bere t bert. ur, e b and So he lipewhlle csrrln aco n e rI4 hndrMkPooi frs eere day'. Amti rltain- AOesit Dvice. hoe of adbar-son.aerybsdly blstéred ~l~e'p Lse Cu. reîdets bave Lîbétyllengday atti werooln béen gantedpatens at Sh he any frwilenda of . gridaneo Licodînate uffannc-d Djin ard.lig teconvery s ort ked Pubi eple thé banadaiethérmslueis btae lad te P aatet e vwhcblse s.Il baCi nowsthedaremoatsre adte recover. 'ýpýPbs"IALe Coa4yresien W.ha hopiertheMay Il! soon evela bee IStB5tted Laentsuty -Teean vl sr ths ofer.Mr. Grldley1 vé paten- ansd the devfes upon not t olide dewu the heulater too the Patente weré IssueS fol-soon, an it miglit cause gI'éat uffering te valk uo agate x /k.Cbow, Fort Sherda --etop Rober Schley le very conalderate of retns R. ?tseipe. Hghland tPart Bobvhen yçu usher Blddy lto lber ýIdl display Sévice. Mr. PhélpésSun parlOr, we know shé vIl! reward ««y9;Nw York. IL.J. G4sa vas a business vIsiter ln enrties which en dLca Le Bluffe---sses Gertrude 1'1tsaatrlçk aud umtt' ipecuti mahin. a ttBdogscheol Snt * ~ dub thé IS cou* etélnaeetrtaci t heii Ë* d* ie * * * *ea * p * *e *aHé d beenIidufomrets rive eeKswilaraeua"D . t-il Ms. audj Mes, A-Stahbl attendeS thée vs-mua héiela able ti walk vIitaa ie. VoiSts-y sbe and déemonstration et Mss. Fred Siébus-g (nés Ida Busch)_ UbA~'tvIlé Mnde.vsebsd lber. tensils anS dénerolds ré-C - 'Iéét inut réprt" Wéere in- moveS 1est Septémber, te net énjoylng zréde MseKaé in élua geed bealtb. Shé lbas showu very lit- ~ lOr vlh pnunioia.ail t th fa iîe improvement as a rasuit of thée- betir at ies- bédaide. Dr. Idrsén te eraton. = kkeg »sera-i calsa a day. W. hoPe t s,:ems thé tce anS ceai situationd furh b oe aéy. bv e la a hum pair. Wé ara thauktu theé ~'l'h. John Cargili tamlY av n v eathér la milS, as vé bave but a lump ,,emus-néSne front heur holiday vaca- ef ceaIlétt.L The tce man la bollerlua ZM ehiug sean et thir home for bhéause ii s't colder se hé cao f111 céthe"stiss'eé ee- i tce bouse. 'A Sealer at Arllngteu joboBorbobéstscaleS On J. N. Higbîa bbs beén bauling bis tcé fr010 -- *=- laitstaidy. Chicago-masuuactused-al vintér te XW. G*eeLink sud dauglter. Miss suppli' bis custoerg. "Net profitable - jcr serioualy 111 wîth thé fiu. at ail," lie aaya. Thé le. at Lake Ge- Mlm pagiges- le outhé slck fit 0eva, viser. lié slwayslhadt his tce as lsaise Gladi', Glau. eipped frein, 1p uly iré luches tick Pltr vent le Ravenaweod ssi antstsatiy ~ les wée te ée bi auhtér EL. J. Glas hllevés te bis Hlttelns *u. Heri'Pfflitér. wlie 18 te belng up te daté and bavng a aritari' a ther drink, se jié plans lustailing individulm J, 23roejbegér vas a caller at drbùnklncps lnUnIl barns lu thé ne"r N. asl laSe riSai'. tutu"- O<ffvévisited thé J. N. Busch - "= thoseeat thé homeé-of N. P. 14 o »,ew mrchravil hé 3u s lami uda i vêe. Mr., sud Mm-. 16 o 20ilé ~5)~i5 Ry gnbum, Fred Busch anS Bertha to . 15.140615. MiM«,« LtbértvWel; ase ?Mr. anS Ot 114* lâ='Ïr* t bn7 Wb.,jdnV, Jr., je employéS aI 14 À aoale' t héArligtis.H intethé tousSe'. so Mý- vuý- Siw at vue 4 eli t.lutéfud god MM-a. ,ba Sturm Mrâ ewyé "Ptstr vas operated on fb oi ppnd etiaaIthéeRvuswoo4 Maie*t" tou l dhé Lodae tlest Weeék W.e p. s We'iImm"storthratll5ldrén atbe tbsosr ut. t RAYne m 0< Ubéa* lerol.