CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 18 Jan 1923, p. 8

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UkFÀfl**Orb b2xem>to tturafftwca1r 8 inonB1 veuür I WMXÀC ASStS Ç »."'n cbrged ete.»I brh maiu. Te 1tUN '"' M -Idi.Lo ree B ,1tseeri DaY' ON, refis - There waz a~t mo twy. - W4411TPrtietMe. 4 pa t~'"~~"n Etr ni fiden cf Bg JMA"vemet t=1 tUrbna uulng o = s ent dIYatthe IS S*tS ~eort~r tatmu jbu> 33 t TE M At U m be 0W0te z yard st< In the p tloch he&v m itowids 0 on the VI dictoe tl afflr. 1 m.Ih'é wuth* 71 A.1tch et the tp woe tUe ont* lubt baUocb1o ance ln ao a sumn5z BILLIKK1 Broccker Corder i marrison nmoShac Uddy tg Babo 1 4,'4 -hé]A fe ool Iiein u.Wu.hIuatoý . mn. U.-Better bines yOn know the 1871318 I -k trbama. lm,.Jan. 1--ParmOSow ri saa ueIIX508'Springfield il.i s~- tatêwidel0 ê'for th- IkiWAtn aicfthe.counry areinever made aha 1e nTe*«.4 Metlg e n al~NolS~Sceary Wa, 1i . -1Weaetthe Uneseof ][Ilos «Wlfl01 woek ihich the liel.--tiz"ýlblee»,a mPU lvst riwl ýyWti-** for tva or ~~iiee ee ni t tu m u t ltr e. fra d Io i a t b h 4 u a * " : u t til i. 'w ou *teFr k ta th e ei t co ileottg lirm »bw ^Oi=l ut 2 .v 388 i * *7g'.promse thils yebir lab&tintiez11tu1S10Y 0et84 luqe0oad an enly nely sbowlng s tb.'*OIet for the 7Girls. 1 lbsiuoet nocoeful ul N ><,b ," ta ht li ri, uJd taaeÈ, M.wa.chaperon Mr.- 'W nue# Pw4ai 4ý or-belm __ 31k1t- de.u der to prevent lit MmfrModiuig a aud a lde- _B~ 31 * .1 I, x sd1~d6- 4 ie 'i"ibe f the Dakota train» Itd tb.eby*I>stiti half for bf fi trm817pol U5I AD*O ei UP 9b j h rates on grn u lte, to t~ atous.~. lu.e4 in tm4 otnqit».Tha ilOsao10V ib.~u, ~ ~ ~ <ilmb ~cuIbtsre .for tb e o Sl4Fii obcai.Ir a tnepayed lut oft tird ami oil biss>eaobtaxildafter re- . 1. aie ul ?ÂtUlIeulSla.for ll. xkO athesa aiolLns liouferencea withb 11gb a ________________-4 ~ .~ i U l a s 1 _ ,. a i m e. -t o r s t n i n e a t e d l u O a i a c BPth e-no n , or e tççéaqe«. al0 Bcol__ ot ~ ~ fti___*1Ie orr4 aes sonn, ~b. ber. ,dit gfor tla vn~ s4e.I 11 4 baeonla o Ix sae ru rae,0db1g cubsr tlIb~31 ~ ,nr ,Ilu tils speakers Wbo Win V 9i~t~UtUN& olmI-eowitrpra~ %si bomestabulal dfor lthext nt. "bmllséarion ofet auve 1%utdp i ',4lt*backiard ggoopb oourae ar: suce lb. loastu '.~a1ss f ahw omartivé Sbakespeire'. tragédie&.-vnieu soe Ibat voly couadrable AUJ t'rf l'ame thel Nit.". e:Cadis t4 fid W wi *leilftao suonad city lots and ril- 1w bepuI vo weeks vlIb majoii n ioSbfre te ueIi a bu ases~ vlutu3 m f e"fod i ec OYf. 1AO ptdba ee 1114b * et Ai'Vw.are mal 118artii'abîp u 'th il ý.