ANTIC STOCK 1 ING L * ***** ialg e aléogtbok1 i. tgvs poat lutejAIng te a sermons 8Fe u ?-aix rom b ouae on 2But * P A R E I Ew *Bnodouhomoe Thusuday ienapn c ao lu NovwToit-via radio, Of Park avenue. Puimnae 1108 bath, REU STNE ÂS *** or wloIn*ZW=Z bCkM ud xegonRnt pmr-pico wanut»non aseCornlius wus varried ln. Ris saut for a veel isecaubofo!Ilitess, re trio raliroe4 gatiois. 0.11 phono 1I-R" WEEK Uf j JZ ~for $139.76. Pulil. ase bed, largo and and, nlght, carrylng messages, lous WNUoflaowoki esarn ~ P~5J( roomy dresseor, largo chofforette, dress- and! vordit of cisqor. Cornollus te 10********* ** and! eouictKinery store. Apkli at lng table., 'A welU coustructed, finely motcheëeufl ul ebor of tho cospeni.I Edison Court R(bthurant, Waukegau. -finishes!, iptodate suite et a very lav !'Charles VanOvor came to achool test1 R EM ON T C E N TR E 4-lt price. Regular $115.00,4alue. ýchvartz Thureday mlorning vith a pigeon bark1 Purchase ot Orpbeum Theatre F'urnituré Co., 13l6-138-140-142 South that ho has! fouud slodng the road. Ait. ** * - * *** F O GALE-Enden gadsud nT u a-enesee St., just South of the bridge, er tho bird was varmed up he wasI WillîP o o Round Lake vas a Ille î.îbeeer. vA. N 44tlPh- by SId 1Ieyman was Big- Waukegau. Al - bedroom Suites ro- allowed ot fly away., iaI busines caller bosre Tlesday.Li gest Deal. dueee! 5-lt James Philip ha neefrtgae. Mn rs.Fd Wagner aDent Severai FARM 7FOR RENT-lai acres, near~ C. -W. J. Sasser and! family aDent Sun. Steve Kostiai and RobertlbOi1 days the ijast -week wit.h relatives ln Wauikegan; tenant muet have stoc-k ca day aftermoon and! evehing wlth bis have -been promotes! te si-s! grade. Chcago.adreens TlýheWakgr cfoflks at Long Grove. Rciberta (lseerrwalt la absent tramn Mr. and Mrs. WWuilHfonimu ofas! IIANY oTHER DEALS MADEi________i___ -. A touchers' meeting was bols! at the achool on acooullt of wbooplng cough. Round Lake spent Saturday afternoanf BY . . BWE. 1 home of Mr. aud hirs. W. W. Lockhead Frlday, Feb. 2, another oontest viii at the Wilow Fart. 1 FOR SALE OR ltXCHANGE-Ygung Asut.secrûtari ecurity Tille as! ud. ya ron uteitret0 ehl! tEeetbeve imt The Young ladies of troussant gave 1thormughres! Bourbon Red tvrke. L eodr'missions. schoal ans! Everett.; Miss Clara DutlZir a surprIse ShOwer1 gobibler. Address Victor DeMoyer, Trust CO. Business of thercrea Miss Florence Maeîher vent to visl. We Invite th5e motherà and friends! at hor homo lest Thursday afternoou. 1 Gurnee, 111, Phono 941-Y-i. 3-3t office for the veel endlng JanuarY Leslie Hutchings ans! family ai Lakte of the chidren to ake Ibis a vlating! A very enjoyabie time vas speut in - - 27 12-Villa Saturday. day. Corne esr, visil both roins and 1i 553 n dai~ music, atter vhlch the, FOR SALE-Nov Keitastone bunga- -Numbor of coaVOlance8, Leslie Hutchings drove Florence stay for the contoat. ThIq vIXeon-'yng ladfosesat down to a hountiful Joir. with garage, an largo cornser Nube f U. S. A. discharges. 2. Masiher home ans! Perey for & slit courage the.chlldren to vorkrharder- - i r, t hic isDtlratda orayt oeIt;piergt Numnbeor o!chattel mortgages, 29. 