CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 1 Feb 1923, p. 2

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e te shw vw d n P.w.c w is tI «,getfffgse that the boss hesitates to fire aîîy- W>dy àet the fired eue publish his miernoirs. t Wmlau offers te si herself for lve thousand. i-anU y do it for less and call it roûîanee. The -lady in the chorus sglWays lias hope of getting a leading rele or a leadig inilullaire. You catn't expect very nnelh of the limnan race. It began in the Near East. Stili, it is a hope-fili sigu wheîî statesiiieli rattie à jelieit instead of a sabre. SiPENSIONING" PHYSIGIA1NS VIA BOOZE ROUTE. Did you hi-ppen toeereu stop and think that as a. result of the prohibition miles the, federal governient at the present time is practically' prôviding a Pension to al physicians in the ceuntry aggregating. about $100 a Ininth 1 Yeu ask -how thiÏ is figured dut 1 Wel here's the answer: Under the. law a deetor is allowed to have 100 prescriptions every three months. These prescriptions as a rifle are seld for $3 apiece. No- body else can.get themn front Uncie Sam excepting physi- cians and eight ont of ,ten physiciaus are utilizing those ~rsipifsnet freinthe standpoint of inedieinal neces- sjtiee but for selling theni to any applicant. Thbere is- ne eéffort on the part of the physician, there is littie wvritinig to e ideue aud therefore it is nierely a financial advan- -tage te thein in handling these prcicriptiofl8 for the fed- endl governinent. And it dees net take Mucli of a inathe- -mtieian te figure that with a hundred prescriptions available every three months and, saleable very. readily at $3 a ci!aek, a physieian accordingly gets $300,,every three menths as a resuit of these sales lie is able to make içvitheut any effort. It doesn't requnre any professionai e4perienee, it dees not reqtiire any application of brain power and lie uses very little encrgy. So don't you agme with us fliat the federal governmelt has prôvided. a fiee piece ef creani for 'the physicians through the op- eTtien of this prescription rule?1 IRIAIN ACCEPTS flIVE FACTS (W M>ET PLUN ro-SINKiNOefI 013 RSS I'OS~J> Y 11E U.S. REFUiEE sule L'*oN' an' 38031-Great Brtain Manila, Jan.' ýi-ConfIrmatlon of forusallW ae*od the Auwrlcafl ternis the slnklng or the. steamer Ajax or for fundlng o! the $4,600000,000 debt the Russién "Whte" fleet vas awed to the unlted tates. officia-i brougbt todaY hi the teamer, Paris annoncemnt it mde his r.of the fleet.1 annuneiieit v-ammd iis ttr- The Ajax went aown In a severe moon fllowlng a cabinet meeting. storma lu Pescadores channel vlth a . tinl underatond that the action of legs at slxteeit Ilves, lncluding tva the abiet n acepithe Ameri- officers snd four&en men. ()ne ete net wuluee png frinwmathree officera and four men caltis tenvas duetSiressre ra e::u;cked Up atter cllnaglng for Geril Biisbmauks fr Aucklanid 48 heurs te the steamers tunnel Geddes Eritth amba etdor aWsh. protruding foitemtr ingiu, as ben ustucte tO1T1 In addition te th. Parie: the Baiai forai the Âmtrinla goverumelit of snd tvo other amaler veasels of tbe Great Briiaiii' acceptance. fleet arrived off >ariveies Quaran- T'h.e sesi o!ofitecabinet- wutins atatlon loday brlaalag 174 men -brief. Eefqre ny oficiai amatrt SI i1vomen antsix ebidren ansd the was laued, both the Cesrrai News eouipany's freasure, amountlng to and th*e Exelsage Telegrapl had cir- 2,000. cu*e lerePort ilth the BritishbTIsir Arrivai