CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 8 Feb 1923, p. 8

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RTYV*ILL "C Mr DtEonr M 1-iNDE-PENDEN WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN VOLUME XXL--N LIBFRVIII, IWNOS, 1URAY. FEBRuARY 8,1923. $1.5OA YEAR V jr lep M.Nme-S. bOte baa ry baek aM t*' dromey ttics. Tiue Olt Doclof 3h15 a"i o! le~ prtbsegéf a attuk Sang otiar dai, 100 ~nd-of B8ig Vote PeriodI OnIy a Few Hours Away ~SA11JRAY NMGE, FEBRUARY 1 ih, AT 10 ('CIOCK, FINAL HOUR; AND) CANDIDATES ARE KM GSPREMÉ EFFORT. ONLY I1IME MORE WEEKS 0F JNEJPENDENS BIG CAIIPAIGN litb W.ek Bnugs A»"he New Leader th iLFm-Many Others are 'Maiug S.msatema ai d -11sNou Few Houri May Detemine the Whmmr-Watch N exiwcks bd"»" fueut r the Vote Staadl-RapisI Stidms seig Made by Sou. of the Laie Entriib ,Cauim 0" UneminoAmev the Leader.-New Camulites Enter. Làs Resoendiug f rom every uook and 16,000 votes for a one-year subscrip- <irner or the entire couuty ani sur, tio-ater next Oauray algbt. Peb- roundIng territory cames the dia of ruary lot-this same tibscnlPtiloa vilIi the mlghty baIlle for the BIG VOTES. only ha vorlli 12,M0 votes. NOW Yeu lu theselust remaiulng houra of the are crediied wittb 0.000 ijtee fgr ev- preseat BIG VOTE PIEIMDlu the Iu- ery MOUR yaarly subcritions. Ater .dffliadet'a Grand $3,000 Prise Distri- thi aiglefit viii tare FIVE of titse ballon, lanviich the gretleat army cf same subscriptlons lu gel you the Ilve vires ever asaembied lu -a lMe 60,000 votes. .Canmu ltii.vicinity are bainlas 1' You. PiiI.g for supreuacy as the fev pasiiiig You a given a cash recelpt andi lhom eo! opportunlty slip aviy by' vota certifica for esoli end every suit.3 Realising te gresta avatage la ha scrl<tlon _Z« tra lu up 1 te sudc sguegaila lieue fev fleetng bogtte by Yeuane .ontalin.i ino vay lu vote aIlt Biery eub-Arption olSâine& eonte tivth es . «Youmy hold thein lu le SalUam re îevlag aiUng unions lu vote ta an. s imytme tht tyou =&y1 .puel u agVote sSe tbe flttly iarge cars lu. Therfore you loue Iunao ayi ltat vl punticaly datenuilfl the watewI fast. ydu are lte o0e5 -Lmarsof liiaxe-ulwy ;,"* - e e to'gAm-4tintlimu. 1: la ls.i -theu sso other valuableises b1e. peratîve titat yaui tura ia ail your snb.' 'ng ettprei lu Iis bit fsiluy 0f nIS- 1riptiomeu n Iter tin Sikturdayc comnlaimi g tat theyanot receiv- thij j.. 9 nxtàm Of te e their palper vici t tey have paid 13% 1'PERIOD, ful r0siisatiou for, soi alse thase vho are already< Ias daed upon them o! eDMUsabtles subacribergando have pali up vbatevez «of thii particular period. Careful stndY; arnearage they may have ovei are1 lm eoavncded tth e ! b.resly'blg'eouplahiag thiat tbey have roi re- titagse tiiycu do anso by QrJLMBY ceived tbetr credits. We are aunabie 7t la u overcome evea tlis sMtite10mae corrections or mail papers ,obtacles tat may be betwea, hlem unwwtbelr stbsunLoptions are turued -and final vctony. by vay of e SNG ln., tk lso mba frotection ID everyone TEMl subecriptions. lTe 2, S. 4, 5 woqMgei tati ubacrliUous be tnt-- -aud ten year kind, Theg offer th.ed7'é pi-amptly ai possible. Regard- greatest Implements o! 