'Sundav afternoon on hisevs-y to Glen- anid it viii aIea bonefit o. .aotee lob Mi*as therelor act ofas.lT . read tamoset5 pie righu. Numbor o! trust doods and, mort- vie-w.' Those perfect lu spelltng for the numbor of heautiful presents. Her gages. 30. They' brought us the nova that Mrs. past week ar-e George Lu_ a. oe marriage ta John Boyer vHii tale place FOR SALE-Tllree fino large White Total isumber of instruments files!, -utr.hlngs la ablo to bo about which tbî Yere, Harriet Tuiieyn co M.anîrHer p enard gy 4. ock alrelCrs a 1.0gainea ocera -l we are bery glas! te heur ans! hope Seyl, Helen Philip. Elizabeth Kostiai. r n r.HnyHpe onr o4dr ons aocceos Total ansont Of! bans, $194,0S5.33. 515e getss voS. andi Bessie KO.-Ial. Froderil, Bd Ohonaut, and George U.00 ta -$5.00. C. P, Tibbette, Lakte Business continues brisk vlth 1 Austin Wolf vas a business caier Lpoatrd Luheck vas p"rfêct In Hertel ans! thé Misses ImmnoMerle], Forest. 'Phono 792-Y-3. 4 -S1 tiogus aboya 11e average. lun Llbertyville Ss±turday mornlng. aitiuetlc for lte rpasI ireoi Kathryn snd Berthsa Hfronlmus ât. Tie follevIuse are the more lm- 1, The Suudar midnlght train lsad On- The remainis of Mr. McCarthy, of tendos! a cars! Party aud dmuce given W A. N T B D-100 Fords vhich neos! portant 50*15: f gine trouble aud didn' arrivo bore Chicago, vere u.- erred In St. Puttr1il's Iby St. Xseph's parlsh of Eow»i4 Lakte over-siso pistons installeit. I1viSU lp IN WAUKBAN-Sl14neY M. Hei'- until 4 B. t. Mons!ay, vhicls causes! a cenietory Mouda7. Tssaday ovefing of lait vool. Aitlal four ovor-sise pistons, fit four nov Mean and! vite bought the OrPiett fev fOlkit t misa theoiF beauty slep. Charles fiee sud Joe Hanson bas-o j report a mont dellgbtful tIme. vrlet pins ans! 12 piston rings, tait. up tatro building Cas eut aide, Sa. -T a musical progrsmn anq, basket retornes! froin their trip tu, Fis. da.! A atrange lady vas presant at a connectlssg roda, grins! valves and 'oee Street, froin A. S. Beaubren soial givon Jan. 26115 vas gs'%atiy en- 1ey. W. Ryan "as gone t0 Florida gatbeu'lng of young foika et thse Willc'v dean cas-bon for $32.60, ait parts lu- quir l ducteê 3$$$,M0ans! gave bacit J jyed iiyail prelont. Those Of iou for 1the balance of the vînt "ýr on s-c- Fart Saturday aftornoon.BShe creat- Ciudad!. Llbertyvillo Auto Ropair Sbop. trust ded for IN6.00. vba vero absent sure mioses! nme cut o! rheumatism. Ies! cousiderablq merrimant hi not bo- Teleishosue 202. 49-tf LsUa j . Tager bougbt the D. Y057 goos! munie. #- Monday one of Svtft'a tractorA laui ing fauillar *withe kirtisud on o- W~tg1t laceon eutaide No. Goni- Sevors.l memiera of tho Chas. Hans os! a tree frointh11e Lancaster farm toicuno!1eelprivk ddosi- SL-rm'gdvarnS. egse-Street, luit Sousthsof .Julien famli have uesn lick dmring 1the past 1the Green Tree lin. where 1 i ile be j pgo sl ors aroi, good sud choap. EBd Scley, ,trout. &rM Lavicla S. triqua, for lu- tva vweols. Wo'll h glas! viin t.hey irautaulantes!. levlgoai Aptalic. Phoile Libertyville 288-J-i. ilh dicated $»,M. sud gave back trust are veil ans! Present ut Sunday Sebool Ysir. Kostial ha, a very $:re foot due ffl-5t W 4dee* for,950 once more. te borso shos! vuh a nev, slip stope- 1T Al wa~aa Prk isrit toltile Opal Knlgge vws exportes! home laut ping on is foot. The ors s-sdW N ÀDS IV TOIT NIID A U(MD UMBRBLLA Mondai, having boon visitlug relatives ths-uugh the shoeaet u a klig ga.;b In t(ios.U relSop10 to the Ida Webb propert n ou th lIn u Grajyse. the iukle. iltCbe'sU* laSh,11 ajde W. Wa.hin#to satreet for 126,- Mm.A. G. Maetisor vlalted bier a1,1er George Yore, Leslie Van Os-or, Hiel- YOU N G M EN, W O M E N N. Gensee. St,. Wacketan. We usake - M0, 5@4al»o the Admis 4 iltusore Mns. M. Wbgndrans! tamlyaet Grays- ens Philip, HiritTuiley, Elizabeth "RN White Yota LEARN' 1150555ans! ai-vhshave a g9os! tock - .~e OsI*a# fr 38,88L6. aie Wes!ness!ay. ~K<stial, George Coiby and Cyril Van SlenOgraPhY. »okkeepIng, Business,.nhn! aarn n!rcveîg sy4sd loero bought 32-22 fet Mr and Pra. Rarry Davis dines! vitis Lauduyt attendes! the teachers' unoot- Atlendschool halt day.,w~ork hall day. 41-tt os $rtt"aeaS. Conty atroot, lie- Mr .aus! Mrb. Robot-t'Herslly Suus!sg. li-g ivith MisseIIough i tLîbertys-tîle. Prlîbga-1. Rairoas Pare Adv=sc--- %ta es lIoens~d Jfdtohand aven- Mns. C. T. Mason atteacies a galber Tiose who vent report havlng sp2nt a 1os!; 2. Dravlng Aoeount; 3. Board! FOR SALE-43REEDINQ -PiGgON8 t 'strMM Novais!C. Rosi for $6,000- lng Of ait PO$tMatsnans! poslmis- vory nterestiug day. ans! roontit DEERFILDwoLLenONE LA Peter C. 84*111 sud vite hought the tresses ln Waukogan Frls!ay eveang. Thse play gis-en l"nisay, Ianu'sry 26,1 I oacs. i! ong-omu, 1nil D BQUAB.IL PO NE L AR Vars M. ýJordan. lot on' northvest 5150 repore a vos-y oujoyablo oveing. -as attendes! by mny people -f rom Advantsas - 1. Select Secretarial FOREST NI-y-B 3L ter4er Sheridan Rond and! Douglas eI*!e sviihsthnxî1ru!nerE- a eo'.!a School; 2. Nevest Plan, Modem, ujt- ~"ein 4#0 As, in& dic* $i 6,000. meeting et 1the home o! Mn-. A. G. gonil timte. C ta-date methoda, combinlng pract- FOR g -iv o elad Igie e g bougit tise 'tsqua Maether Thusada ovouing, Peb. 811. h cal experfénce, 'olth salary, 3. Aiît 85-B model; In gs wuaUs niî. Tels- Utou avest o Norths avenue fleur Ait meubnnd trions.are cordialli Graduates Places!. Phone 113-R, Lbstvlo ' 4&-t! 4bou4bo avenne Ior indicatos! $1.500. Invites! to attons! Iis meeting. 'raetPlatholoofei, i ~ BL-ige Cm bd Li Peter Q 8tehl andvlloebought one Mr. and Mrs. lHarveyfDavs were ln [~**** te Kind ln this Agi. -1 IslaO R SA! coclorelpzvilg - f & David! Alle houssea on euat- Chicago and Highland Park Sunday.* G U R N E p~MFMN8'iwskaBacla epns-, aho Rusain Orlaf cookerela. PNE -sé a~Jackson Shtt juat nortis Mre. A. G: ýMaether apent Tuesday Leader ln "oi Business colloge Wàrld SçIpisey Non tarni, corner MilvauskeP E e- o Nlieore Street for nominal cog lu Long Grave on business. ***********- 219 W.îîa Bt., Mliwaukoe, ffl. vo ans! BotrIdoeRa! 