CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 1 Feb 1923, p. 1

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LaC oadu Q. iwc eekly ckLaheCt our' contzCoeat WAUKEGAN WEKYSUN' iIBERTYVILLE , LAKEC0 T, Lt±tbOIS, TRSD»,&Y, BRVIARY 1, 192'1. $1.50 PER YEAR. IN ADVANCE >*dm* NUL hveuttisawep b we.b - rs &Y. li 0st bc *0ha mu& e «Mae t1 ,. umisPMUs ZI1N (CITY) NAMI SPEEI> TRAPS SQIJÂBBLE A4iAN ARE BIT lIARD OVER MISTAKE IN TWO BILLS OWterae Sign at C. & N. W. Waukeganîtes Will Reloce in Spot But Company ls OnIy Knowledge that Relief ls "Getting Read'y." Planned. ORDERS ARE CHANGED BAR "HOLD-UP" PRACTICE 'Ph. ecent orter ufthie Illinois Two blts drawn vîithteibetulo! Commerce Commimelon requirlus Uic protectîng motorîtaso! mllinois train <lhIcago & Northwestern aitroadta ,& Change the a.mne cf MOU City tlu peeti cap traps" lu amaîl country Vix becasecth1e former causeti conr commuoties alcng statte bighvays fusion, Booms tu be B1111 somevhat have becu introducedtu 1 the genoral ludiffulte as ta vbcn lb. sebytSpigel Rrsn- wal Iecome efective.or senta p-nleibyRpen- der Il VAS 1ta1e demie ithin a "vos- 'Ple bille have becu framet witlx menable timte. The 'freight agent lthe abject of siupping hold-up prao receally recelved ,Jotice tua h1eltcsb obnso ae p chang vouti bconseffetive Feb. tcsb obnse oo po 1. bt ulce be u oder bas been cure snd country justices uch an C&UtMc ileti aU futher nollce." It 18 bundretis et Waukegan anti nortberl tnuseredt lai1the change viliiSe inlu 0<5881 b a " Pb.14. Meatt mm-ciýenantret là 1ii the .1Mij&acceptillus relght front a nsmber etfiplces. Wmkeaultel 1"Mm isa ty." The name ou Uic etiii lîl learu of 1the proposei lava viii bas heen Olliteratd *4ndthUicsign mncb lieex. painion are marlug insme untI» 11ey h I>'il kona as i gel enter, ta peint on 'the correctet bd ia ll nv nama. Tbe panting ont of 1the old 67, provities 11151fBues cotiectet tei aigu gavre risc tlt u m mur Ihat 1the violation ofth11e mite molor vebilt vralireeti wal Ignorlng the Commis- Sel shalI 1e pait to th ie sle lreas sIeWsroUllsbut It in explainedt Ut uvIsctu iolwsi rau tlyrequsecessiderabîs urne la cor- l ses. o uo'owsi rau reding tbeir scbgduieusud tteraturo.t e ourbH.Xooa bue1 68. prue t hai aIl fines for fil TODÀ IWÀ LAS - lou of localtraft ti ordinanesa, wbei TOI> Y W S LA T . i violation of alate motor vehiclq DAY. FOR 1111UNT 1-ep Grendelorto a eb y &! TE1, 1iflge i~C levsa1 wcompelîng paying t ILIU IFF IjDDhI~muneî collectetild .e u11 ntreasucy .vould elirnînate se e tirapae" ou Ibe blghvsys wtboul er daugerlng the entorcemeol of apees Game Warden Kern Says lsws aud ordimances. cen Hunting Season Now Is Accorting lua 'Mr.Gretepa e lIce et blgbwmy speet cops anti cou Closed Until iuly 1.- tcy Justices comblutng ta catch i r torlis sud tory fBnes upon Iber n a Wegl. sas the lu ai .y for shoot.- Ueo spli the, fonda themamîlves la b -4arabbttoi, acgordlng ta a vpiralnz corng altogeiber toc prevalegt lianOS t» -lf ' D-rn epitY_______ Gaine- inïm ..i leqln Aite A'5Ast as u cosuty. 