CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 1 Feb 1923, p. 7

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Li~ LAKE RYVILLE- INDEPE NýDENT ~y LkeCounty' s Big Weekly WAUKEGAN VUN "nter.04. * pSaI b o tof l mo U . " "M"a Sco C"as Hn Malte. VQU~E XXXL-4*JbUfl~ 5. - ftao f#Clevelan TIIT CONTUaNIS R B- Fln ~~r WF-WHOwu frr]SE? '~sbInaaIl recns"-lA the 1 aIlla tndeed dlfficult te overestae latet nws reithle Bg 98,00 C- i-te possillities a! lue nazIt ev days lettes EçIdilit OaaIg.ita.. vlIJE of tle BIG VOTE pealod. uow uissrng tie half'u-ay point il Inl.,-ast at Paver Hast Thegalnlaisae ovar sud lis Neyer befora lu a 111e campaigu In viol = t lie ramI bginner oetlime this ,section of île sate lau tIare big G«ît-glvlg avnt.beeaucudIntense and far-reasdhîg lu- Cen4.dateq ara begfguing taerealizea teresa dlsplayed. Eveny Iocallly seamas thie woaidertmiladvalît-ge of t géb &Ui aIe10have thair favorite aud are ensIoas- lIa votes possibla villa lue »11G volesy valcliug their progress lu tle race are lu affect. TWalaperladends Sir- lu orden that they maysentiti the mies day ligitl, Fabnnary OiMatet. u 1afw who an ereally lu aarriest sud are striv- reSiaiutel de yl sbauvia limerealInig toad ti he iBat. lîva anas are Therafare It bebooves ever3- candi- By eti uatio 10 a4 n ldte le fighi lai tle very lait minute' ln for lueng azi 1<120E Da4Sb cfl o! tle BIG VOTE penlod ta estahi laI the extNDRDilJ ofthea standinug iat vili slmaa thrir mauy BIG VOTE PERIO». itLaleuetirely poc- 9 sbefor amllv retpiepa, iÙotitey are in t0 WIN. avoIascore al lve r 0 eup Tme vorid loves a wmuer and you voIte orea iii ee 1of5 iXP5 a ureîy lie oue iu ihia big gifI dis- adluli fvremel hr aiitiig vel lstribution If yau but lry-aud KEEP ez5nanet sormlithevau o t trying. lonhae vIe Lm'else lue vaueo!4lIe our sim sliould le 10 pile up so lon tain imbcniîlnslue2, , 4 ~la rie a vote score In Ihese faine ne- sud 10 yer lind--tms avanlaga o mpjuiug daye.of île BIG VOTE PER- cciIeclug tr m eaîriandsfole an- IOD itai Y.u vi11put Your oppouenis a-asasestit îls ma~ou- forsufout of île runulng. aclPtiona vL ie the naes ho recaive 1 Von are not conflued tb auy apeciai t10eee valuabla Pri.s îî terrilory. but eau vorI anyvbeensd --Soa one* of thée h ustiers va b 'lnov that thare are mauy sectious daclarad tle u-lnar of île fine Clave- a! île coauly lIat lave neyer beau land Six Sean. Samemeaus i tel lue, worled by auyone. thill cf the story, vilIslip coWofrta- Rmme-'vrbd i$ bly bshubis vth e hlsud drive a.vay Rmms-Eurbd is lu gusmagiticent Cleveland, vimidi Keap luis tact lu mlnd-you aunol i~sbeau earnad lthont lima expandl- lase. Tu ail 1105e Yito fail 10 viu One1 titra of a single pany-atmply for a o! the prizes uamed. va par a lileral feu- short eeals of huslliiig among commission o! 20% on ail aubscriP- tlalir- frnds sud ga*imring Iu lue 1101,5s acureai. voies. Maks Vour Reports Paomptly 'PHIS la tle limte. TODAT. vlan Male yonr reports au oflen as posai- 10-Oe sa o aut Muset te gel ia i-afnaile. Tiis la Imiieralive. Subcilers the votes. vbile the lernllory la gracti- arecomùplâdnlul Ibat lIey do ual set eUY unloucmea. Au lanmedlate stat theureaspera on lime insoma linsances. Mud unrltlng effort durluf Ibtis snd Also remember tt ail guiîblptiomt5 nazI wesk yUl put ven an antiraîr imuit le lurned In lutualtter titan Sattir- nemv entrant aI lue vary top of lthe lisI. day, Fl. lOlu t o4-eive lue BIG Ses the Campalên anagWer 1 votes. Hovever. you msy rasanTe as If yoen hava net alraidy tàlkeai ta lue oaay votas as you. cana toble voted camPaig manager yau aboula do go ai your ovu pleaune. And vitI every wIrilut delay. Yanuvii le aurpmised $25 turned Inlu v Issue au extra 100000 et h0v easy Il la le gel volas&-aud bonus. 