47-tfr SMr. ad Mns. Fred PrIu s ere lusn ore Road._______CO!BY FaluC&rner PlaceafromPt o er Pour- ago Sunuay. Howard Sith., Editor WANTED-Âlert, ambitions Young biletenLtesrt P$y ar lacen botsPlt o erPat B. . aner wvas a business visiter Once uion a tinte Samera. Wiacaus- tan for part or visole lime 004515*-, anT NorIbilloreteatie ontrday son fr noInalconaderlion.Long- Gros-e and! Waucanulstantsin, bas! an undefeutes! -'basket bal tio. Gooti opportunlty. Write appli- am or thJ hour stat ino rWa1Y IN LA.KE BLUW--lvan W. Ion- 1T lata. Jtschne o anger,- ation, etatlusg qualifcations ta "'G. j » utaIdpnen fie.Rvr! 15JonB Crbi Mrsuis! Mré. C. M. -Gilman enter- admi-tathal 1helr batla uano, gercare Indéendont 6.- s-to neenetofIe e at Liso. bougt hJhnt.Cosy lIed compsuy over uday.' . - ,,,ted. Ourses beal Soisers t a a_________________ plae pu s1ou t corner Bunrise f-Mr.susana ThckMsosl and Mrsrazzle hy *a- scor'e o! -41 10 18. -RlFE lv- -klo rne. POR 8a à Nev- - li, WP and 1 qveu -Inpo5* 1~Dad a au, I RSLE- tew at es rn g ~,o a-Noei. .,, t' -'bougit thé CaherneaO'Leary Place Fan - ' - Babuinssc l aug C sude n morman ose- te fflger 108 Miivauke e Ae., Libertyville, I114 movo lu; prices rig111 T. H. Kerus, 1.11- -o n vaut ai4e Qakvoos! avenue sauts lin Praiie ' :; w sauus a ller eo monwoopoe!leBrgrPhono 188. 5&2t ertyvmele Ili. -2-4t fur #xgeaesl $,000 ans! gave back _______ - Mise Beslab Manwarring of Richlat ORBL-aes a.1.d of -Istdelr9,0.Coentes-, ETs., #Dentt ho veel endv ith FOR SALFeod hamo-gron vuptà-a- reVeIlni.Poe28W1 EMfi.M. Sandberg baught S lot isn ***«.** ** er sinter, Miss Helen Manw»à'rIng, itoa, at the fart, viilo they Ilut_ 3l lomni. hn 5--i NUorlismeor Torraco subdilvsion for * EVERETT SCHOOL~ Oven Metea1t, o! ho Unliversity o! Carl A. Sc-hseck. Phono 267-M-S. 5-2e 341 at t' 1 IHADPR îI& * **~***Illinois. la alsoussing te Inter-cemieser -- FOR SALEOM 0A.G-oln IN IGLAD AR -Hil ,hotldaya vlth lbis parents. Mr. ans!'FOR SAL-tur linos! mans ove-oat, thoroughrodrediturkey goishor Ad- --Stone -bougist 23 1-2 acres in section fMns. E. M. Melcaît. # soalakin coliar ans! cutta. SIZe -48.-stress Victor DeMeyor, Gurnoo, Diis C 411, avinaouneeut aide Sheridan tDr. Becker o! Doonfiels! came ta Tihe installation o!f1the Royal Neigb- Telephouse 68« 6-lt Phone 941-T-i. Ut2 i*ad trou tise RambMelon estate ifurilcool W«Ies!sdy ita Ses If anyone ban antd Modem Woodmén u s bls! - 400.00,an! gve ocktrantdoo! as! the vhooplng caugh. Ho campe luut thse Woodmnnhall Sstusrday, Ian.WANTED>-Man vlth car 10 oeil cot- ANA TTMN O I itr .M ad oudtldd n o rder ta trace a aeehievas tree±lug. 57115. ]Zhe !oloing o!flcors vere la- - lelte Une 10v prices! tires andtubises.-----PJBLUCA s ONat ' ta 90,00 as!reub!vlla ito« hoo iset ra ahol bi vei taMes!: $100 per veek ans! expenne. Sterling- - lots Ut 100 fot eacis ta bo knwav s w ve Charles VanOverP andi AnubraSe Royal Neghbors-Oracle, Mra. C. D. vus-lbtI Tir-e Co., 875 Sterling, 10. Liver- O! the El4 Township Mutual Fis-e rot MUl & Stone Ravine Viev aubdiv- Convay ou accoutt O! a ha S!cls!, a"ls Zimmrtan; Vice Oracle, Mus. Hosuor pool. Ohio.