4 rgs rliems tu bear AlI~ >(I~ A rla mnd anti Dot maie. an altempt tu continue sbolrng *11cm as 1e mya a wac ii i ettoi flolatecs."0 BLAKE IN BOY le Ne oul donstKe abbtiseason eendi, ho ays, bt tue ontlm'e Beson E T Jnty vhea huniers mai &bout sqult- TIN U S in1 poasible tht thingaine lavaFn e epdFrr oi may 1e amnedt is ululer," Mr. idH Lep Fo Mvn erm salti," but so far as vo kuov Car Into Path of Limited nov 1the sbooting ut oqurrels vIU . Tan 1e the only anImaIs Ibat rnay le bat Tain. then" S ccoring ta Mr. Keru tue presoni FUNERAL IS THURSDA Jhuatln gsesson bas beau s rery ue- ceostul ond. There havc been more ýWater C. Simmons.. 21. Senior hujters Iban lu a nember Of îea e su t lba 001been necessayt>la 11e Deertielti Shields 11gh scbo. in mako as. many arrnais foi violations anti presîdeni ot is clans, mxet b heau have becu necossary lu otber ses tiealh Wohe 1e teppedti lth1e pa' n sens For the. muet partilut appears uf s nurlhbouil eleclrlc train at Fe ~!that the avelag4e-hunier 1$ lcying-10 vetl croslng- Mondai eveulng,a do tte lgh thng.cordtg lua11e flndlng o!f1the oro do-'s Jury il 11e laquent yestertiayi ax lernoon ai, Prior'. lu Highland Par tif. ) IR TE emnIN lude1lvirng A. verdict 1the cm E oati vas aecvet ut ail blame. -eot f.Arîe" Appoved h«W~Jug erm nin Court Today. rNOTICES ARE. SENT OUT S.Envard Bucituer, lubrtance tai appmsser La tb" ctateocf 1the teP G ranger Smlitb, .base ticaîb occureti t Aril 30 1922, mcdo bis final report ft cquaty court IbIs morulug, show- 1a lg tuaI Uic luberilance taixamountu . ,10 1,64,86. Jutige Persons a:- 'rproveti Ibe report anti notices Werî sent ot 1 t &lth11 e mefllclaries un- der], lnformlng Ibern ofuthei 'sameactu te tai tbey Vould have tu pay. >This le oneocf ihe largest ~staxes exactet lu a Wauitegan estale ins a long lime. The appraîser's report llots tue ritte real eslato holdings of, tue ltl s. Smilth.fixing Iheir total val-1 fin, iÙmegai ropert, .M. lSmIitho t eash -on baud etof7.9. Ulberty bouda te a vane uf $2.00. a cccliii- cale d0plt et 1280, anti jewehry to a value et $1»88.7U, Agaînst t10he-s tate tuere tre dlaims of 11.1 These official figures show tht lbe Ltta value et UiheIe ve as a lite tu excees cof >9.0.At t1ele, t Mr. Smth die It vas etilmaiedt hat bise eM4 a â wva orîli 8M0.000 but raur fM t1ai 11e Surn vould prove to lee gbsderbti more. Thle loçal eState inCtUtes the W*4.b- buiru pte4proposI>' togeIber vitis OUec WftIeraI store buildings la atlsseesirct, botveen Washington an aot ls' streetts IS OffNEWSI The surprise Chou 0on Mr.W. K. WlIby -ai a great anoceta.. Ther preamet.d him vltb s golti waich Sud Chain. Ten ofth11e Young peoptý'-'sClou ven ut ouileAtiocb 10 a Young Pen. Lpt'* banquet. Tbey ail saud lbeî hat a nice lime. Mr. Amtuix gave a mlile lecture om ancient Roûme at John Conne's hoe 4aturday evening. Titer..