'Plia amount doas not lave te voles are vIat viil wl-luqre la no la lunned ai ne oa ime. aller u-ay. Rend the Large Olsplay Ad on Page ô Worththe Efort ... Tour lst opportunity 10 get tle BIG WOrthlb. Efortvotes comas durlng lue nezt rime Thlis voudartul car la vonlI auy et- days. Aler tbat bhe gaine aubscrIp- fort you may sea fit te put forth dur- tics> lIaI nov gels yeu 15.000 votes ing the. feu- remaliug veels of lIa vill anly le vomili 12,000. This mealta cantpelgu. Il la net s cieap, uriluevri a great loaou llgtoa ma you do uot niale. but reoresents île sklild Pro- gel .dnnlug titis lime, mhe car-just as duct of aune o! Amenlcas greateat en- youi ses Il ln tle bg display ad-la ineas-a modial for coinfont. service hem sud on display eaIthele berty- performance and 10v cou of opration, ville (lu-aga. Comeansd sec t; tlIe a embodylug ail the Uittle rafluemets rida; nealize ,just vitl it means in feuud oniy lu cars o! the higlait clasa. vorI (or Ihis prise. Andi remanIer- Bulîlly ona af Ameica's aidesl sud oniy a le- oir eveals aft* thils one most faversbly Inavu manufacturerautil yon'oseinedm live vire wili le su anouurpassad lu chaiacter. driving it as youi- very ou-n. If yeu alreaaly uv a car, yod eau Do Not Se Misied eadly dispose of luis flue Clevelad Don't mare the mIstake of uaitng at a figure thal vould average yon a --or of lettlng somae lauel you.th115 fan greatan compenUaton for tie ime yeu have no chance. This campslgn spetthlIn auy alter Position Yeu vl lbe conducîed tram tart le finish could hope tu lave otterea. Andi re- ava itave advertlsad ai lung f rom __ - ".- -.- -- - A- leb*1... ý>« tgia aun"mipt OU viii Grand Capital Prise. reprebsenti as"dates. conlrmry touvia ny olte may Il dosa, e140,0 lu csh-exactly vitat ttellyou, sud wvaïk salitIyou coma your friands 'are paylug for the gaineliera for any explauatian of any part Idenical car dlved t IAbartyvilla. o! île plan lIat rau are lu doutItof. STANDING 0F THE CANDIDATES Thle Intense ltereat sud axtremely fast pace y ithihcI tle candidates are traveling lu luir race for lue f lnd Clevelandi Sedan sud uluen valuabie prises lu tha Big Zuf0.00 Circulation Building Campaln la upatling ail lue dope In a eli' seialional Mannaer. / Newv leaders luis eel ara evdeuce o! the rapld strides vlh many are makling sud sloae epossili1litiai if yen ouiy TilT 'Pie reue or the nazi NINE DATiS ;yl diadlose a more deflulte Ides as t10 juil WHO teWRO.1 'PIs amy friands sud readers o! île hdapeudeut are anxouely avalllug tle reaulte o! lue nazi ueel's wmknt0ftîe mamty live candidates. Tmerefore yen ahoulai axet every energy to gain a credulable sanding. BlUARE 'E OCNES WHO DO THINGS: MM .C. McClure, Gumep ................ ... .....-. - - 897,600 M--. George Orasa. Bsruington, Roule 2- ---........... - --------866,000 Mrs. WilliaM A.' Loluèm, Grayslaie, Roule 2 -...... ...- ------ 859600 M isa Nelile Sm ith, A ra .....................- ...........- - -......... -... ....858000 Mrs. Ton Er-DntOn, ake Vla . .