CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 15 Feb 1923, p. 3

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Horvey Coulson Whisoërs Orice of AMItion Into Ears et the Press. JiLO N $2.000 BO090 pave KMaïs. former Wauaa *tiemaa, -s'lsanow livsatai'140M vke as arreated lat nighti bYIls ugad quati and charged with Vie athn ie problbitory ict. & sUli jÙaw a quantlty nf llquoor vere geit-' eaccordilng 10 the repot 91 the Thils la the a' utceHrS <lOUlson, Whori = o n a $2,000 bond 4"sot ut liaeufor Ireh. 23. tuthef taryte e es.. "KlausIvas alghtautil ho got ambiteoux,. For ;fearlehopegged,5O5 lu YwîUkagan-foawiing ualtl one aiigh le dreainetia tirsamnWbY Dot go outtla the itnrestricted country lisa llitter tisaitbattIng nastIsIn- to 01P sg&me.andi facr more profit- "t Dave dIti't reekon witb the aw utbeciase fi;vas letiti. maSWcobbho a fev coishies ho diWat reallte t t. eiel a gaos for, provenders of hooteb. nTie pris$ o! ambition la tisas- Utm Hi. f ave batia'l vanted more nulOy, I ho MI il hl be a mencer et soles sud f ret ta o anithe, plos- pet ols daetWaukegan." WAUUOAN LOCALS *du tO 16 Ma.- an bas bée enithIe gt-as' fllghway 4e' laclatitng LAXeP?ý tise lom -c"a er loais. Èsma eh as e teux ls. UIýcki lest as Il tg t1*0 s. many te tiau M a i Oiai ama shinu biais freqwâetfr 7y as tisites fer facial tiqf* ,s than a wjaa If a hW offset eller la passe& ataaoiai a le. Ier uiltawiea on th»e greone ors and blint- 1tamora and vlola"on range 1600 a fron a 1, or both. ril lad of 5set'o. Wni. two relira 1 atacte t l sesi gtrof ralay. y frOi the lionge Mie, andi 1 came e4 nie andi bld m64 I ose daie hhicago 3,JorIsf rd. g on lte luoreml a the effeet of >gb the bîrd* are ne blet' ey cou scarte)l por- IR NEtSON ýj' Thoe Amerlosti Lefflea Auuillary b.14 a public carti PsrtY Yesraai texacon ai Woodman hall. Prises V«on lai Mrs- Wint, Mca.James Cannone. Mmra.j. C. Burt, Mc. LU W. Lewis. lirs Johnt Long. Mc. Cha-. Becemmi. Tho pioceedi of titese Parties go la hain Carryon the vortis""sere N ywod 0 et e gion women for ex-ser- Z Vice men andi tholr famolle., ai Tise regular metInsf e sAiner'D le= tLesten Auilari villis be hlt Fritay ai 7:45 st the. Legflon rom8. 118 IL._WablutatitStreet. Ater tisea regitiar meeting there v -M. ieWt lion of four noir membera. Mcae. Fred Shahaveillof 1612 Grande avenue, la 111 ai lic home wti autisma- lira. 1. C. Duranti la criticaIY ll 1 OCfpaumronia iher Lake Foesi, h&vasreporteti 1551 >utiahix Phiaielasreuaineti hi iltend«IilesetIl hm. bedoide tirougOt th ie aight. Mrs. Howard DnCa f ah 1*1For-. et. untvet a a o&r Ooratiou t a tise ViteriMernortal isitatioday i (Ibtiea *osst0f5 1Maret Street, Vwu operiieti on st tse VîtOr Y Me-M motuIhospttal odai. Ills conditiontu je tend. Robrtt uiandt, of LibertYvîlle,g vras atittiedte the Lake CotuitYV çOnail hoapital Monday sufferIng frein blouti pobwlaoîg of lie acta Il wll net be neceesay ta amPu- tiste. a 1 1Tpssi ieeney. 32 Rîigehantt, ha ber tonhls cemoveti ai the Lakeh CoituiGeneral iioaptalI odai. Tbe regular rehearsal of Christ1 eburch choir will be heldt tmorOWi esenîns itue HOne. Al uembera are remtndeti thai ibis 1la thisat reheacail before the, shnglIg9 of Sic John Stainer'a Cantate, "Thse Daugter 0f Isiruas," Sunday cvenlng1 ai 4:30 o'clock. Merl- Johnson, age 6, ef 518 Ijtica atrotta, la Ill s-it an aitacte e!tue grippie. R. C. Shierman of thie T. J. Staile anti comtaflY. la iChicago on bui- ne" tOsay. 