- as 1111e p reseet. Mr, Xelville andtii rI~anti Miâs *Molocit vere Kenoba viaitoi- Thurstimy nlght There~ la Ivo more cases o:ý meas- lei lu the commmity. Mc. Northrp Io visiting ait Craws Ur, mtiMrM. J3e1 anti family vf. li. Cliares Terry le borne atter bcIng 19 Zion vIlb puIeumon1ia. The aeventh anti eigth grade boys are maklug vomi baskets. -T*he fiftb; ixlb sud serenth grade girls are maklg totge, vrons. SMÂLLCUTS TEE STATE EXPUNSESCOÇ SPRIèMlrMLD-A ains t. tIl t 94ngetIjiots et $7,118,254,.i Prdfl hi gvenS>r asl lu la h amtei'ia ll,111 for ,1the blenlît substIIo th011e Geuerat Assembl A ftdo! $79.348,287 £rom tue gen eral revne.-ace t upolal il fundt Vastsel ps4à iiSu'YeAcm ag * Gver r8=411 proposes, expenti tures'o0h11 4b huIt t *t3.340, T"ta&apropnlatloma'fer al pi Pose, inolutins *11$21, cticual -1«,- roatibUidingi valsr wa>' conitctlionadd compcnmalgo et foruier serVIciea ap ue 5273603 aagaint $2548 ue yéers go. a tiprmageOet 17: Atorney (louera Bruiago aut millet a i:ruosi for 81108M,40, vhie vas somewhai ualicti Iban bis ss tiotte lua921 . Eue estimate 'Ios i taýedt lu1656,640. fflABLED OFFICERS LOBE Lesr ofticm-tjtuewcritWar le. T làbtbi. -tg> le b.placet upomu s1*tm~~;f 11eregular a*My -tbeEtreuxnbg, bya - DIIII~II.sotUiound iInto Uie patti ef the nort POLUboundth1e jury, vas tolti. He bal 0F IULas h passed rbroundtthe:end oet i car bu net l Ume t s busehi i 'ras-. Jan. 31-Joie! Nievaton- lHe leapeti frein111e car betore il ho sk. oas fsnu Presldeut Naruvo- corne te a complote stop, accortir 1 etPolandi, vam execuledti odai, ute Stlmop3Y. He vas lunthe si vasf»nt gulty by the civil ptoy of the comnpap, voriig at Nei doceta lu December. ttCclaio. Ho vas tetnrning f r' vont vbon Ibe accident bappeneti Danvile.-Locat members o! the The funecal vil( 1e' ionorrow. Amecan Leon louviibnry 1the ce- IaInftf, srry 0. Egiugbarn. Erie, MAYOR HASTIe( WILL, Pa., Bpaulb-.Àm*rioui war vetecan. SEEK RE-ELJE(TIDN, uniegt rlatives, ctli he bodiy, Il NHG4LN A WU nnecei Eviugbsm dropped N'IRLN A teit wbile ealng lu a treet lunch, ear haro. Mayor Samuel Mies Hastings Highilandi Park wvbc smre Umie tolti frienda 1e tbought elght yea Il$s0.-.Osecge A. Barmen, 84, anti vsmlong cmough foc azu> 1e ML. Laura. Rm S&.54 1011 th fJet- 1 boltioffice. Iai nigbl chang t i0'lltbavý e 1101ilins sî%nce ap-.i minti and aunoquet iebiscandida fDe -&aM"ulas*ge sie~, bem .fer reelechion ou a platorm cf lee -~ ~ ~ ~~l wee5i~a~~t 1-Marieti ieghlaud Park airgiçiienco e ils 41 the boS»e«oa X «Imlhluàtn b tiuy « r. rom 4Wtstaecres COPELANIJ LANU BOYS AND GIRLS 0F FARM CLUBS ENTER NEW' WAR ON IM?URE MILff Federal lnefi Gat litu 1- I~~~~o~~~~ case xlll4. tsn'wreisg ew- îïâo .~m:i. ~. Yv INDEPENDENT 1~ lfor and MAU ffHALL Me ,9-R lr- r- Qu ch es- r0' Court Sets Aside Deeds, Re- £ À ~~ar National Meet May Be Center- storing Property to Chms ed Hefe If Hill Can Be C. C% land.hum -Found for It. CHRISTiAN BROS. LOSE ~ WOULO BE BIG FETE The ai.of harls C Coelan ~ n u- ovr Im u>eti~ ~ ~ M aukegafl today looms as the or lberyvne, b AlertJ. Asti, tabla. abould from talling tutulbhepa14i eartS Ijecenerfor 1the glidEr andi bis5 coOffl*ser trassalt a it De La- Pm n osia,"nde- more money lu th@ farmefa 3a ,g~.nte,,ts tiat willl ho, 11ld Sale ÂXIIir Ani aSaie niibl- Iel~of ILgj.ciRumbLn. 