-----------------------.......... 850000 Frnk l ennedy,- Uberyill_ ...... ... .......... ......-...847200 Fred B. Snatl, LberyvIU...-....--....-.............-.......-........----846,000 Chas. J. Hiersclblergar, Prairie Veu- ... .. .... ...........- 829,00 Philamena XÇabore, Waukagau, Route 2 -.... --. --.... --...... -......819,101 Lucy IL Nllis, R s el... -----------798O00 Mirs. W. B.-RaltI IgesidO. ........... ......-.......-......-79700E Mrs. F.P. I MYer, eeieM-. ...-.. -. . -----786,90( -L. P. Y ing. Lelluou .... - ... -....... ..... .. . - - - - ..................784.00( ma Mnrply, Wa.c...........--.....- 7300( Mrs. Goarge 'raut, Graylale-. --..-.......-.. . ............... 778,60( Mra. rib Gavag, . .................. -.777,001 ite. C. Deumall, Wad nt it...... - 70 ...... au.....t.... ra - -770,- $1 .50 A TEAR IN ADVMKX J r... c-- - 1"~ - -t imeUa eated ned etiott. to 40 IlI il LIBE R IL, UÉjt41S, THRSAY, FEBRUARY 1, 1923. * ou wMunt or yeBLANTLY ADMTn * tis i5ueof THIIË 1E~1 * respoeidents, 'Mey willhbeprint-* * ed w1tb nexft letters. We * V N 'IHE IO Corne hr tilaefo hi ffe C om e In Ti PîEft]ON no huSenator Swift, It Develops, *anpr ln te couMntad a.s4- * dtoSenator Kess- A *medium to reacb the buylng pub- * i * lic of the Couty.* There wan a aide liglit to the recent * ** * * **** ****attack of the editor on the Sun made by Senator Rod Swfth lu the Illinois I1IUI enatecbajuber.Swf balgn STUD NT K LEDshead iewtli a vigorous Une of tal aud there came a luli for a minute. Juk shnu tpe eatrHrl og u STEP INfiINTO inger of Aurora, one of the leading senatora of Illinois and witli a smite whlch la famoua ovex' Ithe state nf TRAI S P TH lîlinois hie turned to Swift aud said, TRA.I'S P TII Apparently yon de net 111e the ed- 2 Waiter.C. Simmons Dies as He With Iliat Swift shook bis fist tu Alights frerm North Shore )ePiP sdOh nedeI o lt, lie opsed me for re-lection." tr Car. Amid thug Swift threw iuto tie Sen- 125 a te chambers the full axplanation or by Ste.ppilig into the path of a north- why lie so vicousiy opposed the ed- nii bound limited train on the Chicago. ltor of the Sun's confirmation as a bei MISS PMILOMENA NEWBORE Nàrth Shore & Milwaukee electric inembler of the Illinois Commerce Cor train as lie aliglîted trom a south- Commission, etr boundi car. Walter C. Simmons, 21 'Ah," said Senator Kessinger. SIa STA US F OSTo.ars aldi, Senior in the Deerlleid "theýn lt's a personai malter witli you. STA US f P ST= higli achool, Highland Park, was kiltl- l it. N~othing but Just a personal ed Tuesday morniug at Far'weii cross- matter because the editor of the Sun ate ing, Lke *Frest.led opposed yuu puitically? Not a u AL BANKS SHOW N îL ie oes . was presldent of the motter of quallfications-just a pr r FOR LAKE C U tu YI Sd benlases of.the Deerfield scliool, sonal matter because lie opposed youPa F R L Io ' frm :ipioyed by the North at lcin-a1 Shore liue and was on hie way home Aud that wasn't al. Swift, after me' f o okshortly after midoigît euddeuly confassiug why lie wass Pastmaster General Work Is: wleu the accident Qccurred. 