'Th caLoic of Christ ciarci qmegted ho be present aitue Parlai Ilouflo tua eveniflg at 7:30 O'clocte - 0 ami tue Aaii Westueaday service vhih l iiibe beltiln hale cittrch t 7:45. Mc. Clifforti Sttt'. f 40 Elmo- ' &o4 aettVi, undecweat a spelor Tise colti veather has'forceti Fred Grabbe te potpone tue W. F. CotOn1 Osla on the Mecaif ffecm, near Laaab'a corners, Gurnec, until Feb. st. MargaretCa Gufld, of Christ Cbul'ch. viliihait an. al.daY meet- liagThursaui et he church i iiia luncheon ai naon. A 7 ,&poUnd son vas bora te 1Mr. samd ics. Waliec Vaud emark. ithe 1"e County General Hospital thls mot'tiig. lTe lectrie cross on Christ chtirci vii burn ail ngt toulgt ln mcm' - ory ai -WhIllam S. Kelti via passed, ewsy four yersaega todRY. The cross Ie a giof 1Mr. Relu lun 1914. -The Preubyterlan Guilt i wll iold an ai.l day meting ai the churtch, Frlday, Feb. 1M1.-l Tise Viiottine social hilci vas ta b, iel,1 langrit ai the Chape] l ., Christian obucci hue beu poeepOnei because outhe extreme colti. The "Pageant of the TPa Virgins," whii Vau ta have blausapresenteti ait te ciurci Fciay nitiUbu alea heeni postoneti andi val io vn ai a' lai-cc dite ho b. antiatalouti. Mldret B. LAnge. 21, oetIlighooad anti ay W BaUth, 29, Of Fort Sieni- dan ohiained a nisuriage Ilices e e today. MIsas Lorraine Deacon, eo, hie elfle- es of T. J. Stabl & conapanu', -vuelis poo seriouly I11 tor seveoral moniha ln slowly improiai. - 'Wîidama 011 uampaaY Of Milvan- keu today f81.4 suit foc $700 hlntthe circuit court here agal-tat'1iL Url. bneff3Mng thie latter ovres thein $630 on a note gven lu psyunent for thbir itructs. Tne Eflth nuLeague oallie irsl la. hl utrais ill holi a valentIne -Wart Thuraday vcclng ah 8 O'clOCIri 'Theo naines ef the uitcî swho &»S ùthe Josoph Boiheki' in4wwt tsr. Ie odai iron te coroner .7. J~ Talor.0f uhotyvlle. W SitO"siprosecutor AArthur Bulkley. 'l> fdte ol e *Inifles liasnelt yet tel. ra¶uM1BR iI LitJ0' TvWo. T' ad Tenden- 1 e Mrng Out Obscene Talk. ý rO CALL MORF*WITNESSES The defonsein the t.rlal of Wilbur Wigua Voliva, ciiarged with crinuinai %b64 by the 1tev. Thiomas Nelson, la- déendent rater of Mon, todey put Irittesse On th aflm to testify to *m10eetiobScent language, thse iulntif. Two Young gltla. forothy Rabi. 14. andi Pearl Ludlow; 17 declai-ad luat at a Party in Decensoer, 1919, i£t the bonze of A. J. Ludlow in zioneila Rev. Mr. Ntelson sont on a ied and tahiiet sez prolulem. " ' **?orty-two more wltnrzoes will b. taUed to testlfy ta the plaintifsa use oz chacune languagc,' hlenry ilergemr, P*prenentlng Voliva, anutnceti. "Mons treat thear datte 1010 per cent better thon tiiey treat their vse," ad tuat meu dusatlstled with thhel homes seex salace ln houées of fil faine, were me me cfCe ta. timents witaessea attruhuted to 1ey. 1Mr. Nel- Zioti Clty's "400" alternately bluabed ad laugluet yesterd&Y a estimoy given during the trial a Wilbur Glenn VoAvia, O«vemner, o charges madie b? the R«r. 