&bt a>-vbr e O ot o Fm rS . Buadi Moaday oetlint Tory omnthe same ef wéék. laW t, 'wbena.dSoe-wus akad a0S-be ttuhd the é0 WRIGHT SCHOOL tUWWlil; mtoth other8 @3 tif @SO 2O ÎOPUeped. but could nt France, Beflnski, Derothi' Freemal oèes- h.erffibgfIl bee, sud Gladys NuiSes- veré perfect lu, thé 14f1ka amrnos tralige about sludi' of apelllng Ibis veek. à51At 1é55tS sVM t iem 1(Mar, Derothi' anS William Frééman1 énUgis neali'evenyvbere. and Gladys Mulder visItéS tiséBelin-c %lhir sud fUmil!' Of Librty- ski chîldi-én on Saturday atternoon.- 4pe 1fflaY at thé N. F. Busli Mr. sud Mss. Fréoman anS tainili' tad Her' Thayer ver. Waùkegan Q*est »Osut 'V#e agrséer Part visItera on Saturdat' afterneon. y s.1htétd1n R e as Trhui-aday vas Meviog Day fdr as,g -feliin thé 'erelng on su usas-hi everyooe baSe theîr sedi eisang- th li rg store and oear mIS- éd. ttetb Ofilce or Dr. 'Larson ln We liad ne achool Frîdai' becàuse ciW-aie near acel- our furnacé "smeked us out." 1555 lut rp, as lie vas lu w Miss Murs-se visiteS tise Graystake ',,te thé, roasa er ver slip- scisool FriSfry aflernon.L r1>saeattsi13,. a :-T e tL1üua. ,Ljl Ll car kepItfront rolllng qvei, hée tendance for tise teurth meontis of the lie- ,dou*t kuow wsial vould bave scboot anding January 111h: Gladys Muldés-, Mary Frééman, AI- * . e1dMm. Clens Sînalet Ares lést nUe-ing, Dering Cagey. Maude 'raésoiy aterneen aet he téter Baldvhn, Margaret MzCormlck, Lllan 'hume.Casey, Ï>DouaSadkç, Wm. Freéman. Siévers and famlly su)ent tast L Roi' Brader, Jaspes- McCormçk, - tthéeIU Peppes- home. Kemît Radke, Mas-in Taulu, ichsardl eIrevehauled lén truck badSe Muldes- Edvard Rs'.Ske, Hérinan Bey- - by fs-et A. J. RaupiVi ltes SWmn. Boyso.n, Hrs-hrt Bras-ber and Otto iladké. y' Alx sodr Bun u. .1. Mooday and Tuéaday et thta vek ,l4i«na d I .arencl- Bufch we liait 100 per cent aîtendance, tise St4. big Sauce a t urfaie fi-st luné alnce scisool opnénéd, esdsyzzigh, TMr. McCormack vlsited our scheol ý ay ai'Wgner- vere Fi c- Monda) morning. t vistre one e'i; la3t vs-ok. litss. C. 1. Casey vistted Mrs. Chas- s. %elbramner, Jr., vas la towvu etng at Lbertyvttle Satus-day after- Ot the Chicago dealesrs are_________ wtth milk and severa ahîpuées@ . Isff here Oisers are ai short [l®Â ® »irOti4igunuaua attibis tîméS AMES SCHOOL - i tibis la 4an snnaI occorrancé lyt rù th ainer rime toost i atee s1teu tey avdesicanaJohn BOsttC, CorrLspondent caethna. ne îsy a Leroy Moore startçsl to our sciseol tter Né vYeai-s and ve now have 20 tbe . lmes of bis motises Rois pupls ens-lleS. ,*W oblat ceek anS Slulug roons We have a nev ibook case whicb vf1dWile Sing is bousehod -\Ir. ross made for us. te tthaconclusion trai. Mrs. Westz le nov seadinig tise ,ed mrs iglt neai- 'Blipisérd o e Ise [111" aod wvaail biMle thé carpeter -put enjoy îî ver' mucli. thés-e. vbich cértailySoeofutthé pupila bave bad ceids Plu5e5, as one ao névés- fer thé Past veek sud our attentencé MAIchliglt vhlle preparlux la rather lev. eapectsYlly e présume, a Tise lover gradés are maling Noaiss '"d asSII more. Thén, t-, As-k anS thé animale te put on tisé vii h. b5Si'te 10k sanS table. frthé varm 'tire. These wvise vré perfect in attend- wakNoslsest thé babyé past véak are Elsiéasd - XCltUPp, vas b&d- Marlon Oohs-ke, Caroline sud Masion Sevu a an"et BChaln, Edwin Undes-veod anS John f*tt