bis plane vonlitbu do- ladictmnent tfto oUingnzproperty ait mono! under ut-o psr-plce, the fertji5e e rsthtm00 tenie. place, ch fines- itoitte e tght ,1he Grauit Jutror» fî'r lte County o! Mail'1> Stat neof Indiaria'up- eutiamcIevhI-euotlt i~. bu lest cotre], completyai! iI Iho pjes r eatbi preeuutt hiat on the 15th dey 0f September, A. D., 1903, esatt vnt tt a aseudive crashlng ,eý*_4 la the contl!oftMarion gand state aforeiiudWlUit C. Swifttandtlb ag revt uhtril to .Cuiras were anui for a long itme prier them'te hait be Ihoetes-ce that thbe piloi vas kiile a- is and i eplayesor!nua- ArteiliusN. Radiey omployoit hy hlm for stantby. usue j atlagia sale of certain patent rglits and lettess iJe ?h* -1- .l'- tt o hla ObW_!ketand at A-I1EMPT TO flESTORE PEAGE Ibarnestor Compnyi, a corporationdei-us )tbolgsatcun;r i o! abasat~tis >lita andi letton patent andt eaeb aid a11etsau .gents and clddtsetamsineMmo vas-e bounit taeuxerclue the utineat goot faIth ta représentng t.eje$blls.h a provislanai gevema- S principals anti lu ail statanteats made by thlg ait eacb O! ment unit t oexpel the LitheUnlan 1* getaPrIncIpal4 conceroipg a n! nogotlttona loohlu te Iho alo Irregulars ("liranvIes") vho la- ~$eut rîglit =iitl lttera patent andi any centraIt mad it at er- vaded unit sei%*,l the district. The tç4 o ui and it Grand Jureras futher pretunt that, nsait lotb mIaion viiibe.compoaste!.ofmili- mIilbr, 1», t. a ndinlasait count! mud stt, thse nsa li Ils tars- fficesenitvili lie lastructet suit Chares IL.Caltass unitRodnueB. Bvt' dît theun udthtae r est r ne-forthvlth. y, eilloitsland dieslgneilya itwth latent te dsfriMSdthe us 1N. iadIo! unla-wtuily. dsgnedl! mait teontatslly sait One'& Limnitationi. tond te the sait Artemuli . Hidle! th alt tulaI-eff-na- A mfas reat lmtatioens ama net the tos- Company hait agmeoit te purchasu sait patent 'ibt& ad bc ho ants te do but can't - tetthan suit thera b! sait Astemus N. Hadle Vfo4Th11ipbcosgtt d u bt ifty IhouE!anitdollars anudthat the sait Interationl n u- ar W ire hebuegtted u 1 aàxw hait net agreetoi psry menr@ thî,n salit susm ty udoirs *dSatculit net bc litduomite pay uuy mores t,. tbt letd tpatent rlgbts and lutt1era patent and thit-the of- Badieoulitobtala andtirecIvs freisth salitInturntIul - Ua sconsitOratiollfer Ib r4 rc aitae' ~ ors, mapatent sait enuM Ot Lfty tOl5î ali t. tisesaiqe as the hait t le I-at Il datit qnts io aïoï lueperty, anit sait Hadloi' lIMp4 tisere bll voi t4t .- roled pM ponsait talas stt&i.eU*ait X*5e prete il es-ay pslid f a ý I etrim*no oet irnvng that thé. .54115 vote untutmand 7sut .4rà t Met» liteceit thureby sait Baffle! dtthe3%a U Oîd iliBfyInie *uit. laiver te ssi Wlllts C. Swift i antcharls- & 4>yIitao« atomevhua lu hi Ieà beite asait Rodney B. Swift AS aucli ugma1t.. *nk ý' él 9 84-±etttrs patent. vhlci sait deecin ta he WrdL Wuq W iuly P~~- ATXNT TIIAISFEbi ,cXtyo d] iBtIijêIr iid biui twCotla loItrs patent oft ouni1 l repclela ">ek.FermmngTblfr Tliy Coti Eaimsts" vîh u lttere patentst u*- ir àtt repetto Ne, *81,958 isoueitMas-ch l9th,18. 1l "W'thse eehit evarJ«msii patentsandito! ail rislt -oas "toInterntional KmittComan!,*Coiraonr- Ait ex ut tatx'oitb o f, the lava oetii-the et teo1, A. 1Stu e cqime -.entîre Intereat lanh mre m "Eb3&J, sli~les ~myconceru, bu lb kneW2 la Copa31urtl0 a t e plr 00 ait ther etui s"etation te mela badpp4ýé*berolpt t vhtii la lherb- m 1 1 "Iavu S. «à"> uletl anditrI-s-S y tiseue'"Ore8enI-5te sêlf tt5 i4*tr m uto-tbe sali G"vtu onyan>.tc- I, l gauit inlerdin hl - tole sal wit I-vo na ielttes paosi mthoretêr t gem MiI tigli t factiO eei o pas lainES p*t iecept.tisa lieuse *n4 Pavurernrédt6t m nwe sat*uI ek U*L - $t m»$hg bQ OSt0rsîa4 ",PuOSl IS INJURED PeâÀwiENýtv tii. P iomian, a«I Oik tree my itamgeds et t$?for t q gietiton Job& Erevu, soi lom ho ran doim vltbhId, &ut 1i 0111 the. ybuth *asrid *wcte ta Dugtale rSd n sJU Ul Ths vas tht edit Id by the jmr l inroibit *1i Wodnnê4y alternoon. The ni wau r«me at ter itUbera nt YgrdiCts#ver allowed he i* bo ttmlletthat ho v 49bbià Obyeest in Dng& L t Itb e .,0! the accidu islam VUavg idgbohunt hi boy00 ssii n trittegui eut vay Wt llbbosiau soom i dau hlovu ihm back a là u 010 aMsd Only ranl osto Ils *wu "d httig hb boy vus re««to te .b vburg l 5vutounit that 0 WAUKEGAN WEEKLY -'SUN o1 hua le" vas brken intwo Places. WAIJKEG 4401H jI$)4 NA > b out when ha fiIUI. aw the boy and thon reduceq his apeed te about 12 SAN- TCETAIN I1f miles an heur et whtch apeedlie -wg g#lgwIharebitthie blcyclitt. The achedd*~ k v WU ulig *il and tNorth iiSsU3ge P, . uPersona bas beei e for Saturday 4g t, i ftU ,th* ain " t e e e t ba l! bbch Pbidseanskgteatifled t tt Bowna oen the Waukfgfl U9oot t -. itceSaings & 'rUs»t conI» ,yZ a moeataly shorter aU a re- baturfty eyenlng. ba* be. ! -:4$ IadianaPollu In the DeUain ,?