'Tle agaluet the editor of the Su seerned bri sues Statement; General hospîal wheuce le died four boucs su becausafil exposed bis whole per- rn Docrease Shown. latar, being badiy maugled. snlvnm e The accident occurred only a short Then Sanator Kessinger weut on ati The statue of tle postai savînge distance from bis home. "Let me sec.,>'ou rater to the tact wi buols tîmougisout the country, includ- Coroner J. L. Taylor was notiffed tIaI lie was once iudicted. Senator Of iug Lake county. la tld lu s report aud the laquent was leld at 4 o'clock Swift, meauing the editor of the 'n Jus Isuedby lubrt ork pot-that aftaruoou st Wenban's under- Sun.) liti isud b Hber Wrkpot akîng establishmeut lu Lake Forest. "Iu this conuaction oua muet stop C( manter general. Simmons waa one of te muat pop- sud figure that it was auneasy thlug pr The report shiows the number of uier studeutd ai Deerfield school and ta Iudict a man. 1 remember sverai er depositors, together wil the gaceunt was wahi known lu Lake Forest. yeara ago that a littie pamphlet cama pou depogit lu each of the postal banks ta_________1 my deal sud upon opening it 1 co lu Lake couuty ou Juoe 30, 1922, et. fouud lIat I; contalned detalae about n which ime the Information w5.5 coin- thfJfl ~BJ1e Indictment of nae Rodney Swift t iiled: Jj~jj~ JjfJand thoan 1 board titat tlbase a Rdi.t Port Sheridan. 4......$1026 ney Swft lad beau elacted a Sens- Hghland Park, 33...........----------------- 51177 toton rom theELgth district snd 1IOf Hlgwoo. 1........ ... 302 L4UJLLà>muéIL sald ta mysaîf 'What a terrible thIn iu Lake Forest,. --------.... ..2570 Itla ta1 think tliat a mani had beau w Llbertyvlle, 0 - -------- -- 0elected SenatorWwon ocelnsH Nobrt Cicaego,.................o- *------245 A*HO E KUS.' Idcted. But I came ta Springfield and l Waukegan. 87............ _32,940 liea1 met you aud found you ta be ir zlon, ... --... ..................... 14,239 a pretty good sort of fellow and you w The report shows Ilial there bas~m a explalned away tlie Inditinent feat- al been a decrease lu the uumber of de- Libertyville uvoman iiarrowiy ure And go 1 came to tlie conclusionci Pontiers as weii as In tae amount of Saves Foui' SmaiI »Chli- thaï tlie mere returulng of au Iudlct- g daposits. The loss is attrlluted by dren Thursday. meut against a mau dld net amount iz Mr. Work 1tte low rate of ltereat lu mudl Inluviaw of the developinents 9U ou postai savinga, the uusettled lu- sud the facaoau sho'wu lu your case." du8trial conditions aud tlie opporte- HOUSE, FURNITURE BURN Juat then SwiftI atapped ta lis lenttha alliez Ihat prevail lun te iuvestmeut snd waving bis baunds wildly said. Ca field. Oly itroic efforts on the part of "Yes. andfi I took me fourteen years ri, _____________%Ira. Michael Maloy saved lier four to make people feel Ihat 1 vas Iuuuo- amnail dhildren trom being burued to cent." S IRIFDRV Sdeatli, laie Tlaurscay afternou:, "Yes2'colîtiuued Kessiner with I .54 PIfiS; SAIS rteat of bertyvilIe. liai! miles maybe lie lasu't lad Mra. Malloy diacovered the-b.ouse fourteaii years l111e you. to prove lia ITIS W 9 O lu inflames sud rushlug luto the rooincase." jj>~Ilili ~J il whlcli the chilfren were, carnlefi Then Senatur KesInger went on andsiragged tliem toa sfety froin lite to ssy that loieldkuowu tlie editor - of the Sun for a long lime sud cou- ufotng aue dlaplgsidered bilm competeut sud Ilierefore tDeputy Delbert A. Weale Ac- tonuiea of lieh a were gna'wiig covld net ladk up the Senator's de- coplshs as i R- eOr ytdW oug te fluor of theasire tu preveut cnflrmatiuu.E compishe Tak inRe- ecod stry.But. aualyzlug lifat tool