CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 8 Feb 1923, p. 4

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s ~ ~ 'ont B p~les of .361W4icCokn'ed out- IThisCe a J- aJa 4 -he i i~g9~IiiAe1 hevyweight. ?riced at 35e This Sal( 10O-y4 Umit) per yard 20 4Wgus. 1Regular price 1 e $oc y4,, Trhissa' atyd 4 6 pLeews eavy IBath Robe Pla-M nels, Out 69e yd seller, at yd.- 49e 1 Snuail lot of -Lixien Mixed Cru ashTu- eling. 'Regujo r price 29e Yra u This $de ô araa for.-u Hosiery Spec ials I Lot of Laffies' Fine Ail Wool I1eather E oee i navy, green, blsek sud silver 'rey, IlÇuar prIce $1.25 59C pair. For OUT (Clearing Sale, at pain........ Y Lot of Ladie' 811k ad Woël IUcatiier Mixe&. Fine Quality, also leather-Mized Wool, als 51k and .ibre. Mn tan, brown and bIne mixtures. Were $125,'$ $1.50 and $2 a pr. Tis Sale ail go at,.d pair --lSunail Lot of Ladies Hleavy IleatherMie50 Wool Rlose, Our 75e seller at pair50 About 25 dozen Ladies' Nice Black Cotton Ilose witb, ribbed top. Regular priced at 290 pair., 20e- This ale. at pair 14t of! Tuant se oI ied1e, Mixed Lot of Children's White' and 25C__25and 35e paiîr. To Close a pair ,'&dSe uot of Blaek .Wool Racine Feet, tre , 4ke pair,1e IAbout 15 dozen Children's'Eeavy Black Wol Mxed ]3fosiry, Mi- ail aizef. itegu- laarly prieed at,59c, 65e and 75e pair. This sale at ar. Underwear I urate gainents at half puce,, -boIh 1 Sjnall Lt of Shoit Endsa of plain and fJowered Silk Ribbons. Were Pic Weied ate yd and up. Now pie W 2'7%Diseount on ail of oui. Ladies' WoÔl MunMsngweavr in separate garments an . 1Tn Suits, on the heavywe oui.0* MtlsfudT oi et . MMidCocoanut Oi Shampoo. Priced at 0e otte.39e .,bout 10-dozen Lady Alice Taleum Pow- der. A very fine grade powder. 11 SRegularly sold at 25e can. Nowl9 After Inven.o.ry Zy'E v Hew liee for ouh eax. These Mis' aewtrProf ot 440 $295 Regalar &le rie.Sale rPî Xêuth'a SSi, the smmnekInd $ 7 a Men'à Ileuvy Work Shoes, waterproof. ~P -Nth-xg.better at $5.00. $ad8es' ale %nce $.0t .Men's Calfskini, aIse Vici Kid îhoec Toacls Round toc, extra good qualhty. $4.5 oodyen Rogularpriece $,6.0W forRgua Men's Blaek in Metal Shees, English Ladies' tee. Smnall sizes 6 to 8. Regu- f2 5 ords. IR lsr $4..Sale piice ..Youu......c Yfouth's and Little Gents' 8hoe., Enghlih Chlldror té* On Bargain Table. $ 1,95 Shoes.F *9,050 value at -. Wul Ste Shoe Depi. for Other Buap 1 Table of Stampea oods (sligbtly sol-. cd) Ône-third off selling prices.. 1 Lot of Readi-Sew Packages of Chuil- dren's Dresses and Rompers, each pack- age contains ail the uateria, parts& and fincings for the compl& e garment, as' iflustrated on package and priced at el 4nd $1.25 oach. This Sale ai One-third off sreaing prices. Ari ;cles 6 Dozen Mir-A-Kial Paste the invisible glove. iPût on your hands before doing any ork.Prevents-tskin'from contact with dirt, grease, ol, paint, etc. Regular pricQ 10e eau. 20e Sale at 7c each or 3 fu ShoeSole. 1Gun Metal Lace Boot, - uigbtop r$3.501 boots. $ M OFins' Lace Catfskin Bots.w-orê Shebes, broken linos, that werte, ar Welt rabber'heet.$ 9 $640 aleprice - Low licol Black and Brown'Or-. Rabber licol.. hoiéo at -.... ues Fatent Leather White Tp Suisil sizes. thcy Iast ai W. M Ladis' oaw , ts>dow lx * o11k am moi. M#tt, 1 k WsJaI, co*m Watts luj coo fi c»rpe Md i1elour, xru K "fT. MdSaa*'stî H«u Dre&s mra NtoP t townsauuimd Rat.her- 1>1003 Ptcsa pnIaW I0W, Mud Prinem otylesi; Swatem, Kntaps, aiX4y&, lufa, Ir=m d owf Soto, cap um;md so.f8ts, aGyuali om- ][no n*, mgU looa t Igt toKa# md Yoe V..Rigo.Ig$,0ting '1annRo.