'battie vw1 tes ctvintdate lie eubscrlptions' -which lu ovencome a late tart or any habar that are Lrned, lu, tbe credita -ohrdisappotments tiat may have viii lue Issued, as per the existing vote arisen to date. scbeiuie. Klndiy remember Ibis andl WbLen roir nause 10 consiier serî. 1k. advanlage of it that you vili gel cash that ONE ten year subscriPtlol< the BIG VTE -qr arrearages 10 liat amount vIii count i Mot T'i aLte Yeu MORE fban FORTY-ONE Ofe-year Do ual silo vycureel! lu become dis- subecriptions. It reallY meana nothing.1 couragei. We have many candidates Thes. subsdripîlons are o! course'vbo tell us that thèy vere unabie tb dffficuit 10 obtalu. lu a way, but Il 15l secure a single subecriptIon lu an ein-1 *utirely Possible, lu fêct, Lt la belug tire day's effort-te«nd tien eyn dones an YOU cmaitoio do IL.Of next day are able lu gel eNiflor -course, they are iPot being turned lutan they extpecte'-thms ovepcomlng iu any large numliers but a fev bave tloso ! Lfite prevlous day. This la tend viatever the. other feiov ioes only nalurgi, ani ycu ahouli 001 feeli 7719UsIÙiUslratlon 1s mereli give9 gotn faiied. ludo o ai hie lime. tat you uiay fufy -reaixle vwnder- Remember. there in alvage a possi- fu Dossikil1Ues o!flte present BIG bulity of the= thitlkig it la useles 10 'VOTEPERIOD. t <urvtjthrov their votes lu ina, 'alier Tthat NOW li te ime in adt urve standing lu a bg vay. NOW you geli (Continnuei on PAOLI' FOUR> STANDING OF THE CANDIDATES The intense lutereat and axtremeiy fait pace wlth wblcb the cagdidiates -ame lrataing In théir race for lie fine Clevelad Sedan soi othen valuable iprise ln lie Big 3,000.00 Oroulatiou BùIdIng Campaigu Is upsetlug aIl lb, -tape lua svery atusatual vanner. ltb a aag rieudi and reaaers of.te Iudepeaient §"e anxionsly avaiting ut th~lso!le next veek'a vork of lie msnr yov' 'rbats.Terefoe ,ýo«s *.pIi *narL aesg energy 10 gain a craditable standing. - E3ff4 Ir" 01O4MSWHO DO TBINGS: CiMrs- Tom rOntPto4,Lake Villa- ..-_...-..... .... . .... -1.6..00 C>np C IcCre. Garee-.... .............. --.--------__........1,630,700 Mms.George Gnoe,Barniaglono, Rt.2. ....-..- -.... - 2r e m i i . .. . .. . .. 1 , 2 . 0 :C u.J. Ber*clt-h--ger- ------- -------.......... - . ....1,615,700 $Llp NeileSmith, 4.........,0 ,0 V.T. HOUillin, Ibàttlyvli 1,732 Pl1Imt.e~ Be Wg&caa t..----2 -1,170,100 -kM& urphy, Wuoi.. . . .....942'000 'ê 1.- Wpîe. Grt'a*ke_________ .937,000 Lucey M., oe, Rso ~_____ 4872,800 e ýra4 Du Sitilit, ltke--.--._____>_ 871,000 W.B. Hewft.n eie..855,700 'Re.Mri, Savage, Delld.. 845,000 . K ing, Lithon... ..745,000 4 DLSSATISFIED 'WITII MARRIAUiS SU»EKINGDIVORCE Friday Was Last Day for Pub- lication; Accounts for Large Number of Cases. Dlssatisfted with their voyages "pon the "ag of matrlmoxky, four more couples fusil suit for divorce in circuit court ltLe Friday afterfloci The fact that It waa the lait day of, "uilcation for the March term of court accounts for the large number of cases filed. WillaM AX Page aaks for a di- vorce from bis vife, Rina, whom lie martied at Saginaw, MidI.. May 8, 1920. Re Baya ahe deserted hlm on June 1. 