09the pock esTtu show that the n' ýirt1y by the National AeromMtitl ftuie. ivo corpoation or the ChbF ne a. o Ha*J. hmbad dan nimath limsail lhdcI1r* ai.ication of the U. S. A. mc.. se- t"a Brothers, te amsoàlde* deeda tu, sI tet IIous-hird ofth11e six hundred thonsan bys and valnabie Iland lu Llbertyville town- mlks inl Topeka wu %nfit vis are now mombers te I m r " ~ rding to information received hlse sip deeeti by Copelaudt 10tem in b ubs. The aima laà membmruhP Of Prý3pniab1e itei for sucb Co- 1906 andi 1909, wua tilpoced ii s o¶I 4I f iembers 1 oysaM M Ti e !tO 1 e-. r en ogi n h weekby dereeentredin he ic. lad Tir.clubs are joWng & uinre« fAriutr -akg adfot hcaoCâ cuIt~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~t cutl lc cded Wrm OfPIllebrins lbheàMU of Wallace jlI boys andi girls at thq akt idNrhCiaoCas cuet amourt i fic late eer eatroteo o d1 sauu te. thérecuit = Oca"ubckshow, will ber oi Commerce totisy toc& UV Chtats c e dte land lute ret t o priy aattdby soon b. a tremendoni factor ln the matter of locatilig a ulable the defeutiants Vers givona adcaim balle tauauWu Aiicnariut re.Taae i billfor sucb a test itithem0000e- agaat thc property, of 837.00.*00 Ibeaigthe goel lIaIt are ofscsflfarln.Fa-er.xrts tion of Commander W. F. Latrffl for improvements. anti pffespa 'I00W muni pure .11k ad say lu a tew yearu #W unC.ean. of 1the Great Laites Naval Tralaln on the lands, turing Uic Urne they Imarpoutin.Tb4 e caen nclpped Cow wtll ho thée ct- station, Wbo bas - be% 1r. direct occuplet ILt. eruie os a k Unbetidn ios rather ththahebcrule. "A littI. communication wltb 1the comnhttte The antila f ti. vlue f 46,00 I ~ly onusulue nfinemmut. more work aiul a lot mOrS moneF seeiting the site. T andi in tothelue Uic lb469,000,ik at udruocetou r oa, a loa ccucompetition Ilebeing arousti Coploanti estats recolves roperty of L5à P andi drawiamg a damp clotb farmoui" . over thc entire country lu the seafth - - for the proper bill for sncb a&O=- ic enet value of about $3,00.00. test andi wauiegaf l Viiinke ait Thanrten at es <yth Chrei-extensive effort tu0"d4a 1bill lu tinBhe rsetet ChoabrlesC oe" d u tuI APtaIUuî~y'Wsnkegan or Laite Counu 11ai wll in consIdecatlon for the"e deeds. pro.- hoi~f ~ A IIJ 1jI~j , 1 adequste fox snch a toto. vîdeti tbaîtbtey ver. furiseff M Ei TO K A SThe type 1bill speCcleld lun1the board, fuel,. waimlnsd atteudauce i xc>'M nlu u ii IV IfE letter la one that la 1000 feet in for Charles 0. Cfflmuaulong u 1ho AUAINST AOR OW MVpNIVO jj ~ RCE belgbtb. or lot tels tbitan.&100 occupleti three rooma lu the dweli- fted. i ould bave a gelatis 8lope >lug boule on ate promises, reserv.4fÎtCV M d1I P IU E U JEanti the gllding aide aboUiti faue IN Ui edat Ieprvte o j 7R WL ,)SUIT AÀ..