'booi c H. Nelson, pastor of an >;depeAdi eue, churchIn 74Zon and former V'ollya lolo'wer. Tii. bluubct andi laughter fioll-Qd0 la capot sticesnu.Au vit»lrse for Voliva deacribedth ie commne of thbe Rey. 1Mr., Nelson regardtng tho wedint of a Voliva convi1e 1 December, 1919. The. bride, 2.!rp. LucUle Sparrow. >lushed au aie repeatsd allegeti coIn- munts of hIle .ev. 1Mr. Mel"onwhick 3541 lndicateti ber hu-3band wasaa " nue' *wlielr' married ier. And Blut uhen Lljo2d Ilensr>u WaliAlpy, Who hmd defeated tIse ReV. Mr. Ntelson la a race for alderman In Zion, told eftain.iar commente thie Doundod for quiet. Galee Troubles ii Thie Rev. Mr Nelson, aeated ln ichair aMou the Jury box durlng the. tentlmony, had bis troubles, 100. rhey were contereti around, in, and a.bout bis wviakers, tesanie goatee liiwon for hlm the allegeti hllly 90s80 appellation. whlcii be says VoUva applieti to hlmt. As sta*eaatnt arter statement wau madie on thei witnesa stand the Rfie. Mir. Nehoa sought to stroke big chia .or cup It la bis bande. Bachi Urne the whiskers lnterrfeted. "Wisy, >a4d rs. Spsl-row, "on lte nlght vo vere marrieti, wh ait he nlce people of Zion City Preaeal. h. came uit and prtaented us a nut cracker. "The. horror of having one's bride- groom labeleti a 'aut' even by lm- pllcatlon-li vas terrible. Givet Wrenclias Mac# "Tien,, for fear, Ignoes, I WoUldn:t grnsp his Idea he followed the, nut eràc4er viti a moakey wrencii, ativîerng me tow use h t t keep my hubuasinhi&lsplace!"' Three girls. Irma M. Rieynolds, Dorothy Crane andi Gertrude Eman- ueison,the lentai aisster-ln-law of Voliva, ail stenographers la the. Zion City adminitation building, Lesti- Aned. luimnAnuelson saud the 1ev. Me Nelson once entereti their offic as a pair of lnfanî's -bloomers, bougit for a present, were being displayeti *rhat voulti hoa nive treaent for LucUe Sparrow," the efi,. Mr. Nel- son la souti te baye ,ommned. j REtS avagi av" "parItkuOf eI, eclio 1isr e lfflar cip d s A .ib1th$ w - llu nbsup buos roa a~oea ea.caaI Stan.. ymud*Ide, amearduae .oeae do«,a anSof viaua am tas mma *e an th e ail. 4bo tobskimaen -typbal etvinaie .la lb. ilotI- od inter s- riro- ue ni esos av of cr iUua unad so tathe bar- rats of Oit uees abs,. SM 'wIttf upriafo% a cala Use àrtaul dur aStt oothe iANNA IWALSXA il M'CORMIK60lT A BRJDUS 110K' Mlle. Ganna Waska Pupes lcCor- usIclc. bride 0f Haroldi F. MeCormlek,. forMer harveaier kinIg, liII recetel a "Brlde'a Book!' from Loy A. Heu-1 dee. couaty clerk, Waukegaa. The bok cotalus a liai of cecipes Jo cokilng. hakfug anti cher thinga a intel t tictheiusewite. Tuer. are also blante leaves on ws-bl et recordi important dates anti famllî ulstory. The book., vhich la hadsomely prMdInti colore, viii the picture of abride on lhe front caver, la wcajjed lu apider-web tsstuo paper. ]ILa maledti o Mca. l4aCormlck'a ak ForcîSt atidreas. iormtyunrsla il. mar Mlnpe d d abosate UlUlaS L~:7.zepsLbMontisI bs UsantElaise itou It aforda allées et au aets.-l bogan asud*asbpa rech adjo u.ry ssta hoc-ig loy ud saseas lub c-eat loum O L M t ount EOYal s»OC- tacutar esutas. Mntreal bin but a short dia-i ,ac £rom MmeayAomai llies. drues irons thasulau "0*eosiltI basof itr isibsa wiS o ilup 1meChucel> Arcitecture. -The Church of St. Peter, couaiduet M. the quintesentce ai ciiurcb archI- lecture, vacompleteel Ju île pressat iorm soly ln tue Seventeenbh century but Itlnl satti ho bave been orignalhi founded by Etmpeor Constatntine, ai tihe ltest 0f pope $Ylvester 1 back ln lie Fourth ceturY. The dame Of Ibe etlltire, whlch laps been the cynosure of theusands of piltgr;nia andi totirlis, rai detigneti by UlIcbtl- Cail for Action. Act onthie Word, insîcasl of mi csiy Ilstening 10 Il andt deluding youcselves. For whocrer listetua tnt daetottlug la likenauttmvan oglances I ils uit- ural face ln a nirrr; he glances et bimuelf, goesaoff, and ti ionsce foc- geta viat ie w-ou lilc.