%,,O f th0 Iis data shows thaf for Wébave a nev obhoWWar rt. tnira t murale wbohb comeaain hromIllb. IMM effl pèCle 1*a solrmate Ibere nu.bemn au la-. grade by lb.huneeet é"da ampbU'isaigation t ar ee fiy mi-i>.55t»o in ci Oust vu eéboa t er a14h u uiee ot se f10.11 per cent lu Ibm yalua- Ur. and UM s.i Johnson enter, progrees. ruuvIxet àIIiW la wo ar eting oUCl0laueiiis UBjot117m~inoe f n tmilvy ainiixtrack sud rgt taed a parti -etfilMnda ai *e!r bhaie Sees Frouill. PuIfilUtd. aa»rv - tag the me noleelUcir")q. takes rumfth. laboledIt h15 aem«t -is - ,f wtT. per -mue vltbout buldings, au Satuxday evmbing, comepoe.dof W. "A tear ao wbieuapeaklngof l.thee$.'4t-.A>."Cbft'iB 04e let orada." kleslutm iimet lthe lNi -a riss et 14.50 pWtconthelb.vat- oniil 4femil , bMr. sud bire. Ray prospects for farming lu 1922, 1 muid Teeaa ageetlednc s.RofoieWabpgo. 0L ist ar iRthaRveae uere l u al ii eouiuicereect lem ou w9wemi f- tlon a nd City lots vltb fin- Fel. Guy Simions sud f amUi, and that vbfle Ibere wvasonoi ta Thre wa ea Pti 'Bvnt Thnlme, b.l Yecu. ate 58i p biswat di.nee insel vl ov. o ha ruglaIe t l ikb"mnt~ua sud ou land vIb h kprove- Dr. aud lir.. Redding and sou- frain expect boom times for the farmner Inhml Zhld u b. IF,,=m hi, i ni d turease of 55.26 per cent. Waukogau;-,sio Spencer Crawford and the near future, Ibere vau promise 0f lug, Cty cftZMon. Judge EB±ul Govenuxenl, Prealdent David Kiley W. bave beau bavlug moit îtesta il IL Da"is21.dir« f f AI a renaît ora! tua mles as pro- faailiy. etter limes for tbm fariner I. hbiegsr ak0 ugn i.ctk si ofpMnaips. of co-lipmraîlonIlinh oisDr ot of.S. eprtmu hî fixy te 1. A. A., the State Tex ,Misses Mary sud Evelyn Scotspel tnear -future, tieswas promise of ebs taasko gnthe ololuglam-- amr1"Hu. oan .Aro ur bave orke o tis 44oimearaslupro!IervacatIon vsitg friands btter limes,, oh for the former sud. m jréano.iwr .tciafrteUà libils ate taiesou tarinland a year ln Renoiom those whose busines lalargely de- mal morefi aoub e eiaiarel Pakersud Stok Yards, (etotltwe)fr=#a ok n « o &M *4dreenly 100k action ta cut laaMisAgies GIheon vas a Waukegau pondent upon hlm. The rear bas hi Ibis poulthry pet nlnsRato angt lb . rmr.»lifford Wilson, Iasorsmeors wItb a vl.te coo *0 tau ona 6 per tout- vIsitor tant veoix. hrought fuflment of thgt promise. Fe Cafod-vnOrl scndb Raztio et ho.ra .er.taulCiroimu fo aeric talme u wrkrouledhibp Tho elIbdlise of vork dlcusged by Rev. ]H. Amstrnig, our ifllnster, hbasBpeaklerally, limes are btter. - Pugur wnfls. eon it l, ass »istn secrton« fCa.r-Wvasal Hitor utain Vla sobolZuesichsIegaora ad wlam eqra Tha:0: Ur. laerkwS vsc-operativemarket- returned tramn bis Chrstmas vacation, much beotrthon layear ago, bath and tIrd prises for tient cookerelai- aieassatsl far--avstre h oeshO ul-assr n amr.Teaoni g.5emopledtii. Prýoditcers,' wth e epent with is matelanfor a-'-<eultur, and for ludustry sa lot. 2n4, Ird and 4tb, Pitlt clue ahlgoD .day, January 2id. !0rs books have beu redaoed u = ou Associationsthe Fetir & Chia.