CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 25 Jan 1923, p. 5

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SUIT t RA J. Masm ,WeWtyt" ghtand ewk19, - Umndalt f- ter FýQ ~Crêsh. IM CAR -KILLEO BOY The ýje;00 damage ault of DAN'Id I'lMýp 418 Glencoe Ave, 511gb- j7% aganst E. J. Saon, lirrentdent or that cil>'. West UIItoday ln the circuit cort1 k-re judge Claire C. EdWfrdl. wIlyn's son. James, aw d4, vas ffi4d by an automobile owalIed b>' addriven ly BrasaI Jasi, lUfur, Nov. 1% ut lé»r, wl Sboy and his littho ister were jousiig the Street et Sherdanl Pinlce uf4 O4kwood Are 'pn«es vas arrested by the 11gb. led P&rk police but later was ex- memted of bleuie fori110eaccident. "John Dece>'. ,Derleid -moor WncemaL., ltiflel that hé gsaw l"t &WIdent. and ithat; he was abolt 200 et aw,.y vîte the chlldren, Stand- bg at lb. curî. asudwating for w automobile te pa.started seaZsS >0 Street, aller obing in bof b Urgctions t e S eif au>'other cars vere comlhg, snd had abuot reeied lie eurblsg on the other aide of the KrSet vlea Nasonas maChIns 1 lu "klh mma. Nazon. the defendant's lwe snd uer ulster vers rdlag. griIOk thse bo, klilflng hm Instant- >, vîn t hi hrle1 arouud the b:ruer UIND> AXE CLUE TO0IDUAL SLAYIN4 =iMrmlagbamuAIà..,Jan. 2____ blo d tand aL ke, launi yug Wý@r thse bodes of tvo victim eto 'a' 24th axe assat, la tiare etrsva thea ouI>'lue pole ba IOdA> 58 Ithe>' 3000t tÙ gM M» pista icked &»di probabil tata»> ýbvw"laeV itllro5. talin itoeltffl an hi wiejosephine. Vitelln and hi% vila e es ound hIns qaselacius lu a pool 01 lold os tise floor oft tis stare- bosse. RH"Isoftbot bad besa liseke. A bloiy aie lai' near b>. l oisiar>' la balléiSI te bae beeD b mnotiv; It la believel thse crimew oaemittél soMsflime latj pigt sas btb ad beau enconseioua ,tor serals! ouri. Whsa Padiy. boawla à,* X Um*:M. *.1 t n.M » V -4I 4brog £inahl.Itkt om »ecsMne4 effots et U» * e âeem .tl eglces t=W ala MMas roop « amltnt e ee i= bIlls tro*6 tia fthols b I vanderuls s lcbwa thrasIu MENT SIIY FOR COUNTY ROAIJM IN STATE SUPPLY IqUa, Sg Hm -Advised C us1923Cernent are About to Be Let. PRICES WILL BE HIGHER Chanci4 E. Ruseel, counly super. intendent et itghvays toda>' r.- ee Word rom Bprlutgeld tIrt thé contracta fer cernent for roal contruction are &bout to be let b>' lthe state bihwa>' epartmneut but taI LaSe county probably' Canet lie tUrrlt-hfd vîihcpcrt for vork t0 te let tii year. Tlie state, hoveve.-, efpets W i ceçmcut to take cars Of luit YOaa ;j1)s undier Suitract. Lake ,county cau &et oui>' uhatlmse cotrators are able le store between naov sud arly sprlag. The priles W thé BaIs ,r. IU beabout P$1,0 $1.65 per bar- rel aud the count>' vill have le va>' around M 'cents s banael m«O etisa lits year. B>' Sitting lbt cecaipt f rom the state tise cooat>' usuail> Sets il for a trille lets than b>' bu>'- mel 4t priwateiy. EARTIl lAIMORI FELT Pulierton, Calif, Jin. 24-Severai sailli tremora er. reportèd. b>' ramI- dents hmto te ave basa fet lait mlgbt betvsn midulgi and à1I A.M. Liglt leepers vers avabened. No ItroperI>' da-"*é va repoed. A elgbI trenior vas »A Ib>' some reidexte to bave bienufetlaut ulgit belvem 8 and 9 oclock. Name Was Da Tdy by Governor Sme j=Oîl g te M t WAS TENTH MM DRAWN SPRINGIiIEL,, 1, Jan. 24-- Richard-P. Synvoît, o! CbaicMO, a menther of Compun>'IL. 44th. la- fautry ln thé vorl w«r vilibethse lintI lîlinois .soldisr tW recsiV.l tbb .1515 benu$, i vas decideI bers to. ais>' when Qorersor SMAii, chair Man o! these er-vice Meosuition board drew $SwflVs n' aie atthO public drawFàg ta ,determius tbe or' der lu which the isvc.ers woul be Lieuitenant Gé'ernor Fred sterl- ing drem thre aime o! Eliebi O'l<efeé Ipother et Audrew J. CYIeefe, Clii- c=go, as the second beneficlary of thée bonus. 