1920, less than a month later. Andrew fIL Dever of Highlad Park aaks for a divorce from li, wife, whot he marriei at Weilston, 0. Dec. 24, 1905. Be saga she deoerm*4hlm Mamai'10, 1920., Re charges titat ou March 1, 19WE and on other occasions ihe was intimat. *ltb James Alera. Be aska Lthe custody of bis three chlldren. lins. Lilliso Borner aska a divorce of ber husband. Barry. They were maarried at Boboken, N. J., Dec. 24. 1912t Sihe ays he deserted ber Dec. 1. 1919. She ans the custody of their one chld. Mmr. Luella Donlin charges ber buahand with cruelty lu ber suit for divorce. She msay he struck ber In the face with bis clenched fifit on seevral occasions. They were marrled Feb. 21, 1922 and lived to- gether until May 1 0f the same year FRANI IIBBARD STEADY COMPANY 62tLCONTENDS -LU lu u Nma** .augeÇr nWl- ings, on Trial Saturday. Ftank Hibbard. 26, of Druce's Lake cbarged wlth belug the cause og the dowufail of Miss Esther Rawlliaga,18, of HaInsvitle. a atudent lu the LLb- ertyville hig4 school, wiii be brouglit UP for bearlng Saturday hefore Jus- tice Walter Taylor in Waukegan. Ac- coriug tbMrs Kate Rawlings. the girl'. mother, lbbard vaàsÏaeady comPany, that lie called upon the girl every Saturday niglit for ten montbs witit the exception of two. misa Ravîliogsa an adopted daugbter. Ont acocUmt of ber condition sh. vas cOxnp.lted to quit attendlng blgh School a month ago, it l clalmed. 1Thé calag Inattractu.g much Intereat A deal vas consumnated Wedne8- day by which Libertyville takes an- other forward step ln the way of new business bouses. The UÀbertyville Ma- sonic Temple Aassociation, a new cor »oration. Look tille to the lot on the northeast corner of Churcb street and Milwaukee av enue, from Mrs. H. S. HurituIt.' The Masonic Temple Association bas onlv recently been incorporated, the board of directors, al members o! Libertyville Lodge No. 492, A. P. & A. M.. ltelng as foliovi: R. W. Bulkley. 'President. MaLt Pester. Thomas Russell. Ban CorletI. Chas. P. firngIe7,Secretary-Treasurer. It la Lhe intention to erecl on tis dqolrable corner a modern, three-story building of brick snd atone. The lover floor vii contain tvo roomi for busi- nesa purpoees, wlLb a 'wfdth of tventy- five feet eacb. The second floor vil be given over lu modem offices, and possily a kitchen lunlte rear for thte use of tie Mazonic loige. '1'he entre thini flodr vil ha fitted, Up a hume for ItRertyvlie Lodge Noý 492. It la lte plan of thoae behind the niovement te construcl a building suob, au any ovu cabc proud of. Wlth titis flue nev building sod the baud- some structure belug completed by te Lake Couuty National Bank, Mlvwau- kee avenue yul begin to tire on met- ropolitan appearance. IDE1APPRTIONMENT 0F rSENATOPR DISTRICS -NOW Springfield,.Ill., Feb. 1 -The ques- ion of a senatorlsj apportloument of the state will conelu a besad before the House Judlclary committee un Tuesiay. Feh. 13. accordlng lu ani. nouncement Ioday of Representatîve Howard B. Castle, chairman o! the coumlittee. Speaker Shannon today referred the Scbakenberg resoluLion prori. Ing for lte appolntment of a joint commission of five senatprs and ive fépraientatives to mi a appor- tlonment to. that Mr. tonial apportionment of thie atate lu twenty