IMfi1W1 pi n'LAfl 6fOM~G AHOULD BE REMOVED ~ftwNCSEI à Most imusual Case went ta re 41àâ the couaty court a"aab- loe hto the coflrtiOO te, b àà évidence tbt the car to lt belonged waa nMt S&itOlel 04* s-= med by t sthe dUlit. ,tie a .tiet of Lu A. WII- us, o1 Graya , he SaM- «M Automobile Kogace oempW ofi Trupoçt. la Wb"- Metii om ewhicfw" vas troyed by Z 11 .my Mclaimed tilt the vas nt verth vbat WII* W. brl theft PM' bill1 ofMd* pro"e hu s.4too. Thon the com* rudto sttie, eWamtng that fer wu a stolon one. TImw look p;attr Swith the. Ford luctorY thte aigine otimber, iter -erd that the number mola ifli amachine tilt sÉj tolon lii Okahoma and that »umbua' of Willams' engilne lie &.lq:dig tô'a a n who witnessed the accidenit Saturl- da~ie*0in arry Dibblé wý killed, another man driv- ima atonolile narrowly escaped being bit by the ai traiw This man was near the depot and saw driver Xei. 1 get acrfls the track in front of the approaching ctain, alinoat by a hair's breadth. The faRt t+t the sec- ýd driver was struck indicates one thing conclusively: tfiat Driver No. 2 probably reJie on the fact that Driver NÇo. 1 was apprahng the traek and camne to the conclu- sion that the track must be clear so ho did not stop to look. Every driver knows that oftentimes he relies on the action of the driver juit ahead of hixn. Have you nt, Wh n you saw a drivçr in front of you negotiate a crosin~safly r make no effort to stop, corne to the conclunsionathat the crossink must bc safe ! It is a very easy thing to depend on what the other fellow la going to do and therefore drivers oftentimes as in this case, reachà conclusion which may prove disastrous. Those who witnessed th£,accdent declare. that Dibble probably reached that conclusion. He thought that Driver No. 1 considered the crossing clear and therefore if he could corne acroas, Dibble going the opposite way, figured that he could do the sanmetbing. Then the outeome was that drver No. 1 did not see the train or cisc lie was taking a Ni chance-and beoause of that Dibble met bis death. ilof which goes'to show that a driver should rely on hi wnidmie'nt and his nwn evesight rather than what TU euegins tiierefore vas brought teohrflo M aecnldd us±o cout Tueday to prove that the I ohrfio a aecnldd sflMher, au flot boeenaltereil and -__ owà if it la the sasie se the onle The grade cosn at Gurne a ae nte iei #Mit waz stolon lu )kalicma that cosn astknaote1iei tbere vas a duplication In the IPord the long toli that bias marked its dangerous presence fuetory. or that the Oklahoma car there for so niay years. wua the on whicliha liedIs number altared. Just why notbing on a subway bias ever been donc, *L ** ** ** ** *people generally do not know, However, the writer, as! 'amember of the Illinois Commerce Commission which LA KE V IL L A *lhas jurizdiction on suçh matters, on Saturday nýoon, fol- * * * * * * * * * ndowing the tragedy at Gurnee, sent out this letter to lir. and Mlra. William Weber are the Secretary of the Ilinois Commnercé Commission: »puding the week wth relatives "' 1 1 arn addressing this letter to Chicago and Springfield Chicago. ,,»»i. Rean wae caleil toevLanzton offices not knowing whether the files are in Chicago or tuetiet thd ee.yth ie n !j Springfield. Accordingly wiiI you. upon receipt of Ur. ad lra. E Teedie et Cblcs.go this letter if you have the fies available please confer -M guemi. of their cIiser, lira B J wth me relaivet h etenxttm ma h O»ëer. over the week end. Anotiie; ltv otecs henx ieIana UP#lier, ldward Teedie, in wi th e office. M lr.For Gooding andl clindren of Another life bas been sacrificed at the grade c-rossing QiÎYàake visited hle? motiier liere lut of the St. Paul railroad