- 6-lt Insurance Company. r GletD. Johnson bought 3 l Wts te sl vs sufferiug rom a se. Ormsby; Past Oracle, Mns. M. Thurne; UBOtBe Wn Stees-oml er. e ourache. Chancellor, Mrs, L. IL Miller; Recoilv- SALESMAJN WANTED>-To soUrit or- Income! t - - ~o ns-ti adeWad stee trt Rr- Tiso Larin teetig vas hols! 4t er, Mns. George Winters; Recorder, 1 don for iubricatg Cilla, grases ans! Balance on hans! Dac. 1, 1921 $966.56 r L oMA 8140k orIctiletd vite0b.u he ao e of rs =1 htday Mns. Charles Hook; Marbal, "assM. painte. Salary or commission. Ad- Celh recelves hi V àtie Muies Coll*est anoui e o uih e reovt tacr~ Tisoimesetn; Otites- Sqntlise Mrs. drese 1'The Harvey 01CaClevelansd, Sasment - f or PHl l"Mu Logan n u ad M.Sv street ton hostos! 94,500.f- hal&ee Ras-r; luners- Butinel, Mn. 0Ohio. 5-lt lass.u ....36.1 ugb te trot Wisconsin, one for 1the West- West Gray; Vias Bearer, isis Clans Casis recelves! hi Bdwlu IL Cole ans! vite 150 3leghans! ane for tise LancasterfaamFulon; Pi&laa, Mn$. Rub Kui5- o mL UO HTTH N.$4re... ~ 60 loi On 0eutaide Lincoln avenue b e lh Damnvassuifferug trot an Hock. CeromonatGao. UWL ID TTE1 premluus -. ... .296.01$4 -weau Beechsans! Caet, ar.f-atWm. abcesses!toaot Ho has!tise tbIb pull- MCsulough; olsetallit Offcer, n.:_LB..TV. .E.....N..NT_ .00 WOde o Itlee!1500 s d dIt vas feuns! an abces s!bad aorot. 18 o ~, a~ BREAO BV MORE PEOPiLE Total l met ..4681 R. e Sm th bbougitth formes!, vicis neali ema1 it d ModernWomnmCml -s THAN ANV OTHER PAPEII IN Toali ..... - ........ - - - --.... _$54.9 We - Warren place ou ousi aide lits. Ho la nov out anti around, tisa' Cm ell; Adyteor, RO110 worth; PatD.ireet "Oai ~~'Ros!jil aut a0 en0 er eeConsul, Will MeCultougis;.Cleii, Wîl- ILK ONVAmt. pami l oset..$2863.23 -~trAl avenue for luca tet $4.000. Mn. vont os-or tas-ait bis ais- s4ppieys-ul; Wtbsin uln raI. P&is!for Salaries, Jlfsl T. WMYan sd vIfe baugisi ter Friday nigst, sud! visn ho vas zko; Bunker, M. F. SOtsyvr; Enoort. FMR S.hLM-16 acres, tv uies trot tee", andi office b ~ ~ 1<510 B.luman place on soutb ready 1e0 came home ise cranitet Up tise Henry iLsish; Inaaliig Offices- r hryIls er15 uko -a! upne. 10 corner St. John'a avenue aud cas- and il Iasted ta rut avay. RHo Hovard. WiII 'soiton acount of! îe.Peter Pals! forN ans!and-ha- "OdadStrbet for indiOstes! $9600. tries!tau hois! Il bock tsy puahisng. As Miss Lois KoCartisi o! Lake Ville,',Nuunon. 5-2t .luterest ... .. 414.00 -Re, ~W Bi~iIGTN-Jno. C- Plsgge 1e y- golng Iackvwas-ti itis the car sPeut S&turdai and Bunday vliltng:___ the Pr&k H. Plgge plae on ItJammed lm latoa tr- FThR SALE-VernisQUMai-lin Sbes!Ve i MartinTotal dee- Totl sotb- ..ts $367.838O strosti for indicates! $3»00. tor bus Doosfiels! toI an X-7a exanti- Mr. Tisonpson, vho bas beoa etthlie: quarter sire; vosy reasonable, lu- Dec. 31, 1922. To H. L Mliu'bought-tlo Anna nation and! loundt Io nibe bs-ealossd Victoni Memorklisi so&ital lu Wauito- quire ah 616 N. Milwaukee As-e. s-st Balance ---.------- .....1066.86 &«04 Uauoin aoSQWoast 4, section hi breast cruasos!. - RoeUas been ln gan. vas brought, home Su55545. Mir. le - *8.Lolma cpàmelratioi. beaitfs- a veek. and! le mps-os-lg. Thouupson in muais Imp;os-es!.FOR RFNT-Dals-Z Fart o! 2Ï2 acres tus fonce Dec. 31, 1921.