years. thougb ILle laupposed 10, be made every yegr. Cook cauulty now bas nineleen,0f the 61 districts and wouli have severai more under a nev apportionmen.. (Consummatlon of. the reappor. tioninent would make a change lu Lake County. It nov l u tbe elgbth district- and la the, changes that vouli ha oriered, tberea LO tefling vliat sort of s hookup vouli ha maie for Wci county.. The other counties nov with ours Ln the elghth district are Mlenry and ]Scous.) WARNA M O3IATS AINST FRAUD, becaute 0f i e pominenceê of the- YOuug girila l&MY. Hlbbard vas a v aiui«airm r PInter at the naval trainlug statin slu llQhln lsuei yhieb for~ ~ ~ ~~n svteaa algepîy tierepostaffice depEatwent t t l e rty- vIlle postoffice lu look out for frau- outil Jeeulli..dulenllira»isspo$W imoaeY ariens IssuedInluCanadim ncilles sud vblcb bave beau floodlng tlie nortit centraI DÀRÂstatse. Hetvy base. bave been sufferei b as y hoteis soi stores accepling lie IN',EÀTU orders, wvich vwere ls.ued In sev- lU T I N D A nai Canadiegncill es so ii wh w - sd a rukhîgier amounts and Indications that an effort ls being caibed, the bulletin sais. maie lu atari a damage-nit agalut Nearly,180 ordars bave been pre- the Ch'c-go. North shore a Milwaul- sentei and casbei. il saga, in Micit. k. electric ,sairoai compauy ad a igan, Iniaa, Wlsonsin and (}linago resnit o! the ieath of Walter Sin-tiadimoe bav«ed beau rs.sad sud monai, o!Lake Faorest, via bat bis viii haoreshanele u ie 10vnd ilf ven e tepedfrom a Norh Lhe suprieus orders bave ualt ai- Shtore train at Farvel Crosslng, reaiy beeu sent. LaIte Forest, a fev nlghte ago. film. The ariers for lie mont part mouds, a senior lu Deefieli higi ver. originali isuod In denomina- echoal steppadiinto lie Pah O! & licIo! $6f 5said$10, sud have been train coinlng !ram an opposite dir0o. rainei lu $100 snd 1600. lIon frontlthe one fromt whlch. he pargoni a*ei lu cash orders In- aligtei. Hîs father vbo la emloi- soued on Canadien offices are ursed ei hy Lhe North fSbare Ulin afiver- lu consuil vlth poutai O0fg1calB be- tlsiug for vitiiesses to lbe accident, fore eashiag 'tieta. VOE MILLONS FOR EXPANSION 0F -N. SHORE ULNE $1 2,000,000 Stock Issue for Chicago, North Shore & Mil- waukee R. R. Planned. Tlh. Chicago, North Shore aud Mik - yankee ralîrosi plana lu expani sud rebabilîtate 'ls electric Une service betveen Chicago and Mlwvaukee. To Ibis soi the directore Thnrsday an- nounced a recapitgijzation plan lu ha votei on by the sbareholders at Lie annuel meeting an 'Peit. 28. Itla hproposed lu create an open firet soi refunding mortgage under vblch vrotent funded iniebtednus yul ha retirai sud provision viii be maie for fauue capital expendltares. The preaeut bond Iane la limiteli te $10.000,000. of wvieli$4,040,000 ane outstanding soi $2.846,600 are pieiged lusoecure noies, of wblci there are. $2,026,000outstaaug. Be- tveen 1916, vben tie receiverabip ended, soi Sept. 30, 1922. about $6,- 600,000 vas expendei on the property but about $8,200,000 of tha sinount vas fram oDerating revenues sud ne- serves. Plan Big stock Issues Itla1 propased lu croate au open firet lien 7 per cent stock, qf vhieb $1.600.000 vauli ha seuei Immadl- ately for treauni purposes ani the balance reservedl for reLlring noies and capital expenditures. Itla15 sua planuei 10 Issue $10,000.000 o! 8 per cent preferred and common shores tu ha given 10, participation shareboli- ers ln exchange for their 170000 no par partiqjpation ahanes lu the ratlç of 10 per béeutoboliers of firel pra1 ferred siares, 40 per cent to boliers of- second pneferred, and 10 per cent to boliers of common shares. 