0'Keefe cied afler beîng relesed front service. Succeeding namea voie drawu b>' state notables as follows: Jaines T. Caruey, Chilca go; Frank P. Pupausky, Fort Benjamin Biarrie; Dulle3' Freeman, Brimlield. Illinois; Pred J. Iornieyer. Toledo, 0hio; George P. Carivrigat, Alton; Jes E. Btrchfild, Fort Mer, Va., antd Chiattes Lawson, Batavia. 'l'h, tenth and last name at the public lraving-tliut.,0 William F. lIsinher, Clelag-vas selected by Donald lister, son o! a dead vtter. au. LEWIS ILLI N LONDON Loudou, Jan. 24-(INS Ra4e)- Formfr Uited States Senalcfr, Janmes Hamilîton Levis, o! Chicago, 19is II sud the attending physician feare'd today lie la Ibreatenel vith pneu- moula. Mr. Lewis vas te bav e saiel for home asat SaturlaY but vas delained. 07<0E» FAVORABLE REPORtT Washigton, Jan 24-Tus Senale agriculture cotumittee today ordered a favorable report te the Sexit en thé Nordeek 1>111 1 établiiai $260000000 crédit for forelgn pur- chaeers of Aineraca nfarm producta. ftardwcod FlooMe Gresse spots on hartinoodlifocri ca» le removsd if youi scrub te spots Arst la vatér'se bot as thé bond eau ber snd thon drop prilde of b>'- drogen on them sud alov It 10 us- 'Main 1u1! dry. 14OSSES nMu iState Unversity Farrn Expert Tetis Some Very Interest- Ing Faots.' UNBALANCED RATIONS BAD lusuiieat feeding sud tu unbai- auel ration are responaibis for the gréat loases in mllk production amng. Ilinois cows, scording to prof. Wlbur J. Fraser' of the Uni- Veiit>' of lIlluoia. Aifaeitand cover are the crops needel te, balance cru 1h the necessat>' supp>' of Pro téla ebd minerais he said, while the dah7man'5 lovéal factor lies lu the fallure to gro enougl eitiihese crops <or tItis purpose. 1 1Very Little Alfaifa C 'rop "Thlst centus shows but -tme- third Qf 1 per cent of the tIliable land Wn Ilinois lu alfaita and oui>' 3.1 per cent Wn dorer," Profeseor Fra ser declar5d. "A dalr>' cov cap- able of producing e.Z.,0 ponuds of mflit per year-a common produc- flou-muet ugé one-l the ration for maintenance of weight snd good condition, and use the other hal! lu mllir making. Thé maintenance ra- tion muât reinalu lthe same' sud au>Y reduction muastccame entirel>' £rom that part for milk. -An inspection of many lierds in- dicates that hiait the daîry hlerds lu the otite lack more Ilian on&ixtii of the proper ration, making for an immense lose inproduction. ,But there la stîli a greater l0o1s vhen an unbalanced ration la fed"- MONDRES LEUVE TOWN Un ORIERS Indianapolis, Imd.. Jan. 24.-Re- ports Peachiug bers toda>' <rom tIi. mlnlng comninnit>' ef Bianford, "the vortI towu in America" no called b>' Federat Jiidge Aderson. lui- cated ail negro resîdeutas hal evc- uated ilu compliance vitis au ulti- matum f roM thé whteopopuilation. iThse lasI famills et colored persons 1had gene at noon. Poslbilll> of race trouble, fearel for a titean ater an altack citaa yôuug girl by a negro. vas belleved remete. gléIr5 alorut4 near be. 1114 Ilomligtn.4éo*~ Dodd et Kbany, vas acciden»! hett sd km«leS hile bunutinuzbtits. Dodîla <U8 wag dlaehargett Wbéqhe'at1 temptel te crawlunde'ra vin Dan4ille.-Cbarlu e Sstt, s con-ý scieutcaobiseor during tiemould iratiw, vtevgetnt 1h10 tthe norh veat te eut alr»lano*' ilberlu'le,- et meL*y éWrvicéee laI«. Je vwu cauoel b>' tuberetloels. , K- brWilLx wý mI )t b utI îtied -t the Kas RXx Ria&tVAS Ir-, 'eodte lut*th ie- W"à .nleflaua- titre Ioda>' b4 lsnator fGete-mu Mhvuhe rlng that ever>' Ira-, t~'lli ~dr, llg% ecretsoit. èihla socmlatcl disil i thé sec- retty of etate Md -comty erk of eaehCOM ottut>' Ivic £ILyear the namfq of ail ite intmbeia.' A Prison, penaty fa provdel fOr fallure 10 ('OIXPlY wSt requirehhints. A GLOW ,vitli health, tili floi- .fc.ring with beauty, site greets cachi day-with a happ' tni andi witlî cheeriul, iloughits. T "Bilues" itax e vanished. The glowx of hcalth and ri" beauty conte to VonI if 3'0ou are carc- fuI to follow Ille ailvice f c r o 50vcars zago, Dr. 1Pierce, thleil atvoong practic .gpvec. dsoec that n prescription ma ýc Up of harks and toùt., %\il!'