place ai plevin Action. The woman lad put some wot that lime Itlnl- of inlerest to note In thehotblst toqss.em, ne n tlat lu the firat place Sw4t.admitted F --moma -pg taon v-as lba- Sbouse ln flanies. .C. aduô&*'e MIfY cause t4e 4 poied hlma a Wlau t)albert A. Weale tool 1th t10Bava thedhlîdran. al the trni r-eléedhn as . bi4'hs vas eue tjob of deputy sheriff ha didu't know lune sud lothiug belug destr9yd. of the mont" ug 'admissionsa ha would le compellad to serve as There was uo Insurance ou îhlrni- evar made on i 1M outhîe SenateJ, a swineherd. but Monday aflariSoan ture aud the family vas compelled by a member of the Banale. To tiilk o ha tol on the Job of drlviug a to take refuge at the hume of s thal lhe voulfi go so -far Jusl ta get lard of 54 hogsansd pge, vhic l hbo.Tehaadadfte akpltclyseeamn m -I le ,arrested" on a vii of replevl.n. uebbr h uln u alrla olial em lotIpa "Believe me, it au some Job," la employed as liremnuea S. Mary ailln ut1e opinion of reputable san- da lrdDptyWae h of tthe LaIds achool at Aras, alors, sud If la did ftedlIat vay bls porapiring brow. "But 1 Tahy e bouse. s four racom structure, about l, ha sliowad Pli lnabillty as a e o hi ld l l Caîti allym insuard by Mr. Wubbla for $800. senator wlan .la'd gel upon the floor e sud admitolt-ha ladeballer kapl I and edmathallhmileddrive." Depuly *aie c alf' milederaad why a hoto himsalf. Wacn sea e er hole lu a afende btIf D1I1I~Sanalor Swift'a whole position onh apea'resntly g ba ie bi l a n utthiIiR IYi'îe confirmation vas ona vhiol ampe tla eg tngal. wenItcausad lim ta le the huitIof ridicule Sa toçk along a corn sheller sud M9eHA amoug tle seatons.B by shelllng corn for te pigaelie MAN11IHMt* IPLJ -an gçd 10 coax them 15dm ta thiar former 'bauils. The wrtws wr RADIO OUiTI IIil RECORD COW ýout by William H. Lingle, of Flint, Midi., 'who purclased tle Carlton- to arin froin, Carl D. Bylugtun, nean WadevqrtIL The dafandants are Byron R. Prosser, of Ubertyville, OWNEI) BY VOWLER c Constable Fred PetitelaIr, Arthur lias a home mode radio recalving Rosa Christine Mercedes, a savona 0Bogeian sd te Waukegan Finance set thatIol a 11111e Wonder, sud ha yaar old cow lu Frank T. Foviara )0Corporati on Who, .Il la charged. tool rlggad It up l"ai by iilmûslf." Oua lard pure bred Hilâîtelffl at Laket illegal possession of the logsansd evaniug recently le Iteard programa Villa hia just made nlnely elgîtt Alter lirestock for alleged dalit. frum tourteaul differaul stations ail snd aight tentîs (98.8) ils inlîl Constable Pettcair vas named as over the country. eis outfilI rougît iu oua day sund came bck thelt )0a defendant becausa le served thele ntle numbera vithout interference next, day wltl nlnaty neveu (97) M papara ln the action of Bealtel sud sud lie vas abll a hear them ail Ils. The milk tested 3.6 Rose 50lte Wsukagau Finance Corporation very distlnoly. Ha tuued lu the ltreahaned ou Dec. -12 sud 1er high ln taking Possession cf tle hoga. followlng stations: day vas lier ultday ini mlk. She 00 a number ot cowa. horses, a corn W. D. A. P. Chicago milked 84 Ils. of 4.4 mlI oua day f sheller snd oler cîsttels as acur- K. Y. W. Chicago during tle motl. She lad ail tle lty in a dlaim againat Bylngton. W. C. A. P. Dacatur, Ill. cova lu tle Teatlng Apsoclation last 00 A splnted laminit la threatelied b,_ W. G. Y. Scltnectady, N. Y. moiti sud* le nov