1There la about $2,70Ô,000 In dlvi. dents lu anrears due the final sud sec- oui prqferred participation eharea. Tiese will b.Ilquldated hi glvlug five year unsecurei aud non-interesl hearlng notes. viich mai lie pâi at maturlty. extended or excbanged for & per cent u5.._.cum uliltve preferred AuGUSTA 10 JA 60 DAYS; IIUSBAND IS FINED $100 Many Liquor Cases Disposàd of by Jude Persona; Several ChargesDropped. A ugusta Domakitia, veli knoovute, lie prohibition, caforcemeat autior- lUies Thursiay pleaiei guilti o! viola- tlug thre prohbilori Iav ang vas aentenced tu sixti dais ln Ihelpounti lu, haginalus sentence timiditeli Ber bushani. Peter Damakfti,con- vtucei Juige Persona thal ho lai been .ieus active lanlte dispoaition of liquor ttaon bis vUe, 80 the Jupe. fluai bim $100 sud cos, viic Peler paeu. Walter ani Agiles hollpleafed "net guilty'- to bouze vilation charges ani gave bond for 12,000 eaob, Nlck Lavandoeki slgning lie bondik The cases againsi Leuter Svanton sud Kasimer sud iAlexndra Gry- giene vere nole' prosa upan roc- ommendation of State's Attorney A. V. Smiltbhasnvas aise liatagainil Richard Gaies, vto lsbu en lu liaiuc su.Jamuary 9lM, because ite vas unable lu give boni. ire. Ireee cAnllffe Inks. seutenc- ed 10 serve a gear soi a day lu lail for defraudlng the gaverument out of $8,000 lu postal funds wville aie vas postmlelresa at BFrankliiuPark, toiay vas removed from the Lake county Isil at vaukegan, sud la nov on ler vai lu the federal miaou ta Rhode Island. Sie vas removed from lte jal .there by Ilepuli U. S. Marabal W. B. Streai.. Libertyvflle's long-drawn-out fight over the pavig ciM"Iw avenue îs settled at last. hIn circuit court at Waukegïùisu (Thursday) Judge Edwards, acting as arbiter, auggested tw 4 Jectors and the village agree to'accept the sumn of $5.000i 10 benefit, which was finally decided uon. It was also clecided flot to put the matter of financing tho benefit part of the improvemnent to a bond issue, bcau dia. 1 require an election, v'hWch rnight resuit in the plroject beilu M Instead the amount of public benefit-will be ffinancd by'dlimaio certificaites. which wili be taken up by "hetwo i.Lbetyv& eb" Lake County National and the First National, and retirea# cms for the village. &tt=zey PMI liaGuttb, -MP FARM 1 AND) TAX flde CUl $57 lg o55M Mmt t0i DUIW#i1922 bnstkise » "fea Decrease ln Equalized te cetesor t Land Values Granled y u a8cn ftli 1 it Tax COMMISSIOn, Cause. fbla4 *Wl CHICAQO.