- nit alcohiol, w ould biuîîd thie body, and purify t. 1):- A. '[his "nature rmk, lie calced his Golden Medkal Dco rwhich lie lad prc- ..crihed for many years for thec stotnach, liver and boniX Il eliiminatesfrotn étle blood the elements xwhicil corrupt it, antd xhiîch hreed and fced ýdisease. It acts directly on the blooe- mmmmwniaking glands, increasing their ne- immp@F tisîty, and so increasing the supply of ricb, pure blood, wbîch is the life of the bod3,. Purify the blood, and the skin %vill show the effect. If you ineed good red corpuscles. strength, vivncity and bealth, tàke ibis "Discovery" of Dr. Pierce's Nvhich mnany of your. friends and ncighbors have sucmîsfully used. Read thig: Cliampaigll.-lt Dr. Plerces retueies oau a a shunian wreck Ilie 1 vas and maSo lier appg»qa>tl>' as Offnd a"l heblthY te 1 arn today. then no oas need deàp&tr., Thg.a*s te »r. Pierce'e, good advice sud bis znsdilues, jnamel>' Goden Médicl Dlscover>' snd Payorlte, Prescriptioz4 1 amn a venl qog= Ioda>. if Ibère la su>' hove It ifaiW Dr.PleroWs remefflea."- rumItt& ain, 1005 N. Market streel. Send toc te Dr. Pierce's Invali<is' Ibid iin Buffalo, N. Y., for trial package of the tablets, ýand write for fre advice. .-.-..-. ------------- .. .IlIlllIul lfhi...........IIlihtf ZION INSTITUTIONS & INDUSTRIES <Wilbur Glenn Voliva> ILLINOIS Men's hirtsMen's Suits and For Dollar Overcoats At Big Reductions8 D a cýii*s Suits ais low $L1.5 Men's Shirts, al sizes, g' .od quality- - _ and neat patterns $100lehn's Overcoats up)$ 87 Our entire stock of over 3,000 -Ax Meifs Beits -with Initial Buekies $10 rAr- n n Cola sat ,...... ....... .....-.. . ........--. .. ........" -....$ 0 0 8 fo . ....... 1.00AH \Icls oftColars, 'vaines to W1 5 a id $.00 51 k i cs.-50e, 4 for ......................... $'1.t 1 $2.. . . . C ilt'us om ei- $3~1 41 7, Men's 50e Bows, U400~- - --.-. Best 4 ;;yee.Bloïuses Seia$oke, 1.00Cp,3 ...... i 0 $100 ilk Tes, 2sîooLied Leather Work Mitts$1 1 S-$1.50 " Arctie " Wool Caps $1.00 Kahka Jersey Glove 8' is_ îoSaturday, Jan. 27th for ........*...... f0 -....- - -- - * . .-............Men's $5,00 Hats $1,00 OFF rKahki WooI Gloves, 4 pairs ( 1t bat. ------ --- .... .......... --- -. for ........ .....~------ .-. 1. 00 ebJJAl Men's iats Under $5.00 50l,.OFF AU Men's Pants, $3.50 and $1.00l OFF at....-..-.-............. -......... ..... ----*.*-.- %2LtFJ , Men's Ribbed Fleece Lined Union Suits $1.00, AH eus Pnt Upto50e Ail Boys' Pants up to $2.00 $ 0 Ai ~çs ula 0« f $500 Men's Wool Hose, 40e 'raine ini Seconds $1,00 __ _ _ _ _ _ 5 pairs for- . ........... .. Bôstou ~8P _$1.0)0 Men's Cotton BIose, Biack or Brown, 12 $0 at - -pairs---- - Brudýa Wn UtersMen's Ueeriied Lisle Hose-4 pairs*0 You Cannot Afford'to Misa These Bra 1.Tbrelai, 'v erv spem 1a L M 'Wrown" Overahls, Blue, i4' Men' "Wison ros'niŽ~d a------------- - ' ~ i Hckoîy or White- w.00rsiet usSes 24 inch Suit Cases $.4 A Gyroscope Top and a"a- for Susenders,~ ~b1l 3lf4en's and Boys' Caps $e fr- __ Up'o $.00for .s.. $1... 00. .0.0Uau ut 4Zîon Made" Handker- Bo$20o Boys' Stoekifgs, 4 CA 10 1f0, 12 or B Gauntlet Fur $ . 1 There wi: be iuoyother ie ms too napwrous to mention MN'S CLO THING DEPARTMENT mn fer >p~rn coeE-t I or- .atI~ug * c ZION ition of' ane dis- ,ndtion

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