- ors, 14=41 pettfcoaa.m om SIa*sWdlg, UJk X1*rOnýspou" .Wuiate, Uk1Mes'wbm lu i »mmam Ohldé'aWaka 1 Wool o, Woo jme soa a GO u U anrEI Od luea Jes'.y sud Krft Leofflna; Hut Prhmm ios i ; .lu-, 14, ap«' OeswlURmKoo4 Dnvwer Leggls, au'Sj "ud Infanta'sweaters.- Other item not here ifentioned wil be 8ded. sale- "ets ut Three Dayf4,, S4udyMonday sud Tusdy. neluctions-on" a-nd 0oys Sweaters.là $3» 0Quaity, Reduced to... .$2.O $5£0 Qmality, Reduced to.....$4A0 $8.Quaity, Red&ed to. .$650 $10.00 Quaiity, RduceA to . . . 8.00 Men's Wool Rose, Special 5 pail- for" $1.00 Ci ld's 75c,.White Wool'NMfttens Pair49C AUl Mdflkrs Rednced !V3 - Bêys' Canvas Leggings P39au~ ALL Lis Many itemsq in our Cloak'aud more or. less depleted, and we h Spring stocks, te make one Grand, and to dean it out unmercifully. YOU'VE $AM. "GIVE us R1(MH; HAVE IT YOUR OWN ITEMSIN. OUR STOCKSWILL IAL 890WFLAKE - JUSTT THE GROUND FLOOR WIE Men's and Boys' Winter Cape 95C We must seil ont Our esifre those ma&e by Hfart Sàhafawr. Winl save you a lot of nmey as season.. $30OO...e......... $40,00Vals......... fli0 i&~Nlues... Mensand Boys' G~et1yRedced EngishWool Ho0se Mon GhhngDép Wure flot fi on thMa yon're Mue OUT, 10l wfthoul queston thé Most lm- ý piec e'of ÉN eW' ohave. hd to ýto you, for mmIa"monh." rDepartments hae becomie ed, prior to the arrivai of our oto the balance of this stock M~" AND WE SAY: "AUL TRREW1ELLBE 80MB Men's Cotton IRose Black or Bro'wn 9e ai -12 Pair for $1.00 en's Rfeavy Wool- Sweaters 'y $4095 >ns On' Overcoats. This includes ýAn Overcoat bought now Wii be much higher , next *.... . .4 . . . ..s $18.75 $28.75 $38.75 $\Quailty Skating Bocks 79e. -I ibroidered Airrows $115 Pair Haf PrçeItems lu. Miliner eto liai! Price ery Sectio Ohildren'a Rata and Bonnets, Tri mmlnp, In- finis' Novelties, Mulia Underwear of all dascrip- tifnl, etc. Furnituire and Crcker y Dept. Léaee Curtains 25%l off 25%' Discount on Dining Tables 10% Off on AU ]Rugs Children's Rockers $3.50, now $2.7,5 1155o Off On AU Rockers 20% Off On AUl Baby Carrnages. Upholstered Couceli$45.00, now $32..50 Cupboards *r-5.00, 110W $17.50 25%i Off On Library Tables 2,5% Off On AUl land-Painted China Cedar, Chests 15% 01Off Splilt Hampers $ 1.50, for $100 $5.5OSicker Suits Coat Pantà4 Hat $3 685 The best rain-proof suit mnade. (xent- 3 Day Sl Rare Values lui Hardware Department Our. New- WalI Faper lia arrived, but we'ye got to dean ont ait the Iast season', papers to nmke room for 1t; so you can bave $10.00 worth for $6.OO. Botter get it now anid save that $4.00. It*s casier than working for it. Al m 0um WA r -j$.00vale Oil MNop and OÙ 89( .All kinds of ui'ensils. Just for 3 DAYS you ean select $7.001 worth and only pay us $5.00. There 's another $2.00 clear 8"9in. No* Read These Other Offers O'NE-,FOURT.Jl OFF on ail Galvanized pails. $1.50 Diali Pan and a Electrical Articles Going At Big Reductionis A W3.00 Floor Lanmp $8.O A r.00 Toaster $. for ...................... ......... $ 2 .0 for -----_ ._._.... A $32.50 Floor Lamp $2.0 A$0Lan for . .... __ .............for.0* ýw 'M 10 Fuse Plugs, 'value 8(k, for .........60e A $11.50 Portable Ileater for. .