-St. James (MonaitresrIjs City bas friDebé ft.b hyspwaton ne b111h. Esiyear visaas.ltu adUla or uew rfeaIturesfor fie rei- els dmt miufan 'latss, aMd tbs mangemenotheiscbatsuTm teola evrr o M priseaandi p if.vI. ter eubwo ba i rontailpusta etCML m h eSmT i culra rot.. batsot. bey 'e. matalss ceinIS .1vthtcrival Cangadin b. e'> s masascf tcom lis tu tiha honor A vm y ecft pZS11 bso -ts ra lu oc&-. lanacf 6 mt. u , ts. FOUR CIILDREN URN Io DEaJ Pine Cii-y, Mîtin.. Yeb. 14.-Four cbilîdren, ail under 12 îears 0of age, vere burnedtie10demIs early iodai whe'i hheir factu home vas deaicoyeti by Anrecauseti hi an overheatsti store. The mouher, Mca. George Gbbsa.te- geiher vti a d4year-old chlivhlch aie saveti by holding lu hec arma wien she jumped rot a isecond @tot'y wiudow, vas frlghiully burneti. Bath are expeledta10de. Tiie blizzard aweeplng Minnesota iad lsolated tue entire district anti pceveuting physlciaaas-from remchIag the ruineti home up te noon totiay. Trhought fer lthe Day. Aller a matilins madieRal'est ut frlentis h. gets leCte te ta fflce-end [Suits -With Twin Pantsj is where 'you should lay your bet, it gives you twice the service and the, cost is not as much at this store as -4. they ask at other places Ester Caps & Furniskh- inson display 7 uxedo Suit s for rent Local Physician States Tests Made by Profession Proves Benefits. LIKE TREE GRAFTING Ordinance of 1923 Is 4f the Laws of 1491 B. C'- SANDING SAVES L. Dr. C. S. Ambroe, et WaultegRXt, Better clean off your anovi and la convIncedt laitue medilcal-profea- icy vaîks. sien lu on the rlgbt truckt ai Icast ia A broken arm. a few bruises mWit. lia search for thei' fauntain of 3'otth mean a nice long damage Sui and tiiroug Ilsa exiseriments witt gland ptosible payaient for indolence .la tranaplantaliloti. siovellflg thesigna of viteir frein M.%onkey gland transplantaion bas th wlk proved ta be of ceal beneflt. Dr. Amn- broso dlaims and he cites tests wulcii A aprlttkllflg et santi. ecdet'. or ta have bfen madie et San Qieentin prt- 10V iandfuls of Sali viii taXe tbfi Bon lu Caltorula. many o!f te "litera"Iledge off tle Is or 500V 5Q 1h54 tier-'~ thece iiavlng gubmiuiteti ta operatiorta la no danger ta the peit«trisli. anda 'witi resut t hat have beeu 'per=e- damage Butte for fractures Sed bruis fient" for ai seai a yenr, the, length es vil], be few andtu i betv«ei. Oftimre tuat the Mts have been con- Even the. Bible shows tbat s, peraqp dncted. la Ilable for Pitralli la front ett bair H-e Ia convincedt tit Dr. B. Franke home whlIei dates laak t0 141,1. C.. Lydstott, pioncer lu tie gland thecy when the chltireit ofiscel versa actîvities le maklng steady progccs totti: ln bils tsecaty. -And l ltho mani shail open a plu, Dr. Ambrase declarea that iili the or if a mauaiait di a pli, andtiti solUtion Of the Internat secretlon u t- caver ih. anti au oz or an 5ss ii 91Y the. span cet Mecati ho length- fanl thereli; ene tg 1 t lu«tai2110 yeacs andti er. "'Tie uoter of the pît 5h11 mal lisps longer. Ille belleves tut thei ît gooti, andi give mOn6t7-'Va M'a solution la near. owncr uf them."