brought their total t>4 eddt accPt the American "Wlife ompam7 te 798 plus tvo 4515 ?ritiababies b= u ere sud elghf ezpecfe4 Thé ternis olicli ver. revealed yl5f as sanli 48tO. Stanfley Baldwin, Britlih Chancelor À hegavi tiphou vhich undoubt- o I tbire iln5iPil ad e.eclusived. Y iwoold bave 8s 4w e~fu -Imm, CIUed # fu Jigw taie 0tise tjnite ,r50 est rate foi ten yemr on thre Britiair t4lcated t oday la reports reehuu ilebt. fiL a le certt&a uY6t vitthOere.MS lat-thse entire Province of tire rate vin sI i b aa f02 -Ver f Ausan vas fooded. The cro05 vers cent or vheilser ngOtaitons Ounlà- detroyed'l1-- - Ille% lest. teret rte vl11 b. reopened lu 1933. i - ý- - INOKTIEnT TO VASBMITON, -J&XL L-Aecep-'D by ktire Brtish cakinet af the BEStufIn à,znekmaj4g" ufor refunelol the PANUO 4e51of Great Britalu 's utï. Dniter tates Wii b. îofloved Chicago. Jan, se -Iudictsseuts - ~5Iai hya rquta Lacour of the tate hoard et Phara~cy * baWreldn HarinsforliSeaI-vii be sosgif ataiuik ailmembers is4ioaet ireteS fudin li, ~ examinera, lnvolved lunov wChari- ~ ~ aldlii ~ es -o! bribery iu connection vith Moate exasinatinos ivo veeks go, It vas "WI a pysoLteiert, ianuel iodai. -~ - .& igg bappoy~eto V Ae husIV' sar Collection ot evideuce inu1Chic- StgmS smee t ah, ebIaombeof, ggoWa8 started by asistant state's attorney goy C. Woods, Director, N".hxgmio of thse action o! the À heA, o h P mc «Mne5t'154 l rtwl»90 a 10 d«parmient, bl nmtiute4 &aSaweep- V tdv*,« tesrtU 09ash@15e t Iug probe o! hi. office at Sprint- proWena botwff ual ounfrY and ftid. CERMAN MJNEROS N¶rotaBED I~Jf5U Bevr. Jaik- 1-Tvo khmdred and DIYESTMEK~~ = flty a'aminus ver.enteinhel in a 001 mise explosion usar Bsn- Li hex. mlla od ay. If la feared aIl îac ~ ED ped" BIUTU4PUWYPtEP rtIO 4> o WM* O&hMSnt,AMet w r th e" "w t "Orl* à* mar ren toi ~a"dai a rsosexd leh*à B a the br" tia va-fr Barn=I $ )roirllmer-R I.s6vitTaAin TtiifQ4RA - - iboumdSen ld ruhies balte been ~ O Afl OP1IviL riaeed hers hi Soviet libSorsa - jlsa40a to aid Grmai workers, on PIM II., $51MIL lu cibe i the oOttipied Rubir dis- omi dummaieipél t , 4,it i"as announced tuday. 15tt e t tO4todpi or a rIlEE~ Aft rSTTIN OISTlOYID Matis Ca t o finim. Milan. jan. li-The ra-irosO ata-- &à* « st4m md 0 itouber. was comàpietely deRtroyedl 0foc# te Ivt*y555 5y flie today. The lots la estliated t 2000 -j nee?'F.h1sbuePM m na 13.O ma ti irat jOb vlth tbo caoues b 4,a d * p al es ,s .- e vi,. .1 0dt aud ~ akesouiver* h, ooasbplg ng ua bo:-t0fPm_= stading Y' 7 hufflxg a Vaumes. ~Medcine Rat in thoue dais vas Jar-B. ]SoultOn, 22, Cleago. M. Elizabeth 3an, 19, sajne. Wallace R. LvingotOn, 44, Wood- stock, 111., KaIherlne V. Ebzeroy, 29, sazae. James R. Madden, 29, Chcago. Plora illman, 29, same. Gene E. Klees. 21, Mdllvaugee, Wl.. Rose Grove, 20, same. Joseph W. Stierman, 28, Detroit, Mlch. Edna . Wlnte!¶ 23, Milwaukee, 7X 1 r, OWRCIJM Ç95 au hiE 1t* ib Se-' Eduna SelPP, 28, WaUsau, Wla. Fmranl Rosiug, 22, Round Lakle. 111. josephine aguer, 20, Orsysiake, DLI George Durifl =2,Milviaulie. Lepura- Wltt, 2p. akwood,Win.. Iidward C. Good, 2#.- Chicago. Frances Boron, 19, sane. Jomeei A. chinechel, 23, Miivau- ires, Wls. Mabel Jensen, 23, Grave River. Benle Kvale, 26, Fali River, Wis. Chitina Provot, 26, Doyietovfl, Win. yero d bon adit Who râÇoe m offfled tebIngll s r~bs the mails a&gain feeis the gt'lp, et tue law. lThe boY, &ceord-1 tut te Police,.lias adxitted theft or * tP»ber o o nS pletgie . lRt c -frnm ithe 4ch00ilihe attends bere, ID haddh$te10 flpISVbek.