**Cvons aavi-IeenThe elgbtb grade bas beas having a third ta ai. for tbo prenant ne *i Amocalos.tu Fut 01. Crpabvebeugood on the for tiraI cock, Wilbtxr Mclroy, n et11 egah n bsoyth________ Marketing noempay & the The Misses Charlotte, Evelyn and whole. Pie" of lhe majrc-o',- CN icadir ier okns ** ***t e*t elIgraad b.d 'que ýU . 4'gratl QGr»er. Mary Scot pent, part of Ibelr vaca- moelly consideralî igher. Whle 411. teet'lhe tyrdeyinOiiina ;o s*s.eav ý-Ti uience vas Intesly inter- tion vth Mns.lena Meville sud tain- fier. bas beeau oorrespoiidinge ad. N. A. Robluson won -SrsI pile for *tVsO"LIO * 1,f.s Mna. a oNîcof ud M -stutalbe ean prml ~atof a! y bol v ance lu the pricea of thblgs the but cockerel; C. N. Richards. Zud; Vaud1, r. aM acNiehtl ndie M UA BL tl-'WM5S takelx lu puixlig foi-wad A dance viii h. given aI Ibe Northx fariner muaI buy, the total smmn vIich eCOgl3;NA n r.Jin al fMMnywr URYHL ~7i bk for faerai.Prairie sichoo useFnday evening, farinera viilrecelve for tffe cross<Wlau luh So;Nf. Ollli *e**e* nenauda afn 'lokape Xrni Clark partleularii empbasi ahz- arm fher y ody <omesud 12 agetb a bllon ada ot o és xhbît of les brM.and Ms çu atnàetSiuday evenlng athIbhaime of Mr.I** ******** ii slt ees lu tixpoe larger activ- dbave a mor tod tba u. h thy Melr For bu t, seodadWîurh i-* ay wI MMilansd Wn. Frank55 nmos. Ite SOhool biidren enjoy coutllU doais ror bs'tatmbcbt oMclry onf-s, ecndsu outhSauparial clenyrelatives. Mn. and Mn. G. A. Vase>' eld a' te bllVary Mucli. pea o. ti Cuny Tri 'lnTousPepie. eaueo!Nothreoelve<4 for the oaplait year. TMises Mr. sud Mm. WIU IEunon sud Mr. orde ter 11vhomne solfh o illed lb. Individuel fariner Pare-iigr pril h hrhwil» cetsllly men bttr hao n For peua ud 0.w1 lcht o!Voo n edNvYs' 0 b eei isMhlaSumnvaldU for Ith"i nosi oofusnrrail etaeielBtrdimolg a 0hIe fiarn sd far=nfolks viii puliets. N. A. Robison von tiretansd tanof Round Leake vere Suday i It- 0 b ooLais i.Thai srved acbà"tWedneday atterOdL. R vwu adopted ei t0 eau. up a 11111e on tIbmt9 ourhWalter Peterinan Znd. C. N. orasaetlira. jolombre.ofteVlLaisMd Iexcellent vork ef i. 8. ecouoxnî Ibm> ver. forcel. tapi-=10Rcad i-.M.AiitKutueg0 ak-dInner tram 12 310031UMM 3il). t>.a The foeirfa WIIe h-charge of tIeBte R U.t'U~ ~ l.peceding year. M i4 r.Ms letMtmego ak-about 160 pole. Afer everyolui advother chant for thxe vmw f Àn. orf alie n- ISI Ui __________Vsitera vere prenanut t Ibm show gan I asPeuding Ibis veek vIb ber heen serv., the. rerainder of the dioogra9pby leaso.1 4tva oedtbadanessu ~yest e ra~ in Waukegan, Kenosa aParents. MrndudtMe. John Wallon. ve *At vi cl avance and 013@ (b0 0 suQU)se .Mi. sud lims.Fi-nk Inronimus as ptd 01, hi Ri 010 01 arfvsasn mIv hi A momentsre t»the r hi dugane. 