-Exodue, XXI;, 3Ui. The îiieury las nott uîke tbat ef Tiie clty ortiia.t10fer1l&la îtst tree graftlag. s-hlch has provedtia Oas strict. xItcotenta t tPeranns be of great benefit in fruit rallng. wîth anowyy walks a"-e hable f0r t110 accidents on thein & iý9sold be I. 1i8%' bpue...4 . .rgIaCl's by 1h. liv ta pay tlite ditila. lim lcmoie engineers regard it I So i toka as If thers r. liUls as unlîtiel ta enter tise cab %vitîttii,ý chances ta dotige clespi off, 1Ie lait ' rt Why Rheumatism Corne. With CoId Weather :. A CLOSE conaecclon exista ýbeiveen lises. two;z- oIt i«o anti nheutnatism. Prof. Aiex. Ralt. of Loatin. isu tise nict tel-' laver. ia the medicat profensiontu latiiebellaftbt Ilfle yprebn la the eyoiem of urie acîti, or lie sata la egees, là #16 eteisue Several cause mai leati upte a accumaiton et VuIr le el lt the syttem, 'ahicis, la mls, caussenbeu=mtlpm Or Sent. ccetky or painful Jolit$. etr valisa f laera. Fc mirtasolles 11doepet tiicow off lie une ntI. byi profuse aveilîntAs . . la bot weather, andth ie ktineis ars unable te taIt. cire of th, double burtisa. Dme It Catch Yu-ih i m he back? It malye ho lu usreatticketi hy pain lu back (lumbago), or limbs. "nLeuralgts" paia-aboti anyvisere. BackaeebO la oficit causd hi kidusi dtsorders, vilci tamix tintthie kineye are net varliai propeyly. Poisonotls malter andi uric acît accumuluis viuhia tie body la greai abunasite. ovecworklng the aide tetdneys. Perhapa you have be- coule nervous. dealotitent,, leverlsb, Irriable, bav, apois ap- pearlng before tiee yea, ant ilack amblitin ta do tutugs. Tise liat aiti ieot effective meaut. of. oser- comlng suri trouble, le ta drink pleaty of vater hetvsen mneal, anti take a siagle An-une <(antl-uric- aciti> Tîblet befoce eacis meal' for a whlle, or untIl recavereti. Miny folks In lava as elseviiere have beea benefied. Xokome nd. i"I as ila1very bati condition; my ba* hohutIme an hatily 1 caulti nelt'est day or a iglt. My kliuey e ve, lai, 1 wu weak anti rtndown, anti catIt nat yack. I irlid evet'il di *ftf doctetra and i fferent-put-up medieinet. but got wojsail tii6l~ uptl 1 begen takig Dr. Pierce'a An"rie Tablats, anti thsy ceùreê Ille ef the kiasi trouble;;I1sam nov aicong anti vorklng srery day." George L. Wlllyicd, 6311 S. I.ock Ei. Slmply te lotr <rugglal for Dr. PiercesAauric (kidelsy) Tais- lets. Senti10oc to Dr. Plecce's invalilde' otel. Buffalo, N. Y.,'-for trial Ipkg. At tile L, W. Waioefield 'farm ont mI$e wes4 oi IGurnee on'Orand Avenue, the'loUoig described property, starting at 1ly. mt, shaMp on WEDNESSY, OM 30,Hé-ud of Live $toc 6 Hèad of Hormles, jFarm Implomlents, etc, USUal Té=. L W. WEIE Proprietoru George Vogel, Auctonoor Doolittie &Whyte 20 N. Genesee St. Waukegàn Ka-Wfr4TR sPonii 44 4TY.E ELSI1& 7T49 40 A Difficut Text. «I tbought you were preachlolg, Unle ]3ob," laId the, colonel, to wlomn the. elderly negro bad appUi for n job. !Temoh, Ah wna," replied Unle; ,but M lgueESaAh anat abi enough to expqpnd de Seriptures. Ab iilgnhs thought dût Ih meant dut Ah gUitt Do î ii ~llT OFFICIAL Ty.E UNIVEIRSAI.CAl REPORT 0F FER. 10,,1923 Unfilled Car Orders For Spring Dehivery Car s Delr4 cred Since Feb. lst, 1923 If you -chiv e a !'FORD thiEr Sprig BULY 1<0W WILsON & OHMi r WAUKE CUN tIBERTY V MLE ~u.m 1 t 9 14»mèu«ta 1 pomau Om0o"iaCF 0US %Ii Wa. Umm" : ý ý '. , mm

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