gting around causa Lineegle aims la las a dlean W. P. A. D. Chicago 90 Ils. Ounlier hgI day she gava 00 bills o! sala racalved tram Bylug- W. M. A. Q. Chicago 46.5 quarts figured on the lisais ut 00 ton for île livestocî sud machlnary. W. B. Z. SPrnlgfeld, Mass. 2.117 Ils ta tle quart or 68.75 Ibs __________W. H. B. Kansas Cty Co au 8 gallon eu. ý0 O xo o o o o o o W. A. A. K. Mlwaukee Mr. Fowlar's lird aise lad tle 0 o TU-E IN EEDN W. C. X. Detroit cov testing lun ml Whcl by the ý00 DEICNDNT e IIO 0W. H. A. S. Louisville, Ky. way averagad 3.6 percent butter fat. « xst eut 1 rIenad ui.wtpffr on W. 1. A. O. Milwaukeea h la Fowler'e-sambition lu bread 10 o Laks'o atvy. s W, S. B. Atlant& ligh butter fat tesllng Haolatelua vih OX O~uX .XX# OX*ez K. S. D. St. Louis a greatlmillllow 1 6 1$150 A YE* IN AMMU ý m WAR> $grOad~1e ciludren f h Lk tham ta coma ta t brC1 Mel CONTRACI FOR lertaindad uhiâst oed.Am camne. In Spite er soW e« a flA YI uaI of ealy morning. ores' In thaI- places van'e fe POWERPront thon rantit lIreesWOIÏ014 ublil Service Co. Lets Huge only ana interý *à-a Genet-al Contract to Bates ' 0 .11tanae: ±MW Rogers Co. 'Made tatIt was necasssy îo 50- MEN ON THE JOB gMt theidet f'tle 9.709 ot -"t l - luee bill corutry of Tennessea. Thte ganeral cotraci for the con- Tlay vere abovu viava etbêhe ýructIon of the final unit of the clamnallon projadla Inthlue ast, lÎWt' 5,000.000 power plant lelug lutilIV-est dame, tle cauas ansd Inrg", y the Public Service compsny dîtches, tle clear-lng of lte land; orheast of Waukagau. las just plsutlng o! île cropa. tillltmg l049~ tati awarded te the Bates Rogers sud gatllirng thie fits of thx ~ua împany, one of the langeaI con- vet-sll vare tha. truc tien conreris In te Unitedi Tey ere taught patriotLssa by ales, #he cantract price belugi vivid portrayal of the Ameriea& flâ, 50,000,. h was annouuced taday. landiscolies train Amerlcan iFstq This la ane of lte muet Important 'rley leanaed froin the vanalartIlo11 teps Iai lias beau taken by tle lalk of Prof. .Atwood the roui Mélà ucli Service compauy lu the big o! "Rivera o! Work." rojeci, sud tle Bates Rogers tomai-At il o'ebacî Ptaf.HexsryC. C4*1« ,any loday startad construction Ot ofthîe Unlvreially of Cllecàgo. large camp vîlIchlae1teSRdcoi-illustrated lecture on. "?bs aodale 250 additional wurîmen. Trees ot Lake Comty,- Prof ThIe geueral cotract I ludflai5libas apaul inech lime vlit X*, nrIdî. atone, reinforced concrets lu lu our couuty, sud lha speals Ng he superstructure tilte. plastar. authority on lue Imees of u ll eot, matai yodk, etc. The Dales alte viinlty. Afttr liateutaag te îi4 logera cumpauy today bagan oper- acrlptiOn of saine' of 'lb. uturs lions lare and aIl passible fapeed ty spots e! eouty. on» ill la made te complet7a their 3*rt lelp but realse thlnisadva >f he worî ai the earlest possible of our counîy. toment. Attpr an houar for Inucheon tbua - Thle Milwaukee Bridge & Iran dran 1ere abc"u lue film. -"h oustruction compauy tu on tle job Sassons." Ths lea0 "iba~ reparatory tesettiug bases sud trayal a!fnimal lIte nectlug lue steel work- year. 