standing on Bostie. cestets lits is Wa are startln au houer s>-tems .u bsbaS ieraI' ail tboae livlng an averege we as et,<80 lu al thel s ubjecta for théeek MM s *an vl!b.e cufed FrIiaflérteSon. Anl whM st ue eorkjngbard, boplng te bavé a DieS 4baS dsen ou ilrdui'. FmI3 iJY JUKI FOR. à«C Albert Thomeien -,and Sister Win Freedpm Through Great Plea. Âlbet Thssn,. frem uevbére in srtcui.r I'u rday won freédora for imelt and blé Uttle siâter Mar- garet, 28, béforé a jury ln Justice Elervey Ceulsen's court Ineas-Vies thet outîteed the perséctstioet oficla sanS thé bardahîPa et thO Théey weré belng hil on a charge or dlsorderly conduet, hreught hi lohnmCeahmere, or Wadowertli, .Wbo chargeS that tbéy tbréatéisd to, do him bedlly harra snd cursed hlm louéily. Thé states attorney was réoreented by &tteruey Cers] Réydéckér, snd Thomson actéS asli$ own atgnéy. The jury, 1 lu ting thé Thomul- Bens net guilty, relateS that taxés voe ég besneugb wlthout tbroving aumore boboe, In jallInteeat thirq mea a day ai thé couuty'a ex- péaae. Thomsen. n as beau lits style eince lbeing ars-qIeS Ja . 4saeler- taitseS.erycne ln lia héarlng witb long tales- of travelo. Hie little Bluter âgararet waeasuhiet te Pro- posais cotlually, froin aTri' baud. so6érdint te hlm. Ificli, poor, blgh s*ul ansd men Ineévery valk of' lit had sought bier hanS, lie stated. But Margaret 55.5 net helléVéhI the god et. love, Hymen. BShe de- claréd that If she marrieS the mn anusI be vortsy ef ber unwashéci ,bande, and ase belleved men ver. lot made wbo mlght marryI' nte the Thomsen famlly. When tisé Jury breugbt ln thelr verdict tbe pair made a iow sweép- ong bow tuat spoke of colonial laysansd mlgbt bave doue even Gerge Washingten preud. Their Psy was short lived. hovever. for Shérlif Edwin Abîstroin trundled thema off telliug them that be vas geing te dond tkem werk. * WADSWORTR * Thé fellevlng pupls vdré perfect lu attendinqp . duriug tisé tiret tour =aheolis 0chool. - Myrtle Lahéy, 1151h Eoas, Harriet Rue. JullaRay', Mas-graI L=i Ps-sces Esi ath Ct iés-son, IBelle Caalmqs-e, Donald Caamora. Ilanrice ULee, Gb. Dee Grace bhielda, OUtois-Lui, XY- bila Mai' Lucas, Alloé Casisusere. WIV- liam au" Cittiod Wck eand lt pluies bave bes perfect la a#tmsdaloe tes- threemmtba- 304 4 u*ag, Robert Radké, Mau- ride LtLbey a&MS rM âShields reéléeS au aVeragéof. oves-DOeithé tri-licati- hi' ex&= a=S ver. gven a bel! holdày. W. bave oui- uéw 011 stolre. 001», baillee., sd started ouis- bot luath- 00 ftaeday. àm-a.Lete3 Alcôck entastaiseS fs-lus r0sm Wauleei oser thé weék Waer Léséey etfGiicago v1siteS lust 9=n"ai'et thé borM ifta pas-enta, Mx- esdUMa.~Lahéi'. Asong -thé Culoa"go vistes-s dosln thé past véek are Ms-. anS Msr-.tEari Shields . -Miss tJoséphinée stéervisIteil ua day wlth Mise Ruhi' Talch. ai $and Lake. ThéeoséS parti' given lu Et. Pt rick's bal FriStai nlg lai svos-y Sucs. cestfutkà large supabor o! Antieob, people ver. lu attendsancé, Ms-a A. Pétai-son anS daugliter, Missi Editis. visIteS Mms. Ei3ser Bonnett lu thé VicIes-y Mêes-tsW iffopotal SnsSay iýfternoon. Thé Re N. A. anS M. W. A. wHii givé a isét-lés et tbrée carS parties lài thé Weedmsu hall. Thé fis-st parti', vbich was givén MooSi' érénlg, ts attend- éd hi' a large crowd-. Thé othas- parties wll begie January 2 i 9. PROGRSSIVE