11vre Wskeguna song. .he guesta depa erebz g ou account ai a b.d 0014. inoebt 4se inta ealecurebyredg er., Ealy, wre aukgau r Gil n m thTouslghtt _________ L~UIl4iImJ iWo~I '51AMU.iJ,'a'M""" & Judge Butt.fldounvixat la kuonovîOPi 5oeeday tet wee thef Gr a agfred Ibe uestaiIbThe IV5civ ila a ombu mi Ihei' ~~g~igau ~ 0 0@ 13 (0 les@ooo0.O oarong peulrmen as lb. Hagen Syll- 1lillar ioil Casinin o! Waukegan l.dnnealra Deea Impof z.aim oustypui u atixe tain. spont tbm veek end wtbber saunt, Mns. peâeltal irvoirs, tairas, ras Md roi l q"m ll lcpaz sud son, Aber, transi IULostoO O O O rosis LOGGO EaatedMaluiAntioh Tuef * ** O**f **1 *mim C. Dllon Vrl.drelatives in 0 3NDEPENENTIeadsi aeAI. 18 HOI1niBedmnSkJOIs a huUl sOm00ft - L04IG ROVE~ ~Wankeffn Fridar. 8 wiyasUie os l. otet nmem al * aIBarluacsaturda>'w . ~fi - * ** *parunts$ tB Fit ThoJe=« rm*niY5ural IL L B URN M Sua fcoolat 1-0 ChurobsO.the tlme. S0lMr. and Mmu.CJBltDs<b mIg4es erec l ~t. DItiOdHoS Fallfsu'itfvO.searvice et 2:15, sud Young Peopia 0 00000Q0 0 0SBndai in Wauke8eti- oaaMxa have flnibed R ' anuary 111. ThIe C. IL Suclety enJoyed a st»t5h 1 mi fflu vilVil bir T. VL.elly trausactodl business lu ride anld a social ime at the home of n aage lTur, alégod o -lu Waukogaw'T 1uesdai. se Mr ua. nsd lims.Wetzel Saurday ovonlng. -forth Rgv.kQuiNesemi-stSeTue»-ZlRoy.I S. A. Toote spent meVerail day **a th1alr osltZI441 býXM AM. w is familn aChicago tbe past Or 1âl$ ial 4re toi thUN bi'UU efpliaI? $«ft netm Paa pt lucdus lunChi sie perlées, ta, . , - Mr. Johnson of Chicago bu ahll àpew -he "Y"«oo5ï *1mie1i414011s* theO, 30it thbsie ffibe H Wedge properti. vwu e bis %nid, toiI 4cthai-oh and vii so= moire thora. or.49l wle AU%.1 lb«tés>e>pae 11ri .Cl whO Xr M. ail àra. E. Martinasa ý1ýlwmxxéàm"hm r rA, tour of the Bip»x& rditl Sanda for Pasadena, et, ~boaelai 01 a 'e W v~~zaflerna=owit4 CAf.M . Xii nexpeéta ts Io n. dut »Ail etarandu la I wSobtotu .., .Ai 4rw Oarag lai s&llug l ýulvItix whch the bu- boT 1jý# rAeedbore recenU>'t W bbkigWUetaivilll 4,1if Umm.l4lued lii. ,.the n vu t»~~13. tiéeanfofet. Petersburg, PUIa. a ý,*wàd»r*b,«rcol :4a sdJn O«tno e vil. à~ ~enOlbî Moer ~ ~ ~ .hdbntpse u spote- -'ohn $teval foi-mei-h of Mlburu ~ ' " ' i cgnpt rin Raciae for a foiv nov 0f St.PaulMu, l jeahi linlb. = ' e 4il a Wslu .hlfcatluntliat city, havlug hs been el jr et n IM]IL Adva aWaukessn.vYs- for oie fiMe.. M Xie-Sies II1 N ievsgisf erTY u .I Socety vill ghve a Pt»>' aI be mm Îats l1s srax » A ib Ier. are t». et ofu- rtMy eei mlg, Jauuary 19, a etTrain 'l #7 .'V. Bnllb ubsgng "met vil aIbone i.1dk with eue or -thIb Otiboentltied "The. Del on Rtan- fie %îp»t anbi tq euius hlTM&etoroaitthe *o dlaemiolà n ourneigbglet"Tne cutilbehomne talentTrainsleavinqg Ub ertvi-ile every Ho- .rz i.zTul*.A dhoevsour froxu'5:48 a. m. to 12:4 a. m. at ----- --- --M~iAY.L~11 om taiUn. Ida Tar Christmnasday. *'il là O O O le 0 Tek lnsp.iig: il bi a.penteof Maie Sner; vice prealdeut, lra. 9"- #IêTU PRAIRIE* *S Awin, leMartiiosedifi at- anon; Ireasuror, lils VivîinIW U p ei J8Ottian os ~~i> ~ ci> *@L. F. .IWÀ(i13 lThe