at Gurnec, Lake County, due to Wk54 RIra. Wlitt lieehan apent lust week the fact that continucd delay bas been allowed in the at lusleude vltli her aiter. vho inelit. construction of a subway on that important highway, Nr. and lirs. Carl Relubacli are vie one of the most important in Lake County and one of the QR0.Bot JuewetI~n stwe moat generaliy used. to~walflds o!cN. clee o Today a man by the naine of Hlarry Dibble was killed - WOU epeof . . iil orry ber o and another man narrowly escaped a similar fate. This I"U felllugand bremking hie leg Jen- case, 1 arn told, bas been before the Commnission for a jM iÎrd.Ra vas In the liosptal for tin an fo sme nconabersnbsnyr = *wv dais, but la no at limaind long ieadfrsm uicoutb esnbsnvr hs ai. been flniished aithougli some of the iron work for the sub- g.Mr:mi lira. red Weber and Mlr. way bas been on the gon for about two year. it 1e . Eda. 1 e vr hieo Iwiah you would please inveitigate the records and ý,XL sud lir*. George Mitchell spent bave ail the data available for me when 1 attend the next 1»week end wvttblra. liltchell'a par- li#, r. and Mlra. James Kerr. mm. meeting of our commission as it la my desire to urge my W la dolag alcai. coleagues on the comimission to do whatever possible Oharol eaav m mnWalero immediately to remeve this bazaidous crossing f rom this Pak eeout on business ovedn rey n dhe eurecelvi that C. B.iadn arryYo svrytu , DI& kle qute iilu aIn a iptal in, W urAM J. SMtHul, 1 wahviere ho bas beau vlsiting. WLIMJ M TI ~ liisT centiî. Commissioner. *y-at the county set for tlie pastenona uredtDe rvefa MmtIra os Avery recetved a box o!j 8ljj~Ji katini tary. A lunch wu "srved, fudt'from ber satar's family In Flor- , ada1 rtrel oemtrhvn i, vo owu a fruit farrn. H ID I Ma oderful Urlne. lioiday evenhng lire. James Snet- Uir. Cari was suferlng f rom the gr UNS àJINi If ii. singer opened bler home to the iuer- XZve a aibshm eofrkk. 51 bers of te Womene Sociêty and luvit- lit Folerle t he brnehemfora II'I1K IIT ed xlguesta teca maked party. A pre Wenl~ 0fChlcgoras given for tbe mosi comîcal cO- Mine Gertrude W- tuor'CicgoeM. Refresbmetita ere serveil and' wU Geg d itette borber w 1000 Dmg utgarnes playeil by ail W1o attended. - Gerg2P'm. ws$0,00 Daag SitmMesdames Hooft, Tonne, F'nk. Sodi- Frd.RUnigçoýLýt hrCaSe IwnVed in prnhate . . er iialse îscaing fMr fer.-o!ofeao!te.E..etlrrg -VOar village vas mucli grieved Sat fofcr fte .E .a aii urMyaî 1 hber o the san dacoident that Petition for lettera ot . administra- ton 8'lday evenlng befell the Dbble famlly [n tie death tion were filed Tliuradaylu oxobate lire. B. R Sirnona attendeil the tun- « Harri Dilible aithUe Gurnee rallroad court in the estate o! William pep- eralof lier uncie, Mr. Trost, In Waou- 4MMaing. Tbe*famlly lias lu cere per, of Ela township, namlig is kega.n Wednesday. impStby. widow and 13 chldren as the .hetr rs, icIlks wil give ber entertain- Ue alegiven January 26tli. Watcli oi bis yidow, lira. Emma Popper, as evening at 8 o'clock. Adute, 35c. snd y.~ pata. Tou surely dont vant adninitrator. The estate consista obldren 25 cents. Corne and enjoy a M$r.CarilMiler vhlted Gurnee ai property valued& at $2.000. the lbrary.j biasa fev days luet veek. The e8tate Of JOSePfiz D. Plmiu, Misa Aice Tonne spent Monday witb "»- also was taken up. The. asat* COU, relatives in -rIlxgtoa Heights.' The Church an the Hill- lot. fa bouse an4 lot on, 2(orth Bob West le moving lu bis bouse . 