SCiIOOL NEIWS ITEMS .e- Those who were perf ect lu attend- acre durîug tisé, mentis e! Decembér are- RluthsJeoldrldge, Gués-Son BrocIt- Som, Herbés-t Geutd, Jeohn Kérpan, Frank. DeWeesly. AlIda Fruend, Rluth Brecktem, Peter SprlnSls. James Eul, Aises-t Milcisel margaret Kerausi', Russe!! Bs-ecksem. Tony Blagevicli anS Isabel Gréenléaf. Albes-t Mitabél. Richard Greénleaf., Earnes!lué ['ruéeS and on the aick lis Ibis veek. Tise Conixunlty coisbhave pus- chased an eléctrle lighting system for tise ae!o. Thse men are atI!vwos-klng on tise inuoSoir toilaIs but axpecî te o lais in [a few Says. Charlotte D. Weedy. Agnés Nanta, Es-elyrl Âmes anS Ceeule Amaun vax-e et erý o urs- chool lait Trlday. Ms-.- Lester Povîs bas pus-cliséSa new Cliérelet roadates-. BOWMAN ICEROUSE. FILLED LAST Wffl Thé Boim -i«'Ssy compauy'a big tee boume St Bautra lake vas tilléS luat vseiL Théeiteevas *bout 10 luces thisk. Ilwax feue-d tisera vwould net lé enougis colS véatisr thi. wintér te ensile thé vaticoa industries te put up "a adquate, auppli' of Iee [o sun tlem tbrougis thse susM«l. MAYS RSAY$ pOES *AND CA uns £MDOW A How race bernas sud -poker Samoa çaused the downfall of à mayer of Lake Ceunty;'how bad checkes ad accumulated dobte were due to, hie iùabillty tu refrain £rom gaMblilug témptations; and how a tight plnch bas caused a complete reform ln hie lIVe aima la told lu thé following tale explaining the situation et the mayor of Vox Lake. Mayor Ernest Hummiel wu slu, Waukegau this noon and to the Daily Sun made a statemýemt ln subtance as fellowee: 111 have, nobody te iblame but myelf for the unpleasant situation 1 am n, 1. waut to amsure mny friends and overybody oins that wthin ton days 1 wll have sqliared Up'evory account that stands against me now; luceludlne ail the checks whlch my friands bave beau carrylng." «"As te wbat the rosi trouble wa*," Rummel naid, 'I tried te f 9110w thé rates et Eawthorn4 laut #mnmér and, lu that venture alte 1 Igettlu thé ho, about $2100. Noside that a numbér.of my triands Indulge ln the. lîtte ganse eefléd poker and 1 usually came out the ahort end of it. That aaie da to 9mu uleBtbd assetsansd thé eart thing I kuew 1 tound myseUlu trouble whlcb for, a tit» %~as certaily béén mest, er- tous but now I havt =*de.arasaeméutte t aud lu a short ttie IwM IagaM buo n My feet."1 He affl tisat ln the futursho bas made a vew that h. willI not try te "11ev owthe poules" and nither wil!!ho auccumb te eny désire te heudle carda bécauntesilbau pmog4se dlsaotreus te hlm. In ether words hé "bas signed a pied. for hînssel' and promisés te go aleng thé stralglit sosd narrow patli hiséatter. -43e la net vénmonau agaInstt nybody and Ioéq net ilam. thsonse anibs te force hlm te moae settleinélst. . éesaya ho bas It aUl comlng te hlm but uew he lo golng te make. amenda by seiwlug tisat b. cas pay square. Bitiu8ln8s asbeebrlsk and Loans 1= - SenAbove, Uy Y.