éION OfVI VI i the general direction of thse prevaîl- Ian annuty to le bpeti te bto. of- $00 log wlnd. The winti muai net have .3 per -Ysar. The défendenait c u aim- a veloclty of tls thani là miles an uet by the CopelaYdaatieUtt 1 fl t t.u.. tr A o.t? Ma amrOban ocon the genersi average andth1e copy vbi lee~ i J tty Alos Etr mun r ai Ple M isan b"su' f the 111ll shoÙld ihoasainear Charles ýc. Copelauti va& Jumia.i As4b Rafiiff as Real. Injunction Restraining lier "" ' s oaîbe ts cor felu Oloer, aon a m tr tyBon a FeeL sbn.matte the spot casily acceesable tu Ctlula bcibeS Is eia t= t th1e crowda wbo miglit attend. il condition -nt ~imnd anti body .sud bas RETURN SEALED VERDICT WANTS PROPERTY TITLE The inform6àtion musthin lah1e ,r requlreti constant care andti îînistbanda o!f1the afoiatton wîtihnaa of phslclns ani hues, ati ospec southat tbey can gel bUfr laIo dhyiensadhe desanda oc- The jury wblchbohard 1the case ot Frank JE. Palmer of 111110db 18 anti maiete 1e ra élidier comiles fa it h for-adduioantuî ! allens'taRobert 8. lirakine againat James matie defentiant lu a divorce bill ~mAmerica a success, afcor" ui&t l alt Charleu C. Copelanti la hlm ftU Morrow for Commission sîlegedtu to ha led la ircuit court todear by bis if icl eeter. hï nyn h lng condition, claimin fiethe11 mro- due for lavngsoIti a large tract of vite, Marie Palmer. On ber roquet t sln mcequestiti ihat anoae uho IVision providlng for attendance tiid i t ou 1on1te norlh flats belommging tu Judée Etiwards granteti an iWuJllc* suiable for sucb a contest get ta- 1not Includo atqntianoe ubUg 1e u Mr. Meo te lhePubleService t lonreotrining Palmer from vîait- lunch vlth elîber Becretary Clifêrt lnb a feeble condition of mmd andi * . . nlg bis vîfe bhorne, from ntierter- of th1e Chamber of CillimerCe Or le boy. The doerfoundt, that tb commlany, reanhot s decolon ~ las t lu ig îtu ber or from seeklig tu Commandier- W. F. Lafrenz. at the la terz a atendance» re4ulro*th11ecune about sêre-thlrty o'cloch n e surn- enenriber their property. Naval Station. anti attendance of phyalotns anti cd à sealet verdict vblch vas rosti The Palmers. accordlng 10 1t1e bill. nurses lua ichnessas lau a la l circuit court Ibis morning. The vere marrizFd Aug. 11, 1908. anti Of bealtb, anti roundi that the detonti- etedait VAS given tdanages out iret togeiher until Jannary 2 92. UR RE RT te anis bat falledto sumcproride Uic 14,S8U0, wbichVas the1encoize -Tbat 11e haî been an h bial ntdrunhe- U O RE RT md arne, anti tht Uic conslierallon for amount ukieti for. Te anouat u- arti for the fat tWO years. gong'2 Ui te deeta b.d taied. cd for vasl$4,350, Vbisb with loferot on spreescoentinuonly, Ibat on these LATE3, (ETS 2 lt The Uitigation ounbbai.f orth1e con- e1tiYs Par cent glnce May S' 1920, occatsions 11e la qnarrelsomo andi srvalul- for lhe Copelauti eatae. brougbt the total amunt tu 14,892. abusive. maklng tbreals agaînsi bis a MMc. Rraitine claime<I thai ho wus faenily, sud breaks np their fnrnl-. Vn AS conductet 117 lJitge