#sing te teaCli- k s- ç t e c~ ulAsit*feWPdL P URTROEYt Cf AR3,0 ladheiuc.ns e- banetivre $*=àe for two bandits who bed tW An iterWbaen urbetween tMe itY sud Martiaalile' lut nlght,1 wau being e0adUted today. Approx-1 masy$UOO la ceuh. jewelry and1 otler valpablea ver. taken. TRIED To KILt 01411F. L0ndoîe. JO*u.A-mAm S iviug the naIne- o Walter Titans vag forrnally charired todsay wftb Attemîute1*Pol- set afr Willim Eoi'ewo,ffchier of SWGtlad Yard and superlutendent of the Mtetrôpolltan poluce. He-vas se- enaed Of senlng Poison to the police officiai ln a box o! chocotatea. pservice . DRO P FOSTER MURDERCIIA1« Chicago, Jan. 30-Murder charg- es againat, Arthur Poster, accused ef slaying Mrs. Kate Mitchell Trae- tel, wioc. body vas taken tram the canal at LückPork vwere dluisae today, a coroner's Jury alrtadYliad Ibeld Poster to the sta-te grand Jury wus given an eplatiation o!t th action. t I ou Want to Save Money A Snat Imiest nient W~th Suisfaclory every orne realize the necessitY of .svinîg. Kery one expecti to save., tut with many the years made 'Wbat we need is a àèfinite Hor IsThat Plan r Virst decide fer yourseif how mmucl of your earnings yen - ean gave each month-then cerne to-our office or have our repýresentative ea andt arrange te start pay3nents on a few -f our Preferred Shares whieh will pay you 7% on-your savings. Yen will be surprised to see how rapidly your svngswi U accumui-- late. Mail t o us the attaéh dcoupon aud get all the detaih eof Our plan. Please tend mé further information regarding your plan fer saviAg. N. .. .. .. ... .. .. .. . Addres N~ ShoreGs,-Co li M try sud t.heu Artez» and tyug thfsoltter ü». The ditchr-d car tejetber- captive soUiers, vas shortly kîfter 2 o'ceok lthis four miles weat O ege -estlbhlnh for trace ot It fur~- j heurs. X The auto was ln charge 0 Ceptol D. Cot*, s Weat Point cssOt pmduàm and eontaLned a serpesiliJc>ae. £ prlvetes Poster and Davis. NOsse eý serlouzly lnJured. GEI4MANS ISSUE DEFI Blerlun, Jan. 3t-Tlie G0;== c Imet today Informed tierës ctag th* It wouldofficli0y oppose snd eu'.î to create a separate, ludependl tate ont et the Rblneland. Pornm stepa already have beeu taten 't prevent suri, a maTernent, ifwvies et led. More ofor Ou r Great New York Purchase of Women's Snappy New DRESSES. Iii A. Sale at In this sens ational sale .qeé Al the newest opring stylesiin slk and cloth Dresses gecred tbrougli cleverWbuying at price concessions that niltke it pôssible for us teo ofer yen the greatest Dress Values of the year. T Styl" - include:à Mtexnoon Dresses, Street. Dresses, Business t)resme, Thnne~r Dresses, Party Dresses and Traveling Dreses,'in the new efects-,every oee an approv.d Spring style just froni the desig- The Materials Are: Canton Ci:epes, lrafetas, Soit Satýhis, Cantons, Charmeuse, Chiffons, Poiret TwiUs Trkinei etc. Wýhe inost, jopfflar weaves for SÉi4ug in cvr ated uew p tcnsd'aid. -evey.,Wu &tern nd- ha e 1,' . . geol loua Unie. gIr bat er~ t4 ~ggji~ Epi as * ~~0 ibsi *b Up ira Iple a I I'0 i~ a si otti et Waqqfi t.Sat eM Tb* wtubOo* -te tire forvur ts tue'5UCs -%sst 1b LaieCO. rat 3P. IL. ofit D ii - fOur vmn Éike Dl. areaIlu et [Os avnl ce oa thse vwakefinl aitlo Thea Md bi- W.iutey lU ;'o! th* o addffl: IL, -obert M *................... a v%-J-b 14 1 vuba 4A mut-. et 4* esou e 0 Mw autffl51 fIkg fi8 e la h vi a 1I âp o k lUSSIl,, St "04 a -"Mb

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