-K.Soxr'uAset. ducestàri', tecosftyTiis & Trust Ce. Bustunoieto the Recers mo0ce tes- thé veék endlng Jauuary 6, 1923: Number et Convei'ancés, 107. Numbér et Cbattél. Mostmss.,19. Numbér of Trust Deéds & Mort- gagés, 94. Total numbé-e lo InrumntsfIleS, 160. Total anieunt et loan1, $101,680.00. Business startèddout, brsk with boans aboya thé avéega. Thé felevni are thé more li- portant Sas IN -WAUKEGN-A. S. Kennedy beuglit tise tena K. Fauta 'Placé on nos-li aide et Cisyten Bt., just véat ef Academi' Theatre fer Indcated $4,000 John, S. Hoga4 & vite 'tQught s $1,000, John T. Neyées & vite -beit fise L-und place ou veut aidé hickory, Just seuout of-Centre St.. foes-indîcat- éd $1.00, anS gave bacs. trust SeSd for $4,600. Ha-sy & MatilSa Eltis bougist thé T. E. Gray' propost' on veut -aidS B. Utîca et., opposite Pest office tes- Indicated $4,600 anS 'gave bacs. trust SeéS teor 34,600. Richsard E. Maki isought s lot on? Hull Ct., tresa James A. Réevea for nominal considésa-tu Andrew N. Redira & vite bougbt thé P. W. Pelésen bouse ouneeut aide N. Cisapel St., tes- Indîcated $6.000 And garé bacs. trust Seed tes- 3,400. Ja-oh F. [beer-beugbt tise E. P. Ms-Donald lot- on vast 'bide 'Ash Bt., opposite 1 Fis-st Bt., for indis-atéS $2,500. à. F. Beaublen heugbt -thé Gua BélIer liuse on nos-lb aideWialtg- ton St., bétveep Chapel & St. James Ste., for Indîcated e2,000. jas. A. Réevea beught thé Char-kI prepe-t[l at seuls st corer?Popl I & Conter Ste., for IudicateàS 38,000 Non 0 MiNlse & Oscar Glc.kseii bouglit 8 lots on Sa. Sher-lSbp Rd. in Dus-st & McCann'aSBubSitflon, tes- ludicated 36,00and. gave bacs trust Seed for3,000. .Morris A. Bhuusborg beuglit thé' Chas. Jaceha propés-ti'onseul; %Ida Gèeae st. mast nes-tIs etWSIér et., WitIL 24 lest frotagé for ludk- caleS $12,000. lI L.AKIE FOR EST- Clyde M. ASsis- boug he is Speédél place on s'ret aidé GabvooS Avé., uortb fût gtedîca±éd 3$4,600. tChas. A.L 0mmouds beugist the bHelen R. Rysu plae ou Rysu Place r for ludicated 50. T aas-.!ll xbt théeaseA-i~ tat-on= rmath* Avé, eat , l o! Pox Leke nelghborhood, Robés-t Peralmais. $125,sudnd iharS O'Con- nos, 1109, o! Cicago. Humtnal, ince bis récent ém- brruaaeint. h@4 beén vorknt ln thé taS extenelen depertinent Iln Oook couty.nunder Robes-t M. Schweitzer-, It wus seportéd, having béés, gene frein Fox Lais.&sncé thé baliSays. Mayor Huniméls fathér, a fermer Ïa ty trsus-er o! Chicagoe,Who ré- tie ram thé reai éstaté business several yéeas go, la reporteS te lie prespereus and Il la bélieved hé vil cerne te, thé a1d .ofettsoses lp case bis créditore puali' thels- cabus. It was saiS that thé check ot Johlson'a was issued te Mack. vho1 turneS il ovér te Johnson. Who en-. Sersed It sud put It throuth tiséi bauk. and that visen Il wuae ré tus-néS Johnoep gavé it back te Hummel Whobe teu ahed It ln Chicago on ýlohia nsédorsement. Mayor Hummel vas arraigned tis atterueen bétore JuÈtle Coul- son anS bis case vassest frte? b* log Jan. 25. Ré furulised bail for $200, thé bond balng slgnéd hi' a $e'ozaise man. lie aise gave Att'. Ie*lS a checq for -$100. IN H-lGA-WOOO-Thedre Bohél menu & "af bougbt thée3131erj Hédiu proberti' on south aidé Nos- Ave,. tbreaulite. Higliveod Avq for inIateS $4,000. IN 4IOI4LAND PARK-The W. C. A. ofetwaglnd Park bougi thse Chas. H. Wars-en placé on soul euat cornes- Central ave.. & Grei Bai' Rd, for 317MO0. Joba D. Roisa évife bouglit t Mai' El Long place wltb 200 ftt., eaut aide Judson Avé.. betva' Marenan & Ara Bie.. for lInc .d $$,M0 and gavéehack trust dei for $5,00. Hlerbés-t AXLUndabl bouglit pi e! the C. N. KImbail properti', SW4. sec. 26, Deérflrtes- 1r0Idic .5*$7,000. IN .DE£RFIELD -VILLAGE- T. Wray & vif. beugbt thé Relftrs proerti' fer tedîcatéd $3,M00. 