veek blt ~a-:iaann onbodaha h r tinta,Ral TedFbi MaWll r- Gurnee croesu Saturday, vben bie. guetile voction. ralMary A'Wepsand Jas, car vas -truck hi a tait train. Hieo iw uk e o id ie tt otlu atteMdance for the liattinto lied a 100 mark, vite las zLece of Chai-les Amenssndsa "r,= o al ho. uppra1deashmode Ivo very cousin of lira. Frank licCarthlbotx U»55.1MeI- At lb. reculi- ueeulal ~te LkeProlttiC~t.rol fr * <iof Mbu.thWe eart of Milwauloee---"tVe suer onmem arelwt 11comtîpr s pilwas 'Tbatteudance bas boeau luigood- Coine sud "e. the home taen pa', tlufairo su. fdn or timi le 4 till is -ItrMd ve a&Mboll v iii aItfIe 4iulcb Fnda>', January 19, "Phe ctm lte- cWa sevage disposaipI-I,40- n on. lt I vY. 'rWco)n RatUg!d." A mdei play. c ro a isv 41puI ixblttt-ëior saiar ti la.C. liallvis lited relatives 'lu -ro- ta iAare- s v tù ean 5Bbel iears, end a as es eouW telx Ibetl2)Tty - (.LeotOut Lat eand"00, lb.rduth. 19bIL IL H. E. o ddugte tl Tbe demi hei beau under -g- m b T mpsud lA oxfortable -tnip andi a pI aw ~ ilan Lfur s1*xe fMe sd*vii»t» a I it* us'im u uleoa Ml ç>d be feaqnaiad-atflai the lime aàd lbe ~e51 de. nni b aoreano ili boe iles are lPUes1fok etmrned taCic * ~r havIZ lg pma veek vitix sol . piiThe elb. tr pindouv117 *6 wlat, s.ibe01yth OOUSm 1* RA.Ds ai am E. :P.Denumn tbo edoe sud bepmi- If.aobndig , el*** * ceu.-4$a-~et Tuaadai5 UNIbt tu> b.plant -rub. mue mh 0"Lus i praue, viibasu. i ais ~ ta bel xoaet* rireVs~ *EVE&ETT SCHOrOL*, u" mJaefoarI09n r W84 *Ïi 17.4 dricnlyof - q A PlaY Mb01&,,; Tliauis af Mu» 1 nlrl Peer bas beasueelngsose. Q, Du bsbeau havn Uocal =Ml nangNILowtih Mot«"rad -lsgi m otr ~ ~ Tt~oplay v*0 b.ho ov.wd hi a dan".~ iI fedy n.~ ~ Tetehr ud fioa0 leb. uvovosa vweloue."thélb.WhiIt Oriteo=iS ofl - oolex h Mai mtes at sIded aspise' O iàe.M17 Sd inetitu âted a 1m fli.îpNORTH- SHORE'TICKE-T; OF ffCELIIFRTY VILLESTATIN AiUnpuoried a, go4 l ime. U txu b&ln mite ulir.HA arladanvl a.YlPI hal i e ilM tMot sd o w fuiP Se7 be~tve L-hxsrec.iv.d a cou.,091 otlu MW f«ifo ewmr* M"attamil Md M o fom IanLAugelea, Cam., on lul.ü1d'fr<lIftuafr fvmot. d kt bu ise =*a.zü he 1t rund pré, Tne C, z. mbol ett e gie.aa ItM Dorzey lm baheen IliIfor the loft oftbnbe s u aôutiaor- &11a1th m"faumr' goh>n te Iefi ienbpîuawuHnt onns a ettilgbtter et, veèkracMnlu ape>5aUbe*g for 0 Dut- Wb. L'dn d6-â"ËýVa ovr ndBos irgt 7a Jualy1ti-Our Ad 1111 1 lsa q -uiVgioNoth À isoî ý»aadsims lire"'vu" s d jw.iqui to.vinrs 71111 IOgPgNogçbelhaoomplIftetd on Ibeit gpô4 vonb VU V - ea g #J»r>me ro.TMe Tonug Pooielub busadopt- f r.sid md'a. loteu LIIWIIhUr.. * a a wa* ton tixir rgaixis nelo but t I ~ ~ OUSNER ilwIfr Eau Ir ANTIOC Aines il Tifffany WARRE Ahiptim ýWonlb Beak c .Tbeobol Cbampr Lee ci-o bis aut C. M. a Moi-e penden NIa. Woodn -A nuit litiate The t-eeg OMM

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