11< TUE ClflflCl-IT'5 YOU, Jackson street and. au Insuraniee nemi! the --r tracke. ~at li preashera flowery prayer. pollcy. There are fiva oIlîdren, se The Evangalical Lýeague helfi the Sf viy thea choir siage; boire. - mniym lm rga thle churcli tbe 0 « ha cinyour n hbr Public Admniarator Peter 'W. snliealr orbe Newousesie a petition lu te -»_bpyour -brother brings. estgta of William Hayari. Waukegail Gard af Thankae frb* 09 of your f e psy train et ai Ub.rttvil est summxer. ýneigbbors Wo their rnany kindueea t»Intleiaof thaclotie Uc mem-' fltssas iae uifng to prospect- showSus S<ttng the recent ilinessanad se wear-ive damagea againet the railroad deat1ý o o» belaved huzband and riiet the churchits you. comPaiiy samoutiilte $10000. A father- and, ,glso for thse use of outos sirilar action vas taken adla tbel onrbuios eant *a tboe woek la doue. ette o! RaYmond Rig. 8byteaSmi'Dricnibios the vth le mcsy'»s *t; lads tibr, Joseph G. itigi, af WoodliS.W PPR whàetller thbOeMa ailbrought ln, Riv«~, '11.1 vbo bas a $10,,000 dam-ÂD AML. t -wholitlhet theial sem lta sent, age puit pending against James Cal- 't tbe kinS of a creed Usa>'love. lah, g! Waukegan. bacular 4lMOnpthaY de, b 'lothr .tbe doctrine suite icu- U Waxt th churck-it'asîou. LAKE ZURICH TO 60q O Q R z liit, KlX George Spunner received wOrd, Henry Heif, o! Rousseli! will find &W&mi4t breaks wit a heavy las&d ofthe iOflieto e father, that the courts coun control his chli a churoh tba's fuof the 114% lMr. Lana, la Dixou. Ill. Blie left for: dren even viien ha cent, accordln.K tbl~at pull that uity Sunde>' afternoon. te Staies Attornaey A. V. Smnith. ÀWýlel the rougliett romil, Mese* rs.Rov and Edward Long Heif vas balldIpato court severalIý ý a l hn vhbli aser5 *i u1tday peste at the borne of C.-tdiues on a charge cf iolating the ~,WJ1.H. esvr.scbootlIoa iby net sandlng lits boy li ou elov your churcb, tbough It Thuraday the higb achoal girls en- te scisool. Heasa htleCould lis funeJoied a aletlx srida ho Barrington lu cci conirol the yoingter, se Col. >q chrh-it's ye. the morning. Justine Spunnar fur- Smithb wl file a petiion, cf dalta- - .lil,Mb*4 "014Queewa" wnfo 4e4ioIlY quencyinlu the Ofuty court, accord- mol i 10 Da..* = lginiimaha'lo1" Atas aesra lu lt t hies gtmaent hqdal. Tne .subj-tet, '¶aitbas Alto-' apll S other dlais thai pilleS In mater vas brouxbt Up bafore Tus- oilng nee.ce ahi 7-3.. slght o! tie achool bhose, lu the aft- tice Hervey Coulson. m metIWD~LOA INT1ERESTING FÀCTS Approximately the same number scheduled for this month What DO'es "This Mean? Tihis volume of deliveries to actual owners dentèd for titis time of the year- is entirely'unprece- It bas taxed the manufacturing ability of the Ford plants working at fuill capacity- It indicates a volume of business during the rapidly ap>rmb4- ing months of 'heavy demand" which will be -ear beyond the maximum production schedule which the Ford Motor Comâpàny has set- And that means a Ford shortage even more acute than the one, which existed Iast Spring and Suinmer. Dealers' stocks ail over the country are low-there are no re- serves to draw upon te meet the demands for délivery- There is no way Wi which dealer reserves ean. be bufitup, as, de- liveries have been made to customers as f ast as Cars ceuld be manufactured since last April. ,The only way you cati protect Y Qur desire to obtain p rompt d- livery of a Ford -even at this tim e is to place your order immed- iately. tould'possibly say the necessàity of tour imaking prompt arrangements with a Ford Dealer for thé listing of your order, particularlyif you are content- plating the purchase of a Ford Car or Truck for use titis Spring or Summfer. We believe you are entitled to know these f acts as they actuall exist. Place Your Order. Immediately With ýYOUR' Ford Agent WILSON & OHm Telephone 32 LIBERTV VUL A SmalI Deposit and Easy Payments if Desired -J' pLEldn 106,328 Ford Cars and Trucks Retailed ini November 'ÀUTO