BeniH. Mil. asaureti ly Mr. Morrow ihat if 1he ture il u a tempt lu terroe, ber. 114)4 o-U> t letvllat tvlC wotild oeil bis fiais proporly at $1,000 arethe chiarges matie by th. "it.U Si A d Austin, of the law flrm out Cullu& as afre thai he veulti psy hi fi e Wben ihey movedtiu10Chicago, six. e- Mobre & Bldley, of Chicago, an t hocpe cent but vban111e properta v5 ear ago, obe srs, ibey bat noih- itiage R. K. Welsh Sentences a diOfe»dtimi3,yrr reproented bylrafr- soldta 1thUi Public Service Company img. She openeti a store, accorg- ,»an-Who.Took Too Long U.CrOuMI. an Atthbruo f CM-t.Mr. Qtrrovrefua'b.W. ing te the 1b11, antid in~d.ea 541oo bs.'t nmS nt ve ý'dt .. "l ea bl k Vix. A r ago sho a Noon Hour. 1, bor. î%AU sto, là )m- & rbt idb Thus vas on. 0< Ibe an e. ._unt lh Mr. rsaine um-o .. ...d îm0M> ts«~~'~ma,.sr~ Ths-a neo temuet Impor- andi that 11ho upposidEt lsklné, vas lu have 1the titl is lcet inl ler own JSJ ULQII WIl1 tant cases lUd lth 1e Circuit coùrt pitttlng overUic. d3al for tue Public narnl. Insati dof 1151sheabc sys lu rouent 7ars, andti 111 tioree la Service Company. Wlîuessos "we put ber buabanti bad tuetiltis matie out Laite couaty venlremen shoulti generally regardeti as hlghly boe-e on by lhrskiie tu prove Ibai sncb vAs loîutly. Bbcsasys ber busbant ienm maIe It a 11,1111 tu 1e Prompt wtiea flfiial lu tIc Copelant citteI. not Ibm cae --bst Mt. RrsiiiG ad purcliaseti anoîher lot at LOOn Laite tioy are callel for jur-y "service i rocoet no commission front tbc Vltb ber money. Waukegan. eueccally wbon Judge Peola-FankEnorant CaresCompany. At th- Plre"Iat ile she la POU'- Robert K. Wclsb of Rocittorti la Ici- Bour bth fraPEorandChe TtIlalubelIevei tuai atiorWsY for tuct n g a galonîne filliug station,aSlog caues lun1the local court for Jutig* Baur obe ha rt vitautomobileMr. Motrow VIUl asit for a nov trial, store and restaurant vitb monO>' Claire C. Etiyari.' tg abtrb hre wt uooiese raiseti by a mortgage. Rer Jual reati uhal 1he, ti tu1a 5ard>' ibefi. The Pair wu aarreateti. il la h W NT O ushantiabe charges, vl not 'Work, mccc lu Rochford 1the otuer day: charget.ivllc engagetiin fBling 1the ""WOO AT T O but equanders the moucy Ibai comeïa mockfori, Ilit., Jan. 3.-Jury er. numbers from the molors oftwIo KNOW WHAT TO O lu as recelDts ot Uie business. $te, vice cosces tirst wltb Jutige R. K. stolen automobiles.. WITH RUSS REFIJGEES la feartul that hoe VII reaieve roC« Welsh in Wlnnebago County Circuit %Yi ortIdaanti other papeca vhihîcare in Court. - ------- fiasblngtotyJan.31bAitzzhlng t in the Au.