$O.2 A $6.00 Electrie Lhon (Dmsi"..... for ..........................4 5 20%7 OFF on ail Flash Ligbt$. A $6.00 Simplex Toaster for.-.-...$~.4.80 120,7 OFF on ail Electrië Water UReaer HERE IS AN EXCEPTONAL OPPORTUNITY TÉÂT EýVERYONE SHOULD TAKE ADVANTAGE 01 A VAriety of TABLE SILVIRWARE of the ..fafious brands, namely flOGER HOLIEB" and EDWAIRDB, STRÂTFORD SILVER CO. and COMMUNITY RI VER WAEE. One-third Off the Price of the following articles: 15e te 20e valuie in Gray Enamel 1 20%/ Off on White Ernanuel Waxe A $1.25 Fibre Broom 8 We will buy your old "Néi Perfection 011 Stoves" at $210 a hurner when you buy a "Ne' Superfex Stove" during ti Trpp 0<,Ufl9 qnÇ~la% Salad Forks, $8.041 value, for--..-..$5.33 Dce Tea Spoons, $e5.75 palue, for....43.93. Pie Forks, $9.50 value, fr. Bouillon Spoons, $8.65 value, for.. 4.77 Holloow ilandie linives, $12.501 value, for ........................$8.34 Iolow Handie Fruit Knives, $10.00 value, for. -.............ý-.66 Butter Spreaders, $8.50 value, for-.$5.67 Tee Tea 8poons, $3.001 valho, for.....$2.00 Orange Speons, $6.001 values, fr....$. Solid Handie Forks, $9.75 value, for $6.5 Orange Spoons, $4.25 value, for--.7:..2 Cake Tray, $15.25 'valuefr..$1: Cheese & Cracker Disli $8.25 value, for ~ - Silver Vase, $10.501 value, for........$7.( Serving Tray, $7.70 value, o.......$5 Serving Tray, $7.541 value,fo And Many Other Useful Articles - = * *1 SUGAR-ý51Ibs... ..35c SUGAR-10Olbs,........ 70e (Limit 1 lot to a cust<>mer) Potatees-No. 1 iiie'Round Smooth Fotatees, Special,. 75o Per bushel...... ......................... Fleur; 24½/ lb sack White flove 83e grade. Special ............................ Flour; 49 lb sack.White Dove $1,59 giade.z Special . ..............- MaeÏxoni-lli grade, 10e value. 27c Speeial 4 pkgs for............. Cluster Raisin s,-60,c value 25e epered Mackerel-.3c value, 25e -S#eciaI 15e or 2 for .................. Xippered Herrig-Lairge can 22e besi quality, 35c valuQe........... Monarcli Swcet Fotatees- 19e Big cau, 25e 'value. .-................. Farm Ileuse Asparagrus,34 45ecean for ..............c............-31 Catsup-Mouareh Brand, higli grade, 25e valtie. Special -. 18 r Candy Peanut Brittie (Zion «Made) -RegÏ.lar price 35e lb. For Tlirc Pays Sale 35e 2 ibs fer............- ......... $ipec1alS HQý7fick's Malted Milk,29 Extra large bottles ...............291 Ilorlick 's Malted MiIk, 7 Large size boites ...7 Shredded Wheat Biscuit, 11 Per pkg ............... ............ Largepackage, nw__os 4 Self-rising Panenke Fleur, 1u betteAi full 2-ib pkg Dates-New, fresh, full size k. .Equal to 25e pkg. Spteial, 2 p2(1 Kellçgg 's Toasted Cern Flakes,8 Per pkg -. --------------- Post Toasties,8 Regular 10e pkg ......... .... .... Gold Dusf, 23 Large package. Special.. .... ......23 Gold Dust,- sinal pîg. 2 Special, 6 pkgs 17 Crystal White Soap, MI3C Special 10 bars ................ Pal1ni Olive Soap for toilet, 2 Speejal 3 bars for ................ Specials IZion liard Gooeds,, i l ai iq. Rlegular price $.0,for., 6 i. 16%y Reductions on Ail Boys' Pants and a "Gyroscope" Top Free with, Every Pair Sold. -Genuine "Boston" Garters, 21c 1 'be 2 P7-e BOYS'Y "Kaynee" Bloûses Fust Color 85C Ail ages 4 te 16 y*cars Boys' Hockey Caps 32é IBOYS' Fleeced Union Suits 79e -7

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