'Pley saw bau-h gÇa Thle H. A. Blm)top comany a lylos ewri borna,bo IoClleI omplated the foudations ud la cornea a frog o I bm é ow installing disclarge sud lutake ls cell.c h e t'lie glArpIUn' lI4I tnuels sud la aise axcavatlig tan lome, whero the rttlft iles 'M tle No. 1 turbine fauridation. teanduhola tlue oodébuék n j. P. Hudson, eÉtikl*In e u banlrge f a ttar 16mi dugt u ftp. of construction o! the antIre plant, le" thls ona filmi IS Mraubuý" tas beau ruallng the Drall-tiuty for bmdndreds et «mp=1lci worl sinca esnly summler. Supt. descriptlins la the naz i avo b Hudson, wbo las worked on nttiY leastitIl sould, large projecta In maiiy toaigu coun- Thlis waa foloei by or iels as vaîl as dopteatie, recaiitly alinlar ta lIcOes e o:iad1i wax glven fine racognkioln of is closiug limaie hra v«- as et*- abily vlan lie vas elocfed ass.0- the entire audiaee 11«4 içi ciste member cf the Amerîcan So-t' lie h sd sDent a pesasut iety of Civil Kugineera, as organ- litale day. ization made up of lime leading an- i ________ gliuears of Ibis countrY. Tîrea carloada af cul mron bases W M ii tave beau receiveai aI lita site aud IVJiJLII I n~ anloada' fothollia nterlal are an- riviug daîîy. O 6 NZ IO BOY PIR BU4S EI(I 1I U ~ ' A acore , o! pe a a te rs ft jx .. IIELD IN D1» S parle of Lake Comirty. iat $2 90 ý vR 'Gng &t the flavation.araa7g Each of the Lads Has Made a Waubegaiwuxvas Signed Statement, Confeiss- tm-er Ws ing Guilt, Police Say.. sacratary; Joseph Prq Tînea North sida baya vIa- wve ru'., . - - - srreated last Saiurday attennoon on L 1brt-vIl 4aec 94s a charge of arson gpovlng out o! the place or meo(tug. viaiel Inceudiary tira vhicli deatnoyed thte 1%-e . 10- i. old Pstrick GavUgan barri ou Grand=Mte r.a!tit vUilae '*MI avenue. together w1th tfltten tons et OnltaI occ001011. hay it conlalned. veeatîeai under bouda o! $2,000eascl vlan thiar ecas oi vas called lefore Police MagistratsfIHI I Walter Taylor early Saturilty aven- IIUA4&J lng. The compilt vaxsaignad tIr William VWelcI, ovnêr af the iay. AcI>BOU cording te lue poUce lue boys als oy»» hava made a conte ision. They vene book,d as tolloa:s. EYANSTMM Devine 01c011, Uyeara old, 723 Rldgelaud avenue. RugI Mar-lin. 16 years olfi. 602 G.tarrJ,,S Rldgelaud avenue. ~ ~Jeroe GOT, J 8 Yl Eugene Walîer, 16 years Old. 824 so fJpfeG tm. Jackson streat. nIhe lr hoag Iri vbio Oua o! the boys, accurdlng'1 ta the naveline, o iasa police. talad luat lue barn vas seltpanlaîý itiuUvasçs ou tire as a measof gaîting ravenge Injuries rdusie l silz.15 againat, Johin Drinîviue u-hom they vasatsImd îy au e blleved ou-red lue lbey. Tîey aaid by George W. thsI Drînîvine once lad stOppefi avane, Uvmestop . l luen froin plsyiug bail lu a field. Eimv«Ae vu, - Inuxailulg 10v tliey set fine te The 'bey lad bea the baru lIay said thby lit a place 01Inl Elmvpod p W1u 4 paper wîlcli lliy pusled lurough a vlan thé accident 1 crack lu île floor. Aflar the fine the Olcott loy veut te lis home but the otlier tvo boys valîad arouud the R IV harbon 10te enortll beael vhere ULNIJÀ89 tlaey 1001 up quartera In a fiaI alan- ty vimere lhey vana found by île po- lice laIe Saturdsy attennon. ThIe case *aus contlnuud t10 Faînu- ary 1. The police say luey lave igued statements, froin tle tlirea atied for a cartifgis te 4- boys. 'The state's attarney'q office sud uacessilta o; la debatin1g vhaluer the ponlisa Spd*iaeiII. L.7 sbould le proaecuted-mir-$Ia qr minai me s 0010CoMmuua charge or vhother tliey sboiiWd e 141 itakan luto connty court sud 00m it îoM lad to a state achool au dalanuents. lusses ln lUi*Mr

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