- As s consequence John Curry ta Wralsmingo, ban.u3dovltb btveen tîoeh mtais Baulk. S1 ermaysalo speutilng twenty-four1boucs lun1the ln Or-ets ffieS-to--F poblemof salan rdefugh eeen S hal ha bas lbrealened'tu10dispose Coun>. jal. &(00&anti 900 a rfueuwa of 1the property. For tiIs resson Curry, Iocleforti tovushii, vW" se- ,., Put np tu tbe governmeni Iodai hi abcaked the finlunctlon.SBbc saslectedti luserve on a Jury lu JOUti .bs G-Oa. Leonarti Wooti, Covetuor Cen- stlc that 1the court place 111e title wels' outereott o e a oral cf thé Philippines. of ait ,the prqperty lu ber na amev c oe utioge ls riorti hl ac-Thr" RiUslans have landet lun1t1e au s ers. myaIl belonga. She aes t oeun lime vhen thm case cameas#u on- DiIsats atter spendiîng fout fliolil for toch1e custotiy of Ibeir six year for trial Immedlstely afler t1h OoP af- ýat-ea, lai gelllug a-ay frosa Vluti. nId adopteti daughter, Bernice. bouc. rit. iyTok andtiheicSoviet goveruct. Wheou1the jurymen fled lt. 1th* ail- ~~~~~~~~~T e iet 111 te PhilhiPinei lu lIre bx i eepeet xetOi ieuéAoe one baving fountiereti "mute SWIFT'S COMMITTEES Bo, a e.peel xetCry hi *it' a losa of ail bande:I SAESNAE So h ae -th- 11051 of thora are dtitlte antiN TTESNAE Jutige Wetsh ortieret hlma before, ted ~~~~~poor physlcai condtiîon, General 111e babe dikn," h te Wood roporledti 1th1e War Depart- SPRINGFIEiLD, Jan. î.-Souator "cou b ave benVdrinolW urry.ti11 te.,- ini veqneallug lutr%1c- Rodney B. SwIft ot the elgliih dia- cour Ibave,,conul. edlth»Cury. at soa M 10 vbtiIle 10 h dune vill i r l vsappilteti clairman 0f 111e To 1h15 Curry Made nou »]7.' nog lslcommiltee on communlty welters. *Tenty4our bonr uM im e cit em- ~~ T4* Wsr De riment probably i IIliHe vas alan apointeti a member o 0f atiecreedth11e ld rth .Milc ' di itoi in as 10 vbetber th1e the folowlng senate comuilees:. A.g-li ui retàgebe -..'wlll permittedtu 10 tay rîcultuce. livesstock antidalnyin&l 4nt, îuuw.corporations ant I ndtriel affaira, KIJAU IJI( connty and townshipm organisation. MJn-A womsn vbo sali ber criminal procedure, drainage, educa- naine .aa lrs. Nellie Ecitlunti andticslo, lls anti game, htghvay, trans- B S Em « gave ber home as Peorla, Vas arresi- portatîcu, military affifairs. pach- OI et bore lu Company with a man fer boulevards andi play greuntis. publice lulinoxicallon. The vornan. rhu lali utlties. coad-bighwsys anti bridges, Washington. lia. tiAl1 elaisI. ibelorti a buabanti nt Peorla, relnrned ULniveraity o! Illinois. ralîrostis la u*lb U« 8>40Site of Au req Ig Éqljm O to<ai,_________ortier..t îtday y th mgo d suena R1i1*~u ~ leachers anti1Peor-a-C aylon Paria Ilut nlait for transterbîe t bam - wrtg man. vi 9 l t e tl aIi, p1 te bitl t 'P ioffbllre*scoreb or tudenis sf0 reportet ab- toalet amnt O! a rine o1 $1001books lun. bis uhen-tbat arelt aleeepugé, tu ent front 'scboois bore as a=resuti du oicosîs assesseti foc tivltg an au- soIt for $T2. -i taer oLo. Mse 01» ' eg at an epitei o f sevére coitlecpn bioohle wbon lutoxlcateti. Parla toIt The licitais v»b*, o b.Ie lua mmt ff i 0 idac è lethm ! 1e Ciy. A city-wlieeckbon Ilu l- 1the lutige *'hocouidn't drive a ma- yesr &Mr aecfsl *a:ua ' SU iIInM &04,la la tIc nosban net beon tcomptetet as rot, chine," it Vas ipcid t e nlot epr ile, xe kth m UhhU e b but itJlbl erever e eare butireda Ihat he Vas dtivlng 1the moaciee trai n., 7- 11

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