-Â reducion ln faima ing au agrsement iodg wur land taxesgf$5,50l 9 et f Judge Ilivards fort iii. W ed fromth decrease lu equalised state itoshe tooS,àotame Î aiuationo granted by the I11 of- ml i b eW nota Agricultural association la lthe := := . -',~. e4 county farm, bureau lathé st'm" t bt iadfyluaigrtuamm # The decrease vasallow'94 follo#tn blo"421140 eM evIience Dreeued by farmarg ltu ai ta propoXy U .i, àaantt64b "the Increasei coatai igoveruumeastlu *Mm-iatica uatud 4 durlng the luit two decades bad »6«e, 431 tjp to t té largely horc hi farm. lands. ~The peYhhiget 0Oua. tsu' ..The 6 per cent cun. togeilier viii i Si te greatt et U~W4tora the tncreases of 1920 and 1921 ltablstry c 8mtyMi.Sd wWt farm land valuations. vhîch vers e bc=la wVau salat. vXlSes. t wlped oui. created a total reductoua bis lins e lea ge rel eôtwbb o! more than a million dollars ln hâ# PlsAg fer A audpSion, m * farm land lax"a durlu the iepori. lme ,10 Mout tu lte xtes agon L"The reduction made lu 1922 amounta t hfi Ilooiulewxee, 4 4h to more than tivce the .gum speat by ='5dIIayed poung lhe oucoq the state farmers' organilen for' a ceuMant ro096 fiosm te soUbit aIl projects during Lhe ye&a. Much cit cit la du* tbe*on'4 ot .'During the lust four ybars the dis. lmproveoa uepea proportlopate lucreases ln the valus. det lu ii8. m te ualr r,-Q tLions of lands have been more mark- w 'tIi>' aocmut te e d than before." Te okdt h ae0 r EvIdence preéentd# st the hearing filuitea. WUni iiaost l~f hefore thmcaounimffon purparted 1 t d1dfiutea net.i show ý f- *ý Ô s.treuag 01Wcras Ire.Vae sgo correspondlug incrueast u It n ad agree vithoofl aq e Iu t city lots and llivirtîmes the c-'re..-finest tliuglk iai couli he da» pondlug i»creaseth urailW&Y 1'train Libheri0le,' track and rlght away. Iu lhe sIgLe, Now fa tA0 Oms to, *rom anl exclusive of Cook county, t'tie s671-nta«-that have agrison 6-t« liS dence.cbarged, the lucrease la avelSla ig tt~ ira 'g g« tog"emoi age fMIîlvaluations o o!lmn"doiciW vok fWrtilt ifst 0fthé tvilla lois vas 13.06 per cent, or lea than 7 Or 1 oUtie , ne-fourth thfincreae 0t 64.89 par j»AttQMIey Paut 9acQffin bus cýent lu land.> uniti±lgly oetiMa lime soidtai Put titismaltt«_over, snd *cmv viti safat$int» resalt ot 1 forte la ltat direction. The malter of aeuring rgi INC MPTI3CYfor the roSi north t o! tf V.MARY SOlI7îb UlaTug Ask Appointment of Conserv- ator for Benton Township> Woman. Aileglng taI Mary Scott, Who ovus a lil!, estate lu the Weslay Sotl faim lu Beuton Harbor, lovu- «hip,' 'gPetitian vas filei Tbnroe al probate court asklng that a causer- vator heaDaloluîed tu ok afler her business affaira. Rer aqtliy lanlte property ls vaiued at about 15,000 A pétition vas filaiasaking for the appolulmeut of s guriau lu tbe ci- tate of George' Hagea, North Chicago boy vho ociitned luigmeni agtainet lhe Publieo Service compaug a fev dais ago fÔr Injuries reoalvei vhen be came ln contact vitb a ilvu vile. The caompany sgreed te psy $8,500 damages. The, petîtIon for lellers o! admuin- latratibn lu the estate of Mutin Thorsen, o! Waukegan, vers aise fled. The estale conslisaof bie home. Petition vas aiso hllai by Wlllard Wlar e klng Ibat liae «tats eULo> enso Blakstbu. The bats â li l1 wuj e' getit I"Wtutj~w I cace, dgm'&WOC Yeas ouleviua Lah CQUIV'eBig Weekly la «M FliVUidiWetWeeWUu B&t. 8684W Issmbae ,greement Reached hi- t-he Circuit. Court TLR 1.

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