#RU of su it t idjarl ad thelexpress- and assured. It Wii bu a I f. tance tas ftght. in, wltel' K, W. e l ba oemùm itbstý he vii lImp es gais. despite the tact thit 1, et Grayalake, slsIla* at- long && bllires, iRe aise bua aruai- Chicagto won the inst ginO. 1la , , gneral. lua.oektag bte U.t nlng wOIS en lis beg tàM &mai or la nov nmaIiii bigb ad lnd UO4 of e sa te chartabla t.Ist- May ilot hOSI. are that the Waukegan Armer ved n~ .4as, beneftllSYllO frei Edisvas Introduced tot show sue the largeut crodi In years vbeflu pdf rom tiA»t1eSj When y that it the Uie BrowùW"v hurt the tiro aquade lineup for the t thé M8 emes up for buariSA it ha vas drawing a salary of $26 a wbigtle. proluliu! Wir.-b. ateit befflteJuLL -eeks. Ths vaU useitaau a basis by saturday lu conventent for the Martin . ý eokeI. E. M. MAWOM*i. e-tejury In fixing damages. cage fans lIving In the rural dis- otf Lake »Mg tisu ppriset 01 the ain _______trict%. Waukegafl nov byii ofL oru utI tthe milllonatte __________Pester boys, Ray and Cash, th* publsher. IIVN4 local 'equat bun an attraction for - those tu the Grayalake district. At U K $À S D INQ the request of man! Watzkoallbiusi- Iness men, the tari ut the featilTefl i i ~ N i13K 3ID -gme willI be delayed until 9 'alokWAR 1L1U4is er T M .J 7 E  . -A te rrf ie ept- 1 ) 4 J O 4m toiai XOWrgiLg vith deatb QERMANS NoT BEFoItz w& as % *iusen»;o t chrstiai' refuge«s COMM 12H B«tlf. Jan- llDecaaUn 11 4 4deirb tiod * - Ipt urse from. Aula French invasion. et lb.euât, isu- > Mit KI lto te at « ete i reok Parla, Jan. 17-Gerillflre9ntO * ofr rs lXrWOI-1 silethe? *ai. Cura lis Sr* 1L bm.theTurkbh sNattpnIlut&. tatIVeS. eVldently acting on IVMat- Zetkin, Germas -commnilhit ki of Tb*. Near 3atre1lufadministra- tiens froni Berlin, retiUset today to, -adek, oft he Rusicule i tIO t «t>* ,O- tioii ba arraged tot taire over the appear before the înt«r-alted repu- Ment Mud J. T. W .vb$.CP and smtre IslaM of Macronisai for ers- rations commission te gIve Informa- maniaI niembur oft tt13415 & iag = »oi Çs -Iiaton hospîtal imiter tien regarding Germanys falinre » iaisent toita!caltied ll1 O C «W dm. dr otiO Dr. Mabel Uliloto! make reparations itelîverios. Tne in 1AMA. Vima. Ais5tOtm 5 ho- Midiigan sud Dr. Olga Stasa! of meeting set for today was poet- otiiefrn ZU1OrOil0ptl e558 one0 Arass peneit until Frits!.. aguera arke In poet WE GIVE AND REDEEM a'C STAMPS "$00OOMORE-FOR 123 Il- E us - Thé Sle of, Fur Cash, Offert Uniprecedented Values It is withn- the province of any womall to secère a IQ!UuusFur (Cot or Wrap now.. Thes Coats are priced for clearance. Ini mauycase reduce& hoI hi elwrh The number for selection: s scarcely more X tei ral cott II*hi.ufê.s tita one would ep ofn nua. uch alie. in the ssoa. r'.,.u .wmnsI i r w Pvr"fea -94L 14u A Fur Coat 1[o Such Comnfort - These FurFi are prepared by a special pro- oms mùuking them umusuaily light in weight, yet 1uj warmth adcI onfort. IFUrS of thiS sort a,< nttonly a neeesaity in nild:winter, Iibt a eordort di.iriug many mothi8 of the year. W&ways réady for service and always good- 1Ut115.nS - Afl the peltries in vogue thi8 seusin a« ieî'e: Mink, Muskttt, Seal, Marten aud aBTOit otlhers, trimnned witlisIh mffsigfr uquirrl, mole and fitch. There is dl$istnof indeed i of etih fur pieve, they grQ aUl etY bcY pf If yquhay wished f oraNew r at Or WIr»P tl exteinlyprofitable to you to imvestigate the buimt p( oftiul.___ 3- LIBZ~TX Pa.~A' ~ n..-, J4E~, LAKEOC IIINTY, ILI v -.-.MMMMMM $1.50 PER YF-ARý IN ADVANCt 1

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