__-576 1,536,151 I BSfOTCNPaiul P. Hudson andi WednleadaY the tiret grade huat a Miesa Merle DeVries apeutth1ie veeit u etin32%raot osi, 'Wrllten or renoyes! dur- vite.baugbe >art of!heCs t isck- fiBh Pond o0nîlie back oard-auss! ens! ai the homoeof iser parents, Mr. miles troMt ho Bovman plant ah <pl- Ing year .. 107 298,005. -' l»O de fa Aft wevest 4, section o!33, fW>i. gg for new vords. VbiSot and Ms-s.lus! DeVriS. .nmer. E. R. Moore, Grayalsite, ni,. Tel-- - 1vhobhas hes etth11e hdOss! Ut i »Msa RIt Ha nes Cas! M -s.W W. ne 8-1.5 41 Total-------...... __14 41,834,16 T Ober011*1.901 is ea och. tor Indi,- clasa for nome lime, seultttlen Appleyat-si "ent Satusdày lu Chicçago. -Epie!ortrulae,.11 6.98n W...T...5~ bb lsh-qute a strsg tfon a Utile,-boy, Ms. H. M. F1ood and UbMIssrima -,TO WHOM UT MAY CONCERtNr __ ý »L XA4M 1b nht thew 119ha stuilebrated Ibi alutisFloso s-e tiCicago visitors Mondai. -Net Att. la force Iacik.l5i5~~11055tbirtisIay. obool visitons for th0 e ek incus- t e 'sl acaknovledge te aU it go Dec. 31, $ 1.566,178 - 500 ~. ~R~oo's. COM61ne U IS uIWesg'alot vas pUt lu es! MISS Boulais Karin-Ig 0ft21011- Parties- 115 viot Inmade elatounentnH.tBERGOQ ,"0~y - - ~ . !JV»Mm ltee 8t UMndasud an Xmry Plo«uuelanud C<ate. Wls.. sud Mua. J. R. Bs- a-t wt ero dlsrespectful about y vifs!, Bubscribed ands souu ahtoone 1, fer lu seuls-on«'-Sre MMil vn t4the I tise - eglsCWI5*kegan, 1ABnaM. Wagners, ta iat'fe-eusthiIbis1*15day of bannai7,' l *1I 1 fo- ndcald oue vr.Bollu111 na t tu 1 «=Ta oPepis'.meeting vas isld itme ,baing tade lu a fit o om ug-. Aý. ZMCAWFORD. ais tiiy bas! to quit ssocond *W tonat R, W. MooluneBuday. Tise es-e- 5lt AL Mt. WAGNMR. <EAL) NotaiT Publie. DOMT DELAY HIAVE YOUR AUT o Ô,vEIKuuLED Now,- WHILE TME ROADS AR 8» ibertyville Auto Repair Sb# dIL.ear JOE FOR SAL AIl liard Wood No Hauling ;6,.00 Per CO. M ary's O!fThe Lake Semiîary-, AM A - ILNOIS >VERISE:-Yon wI fini htTif,'HLEfOi M sreai, y mmpeopletham any otkes Lab 'ery repect. Note descriptýnà and prices Iled bottomn, wirccl to-stiffen, being.riveted and sold-ï ci to the cyinder. Double neck construction -ii nmdard on aul our cana, ail pem and rivets fuit aold- ' t4 maeable iron handies, wth opening for ship- ng tag. A vande1nled and built fo~rugral id, handling. Re9@Wr retait value is$55 L75 to $.50Our pice, each... -110 PATTERN, 8 gallon, local delivery can, aCýua eight16 to17 lb..,construiction identical with Tigp attern with the exception of the bottom which is, re- orceci on outside of cylinder with 2 1 t2 x3.16 'nh> dheavily soldered alx-vtè ocyidr io mdies suitable- for' factory andicraer'dehvei egular retail value is $15 to $4M5'ta i( ir price. each... ... . .. % When It's HARDWARE, Asic McKknney r. H. McKINNEY& SON, Telehoné 308 Sti and Sh.ridaiiRoad- North ChiCîgoC111 a, ~Par LmS. 1 Ul moeoIVr Dovu, *OIson B..h. w1*i Cadam --100 CQMIy, 181 4la$lqi'. lar Loare"ak. 1 Deouhe, J4 Dodaca. USa Fi.ToIe, Wu sacnse, Usa - -f.,- -.---.-- - -