114t VENNON-Jelin G. Fsase vite bought tise[lichas-S M. Vai 6.14 as-es te SE 1-4, sec. 25. tes- te cated $2,500 anS gave bath Ire SeSes-for 1,640. Cas-I Wltt.beugit 10 acres lu SE1 sec. 14 ts-em Mahias Wlckerabel for Indîs-ated $1,E100. VOLIVA IIEARING PA-VyRF% JÀN. 2 Thé second béaring ef thé famoi Voliva-Tom Nelson libél caséesai'1 béas-S bêes-e Judge Hopkinus lu CI cage, Jan. 29. Fla'la thé luforur tien States Attornei' A. W 5mIt vise vil! ask tisat thé motion quasi tise Indictments, wvicl vs argueS Sains-day hi' thé défense,1 evesruled. lu casé tise motion quali la orenéStisa case wviii béas-S Jan. 29. e., eht Ihé in di 1-4J aim A Lang Distance cal! to your mother. on lier birthday may mnean more to ber than the most elaborate-gift you could send. Mother loves to hear the cheery voices of her sons and daughters and to know that they are well and haveflot fôrgotten her. To have you witb lier on her birthday would be your mothers greatcst joy, bue if dircumnstances and distance forbid a visit, then cafi ber by telephone and let ber hear your voice. Bell Lines ].eac h Everywhere MLLNOIS BLL TELEPONE char"fhdAe ~ ine Iadqum a» seeeresMIK CW a bway « vu lm wm eirr.mà u th0CUL FOv.R T PJ 1 NE3W VIAR Net because it j, au Honor.d Custom, but because of the as"tytof ort eppreciatio, we take ibis oçortinity te idm*i you for the PMI-tYOU have played ID our busines prouperily the part twelve usonths, and we wislu yoti a HAPPY NEW YEAR SdhallCk Hardware Co, g Tclep&oue39 lE T IL àk Monuments and Mauioleumai th, Down By The Electric St8tion Phione 200-J Libertyvile, Mliois te hé . Chas. DPrc r Insurance of ail kinds Phone 154-M 27,000 RECORDS Played With Oue 'EVERPLAI I THE PERMANANT NEEDIE The "Everplay" Phonuop n" l&ey very word more distinct Rays every aue of record, and wM am om u IBERTYVILLE rh;odoré H. Durs%~ Prosldeat W. a. omith, Vic. Prouldent F. W. Churchill, lSecrotary and Manager. SECURITY TIThE & TRUST CO. AMUSTS O3 F TILE - TmFs IARANTII Capital: $1 25,000.0 wAugffl.US =77f, ,tee ibeO bon cut l a 0n te on ~t. g teti t«oer B lute. uil Bto eari ' stewmb(h *er vas g. anél apndna1i il ietet e la Sédo Ns- sd i il-s lo N»ia.WoIl ditGeret et ram i - Il Erneet ?Kunel, mayes-or loze Lais.,Xmésuai' vatakei t ç4stody when le caine te Wankega frein Chicago, whére hé lied been Mouglt on a, charge of 'havlng givén a wertbless check fer $200 le Atter- uey George Field. ne wuvas aen teato custoci' byl Underahértif T. J. Stabi sud held at thé shérfs office until suother warrant could be mad.eout befere justice H. C. Couison, thé other warrant héing eut for hlm lu Chi- cage. wbere thé detéctivé bureau talleS te locaté thé Fox Lake officIaI. Although Hummel Seclared bé veuld hé abl& te straighteZ. eut' thé matter vils .Atterney Field hy taklug up thé check, thére are saiS te b. a large numbér o! ethfirsWhe bave cashéd checks fer RHeme! vise de- tiare they probably wvil avéar eut warrants for hlm If he doms fot settle vlhthein. Amoug thes who art declargd te hé holding "not sufficient tfonda" cbéckeo, and vbo my -puaI their clslms ane J. Harvey Ma*li. vho holds $300 worth of tise, chéea, George Keethis, evrpro l nAireS 0 lem, Pan! Bain$ne, 234 wbta à WllIai4chmlSt, CiItiOTeeunes-De 1'rett. 5 Pets Jebss $35, al M 1